Safety Instructions ........... 2, 3
Operating InsCruc_tions
Control I_ob .................. 5
Crisping Stale hems ............. 7
Drawer . ...................... 6
Features ...................... 4
Moisture Selector. .............. 5
ON Signal Light ................ 5
Pans ......................... 5
Proofing Yeast Bread
and Dough .................... 7
Rack ......................... 6
Temperature Selection Charts ...7, 8
"_4'anning Serving Bowl
and Plates ..................... 6
Care and Cleaning ............ 9
Installation Inslrux¢ions .... 10-15
Troubleshooting Tips ......... 16
Consumer Support
Consumer Support ..... Back Cox>r
Product Regisuation ........ 19, 20
Wanamy for Customers
in Canada .................... 23
VVmTantv for Customers
in the U.S.A ................... 22
Write the model and serial
numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
You can find them on a label located
on the bacl_side of the lower drawer
In Ca ada, contact us at:
49-80300 02-05JR
For your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire or
explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or loss of life.
All warming drawers can tip and injury could result if not properly installed.
Toprevent accidental tipping of the warming drawer, attach it to the waft with an anti-tip brace
as described in the Installation Instructions.
When using electrical appfiances, basic safety precaufions should be followed, including
the following:
Use this appliance only %r its intended
purpose as described in this )wrier s
Be sure your appliance is property
installed and grounded by a qualified
technician in accordance with rite
provided installation instructions.
Do not atmmpt to tei)air or replace any
part of your wamfing drawer unless it is
specifically recommended in this manual.
All other servicing should be referred to
a qualified mchnician.
Haxe the installer show you rite location
of rite citvuit breaker or fl_se. Mark it for
easy reference.
Before i)erfonning any service, unplug
or disconnect the power supply at the
household distribution panel by removing
file fltse or switching off the circuit
Do not leme children alone----children
should not be left alone or unattended
in an area where an appliance is in use.
They should hexer be allowed to sit or
stand on any part of the appliance.
• (
Do not allow anyone to climb, stand or
hang on d_e drawer. They could damag>
the warming drawer, or cause sex,re
personal injm>
Be sine rim wamfing drawer is securely
installed in a cabinet dtat is firmly attached
to rite house structure.
Nexer ]eaxe die drawer open when you
are not watching the warming drawer:
Always kee I) combustible wall cox_ring,
curtains or drapes a safe distance from
your wanning drawer
Alwws kee I) wooden and plastic utensils
and canned food a safe distance away
flom your wanning drawen
Teach children not to pl W with rite
controls or any oflter part of the wanning
Do not place more than 50 pounds into
the diawet:
For your safety, never use your appliance
tbr wamfing or heating the room.
The purpose of the warming drawer is to hold hot cooked foods at serving temperature.
Always start with hot food; cold food cannot be heated or cooked in the warming drawer.
Do *lot warm food in tile wamfing drawer Ne_er lemejars or cans of/=at diippings in
for n]ore than two hours.
or ,lear your warming drawer
,it CAUTION:Items ofinteresttO
children shouM ,lot be stored in cabinets
above tim wamfing drawer; children
climbing on file drawer to reach items
could be seriously iojuied.
Use only dry pot holders--moist or damp
pot holders on hot surfaces may result ill
bums flom steam. Do not let pot holders
touch hot heating elements. Do ,lot use
a towel or other bulky cloth.
Do *lot let cooking grease or other
flammable materials accmnulate in
or ,lear file wanning drawer
Do not use water on gTease fires.
Nexer pick up a flaming pan. Tuiil
tile controls off:
Flame in file wanning drawer can be
smodlered by closing file drawer or
using a nmhi-pu,l)ose d U chemical or
foam-type fire extinguisher
Do ,lot touch tile heating element or
tile interior snrlCace of file wamfing
drawer These sn,Paces may be hot
enough to bn,n,
REMEMBER: Tile inside snrPace of tile
wanning drawer may be hot when tile
drawer is opened.
Do not store or use combustible mamfials,
gasoline or other flammable vapors and
liquids ill tile viciniw of this or any other
Use care when opening tile drawer ()pen
tile drawer a crack and let hot air or steam
escape befoie iemoving or replacing food.
Hot air or steam which escapes can cause
bums to hands, face and/or eyes.
Do ,lot heat unopened food containers.
Pressure could build up and tile container
could burst, causing an iojury.
Kee I) file x_nt unobstructed.
Do *lot use tile warming drawer to d U
newspapers. If ox>rheated, riley can catch
on fire.
Do *lot use tile warming drawer for a
storag_ area. Imms stored ill file wanning
drawer can ignim.
Do *lot leaxe paper products, cooking
umnsils or food in tile wanning drawer
when not in use.
(;lean only parts listed in the Care and
cleaning of the warming drawer section.
Do ,lot use aluminum foil to line file
drawe,: Foil is an excellent heat insulator
and will uap heat beneath it. This will
upset tile performance of tile drawer and
it could damag_ tile inmlior finish.
¼:ear proper apparel. Loose fitting or
hanging gam]ents should ne\_r be worn
while using this appliance.
Featuresof yourwarming drawer.
Not all features are on all models. Appearance may vary.
Warming Drawer
Moisture Selector (on back of panel)
Use this to keep foods moist or crisp.
o Control Knob
The control knob has settings for
o ON/OFFSwitch
Use this switch to mrn the wamfing drawer (m.
O ON Signal Light
(;lows when the ON/OFFswitch is in the ON position.
O ON Signal Light Viewer Lens
The ON signal light is visible through the
light viewer lens when the drmver is closed.
Usingthe warmingdrawer. .OEAppliances.com
The warming drawer will keep hot, cooked foods at serving temperature. Always start with hot food. Do not
use to heat cold food other than proofing yeast dough, crisping crackers, chips or dry cereal.
The wamfing drawer controls are hidden
with the drawer shut. Open the drawe_:
The controls are on the right side of the
fl'ont fl'ame.
To use the wamfing drawer, press the
ON/OFFswitch to tile ON position.
Slide tile moisture selector control to tile
open or closed .setting, (See the Moisture
Selector section.)
ON Signal Light
Tile ON signal light is located below
tile ON/OFFswitch and glows when tile
ON/OFFswitch is in tile ON position.
It stm's on until tile ON/OFFswitch is
moved to tile OFF position.
Moisture Selector
Tile moisture selector is located on tile
inside front of tile drawe_:
Tokeep foods moist slide tile moisture
selector conti'ol }l_';iv[i'Oil/ tile conti'ol
knob. This closes tile vent and seals tile
moisture inside tile (h'awe_: With the vent
closed hot foods stay moist and soil
In thissetting condensationmay occuraround
the insideedgeof the drawer
Ttm_ tile control knob to tile desired
settin ,
PROOF................ 75-95°F
LOW ................. 140-160°F
MED ................. 160-195°F
HIGH ................. 195-230°F
Tile ON signal light is visible through tile
light viewer in tile drawer fl'ont panel
when the drawer is closed. This is a
reminder that tile heat is on.
To keep foods crisp, slide tile moisture
selector control to tile right towards tile
control knob. This opens tile vents and
allows tile moisture to escape.
With the ventsopen,it isnormal formoisture to
collect onsurfacesabovethe warming drawer
Additional Pans
An access(n T pan kit JXPN2 is available
fl'om (;E at extra cost.
Twopans with lids (4" deep)
Onelargepan (14quarts)
Onemediumpan(6 quarts)
Usingthe warming drawer.
Rack will fit ti'om ti'ont to back.
Preheat with the rack in place.
Using the rack allows fin" double
stacking oI items.
When using the warming drawer...
Doublestacking items with the rack in position.
Do not line the warmingdrawer with
aluminum foil.
Allow time fin" fl_e drawer to be
LOW 8 minums
IVIED 15 minutes
HIGH 20 minutes
NOTE."It Isnot necessan/topreheat the drawer
Food in heat-safe glass and glass ceramic
pans may need higher them/ostat setting
as compared to food in met;d pans.
Repeated opening of the drawer allows
the hot air to escape and the tood to
cool. _Mlow extra time fin" temperature
inside the drawer to stabilize after
adding items.
ToWarm ServingBowl and Plates
Towarm serving bowls and plates set the
control on LOW
Use only heat-sate dishes.
Place the empty dishes on the rack
to raise them off the bottom _ff the
(lmwe_: If vou _mt hotter dishes or
want to heat fine china, please check
with the mantdi_ctu_er of the dishes
fi)r their maximmn heat tolerance.
VQth large loads it may be necessaty to
use a higher them_ostat setting and
cover some of the cooked tood items.
Food should be kept hot in its cooking
containei" oI" ti'aiisl[eFi'ed to a heat-sal[e
se_Mng dish.
Ahmfinum fi)il may be used to cover
tood to prevent it ti'om drying out.
.4,CAUTION:Pla iccontainers
orplastic wrap will melt if in direct contact
with the drawer. Melted plastic may notbe
removable and is not covered under your
Rein ove serving spoons, etc., heft n'e
placing containe_ in wamfing drawe_:
; _]/eIl holding hot, cooked fi)ods and
wamfing empU serving dishes at the
same time, place the serving dishes on
the high rack position and the tood on
the bottom of the (h'awe_:
hoLUsepot holders or mitts when removing
hot dishes.
Preheat empty serving dish while
preheating the drawe_:
Yeastdoughcan beproofed in the warming
Place v(:,ur dish on the wamfing
di'awer bottOlll,
Ybu must alwms turn the control
knob to LOW then immediately
back to PROOE
Close the vent.
i Jghfl) oil the top of the dough in
a bowl large enough to double the
dough size. Coxer with a cloth.
ToCrispStale Items
Preheating, not re(luired fin" I)r°°fing.
Check the dough height in 40
minutes. Add time as needed. The
dough should remain in the drawer
until it has doubled in size and a slight
depression remains when the surface
is touched gently with a finge_:
Place tood in low sided dishes or pans.
Check crispness after 45 minutes. Add
time as needed.
Preheat on LOW ,settin,,_and open
the xent.
TemperatureSelectionChartfor CrispFoods
Tokeep several different foods hot, set the temperature to the food needing thehighest setting.
Place theitems needing the highest setting on the bottom of the drawer and items needing less
heat on the rack.
Food Type
Bread, hard rolls
Fried foods
Pies, two crusts
Potatoes, baked
Tortilla Chips
; i,eave toed tlncovered.
Do not rise plastic containers or plastic wrap.
Preheat p_ior to use according to recommended times.
Mo_ture Se_c_rSetting
Usingthe warming drawer.
TemperatureSelection Chartfor Moist Foods
Tokeep several different foods hot, set the temperature to the food needing theh/_?hestsetting.
Place the items needing the highest setting on the bottom of the drawer and items needing less
heat on the rack.
Food Type Control Setting Moisture Selector Setting
Beef, medium and well done* MED CLOSED
Bread, soft rolls MED CLOSED
Casseroles MED CLOSED
Cookedcereal MED CLOSED
Eggs MED
Fish,seafood MED
Fruit MED
Gravy,cream sauces MED
Lamb MED
Pancakes, waffles HIGH
Pies, one crust MED
Pork MED
Potatoes, mashed MED
Poultry HIGH
Vegetables MED
USDA/FSISrecommendsaninternaltemperatareof 145°Easthe
minfinum aloneness for beez_Use a portable/neat
Cover fi)od with lid or altuninun_ fifil.
Do not put water in the wakening (h'awe_:
Do not use plastic containe_ or plastic xw'ap.
P_'eheat I)_'J_:'_" to use acco_'ding, to _'ecoxnmended times,