GE WSM2420D2CC, WSM2420D2WW Installation Guide

Washer* Dryer - 240 Vo#
_en moving the
washer/drier Tope the drum to the fforfl poneL
Tope the int screen in place, 1ape the d_yer does elosed_
Wedge a blanket be_ieen the Ioundry tub ling ar4d cabinet top to reset ct tub movement,
Turn front leveling legs ali the way in
__P_'_34GSg76 ROY A
ifcations are subject tOchonge without notice. Printed tn U.S.A.
5 feet ef the center rear of cabinet is required, See "Electrical
requ rements _
standpipe with m nimum carry-away cepac of
17( standpipe must be of _east 28 Inches high and no highe_ than 48 _nches from floor,
F_or d_in a sphon break,
Supped': Floe r_ul sturdy enough to
support washer/dryer weight, wth water and ebthes, af 375 pounds
Check c_ requiremetlts: 8©me codes iimit or
Do Not parrot nstaltat_an of washef/d_/e_ n garage& closets, mobile homes end s!eeplng quarters, Contact your _oca_building ins_eto_.
Cheek utilities; Proper water and electrical suppIy connectiens musl be
Not and ¢t.._ water faucets: MU_ _ce w_h_n 4 _et of the
back of the washer/dryer
cRd prov_t_@water p_sure
of 5 i00 PSk
1-inch maximum s_ope under entire
Do Not siam or operale w_sherldhler below 32_F (some
w_er may remain in washer), Proper operation of dwer cycles requl_es temperatures above 45_F, See _se & Care Guide for
"Winleilzlng _ lefom_atlon.
Waler heater: _t to deliver t40_F
water to the washer,
rear or taft o I_ghf side, _e _E×haust requ rements #Par_e_sC and D,
Fourdr'_h melal exhaust duct is required,
Important: ObseP,'e all
governing codes and ordinances.
Explosion Hazard
Keep flammable materials and vapors away from w_hertdryer,
Faflure to foilew these instru_tions can tes_lt in de_h_ explosion, fi_,
or burns,
It is the e_fome#s respondbilily
TOconlaet a qualified electrical
tO assure that the e_ectrical
ins_ol|atlan _ adequate,
Tools and materials needed for installation:
sl_p-je_t p_lecs tha_ enf_
Panel A
Electrical requirements
If codes permit and a s_arala g_edl_g _te _ u_d_ It is r_e_meeded that o
quelifie_ electrician determine that the grounding po_h is adequate,
A four-wire or three-wire singte,.phose,
I20/240 velt 6GoH_AC_enly e_ec_ col supply (or four, wire Or th_eemvd_e,
120/208 volt, if spec fled on the model/_edal rating pk_le) is requ red on a separate_ 30.ampere ci_cu f, tided on both s_des of the t_ne A time-delay fuse
or circuit bre_ker s reeemmeaded_ The model/sefial toting plate is leeat_ In
the door welt behind the drye_ door on the front ot the open ng.
t S the peL_anel respor_s_bii4y and obliger on of the customer te contact a qualified electrl¢_n to a_ure that the e_ctrieat ir_staliation is adequate and n coniormanee with the National E@cirtcel Code, ANSI/NFPA 70 -- lat_-st adrian * and all _oco_c_es and ordinances,
Ceples el lhe e_r_i_ _t_ above m_y be
"Nal_l ere Pre_io_ Associate
_tte_ym_h P_
Q_ncy, _ch_Iset_s 02269
Loca_cedes may' permit the u_ d a
U& dsted, 1X}/24_'_vett m nlmum 30.
ampere, dryer power supply" cord kt_
(pigtail), Power supply co_d shou_
Type SRDof SRDTand be at east fo_3r
leer _ong The w_resthe1 connect to the
dP_,ermust end w/h ling term na}s or
spade Semifinals with upturned ends,
A 3/4", U £ II_ed stron reief must be
insla/_e_Jwhere ihe power supply cord
connects 1o 1he washer/dryer (see
F_gures 1and 2),
dng fe_a_
3/4°e_LoSst N_A_
Three-wire power supply co_d
NEMA _0-30P
Figure 2
four-wire three-wire
receptacle receptacle
(14-30R) (10-30R) FIgL_ 3 Figure 4
FouPwi_e installation _ recommended (required to_ mobile homes): The power
sup_y cosd must hove four, NO_40 copper wires and match a fo_r wlre receptacle ot
NEMA Type 1_30R (sere Figure 3). _he fourth wire (grounding conductor) must be idenfifi_ w'ith a gree_ cover and the neutral conductor by o white cover,
Three wire Ir_steilatioe (ifa four-wire system isnet available):The power suppb/cord must have three_ No,-10 copper wRes to match a three-w re receptacle of N_MA _ype 10&OR (see Fk_ure4),
Direct wire
The washe_dryer can be eennec_d _re_y _ fused diseoenect or circuit
bleaker box wth teu_wire er _h_ee-wlre fie×ib4e @_nored or non-mete II¢
_#_eo_h_ eO_pet cab!e (with gronnd¾_ wre) DO Net u_ two-w re with bare
grounding wire, AI curre_t<orry ng w_essFTruStbe ir_suo_d_
A conduit connecter re_t _ Ir,_tc_lied
at l_.notion box, USEONLY _GGAUGE SOUD COP'PERWg_. DO NOT US_ ALUMINUM W_RE.A_IOw fou_ feei ofslack
n the I_neso dryer con be moved }t servlcir_g is eve_' n@eessory.
_i_ wesher/d_yer is mam_ractu_ed wffh the r_utfa| connected to the eobJnet.
tetmtnal block cover
Figure 5
L Disconnect _e power supply 2, _emove terminal Dock ¢ove_ (see
Rgure 5),
3. Stdp,5 inches of oufe_ eove_ing from en_ of cable. Leave bare
grounding wi_e at 5 troches Cut
}-}I2 i(_che_ fitom 3 ;erna_-_ing nsu_ated wires Strip ineJIot on back
inch (_e Rgure 7),
Where local codes permit co#netting cobtnei-gro_nc|ing
sonde€for to the neu|ral w_re:
Electrical 81tock Hazard
Turn power su_p_:y off before coenectiag ¢ord_
U_e a new 30 amp power supply cercL Pl_Jginto _ groencled s-ut_
Failure tofollow these aspect ens can result in death or ele¢_icaI shock;
cent_ _e_ _ _tew
Figure 6 g_g
I DIscor_nect the power ,1apply=
2 Remove te_mna bbck cove _e
3. Irfsto_lcoppec four w re,#owe{ supply co_d through stain _@ief
4. Remove the appliance harness
©or/Rector arid fosk:en under Center, s_ivef*eolo_ed termina block
5, Connect the g[e nding wire
(green) of the copper, fourow re powe_ sup__y cord to the internal grout'cling connector,
6. Connect the neutral wits (white} of the pewe_ supply cart to the
Figure 7
each wre eta a _'U_
[_ Shape the end
Figure 8
4. e_sta_tscraper, four-wire power suppy eatNe th_eugh strain _elief
eo_nector and f<_fenunder
wife (bare) of the fourow re powe_ suppy cab._e unde_ the ntemol ground ng connector screw.
Squeeze hook end dwire legether, Tighten _re'w
7 Cor_ne_t the neutral wre O_Zhite}of
the power supply cabs to the cerlter, s@@_-colorod terrtll_'lol
screw of the termino} back using the some method, Con_ OCtthe
ot_er wkes 10 the outer term nora, Tghten screws firmly,
S _qghfen s ralnre_ie_screws,
9, Repk_ce the te_miri<:flbksck cover.
Where local codes permit co,nearing eobinef_gto_nding
conductor Io the neutral wire of _he Power supply Cable:
_l_rlo_ S_h_;_:kHazard
Tern power s_ppty off before connectir_g wires
Use tO gauge soi_ copper w_re.
_e_ricalty ground dryer. Failure to |allow these ir_st_ectiens
can resuR in death or electrical shock.
other wres to _heouter termhl¢_B T_ghten screws firm}y,
7. lighten strain re}ief _rews
&Repioce the lorraine b_c_s_cover
Panel B
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