furnished on license and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the permission
of GE Multilin. The manual is for informational use only and is subject to change without
Part number: 1601-0049-A1 (October 2012)
These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment nor provide for every
possible contingency to be met in connection with installation, operation, or maintenance. Should further
information be desired or should particular problems arise which are not covered sufficiently for the
purchaser’s purpose, the matter should be referred to the General Electric Company.
To the extent required the products described herein meet applicable ANSI, IEEE, and NEMA standards; but
no such assurance is given with respect to local codes and ordinances because they vary greatly.
GE Digital Energy A1 instruction manual for revision 5.0.
Multilink ML3000 is a registered trademark of GE Digital Energy Inc.
NEBS is a trademark of Telcordia Technologies
The contents of this manual are the property of GE Digital Energy Inc. This documentation is furnished on
license and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the permission of GE Digital Energy. The
content of this manual is for informational use only and is subject to change without notice.
Part numbers contained in this manual are subject to change without notice, and should therefore be
verified by GE Digital Energy before ordering.
Part number: 1601-0123-A1 (February 2012)
Federal Communications Commission
Radio Frequency Interference Statement
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate frequency energy and if not installed and used properly
in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, may cause interference to radio
communication. It has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A computing device in
accordance with the specifications in Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC rules, which are designed to provide
reasonable protection against such interference when operated in a commercial environment. Operation
of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference, in which case the user, at their own
expense, will be required to take whatever measures may be required to correct the interference.
Canadian Emissions Statement
This Class A digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment
Cet appareil respecte toutes les exigences du Réglement sur le matériel du Canada. Cet appareil est
Classe A..
Electrical Safety requirements:
•This product is to be installed Only in Restricted Access Areas (Dedicated Equipment Rooms, Electrical
Closets, or the like).
•48 V DC products shall be installed with a readily accessible disconnect device in the building
installation supply circuit to the product.
•This product shall be provided with a maximum 10 A DC Listed fuse or circuit breaker in the supply
circuit when connected to a 48 V centralized DC source.
•The external power supply for DC units shall be a Listed, Direct Plug In power unit, marked Class 2, or
Listed ITE Power Supply, marked LP, which has suitably rated output voltage (i.e. 48 V DC) and suitable
rated output current.
•Product does not contain user replaceable fuses. Any internal fuses can ONLY be replaced by GE
Digital Energy.
•Models with a DC power source must be supplied with a DC supply source to the equipment that is
derived from a secondary circuit which is isolated from the AC Mains by Double or Reinforced
Insulation (eg: UL Certified ITE power supply which provides Double or Reinforced Insulation).
• Failure to observe and follow the instructions provided in the equipment manual(s)
could cause irreversible damage to the equipment and could lead to property
damage, personal injury and/or death.
• Before attempting to use the equipment, it is important that all danger and
caution indicators are reviewed.
• If the equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer or
functions abnormally, proceed with caution. Otherwise, the protection provided by
the equipment may be impaired and can result in Impaired operation and injury.
• Caution: Hazardous voltages can cause shock, burns or death.
• Installation/service personnel must be familiar with general device test practices,
electrical awareness and safety precautions must be followed.
• Before performing visual inspections, tests, or periodic maintenance on this device
or associated circuits, isolate or disconnect all hazardous live circuits and sources
of electric power.
• Failure to shut equipment off prior to removing the power connections could
expose you to dangerous voltages causing injury or death.
• All recommended equipment that should be grounded and must have a reliable
and un-compromised grounding path for safety purposes, protection against
electromagnetic interference and proper device operation.
• Equipment grounds should be bonded together and connected to the facility’s
main ground system for primary power.
• Keep all ground leads as short as possible.
• At all times, equipment ground terminal must be grounded during device
operation and service.
• In addition to the safety precautions mentioned all electrical connections made
must respect the applicable local jurisdiction electrical code.
• This product contains Class I lasers.
EN Battery Disposal
This product contains a battery that cannot be disposed of as
unsorted municipal waste in the European Union. See the product
documentation for specific battery information. The battery is marked
with this symbol, which may include lettering to indicate cadmium
(Cd), lead (Pb), or mercury (Hg). For proper recycling return the battery
to your supplier or to a designated collection point. For more
information see: www.recyclethis.info.
CS Nakládání s bateriemi
Tento produkt obsahuje baterie, které nemohou být zneškodněny v
Evropské unii jako netříděný komunální odpadu. Viz dokumentace k
produktu pro informace pro konkrétní baterie. Baterie je označena
tímto symbolem, který může zahrnovat i uvedena písmena, kadmium
(Cd), olovo (Pb), nebo rtuť (Hg). Pro správnou recyklaci baterií vraťte
svémudodavateli nebo na určeném sběrném místě. Pro více informací
viz: www.recyclethis.info
DA Batteri affald
Dette produkt indeholder et batteri som ikke kan bortskaffes sammen
med almindeligt husholdningsaffald i Europa. Se produktinformation
for specifikke informationer om batteriet . Batteriet er forsynet med
indgraveret symboler for hvad batteriet indeholder: kadmium (Cd), bly
(Pb) og kviksølv (Hg). Europæiske brugere af elektrisk udstyr skal
aflevere kasserede produkter til genbrug eller til leverandøren.
Yderligere oplysninger findes på webstedet www.recyclethis.info.
DE Entsorgung von Batterien
Dieses Produkt beinhaltet eine Batterie, die nicht als unsortierter
städtischer Abfall in der europäischen Union entsorgt werden darf.
Beachten Sie die spezifischen Batterie-informationen in der
Produktdokumentation. Die Batterie ist mit diesem Symbol
gekennzeichnet, welches auch Hinweise auf möglicherweise
enthaltene Stoffe wie Kadmium (Cd), Blei (Pb) oder Quecksilber
(Hektogramm) darstellt. Für die korrekte Wiederverwertung bringen
Sie diese Batterie zu Ihrem lokalen Lieferanten zurück oder entsorgen
Sie das Produkt an den gekennzeichneten Sammelstellen. Weitere
Informationen hierzu finden Sie auf der folgenden Website:
EL Απόρριψημπαταριών
Αυτό το προϊόν περιέχει μια μπαταρία που δεν πρέπει να
απορρίπτεται σε δημόσια συστήματα απόρριψης στην Ευρωπαϊκή
∆είτε την τεκμηρίωση του προϊόντος για συγκεκριμένες
πληροφορίες που αφορούν τη μπαταρία. Η μπαταρία είναι φέρει
σήμανση με αυτό το σύμβολο, το οποίο μπορεί να περιλαμβάνει
γράμματα για να δηλώσουν το κάδμιο (Cd), τον μόλυβδο (Pb), ή τον
υδράργυρο (Hg). Για την κατάλληλη ανακύκλωση επιστρέψτε την
μπαταρία στον προμηθευτή σας ή σε καθορισμένο σημείο
Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες δείτε: www.recyclethis.info.
ES Eliminacion de baterias
Este producto contiene una batería que no se pueda eliminar como
basura normal sin clasificar en la Unión Europea. Examine la
documentación del producto para la información específica de la
batería. La batería se marca con este símbolo, que puede incluir siglas
para indicar el cadmio (Cd), el plomo (Pb), o el mercurio (Hg ). Para el
reciclaje apropiado, devuelva este producto a su distribuidor ó
deshágase de él en los puntos de reciclaje designados. Para mas
información: wwwrecyclethis.info.
ET Patareide kõrvaldamine
Käesolev toode sisaldab patareisid, mida Euroopa Liidus ei tohi
kõrvaldada sorteerimata olmejäätmetena. Andmeid patareide kohta
vaadake toote dokumentatsioonist. Patareid on märgistatud
käesoleva sümboliga, millel võib olla kaadmiumi (Cd), pliid (Pb) või
elavhõbedat (Hg) tähistavad tähed. Nõuetekohaseks ringlusse
võtmiseks tagastage patarei tarnijale või kindlaksmääratud
vastuvõtupunkti. Lisainformatsiooni saab Internetist aadressil:
FI Paristoje ja akkujen hävittäminen
Tuote sisältää pariston, jota ei saa hävittää Euroopan Unionin alueella
talousjätteen mukana. Tarkista tuoteselosteesta tuotteen tiedot.
Paristo on merkitty tällä symbolilla ja saattaa sisältää cadmiumia (Cd),
lyijyä (Pb) tai elohopeaa (Hg). Oikean kierrätystavan varmistamiseksi
palauta tuote paikalliselle jälleenmyyjälle tai palauta se paristojen
keräyspisteeseen. Lisätietoja sivuilla www.recyclethis.info.
FR Élimination des piles
Ce produit contient une batterie qui ne peuvent être éliminés comme
déchets municipaux non triés dans l'Union européenne. Voir la
documentation du produit au niveau des renseignements sur la pile.
La batterie est marqué de ce symbole, qui comprennent les
indications cadmium (Cd), plomb (Pb), ou mercure (Hg). Pour le
recyclage, retourner la batterie à votre fournisseur ou à un point de
collecte. Pour plus d'informations, voir: www.recyclethis.info.
HU Akkumulátor hulladék kezelése
Ezen termék akkumulátort tartalmaz, amely az Európai Unión belül
csak a kijelölt módon és helyen dobható ki. A terméken illetve a
mellékelt ismertetőn olvasható a kadmium (Cd), ólom (Pb) vagy higany
(Hg) tartalomra utaló betűjelzés. A hulladék akkumulátor leadható a
termék forgalmazójánál új akkumulátor vásárlásakor, vagy a kijelölt
elektronikai hulladékudvarokban. További információ a
www.recyclethis.info oldalon.
IT Smaltimento batterie
Questo prodotto contiene una batteria che non può essere smaltita
nei comuni contenitori per lo smaltimento rifiuti, nell' Unione Europea.
Controllate la documentazione del prodotto per le informazioni
specifiche sulla batteria. La batteria è contrassegnata con questo
simbolo e può includere alcuni caratteri ad indicare la presenza di
cadmio (Cd), piombo (Pb) oppure mercurio (Hg). Per il corretto
smaltimento, potete restituirli al vostro fornitore locale, oppure
rivolgervi e consegnarli presso i centri di raccolta preposti. Per
maggiori informazioni vedere: ww.recyclethis.info.
LT Baterijų šalinimas
Šios įrangos sudėtyje yra baterijų, kurias draudžiama šalinti Europos
Sąjungos viešose nerūšiuotų atliekų šalinimo sistemose. Informaciją
apie baterijas galite rasti įrangos techninėje dokumentacijoje.
Baterijos žymimos šiuo simboliu, papildomai gali būti nurodoma kad
baterijų sudėtyje yra kadmio (Cd), švino (Pb) ar gyvsidabrio (Hg).
Eksploatavimui nebetinkamas baterijas pristatykite į tam skirtas
surinkimo vietas arba grąžinkite jas tiesioginiam tiekėjui, kad jos būtų
tinkamai utilizuotos. Daugiau informacijos rasite šioje interneto
svetainėje: www.recyclethis.info.
LV Bateriju likvidēšana
Šis produkts satur bateriju vai akumulatoru, kuru nedrīkst izmest
Eiropas Savienībā esošajās sadzīves atkritumu sistēmās. Sk. produkta
dokumentācijā, kur ir norādīta konkrēta informācija par bateriju vai
akumulatoru. Baterijas vai akumulatora marķējumā ir šis simbols, kas
var ietvert burtus, kuri norāda kadmiju (Cd), svinu (Pb) vai dzīvsudrabu
(Hg). Pēc ekspluatācijas laika beigām baterijas vai akumulatori
jānodod piegādātājam vai specializētā bateriju savākšanas vietā.
Sīkāku informāciju var iegūt vietnē: www.recyclethis.info.
NL Verwijderen van baterijen
Dit product bevat een batterij welke niet kan verwijdert worden via de
gemeentelijke huisvuilscheiding in de Europese Gemeenschap.
Gelieve de product documentatie te controleren voor specifieke
batterij informatie. De batterijen met deze label kunnen volgende
indictaies bevatten cadium (Cd), lood (Pb) of kwik (Hg). Voor correcte
vorm van kringloop, geef je de producten terug aan jou locale
leverancier of geef het af aan een gespecialiseerde verzamelpunt.
Meer informatie vindt u op de volgende website: www.recyclethis.info.
NO Retur av batteri
Dette produkt inneholder et batteri som ikke kan kastes med usortert
kommunalt søppel i den Europeiske Unionen. Se
produktdokumentasjonen for spesifikk batteriinformasjon. Batteriet er
merket med dette symbolet som kan inkludere symboler for å indikere
at kadmium (Cd), bly (Pb), eller kvikksølv (Hg) forekommer. Returner
batteriet til leverandøren din eller til et dedikert oppsamlingspunkt for
korrekt gjenvinning. For mer informasjon se: www.recyclethis.info.
PL Pozbywanie się zużytych baterii
Ten produkt zawiera baterie, które w Unii Europejskiej mogą być
usuwane tylko jako posegregowane odpady komunalne. Dokładne
informacje dotyczące użytych baterii znajdują się w dokumentacji
produktu. Baterie oznaczone tym symbolem mogą zawierać
dodatkowe oznaczenia literowe wskazujące na zawartość kadmu
(Cd), ołowiu (Pb) lub rtęci (Hg). Dla zapewnienia właściwej utylizacji,
należy zwrócić baterie do dostawcy albo do wyznaczonego punktu
zbiórki. Więcej informacji można znaleźć na stronie internetowej
PT Eliminação de Baterias
Este produto contêm uma bateria que não pode ser considerado lixo
municipal na União Europeia. Consulte a documentação do produto
para obter informação específica da bateria. A bateria é identificada
por meio de este símbolo, que pode incluir a rotulação para indicar o
cádmio (Cd), chumbo (Pb), ou o mercúrio (hg). Para uma reciclagem
apropriada envie a bateria para o seu fornecedor ou para um ponto
de recolha designado. Para mais informação veja:
RU Утилизациябатарей
Согласно европейской директиве об отходах электрического и
электронного оборудования, продукты, содержащие батареи,
нельзя утилизировать как обычные отходы на территории ЕС.
Более подробную информацию вы найдете в документации к
продукту. На этом символе могут присутствовать буквы, которые
означают, что батарея собержит кадмий (Cd), свинец (Pb) или ртуть
(Hg). Длянадлежащей
эксплуатации пользователь должен возвратить батареи
локальному поставщику или сдать в специальный пункт приема.
Подробности можно найти на веб-сайте: www.recyclethis.info.
SK Zaobchádzanie s batériami
Tento produkt obsahuje batériu, s ktorou sa v Európskej únii nesmie
nakladať ako s netriedeným komunálnym odpadom. Dokumentácia k
produktu obsahuje špecifické informácie o batérii. Batéria je
označená týmto symbolom, ktorý môže obsahovať písmená na
označenie kadmia (Cd), olova (Pb), alebo ortuti (Hg). Na správnu
recykláciu vráťte batériu vášmu lokálnemu dodávateľovi alebo na
určené zberné miesto. Pre viac informácii pozrite:
SL Odlaganje baterij
Ta izdelek vsebuje baterijo, ki je v Evropski uniji ni dovoljeno
odstranjevati kot nesortiran komunalni odpadek. Za posebne
informacije o bateriji glejte dokumentacijo izdelka. Baterija je
označena s tem simbolom, ki lahko vključuje napise, ki označujejo
kadmij (Cd), svinec (Pb) ali živo srebro (Hg). Za ustrezno recikliranje
baterijo vrnite dobavitelju ali jo odstranite na določenem zbirališču. Za
več informacij obiščite spletno stran: www.recyclethis.info.
SV Kassering av batteri
Denna produkt innehåller ett batteri som inte får kastas i allmänna
sophanteringssytem inom den europeiska unionen. Se
produktdokumentationen för specifik batteriinformation. Batteriet är
märkt med denna symbol, vilket kan innebära att det innehåller
kadmium (Cd), bly (Pb) eller kvicksilver (Hg). För korrekt återvinning
skall batteriet returneras till leverantören eller till en därför avsedd
deponering. För mer information, se: www.recyclethis.info. TR Pil Geri
Dönüşümü Bu ürün Avrupa Birliği genel atık sistemlerine atılmaması
gereken pil içermektedir. Daha detaylı pil bilgisi için ürünün
kataloğunu inceleyiniz. Bu sembolle işaretlenmiş piller Kadmiyum(Cd),
Kurşun(Pb) ya da Civa(Hg) içerebilir. Doğru geri dönüşüm için ürünü
yerel tedarikçinize geri veriniz ya da özel işaretlenmiş toplama
noktlarına atınız. Daha fazla bilgi için: www.recyclethis.info.
TR Pil Geri Dönüşümü
Bu ürün Avrupa Birliği genel atık sistemlerine atılmaması gereken pil
içermektedir. Daha detaylı pil bilgisi için ürünün kataloğunu inceleyiniz.
Bu sembolle işaretlenmiş piller Kadmiyum(Cd), Kurşun(Pb) ya da
Civa(Hg) içerebilir. Doğru geri dönüşüm için ürünü yerel tedarikçinize
geri veriniz ya da özel işaretlenmiş toplama noktlarına atınız. Daha
fazla bilgi için: www.recyclethis.info.
Global Contacts
North America 1 905-927-7070
Latin America +55 11 3614 1700
Europe, Middle East, Africa +(34) 94 485 88 00
Asia +86-21-2401-3208
India +91 80 41314617
Safety words and definitions
The following symbols used in this document indicate the following conditions.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or
moderate injury.
Indicates practices not related to personal injury.
1: INTRODUCTIONGETTING STARTED ...............................................................................................................................1-1
7: ACCESS USING RADIUSINTRODUCTION TO 802.1X ..............................................................................................................7-1
PORT SETUP ............................................................................................................................................9-3
HISTORY ...................................................................................................................................................18-12
20: APPENDIXREVISION HISTORY ..............................................................................................................................20-1
Examine the shipping container for obvious damage prior to installing this product; notify
the carrier of any damage that you believe occurred during shipment or delivery. Inspect
the contents of this package for any signs of damage and ensure that the items listed
below are included.
This package should contain:
• MultiLink ML3000 Ethernet Switch, base unit (configured with user-selected port
module options installed)
• Set of metal “ears” for 19-inch rack mounting
• Installation and user guide (this manual)
Remove the items from the shipping container. Be sure to keep the shipping container
should you need to re-ship the unit at a later date. To validate the product warranty, please
complete and return the enclosed product registration card to GE Multilin as soon as
In the event there are items missing or damaged, contact the party from whom you
purchased the product. If the unit needs to be returned, please use the original shipping
container if possible. Refer to Troubleshooting on page 4–6, for specific return procedures.
Power SupplyHX||||||||||Single Integrated 90 to 250V AC/DC Power Supply
HH||||||||||Dual Integrated 90 to 250V AC/DC Power Supplies
LX||||||||||Single Integrated 22 to 60V DC Power Supply
LL||||||||||Dual Integrated 22 to 60V DC Power Supplies
P1||||||||||Single Integrated 22 to 60V DC Power Supply with PoE Support
P2||||||||||Dual Integrated 22 to 60V DC Power Supply with PoE Support
HL||||||||||Combination of a 90 to 250V AC/DC and a 22 to 60V DC Power Supply
ModulesA A | | | | | | | |2 x 1000 Mbits RJ-45 Fixed Ports
B B | | | | | | | |2 x 1000 Mbit SFP, LC Connector, mm Fiber, 550m
C C | | | | | | | |2 x 1000 Mbit SFP, LC Connector, sm Fiber, 2km
D D | | | | | | | |2 x 1000 Mbit SFP, LC Connector, sm Fiber, 10km
E E | | | | | | | |2 x 1000 Mbit SFP, LC Connector, sm Fiber, 25km
F F | | | | | | | |2 x 1000 Mbit SFP, LC Connector, sm Fiber, 40km
G G | | | | | | | |2 x 1000 Mbit SFP, LC Connector, sm Fiber, 70km
H H | | | | | | | |2 x 1000 Mbit SFP ports (no transceivers) empty cage
J J | | | | | | | |2 x 1000 Mbit RJ-45 Fixed Ports with 1588 timing
K K | | | | | | | |2 x 1000 Mbit SFP, LC Connector, mm Fiber, 550m with 1588 timing
L L | | | | | | | |2 x 1000 Mbit SFP, LC Connector, sm Fiber, 2km with 1588 timing
M M | | | | | | | |2 x 1000 Mbit SFP, LC Connector, sm Fiber, 10km with 1588 timing
N N | | | | | | | |2 x 1000 Mbit SFP, LC Connector, sm Fiber, 25km with 1588 timing
P P | | | | | | | |2 x 1000 Mbit SFP, LC Connector, sm Fiber, 40km with 1588 timing
Q Q | | | | | | | |2 x 1000 Mbit SFP, LC Connector, sm Fiber, 70km with 1588 timing
R R | | | | | | | |2 x 1000 Mbit SFP ports (no transceivers) empty cage with 1588 timing
X X | | | | | | | |None
A A A A A A A A4 x 10/100Mbit - RJ45 Copper
B B B B B B B B4 x 10/100Mbit - RJ45 Copper with PoE*
C C C C C C C C4 x 10/100Mbit - RJ45 Copper with PoE+*
D D D D D D D D2 x 10Mbit - ST
E E E E E E E E2 x 100Mbit - ST mm Fiber
F F F F F F F F2 x 100Mbit - SC mm Fiber
G G G G G G G G4 x 100Mbit - LC mm Fiber
H H H H H H H H4 x 100Mbit - MTRJ mm Fiber
J J J J J J J J2 x 100Mbit - SC sm Fiber 20km
K K K K K K K K4 x 100Mbit - LC sm Fiber 20km
L L L L L L L L2 x 100Mbit - SC sm Fiber 40km
M M M M M M M M4 x 100Mbit - LC sm Fiber 40km
N N N N N N N N4 x 100Mbit SFP ports (no transceivers) empty cage
P P P P P P P P4 x 10/100Mbit - RJ45 Copper with 1588 Timing
Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q2 x 100Mbit - ST mm Fiber with 1588 Timing
R R R R R R R R2 x 100Mbit - SC mm Fiber with 1588 Timing
S S S S S S S S4 x 100Mbit - LC mm Fiber with 1588 Timing
T T T T T T T T4 x 100Mbit - MTRJ mm Fiber with 1588 Timing
U U U U U U U U4 x 100Mbit - LC sm Fiber 20km with 1588 Timing
W W W W W W W W2 x 100Mbit - ST sm Fiber 20km with 1588 Timing
Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y2 x 100Mbit - SC sm Fiber 20km with 1588 Timing
Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z4 x 100Mbit - LC sm Fiber 40km with 1588 Timing
X X X X X X X XNone
HHarsh Chemical Environment Conformal Coating
Please refer to the GE Digital Energy website and Online Store for a complete list of
modules and options
• parameter 2 can be used optionally only if parameter 1 is specified
• parameter 3 is mandatory.
1.4.2EnerVista Software
Whenever the word PC is used, it implies a UNIX, Linux, Windows, or any other operating
system based workstation, computer, personal computer, laptop, notebook or any other
computing device. Most of the manual uses Windows XP based examples. While effort has
been made to indicate other operating system interactions, it is best to use a Windows-XP
based machine when in doubt.
The documentation reflects features of MultiLink Switch Software version 1.7.x or later. If
your switch is not at the current version, GE Multilin recommends upgrade to version 1.7.x
or later. Please refer to the GE Multilin website for information on upgrading the MultiLink
Switch Software.
Icons common to the EnerVista MultiLink Secure Web Management (SWM) firmware for
edit, delete, save and refresh are:
This section explains how to setup the GE MultiLink family of switches using the console
port on the switch. Some of the functionality includes setting up the IP address of the
switch, securing the switch with a user name and password, setting up VLANs and more.
Before you start, it is recommended to acquire the hardware listed below and be ready
with the items listed.
For initial configuration through the serial/console port:
1.A female-female null modem cable.
2.A serial port. If your PC does not have a serial port, you may want to invest in
a USB-to-serial converter or USB-to-serial cable.
3.Terminal emulation firmware such as HyperTerminal or other equivalent
firmware. Ensure the firmware supports Xmodem protocol, as you may need
this in the future to update the MultiLink Switch Software.
4.Enough disk space to store and retrieve the configuration files as well as copy
firmware files. We recommend at least 15 MB of disk space for this purpose.
5.For access security - decide on a manager level account name and password
6.IP address, netmask, default gateway for the switch being configured.
As a default, the switch has no IP (Internet Protocol) address and subnet mask. For first
time use, the IP address has to be assigned. This can only be done by using the console
interface provided.
The same procedure can also be used for other configuration changes or updates (for
example, changing the IP address, VLAN assignments and more). Once the IP address is
assigned and a PC is networked to the switch, the switch's command line interface (CLI)
can be accessed via telnet. To manage the switch through in-band (networked) access
(e.g. telnet, or web browser Interface), you should configure the switch with an IP address
and subnet mask compatible with your network. Also, change the manager password to
control access privileges from the console.
Many other features such as optimizing the switch's performance, traffic engineering and
traffic prioritizing, VLAN configuration, and improving network security can be configured
through the switch's console interface as well as in-band (networked) access, once the IP
address is setup. Besides the IP address, setting up the SNMP parameters allows
configuration and monitoring through an SNMP network management station running a
network management program.
The connection to the console is accessed through the DB-9 RJ45connector on the switch
marked as the console port. This command line interface (or CLI) provides access to the
switch commands. It can be accessed by attaching a PC running terminal emulation
firmware to the console port.
USB-to-RJ45 adapters are also available for computers that have access to USB ports.
The interface through the console or the console management interface (or CMI) enables
you to reconfigure the switch and to monitor switch status and performance.
1.5.2Console Setup
Once the switch is configured with an IP address, the command line interface (or CLI) is
also accessible using telnet as well as the serial port. Access to the switch can be either
through the console interface or remotely over the network. Simultaneous access (that is,
through the console port as well as through the network) to the MultiLink switch is not
The Command Line Interface (CLI) enables local or remote unit installation and
maintenance. The MultiLink family of switches provides a set of system commands which
allow effective monitoring, configuration and debugging of the devices on the network.
Connect the console port on the switch to the serial port on the computer using the serial
cable listed above. The settings for the HyperTerminal firmware are shown below. Make
sure the serial parameters are set as shown (or bps = 38400, data bits = 8, parity = none,
stop bits = 1, flow control = none).
1.5.3Console Screen
Once the console cable is connected to the PC and the firmware configured, ML3000 legal
disclaimers and other text scrolls by on the screen.
The line interface prompt appears displaying the switch model number (e.g. ML3000>)
The switch has three modes of operation: operator (least privilege), manager, and
configuration. The prompts for the switches change as the switch changes modes from
operator to manager to configuration. The prompts are shown below with a brief
• ML3000>
Operator Level - for running operations queries
• ML3000#
Manager Level - for setting and reviewing commands
• ML3000##
Configuration Level - for changing the switch parameter values
For additional information on default users, user levels and more, refer to User Management on page 1–15.
1.5.4Logging In for the First Time
For the first time, use the default user name and passwords assigned by GE. They are:
•Username: manager
Password: manager
•Username: operator
Password: operator
We recommend you login as manager for the first time to set up the IP address as well as
change user passwords or create new users.
1.5.5Automatic IP Address Configuration
The ML3000 is operational immediately after it is powered up. The advanced management
and configuration capabilities of the ML3000 allows you to easily configure, manage, and
secure your devices and network.
Before starting, ensure you have the following items:
• RJ45 Ethernet cable
•PC with an Ethernet port
• Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher
• Macromedia Flash Player 5.0 or higher (available from http://
Ensure both firmware components are installed before proceeding.
The ML3000 can search the network for commonly used services that can issue an IP
address. If the switch is connected to a network, the ML3000 uses the following process to
find an IP address.
If the ML3000 is not connected to a network, then proceed to Step 3 below. or use the
default IP address.
Step 1:
The ML3000 will scan the network for a DHCP server. If the server responds, the ML3000
will acquire and set the assigned IP address. To manage the switch, determine the
assigned IP address and enter as follows in Internet Explorer:
Ensure that https is entered, not http, and that there is connectivity (that is, you can ping
the switch).
tep 2:
If there is no response from a DCHP server, the ML3000 will query for a BOOTP server. If the
server responds, the ML3000 will acquire and set the assigned IP address. To manage the
switch, determine the assigned IP address and enter as follows in Internet Explorer:
Ensure that https is entered, not http, and that there is connectivity (that is, you can ping
the switch).
Step 3:
If there is no response from either a DCHP or BOOTP server, or if the switch is not
connected to a network, the switch will assign itself an IP address. The ML3000 will check
to see if IP address, with a network mask of, is free. If so, it will
assume these values. If this IP address is assigned to another device, the ML3000 will
repeat steps 1 through 3 to find a DCHP or BOOTP server or wait for the
address to become free.
Once connected, the browser will display a login prompt. The default login is:
•Username: manager
Password: manager
1.5.6Setting the IP Parameters
To setup the switch, the IP address and other relevant TCP/IP parameters have to be
The IP address on the MultiLink switch is set to from the factory. The switch is
fully operational as a Layer 2 switch as a default. Setting a default IP address can
potentially cause duplicate IP address problem if multiple switches are powered on and
installed on the network. To manage the switch, an IP address has to be programmed.
Before starting, please ensure that the IP address assigned to the switch is known or
contact your system/network administrator to get the IP address information. Follow the
steps listed below to configure the switch.
Ensure the power is off.
Follow the steps described above for connecting the console cable
and setting the console firmware.
Power on the switch.
Once the login prompt appears, login as manager using default
password (manager).
Configure the IP address, network mask and default gateway as per
the IP addressing scheme for your network.
Set the manager password (this step is recommended; refer to the
This manual assumes the reader is familiar with IP addressing schemes as well as how net
mask is used and how default gateways and routers are used in a network.
Reboot gives an opportunity to save the configuration prior to shutdown. For a reboot,
simply type in the command
reboot. Note that even though the passwords are not
changed, they can be changed later.
ML3000# reboot
Proceed on rebooting the switch? ['Y' or 'N'] Y
Do you wish to save current configuration? ['Y' or 'N'] Y
The ML3000 forces an answer by prompting with a “Y” or a “N” to prevent accidental
keystroke errors and loss of work.
The parameters can be viewed at any time by using the
show command. The show
command will be covered in more detail later in various sections throughout the
The example below illustrates the basic setup parameters. You can use
MAC Address: 00:20:06:27:0a:e0
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Gateway Address:
CLI Mode: Manager
System Name: ML3000
System Description: 25 Port Modular Ethernet Switch
System Contact: multilin.tech@ge.com
System Location: Markham, Ontario
System ObjectId:
ML3000# show sysconfig
System Name: ML3000
System Contact: multilin.tech@ge.com
System Location: Markham, Ontario
Boot Mode: manual
Inactivity Timeout(min): 120
Address Age Interval(min): 300
Inbound Telnet Enabled: Yes
Web Agent Enabled: Yes
Time Zone: GMT-05hours:00minutes
Day Light Time Rule: Canada
System UpTime: 0 Days 0 Hours 45 Mins 55 Secs
Some of the parameters in the MultiLink family of switches are shown above. The list of
parameters below indicates some of the key parameters on the switch and the
recommendations for changing them (or optionally keeping them the same).
1.5.7Privilege Levels
Two privilege levels are available - manager and operator. Operator is at privilege level 1
and the manager is at privilege level 2 (the privilege increases with the levels). For example,
to set up a user for basic monitoring capabilities use lower number or operator level
privilege (level 1).
The Manager level provides all operator level privileges plus the ability to perform systemlevel actions and configuration commands. To select this level, enter the
name> command at the Operator level prompt and enter the Manager password, when
enable <user-name>
For example, switching from an operator-level to manager-level, using the
command is shown below.
ML3000> enable manager
Password: *******
Note the prompt changes with the new privilege level.
Operator privileges allow views of the current configurations but do not allow changes to
the configuration. A “>” character delimits the operator-level prompt.
Manager privileges allow configuration changes. The changes can be done at the
manager prompt or for global configuration as well as specific configuration. A “#”
character delimits any manager prompt.
enable <user-
1.5.8User Management
A maximum of five users can be added per switch. Users can be added, deleted or
changed from a manager level account. There can be more than one manager account,
subject to the maximum number of users on the switch being restricted to five.
To add a user, use the
name. The password is recommended to be at least 8 characters long with a mix of upper
case, lower case, numbers and special characters.
The following example adds a user “peter” with manager-level privilege:
To delete a user, use the delete command as shown below.
Help for any command that is available at the current context level can be viewed by
typing help followed by enough of the command string to identify the command. The
following syntax applies: