Process Automation Control Systems
VersaMax Control
Expansion Modules
Expansion Modules can be used to extend a VersaMax PLC or I/O station to include up to seven
additional groups of up to eight modules each, providing the architectural flexibility to
accommodate larger applications.
IC200ERM001 IC200ERM002 IC200ETM001
Product Name
Lifecycle Status Active Active Active
Expansion Type Receiver Receiver Transmitter
Distance Up to 2460 feet Up to 50 feet N/A
5 V Backplane Current
Consumption (mA)
3.3 V Backplane Current
Consumption (mA)
LED Indicators
Dimensions (W x H x D)
Expansion Receiver Module,
430 70 44
20 20 N/A
PWR LED indicates 5 VDC power status;
EXP RX LED indicates status of the
expansion bus; SCAN indicates whether
CPU/NIU is scanning I/O in
expansion racks
2.63 (66.8 mm) x 5.04 (128 mm)
not including the height of power supply
Expansion Receiver Module,
PWR LED indicates 5 VDC power status;
EXP RX LED indicates expansion
bus communications status;
SCAN indicates whether CPU/NIU
is scanning I/O in expansion racks
2.63 (66.8 mm) x 5.04 (128 mm)
not including the height of power supply
Bus Transmitter Expansion Module
PWR LED indicates 5 VDC power status;
EXP TX LED indicates expansion
bus communication status
37 mm (1.45 in) x 5.04 (128 mm)
Automation & Control Systems

VersaMax Control
Process Automation Control Systems
Remote I/O Units
A Remote I/O Unit connects VersaMax I/O modules to a host PLC or computer via a variety of
networks. This makes it easy to include VersaMax I/O in the innovative PROFINET interface, as well
as Genius, PROFIBUS-DP, DeviceNet, or other Ethernet installations. Together, the Remote I/O Unit
and its modules form an I/O station capable of providing up to 256 points of I/O.
IC200PNS001 IC200PNS002 IC200DBI001 IC200EBI001
Remote I/O PROFINET Network
Product Name
Lifecycle Status Active Active Active Active
Protocol Supported
Interface Unit (Cooper Media)
with built-in switch
Version 2.2 Class A IO-Device
100 Meters max. drop length
Bus Transmitter Expansion
Module (Fiber Media)
with built-in switch
Version 2.2 Class A IO-Device
2 – 2,000 (Full-Duplex)
2 – 400 (Half-Duplex)
Remote I/O DeviceNet
Network Interface Unit (Slave)
DeviceNet Slave EGD and Modbus TCP Server
500Kbps 100m bus length and
branches totaling < 39m
250Kbps 250m bus length and
branches totaling < 78m
125Kbps 500m bus length and
branches totaling < 156m
Remote I/O Ethernet
Network Interface Unit
100 Meters max. drop length
2880 bytes total
I/O Discrete Points
I/O Analog Words
I/O Data
I/O Data Update Rate
Network Topology
Transmission Media
User Diagnostic Data
Number of Modules
Redundancy No No N/A No
5V Backplane Current
Consumption (mA)
3.3V Backplane Current
Consumption (mA)
Dimensions (W x H x D)
1440 bytes of input data
1440 bytes of output data
2880 bytes total
1440 bytes of input data
1440 bytes of output data
N/A N/A Up to 128 bytes of inputs + 2-byte
Configurable: 1ms, 2ms, 4ms,
8ms, 16ms, 32ms, 64ms, 128ms,
256ms and 512ms
Daisy-chain/line, star, or ring
(redundant media) topology.
10/100BASE-T Fiber 100BASE-FX Shielded, dual twisted pair cable,
(2) RJ45 with
built-in switch
32 input status bits and
32 output control bits
8 per NIU/station,
not expandable
3 Watts 5 Watts 160 175
N/A N/A 10 425
134mm (5.28 in) x
132mm (5.2 in)
2880 bytes total
1440 bytes of input data
1440 bytes of output data
2880 bytes total
1440 bytes of input data
1440 bytes of output data
Configurable: 1ms, 2ms, 4ms,
8ms, 16ms, 32ms, 64ms, 128ms,
256ms and 512ms
Daisy-chain/line, star, or ring
(redundant media) topology.
(2) SC or SC-Duplex with
built-in switch
32 input status bits and
32 output control bits
8 per NIU/station,
not expandable
134mm (5.28 in) x
132mm (5.2 in)
Includes both discrete and analog.
Up to 128 bytes of inputs + 2-byte
status word Up to 128 bytes of
outputs + 2-byte control word.
Includes both discrete and analog.
Up to 128 bytes of inputs + 2-byte
status word Up to 128 bytes of
outputs + 2-byte control word.
status word Up to 128 bytes of
outputs + 2-byte control word.
Linear bus (trunkline/dropline);
power and signal on the same
network cable
terminated at both ends
5-pin open
pluggable connector
2 bytes of status/control 4
8 per NIU/station 8 per NIU/station
133.4 mm (5.25 in) x
85.9 mm (3.38 in) not including
the height of power supply
1024 bytes maximum both
discrete and analog. %I: 2048
points %Q: 2048 points
1024 bytes maximum both
discrete and analog. %AI: 128
channels %AQ: 128 channels
256 Bytes of input, output,
Analog input and Analog output
85.9 mm (3.38 in) not including
the height of power supply
Network dependent
Ethernet twisted pair
133.4 mm (5.25 in) x
Automation & Control Systems