Safety Instructions ........ 2-9
Operating Instrudions
Auto Feature ............. 19
Care and Cleaning ...... 98, 99
Changing Power i.evel ...... 12
Features of Your
Microwave Oven ........ 10, 11
Microwave Terms .......... 27
Other Features ......... 24-26
Sensor Features ......... 90-23
7)'oubleshooting Tips .... 30, 31
Things That Are Normal +x_ith
3Your Microwaxe Oxen ........ 1
Consumer Support
Consumer Support . .Back Co'_er Product Registration .. 3,. 4
_arra nt_ . ................ 35
..... 3 3
iiii i!i
Write the model and serial numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
You can lind them on a label inside of
t]l(! OX+(!11.
DEM-O3363A 49-40548 03-07Jfl
For your safety, the information in this manual must be foflowed to minimize the risk of fire or explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or
loss of life.
since el)ell-door operation il/lp()rtm/t that the oveli door
can resuh in harmfltl close ]m)perly and that there exl)osure to mic_x)wa\ e is no damage to tile: eHergy. It is iml)ortaHt Hot
J} Do NotPlace any ol!iect ........................(broken or loosen(!d),
{_t((! _tl/(1 t]l(' (tOOF 017 allow S[IIT{_t((!S.
a(cmmflate on sealing s_ The Oven Should Notbe
i_ soil or cleaner residue to
surt_l(es, a(!justed or repaired 11}
_t_llX, Ol)(! (?X( (?[)1 ])ro])erly
qualified service personnel.
....... When using electrical appliances basic safety
J} Read and tallow the Sl)ecific i_: Install or locate this
t)re(autions in the Precautions apt)lian(e onh' in a((or(tance to Avoid Possible Exposure to with the provided Inst_dlation Excessive Microwave Energy h_stru( tio,_s.
_! This appliance must t)e sm'ihce the door three
gFO/llld(xt. Col/ll(!(t Ol/lV il/(]l(!s o17 ll/OI'(? b_l(k [i'()]// to a ])l:Ol)erly gro/ll/(hxt t]/(_ (Ollllt(_l?top ('(tg(_ to a_oid
outlet. See file Grounding a((idemal tipping of the
2 InstFuctions S(!(tiOll 01/ t)ag(! _. _t])[)]ial/((! ill ll()I'lIl_t] /lsag('.
Use this appfiance only for its intended purpose as described in this Owner's Manual
J? This I//i€IX)W_IVe OVell is I/Or at)pro_'d
O17 tested ]'OF lllarille ilSe.
_: Do not lnOUnt this appliance o\er
a sink.
_; Do I/at 1//o111/1 the l//icrowa\'e OVell
over or near an?_ portion of a heating or (()()king applian(e.
J_ Do not store anything directly on top
Ot' the l//iCl?O_ave ovel/ StlFlitce whell
the l//ic17ovvave ovel/is ill ot)er_ltion.
_: Do not operate this applian_ e if it ha_,
a damaged po_,n'r (ord or plug, if it is not working properly or if it has been damaged or dropped, l/ tile po_,,_'r cord is damaged, it must be ret)la(ed
I)V General Ele(tric Ser\'k e or an authorized serd_ e agent using a
power cord available fi:om (;eneml
J? I)o not co_w or block any ot)enh/gs
on tile appliance.
_: Use this applian(e on]} t[)r its
intended use as des(ribed in this manual. Do not use corro_i_
chemi( als or vapor,,, in this applian_ e. This mi_ rowave oven is specifi( ally desiglled to heat, (IW or cook R)o(t,
m_d is not intended/_)r latloratorv or industrial use.
J? Do not store this appliance outdoor,',.
Do not use this product near watel_ ti)r example, in a wet basement, near a swimming pool, near a sink or in
similar locations.
_: Keep power cord away ti'om heated
_; Do I/at ilill//erse t)OWel? ('oFd oF
plug in water.
J? Do not let power cord hang over
edge of table or counter.
_: "Ib red uce tile risk of fire in tile
oven ( avit'<
--Do not o\'ercook tix)(t. Carefifllv attend applian( e when paper, plastic
or other combustible materials are placed inside the (l_'n while cooking.
--Remo_' wire twist-ties and metal handles ti'om paper or plastic
containers beti)re placing them in tile ovell,
--Do not use tile oven ti)r storage purl)oses. Do not letup' paper pro(huts, cooking utensils or/_)od
ilJ, the o\',t'D Vdl,t'lJ, Dot ilJ, Ilse.
--ff materials in.side tile o_en ig_fite, keep tile oven door closed, turn the ovell ()1t and disconl/eCt tile pOWel7 (or(I, or shut off power at tile filse or circuit breaker panel. If the door is opened, the fire may spread.
--Do not use tile Sensor I'_eatures twice ill S/ICCeSSiOllOll tile same/[)od
portion. If/k)od is m/dercooked atter tile first countdown, use Time Cook
ti)r additional cooking time.
_: See door sin:lit( e (leaning illStlTu(tiolls
in tile Care and cleaning of the microwave oven se(tion el this manual.
_: This appliance must only be serviced
l)_' qualified ser_{ce llers(mnel.
Contact nearest mlthorized service thcility R)r examination, repair or
a(!j [ISHIlel/[.
;_}AS with ally appliance, close
supelMsion is necessary when used by children.
iiii iiii//!!iliiii!!iii!
If you see arcing, press the CLEAR/OFFpad and correct
the problem.
,\rdng is the i//icr()\vHve tel_/l Ior sparks in tile oven. Arcing is caused 1)):
_5)Metal or foil touching the
side of tile oven.
_: Foil not molded to tood
(ut)mrned edges act like
i(:: Metal, such as twist-ties,
t)ouluT pins, or gold-riuuned dishes, in the u/ierowax e.
i(:: Recycled paper towels
containing small metal pieces being used in tile n/icrowave.
1)o not poll t)ot)corn ill yore: ulicrowave oven unless ill
a special ulicrowa\ e t)ot_(orn a(cessorv or mfless you use
t)op(orn kd)eled tot use in microwave' o_'ns.
_; Sol//e t)ro(hlctS s/Ich as
whole eggs and sealed containers tor examllle, closed jars--are able to
exlflode and shoukt not be heated ill this mi(rowave
oven. Such use of the
lIliCr()W_l_,t' 0_,/'1/ c()[lld
resuh in in jmT.
N Do not boil eggs in a
lIliCr()W_l_,e ()_el/, Press/Ire
will tmiM up inside egg yolk mid will cause it to burst,
t)ossi_fly resulting in injm-y.
()t)emting the microwave
with llO ]'ood inside lot more
than a Inimm' or t_*_'(Il_l_l_,' (ause dan/age to the oven
and could start a life. It increases the heat ar(mnd
the magnetron and can shorten tile li/b of tile oxen.
Foods with III/t)rokel/O/lter "skill" such as l)otatoes,
hot dogs, sausages, ton/atoes, apl/les, (hicken livers and
(idler giblets, and egg yolks shouM be pierced to allow stealil to escape (hlrillg cooking.
Liquids, such as water,
coffee ortea, are able to be overheated beyond the boiling point without appearing to be boiling. Visible bubbling or boiling when the container is
removed from the microwave oven is not always presenL
To reduce tile risk ofiqjury to persons:
--Do not o\erheat tile liquid.
--Stir tile liq/fid both be{ore
al/d halt_va}' thro/l_h
headng it.
--Do not use straight-sided (ontainers with narrow
--,Mier headng, allow the contailler to stalld ill the
l//icl?owa_' 0'_'1/ [()r a SllOrt time heR)re removing the
--[IS(? extl'elile (are "_'hen
il/sertil/_ a S])()/)ll /)]? other /ltel/sil iIltO tile COlltail/er.
\\ oid heating bah} {ood ill glaxLjal:s, c\ en with tile lid
o/E Make sure all intimt/ood is thoroughly cooked. Sur
/ood to distribme tile heat evenlL Be care]ill to pl'evell[
scalding when warming {()rl///lla. The COlltail/er lllHV
/eel cooler fllan tile/ormula really is. Alwa\'s test the /brmula be/ore {('e(ting
the bat)\.
i;); Don't defrost fi'ozen
be\ el_gt's ill llHI?I?OW-
ne(ked bottles (espe(ially ( arbonated be_'rages).
Even if the container is opened, pressure can build
up. This can cause the container to bursL possibly resuhing in in jur}.
ii:: Itot {oods mid steam (an
cause burns. Be carefifl when opening ally rcontainm:s ot
hot food, including popcorn bags, cooking pouches and boxes. "Ib pre\'ent possible iqjury, direct steam _{_r_{_r
ti'on/hands and time.
[)0 llO[ o_er(ook |)otatoes.
The'_ could dehydrate and (at(h tire, (ausmg damage
[O "_o/lr o'_el/+
Cook meat and pouhr} thoroughl}mmeat to
at least an IN I'ILRNAI_ temperature o/160°F
alld t)O/lltl'_' 1() at least all
INTERNAI temperat tn:e of 180°E Cooking to fllese tel//peratm'es /lStlally protects against {bodborne illness.
ii ?iiiii!+++:iii!lii
Make smx' all cookware used in
yo/w lllicl'ow;t\e OVell is suituble
Ibr mierowming. Most glass casseroles, cooking dish_ s,
HleusuriHg cul)s , c[igtaFd clli)s ,
potwry or ehin_t diHnerware which does not hme metallic
uim or gl;tze with a metallk sheen can be used. Som_
cool;ware is 1;dleled "suitable Ibr mierowming."
J) ff you are not sm:e if a dM_ is
mierowa_v-satb, use this test: Place in the oven both the
dish you a_v testing and a glass measm'ing cup filled
with 1 cup of water--set the meamring cup eid_er in or
next to the dish. Microwa_x_ 30_!5 seconds at lfigh. If the
dMl heats, it should not be used tbr micmwm'ing.
If die dish remains cool and only the _uer in the
cup heats, then the dish is lllicrow_l_, e-sat('.
ffvou use a meat theruiometer while cooking,
make sm'e it is sa/b/br use in microwave o_ens.
i_)1I)o not use recy(led paper
products. I_.ecy(led paper towels, napkins and waxed paper can eolltain l//et_d
flecks which mt_v cause arcing or ignite. Paper
t)roduets containing lib/lOll
or IMon filaments should be twoided, as they mm
also ignite.
N Some stwotbau_ tr_c,ts (like
those th;-it menu is packaged on) h_v a thin strip of metal
emt/edded ill the bottom. When mi( rowm ed, tile metal
(m/burn the floor ot the ()\el/ or ignite a t)_q/er towel.
i(:: I)o not use tile mi(rowave to
(tl_ ' newspapers.
i_)1Not all plastic wrap is suitable
/br use in mierowm e o\ens. Check die package tbr
tn:oper rise.
i(:: Paper towels, wm-:ed paper
and plastic wrap can be used to cover dishes ill order to
retain moisture and prevent spattering. Be sm:e to vent
])k_Stl(wI_]) so st('_l// (an
CS('_I] )e.
i_)_ Co()kx_]?e lll_W be(Ollle ]lot
because ot hetu transtbrred fi'om the hetm'd/bod. Pot holders muv be needed to handle the cook_are.
J? "Boilal)le" cooking pouches
and tightly closed plastic bags shouM be slit, pierced or
_x'nted as directed by package. If th(\_ are not,
plastic could burst dining or immediately atier cooking, possibly resulting in it_im T. ,\lso, plastic storag-('
containers should be at least t)artially IIt/C(;_'tTe(t t)ecallse
th(\v/orm a tight seal. When cooking with containers tightly covered with plastic
wr_l]>, relt/Ove coveting
carefllllv and direct steam _lW_lV/i'Olll hatlds arid/i_ce.
Use/oil onh as directed in this mamt_d. TV dimmers may
be microwmvd in toil trm_s less than 3/4" high; remo_v
the top loll cover and return the trm to tlte box. When
using/oil in the microwave o\en, keep the toil +_tle+_st
1" +lwa} ti'om the sides of
the o\ et i.
Plastic cookwm:e Plastic cookware (lesiglle(t tot
mi(rowm e (()()king is very usefl_l, lint shouM be used
(areflflh. E_en mit row_\ e- s_d_' t)lastit m m not be as
tolerant of o\ ercooking conditions as at'(' glass or
ceralilic l//ate]J_ds and ill,iV so/len or €hat; it
sut!iected to short t)eriods of ovet'(ooking. In longer
cxpos/IFCS tO ovet'(ooking,
the ti)od and cookware couM iglfite.
Follow thoso guidolinos,"
Use,,,i(t:owa,e-s , e
.....................t)lastics only mid
use them in strit t (oml)liant e with
the cookwat'('
1/ / [-in i it _tt | / ll'el? _s
_: Do not microwme emt)t" _
.....................COlltait leFs.
Do not t)ennit (hiMren its(? t)lastic {()()k'_'a];e
witholtt colIll )lete Sill )eF\_sion.
iiii iiii//!!iliiii!!iii!
Improper use of the grounding plug can result in arisk of electric shock.
"Ellis applian_ e must be grounded. Ill the ev(nt of an eleco%al short circlfit, grom/ding red/_ces tile risk of (lectric shock 1)_.
providing an (scape wir_ Ibr tile electric cmTl'ent.
This >q/l/li_mce is equipped with >t i/ower cord hm'ing _l grounding wire with a gromlding plug. The plug must be plugg-ed into an
outlet that is properly installed and gromlded.
Consuh a qualified electrician or service technician if the gTomlding
iI/StlTUelJons aN?(ll()t coillt/letely understood, or i] do/ll)t exists as to
wh_ ther tile N_plianee is properly glzmnded.
If tile outlet is a standmxl 2-prong wall outl(t, it is your personal responsibilit} and oblig:_tion to ha_ it replaced with a l/_x)l/elly
grom/ded 3-p_xmg wall omlet.
Do not raider am. circmnstanees cut or Fe[/lllVe tile third (ground) prong li'om tile power co_xl.
We do not reconmlend using all (xtension cord with this appliance. If th( t/ower cord is too short, hme a qualilied ek etrieian or service technician install an outlet near the >q)plianee. (See WARNINg--
For best op(ration, phtg this appliance into its _)_rI_(l(clrical outle| |o pr_em Ill<kering of lights, blowing of tuse or _ripping
of Circuil blTeal_el2
NOTE: Do not use an adapter plug with this appliance.
A short ])OW(!I <" supply' (ord is prox4d(d to redu(e d_e risks resulting from be<oming entangled in or uJpping oxer a longer (ord.
Extension cords may 1)e used i['vou are carelul in using them.
If _tl/ (3N|(!llSiOll (oFd iS IIscd--
....................._)tle_)st _)sgTeat _)s the ele(tri(al rating of the al)l)limlce;
The. extension cord must 1)e a groml(ting=typ(! 3-wire cord m_d it must be l)lugged i _to _ )-slot (n tl( t
The (:,xtcnsion (ord shouM be arranged so d'_,,t it ,,'ill II01
.....................(]l;?l})(' ()x('r Ill(' (OIII/t(_F[O I) OF )M)leto I) WII(_IX_ it (_m be pulled
on l)y children or tripped o'_er unintentionall)q
l['vou use an ex)ension (ord, dle interior ligh( ram' flicker and (I_('
blowel: SOllnd ill,iV X(tl'_ r _'1/(!1/the |//i(1x)_'_t_,(! ()_,(!11 is o11. (k)okino
times ma} be longeC too.
Aboutthe features of yourmicrowave oven.
Throughout this manual, features anti appearance may vary from your mofleL
Featuresof the Oven
Door Latches,
Window with Metal Shield. S(reen i_dlo'¢,rscooking t() be "_J(!_r(!(t
while keeping ]//i(170_r_l_,(!S(()]/t]]/(_d in the o'_en.
TouchControl Panel Display.
DoorLatchRelease. Presslatd_releaseu) opendoor:
RemovableTurntable, Tt_rniableandsupl)ortmustbeinl)h_(e
W]l(fl/ /ISiI/_ _]1(' o'_en. "]']l(f till?lli_d)l(' ill,iV l)(' l_el//o'_(fd _()1"
Convenience Guide.
NOTE: Rating plate, oven vent(s) and oven light are located on the inside
walls of the microwave oven,
A\ ailabl(' _t ('xm_ (ost ti'om }r()_]_:( ;E sut)plicr.
04-,4019Hanging Kit allows this o'_en _o be mom_ted m_(ter a (abinet. Built-In Kits:
Model Kit
Youcan microwave by time, with the sensor features or with the auto feature.
0 0
Check the Convenience Guide before you begin.
Time Features
Press Enter
TIME COOK Amountof cookingtime Pressonceor twice
DEFROSTAUTO/TIME Amountof defrosting time Presstwice
EXPRESSCOOK Starts immediately!
ADD 30 SEC Starts immediately!
POWER LEVEL Powerlevel 1-10
SensorFeatures and Auto Feature
Press Enter Option
POPCORN Starts immediately! more/lesstime
BEVERAGE Starts immediately! REHEAT Starts immediately! more/lesstime
CHICKEN/FISH Starts immediately! more/lesstime
Pressonce(chickenpieces) Presstwice (fish fillets)
POTATO Starts immediately! more/lesstime
VEGETABLE Startsimmediately!
Pressonce(freshvegetables) more/Jesstime Presstwice (frozenvegetables) more/lesstime
Pressthreetimes (cannedvegetables) more/lesstime
DEFROSTAUTO/TIME Foodweight Pressonce
+ 25 hidden pages