
Consumer Inff)rmation
Outdoor/lt_door I:_e,/ri_'erator,
using your
fi ¢erator
Your new Monogram outdoor/indoor refrigerator makes an eloquent statement of
style, convenience and kitchen planning flexibility'. Whether you chose it for its pmity
of design or the assiduous atmntion to detail, you will find that your Monogram
outdoor/indoor refligerator's superior blend of form and function will delight you
fbr years to come.
The infbrmation on the following pages will help you operate and maintain your
outdoor/indoor refrigerator properly'.
If you have any other questions, _isit our _¢\_bsite at: ge.com
Built-hi Dimensions/Clearances . . .14, 15
Care and Cleaning ............. 12, 13
Consumer Services ................ 19
Controls and Features ........... 9-11
Model and Serial Numbers .......... 2
Read this manual carefldlv. It is intended
to help y'ou operate and maintain your
new outdoor/indoor refligerator properly'.
Keep it handy fbr answers to your
Problem Solver ................ 16-18
Product Registration ............... 2
Repair Service .................. 4, 19
Safety Instructions ............... 5-8
Warranty' ................. Back Co_er
If you don't understand something or
need more help, there is a list of toll-free
consumer service numbers included in
the back section of this manual.
Visit our *A>bsite at: ge.com
down the
model &
7Z U T!_ [)eYS
You will find them on a label on the
ceiling inside the outdoor/indoor
Please write these numbers here:
Model Number
Serial Number
Use these nmnbers in any correspondence
or service calls concerning your outdoor/
indoor refrigerator.

Consumer In )rmation
Outdoor/Indoor I:_e,/ri_'erator,
([you received
a damaged
Save time
& monu
./br your
The warranty does not co_er damage
caused after'delivery.
Before you request serxice, check the It lists causes of minor operating problems
Problem Solver in the back of this manual, that you can correct yourself.
Before using, be sure all packing materials
and tape have been remox ed.
To assure no damage is done to the finish
of the product, the safest way to remoxe
the adhesive left from packaging tape
Stainless Steel--_J\b strongly advise
applying a commercially available stainless
steel cleaner such as St;£inless Steel Magic ''
to preserve and protect the fine finish
The following substances and naturally
occurring materials will cause damage to
all stainless steel finishes. Care must be
taken not to allow these substances to
come in contact with your outdoor/indoor
refiigerator. If any of'these do get on
your unit, wash and rinse immediately
(see Care and Cleaning).
Immediately contact the dealer (or builder)
that sold you the outdoor/indoor refrigerator.
on new appliances is an application of
household liquid detergent. Apply with
a soft cloth and allow to soak. Wipe dry
and then apply an appliance polish to
thoroughly clean and protect the surfi_ce.
• gatte U acid
• Pool chemicals
(such as chlorine and bromine)
• Lawn fertilizer
• Ice melting salts
• Creosote
• Iodine
• Pickling juice
• Urine
• Bird droppings
• Tree sap
• Sea water
./br outdoor
Use this appliance only for its intended use
as described in this manual.
• Do not operate the unit where the
temperature will go below 45°F (7.2°(:)
or aboxe 120 ]_(4. C) (see Unit ON/OFF).
Ensure the outdoor/indoor refrigerator
is not installed in a location prone to
standing water.
• Choose a le*el location that can
withstand 250 lbs.
• Route the power cord so that it does not
present a trip hazard.
• Surfi_ce can be hot in direct sunlight
conditions. Use caution.
• Ensure the chosen location does not
present a tip-oxer situation.
Make sure dishes cool prior to storing
them in the outdoor/indoor refrigerator.
Certain types of glass, ceramic,
earthenware or other glazed mensils
retain heat. Hot dishes can cause the
cold glass shelves to break.
• The use of a GE Vacuum Break
(serxice part #'s WR49X403 and
WR49X10026) is not authorized
on the outdoor/indoor refligerator.

Consumer Inff)rmation
Outdoor/lt_door I:_e,/ri_'erator,
([you need
is completed
To obtain service, see the Consumer
Services page in the back of this manual.
*/\> are proud of our service and want you
to be pleased. If tbr some reason you are
not happy with tile service you receive,
here are stops to follow tbr'fllrther help.
Ih)_rcustomers in the USA:
FIRST, contact the people who serviced
your appliance. Explain why you are not
pleased. In most cases, this will solve the
NEXT, if you are still not pleased, write
all the details--including your phone
n//I?(/be r--to:
Manager, Customer Relations
GE Appliances
Appliance Park
Louisville, KY 40225
• Promptly inspect your new Monogram
outdoor/indoor refrigerator. If it llas
been damaged, contact the Installer
or Dealer immediatelv.
• This outdoor/indoor refrigerator must be
properly leveled to ensure correct door
alignment and door closure. Contact the
Installer if the unit is not lexel.
For customers" in Canada:
FIRST, contact the people who serviced
your appliance. Explain why you are not
pleased. In most cases, this will solve the
NEXT, if you are still not pleased, write
all tile details--including your phone
number to:
Manager, Consumer Relations
Camco Inc.
1 Factory Lane, Suite 310
Moncton, N.B. El C 9M3
• Test the door swing. Careflflly open and
close tlle door. Tlle door sllould not rub
or catch on adjacent cabinetry. NotifY'
the installer if the door makes contact
with cabinetry.
Please Contact the Installer or Dealer if
you experience any of these problems.
• The trait should be centered in the
opening. In a standard 24" opening,
the door will protrude 1-1/2" forward
of adjacent cabinetry. Contact the
installer if clearance is not correct.

WARNING: Whenusingthis
appliance, ah,vavs exercise basic safety,
precautions, including the ff)llowing:
• Use this appliance only for its intended
purpose as described in this Owner's
• This outdoor/indoor refrigerator must repairs.
be properly installed in accordance with
the Installation Instructions before it is
*Do not allow children to climb, stand
or hang on the shelves in the outdoor/
indoor refrigerator. They could damage
the outdoor/indoor refligerator and
seriously injure themselxes.
• Do not store or use gasoline or other
flammable vapors and liquids in the
vicinity of this or any other appliance.
• Keep fingers out of the "pinch point"
areas: clearances between the door and
between the door and cabinet are
necessarily small. Be careflfl closing the
door when children are in the area.
• Unplug or turn off your outdoor/indoor
refrigerator before cleaning or making
NOTE: _\_ strongly recommend that any'
servicing lye perfbrmed by a qualified
• Before replacing a burned-out light bulb,
the outdoor/indoor refrigerator should
be turned OFF or unplugged in order to
avoid contact with a live wire filament.
(A burned-out light bulb may break
when being replaced.)
Child entrapment and suftbcation
are not problems of the past. Junked or
abandoned refligeration products are
still dangerous...even if they will sit fbr
'_ust a few days." If you are getting rid of
your old appliance, please fbllow these
instructions to help prevent accidents.
All refligeration products contain
refligerants, which under federal law must
lye removed prior to product disposal.
Before You Throw Away Your Old
Refrigeration Product:
• Take off the doors.
• Leave the shelves in place so that
children may not easily climb inside.
If you are getting rid of an old refligeration
product, check with the company' handling
the disposal ahout what to do.

Lorsque xous utilisez l'appareil, obserxez
to/ljonI's certaines prOcautions de base,
notalDiDent :
• N'utilisez I'appareil que pour son ttsage
pr6vu, colmne d_crit dans le present
• Installez le r6frig6rateur int6rieur/
ext6rieur conform6ment aux directives
d'installation avant de I'utiliser.
• Ne laissez pas les enfants grimper,
s'asseoir, se tenir debout ni se pendre
aux clayettes du r6frig6rateur int6rieur/
ext6rieur. Ils pourraient endommager
le r_flig_rateur et se blesser gravement.
• N'enweposez et n'utilisez pas d'essence ou
autres vapeurs et liquides inflammables
proximit6 de cet appareil ou de tout autre
appareil 61eca_om6nager.
• l_doignez les doigts des parties du
r6frig6rateur oiJ I'on peut facilement
se pincer : les espaces entre les portes
et entre les portes et ]es placards sont
toujours _troits. Soyez prudent lorsque
vous fermez les porms de l'appareil en
presence des enfants.
• D6branchez ou fermez votre r6frig6rateur
int6rieur/ext6rieur avant de le nettoyer et
de le r6parer.
REMARQUE : Nous xous recommandons
xixement de confier toute r_paration _
un technicien qualifi_.
• Avant de remplacer une ampoule grill6e,
le r6flig6ramur int&ieur/ext6rieur doit
&tre d6branch6 afin d'6viter tout contact
avec un fil sons tension. (Une ampoule
grill_e pent se briser pendant l'op_ration).
Les enfimts pris an pi&ge on morts
d'asphyxie sont totoonrs d'actualit&
Les appareils de r_flig_ration abandon_s
sont to//iours aussi dangereux, re&me si
on n'attend que "quelquejours" pour
s'en d_barasser. Si wins ne gardez pas
w)tre ancien appareil, veuillez suivre
les directixes ci-dessous afin de pr_venir
les accidents.
Avant de vous ddbarasser de votre vieux
appareil de r6frigdration :
* D&nonmz les porms.
*Laissez les clayettes en place afin
d'emp&cher les enfants de grimper fi
Tons les appareils de r_flig_ration
contiennent des refligerants qui,
conform&nent aux lois f_d_rales, doivent
&tre enlev_s avant toute _limination de
Si vons vons d_barrassez de vieux appareils
de r_flig_ration, v_rifiez, aupr&s de la
soci_t_ qui s'occupe de lent _limination,
ce que vous devez faire.