Intelligent Platforms
Programmable Control Products
RX3i Energy Pack
Quick Start Guide
March 2015

1. Overview .............................................................................. 1
2. Hardware Installation ................................................... 3
Mounting the Energy Pack on a DIN Rail ................. 3
Mounting the Energy Pack Directly on a Panel .... 4
Installation Location ........................................................... 4
3. Cable Connections ......................................................... 6
Connecting to the Energy Pack .................................... 6
Connecting the Energy Pack to the Controller ..... 6
4. Grounding ........................................................................... 7
5. Power-Up ............................................................................ 8
6. LED Indications ................................................................. 9
7. Firmware Updates ....................................................... 10
LED Indications for Firmware Updates .................. 10
8. Replacing the Cap Pack Module .......................... 11
9. Additional Information .............................................. 13
i PACSystems* RX3i Energy Pack IC695ACC402 Quick Start Guide GFK-2939

1. Overview
The ACC402 Energy
Pack is used
exclusively with the
CPE330 RX3i CPU. It
preserves user
memory in the
Controller during
power fluctuations
or outages.
If system power is
lost, the Energy Pack
maintains power
long enough for the
connected CPE330
to write its user
memory contents to
memory. When
system power is
restored, the user
memory is restored
if the CPE330 is
configured to power
up from RAM.
GFK-2939 March 2015 1

The ACC402 Energy Pack is connected to the
CPE330-compatible Energy Pack.
Includes Base, Cap Pack module, CPU
connecting cable & ground strap.
Replacement Cap Pack module.
Replacement 1m (36”) CPU connecting
IC695CPE330 CPU via a dedicated cable IC695CBL002
(shown above). This arrangement allows the Energy Pack
to source power from the RX3i backplane in order to
charge its circuitry. The cable also allows the CPU to
monitor the status of the Energy Pack. Upon loss of
backplane power, the CPU automatically switches over
to the Energy Pack power source, ensuring an orderly
power-down sequence.
Ordering Information
2 PACSystems* RX3i Energy Pack IC695ACC402 Quick Start Guide GFK-2939

2. Hardware Installation
The ACC402 Energy Pack may be mounted on a
standard EN50022 DIN rail or directly on an equipment
panel. It is designed to be mounted adjacent to the
CPE330 Controller and connected to the Controller using
the 1m cable provided (IC695CBL002).
Heat dissipation: A minimum clearance of 25mm
(1 inch) needs to be provided on all four sides of the unit
(right, left, top and bottom).
Mounting the Energy Pack on a DIN Rail
The Energy Pack snaps easily onto the DIN rail. No tools
are required.
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