GE JGBS20, JGBS07, JGBS21, JGBS17, JGB523 Owner's Manual & Installation Instructions

Safety Instructions., ..... 2-7
Aluminum Foil .13
Clock and Timer ............... 16
Oven. ................... _.10-19
Baking and Roasting ........ 13
Broiling ...................... 14
Broiling Guide ............... 15
Oven Control .... ........ 10, 11
Power Outage ......... 9, 12, 16
Preheating ................... 13
Sabbath Feature .... _.:..... 19
Special Features..- ......... J.18
Surface Cooking ............. 8,9
Thermostat Adjustment ....... 17
Careand Cleaning
Air Vents ..... :................ 25
Burner Assemblies ........ 20-21
Burner:Caps and Heads ...... 22
Burner Grates....: ............ 21
Control Panel and Knobs ..... 25
...Cooktop Surface,. ............. 23
Drip Pans ..: ................... 20
Lift-Off Oven Door ............ 2/4
Lift-UpCooktop ............... 23
Oven Bottom ................. 24
Oven Interior ................. :26
Racks ......................... 26
Removable Broiler Drawer .... 25
Stainless SteelSurfaces ...._..23
. _
Write the model and serial:
Serial #
Youcan find them on a label on the front of the range behind the kick
panel or broiterdrawer.
Instructions ............ 27-42
Anti-Tip Device ......... _.31,41, 42
Connect the Range
togas ..................... 32-35
Convert to LPGas. ............ 42
Dimensions and
Clearances .................... 30
Electrical Connections .... 36-37
Levelthe Range ............... 41
Light the Pilots ............ 37-40
Tips ...................... 43-45
Accessories ................ 49
Consumer Support
Support .............. Back Cover
Product Registration ...... 47,/48
Warranty for Customers
in Canada ..................... 51
Warranty for Customers
in the U.S.A.................... 50
.... -: _ ,.,
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Models: JGBS04 JGBS20 JGBS07 JGBS21
49-85156 02-09 JR
III II i iiiiii i II illlllllllll i
For your safety, the information inthis manual must be fOiiowedto minimize the risk of fire or explosion, electricshock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or lossof life.
-All ranges can tip.
BURNS or other SERIOUS INJURIES can result.
ANTI-TIP bracket following the instructions supplied
with the bracket.
,_ WARNING: Ifthe information
in this manual is not followed exactlg,
a fire or explosion mag result causing propertg damage, personalinjurg
or death.
-- Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the
vicinitg of this ,or ang other appliance.
@ Do not trg to light ang appliance:
Do not touch ang electrical:switch;
do not use ang phone in gour
Immediatelg call gour gas supplier from a neighbor's phone._Follow the gas supplier's instructionS.
If gou cannot reach gour gas supplier, call the fire department.
-- Installation and service must be performed bg a qualified installer, service agencg or the gas supplier.
Toreduce the risk of tipping the.range, the range must be secured by a properly installed anti-tip bracket. See installation instructions shipped with the bracket for complete
details before attempting to install. To check if the bracket is installed and engaged properly,
carefully tip the range forward. The bracket should stop the
range within 4 inches, tf it does not, the bracket must be reinstalled. If the range is pulled from the watt for ang reason, always repeat this procedure to verify the range is properlg
secured by the anti-tip bracket. For free-standing or slide-in ranges, never completelg remove
the leveling legs or the range will nat be secured to the anti-tip
device properlg.
If goudid not receive an anti-tip bracket with your purchase, call $.80.0.626.8774to receive one at no cost (in Canada, call £800.56£3344). For installation instructions of the bracket,
visit GEApplic] (in Canada,
ii iii iiiii ijllllllllllllILIIIIIIIIIIIIII,IIIHill III I I
' GEAppliances:com
_afeDrinking Water and ToxicEnforcement Act requiresthe Gcvernor of California to
: _pubfisha list of substances known to the state to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm, and
:_' ' . requires businesses to warn customers of potentia! exposure to such substances..
: _:Gas appliances can cause minor exposure to four of thesesubstances, namefg benzene, carbon
.. -. ..... _:_monoxide, formaldehgde and soot, caused primarilg bg the incomplete Combustion of natural gas
or LPfuels.Properlg adjusted burners, indicated bg a bluish rather than a geltow flame, will minimize incomplete combustion. Exposureto these substances can be minimized bg venting with an open
window or using a ventilation fan or hood.
Have the installer show gou the location of the range gas shut-offvafve and how to shut it off if
.. :_ Have gout range installed and propertg
grounded bga qualified installer, n accordance with the installation instructions.
Ang adjustment and service should be
performed onlg bg qualified gas range
installers or service technicians.
@Donot attempt to repair or replace ang
part of gour range unless it is specificallg recommended in this manual. All other service
should be referred to a qualified technician.
_ Plug gour range into a 120_volt grounded
outlet onlg. Do not removethe round grounding prong from the plug. Ifin doubt about the grounding of the home electrical sgstem, it is gour personal responsibilitg and obligation to have an ungrounded outlet replaced with a properlg grounded, three-prong outlet in accordance with
the National Electrical Code. Do not use an extension cord withthis appliance.
appliance as a space heater to heat or warm the room. Doing so mag result in carbon monoxide poisoning and overheating of the oven.
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Locate the range out of kitchen trafficpath _Never wear loose fitting or hanging ga_6ts :: and out of draftg locations to prevent pilot: ,:,:: .while using the appliance. Be careful when::.:
,: :., outage (on standing pilot models} and poor ....... reaching for items stored incabinets Over:the'
,. i . :..: - air circulation. .... . range. Flammable material could be ignited :
Besure all packaging materials are :, . .......if brought in contact with flame or hot oven
removed from the range before operating ....... surfaces and mag cause severeburns.
i it to prevent fire or smoke damage shou d ::: _ Do not store flammable mater a s in an oven,
,.. _. the packaging material ignite. _ . " .arangebroiler or neara cooktop.
_ Be sure sour range is correctlg adjusted bg : _ Do not store oruse combustible materials
a qualified service technician or installer for gasoline or other flammable vapors and
the tgpe of gas {naturalor LP)that isto be
used. Your range can beconverted for use
with either tgpe of gas. See the Installation
of the range section.
WARNING: These adjustments
must be made bg a qualified service technician in accordance with the manufacturer's
instructions and all codes and requirements ofthe authoritg having jurisdiction. Failure to
follow these instructions could result in serious
injurg or propertg damage. The qualified
agencg performing this work assumes responsibility for the conversion.
Be careful when you clean the cooktop because the area over the pilot (on standing pilot models) will be hot.
After prolonged use of a range, high floor tern peratures may result and many floor coverings will not withstand this kind of use.
Never install the range over vingl tile or linoleum that cannot withstand such tgpe of use. Never install it directlg over interior kitchen carpeting.
Do not leave children alone or unattended
where a range ishot or in Operation. Theg could be seriouslg burned.
_ Do not allow anyone to climb, stand or hang
on the oven door, broiler drawer or cooktop. Theg could damage the range and even tip it over. causing severe personal injury.
,A CAUTION:Itemsofinterestto
children should not be stored in cabinets above a range or on the backsplash of a
range-children climbing on the range to reach items could be seriouslg injured.
liquids in the vicinitg of this or ang other apptiance.
Do not iet cooking grease or other flammable
materials accumulate in or near the range/ "
Do not use water on grease fires. Never
pick up a flaming pan. Turn the controls off. Smother a flaming pan on a surface burner bg covering thepan completelg with a
well-fitting lid,cookie sheet or flat trag. Use a multi-purpose drg chemical or
foam-tgpe fire extinguisher.
Flaming grease outside a pan can be put out bg covering it with baking soda or, if available, bg using a multi-purpose drg chemical or
foam-tgpefire extinguisher.
Flame in the oven can be smothered
completelg bg closing the oven door and
turning the control to off or bg using a
multi-purpose drg chemical or foam-tgpe
fire extinguisher.
Letthe burner grates and other surfaces cool
before touching them or leaving them where children can reach them.
Never block the vents (air openings] of the range. Theg provide the air inlet and outlet
that are necessarg for the range to ooerate
properlg with correct combustion. Air openings are located at the rear of the cooktop, at the
top and bottom of the oven door, and atthe
bottom of the range under the broiler drawer.
_] Large scratches or impacts to glass doors can lead to broken or shattered glass.
@Cleanonlg parts listed inthis Owner's HanuaL
Cook meat and poultry thoroughly meat to at least an,INTERNALtemperature of l 60°F and poultry to at least an INTERNALtemperature of 180_ Cooking to these temperatures usually protects against
foodbome illness.
Stand away from the range when opening the door of a hot oven. The hot air and steam that escape can cause bums to hands, face and eyes.
Do not usethe oven for a storage area.
tems stored in the oven can ignite.
@Do not use gour oven todrg newspapers.
If overheated, theg can catch fire.
Keep the oven free from grease buildup.
@Placethe oven racks in the desired position
while the oven is cool.
Pulling out the rack to the stop-lock is a
convenience in lifting heavg foods. It isalso a precaution against burns from touching hot surfaces of the door or oven walls. The lowest
position isnot designed to slide.
Do not heat unc pened food containers. Pressure could build up and the container Could burst, causing an injurg.
Never use aluminum foil to line the oven bottom. Improper use of foil could start
a fire and.result in high carbon monoxide,
ang slots, holes or passages in the oven bottom or cover an entire rack with
materials such as aluminum foil. Doing
so blocks air flow through the oven and
mag cause carbon monoxide poisoning.
Aluminum foil linings mag also trap
heat, causing afire hazard.
use onlg glass cookware that is recommended for use in gas ovens.
_Alwags remove ang broiler pan from range
assoon as gou finish broiling. Grease left in the pan can catch fire if oven is used without
removing the grease from the broiler pan.
_ When broiling, if meat istoo close to the flame,
the fat mag ignite: Trim excess fat to prevent excessive flare-ups.
Make sure ang broiler pan isin place correctlg
to reduce the possibilitg of grease fires. If gou should have a grease fire in a
broiler pan, turn offthe oven control, and keep
the broiler drawer and oven door closed to contain fire until it burns out.
Forsafetg and proper cooking performance,
alwags bake and broil with the oven door
When using cooking or roasting bags in the oven, follow the manufacturer's directions.
For continuous clean models, do not use oven cleaners on ang of the continuous cleaning
surfaces. Continuous cleaning Surfaces can
be identified bg their rough surface finish.
i,_1. i
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tl WARNING! ..........
Use proper pan size avoid pans that are unstable or easily tipped. Select cookware having fiat bottoms large enough to cover bumer grates. To avoid spiftovers,make sure cookware is large enough
to contain the food properly. Thiswill both save cleaning time and prevent hazardous accumulations of food, since heavy spattering or spiftoversleft on range can ignite. Usepans with handles that can be easily grasped and remain cool.
Always use the LEE position Ion electric ignition models) or the Ht position (onstanding
pilot models) when igniting the top burners and make sure the burners have ignited.
Never leave the surface burners unattended at
. high flame settings. Boilovers cause smoking
and greasy spillovers that may catch on fire.
@Adjust the top burner flame size so it
does not extend beyond the edge of the cookware. Excessiveflame is hazardous.
Use only dry pot holders moist or damp pot holders on hot surfaces may result in burns
from steam. Do not let pot holders come near open flames when lifting cookware. Do not use
a towel or other bulky cloth in place of a pot holder.
_ When using glass cookware, make sure it
is designed for top-of-range cooking.
To minimize the possibility of burns, ignition of flammable materials and spillage, turn
cookware handles toward the side or back of the range without extending over adjacent
burners. Carefully watch foods being fried at a high
flame setting. Alwags heat fat slowly, and watch as it heats. Do not leave any items on the cooktop. The
hot air from the vent may ignite flammable items and will increase pressure in closed
containers, which may cause them to burst.-
_ Ifa combination of oils or fats wilt be used in
frying, stir together before heating or as fats
melt slowly.
_ Use a deep fat thermometer whenever
possible to prevent overheating fat beyond
the smoking point.
Usethe least possible amount of fat for
effective shallow or deep-fat frying. Fillingthe pan too full of fat can cause spillovers when
food isadded.
_Do not flame foods on the Cooktop.lfgou do
flame foods under the hood. turn the fan on.
@Do not use a wok onthe cooking surface
ifthe wok has _ round meto ring that is placed over the burner grate to support the wok. This ring acts as aheat trap, which may damage the burner grate and burner head. Also, it may cause the burner to work improperly. This may cause a carbon monoxide levelabove that allowed bg current
standards, resulting in a health hazard.
@Foodsfor frying should beas dry as possible.
Froston frozen foods or moisture on fresh
foods can cause hot fat to bubble up and
over the sides of the pan.
£_!Never trg to move a pan of hot fat, especially
a deep fat frger. Wait untit the fat iscool.
Do not leave plastic items on the cooktop-
theg mag melt if left too close to the vent. Keep all plastics awag from the surface
_To avoid the possibilitg of a burn, alwags be
certain thatthe controls for all burners are at the OFF position and all grates are cool before
attempting to remove them.
If range is located near a window, do not hang long curtains that could blow over the surface
burners and create a fire hazard. If gou smell gas, turn off the gas to the range
and call o qualified service technician. Never usean open flame to locate a leak.
Alwags turn the surface burner controls off before removing cookware.
Donot lift the cool_op on sealed burner
...... models. Lifting the cooktop can lead to
damage and imp[oper operation of the range.
When a pilot goes out {on standing pilot
models), gou will detect a faint odor of gas as gour signal to relight the pilot. When relighting the pilot, make sure burner controIs
are in the Off positiOn_and follow instructions in this book to religitt.
If gou smell gas, and gou have atreadg made
sure pilots are lit (on standing pilot models),
'turn offthe gas to the range and call a
qualified service technician. Never use anopen flame to locate a leak.
Do not place or store items that can meIt or catch fire on the grates, even when the cooktop is not being used.
@Keep range clean and free of accumulatioris
of grease or spillovers, which mag ignite.
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Using thergaS surface burners.
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ii L
ThroUghout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.
iii i
Before Lighting a Gas Burner . _ After Lighting a Gas Burner .........." "
............................... _ Ifdrip pans aidesuppliedwith your rangei _ Do not operatethe burne_:foran extended ::
..... _ : : : theg shouldbe usedat all times. : ' : periodof time without Cookwareonthe
: : :: " .... ' grate.Thefinishon thegrate may chip :
: _ Hake sureal .burnersarein place.
' -:: :.......... , .... without cookwareto absorb the heat.
..... .... :: _ Hakesureal!grateson the range are _ Besurethe burnersand gratesarecool
: _: -:, properly placed:beforeusingany burner.i : beforeyou placegout hand, a pot holder,
..... . . : cleaning.clothsor othermaterialsonthem.
-[ ....
::_ How toLight a Gas Surface Burner ...... , :: ..... :
_ntheir respectivepositions. Pushcontrolknob in andturn itto HIposition.
f._.7_iElectricIgnition t4odels: Theburnershouldlight within afew seconds.
Pushthe control knob in andturn it Turnthe knobto adjusttheflame size.
,:_.::,:_4:i_:::'_:.i_.:_,,:_._:::<:::.,:;._:_#:_:_:,totheLITE position- .... , : . : : ..... : - " : - .
ii_ii_i:i_ii_:i;_i_ii!:!;_!i'_!iii_ii!_i:__;:_!::i_;77!_ii_!_i.... : _ _: ' , .: ........ : _. Flame willbe almost honzontaland will,,, :
_:}_}-;ii!!!ii_:ili:i_!i i::i_ii!:ii!:i;_iiii:_i:i_ii_!i!i::; Youwill heara littleclicking noise- ift s!ghtJgaway fromthe burnerwhen :
PUShthecontr01kngbinandturn.......... thesound of the e!ectricspark igniting................the bumeris firstturned on._ blowing:: :
it tothe LtTEposition[onelectric theburner. ........... or:hissingsound.magbe heardfor . :
ignitionmodels)or//l(on standing ', :: ; :_" ' ...... "
pilotmodels}. Turnthe knobto adjustthe"flameSize,...... _3(3-60seconds:Thisnormalsound isdue::-:!:
Ifthe knobstagsat LITE,itwill continue
to click. Whenone burner isturned to LITE,
all theburnersspark.Do notattempt to disassembleor cleanaround any burner
whileanother burner ison. An electricshock may result,which could causeyou to knock
overhot cookware.
to improvedinjectionof gasand air into the burner.Puta panonthe burnerbefore
lightingit, or adjustthe flame to match pan
sizeassoonas it lights,andthe blowingor hissingsoundwill be much lessnoticeable.
i-!ii_::_:iiii!!: _i)!_}_i!iii!i.!i;ii
Onsomemodels,the burnersareall
the samesizeandpowe_
On Ranges with Sealed Gas Burners
Thesmallest burnerin the rightrear position isthe simmer burner.Thisburner canbe
turned downto a very low simmersetting. It providesprecisecooking performancefor
delicatefoods suchas saucesor foodsthat requirelow heatfor along cookingtime.
Themedium (leftrearand left front} and the large (rightfront)burners arethe
primary burnersfor mostcooking.These general-purposeburners canbe turneddown
from HIto LOto suitawide rangeof cooking needs.
NOTE:Onsomemodels,the bumersareall thesamesizeandpower.
How to Select Flame Size
Forsafe handling of cookware, never let the flames extend up the sides of the cookware.
Watchthe flame, notthe knob,as youreduce heat.Whenfastheating is desired,the flame sizeon a gas burnershould match the cookwareyou areusing.
Flames larger than the bottom of the
cookware willnot result infaster heating ofthe cookware and could be hazardous.
Top-of-Range Cookware
Aluminum: Medium-weight cookwareis
recommendedbecauseit heatsquickly andevenly.Mostfoods brown evenlyin an aluminumskillet.Usesaucepanswith tight:
fitting lidswhen cookingwith minimum amounts ofwater.
Cast-Iron: Ifheated slowly, most skillets wil give satisfactory results.
Enamelware: Undersome conditions,the
enamet ofsome cookweremay melt. Follow
.................. cookwaremanufacturer's recommendations
forCookingmethods: Glass:Therearetwo types of g_ass
cookware--thosefor oven useonly andthose
for top-of-[ange cookng {saucepans,coffee
andteapots).Glassconducts heat very
HeatproofGlassCeramic: Canbe usedfor eithersurfaceor oven cooking.Itconducts heatvery slowly and coolsvery slowly.Check
cookwaremanufacturer's directionsto be sureit can be used on gas ranges.
StainlessSteel: Thismetal alonehaspoor
heatingpropertiesand is usuallycombined
with copper,aluminumor othermetalsfor
improvedheat distribution.Combination
metalskilletsusuallywork satisfactorilgif thegare usedwithmedium heat asthe manufacturer recommends.
Sf:ovetop Grills (onmodelswith sealed Oumersl Donot usestovetopgrillson your sealedgas Thiscanbehazardoustoyour health.
burners.If you usethe stovetopgrill onthe sealedgas burner,itwill causeincomplete . combustionand can resultinexposureto
carbonmonoxidelevelsaboveallowable standards.
Usea flat-bottomedwok.
Wok This Wag [on modelswith sealedburners) Werecommendthatgou usea 14"orsmalter Do.not useaflat-bOttomedwok on a support
flat-bottomedwok.Makesurethe wok bottom ring.Placingthe ring overthe burneror grate
sitsflot on thegrate.Thegareavaitableat may causethe burnerto work improperly,
yourlocal retailstore, resultingin carbonmonoxide levelsabove
Onlyaflat-bottomed wok shouldbe used. allowablestandards.Thiscouldbedangerous
to your health;
In Case of Power Failure (electricignition models)
Incaseof a powerfailure,gou can light
the gassurface burnerson your rangewith a match. Holda lit match to the burner,then
pushinandturn the control knob to the LEE position.Useextremecaution when lighting burnersthiswag.
Surfaceburnersin usewhen an electrical
powerfailure occurswillcontinueto operate
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Using the oven controls.
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.
Temp Recall
L Ligh_
Tillne Cont s
_imeDL_L' CD
Oven Control,Clockand Timer Features and Settings lonso e odets
Bake/Tamp RecallPad
Touchthis pad to selectthe bakefunction.
Bake Light
Flasheswhileineditmode-gou canchangethe
oventemperatureatthispoint.Glows:whenthe ovenis inbakemode.
O StartiOnPad
Mustbe touched to start ang cooking function.
iO Display
Showsthetime ofday, oventemperature,
whether the ovenisinthe bakeOrbroil mode and the timessetfor the timer.Thedisplaywill
show PREwhilepreheating.Whenthe oven reachestheselectedternperoture,the oven control wilt beepandthe displagwill show the oventemperature.
If"F-" and a numberorletterflashin thedisp!ayand theoven controlsignals,thisindicatesafunction error
Thetime of day will flash in the display when there has been a power outage. Reset the clock.
Touch the Ctear/Off pad. Allow the oven to cool
for one hour. Put the oven back into operation. If the function errorcode repeats, disconnect the power to the range and calffor service.
O itchen TimerOn/OffPad
Touch this pad to select the timer feature. Then
press the + and - pads to adjust the timer,
Kitchen Timer Light
Flashes whilein editmode-gou can change the set time at this point. Glowswhen the timer has
been activated. Flashes again when the time has
-runout untilthe control is reset.
ClockPad .... : .
Tosetthe dock pressth s padtwce andthen
pressthe + and - pads.Thetime:of dogwill
flash inthe displagwhen theoven isfirst turnedon.
OvenLight Pad Ion some models)
Touchthis padto turn theovenlightonoroff.
Shorttaps tothis pad will decreasethetime or temperatureby small amounts.Touchand hold the pad to decreasethe time or temperature bg
Shorttaps to this padwilt increasethe timeor temperaturebgsmallamounts.Touchand hold
the pad to increasethe time or t6mi_eraturebg
i |11 ii i i i i i ii iii i
O leariOffPad
Touchthis pad to cancelALL ovenoperations exceptthe clockand timer.
O Broil Hi/Lo Pad
Touchthis pad to selectthe broilfunction.
Broil Light
Flasheswhile in edit mode-you can switch from Hi to Lo Broil at this point, Glows when the oven
isin broitmode.
Indicator Lights fan some pads) EditmodelasLsseveralsecondsafterthelast
Oven Control Knob fonsomemodels)
!i;!ii!iii:i:!i:ii::iiiii_ii!:iii_i;i!iiiiii!!i!_:i:ii::ii:_:_:_a!i_Turn the OVEN CONTROL knob to the setting gou want.
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Usingthe oven.
I IIIIIIII iiii ii iii iiii J J II IIII II Jll
Toavoid pOssibiebums, ptaceth e racks in the desired position before gou turn the oven on. ...... ........................
Theracks havestop-locks,sothat when ...........
placedcorrectlg on the racksupports (Athrough E),theg wiil stop before
: comingcompletelgout,and willnot tilt: : ..
' whenp!acing land removingcookware,
pull therack outto the bumpon the
rack support. .....
To removea racklpull it toward you,till the
front end up and pullit out.
:To.replace,ptacethe endof.the rack
!stop:t0¢ks)on theSupporL:tittup the front and push the rack in.
NOTE:Therack isnot designedtosfideoutat thespedal tow rackfR)position.
Theovenhas5 rackpositions. Itatsohasaspecial{owrackposition(R)
Oven Control Youroveniscontrolledbga singleOVEN
It willnormallgtake30-90 secondsbefore
the flame comeson.After the ovenreaches the selectedtemperature,the ovenburner
cgcles-off completelu,then on with a fullflame-to maintain the selected
Plastic items on the caoktop may melt if left too close to the vent
Vent appearance and location vary.
Oven Vent
Yourovenisvented through ducts at the rear ofthe range. Donot blockthese ductswhen
cookinginthe oven-it isimportant that the
flow of hot air from the ovenand freshair to the ovenburner be uninterrupted.
Avoidtouching the vent openingsor nearbg surfacesduringoven or broiler operotion-theg mag becomehot.
_! Handlesofpotsandpanson thecooktop
may becomehotiffelt too closeto thevent.
Donot leaveplasticor flammableitems on thecooktop-theg mag melt or igniteifleft
toocloseto the vent. Donot leavecbsedcontainersonthe
cooktop.Thepressureinclosedcontainers may _ncrease,whichmay causethem to
@Metalitemswillbecomevery hatiftheg are
lefton thecooktop,and couldcausebums.
Power Outage {electricignition models)
^,.,CAUTION: notmakeany
attempt to operatetheelectricignitionoven duringan electricalpower failure.
Theovenor broilercannot be lit during a powerfailure.Gaswillnot flowunless
theglow bar ishot.
If the ovenisinusewhen a powerfailure occurs,the ovenburner shutsoff and cannot
be re-tituntil powerisrestored.Thisis becausethe flow of gasisautomaticallg stoppedand will not resumewhen power isrestoreduntilthe glow bar has reached
Oven Light (on some models) Usethe switch on the lower control panelto
turn thelight on or off.
The,oven has a speciaXlow Fack(R) position iust above th_ oven bottom. Use it when extra cookingspace is needed,
for example, when cooking a large turkey. The rack is not designed to slide
out at this position.
How to Set the Oven for Baking or Roasting "'_
Your oven is not designed for open-door Tgpe of Food Rock Position
cooking. Frozenpies(oncookiesheet) Bor C NOTE:On models with an OVENCONTROL : Angelfood cake. B
knob, turn it to the desired temperature.
[Z] Touchthe Bake pad. [] Touchthe + or- pads untilthedesired
temperatureis displayed.
I-_ Touchthe Start/On pad.
bundtorpoundcakes Biscuits.muffins,brownies, C
layer cokes, Dies
Casseroles BorE
Roasting RorA
Theovenwill start automaticaUg.Thedisptag will showPREwhile preheating.Whenthe oven reachestheselectedtemperature,the ovencontrolwill oeepseveraltimes andthe displaywill show theoventemperature.
Tochange the oven temperature during Bake cgde, touch the Bake pad and then the+ or-
pads to get the new temperature.
r_ Checkfood for donenessat minimum
time on recipe.Cooklongerif necessary.
r_ Touchthe Clear/Off padwhen bakingis.
finishedand then removethe food from the oven. " " : :-
Preheating and Pan Placement
Preheatthe ovenifthe recipecallsfor it.
Topreheat,setthe ovenat the correct temperature. Preheatingisnecessaryfor
good resultswhen bakingcakes,cookies, pastry and breads.
Forovenswithout a preheatindicatorlight or tone,preheat10minutes.
Bakingresultswill be betterif baking pans are centeredinthe oven asmuch as possible.
Pansshould nottouch eachother orthe walls ofthe oven.Ifyou needto usetwo racks,
staggerthe panssoone isnot directly above
the other,andleaveapproximately 1Y2"
betweenpans,from the front, back and
sidesofthe wall.
Aluminum Foil Donot usealuminum foil on the bottomof
the oven.
Neverentirelgcover o rack with aluminum
foil.Thiswilldisturb the heatcirculationand resultin poor baking.
Asmallersheetof foilmay beusedto catch a spilloverby placingit on a lowerracksevera!
inchesbelowthe food.
Oven Hoisture
Asyour oven heatsup,the temperature changeof the air inthe ovenmay cause water dropletsto form onthe door glass,
Thesedropletsare harmlessand will
evaporateasthe oven continuesto heat up.
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Usingthe oven.
Broilingiscooking food bg directheatfrom abovethe food. Mostfishandtendercutsof meat can be broiled.Followthesedirections
tokeep spattering andsmoking to a minimum.
Yourrange hasa compartment belowthe ovenfor broiling.
Boththe ovenand broilercompartment
doorsmust beCLOSEDduringbroiling.
Turnmost foods onceduringcooking (the exceptionis thin filletsoffish:oil one side,
placethat sidedown on broilergrid and cook
without turning untildone].Timefoodsfor
aboutone-half the total cookingtime,turn
food,then continue to cookto preferred doneness.
Youcan change:thedistanceof thefood from the heat sourcebg positioninga broilerpan and gridon oneof threerack positionsin the broilercompartment- A(bottom of broilercompartment).B (middle]and C(top).
Preheatingthe broileror oven is not necessargandcan produce poor results,
Ifmeat has fat or gdstlearoundthe edge, cut vertical slashesthroughboth about 2"apart. If desired,the fat may be
trimmedl leavinga lagerabout :i/8" thick.
_-] Arrangethe food onthe grid and position
the broilerpan on the appropriate rack inthe oven or broilingcompartment. Placingfood closerto theflame " increasesexteriorbrowning ofthe
food, but alsoincreasesspattering and the possibilitgOffatsand meat
juices igniting.
[_] Closethe ovenand broilercompartment
NOTE:Onmodelswith an OVEN CONTROLknob,tum.:itto Broil.
Touchthe Broil Hi/Lo padoncefor
Tochange to LoBroil, touch the BroilNi/Lo pad again.
UseLo Broil to cookfoodssuchas
poultrg or thickcuts ofmeatthoroughlg withoutover-browning them.
Touchthe Start/On pad.
When broilingisfinished,touchthe
Clear/Off pad. Removethe broiler panfrom the
broi!ercompartment and servethe food immediately Leavethe panoutsidethe
rangeto cool.
temperatureandyourpreferenceof donenesswillaffectbroilingtimes.This
guideisbasedonmeatsatrefrigerator temperature.
tThe U.S. Department of Agriculture
says "Rare beef is popular, but you should knew that cooking it to only
140°Fmeans some food poisoning
organisms may survive,"[Source:. Safe FoodBook, YourKitchen Guide,
USDA Rev.June ?gB_l
Theovenhas5 rackpositions.
" " GFAnnlioncp=.rnm
iiiiii,ii i i u
Broiling Guide
The oven and broiler compartment doors
must be closed during broiling.
Atwagsuse a broilerpunand grid.It is designedto minimizesmokingand spatteringbg trappingjuices inthe shielded.10werpart of the pen.
_.Forsteaksend chops,slashfat evenl# aroundthe outsideedgesofthe meat. To slash,cutcrosswisethrough the outerfat surfacejust to theedge ofthe meat. Use
tongs to turn the meat over to prevent
piercingthe meat andlosingjuices,
Ifdesired,marinate meatsor chicken beforebroiling.Or brushwith barbecue
saucelast 5to 10minutesonlg.
@Whenarrangingthe food on thepan,do
not letfattg edgeshang over the sides becausedrippingfat CoUldsoil the oven.
ThebroiIercompartment doesnot needto
bepreheated.However,for vergthin foods,
or to increasebrowning,preheat ifdesired.
Frozensteakscan be broiledbg positioning the rackat the next lowestrack position and increasingthe cookingtime givenin this guide1Vztimes perside.
Foe ouontitg end/ '
d or Thickness
(about 8 thin slices)
Ground Beef 1 lb. (4 patties) Well Dane 1/2" to 3/4" thick
Beef Steaks
Rock*:: First Side SecondSide
Position Time (min.) Time (min.)
C . 4
C i0
Comments Arrange in singte lager.
Spaceevenlg, Up to 8 patties take about
the same time.
Raret ....... 1"thick
Medium I to 1VzIbs. Well Done
Raret : 1V_"thick Medium 2 to 2VzIbs_
Well Dane
Chicken 7'
Lobster TaBs
Fish Fillets
Ham Slices
Pork ChoPS ,,
Well Done.....
Wieners SimilarPrecooked
Sausages, Bratwurst
....C.... 9 ' ' 7 '
C :. 12 ' : 5-6 B 13 8-9
.... .C ' i0
C 12-15
B 25
!whole " = , i B :.t - :30-35 ..
2to 2VzIbs., split lengthwise . ,
4 bone-in breasts B
2-4 A 6to 8 oz. each "
," 15
25-30 10-15 13-16 Do nat
1lb. fillets C S 5
1/4" to 112"thick . :
I " i ...... I :-
1" thick B 8 l!2"thick B i : " 6
2(Z/2"thick) : , , : B 10 2 (1" thick) about 1 lb, B " 13
8 6
,1.Ib, I_kg,(10) ' C
Steaks lessthan I" thick cookthrough before
browning. Panfrging is recommended. Slash fat.
Brush each side with melted butter. Broil skin-side-down first,
Cutthrough b_cl{' of shell. Spread open. Brush
with meited butter before broiling and after half
of broiling time, Handie and turn very "
carefullg, Brush with lemon butter before
and during cooking, if desired, Preheat broiler
to increase browning.
Slash fat.
If desired, split sausages in half lengthwise; cut
into 5- to 6qnch pieces.
*Seeillustration for description of rack positions.
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Usingthe clockand timer.
||1 ,
Not all features ore on all models.
To Set the Clock
i!i!_!_i!ii!:iii:::!iiii!i_iI!!'' C_!;ock'_!!!:!ii::iii!ii!:_i!ii!i!) _ Touc_theClock padtwice
iiii!ii!iii!!i_ __!i_! '" Touc the.or pads '" "
;ii_:iiii!iii!!! i!_ii!i_i If the+ or-pads are nottouchedwithin one
_:%!-i_:_:_? :_!::_: _;i:i{!!!i:'!minute after gou touchthe Clock pad,the
:_;i_:!:/_!/t_:i!_ii:;!,:i_::;:;!::_:Si'!!_;i_,i_::),;:,_:_;_:!ii!!_:.;!i_;i-idisplagrevertsto the originalsetting.Ifthis (_!ii_i!;:!_:;!:!:!_!ii!i_ :!i!_!ii_!(! happens touch theClockpad twice and ;;i_i_i_!_!i_i:i:![_' J!:i!i;i!!ii!!!i_i_iii!i!reenterthe time ofdog.
Makesuretheclock issetto the correct
time ofday.
TouchtheStart/On pad until thetime of daMshows inthe disptag.Thisentersthe
timeand starts theclock.
Tocheckthetimeofdog whenthedisptagis showingotherinformation,simpl_ttouch the
Clockpad. Thetimeof dogshowsuntil
"anotherpad is touched.
To Turn Off the Clock Oisplag
tf gou havesevera!clocksin gour kitchen, goumeg.wish toturn off the time ofdag clockdisplag on gout range.
[Z] Touchthe Clockpad once to turn off the
time of day:display.Althoughgou will not be ableto seeit, the clockmaintains
the correcttime ofdag.
Touchthe Clockpad twiceto recall the clockdisplag.
Thetimeris a minutetimer onty.
The Clear/Offped does not affect the timer.
To Set the Timer
Thetimer does not control oven operations.
The maximum setting on the timer is 9 hours
and 59 minutes.
Touchthe Kitchen TimerOn/Off pad. Touchthe +or - padsuntilthe amount [_]
oftime gou want showsinthe displag.
Themaximum time that can beentered
in minutesis59.Timesmorethan 59 minutesshouldbechanged to
hours andminutes.
ff gou makeamistake,touchthe Kitchen
TimerOn/Offpodand beginagain.
TouchtheStart/On pad.Thetime wilI star_countingdown, atthoughthe displagdoes notchangeuntil one minute haspassed.
Whenthe timer reaches:00,the Control will beep3timesfo!towed bgone beep
every 6 secondsuntilthe Kitchen Timer On/Off pad istouched.
To Reset the Timer
If thedisplagisstillshowing thetime remaining,youmag changeit bgtouching
the KitchenTimerOn/Off pad,then touch the
+or- padsuntil the time gouwant appears inthe disp]ag.
Ifthe remainingtime isnot in the displag
(clockisinthe display),recallthe remaining
time bg touchingtheKitchen TimerOn/Off
padand then touchingthe + or - padsto enterthe newtime you want.
To Cancel the Timer
Touchthe Kitchen TimerOn/Off padtwice.
/ :
Power Outage
Ifa flashingtime isin thedisptag,you have
experienceda power failure.Resetthe clock.
Toresettheclock,touch the Clock pad.Enter the correcttime ofdagbg touching the +or - pads.TouchtheStort/On pad.
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