Safety Instruc_tions ........... 2, 3
For Australia and New Zealand . . .34
Side by Side
Models21, 23, 25, 27and29
Operating Instructions
Additional Features ............ 11
Automatic Icemaker ........... 15
Care and Cleaning .......... 17, 18
Crispers and Pans ............. 14
CustomCool "* ............. 4, 7, 8
Freezer Compartment .......... 13
Ice and _¢\ater Dispenser ..... 16, 17
Refligerator Doors ............ 10
Replacing the Light Bulbs ....... 19
Temperature Controls ......... 4-6
TurboCool "* ................... 6
*¢\hter Fiher . .................. 9
Installation Ins'eruditions
For Australia and
Preparing m Install
Removing and Replacing Doors . . .24
*¢\hmr Line Installation ...... 28, 29
Troubleshooting Tips ....... 31-33
Normal Operating Sounds ....... 30
C6te _ Cgte
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Write the model and serial numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
Find these mmg)ers on a label inside
the refl'igerator compartment at the top on the right.
Die deutsche Anleitung befindet sich auf Seite 179
Instructies in het Nederlands vindt u vanaf pagina 213
Side by Side
To E)_hrlvtK6 Keq0d_oto opx{(et azrl asM6o 247.
200D2600P054 49-80478 09-08Jfl
Use this appliance onlyfor its intended purpose as described in this Owner's Manual
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should be foflowed, including the following:
i)::This refl'igerator must be properly installed
and located in accordance with the Installation Instructions beiore it is used. Also see the
How to Connect Electricity section.
:_;_Do not attempt to stand on top of the refl'igerator.
Doing st) may result in bodily iqjury or damage to the refl'igera tot.
;;_Do not allow children to play with the refrigerator
or tamper with the controls.
i)_:Do not allow children to climb, stand or hang on
the shelves in the refl'igerator. Thev could damage the refl'igerator and seriously it_jm'e themselves.
;_JiDo not touch the cold surfaces in the fl'eezer
compartment when hands are damp or wet. Skin may stick t() these extremely cold surtaces.
::_¢Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable
vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any
other appliance.
::_]n refl'igerators with automatic icemakers, awfid
contact with the moving parts of the ejector mechanism, or with the heating element located
on the bottom of the icemaker. Do not place fingers or hands on the automatic icemaking
mechanism while the refl'igerator is i)lugged in.
i)::Installation of the icemaker must be done by
a qualified service technician.
::_KeeI) fingers out of the "pinch point" areas;
clearances between the doors and between the doors and cabinet are necessarily small. Be carefifl
closing doors when children are in the area.
::_UnI)lug the refl'igerator before cleaning and
making repairs.
NOTE: We strongly recommend that any servicing be performed bya qualified individual.
::_Before replacing a burned-out light bulb, the
refrigerator should be unplugged in order to avoid
contact with a live wire filament. (A bm'ned-out light bulb may break when being replaced.)
NOTE: Setting either or both controls to O(off) doesnot remove power to the h_?htcircuit.
::_¢Do not refreeze fl'ozen foods which have
thawed completely:
::_Always clean the CustomCooF Tray after
thawing food.
Child entrapment and suffocation are not problems of the past.Jtmked or abandoned refl'igeratm_ are
still dangerous...even if thev will sit fin" 'ijust a few davs." If you are getting rid of wmr old refl'igerator,
please follow the insttuctions below to hel I) prevent accidents.
Before You Threw Away YourOld Refrigerator or Freezer:
?_:Take off the doors and discard separately,
::Ji::I,eave the shelves in place so that children may
not easily climb inside.
_: If the refl'igerator has a lock, make it mmsable.
All refrigeration products contain refl'igerants, which under federal law tnust be retnoved prior
to product disposal. If you are getting rid of an old refl'igeration product, check with the company
handling the disposal about what to do.
The power cord of this appliance is equipped with an earthing plug which mates with a standard
earthed wall outlet to minimize the possibility of electric shock hazard fl'om this appliance.
Have the wall outlet and circuit checked bv a qualified electrician to make sure the outlet is
properly earthed.
Where an unearthed wall outlet is encountered,
it is vour personal responsibili V and obligation to have it replaced with a properly earthed wall outlet.
The refrigerator should always be plugged into
its own individual electrical outlet.
This provides the best performance and also prevents
overloading house
wiring circuits which could cause a fire hazard fl'om
overheated wires. Please retk_r to the rating plate on the refl'igerator fi)r the correct voltage, wattage and
fi'equency. If the product plug does not fit your outlet, the product should be fitted with a new plug.
insureproperearthing I]====_:== existsbeforeusing. II I_'_
Earthingplug ll
IMPORTANT."Therefitting of electric plugsand cables should be doneby a quafified technician orserviceagenL Insome
countries therefitting of electricplugs and cables isonly permitted when the work is completed bya quafified technician.
If the power supply cord becomes damaged, it must be replaced bv a qualified service agent in order to
avoid a safety hazard.
Never unplug your refrigerator by pulling on the power cord. Always grip plug firmly and pull straight
out fl'om the outlet.
Repair or replace immediately all power cords that have become fl'aved or otherwise damaged. Do not use a cord that shows cracks or abrasion damage
along its length or at either end.
When moving the refl'igerator away fl'om the wall, be careflfl not to roll over or damage the power cord.
Mains lead replacement
If the mains lead on your refrigerator needs replacing at any time, it must be replaced bv a
special lead which is obtainable fl'om your local dealer. A charge will be made fin" the replacement of the mains lead if wm have damaged the lead.
The refrigerator must be positioned so that the plug
is accessible.
Aboutthe temperaturecontrols
on CustomCoolTM models.(for other models,see nextpage)
Thetemperature controls are preset in the factory at 3°C for the refrigerator compartment and -18°C for the freezer compartment. Allow24 hours for the temperature to stabilize to the preset recommended settings.
Thetemperature controls can display both the SET temperature as weft as the actual temperature in the refrigerator and freezer. The actual temperature
may vary slightly from the SET temperature based on usage and operating
environment. Setting either or both controls to 0 (off) stops cooling in both the freezer and
refrigerator compartments, but does not shut off electrical power to the refrigerator.
NOTE: The refrigerator is shipped with protective film covering the temperature
controls. If this film was not removed during installation, remove it now.
Tochange the temperature, press and release the + or -
pad, The SETlight will come on and the display will show the set temperature. To change the temperature, tap either the + or - pad tmtil the desired temperature
is displayed. Refl_igerator temperatures can be a(!iusted between 1°C and 7°C and the fl'eezer temperatm'es can
be a(!justed between -21 °C and -14°C.
Once the desired temperature has been set, the temperatm'e display will return to the actual refl_igerator and fl'eezer tenlperatures alter 5 seconds. Several
a(!jtlstments Inay be requiied. Each dine w)u a(!just controls, allow 94 hom_ fl)r the refligerator to reach the
temperature you have set.
Ambient Room Temperature Limits
This refrigerator is designed to operate in ambient temperatures specified bx its Temperatm'e Class, which is marked on the rating plate.
Temperature Class
Extended- Temperate Temperate
Subtropical Tropical
Symbol Ambient Temperature
Toturn the cooling system off, tap the + pad fi)r either
the reliigerator ()r the fl'eezer until the display sho_vs 0 (off). To turn the unitback on,press the - pad fl)r either the refligerator or fl'eeze_; The $_'Tlight will ilhmfinate
on the side w)u selected. Then press the - pad again
(on the side where the $ETlight is ilhmfinated) and it
will go m the preset points ot -18°CIor the fl'eezer and
3°C fi)r the refligeratm; Seuing either or both controls to 0 (off) stops cooling in both the fl'eezer and
refligerator compartments, but does not shut off electrical power to the refl_igeratm:
Maximum Minimum
32 °C 10°C 32 °C 16°C
38 °C 18°C 43 °C 18°C
NOTE:/ntemal temperaturemay be affected by such factorsas the location of the refrigerator, ambient temperatureandfiequency of door openings.Adjust temperaturecontrols as required
tocompensatefor these factors.
Aboutthe temperaturecontrol&
The unit will have one of the temperature controls shown below:
Internal Temperature
Adjust Temperature
O is Off / 5 is Norrnal / 9 is Coldest
The temperature controls are preset in the factory at 5 for both the refrigerator and
freezer compartments.
Toadjust the set point temperature, press the WARMER or COLDERbutton on either the Freezer or Refrigerator side. The set point light will come on. Press WARMER or COLDER until the desired setting is reached.
Several adjustments may be required. Each time you adjust controls, allow 24 hours after each adjustment for the refrigerator to reach the setting you have selected.
Setting either or both controls to 0 stops cooling in both the freezer and refrigerator
compartments, but does not shut off electrical power to the refrigerator. Control settings will vary based on personal preferences, usage and operating
conditions and may require more than one adjustment. NOTE: The refrigerator is shipped with protective film covering the temperature controls.
If this film was not removed during instaflation, remove fl now.
About the temperature controls (cont.).
Ambient Room Temperature Limits
This reh'ioerator,_ is designed, to operate in ambient temperatures specified by its Temperature Class, which is marked on the rating plate.
How it Works
TmboCoo/rapidly cools the refl{gerator
compamnent in order to more quickly cool fbods. Use Tmbogoo! when adding a laige amount
of fbod to the refl'igemtor compamnent, putting away foods aAer they have been sitting out at
I'OOII/ teulperattlre or when ptltting away wall/l lef{ovel_. It can also be used if the refldgerator has
been without power for an extended period. Once acti_:lted, the compressor will turn on
immediately and the rims will cycle on and off at high speed as needed %r eight h(_m_. The
compressor will continue to mn tmtil the refl'igeramr compartment cools to appro_mately
1°(2, then it will cycle on and off to maintain this
setting. _Mter 8 horn% or if YurboCoo/ispressed
Temperature Class
Extended- Temperate
Temperate Subtropical
NOTE:tnterna/temperaturemaybeaffectedby such factorsas the locationof therefrigerator,ambienttemperature andfrequencyof dooropenings.Adjusttemperaturecontro/sasrequiredto compensateforthesefactors,
Symbol Ambient Temperature
Maximum Minimum
32°C 10°C 32°C 16°(2
38°C 18°(2 43°C l 8°C
again, the refl{gemtor compartment will return to the original setting.
How to Use
P*ess TmboCool. The TurboCool indicator light will come on.
_Mter TurboCoo/is complete, the TurboCool
indicator light will go out.
Therefrigerator temperaturecannotbe changedduring
Thefreezertemperatureisnotaffected dunng TurboCool. Whenopeningthe refrl_Teratordoorduring TurbeCeo[ the
fans will continuetorun if theyhave cycledon.
AboutCustomCool7(onsome models)
How it Works
The CustomCoolTM teature is a svstenl of (laml)e_, a tim, a teml)eramre themfistor
and a heate_: Depending oil the flmcfion selected, a combination of these will be
used to quickly chill items, thaw items or
rressChill $electTemp
hold the pan at a specific temperature,
How to Use
The pan is tightly sealed to prevent the pan's teml)erature fl'om causing
temperature fluctuations in the rest ot the retiigerator.
The controls tot this pan are located at the top of tile retiigerator with the teillpei'attli'e conti'ols.
Empb' the pan. Place the (_hill/Thaw
tray in the pan with the metal plate
ti_cing down to chill and store items, or with the metal plate tacing up to thaw
items. Place the items on the tray and
close the pan completely: Select the ExpressYhawTM @,
pad. The display and SETlight will
come on. Tap the pad until the light
ai)pea_ next to the desired setting.
Use the chart to detemfine the best
setting to use.
::Ji::To stop a feattlre before it is finished,
tap that feature's pad until no options
are selecmd and the display is off.
.... SelectYempT__)ExpressChdl @ or
!i>During ExpressThaw and ExpressChill,
the displa} on the controls will count
down the time in the c_('le.
_: AJ'ter the ExpressThaw cycle is
complete, the pan Mll reset to the MEATsetdng (-1 °C) to hel I) presei','e
thawed items until they are used.
_: The displayed actual temperature _ff
the CustomCoolpan may va U slightly fl'om the SET temperature based on
usage and operating environment.
NOTE:Forfoodsafetyreasons,it is recommended
thatfoods be wrapped in p/ast/cwrap when using
F_xpmssTha_ Thiswill help contain meat juices andimprove thawing performance.
AboutCustomCoolY(onsome models)
CustomCoolTM Chart
NOTE: Results may vary depending on packaging, starting temperature and other food traits.
0.25 kg (4 hours)
::Ji::Hambu_ge_ (0.25 kg) _: Individually _,Vrapped
Filet Mignon (025 kg)
0.50 kg (8 hours)
::Ji::Chicken Breasts (0.5 kg)
_: Minced Beef (0.5 kg) ::Ji::Steak (0.5 kg)
1.0 kg (10 hours)
_: Chicken Breasts (1.0 kg)
::Ji::Minced Beef (1.0 kg) ::Ji::Steak (1.0 kg)
1.50 kg (12 hours)
::Ji::Chicken Breasts (1.50 kg)
_: Minced Beef (1.50 kg) ::Ji::Steak (1.50 kg)
15 Minutes
::Ji::1 Beverage Can (355 ml)
_: 2 Small Juice Boxes
(175-240 ml each)
30 Minutes
::Ji::2 to 6 Beverage Cans (355 ml each)
_: 2 Plastic 590 ml Bottles of Beverage ::Ji::4 to 6 Small Juice Boxes
(175-240 ml each)
::Ji::3 Foil Juice Packets _: Wine (750 ml bottle)
45 Minutes :_::::2 I,iter of Beverage ::Ji::1.9 iJte_ of.Juice
_: Gelatin-1 package
Citrus Setting (6°C)
::Ji::Oranges, i,emons, I,imes, Pineapple,
_: Beans, ()lcumbe_s, Tomatoes,
Peppe_, Aube_gine, Squash
Produce Setting (I°C)
::Ji::Strawberries, Raspberries, t¢dwifl'uit,
Pea_, Cherries, Blackberries, Grapes, Plums, Nectarines, Apples
_: _sparagus, Broccoli, Corn,
Mushrooms, Spinach, Cauliflower; I<ade, Green Onion, Beetroot, Onions
Meat Setting (-I°C)
]law Meat, Fish and Poult_a,
Aboutthe water filter.
Water Filter Cartridge (on some models)
The water filter cartridge is located in the back Upl)er right corner of the refi_igerator
COI/I l)a I'tlllent,
When to Replace the Filter
There is a rel)la('ement indicator light for the
water filter cartridge on the dispense_: This
light will turn orange to tell w)u that w)u need to replace the filter soon,
The filter cartridge should be replaced when the replacement indicator light, tm'ns red or if
the flow of water to the dispenser or icemaker decreases.
Installing the Filter Cartridge
0 If you are replacing the cartridge, fit_t
remove the old one by slowly tm'ning it to the left. De net pull down on the cartridge.
A small amotmt of water ill}l,vdrip down. Fill the replacement cartridge Mth water
from the tap to allow for better flow fl'om
the dispenser immediately after
O Rtm water fl'om the dispenser fl)r
3 mimltes (al)out six lite_) to clear the s):stem and prevent sputtering.
O Press and hold the RESETWATERFILTER
pad on the dispenser fiw 3 seconds.
NOTE: A newlxqnstalled water filter cartridge
may cause water to spurt ffom the dispensex:
Filter Bypass Plug
_)u must use the filter bypass plug when a
replacement filter cartridge is not available.
The dispenser and the icemaker will not
operate without the filter or filter bypass i)lug.
Replacement Filters:
To order additional filter cartridges, contact your
local distributor.
Place the top of flTecartridge up inside the cartridge holder and slowly turn it to the right.
IJnim,,_ ui ) the arrow on the cartridge, and
the cartridge hol(le_; place the top of the new cartridge up inside the hol(lex; Do not
push it u l) into the holder:
Slowly tm'n it to the right tmtil the filter cartridge stops. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN. _s
you turn the cartridge, it will automatically
raise itself into position. Cartridge will rotnte about 1/4 turn.
Aboutthe refrigeratordoors.
Refrigerator Doors
The reti_igerator (loo_ may feel different than the ones you are used to. The special door
opening/closing teattlI'e makes stlre the doo_ close all the way and are securely sealed.
X4]_en opening and closing the door you will notice a stopposition. If the door is opened
past this stop point, the door will remain open
to allow VOII 1o load and tlnload food II/OI'e
easily. _4J_en the door is only partially open, it will automatically close.
When the door is only partially open
it will automatically close. Beyond this stop the door will
stay open.
The resistance xou feel at the stop position will be reduced as the door is loaded with food.
Aboutthe shelvesand bins.
Not all features are on all models.
Refrigerator Door Bins and Freezer Door Tilt-Out Bins
Large Bins
The larger reti_igerator door bins and ti'eezer flit-out door bins are a(!iustable.
Toremove: I,ifl the fl'ont of the bin straight up,
then 1N tlI) and ()tit.
Toreplace or relocate: Engage the back side of
the bin in the molded supports of the doox: Then push down on the ti'ont (ff the bin.
gin will lock in place.
Small Bins
The snuggerhelps prevent tipping, spilling or
sliding oI small items stored on the door shel£ Place a finger on either side of the snugger
near the rear and move it back and torth to fit u:,ur needs.
Freezer tilt-out bin
To remove: i_ifi the fl'ont of the bin straight up
then out.
Toreplace: Position the bin above the
rectangular molded supports on the doo_:
Then slide the bin down onto the support
to lock it in place.
Bottle Retainer
The bottle retainex_ are a(!iustable and kee I) tall items fl'om tipping ovex:
Toremove: i,ifi the fl'ont of the retainer straight
up, then lift it up.
Toreplace or relocate: Engage the back of the
bottle retainer in the molded supports on the
doo_: Then push down on the fl'ont of the
bottle retaine_:
Press tab and pull shelf forward toremove
Slide-Out Spillproof Shelf
The slide-out spillproot shelf alh)ws you to reach items stored behind othe_s. The spedal
edges are designed to help prevent spills fl'()m dripping to lower shelves.
To remove:
Slide the shelf out tmtil it reaches the stop, then press down on the tab and slide the shelf
straight out.
I.ine the shelf uI_ with the suI_ports and slide it
place. The shelf can be repositioned when
the door is at 90 ° or more. To reposifion the shell; slide the shelf past the stops and angle
downward. Slide shelf down to the desired
OuickSpaceTM Shelf
This shelf splits in half and slides trader itself tot storage of tall items on the shelf below.
This shelf can be removed and replaced or relocated just like Slide-Out Spillproof Shelves.
position, line up with the sui)ports and slide into place.
Make sure youpush theshelves all the way back in before youclose the door
On some models, this shelf can not be used
in the lowest position.
Removable Beverage Rack
The bexera,,e rack is designed to hold a bottle on its side. It can be attached to
any slide-out shelf.
Door Wine/Beverage Rack (onsomemodels)
This rack holds up to 5 cans, one bottle oI wine or one 2-liter bottle oI soda.
The rack hangs from the sides of the dairy bin.
To remove:
Empb the wine/bexerage rack.
O i.ine up tile large part of the slots on
the top of the rack with the tabs trader the shelf.
Then slide the rack back to lock it m place.
O Reattach the rack to the sides ot the bin.
Engage the back side of the bin in the
molded sui)i)orts on the dora; Then push
down on the fl'ont of tile bin. Tile bin will
lock into place.
Holding the bottom of the &fir)bin, lift the fl'ont straight up, then lift up
and ()tit.
O To detach the rack fl'om the dairy bin,
pull the rack's side wires out of the holes on each side of the dairx bin.
Aboutthe shelvesand bins.
Not all features are on all models.
Deep Freezer Baskets
To remove, push the basket all the way to the
back of the fl'eeze_: Lift up until the back pins are disengaged. I,ifl the entire basket up and
pull out.
The divider can be rise(1 to oi'ganize tO()d
packages. For large packages, simply told
down the divider.
Makesureyoupushthebasketsall thewayback in beforeyouclosethedoor
Freezer Baskets
WARNING:Poorperformancemayoccurif freezer
basketsarenot use_Storageof itemsin the freezer withoutusingbasketsmayresultinpoortemperature
performanceduetorestrictionsofairflow within the freezercompartment.
i!¸ (/
To remove, slide out to the stop position, lift the
fl'ont past the stop position and slide out.
Makesureyoupushthebasketsall thewaybackin beforeyouclosethedoor
Slide-Out Freezer Shelves
To remove, slide out to the stop position, lift the
fl'ont past the stop position and slide out.
) Fixed Freezer Shelves
There are two t)pes of fixed fl'eezer shelves.
To remove this type ot shelf:
0 Lift the shelf up at the left side.
0 Bring the shelf out.
To remove this type of shelf:
_Lifl up the left side of the shelf and slide it
0 0 S •S 0 S
left int the center f the ,d_elf,_Ul) p rt,_.
WARNING:Poorperformancemayoccurif freezer basketsarenot use_Storageof itemsin the freezer withoutusingbasketsmayresultinpoortemperature performanceduetorestrictionsof air flow within the freezercompartment.
Makesureyoupushtheshelvesallthe waybackin beforeyouclosethe door
Rotate the right side of the shelf up and out of the shelf supi)orts.
Aboutthe freezercompartment.
Loading the Freezer Compartment
I,oad so that at least 15 mm of space remains clear between stacks of packages and 15 mm
[0 95 IIlIIl of space between the to l) of [lily
stack and anv shelf or basket above it, Packages may hang over the fi'ont of shelves
but must remain 15 mm fl'om dome.
_: Food to be frozen must not be placed
in direct contact with tood in storage. If food is to be frozen eve_ T day, it may
be necessary to reduce the quantity to be fl'ozen.
_: If a quantity of food needs to be fl'ozen,
set the fl'eezer control to its coldest setting. _Mter the food is fl'ozen, reset the fl'eezer
control to its initial position.
::Ji::Food is most qtfickly fl'ozen on the middle
three shelves of the ti'eezer comi)artment and most slowly in the freezer door
::Ji::Do not store commercially quick-fl'ozen
tood longer than the time recommended bv the fl)od manufi_cturers.
_: If the power to the appliance is shut off tot
an extended time or if the refrigerating system tails, do not open the doors unless
absolutely necessary. When it is necessary, close them as quicl_ly as possible so the
frozen tood will stay ti'ozen as long as possible.
_: The freezer door storage shelves marked
with a two-star label are only ai)i)ropriate fl)r the storage of previously fl'ozen fl)od.
Effervescent drinks should not be stored in the freezer compartment.
Freezer Performance
This Refrigerator/Freezer has an oxerall "Four Star" _ rating Freezer peril)finance is classified b_ star ratings defined by ISO 8561 STANDARD AND
Below -6°C.
(_ Below - 12°C.
[_ or _ Beh)w-18°C.
Howexer, these limited areas haxe a two star rating as permitted by the standard:
Models I,ocation of C_-_/Freezer Shelves
21, 23 Bottom fl'eezer basket and bottom
2 door shelves, top ti'eezer door shelf.
25 Shelf above the ice bucket, top freezer
door shelf and bottom 2 door shelves.
27 Shelf above the ice bucket, top freezer
door shelf and bottom 2 door shelves.
29 Bottom 2 freezer door shelves.
23 NON Top freezer door shelf.
21YH, 23YH Shelf above the ice bucket and 4 door
21Y£, 23YE shelves.
GSX25 This model is not classified fi)r this
two star rating.
Aboutthe crispersandpans.
Not all features are on all models.
Fruit and Vegetable Crispers
Excess water that may accumulate in the bottom of the (h'awe_ should be wiped (hy:
Onsome models the bottom drawer has
a cover that slides back as the drawer is opened. This allows flfll access to the (h'awe_: _&sthe
drawer is closed, the cover will slide torward into its original position.
Adjustable Humidity Crispers
Slide the control all the way to the J
(high) setting to provide high lmmidi_'
recommended tot most vegetables.
Convertible Meat Pan
The convertible meat pan has its own cold air duct to allow a stream ot cold air fl'om the
fl'eezer compartment to flow to the pan.
The variable temperature control regulates the
air flow fl'om the Climate Keel)er. TM
Not all features are on all models.
Crisper Removal
The top ('fisl)e_ can easily be removed by pulling the drawer straight out and lifting
the drawer up and over the step location.
If the door prevents you fl'oin taking out the drawe_, fi_t t_wto remove the door bins.
If this does not offer enough clearance, the refl_igerator will need to be rolled torward tmtil
the door opens enough to slide the (h'awet_ out. In some cases, when you roll the
refl_igerator out, you will need to move the refrigerator to the lett or fight as vou roll it out.
Toremove the bottom crisper:
Slide the control all the wax to the _) (low) settiw*,_to proxide lower humidi_ lexels
recommended fi)r most fl'uits.
Set the control to the _ (coldest) setfim* to
store fresh Illeats.
Set the control to _ (cold) to convert the pan to nomml retiigerator temperature and
provide extra vegetable storage space. The coM
air (hlct is ttlrned off'. Variable settings between
these extremes can be selected.
Toreplace the bottom crisper:
Make sm'e all tom" ,swin,,_locks are in the tmlock position.
Place the sides of the drawer into the drawer SUl)ports, making sm'e the swing
locks fit on the drawer slots.
I,ock all ti_tu" swing locks by rotating them to the lock position.
Pull the drawer out to the stop position.
0 Rotate all tom" _swim,_locks to the tmlock
0 I,ifl the fl'ont oI the drawer up and out.
Aboutthe automaticicemaker.
A newly-installed refrigerator may take 12to 24 hours to begin making ice.
Power Automatic lcemaker
powerLight FeelerArm
Pull the upper freezer shelf straight out to access the icemake_ Always
besure to replace the shell The
shelf can be used for storage.
The icemaker will produce seven cubes per cvcle--ai)proximatelv 100-130 cubes in a
2'4-hour period, dei)ending on fl'eezer
COlllpai'tlllent telllpei'attli'e_ i'ooi11 telllpei'attli'e_
nunlber of door openings and other use
Toaccess the icemaker: Pull the shelf aboxe
the ice drawer straight out. Always be sure to replace the shel£
If the reti_igerator is operated betore the water cmmecfion is made to the icemake_; set the
power switch in the 0 position. When the refrigerator has been com_ected
to the wamr suI)ply, set the power switch to the Iposifion.
_)u Mll hear a buzzing sotmd each time the icemaker fills with wam_:
The icemaker will fill with water when it cools
to -10 C. A newl}qnstalled refrigerator ma} take 12 to 24 hems to beg_n making ice cubes.
Throw away the first t0w batches of ice to allow
the water line to clear.
If ice is not used fl'equenfl}; old ice cubes will become cloudy, taste stale and shrink.
If ice cubes get stuck in the icemake_; the green power light will blink. To correct this, set the
power switch to 0 and remove the cubes. Set the power switch to I to restart the icemaker.
_Mter the icemaker has been tin'ned on again,
there will be a delay of about 45 mimltes betore the icemaker resumes operation.
NOTE."In homeswith lower-than-averagewater pressure,you mayhear the icemaker cyclemultiple times
when making one batchof ice.
suppiy onig Installation of the icemaker must be
done by a qualified service technician.
Be sm'e nothing interteres with the sweep of the teeler amL
X&q_enthe bin fills to the lexel of the feeler am_,
the icemaker will stop I)r°ducing, ice. It is nomlal tor sexeral cubes to be joined together.
Ice Storage Drawer
Toaccess ice, pull the drawer forward.
Toremove the drawer, pull it straight ()tit and
lift it past the stop location.
Aboutthe ice and water dispenser.(onsome models)
Select CUREDICE t_ t, CRUSHEDICE _._) or WATER _).
Press tile glass gently against tile top ot tile ..............
dispenser pad/cradle.
The spill shelf is not selfMraining. To reduce
water spotting, the shelf and its grille should LIGHT
be cleaned regularly.
Dispenser Light (onsomemodels)
If no wateris dispensedwhentherefni?eratoris first installed,theremaybeair in the waterline
system.Pressthedispenserpad/cradlefor at least two minutestoremovetrappedairfromthewater lineandto fill the watersystem.Toflushout
Quick Ice (onsomemodels)
impuritiesin the waterline, throwawaythe first sixglassfulsof water
a hur_; press this pad to
CAUTION:Neverput fingersoranyother objectsinto the icecrusherdischargeopening.
Lockingthe Dispenser(onsomemodels)
.... QUICKICE production fi)r tile fi)llowing
DoorAlarm (on some models)
l).df., e,,.ldst.1.,-k
thed pe,l e,'.,ld,',,,it,',,1
panel. To unlock, press
HOLD3SECS f))I .'4 seconds.
and hold the pad again
T(, set tile almm, press this
This l)ad turns the night light in tile dispenser on
and off. Tile light also COllles on when tile
dispenser pad/cradle is pressed. If this light burns out, it should be
replaced with a 6 watt
12V maximum bulb.
X,\l/en }ou need ice in
speed up ice production. This will increase ice
48 hem's or until xou press tile l)ad again, .
pad/mtil tile indicator light
Important Facts About Your Dispenser
iJi::Do not add ice ti'om trays or bags to
the storage drawer. It may not crush or dispense well.
_: Avoid ove_tilling glass with ice and use (ff
narrow glasses. Backed-up ice can jam tile chute or cause tile door in tile chute to
fl'eeze shut. If ice is blocking the chute, poke it through with a wooden spoon.
_: Beverages and foods should not be
quick-chilled in the ice storage (h'awe_: Cans, bottles (:,r food packages in tile
storage drawer may cause tile icemaker or auger to jam.
iJi::To kee I) dispensed ice fl'om missing
tile glass, put tile glass close to, but not touching, the dispenser opening.
_))) {Ollles ( )n. This _,l_Hlll vvill
0O0R ALARM The light goes ()tit and the
iJi::Some crushed ice may be dispensed even
though you selected CUREDICE.This hal)pens occasionally when a few cubes
accidentally get directed to the crushe_:
_: _Mter crushed ice is dispensed, some water
may dil I) fl'om tile chute.
_: Sometimes a small mound of snow will
total on the door in the ice chute. This condition is nom/al and usually occui_
when um have dispensed crushed ice repeamdly. Tile snow will eventually
CAUTION: Someproducts such as water icesshould
not be consumedtoocold
so/md if either door is tot more than 3 minutes.
beel)ino,_ stops when you close tile dooi:
Ice Storage Drawer on Dispenser Models
Set the icemaker power switch to the 0 (Off) position. Pull the drawer straight out and
then lift past tile step position.
_4q/en rel)lacino_ the drawex, be sure to press it fired) into place. If it does not go all the
wa_ back remove it and rotate tile drke mechanism 1/4 t/li'ii. Then push tile drawer
back a_*ain
Careand cleaningofthe refrigerator.
Cleaning the Outside
The dispenser drip area, beneath tile grille, shouM
be _il)ed dxT.Water left in this area may leave deposits. Remove tile deposits by adding
mMiluted vinegar to the well, Soak tmtil the
Dispenser drip area.
deposits disappear or become loose enough
to IJnse awav.
The dispenser cradle (on dispenser models).
getore cleaning, open tile ti'eezer door part way to prevent dispensing of ice or water when
cleaning. (:lean the cradle with a w;mn water and baking soda solution--about 15 ml of baking soda to 1 liter ot water: Rinse thoroughly
and wipe (h>
The door handles and trim. Clean with a cloth
dampened with soapy water; Dr) with a soft cloth,
Keep the outsideclean. Wipe with a clean cloth lightly dampened with kitchen appliance wax or mild liquid dish detergent. D_y and polish with a clean, soft ch)th.
Do not wipe the refngerator with a soiled dish cloth or wet towel Thesemay leave a residue that can
erode the paint. Do not use scouring pads, powdered
cleaners, bleach or cleaners containing bleach because these products can scratch and weaken the
paint finish.
Cleaning the Inside
Tohelp prevent odors,leave an open box of
baking soda in tile refligerator and ti'eezei"
Unplug the refrigerator before cleaning. If this
is not practical, wring excess moisture out
of sponge or cloth when cleaning arotmd switches, lights or controls.
Use w;mn water and baking soda solution- about 15 ml of baking soda to one liter of
water: This both cleans and neutralizes odors. Rinse and wipe (hT:
Useof any cleaning solution other than that which isrecommended, especially those that contain
petroleum distillates, can crack or damage the
interior of the refrigerator.
Avoid cleaning cold glass shelves with hot water because the extreme temperature difference
may cause them to break. Handle glass shelves careful/_zBumping tempered g/ass can cause
it to shatter
Donot washanyplasticrefngeratorpartsin the dishwasher
Thechili/thaw trayisdishwashersafe.
Careand cleaningofthe refrigerator.
Behind the Refrigerator
Be caretul when moving the refl_gerator away fl'om the wall. _M1types ot floor coverings can be
damaged, particularly cushioned coverings and those with embossed suYli_ces.
Pull the reflJgerator straight out and return it to position by pushing it straight in. Moving the
reti_igerator in a side direction may result in damage to the floor covering or refl_igerato_:
Preparing for Vacation
For long vacations or absences, relnove fi)od and unplug the reti_igeratox: Clean the interior with a
baking soda solution of l 5 ml of baking soda to
1 liter ot water: I,eave the doms open.
Set the icemaker power switch to the 0 position and shut off the water supply to the refl_igerato_:
Whenpushing therefrigerator back, make sure you
don't roll over the power cord or icemaker supply line.
If the temperatm'e can drop below fl'eezing, have a qualified servicer drain the water supply system
to prevent serious prope m, damage due to flooding.
Preparing to Move
Secure all loose items such as shelves and drawe_s by taping them secm'elv in place
to prevent damage.
When using a hand truck to move the
refl_igeratm; do not rest the fl'ont or back of the refrigerator against the hand truck. This
could damage the refl_igeratoi: Handle only fl'om the sides of the refl_igeratoi:
Be sure the refrigerator stays in an upnght position dunbg moving.
Replacingthe lightbulbs.
Setting the controls to 0 (off) does not remove power to the light circuit.
Yourlight shield will look like
one of the following.
Refrigerator Compartment--Upper Light
0 UnI)lug the refl'igerator.
@ The bulbs are located at the top of the
conq)artment, inside the light shield. On some models, a screw at the fl'ont of
the light shield will have to be removed. On other models, the screw is located
in the pocket located at the back ot the light shield.
0 To remoxe the light shield, on some
models, press in on the tabs on the sides of the shield and slide fin'ward
and out. On other models,just slide the shield forward and out.
Refrigerator Compartment--Lower Light
This//ghtis/ocatodabove the topdrawer.
Unplug the refiigerato_:
@ Remove the convertible meat drawer
control knob by pulling straight out.
@ _Mter replacing the bull) with an
appliance bulb ot the same or lower
w'attage, replace the light shield and
sci'e_:s (on SOlne inodels). When
replacing the light shield, make sure that the tabs at the back of the shield
fit into the slots at the back of the light
shield housing.
Plug the reli_igerator back in.
O _Mter replacing the bull) with an appliance
bulb of the same or lower wattage, replace the shield and the knob.
Plug the " back in.
0 ' refl'igerator
0 lift the light shield up and pull it out.
Freezer Compartment
UnI)lug the reliigerato_:
@ Remove the sheffjust aboxe the light
shield. (The shelfxdll be easier to remoxe if it is emptied fi_t.) On some models, a screw at the top of the light shield will
need to be removed.
0 To rein xe the light shmld, press m on the
sides, and lift up and out.
() o" " "
UnI_lug the refiigerato_:
@ The bulb is located on the dispenser under
the control panel. Remove the light bulb b) turning it counterclockwise.
Replace the bull) with an appliance bulb of the same or lower wattage,
and reinstall the light shield. When reinstalling the light shield, make sure
the top tabs snap securely into place. Replace the screw (on some models).
Reinstall the shelf and )hu,
0 ..... the
refrigerator back in.
Replace the bulb with a bulb of the same
size _lll(1 watta(*e
0 Plug the refrigerator back in.
Trimkits anddecoratorpanels.
ForBuilt-In Style models
Read theseinstructions completely and carefully.
Some models are equipped with trim kits that allow you to install door panels.
Panels less than 6 mm thick
_._]_en installing wood panels less than 6 mm thick, you need to create a filler panel, such as 3 mm cardboard, that will fit between the fi_ce of the door and the wood panel. If you are installing the pre-cut decorator panels, pre-cut
filler panels are included in the kit. The combined thickness of the decorator or wood panel and the filler panel should be 6 ram.
Panels6mmtilick orless
6 i'rll'rlmax
19mm or Raised Panel
A raised panel design screwed or glued to a 6 mm thick backing, or a 19 mm routed board can be used. The raised portion of the panel must be tid)ficated to pemfit clearances of at least 5.1 cm fl'om the handle
side fin" fingertip clearance.
Panels thicker than 6ram, up to 19 mm max, will require that the outer {4mm of panel perimeter be no thicker than 6 mm.
Weightlimitationsfor custompanels:
RefrigeratorDoor 17kg max. FreezerDoor 13kg max.
Panelsthickerthan6 mm
6 film leax
5.1cm Clearance
6mmThick Backing
Refrigerator Door
Dimensions for Custom Wood Panels
out ,--_ F,,-3 mm
, i
.... .I
_. 36.8cm ---,
With Dispenser RefrigeratorPanel
3 MM "--_ _"-- out
49.5cm - ---_
i ,
L. ....
The areas at the top of the panels need to be cut out of the panels.
Read these instructions completely and carefully.
0 Insert the Freezer Panel and Refrigerator Panel
Careiully push the ti'eezer panel in until it slides into the slot behind the door handle. Push the filler panel
(required with some door panels) in behind the
decorator panel. Repeat ti)r reti_igerator panel.
0 Insert the Bottom Freezer Panel (on dispenser models).
Careflflly push the panel in until it slides into the (required with some door panels) in behind the slot behind the door handle. Push the filler panel decorator panel.
Attach the Top Trim on the Freezer and Refrigerator Doors.
The Top Trim can be ti)und inside the reti_igerator each (loo_: Hand tighten only: Make sure that the compartment, top of each panel fits snugly behind the lip of the
With a T-20 Torxddve_; attach the Top Trim, using Top Trim. two screws on each Top Trim piece, to the top (ff
If your model has a dispense_; this step only applies
O )" "
t the refri_erato_ panel and top freezer panel
O Install the Side Trim.
These pieces are rocked inside the ret_igerator
door handle.
Do not remove the protective film on the oualde of the Side
Tnm until the Side Trim is installed.
Fit the bottom of the Side TFim under the Bottom TFim as illustrated.
Hold the Side TFim against the fl'ont ti_ce of the decorator panels and fit the Side Trim under the Top
Trim, Make sure the Side TFhn is fitted correctly and that w)u are satisfied with the appearance of all
the parts.
Removingandreplacing the doors.
When installing or moving the refrigerator, the doors may need to be removed in order to fit the refrigerator through a doorway.
Removing the Doors
Make sure the doors are closed and the refrigerator is unplugged.
0 Disconnect water line and wiring harness.
Near the lower hinge on the fl'eezer side, push in on the collm_ at each end of the coupling, and pull the water
line robing fl'om the coupling. _Mso, disconnect wi_ing
harness. Pull the water line and the harness through the
lower rail.
0 Remove the hinge covers and the hinges.
In order to access the hinges, the hinge ('o\'e_ need to be relnoved. Remove the cover b v grasping it on the sides,
near the back of the covei: Push back on the cover and
lift up at the back, then the fl'ont.
NOTE: DONOTusea screwdriverto removethe cover BECAREFUL not tobreak the rear retainingtab on the hinge cover Removethe
hlbgesuslbga TorxT-20.
_ HingeCover
0 Remove the doors.
(:arefhllv rotate the door to 90? Guiding the disconnected water line and wi_ing harness, lift the door straight up.
NOTE: Not rifting the doorstraight up may damagethebottom hinge. Piecedoorson a protectedsurface.
/VOTE:Becareful not to pinch thewater tubing and the wire harness at thebottom of the door
/VOTE:Donot a//ow the connectorto contact the floor Hardcontact can damagetheconnector See"Replacingthe Doors."
Replacing the Doors
0 Place doors on bottomhinges.
X'_ith the door at 9()_'lower the door straight down onto the bottom hinge. Careflflly close the (loo_:
NOTE: Not lowenbg the doorstralght down onto thebottom hinge
may damagethehinge.
/VOTE:Donote/low the connectorto contact the floor Hardcontact can damagetheconnector
0 Replace top hinges and hinge covers.
Reinstall the top hinges using a Torx T-20. Replace the hinge covei_. If the doo_ are not level, a(!itlst the bottom
_ight hinge with a 7/16" open ended wrench.
, Door
0 Reconnect water line and wiring harness.
Insert water robing back into coupling, making sure the tubing is pushed tier enough into the coupling so that wm
no longer see the mark on the tubing. Reconnect the
wiring harness.
0 Turnonthe water supplyand plug the refrigerator back in.
Read these instructions completely and carefully.
IMPORTANT - S_,,ethese
instructions for local inspector's use.
IMPORTANT - Obset.e_,ll
governing codes and ordinances.
Note to Installer - Be sure to leave these
instructions with the Constmter.
Note to Consumer - KeeI) these instructions
ti)r fltture reference.
Skill level - Installation of this appliance requires
basic mechanical skills.
Completion time - Refligerator Installation
15 minutes
Proper installation is the responsibility of the
Product failure due to improper installation is not covered under the Warranty.
Models 21,23,25,27 & 29
Allow the fl)llowing clearances tot ease ot installation,
proper air circulation and plumbing and electrical
21' mid 23' 25', 27' mid 29'
Sides 4ram 4ram
Top 25 mm 25 mm
Back 13 mm 25 mm
A* 1733mm
B 908mm
C** 912mm
27 25 23 21
1733mm 1733mm 1733mm 1733mm
908mm 908mm 908mm 908mm
879mm 879mm 738mm 738mm
If the reliigerator has an icemaker, it will have to be connected to a cold water line. An approved
water supply kit is awfilable at extra cost from vom"
local distributor.
Maxim um permissible inlet water pressm'e-8.2 bars. Minimum permissible inlet water pressm'e-2.8 bars.
hastallation of the icemaker must be done bv a qualified service technician.
Do not install the refligerator where the temperature
will go beh)w 16°C because it will not tun often enough to maintain proper temperatures.
Do not install the refligerator where the temperature will go above 37°C because it will not perF(mn i)roperl>
Install it on a floor strong enough to suI)port it fldlv
D 1261mm E 1273mm
F 1051mm
G 1386mm
H 1140mm
':I [eight does not include hinge. **I)epth includes handle.
1271mm 1271mm 1156mm 1156mm 1255mm 1247mm 1232mm 1214mm
1093mm 1099mm 989mm 986mm
1381mm 1381mm 1361mm 1355mm 1150mm 1149mm 1023ram 994mm
Ii II #1 D I
iJ i I I
I I z I1_
Installation Instructions
The rollers have 3 purposes:
Rolle_ a@lst so the door closes easily when opened
about hallway: [Raise the fl'ont about 5/8" (16 ram) fl'om the flooi:]
Rolle_ at!just so the refiJgerator is fi_mly positioned on the floor and does not wobble.
Rollet_ allow you to move the reti_igerator away from the wall fi_r cleaning.
Final leveling a(!jtlstments should be made after the
reiiigerator has been installed.
To adjust the rollers on 25', 27' mad 29' models:
Turn the roller a(!justing sci'e_vs
dockwise to raise the reti_igerato_;
comaterclockwise to
lower it. Use a 3/8" hex socket or wrench, or an ac!justable X
wrench, Rolleradjustingscrew
To adjust the rollers on 21' mad 23' models:
O Remoxe the base _rille by o )enmg the (loot_,
removino_ the screws at each end, and I_ullin°_ it straight Otlt.
Turn the fl'ont roller ) I1 11 adjustino screws
clockwise to raise
the refl_igeratoi;
comlterclockwise to
lower it. Lse a 3/8 hex socket or wrench,
or an ac!justable wrench. Roller adjusting screws
_dter leveling, make sure that the reli_igerator door is 1/16" higher than the ti'eezer doo_:
To align the doors, a(!iust the reliigerator doo_:
Using a 7/16" socket wrench, turn the door ac!justing screw to the right to raise the dooi; to the left to h)wer
it. (A nyhm plug, imbedded in the threads of the pin, prevents the pin ti'om turning unless a wrench is used.)
O _Mter one or two ttlI'ns of the wrench, open and close
the refiJgerator door and check the alignment at the top ot the (loo_.
Refrigeratordoor needsto beraised.
Toremovethe basegrille, openthedoors,rernove
thescrewat eachendof thebasegrilleandthen
pullthe grillestraightout.
7/16" SocketWrench]
@ RaiseI
These models also have rear a(!justable rollers so w,u can align the reliJgerator with )'our kitchen cabinets.
Use a long-handled 5/16" socket wrench to turn the
scre_vs fi)r the rear rollei_-_clockwise to raise the reli_igeratot; comlterclockwise to lower it.
0 Replace the base grille.
Installation Instructions
(for Built-In Style models)
l il/
81cm Cabinet
Water Electrical
13mmGap+8 mm
' J'b '
63.5cm C0untertop
Installation Instructions
The water line installation is not warranted bv the refligerator or icemaker manufacturer. Follow these
recommendations careflfllv to minimize the risk of expensive water damage.
_'ater hammer (water banging in the pipes) in house i)lmnbing can cause damage to refl'igerator parts and lead to water leakage or flooding. Call a qualified plmnber to correct water hammer betore installing the water sui)ply line to the refl'igerator.
To prevent burns and product damage, do not hook
up the water line to the hot water line.
If wm use wmr refl'igerator before connecting tile water line, inake sure the icelnaker power switch is in the 0 (off) position.
Do not install the icemaker tubing in areas where temi)eratures tall below fl'eezing.
When using any electrical device (such as a power drill) during installation, be sure the device is insulated or wired in a maimer to i)revent the hazard
of electric shock.
All installations must be in accordm_ce with local
plmnbhlg code requirements.
Installation of the icemaker must be done by a qualified service tech_ficim_.
a, WARNING!Connect to potable
water sui)plv only.
Some models hm e file refl'igerator comlection at the end of tubing located outside the compressor compartment access cover, On other models, the COllll)I'essor COml)artment access coveF IlltlSt be rellloved in order to access the refi'igemtor c(mnection at the
water valve,
On models using the refl'igeration connection at
the water valve, remove the plastic flexible cap,
Place the compression nut and tbrmle (sleexe) onto the end of the tubing as shown,
Insert the end of the tubing into the water xalxe connection as tier as possible. While holding the tubing, tighten the fitting,
Fasten the tubing into the clamp proxided to hold it in a
vertical position, _%u ma} need to i)i) open the clamp,
One of the illustrations below will look like the connection on your icemaker,
Before making tile connection to tile refl'igerator,
be sure tile refl'igerator power cord is not plugged into the wall outlet.
We recommend installing a water filter ifwmr
water SUl)ply has sand or particles that could clog
the screen of the refrigerator's water wove. Install it in tile water line near tile refl'igerator.
Typical Compression
Typical CompressionNut
Ferrule (sleeve)
Reattach the access coxec
Installation Instructions
Arrange the coil of robing so that it does not vibrate against the back of the refrigerator or against the
wall. Push the refl'igerator back to the wall.
Set the icemaker power switch to the I position. The icemaker will not begin to operate until it reaches
its operating temperatm'e of-9°C or below. It will then begin operation automatically if the icemaker
power switch is in the I position.
NOTE: In lower water pressure conditions, the water xalxe may turn on up to 3 times to delixer
enouoh water to the icemaker.
Normal operatingsounds.
Newer refrigerators sound different from older refrigerators.
Modem refrigerators have more features and use newer
Do you hear what I hear? These sounds are normal.
-- WHOOSH...
The new high efficiency compressor may Hm faster and hmger than your old refl'igerator and wm may hear a high-I_itched hmn or pulsating sound while
it is operating.
Sometimes tile refl-igerator runs tot an extended period, especially when the doo_ are opened ti'equently. This
means that tile FrostGuardTM featm'e is working to prevent fl'eezer bm'n and improve tood preservation.
_m may hear a whooshing so/md when tile (loo_ close. This is due to pressm'e equalizing within the refiJgeratm;
You may hear cracking or i)oi)ping sotmds when tile refrigerator is first plugged in. This hal)pens as tile
refrigerator cools to tile correct tell/l)erature.
Electronic dampers click open and closed to provide optimal cooling and energy savings.
The compressor may cause a clicking or chirping sound when attempting to restart (this could take
up to 5 minutes).
The electronic control board may cause a clicking sound when relays activate to control refrigerator
Expansion and contraction of cooling coils during and after defl'ost can cause a cracking or i)oi)ping
You may hear tile rims spinning at high speeds. This hal)pens when the refrigerator is first i)lugged
in, when the doors are opened frequently or when a large amotmt of tood is added to the refrigerator
or freezer comI)amnents. The rims are helping to maintain tile correct temperatures.
If either door is open for over 3 minutes, you may hear the rims come on in order to cool the light
The £ms change speeds in order to provide optimal cooling and energy savings.
You may hear the tim framing atter selecting one of tile CustonlCool _ settings.
The flow of refl'igerant through tile fl'eezer cooling coils may make a gm'gling noise like boiling water.
_'_ter dropping on tile defl'ost heater can cause a sizzling, I)oI)ping or buzzing so/md dm'ing tile
defl'ost cvcle.
A water dripping noise may occur during tile defl'ost cycle as ice melts fl'om tile evaporator and flows into
tile drain pan.
Closing tile door mav cause a gurgling sound due to pressure equalization.
On models with an icemake_; after an icemaking cycle, you mav hear tile ice cubes dropping into
the ice bucket.
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