GE PDW1860N02SS, PDW1860N00SS, PDW1800N02WW, PDW1800N02II, PDW1800N02BB Owner’s Manual

Safety Instructions ........ 2,s
Operating Instructions
Control Panels and Settings .... 4, S
Loading the
Dishwasher Racks ................ 8
Using the Dishwasher .......... 6, 7
Care Instructions
Troubleshooting Tips ... !!-!:s
Consumer Support
Consumer Support ..... Back Cover
Warrantg ....................... 15
PDW1800 Series PDW1860 Series
Write the model and serial
numbers here: Model # Serial #
Youcan find them on a label on the tub walljust insidethe door.
165D4700P371 49-55046 05-08 JR
For your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire
or explosion, electric shock, and to prevent property damage, personal injury, or death.
Under certain conditions, hydrogen gas may be produced in o water heater that has not been used
for two weeks or more. HYDROGEN GAS IS EXPLOSIVE.
Ifthe hot water has not been used for two weeks or more, prevent the possibility of damage or injury
by turning on all hot water faucets and allow them to run for several minutes. Dothis before using any electrical appliance which is connected to the hot water system. This simple procedure willallow any built- up hydrogen gas to escape. Since the gas is flammable, do not smoke or use an open flame or appliance
during this process.
This dishwasher must be properly installed and located in accordance with the Installation Instructions before it is used. If you did not receive an Installation Instructions sheet with
your dishwasher, you can receive one by visiting our website at
Connectto a grounded metal, permanent wiring system; or run an equipment-grounding
conductor with the circuit conductors and connect to the equipment-grounding terminal
or lead of the appliance.
Improper connection of the equipment-grounding conductor can result in a riskof electric shock.
Checkwith a qualified electrician or service representative if you are in doubt whether the appliance isproperly grounded.
Disposeof discarded appliances and shipping or packing material properly.
Donot attempt to repair or replace any part of your dishwasher unless it isspecifically recommended inthis manual. All other servicing should be referred to a qualified technician.
Tominimize the possibility of electric shock, disconnect this appliance from the power supply before attempting any maintenance.
NOTE:Turningthe dishwasheroff doesnot
disconnect the appliance from the power supply. We recommend having o qualified technician
serviceyour appliance.
CAUTION: To prevent minor inJury or property damage
Contents washed in Anti-bacterial mode, if available, may be hot to the touch. Usecare
before handling.
Usinga detergent that is
not specifically designed
for dishwasherswill cause the dishwasherto fill with
If your dishwasher isconnected to a wall switch, ensure that the switch is
on prior to use.
On dishwashers with electronic controls, if you choose to turn the wall
switch off between wash cycles,allow
5-10 seconds after turning the switch on before
touching ON/OFFto allow the control to reboot.
Non-Dishware Items:Donot wash items such aselectronic air cleanerfilters, furnace filters and paint brushes in your dishwasher. Damage to
dishwasher and discoloration or staining of dishwasher may result.
Closesupervision isnecessary if this appliance isused by or near children.
Load light, plastic items so they will not become dislodged and drop to the bottom of the dishwasher-they might come into contact with the heating element and be damaged.
Junked or (]b(]ndoned dishw(]shers ore
d(]ngerous.., even if they will sit for "just (]
few d(]ys." If you ore getting rid of your old
dishw(]sher, ple(]se follow the instructions below to help prevent (]ccidents.
Before You Throw Awag Your Old Dishwasher:
IT(]ke off the door of the w(]shing comportment
or remove the door I(]tch keeper ((is shown).
Usethis (]ppli(]nce only for its intended purpose (isdescribed in this Owner's M(]nu(]l.
Useonly powder,t(]bs, liquid detergents or rinse (]gents recommended for usein (] dishw(]sher (]nd
keepthem out of the re(]ch of children. Cascade®, Cascade®Complete (]nd Electrasol®Autom(]tic Dishwashing Detergents,and Jet-Dry ®and
CascadeCrystal Cleare rinse agents have been approved for usein all GEdishwashers.
Locate sharp items so that they are not likely
to damage the door seal.
Load sharp knives with the handlesup to reduce
the risk of cut-type injuries.
Do notw(]sh pl(]stic items unlessm(]rked dishw(]sher s(]feor the equiv(]lent. Forpl(]stic items not so m(]rked, checkthe m(]nuf(]cturer's recommend(]tions.
Do nottouch the he(]ting element during or immedi(]tely (]fter use.
When using gour dishwasher, follow basic precautions, including the following:
Hold nut at topofdishwasher
Do notoper(]teyourdishw(]sherunlessoll enclosurep(]nelsoreproperlyinpl(]ce.
Donot t(]mper with controls.
Donot (]buse,sit on or st(]nd on the door or dish
rock of the dishw(]sher. Donot (]llow children to pl(]y (]round dishw(]sher
when opening or closing door due to the possibility of sm(]llfingers being pinched in door.
Donot discord (]dishw(]sher without first removing the door of the w(]shing comportment or the door
Donot store or usecombustible m(]teri(]ls,g(]soline or other fl(]mm(]ble v(]pors(]nd liquids inthe
vicinity of this or (]ny other (]ppli(]nce.
Donot (]llow children to pl(]y with, on or insidethis (]ppli(]nceor (]ny discorded (]ppli(]nce.
About the dishwasher control panel.
II! m LOW RINSE AID [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] CLEAN
ll El El
Control Settings
Withdooropen,pressON/OFFbuttonto turnthe unitONto beginoperationandOFFat the endof awashcycle. TheON/OFFlightisdisplayedwhenthedishwasherisON.
_ ash Cgcle Selections
PressCYCLESELECTbuttonto choosewashcycle.Thelightunderthecyclenamewilldisplayto indicatewhichcycle hasbeenselected.
NOTE:All cycletimesandwaterusageinformationcontainedinthissectionareapproximatevalues.Actualresults willdependonseveralfactorsincluding,but notlimitedto,inletwatertemperatureandhouseholdwaterpressure.
HEAVY 6.2gal.,105 min.
Thiscycleismeantfor heavilysoileddishesorcookwarewithdried-onorbaked-onsoils.This cyclemay notremoveburned-onfoods.Everydaydishesaresafeto be usedinthiscycle.This
NORMAL 5.3gal.,100 min.
Thiscycleismeantfor loadsof everydaydishes,glassesandcookwarewithmediumsoilsthat havenot beenpre-rinsed.Thiscyclealsoincludesheateddry.
LIGHT 4.4gal.,85 min.
Thiscycleismeantfor loadsof everydaydishes,glassesandcookwarewithlightsoilsthathave beenpre-rinsed.Thiscyclealsoincludesheateddry.
GLASSES3.5 gal.,65 min.
Thiscycleismeantfor lightlysoiledglassware.Thiscyclehaslessheatingduringthe washand rinseto protectyourglassware.Thiscyclealsohasa lowertemperatureheateddry.
AIR-DRY 3.5 gal.,50 min.
Thiscycleismeantfor loadsof everydaydishes,glassesandcookwarewithlightsoilsthathave beenpre-rinsedandshouldairdry naturally.Thiscycledoesnotincludeheateddry.
SPEED 5.3gal.,80 min.
Thiscycleismeantfor loadsof everydaydishes,glassesandcookwarewithmediumsoilsthat havenot beenpre-rinsed.Thiscyclefeaturesreducedwashtimesto allowforfastercycle
completion.Thiscyclealsohasa reducedtime heateddry.
RINSE i gal.,10 min.
Forrinsingpartialloadsthatwillbewashedlater.Donotusedetergentwiththiscycle.Thiscycle doesnotincludeheateddry.
Delay Hour Option
Thisoptionallowsyouto delaythestart ofa washcycleforupto 2/4hours. Withthedooropen,turn thedishwasherONby pressingtheON/OFFbutton;thenpressDELAYHOURSbuttonto
choosethe numberofhoursyouwantto delaythestartofthewashcycle.Thehourswillshowinthe display window.
NOTE:TocanceltheDELAYHOURSoptionbeforethestartofthe cycle,repeatedlypresstheDELAYHOURSbutton untilthe displayisblankor reads"00"
Starting a Cycle
Afterselectingthewashcycle(Step2)anddelayhours(Step3),ifdesired,closethedoorofthe dishwashertostart thecycleor begintheDELAYHOURScountdown.Whenthecyclestarts,the
drainbeginsandapproximately60secondslaterthe waterfillbegins.
Status Indicators
LOW RINSEAID Theredlightwilldisplaywhenthe rinseaiddispenserneedsto berefilledwith liquidrinseaid.
Useof Jet-Dry ®orCascade Crystal Clear®rinseagentremovesspotsandpreventsnew
film buildupon yourdishes,glassware,flatware,cookwareandplastics.Seepage6for instructionsonrefillingtherinseaiddispenser.
CLEAN Thegreenlightwilldisplayanda beepwillsoundtoalert youthat thewashcycleis complete.
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