www. GEAppliances.com
Adva,tium Quid_ Start ......... lO
Coold_g" cor_lro[,_.............. l 3
Cu,_tomer i@*rmation ........... 8
Over_JFature,s . ............... 12
lunar is A dvat_tium ? ........... 9
Sq/dy .................... 2- 7
Cooki_g" tips ................ l 5
Cu,_tom speedcook rec@e,s ..... l & 19
Custom speedcook _,cipe log" . ..... 20
Mauual @eedcook ............ l 7
Power level .................. 16
Repeat la,st ................. l 5
I¢_,,sumeJFature ............... l 5
Speedcook cookware ............ l 7
Speedcook mer_u guide .......... l l
Spedcook-,s@ cookware .......... 5
Thi_N:s that are normal ......... 2l
I:isi,g" a p_¢-,s_¢tspeedcook meuu .... 14
Coold_g" tips ................ 23
Cu,stom microwave recipe,s .... 24, 25
(h*stom microwave recipe log" . .... 24
lhJh_st (auto) ................ 26
D@z*st (time) ................ 26
D@z_sti_N tips ............... 27
Micro I:[x]m¢,ss............. l l, 23
Microwave power levels ......... 23
Microwave-s@ cookware ......... 6
Precautions to avoid passible
exposure to exce,_sive
Other Features
Automatic/h, ............... 34
Beeper volume ............... 32
Chihl lockout ................ 34
C[od_ ................... l O, 32
Dispb O' ON/OFF ............. 32
Help ...................... 33
Review .................... 32
&:roll speed ................. 32
Timer . .................... 34
Care and Cleaning
Ch,ani_t_" the inside ......... _5, 36
Clea*_i_N"the outside ........... 37
Lamp covet:s ................ 36
Problem Solver ............ 38, 39
Customer Service
(h_stomer ir!Jbrmation ........... 8
I_roduct I¢_q_'istmtior_ ........ 41, 42
Service pho_ze uumbe*:s .... Back Cover
I,l?¢rranty .................. 4 3
SCB200 l
Se,,sor cooki,g" . ........... 2& 29
Thir_o that a_, normal ......... 30
Time cook .................. 23
{5irate"pre-,set microwave selections . .22
/,./,://g,,_,d*,,.,,ti_,,,.co,,, 164D3370P293 49-403_3 06-03 dR

A dvar_li I¢m Ove_
(a) Do NotAttempt to oi)erate this oven with
tile door open since open-door operation
can result in harmflfl exposure to
microwave energ T. It is important not to
defeat or tamper with the safety interlocks.
(b) Do Not Place any object betx_een the oxen
front face and the door or allow soil or
cleaner residue to accunmlate on sealing
Do Not Operate the oven if it is damaged.
It is particularly important that the oven
door close properly and that there is no
damage to the:
(l) door (bent),
(9) hinges and latches (broken or
(3) door seals and sealing surfaces.
The Oven ShouM Not be adjusted or
repaired by anyone except properly
qualified sel_\ice personnel.

Advar_lium OveT_
A WABNING! To reduce the risk of burns, electric shock, fire, injury to persons, or
exposure to excessive microwave energy:
• Read all instructions before using
this appliance. When using electrical
appliances, basic safety precautions should
be followed, including the following:
Read and follow tile specific precantions
ill tile PI?ECA U770_'_(_;TO AVOII)
1( SSIBLL LXt )SLt?L I ) t.X(,t_SS717.
I1CR )WAIT_ LALR( Y secuon on page
Be sure your appliance is properly
installed and grounded by a qualified
technician in accordance with the
proxided installation instructions.
Install or locate this appliance only
in accordance with the proxided
installation instructions.
• Some products such as whole eggs and
sealed containers--for example, closed
jars--are able m explode and should not
be heated in this oven. Such use of the
oven could result ill inju U.
• Do not mount this appliance oxer
a sink.
• This oxen is not approxed or tested for
nlarine nse.
• Tiffs oxen is UI, listed for standard wall
This appliance must only be serviced
by qualified service personnel. Contact
nearest authorized service facility for
examination, repair or adjustment.
Do not coxer or block ally openings on
the appliance.
Do not store this appliance outdoors.
Do not use this product near water--
for example, in a wet basement, near a
swhmning pool, near a sink or in similar
• See door surface cleaning instructions in
the (,'a'_vand Cleaning (fftlu Over_ section
of this manual.
• To reduce the risk of fire ill the oxen
--Do not overcook food. Careflflly attend
appliance when paper, plastic or other
combustible materials are placed inside
the oven while cooking.
--Remoxe wire twist-ties and metal handles
from paper or plastic containers before
placing them in the oxen.
--Do not use the oxen for storage purposes.
Do not leme paper products, cooking
utensils or food ill the oxen when not in use.
Do not operate this appliance if it has
1)een damaged or dropped.
As with ally appliance, close superxision
is necessary when used by children.
Use this appliance only for its intended
use as described in this manual.
Do not use corrosixe chemicals or xapors
ill this appliance.
This oxen is specifically designed to heat,
di T or cook t5od, and is not intended for
laborato, T or industrial use.
--If materials inside the oven ignite, kee I)
the oven door closed, mrn the oven off
and disconnect tile power cord, or shut off
power at tile fllse or circuit breaker panel.
If the door is opened, the fire may spread.
--Do not use tile Sensor Features twice ill
succession on tile same tbod portion.
If tbod is undercooked after the first
countdown, use TIME COOK for
additional cooking time.

Advanlil¢m Oven
• Do not operate tile oxen without
tile oxen rack (turntable) in place.
Tile oxen rack (turntable) must be
unrestricted so it can turn.
• During and after use, do not touch,
or let clothing or other flammable
materials contact any interior area of
tile oven; allow sufficient time for
cooling first.
A'_ving can occur during bolh speedcooking and microwave cooking..t/you see arcirlg, /)_<_.sIhe
CLEA H/OFF pad and co*'_+ctthe problem.
Arcing is tile microwme term for sparks
in tile oxen. Arcing is caused by:
• Metal or foil touching tile side of
tile oxen,
• Foil not molded to food (upturned
edges act like antemlas).
• Metal cookware used during either
speedcook or microwave cooking
(except for tile pans provided with
tile oven).
• Cook meat and poulti T thoroughly--
meat to at least an INTERNAL
temperaune of 160°F, and poulti T to
at least an INTERNAL temperature of
180°F. Cooking to these temperatures
usually protects against tbodborne
• Kee I) tile oxen flee from grease
• Potentially hot surfaces include tile
oxen door, floor, walls and oxen rack
• Metal, such as twist, ties, poulti T pins,
or gold-rfinmed dishes, in tile oxen.
• Recycled paper towels containing small
metal pieces being used in tile oxen.
• Use foil only as reconnnended in
this guide.

Advar_lium Ove_
When microwaving, place all foods and
containers on tile white ceramic trav.
Do not pop popcorn ill your oxen unless
ill a special microwme popcorn accessory
or unless you use popcorn labeled fox use
ill microwaxe oxens.
Do not boil egg_ in this oven. Pressure
will build up inside egg yolk and will
cause it to burst, possibly resnlfing
in iI_m>
Do not operate tile oxen witilout food
inside. This may cause damage to tim
oven. It increases tile heat around tixe
magnetron and can shorten tixe life of
the oxen.
Foods wiflx unbioken oumr "skin"
such as potatoes, hot dogs, sausages,
tomatoes, apples, chicken livers and otimr
giblets, and egg yolks should be pierced
to allow smam to escape dining cooking.
Liquia{%su(/_ as walo; (q[f!'e or h'a, (m" abb, lo
l)eov('du)ah)d l)_yond lhe l)oiling point wilhout
ailqwari_lg lo lw boili,g. Vi_iblebubbli,g or
boili_lg wh_,_llhe (vmtaino is _,,mawd,f!rm_ lhe
mi(mwave oven i_not always pmsz,nt. THIS
SUI)I)F,NLY B()IIdN(; 0 _,7_1¢I'VHEN THE
C()N-IklA'_]I¢ 1S I)ISTUI{t31_I) OR A 57'()0N
To reduce tile risk of inju U to persons:
--Do not oxerheat tile liquid.
--Stir tile liquid both befoxe and halfwav
tilrongil heating it.
--Do not use suaigixt-sided containers with
naFrow necks.
--After heating, allow tile container to stand
ill tile microwme oxen tbr a short time
before removing the containen
--Use extreme care when inserting a spoon
or otixer utensil into tixe container.
The oven rack
(turntable) mr,',,,1always
be i_ place wher_ usi*@
lhe over_.
Put ]bod di*vclly on ltze
blach metal flrtt tray
lo speed_ ooh.
Pullhod ditw:lly o_ the
black grill ti'ay lo
,_s)ee& ook ./hods, .r° u
would _ormally cool;
• The oven and door will get very hot
when speedcooking.
• Cookware will become hot because of
heat transferred flom tile heated food.
Oxen mitts will be needed to handle
the cookware.
• Do not use coverings, containers or
cooking/roasting bags made of foil,
plastic, wax or paper when
• Do not coxer tile oxen rack (turntable),
trays or any part of tile oxen with metal
foil. This will cause arcing ill the oxen.
• Use tile black metal fiat tray ill the
same way you would use a shallow
baking pan or baking tray.
• Use tile black grill tray fox cooking
steaks, fish and ponltx T.
• Place food directly on the trays when
• Ally oven-safe dish can be used in
vonr oven. Recipes ill tile Advantium
(;ookbook were rested ill Pyrex _>and
Anchor Hocking _'_glass cookware and
Corningware ¢_ceramic casseroles.
Cookfimes and results may vaxS when
using other types of oven-safe dishes.
Place them directly on the oven rack
• Do not use the oxen to diT newspapers.
• Use of the white ceramic tray when
speedcooking will resuh ill inferior
cooking perfornmnce.

Adva,lium Ove_
MicTozo (_ V e-
The oven rack
(turntable) musl alwars
be i, pla_e wher_ u,_ing"
lh('_ OVg/h
The white ceramic tray
should alwa_,s be in
Mahe ,sm_ to use ,suitable (:oohwa'_ during microwave coohing Most gla,s,s(:a,s:se_*de,s coohing dish_s,
measuring cUp,s, (:u,sta_l cUp,s,porte U or china dinnerwa'_ which doe,s not have metallic trim or
glaz_ with a metallic sheen can be u,s_d. Some (:oohwa'_ is labd( d ",suitabl_ Jiw microwaving. "
• Place food or microwaxable container
directly on the white ceramic tray to
cook your food.
• Use of either black metal tray during
microwme cooking will resuh in
inferior cooking performance.
• If you are not sure if a dish is
microwave-safe, use tiffs test: Place in
the oven both the dish you are testing
and a glass measuring cup filled with
l cup of water--set tim measuring cup
either in or next to the dish. Microwave
30-45 seconds at high. If the dish heats,
it should not be used for microwaving.
If the dish remains cool and only the
water in the cup heats, then the dish
is inicrowa_ e-safe.
• Cookware may become hot because
of heat transferred from tim heated
food. Oxen mitts may be needed to
handle the cookware.
• Do not use recycled paper products.
Recycled paper towels, napkins and
waxed paper can contain metal flecks
which may cause arcing or ignite.
Paper products containing nylon or
nylon filaments should be avoided,
as they may also ignite.
• Use t_il only as directed in this guide.
TV dinners may be microwaved in foil
trays less than 3/4" high; remove the
top foil cover and return the tray to the
box. When using foil in the oven, kee I)
the toil at least 1" away flom the sides
of the oxen.
• Do not use the oxen to dry newspapers.
• If yon use a meat thermometer while
cooking, make sure it is safe for use
in microwa'_e oxens.
• Paper towels, waxed paper and plastic
wrap can be used to covet dishes in
order to retain moisture and prevent
spattering. Be sure to vent plastic wrap
so steam can escape.
• Not all plastic wrap is suitable for use
in microwme oxens. Check the package
%r proper use.
• "Boilable" cooking pouches and tightly
closed plastic bags should be slit,
pierced or vented as directed by
package. If they are not, plastic could
burst during or immediamly after
cooking, possibly resulting in injm y.
Also, plastic storage containers should
be at least partially uncovered because
they tbrm a fight seal. When cooking
witl_l containers tightly covered with
plastic wrap, remove covering careflflly
and direct steam away flom hands
and face.
• Plastic cookware--Plastic cookware
designed %r microwave cooking is very
usefifl, but should be used carefiflly.
Even microwave-safe plastic may not be
as tolerant of overcooking conditions
as are glass or ceramic materials and
may soften or char if subjected to short
periods of overcooking. In longer
exposures to overcooking, the food
and cookware could ignite.
Follow lh(<s'eguidelir_s:
I. Use microwme-safe plastics only
and use them in strict compliance
with the cookware mamffacmrer's
2. Do not microwme empty containers.
3. Do not permit children to use plastic
cookware without complete superxision.
• Some styrofoam trays (like those that
meat is packaged on) have a thin strip of
metal embedded in the bottom. _A,ben
microwm_d, the metal can burn the
floor of the oven or ignim a paper towel.

A dvar_li I¢m Ove_
• Don't defrost frozen beverages in
narrow-necked bottles (especially
carbonamd beverages). Even if the
container is open, pressure can build
up. This call cause tile container to
burst, possibly resulting ill injm T.
• Foods cooked in liquids (such as
pasta) may tend to |)oil more rapidly
than foods containing less moisture.
Should this occur, refer to tile Car(,
and Cl_,a,fi_,g o/the ove_l section for
instructions on how to clean the
inside of tile oxen.
• Hot foods and smam call cause
burns. Be careflfl when opening ally
containers of hot food, including
popcorn bags, cooking pouches and
boxes. To prevent possible ii_jm T,
direct smam away flom hands and face.
• Do not oxercook potatoes. They could
dehydrate and catch fire, causing
dam age to your oxen.
• Avoid heating baby %od in glass jars,
even with the lid off. Make sure all
infant food is thoroughly cooked.
Stir food to distribute the heat evenly.
Be careflfl to prevent scalding when
warming formula. The container may
feel cooler than tile formula really is.
Always rest the formula before feeding
the babv.
• Do not attempt to deep fiy in the oxen.

Customer Information
Adva/_lium Ove_
Writ e
down the
model &
n_ll lT_lbers
Congratulations! You are now part of the cooking revolution!
As part of the vision to help consumers live better, easier lives, GE Appliances introduces
the revolutionary GE Advanfium oven with Speedcook technology. This new oven roasts,
grills, bakes, browns and broils, just like your conventional oven--only faster--and with
delicious results. You also save time because Advantium requires no preheating.
The information on the following pages will hel I) you operate and maintain your new
Adxantium oxen. _'e appreciate vonr purchase, and hope yon will continue to rely on us
whenexer yon need quality appliances for vonr home. We thank you for bnving GE.
Fill out tile Consumer Product Registration Card.
Two Easy Ways 7b Register Your Appliance. t
• Through the internet at _v.geappliances.com.
• Complete and mail the enclosed Product Registration Card.
You can find them on a label, behind tile
open oven door, on tile flont face.
These numbers are also on the Consumer
Product Ownership Registration Card
packed separately with vonr oven.
Proof of tile original purchase date is
needed m obtain service under tile
For future reference, please write these
numbers here:
Model Number
Serial Number
If you
need service
Inside you will find man v heli)rifl hints on your part can sa_e yon a great deal of time
how to use and maintain your oxen and money oxer tile life of your oxen.
properlv. Just a little prmentixe care on
You'll find many answers to common
problems in the B_fim, Fou Call Fro &,_wice
section. If you review our chart of
7}rmblg<_hooting Tips first, you may not
need to call fbr service at all.
If you do need serxice, you can relax
knowing hel I) is only a phone call awav.
A list of toll-free customer serxice numbers
is included in tile back section.

¼]lat is Advantium?
k dva t_li u m Ovet_
Getting to know
Tile new Adxantium oxen uses
breakthrough Speedcook technology'
to harness tile power of light. Tile
Adxantium oxen cooks the outside
of tbods much like comentional
radiant heat, while also penetrating
tile surface so the inside cooks
simultaneously. While halogen light
is tile prima_ y source of power, a
"microwave boost" is added with
certain foods. Foods cook evenly and
fast, retaining their natural moisture.
• The oxen rack (turntable) rotates to ensure exen cooking.
• The oxen control contains preset recipes.
• Turn and press dial makes menu selection easy.
Halogen Lamps
• Two ] 500 watt halogen bulbs cook food from aboxe.
• One ] 500 watt halogen bulb cooks food flom below.
• A microwme "boost" is automatically added with certain foods.
• The oxen call also be used as a 950 watt microwaxe oxen.
• The oxen emits air flom the lower grill area.

Advantium Quick Start
Advanlium Oven
Set the
When vou first plug in the oven or after
a power outage:
1. Turn the selector dial to set
the hour. Press the dial to enter.
2. Turn the dial to set the minute,
Press the dial to enter,
3. Turn the dial to select AM or PM.
Press the dial to enter,
Step 1:
Press the SPEEDCOOK button.
Step 2:
Turn the dial to select the t)pe of food
categor) you want, Press the dial to
ellter it.
Step 3:
Turn the dial to select the specific food.
Press the dial to enter it.
To change the time:
1. Press the OPTIONS button.
2. Turn the dial to CI,OCK.
Press the dial to enter and tollow
the display directions to set.
77u overt rack (turntable)
must alwaU be in/dace
,,h('ll using ttu, oven.
Put ibod di_czl3 on the black
metal trt9, to speedcook.
with Micro
Step 4:
Turn the dial to select the amount, size,
and/or doneness (if required, the oven
will prompt you). Press the dial atter
each selection,
Step 5:
Once the displa) shows AD/UST TIME
01¢ $7_4/¢7_ either press the dial or start
button to start cooking.
• Press CLEAR/OFF at any time to
stop cooking,
Press MICRO EXPRESS repeatedly
fi)r 30 second increments of microwave
cooking time.
The oven starts immediately.
As a g'_,a¢@€ion, pu¢ /ood
diwcll)' on the black grill tray
to speedcook foods _ou wouht
nmwml(_ coohon the grill.
77woven rack (turntable)
must al,.a3 s.bein place.
_vh(,_udng the, oven.
77z_white ceramic tra_,
should al,.a3 * b_ in Ida,
II_]H ll microwauillg.

Speedcoo Menu Gmde
k _ "
Advanlium Oven
lfle_l !l
Atier pressing the SPEEDCOOK
button, the oxen will wompt )ou to
make sexeral selections, such as the
example below.
1. Turn the dial until
(;HICKEN a ppea rs.
Press the dial to enter.
2. Turn the dial until
BO:\7_2LI_2SS BI@2AST;S'
Press the dial to enter,
_Mter a cookim* cycle has been
completed, use the Resun_e feature
to cook for additional tilne.
Food Category Menu Selection
AppeHzers Bag_,l Bih, s
and Snacks Cheese Stiek,_, Froz
,]a/ap(,_,o Po/)per_
Mi_ti t{gg RoI£, IVroz
Mi)ti Nacho,_, F)oz
Onio)t Ri)g:_, N.zen
Olhm Bite Size
Pizza Rol£, N_>z
Biscuit,_, R@'ig'.
3. Turn the dial to 4. Turn the dial to
Selecl SIZE: Select amounl:
Small (3-4 oz) 1-2 pieces
Press the dial to enter. Press the dial to enter.
Cheese Loq/_ Froze)t
(;or_tb_.adSlicks, R*J
Gesce)d tbd[,_
Fn.)tch B_.ad, R¢
Gadie/(kee_e Ihead
7;xas 7bast
Belg'ia)t II}{ffles
B_vak/hst Burritos
B_,ak/hst Pizza
Cim*amon tb,l/,_, R@
Nv)_ch 7basg N_>z
Pancake% IZroze_t
Sau,w_gv Links
Saa,w*gv I>attie_
StrudeLs, I;_)z
ll_{ffle Stiek_, I;)oz
Bom'-b_ I'iec_'_
Bo)_eles_ Iheasts
Fi)zgvr_, I)vze)*
Fried Chi&en, Froz
NuKq'ets, Ihoze)_
Patties, l:roze_t
7},nde_:_, I'mze)_
NOTE" When speedcooking, use black lrays.
LaN'e (5+ oz) 3-4 pieces
T/gA Yis displayed.
• To rexiew settings during cooking,
press the selector dial.
Food Category Menu Selection
Desserts (S_ur_)s, I;)'oze)_
Cookie l)oagq_,F_oz
Cookie Dough, tbJ?
Pie Crust, t_j}"
7_trnovers, Ihoze_t
7_ovwvem R@
_sh and Seafood
B_vaded t;_1_, I;)vzen
Fish Stiek_, I;ioze)¢
Sahno)t Steaks
Swor((fish Steaks
7_t)_a Steaks
IU_it¢ish Fillel,_
Fih_t Migwo)_
Lamb Chop,_
Del_f lire_h
Pizza Shell, I'_lled
tb'g_ Cra_t, I;_ozen
Risible Crust, I:roze_
Baked I>otato_<s
Fioze_ I;)'ench I;)qe_
lZioze)_ "l}lter Tots
I _:wnal lieeip_<s
Burrito,_, Froze)_
(hvs Roll/Hot Do_:_
Grilk,d Sa)_dwich_'s
I'oeket Sa_dwiehe_

Oven Features
Advanlium Oven
0 @ @ 0
Oven, Rack (7)t_,table)
The oxen rack (turntable) must
ahvays be in place, on the oxen
floor, for all cooking. Be sure the
oxen rack (turntable) is seated
securely oxer the square spindle
in the center of the oxen.
Black Metal Troy/Baking Sheet
Put food directly on the black metal
tray and place on the oven rack
(turntable) when using the
speedcook features.
Black Crill Troy/Baking Sheet
Put food directly on the black grill
tray and place on the oven rack
(turntable) when speedcooking foods
you would normally cook on the grill.
White Ceramic Tray
Place on the oven rack (turntable)
when using the microwave features.
Place tbod or microwave-safe
cookware directly on the tray.
Upper Ha logen La raps
Operate when using speedcook.
Allows cooking to be xiewed while
keeping microwmes confined in
tile oxen.
Door Handle
Pull to open the door. The door
must be securely latched t_r the
oven to operate.
Door Latches
Lower Halogen Lamp
Operates when using speedcook.
ConOvl Panel
The buttons used to operate the oxen
are located on the control panel.

Overl Features
Advanlit_m Oven
Witk your Advantium ov(n you (:an cook with kigh-interzsity kalq_n lights and/or com_(ntiorml
Q Brag @
Press this button to access the pre-set
speedcook metal Press and hold for
3 seconds to repeat the last cooking
Press this button to set your own
speedcook program.
SELECTOR DIAL-7)rr_ to ._ele(l, 1¥_:_ to em*'r
First turn then press the dial to make
food selections. Also use the dial to
increase (turn clockwise) or decrease
(turn counterclockwise) cooking times.
Select_or Dial
Press this button to set the minute timer.
Press this button to operate the microwave.
Press while microwave cooking to light
the oven cavity. The light will come on
and will remain on until the end of the
cooking cycle.
Press for 30 seconds of microwave cooking
time. Each time the button is pressed adds
an additional 30 seconds to the remaining
cooking time. The oven starts immediatelv.
Press this button to start or pause any
cooking fimction.
Press this button to cancel ALL oxen
programs except the clock and timer.
Press this button to step back one or
more ]e'_els in the program process,
such as when entering custom recipes.
Press this button and turn/press the
selector dial to change the speedcook
upper lamps, lower lamp and microwave
power level before and during cooking.
Press this button to set the Clock and access
the Beeper Volume, Clock Display ON/OFk;
Display Scroll Speed f_atures.
Press this button to find out more al)out
VO/IY o'_en's features.

Advanlium Oven
7?) use a
_l?£Tt ?J
CAUTION: When using speedcook proqrams, remember that the oven, door and
dishes will be veo_ hot!
[¥ior to the firs_t use of your oven ttu clock must be set. 5"e_ttu Adva,tium Quick
Stmt .s_ction.
B@m_ you begdn, make su'_ tke oven rack (turn table) is in place. (Ae tke black metal
tray (baking ._tuet), tke black grill tray (baking ._tuet) or your own gla.ss or ceramic
77woven rack (turntable) must alw(9 s Put/hod (ti_(:d_ on the black metal Put/hod (ti_,(:¢l)o_ &_,blad¢ grill tray
b_ill/dace wlu,n u_illg llu oven. flat trro,,to speedcook, to speedcook fi_o(h )ou would
• Appetizers & Snaeks • Chieken
• Breads • Desserts
• Breakfast • lbTsh & Seafimd • Potatoes
Advantium is ahea@ p_,-set to cook over
100 p@ular dist,<s.
1. Press the speedcook button.
1/ no .selection is made within
l 5 .se(on(A_,the display will "_n'rt
back to the time of day.
2. Turn the selector dial to select
the type of food categ_t y yon
want. Press the dial to enter.
3. Turn the selector dial to select the
specific food (menu selection).
Press the dial to enter.
. Turn the selector dial to select
amount, size, and/or doneness
(if required, the oxen will prompt
yon.) Press the dial after each
• Meats
• Pizza
Once the display shows: ADJL_,'T
77MF_ OR START either press
start or the selector dial to start
7)on tlu ji)od over wk_ n the oven ._igmaA
7"U1¢\: FOOD O'vT?l?(/br ,,train jbodO.
l:I/7,m ttu oven sigmaA CHECK Jilt
l )A'J_A'7_SS, check to
)( ' : ' : " see i/yourji,od is_
done to your liking (/or certain jbod.s).
7b r_&'w settings' during cooking
pn_s'sthe .selector dial.
l/'you enter an und_d'_d selection at any
time .simply/)rr_s:s tke BACK button and
n,-enter tke d_sfied ._elections.
iiormall) cook oil lhegrill.
• Recipe
• Sandwiches
• Early in a .speedcook flmgJnm, you will
.seeOtqTMIZ1N(; COOK TIME i_ the
di._'pho'. 77_eove_ automatically ,sensr_s
tbe electrical voltagz, hq_el in your home
and adju.st.s the cooking time up or
down jot proper cooking.
• [/the door is o/)eo_ du'_Jng cooki,g,
the ore, will stop and t)AL<S'Ewill
appear in the di._pho,. Close the door
and pr(_s_the START/PAUSE button
to _z_ume cooking.
• At a_o,time du_Jng cooking you can
tur_ the selector dial to change the
co&ing time. You can cba*,ge powo"
hq_eA by p'_za_:singPO_A'ER I,EVEI,.
• 7b as,su'_z"consistent (ooki_g _z_sults,
the ove_ ma), adjust powr'r hq_eA
downward if the ore, i.shot at the
beginni_g of a program.
• At the end q/cooking, tbe automatic
jhn will continue to run,/i_r a ._hort
time to cool int(,,al components.
• 7b (wok,/i)r additional time affair a
cooking (ycle has bee. completed,
use the m_ume ji,atu'_z,.