
ED W4000 Series
(;HDA 960 Series
GHDA 980 Series
GSD6 l O0 Series
(;3D6200 Series
(;3D6300 Series
(;SD 65 O0 Series
(;SD6600 Series
(;SD 6700 Series
(;SD 6800 Series
(;5'196900 Series
SSD4 900 Series
Safety Instructions ....... 2, 3
Operating Instructions
Care and Cleaning ......... l 0
Control Panel and Settings . . 4-6
Loading Place Settings ....... 9
Loading tile Racks .......... 8
Optional Accessories ......... 9
Using the Dishwasher ...... 6, 7
Troubleshooting Tips ... I l, 12
Write the model and serial
numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
Y)u can find theln on tile tub wall
just inside tile dooI:
Consumer Support
Consumer Support .... Back Coxer
Product Registration ..... 13, 14
Warranty ................. 15
165D4700P305 49-5987 77-04 JR

Foryoursafety,the informationin this manual mustbe followed tominimize the risk of fire
or explosion,electric shock,or to preventpropertydamage,personalinjury,or death.
Under certain conditions hydrogen gas may be produced in a water heater that has not been
used for two weeks or more. HYDROGEN GAS IS EXPLOSIVE.
If the hot water has not been used for two weeks or more, prevent tile possibility of (lamage
or ii_jury by turning on all hot water faucets and allow them to run for several minutes. Do this
before using any electrical appliance which is connected to the hot water svstem. This simple
procedure will allow any built-u I) hydrogen gas to escape. Since the gas is flammable, do not
smoke or use an open flame or appliance during this process.
Use th& appfiance only for its intended purpose as described in th& Owner's Manual
This dishwasher must be properly installed and located in accordance with the Installation
Instructions before it is used. If you did not receive an Installation Instructions sheet with your
dishwasher, you can receive one by visiting our Website at GEAppliances.com.
• Connect to a grounded metal, permanent •
wiring system; or run an equil_ment-
grounding conductor with the circuit
conductors and connect to the eqtfipment-
grounding terminal or lead of the appliance.
• hnproper connection of the equii)ment-
grounding conductor can result in a risk
of electric shock. Check with a qualified •
electrician or service representative if you
are in doubt whether the appliance is
properly grounded.
• Use sui)ply conductors rated at least 75°C
Dispose of discarded appliances and shii)ping
or packing material properly.
Do not attempt to repair or replace any part
of your dishwasher unless it is specifically
recommended in this manual. All other
servicing should be referred to a qualified
To minimize the possibility of electric shock,
disconnect this appliance fl'om the power
SUl)ply 1)elore attempting any maintenance.
NOTE:Turning the dishwasher oH does not
disconnect tile appliance from the power
suI)ply. We recommend having a qualified
technician service your appliance.
• Do not tamper with controls.
• Do not abuse, sit on, or stand on the door
or dish rack of the dishwasher.
• Do not discard a dishwasher without first
rei/lo_ing the door or relllO'_ing the door
• Do not store or use combustil)le materials,
gasoline or other flammable vapors and
liquids in the vicinity of this or any other
• Do not allow children to play around
dishwasher when opening or closing door
due to the possibility of small fingers being
pinched in door.
• Do not allow children to play with, on
or inside this appliance or anv discarded
applia nce.

Junked or abandoned dishwashe_ are
da ngerous...even if thev will sit tot 'iJust a
few days." If you are getting rid of wmr old
dishwasher, please tollow the inst_ uctions
below to hel I) prevent accidents.
Before You Threw Away Your Old Dishwasher:
• Take off the door of the washing
compartment or remove the door latch
keeper (as shown).
Door latch keeper
Anti-Bacteria cycle may be hot to the touch.
Use care before tmloading.
• Use only powder, tabs, liquid detergents
or rinse agents recommended for use in a
dishwasher and kee I) them out of the reach
of children. Cascade®, Cascade® Complete
and ElectrasoP Automati( Dishwashing
Detergents, and Jet-Dry_ and Cascade Rinse
Aid_ rinse agents have been approved fin" use
in all GE dishwashers.
• Using a detergent that is not specificall}
designed tot dishwashers will cause the
dishwasher to fill with suds.
• I,oad shaq) knives with the handles up to
reduce the risk of cut-type ii_jm'ies.
• Do not wash plastic items tmless marked
dishwasher safe or the equivalent. For
plastic items not so marked, check the
IIl_l I1 t I1_1 ctt II'e I"S recolili//endations.
• Non-Dishware Items: Do not wash items such
as electronic air cleaner filters, flu'nace filters
and paint brushes in vom" dishwasher.
Damage to dishwasher and discoloration
or staining of dishwasher may result.
• Do not touch the heating element dm'ing
or inlnlediatelv after rise.
• Do not operate yore" dishwasher unless all
enclosm'e panels are properly in place.
• Close supervision is necessary if this
appliance is used by or near children.
• I,oad light, plastic items so they will not
become dislodged and drop to the bottom
of the dishwashe_they might come into
contact with the heating element and be
• I,ocate sharp items so that they are not likely
to damage the door seal.

Aboutthe dishwashercontrolpanel
Youcan locate your model number on the tub wall just inside the door. Throughout this manual, features and appearance
may vary from your model
!1 D
ExtraCleanSensorSelections Extras
El Ii El
_r_ status Indicator Lights
The Status displa) tells you what's hai)pening while the dishwasher is in operation and ma)
flash, indicating a malflmction (see page 6). The lights will come O/V indicating the sequence
of operation the dishwasher is in.
SENSING Displayedwhile the ExtraCleanTM Sensorismeasuringtheamountof soilandtemperatureof water.
(onsomemodels)Thedishwasherwill adjustthe selectedcycleto achieveoptimalperformance.
WASHING Displayedduringprewashandmainwashperiods.
RINSING Displayedduringrinseperiods.
DRYING DisplayedduringHEATEDDRY.
SANITIZED Displayedwhen cyclehasmetsanitizationconditions.LightremainsONuntildooris opened.
CLEAN Displayedwhena washcycleis complete.Thelightwill remainONuntildooris opened.
FJ ExtraClead_SensorSelections
Thelight above the selected pad will be ON to indicate which ExtraCleanTM Sensor Selection hasbeen
Heavy9.1gal.,91 rain.
Light6.5gal.,87 rain.
Thiscycleraisesthe watertemperaturein the final rinseto sanitizeyourdishware.Thecycle
lengthwill varydependingonthe temperatureof yourinlet water.
NOTE:TheAnti-Bacteriacycleis monitoredforsanitizationrequirements.Ifthe cycleis
interruptedduringor afterthe mainwash portionorif the incomingwater temperatureisso
lowthat adequatewater heatingcannotbeachieved,the sanitizingconditionsmaynotbemet.
Inthesecases,thesanitizedlightwill notilluminateatthe endof thecycle.
NOTE:NSFcertifiedresidentialdishwashersarenot intendedfor licensedfoodestablishments.
Light7.8gal.,72 rain.
Thiscycleis meantfor heavilysoileddishesorcookwarewithdried-onor baked-onsoils.
Thiscyclemaynot removeburned-onfoods.Everydaydishesare safeto be usedinthis cycle.
Heavy9.1gal.,77 rain.
Light5.2gal.,49 min.
Thiscycleis for medium/heavilysoileddishesandglassware.

SPEEDCYCLE Heavy7.8gal.,37 rain.
or Medium6.5gal.,33rain.
SPEEDWASH Light5.2gal.,29rain.
Thiscycleis for everydaydishesandglassware.
CHINACRYSTALHeavy9.1gal., 52rain.
(onsomemodels) Medium7.8gal.,45rain.
Light 6.5gal.,38 rain.
Thiscycleis for lightlysoiledchinaandcrystal.
RINSEONLY Heavy2.6gal.,7 rain.
Light1.3gal.,4 rain.
Forrinsingpartialloadsthat will bewashedlater.Donot usedetergentwiththis cycle.
NOTE:This dishwasher is equipped with an Extra(]lean ''1Sensor with autoinatic teinl)erature
control; therefore cycle length and time may \m'y depending on soil and temperatm'e conditions.
NOTE:Only the Anti-Bacteria cycle has been designed to ineet the requiren/ei_ts of Section 6,
NSF 184 fin" soil remowfl and sanitization etticacv.
_i Extras
Thelight above the selected pad will be ON to indicate which EXTRAhas been selected.
EXTRA Forusewith heavilysoiledand/ordried-on,baked-onsoils.Thisoption MUSTbe selected
SCRUB PRIORtostartingthecycle. Thisoption adds 16minutes to the cycle time.
(onsomemodels) NOTE:Cannotbe selectedwith RINSEONLYcycle.
HEATEDDRY Shutsoffthe dryingheatoption.Dishesair drynaturallyandenergyissaved.Forfasterair dry,
Light OFF you canpropthedooropenafter the CLEANlight illuminates.
HEATEDDRY Turnstheheateronfor fast drying.Thiswill extendthe timeto yourwashcycleby8 minutes
Light ON forthe SPEEDCYCLEand30 minutesforall othercycles.NOTE:Cannotbeselectedwith
controlsafteryouhavestarteda cycle.
Children cannot accidentally start dishwasher by touching pads with this option
Tounlockthe dishwashercontrols,pressandholdthe HEATEDBRYpadfor 3 seconds.
Tolockthe dishwasher,pressandholdthe HEATEDBRYpadfor3 seconds.Thelightabove
the LOCKpadwill turn off.
EXTRAWhen selected,the cyclewill runlongerwith heatingelementsonto improvebothwashand
HOTWASH dry performance.NOTE:Cannotbeselectedwith RINSEONLYcycle.
DELAYHOURSYoucandelaythestartof a washcyclefor upto 8hours.Pressthe BEIAYHOURS padto
choosethe numberof hoursyouwant to delaythestartofthecycle,then pressSTART/RESET
Themachinewill countdownandstartautomaticallyatthe correcttime.PressingSTART/RESET
a secondtimewill cancelthe DELAYSTARTselecIionNOTE:Ifyouforgettofully closethe
door,aremindersignalwill beepuntil youdoso.
Tochangea cycleafterwashingstarts,touchthe START/RESETpadto cancelthe cycle.
TheSTART/RESETlightwill flashwhile thewater ispumpedout if needed.Thistakes
approximately90seconds.Whenthe light stopsflashing,thedishwashercanbereprogrammed