YouAreNow Partof theSignatureFamily.
Welcome to fire Sig_mture tamily. We're
proud of our quality products and we me
commilmd to providing dependable se_,ice.
You'll see it in tiffs easy-to-use O_mer's
Manual and you'll hear it in fl_e flJendly
voices of our CUStolner seI_,ice department.
Best of all, you'll experience these values
each time you use your washer. That's
importanl, because your new washer _11 be
part of your t_unily for many years. And we
hope you _411be part of ours fbr a long time
t(J colne.
Weflmnkyou tbr bwing Signature. We
appreciate your purchase, and hope you will
continue torelyon us whenever youneed
quality appliances fbryour home.
Staple sales sliporcancelled
check here.
Proof of the original purchase date
isneeded to obtain service under
the warranty.
Write the modeland serial
Youcan find them behind the top edge
of the control panel.

Signature& You,
A Service Partnership.
Ask any Signature appliance owner and
they will tell you we stand behind our
products with unmatched quality service.
However, did you know that most questions
result from simple problems thatyou can
easily fixyourseff injust a few minutes?
This Owner's Manual can tellyou how.
Inside you _dll find many
helpflll hinls on how lo use and
mainlain your washer properly.
Just a little preventive care on
your part can save you a greal
deal of time and money over
the life of)_)ur washer.
Safety Information ....... 4- 7
ControlPanel ............. 8
ControlSettings............. 8
the Washer .............. 8,9
Troubleshooting Tips
Before You
gall ForService ........ 10-13
You'll find many answers 1o
common problems here.
If you review our charl of
Troubleshooting Tips firsl,
you mW nol need 1ocall fbr
sel_ice al all.
If YouNeedService
If you do need sewice, you can
relax knoxdng help is only a
phone call away. For location
of nearesl Product Sel_-ice
Cenler, if purchased flom a
Monlgome U Ward sIore, call
8004)050505, ir purchased
tiom a Lechmere store, call
oo ---
ServiceNationwide ........ 14
Warranty ................ 15

Foryour safety, the information in this manual must be
followed to minimize the risk of fire or explosion, electric
shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or
loss of life.
Under certain conditions hydrogen gas may beproduced
in a water heater that has not been used for two weeks
or more. Hydrogen gas can be explosive under these
If the hot waler has not been used for two weeks or more, prevent
the possibility of damage or injm 7 by mining on all hot wa/er
taucets and allotting them to Pan fin" several ininums. Do fl_is
betbre using aW elecnical appliance which is connecled lo lhe
hot wamr sysmm. This simple procedure _dll allow aW buihmp
hydrogen gas ul)escape. Since ll_egas is flammable, do nol smoke
or use an open flame or appliance dining lifts process.

This washer must be properly installed and located in
accordance with the Installation Instructions before it is
used. Ifyou did not receive an Installation Instructions
sheet, you can receive one by contacting your local Product
Service Center.
Inslall or sit)re where it x_ll nol
be exposed to temperatures
below fleezing or exposed I1)
lhe wealher.
Properly ground washer 1o
conform xdlh all governing
codes and ordinances. Follow
delails in Inslallafion
Keep the area undemealh
and around your appliances
flee of combustible mamrials
such as linl, paper, rags,
chemicals, elc.
Close superxision is necessm T
if flaisappliance is used by or
near children. Do nol allow
children 1opl Won, x_dth,or
inside lhis or aW olher