Intelligent Platforms
Programmable Control Products
PACSystems* RX3i
Central Processing Unit
Quick Start Guide
August 2015

1. User Features ..................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Switches ............................................................................................................... 3
1.2. Real-Time Clock Battery ....................................................................................... 4
1.3. Ethernet Port......................................................................................................... 4
1.4. Serial Port ............................................................................................................. 5
1.5. Removable Data Storage Devices (RDSDs) ......................................................... 5
1.6. Energy Pack ......................................................................................................... 5
1.7. Light-Emitting Diode Indicators (LEDs).................................................................. 6
2. Hardware Installation....................................................................................................... 8
2.1. Initial Checks ........................................................................................................ 8
2.2. Installation Location .............................................................................................. 8
2.3. Installation in Hazardous Areas ............................................................................. 9
3. Module Initial Startup ..................................................................................................... 11
4. Additional Information ................................................................................................... 13
i PACSystems* RX3i Central Processing Unit IC695CPE305Quick Start Guide GFK-2934A

1. User Features
The PACSystems* RX3i CPE305
can be used to perform real time
control of machines, processes,
and material handling systems.
The CPU communicates with the
programmer via the internal
Ethernet port or a serial port. It
communicates with I/O and
Intelligent Option modules over a
dual PCI/Serial backplane.
Contains 5 Mbytes of user
memory and 5 Mbytes of nonvolatile flash user memory.
Battery-less retention of user
Energy Pack IC695ACC400 on
system power loss powers CPU
long enough to write user
memory to non-volatile storage
Configurable data and program
Programming in Ladder Diagram, Structured Text, Function Block Diagram, and C.
Supports auto-located Symbolic Variables that can use any amount of user
Reference table sizes include 32Kbits for discrete %I and %Q and up to 32Kwords
each for analog %AI and %AQ.
GFK-2934A August 2015 1

Supports most Series 90-30 modules and expansion racks. For supported I/O,
Communications, Motion, and Intelligent modules, refer to the PACSystems RX3i
Hardware and Installation Manual, GFK-2314.
Supports up to 512 program blocks. Maximum size for a block is 128KB.
An RS-232 serial port.
Embedded Ethernet interface supports up to 32 simultaneous SRTP Server
connections, up to 16 simultaneous Modbus/TCP Server connections, and up to 16
simultaneous communications channels of either SRTP Channels or Modbus/TCP
Client channels. For details, refer to the PACSystems RX7i & RX3i TCP/IP Ethernet
Communications User Manual, GFK-2224.
Effective with firmware version 8.20, this product supports OPC-UA.
Effective with firmware version 8.30, this product supports Ethernet Global Data,
Class 1.
Effective with firmware version 8.50, this product supports HART® Pass Through.
Time synchronization to SNTP Time Server on Ethernet network when used with a
rack-based Ethernet module (IC695ETM001) version 5.0 or later.
Ability to display serial number and date code in programmer Device Information
Ability to transfer applications to and from USB 2.0 A type removable data storage
devices, or RDSDs.
Compliant with EU RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC using the following exemptions
identified in the Annex: 7(a), 7(c)-I and III, and 15.
HART® is a registered trademark of the HART Communication Foundation of Austin, Texas
USA. Any use of the term HART hereafter in this document, or any document referenced by
this document, implies the registered trademark.
2 PACSystems* RX3i Central Processing Unit IC695CPE305Quick Start Guide GFK-2934A

1.1. Switches
Pressing this switch initiates RDSD data transfer. (The
three-position switch must be set to Upload or Download.)
Enables/disables RDSD data transfer and selects the
direction of data transfer.
Loads application from CPU to RDSD.
Disables RDSD data transfer.
Stores application from RDSD to CPU.
A three-position switch which operates as follows:
The CPU runs with I/O sweep
User program memory is
read only.
The CPU runs with outputs
User program memory is
read only.
The CPU is not allowed to go
into Run mode.
User program memory
can be written.
The RDSD and Run Mode switches are located behind the front protective door. The
Reset switch is not used. Switch operation is given in the following table.
Switch Operation
The Run Mode switch can be disabled in the programming software in Hardware
Configuration (HWC). The switch’s memory protection function can be disabled
separately in HWC. The Run Mode switch is enabled by default. The memory
protection functionality is disabled by default.
GFK-2934A August 2015 3