appliance is equipped with one
or more surface units of different
size. Select cooh~are having flat
bottoms large enough to cover
the surface unit heating element.
The use of undersized cookware
will expose a portion of tie
heating element to direct contact
and may result in ignition of
clothing. Proper relationship of
cookware to burner will also
improve efficiency.
carpeting. When movingthe range
on thistype of flooring,use care,
and it is recommendedthat these
simple and inexpensiveinstructions
be followed.
The rangeshouldbe instiled on
a sheetofplywood (or similar
material)as follows:l~en the
floor coveting ends at the~ront of
$herange, the area that the range
willrest on shouldbe built up with
plywoodto the samelevelor higher
than the floor covering.This will
allowthe rangeto be movedfor
cleaningor servicing.
velingscrews are located on
each corner of the base of the
range. Removethe bottomdrawer
(on models so equipped) and you
can levelthe rangeon an uneven
floor with the use of a nutdriver.
To remove drawer,pulldrawer
outall theWayy tilt up thefront
andtalieit out.To replace
drawer, insert glides at back of
drawerbeyondstopon range glides.
Lift drawer if necessary to insert
easily.Let front of drawer down,
then push in to C1OSC.
@Use cookwareofmtiium weight
aluminum,with tight-fittingcovers,
and flat bottomswhichcompletely
covertie heatedportion ofthe
minimumamountofwaterin a
e W“tchfQOdSwhen bringingthem
quicMyto cookingtempera~res at
HGH heat. When food reaches
cootig temperature, rduce heat
WWkmp it cootig.
@Use Rsidud heat with sufice
cookingwheneverpossible. For
example,when cookingeggsin the
shell, bring waterad e~s to boti,
then fiJrntoOFF positionand
coverwith lid to completethe
~Use correctheatfor cooking task
~GH—to stafl cooking
MEDIUM HI—quickbrowning.
MEDIUM—slow frying.
LOW—fitishcooking most
quantities, simmer-double boiler
heat, finish tooting, and special
for srna~lquantities.
}VARM—tomaintain serving
temperature of most foods.
~when boiling water for tea or
It is not economical to boil a
col~tainerfullof water forone
or two cups.
heatonly amount needed.
satisfactorilywitiout preh~ating.
If youfindpreheatingisnecessary,
watchtheindicatorlight, and put
foodin ovenpromptlyaftir the
a A]waYsturn OVenOFF before
door openings.Keepdoor open as
short a time as possibleif it is
@Cook completeovenmeals
insteadofjust onefooditem.
somedessertswill cook together
with a main-dishcasserole, meat
loaf, chicken or roast. Choose
foodsthat cook at the same
temperatureand in approximately
the same time.
~Use residud heat in the oven
wheneverpossibleto finish
cookingcasseroles, ovenrneds,
Alsoaddrolls or precooked
dessertsto warm oven,using
residud heat to warm them.
.-l a.. .
*One surface unit ONindicator light on
RA511J,4 on I?A513J(one over each surface
unit control)