GE WSLS1100A1WW, WSLS1100A1AA, WSLS1100A0WW, WSLS1100A0AA, WSLP1100A1WW Owner’s Manual

Safety Information .......... 9 3
Operating Instructions
Control and Indicator Settings . . .5, 6 I,oading and Using the X_'asher . .7, 8
Special h'asher Features ......... 4
Installation Instructions
Alcove or Closet Installation .... 19
Electrical Requirements ........ 10
Grounding Instructions ........ l 0
Installation Requirements ....... 9
Leveling the ¼'asher ........... 10
V(asher Connections for Portable Model WSLPI 100 . . . 13-16 _'asher Connections tbr
Stationa U Models WSI£1100
and WSLMI 100 ........... 11,19
WSLS l 1O0 WSLP I l O0
WSLM l l O0
Troubleshooting Tips
Status Indicators .............. ] 7
Consumer Support
Consumer Support ..... Back Cover
Product Registration ........ 91, 92
Warranty .................... 93
Write the model and serial
numbers here:
# #
You can find them on a label
on the back of the washer.
175D1807P328 49-90063-2 72-02JR
or explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or loss of life.
Under certain conditions hydrogen gas may be produced in a water heater that has not been used for two weeks or more. Hydrogen gas can be explosive under these circumstances.
If the hot water has not been used fin" two weeks or more, prevent the possibility of damage or iqjm y by turning on all hot water fhucets and allowing them to mn fi)r several minutes. Do this befln'e using any
electrical appliance which is connected to the hot water s}:stem. This simple procedure will allow any built-uI/hydrogen gas to escape. Since the gas is flammable, do not smoke or use an open flame or
appliance dm'ing this process.
This washer must be properly installed and located in accordance with the Installation Instructions before it is used.
Install or store xdlere it Mll not be exposed Properly ground washer to confl)rm with all to temperatm'es below fl'eezing or exposed governing codes and ordinances. Follow details
to the x_eathei: in Installation Instructions,
Keep the area underneath and around your ai)pliances free of combustible materials such
as lint, paper; rags, chemicals, etc.
Close supervision is necessar) if this appliance is used b'_ or near children. Do not allow children to
play on, with, or inside this or any other appliance.
Use this
appliance only for its
intended purpose as
described in this Owner's
Never reach into washer while it is moving. Wait tmfil the machine has completely stopped befln'e opening the lid.
Do not use shaq) objects around the control panel. They may damage it.
Do not mix chlorine bleach with ammonia or acids such as vinegar and/or rust relnovei; Mixing
different chemicals can produce a toxic gas which
illav Catlse death.
Do not wash or d_y articles that have been cleaned in, washed in, soaked in, or spotted
with combustible or explosive substances (such as wax, oil, paint, gasoline, degreasers, dry-cleaning
solvents, kerosene, etc.) which ma) ig_fite or explode. Do not add these substances to the _Jsll
_lter Do not rise or place these substances around )our washer or (hTer during operation.
The laund_ y process can reduce the flame retardancy of thbrics, To avoid such a result, carefiflly fi_llow the gamlent manufiJcturer's
wash and care instructions,
To minimize the possibili F of electric shock, tmi)lug this appliance from the power sui)ply or disconnect
the washer at tile household distribution panel bv removing tile fllse or switching off the drcuit
breaker before attempting mW maintenance or cleaning. NOTE."Turning the washer off does NOT
disconnect the appliance fi'om the power SUl)ply:
Never attempt to operate this appliance if it is dmnaged, malfimctioning, partiall} disassembled,
or has missing or broken parts, including a damaged cord or plug.
_- Turn off water fimcets to relieve pressure on
hoses and valves and to minimize leakage if a break or _uptm'e should occur. Check the condition of the fill hoses; they may need
replacement afier 5 years.
Do not attempt to repair or replace any part of
this appliance tmless specifically recommended in this Owner's Manual, or in published use_=
repair instructions that wm tm(le_tand and have the skills to caHw out.
geim+e discarding a washe_; or removing
it ti'om service, remove the washer lid to prevent children ti'om hiding inside.
. _lls
Do not tamper with controls.
Special washer features.
Before starting the washer:
I,oad the laundr_ in the washe_:
Add the detergent and rid)tic sotiener to the dispenser drawe_:
Add bleach (if needed) to the bleach dispense_:
Detergent and Fabric Softener Dispenser Drawer
-- Maximule FillTower
The detergent and fabric softener dispensex_ will automatically release their
contents at the proper time during the cycle.
ToUsethe DetergentDispenser:
Add measured detergent to the dispense_: Make sm'e detergent is spread evenly and
is level.
Cleaning the Detergent and Fabric Softener Dispenser Drawer
ToUse the Fabric Softener Dispenser:
Use only liquid lid)tic soflene_; Pour into
dispense_; using amotmt recommended on package,
Oo notfillanyhigherthan the top of the maximum fill tower
Neverpourfabric softenerdirectlyon clothes.Itmaystain them.
[Z] Remoxe the drawer b) o )enino it tully
then tilting the front of the door down, Pull out.
_-] Rinse the drawer with water: If necessm T
use a soft cloth to wipe off any debris.
_] Line u I) the drawer xfifl_ the opening and
push fl_e dispenser (hmver straight in.
} _
Lint Filters
Clean the lint tilters inside the walls oI the wash basket once a week fi)r best
filtering results,
Press the tal) at the top at the filter and pull out.
To clean:
Open the filte_; Clean the filter with a toothbrush.
Liquid Bleach Dispenser
The dispenser dilutes liquid chlorine bleach betore it reaches into your wash load.
[-_ Check clothing care labels tot special
[2--_ Measm'e liquid bleach carefiflly,
tallowing instructions on the bottle.
Neverpour undilutedliquid chlorinebleach directly onto clothesor intothe wash basket.
Oonotpourpowdered bleachinto bleach dispenser
[_] gefi)re starting the washe_; pore"
measm'ed amom_t of bleach directl)
into bleach dispenser. Avoid splashing
or ave>filling dispense_: If you preti_r to use powdered bleach, add it into the
wash basket with yam" detergent.
Oo notmix chlorine bleach with ammonia or
acids suchas vinegarand/or rust remover Mixing canproducea toxic gaswhich may
cause death.
Aboutthe controland indicatorsettings,
Before starting the washer:
I,oad the laund_' in the washer.
Add tile detergent and flO)ric softener to tile dispenser drawer. * Add bleach (if needed) to tile bleach dispense_:
ToUseAutomatic One-TouchWashing
Tile LOADSENSINGfeature automatically senses tile size of your load, fills with tile ai_propriate
amount of water, and calculates tile amount of wash time required to complete tile cycle.
NOTE: When using the LOAD SENSING fl_amre, it is normal for the agitator to rotate before water fills
in tile tub. To choose tile automatic LOADSENSINGfeature, press POWER ON/OFF.
The fl)llowing indicators will light up automaticallv: NORMALWASH, LOADSENSINGand COLD/COLD.
Then simply press START/PAUSE
ToChooseYourOwn CycleSelections
Press tile POWER ON/OFFbutton to tm'n on tile control panel.
Choose tile wash options }ou would like to include in tile Qcle. Press tile WASH OPTIONS button until all tile options you want to include are lit. More than one option can be selected.
PRESOAKForheavilysoiledclothesthatneedto besoakedbeforewashing.Thisoptioncan beusedas
partof the WASHC¥CLEyouselect.
NORMAL ThisoptionisautomaticallyselectedwhenyoupressPOWERON/OFE
RINSEONLY Thisoptiongivesonerinsecycleonly.Forexample:Usethiscyclewhenyouneedto remove
SPIN ONLY Thisoptiongivesonespincycleonly.Forexample:Usethis cyclewhenyouneedto remove
excesswater fromyourclothing.
The water level should just cmer the clothes. Adjust the load size accordingly, i,oosel_ load clothes no higher than the top row of holes in the washer basket.
These wash cycles control the length of the washing process. The chart below will help match
the WASHCYCLEsetting to your specific la undry needs. When a cycle is selected, the a utomatic
temperature that the machine detaults to, can be changed to whatever temperature you desire.
COLORSForeasycareandwrinkle-resistantitems. WARM/ COLD WHITES Forheawto lightlysoiledcotton,household HOT/COLD
linens,towels, workandplayclothes.
DELICATESForlingerieanddelicatefabricswith COLD/ COLD
lightto normalsoils.
QUICKWASH Foroneor two lightlysoileditems WARM/ COLD
that areneededquickly.
Default Wash/RinseTemperatures
Select the water temperature for the wash and rinse cycles. Always fi)llow fabric manufacturer's care label or inst_ uctions when laundering.
NOTEFORPORTABLEMODELS:When using a one-taucet connection, a(!just the water flow mix
and water temperature at the fimcet.
Press the START/PAUSEbuttonto start the wash c_cle.
Displays the time remaining in the wash cxcle. It will also display Status Indicators.
See Troubleshooting Tips.
NOTE:_hen the cycle is complete the control panel will turn ott automatically.
Loadingand usingthe washer.
Always follow fabric manufacturer's care label when laundering,
_ SortingWashLoads
Colors Soil Fabric Lint
Whites Heavy Delicates Lint Producers
Lights Normal Easy Care LintCollectors
Barks Light SturdyCottons
ProperUseof Detergent
Add clothes and detergent, then start the washe_:
Using too little or too much detergent is a conm/on cause of latmdry problems.
Loadingthe Washer
i,oad dry items loosely, no higher than the top row of holes in the washer tub. _,_]_en loading wet items
make sm'e you set the load/water level high enough to allow the items to move fl'eelv: Water level should
just cover the clothes. To add items after washer has
started, open the lid and add the additional items. Close the lid. Washer will start automaficalN:
You can use less detergent if)ou ha',e soft water,
a smaller load, or a lightly soiled load.
Donot wrap largeitemslike sheetsaroundthe agitator.
Donot wash fabrics containingflammablematerials (waxes,cleaningfluids,etc.).
Whenthelid is up,asignalwill soundand "Lo" will appearinthedisplag Thewasherwill not agitate
with thelid up.
Careand Cleaningof the Washer
WashBasket:I,eave the lid open after washing to
allow moistm'e to evaporate. If you want to clean the basket use a clean soft cloth dampened with liqtfid
detergent, then rinse. (Do not use harsh or gritS' cleaners.)
FillHoses:Hoses connecting washer to fi_ucet
should be replaced every 5 yea_.
Exterior:Immediately wipe off any spills. _]pe
with damp cloth. Try not to hit StllS_ilce with
shaq_ ol)j ects.
MovingandStorage:Askthe service technician to
I'eIIlOVe %;lteI" [i'OIIl (lI'_liIl l)tlIIll ) [lIl(l hoses. Do not
store the washer where it will be exposed to the weathex:
LongVacations:Be sm'e water sui_ply is sh ut off at
timcets. Drain all water ti'om hoses if weather will be below fi'eezing.
Loadingand usingthe washer.
Below are rid)tic (-are label "syml)ols" that affect the ('l(_thing _on _dll be laundering.
wash __ __
cycle Normal p.......... t Press/ Gentle"_/ Do ,lot wash Do ,lot wring
temperature Hot W.... CoN/cool
Tumble D dry
wrinkle resistant delicate Hand wash
(50"C/120°F) (40°C/105"F) (30°C/85°F)
Normal Permanent Press/ Gentle/ Do nottumbie dry (used with
wrinkle resistant deficate do not wash)
Do not dry
.o,, ® ®
High Medium Low No heat/air
Special instructions
Bleach_., \ A
symuols Any bleacl_ Only ....... hlorine bleacll
(when needed) (when needed)
Line dry/ Drip dry Dry flat In the shade
hang to dry
Do not bleach
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