switching signs
Self-storage facility operator packs away savings with GE Lighting
Public Storage cuts operating costs $1.9 million a year with Tetra® LED sign lighting
Public Storage, the world’s largest owner and operator of self-storage
facilities, wanted to change the way it illuminated exterior signage.
The company’s bright orange and purple box signs and pole signs help
its properties stand out, but with as many as eight signs per location,
electricity and maintenance costs quickly add up.
Public Storage initially considered switching to T8 uorescent lamps,
but focused on LED sign lighting technology as pricing has become
more competitive and light quality improved in recent years. After
reviewing several competitive LED products, Public Storage chose
GE’s Tetra® PowerStrip LED sign lighting to replace the T12 uorescent
tubes in its single- and double-sided box and pole signs at its more than
2,000 properties nationwide.
“ We had previous experience with other manufacturers but wanted a
stable partner for the long term. GE Lighting is an industry pioneer and
has an excellent reputation with quality, reliable LED systems.”
-Robbie Williams, V.P. of facilities for Public Storage
Approximately 150 locations will be retrot this year with all properties
completed in the next three to ve years. Each is expected save nearly
$1,000 a year in lighting energy and maintenance costs combined—
totaling $1.9 million annually when all locations are complete. And where
the average lifespan for old signage bulbs was approximately three years,
GE’s Tetra® LED solution carries a 50,000-hour life rating—the equivalent of
more than 13 years of use (above savings based on a $.11 kWh electricity
rate and 10 hours of use per day).
For more information about the GE Lighting products used in this project,
visit gelighting.com.
• $1.9 million in total annual
• Average 73% lighting energy
reduction per property
1.3 million fewer kWhs used:
= 149 cars off the road
= 208 acres of trees planted
© GE 2012 69934 11/2012