About tbe water fi_ter, (on some models) _"_w.CEAppliances.com
Onsome models
Water Filter Cartridge
The water filter cartridge is located in tile back upper fight
Coi'nei" of tile i'efi_gei'ator coillp_li'tl/lent.
When toReplace the FilteronModels With a
There is a replacement indicator light fi)r tile water filter
cartridge on tile dispense_: This light will mrn orange to tell
you that you need to replace tile filter soon.
Tile filter cartridge should be replaced when tile
replacement indicator light turns red or if tile flow of water
to tile dispenser or icemaker decreases.
When toReplace the FilteronModels Withouta
The filter cartridge should be replaced every six months
or earlier if the flow of water to tile water dispenser or
icemaker decreases.
Removingthe Filter Cartridge
If you are replacing tile cartridge, fit_t remove tile old one
by slowly turning it to tile left, De not pull down on tile
cam-idge. A small amotmt of water may drip down.
Installing the Filter Cartridge
O There is an adapter attached to tile top of tile new filter
If wm are repladng a SmartWatercartridge, tile adaptor
must be removed befin'e installing tile cartridge. To
remove tile adapte_; turn it to tile left about 1/4 turn.
If you are replacing a Water by Culligan cartridge,
leave tile adapter in place. This adapter will stay in tile
refrigerator when you replace fllture cartridges.
iII i
With adapter Withoutad__ter
(appearance may vary)
O On models without a replacement indicator light,
appl) tile month and }ear sticker to tile new cartridge
to remind _ou to replace tile filter in sixmonths.
O Fill tile replacement cartridge with water fl'om tile trip
to allow fin" better flow fl'om tile dispenser immediately
after instnllation.
O i,ine up tile arrow on tile cartridge and tile cartridge
holder: Place tile top of tile new camidge up inside tile
holdex: Do not push it up into tile holdex:
Slowly turn it to tile right tmfil tile filter cartridge stops.
DONOTOVERTIGHTEN._s you tm'n tile cartridge, it will
automaticall_ raise itself into position. The cartridge will
i/lox.e about l/2 tul'n.
O Rim water fl'om the dispenser fin" 3 mintttes (about 1-1/9
gallons) to clear the sxstel/1 and pre_ent sputtering.
0 Press and hold tile RESETWATERFILTERpad (on some
models) on the dispenser fin" 3 seconds,
NOTE:A newly-instnlled water filter cartridge may cause
water to spurt fi'om tile dispenser.
x_)t! must use the filter bH/ass plug when a rel/laceInent
filter cartridge is not a\:lilable. The dispenser and the
icemaker will not operate without the filter or filter
bypass plug.
• _,._
Filter,'_,, I_
To use the filter bypass plug o,l Water by Culligan models,
}'Oft must flint i'eli/ove the filter adapter h'om the cartridge
holder by tm'nin(_ it to the left.
/f you have questions--visit our _,Vebsite
at ge.c( )m.
or call 1.800.GE.CARES (1.800.43_).2737).
Replacement filters:
Toorder additional filter cartridges in the United States,
visit our Website at ge.com, or call GE Parts and Accessories,
M\,_ F
Suggested Retail ,_38.95-47.95
Custome_ in Canada should constflt tile _ellow pages for
tile nearest Camco Serxice Center: