Water Filtration System
Sistelna de Filtraci6n de Agua
GXS1651" GXS165/*
Safety Instructions ............ 2
_em ., -
Installation Instructions .... 7-17
Batte U Installation ............ 15
Faucet Installation ............ 11
Feed _'ater Supply .......... 8-10
Filter Replacement ........... 16
Flush Procedule ............. 17
System Installation ......... 12, 13
Svsmm Starmp ............... ] 6
Tubing Connection ........... 14
Troubleshooting Tips ........ 18
Consumer Support .......... 24
GXSL55Fis Tested and Certified bv NSF International
against NSF/ANSI Standard 42 for the reduction of
Chlorine: Taste and Odor and Particulate Class I and
Standard 53 for the reduction of Lead, Cyst, Turbidity,
Asbestos, Mercury, Lindane, Atrazine, Toxaphene
and 2A-O.
Instruccqones de seguridad ..... 2
Generaddades del sistema .... %_
Instruccqones de inslalacq6n . .7-17
Arranque del sistema .......... 16
Conexi6n de la rubella ........ 14
Instalaci6n de la batecfa ....... 15
Instalaci6n del grifo ........... 11
Instalaci6n del sistema ...... 12, 13
Procedimiento para lavar ...... 17
Reposici6n del fihro .......... 16
Suminisuo para la
alimentaci6n del agua ....... 8-10
Cons_os para la soluci6n
de problemas ............... 19
Apoyo al consumidor ........ 23
Elmodelo BXSL55Fse ha sometido a la prueba y ha
recibido la certificacidn de NSFInternational contra
la norma 42 de NSF/ANSI para la reducci6n de cloro:
saber VNor y clase I de particulas Vla norma 53 para
la reduccidn de plomo, quistes, turbidez, amianto,
mercurio, lindano, atrazina, toxafeno y 2A-D.
GXSV65Fis Tested and Certified by NSF International
against NSF/ANSI Standard 42 for the reduction of
Chlorine: Taste and Odor and Particulate Class I and
Standard 53 for the reduction of Lead, Cyst, Turbidity,
Asbestos, Mercury, Lindane, Atrazine, Benzene
and VOC.
Elmodelo BXSV65F se ha sometido a la prueba V ha
recibido la certificacidn de NSFInternational contra
la norma 42 de NSF/ANSI para la reducci6n de cloro:
sabor Volor y clase I de particulas Vla norma 53 para
la reduccidn de plomo, quistes, turbidez, amianto,
mercurio, lindano, atrazina, bencina y VOC.
184D1068PO01 49-50122-1 04-04 JR
_k WARNING:Foryoursafe_,theinformationinthismanualmust
be followed to minimize the risk of property damage or personal injurg
• Use the Water Filtration sysmm on a l/omble, sat{'-to-dfink, honle
COLDwater supply onl> Tlle tiller canisiers will noi tmril! llle water
or make it sa/{' to drink.
• Do/let use on a hot waier supply (100°F max.).
A WARNING:Donotusewithwaterthatismicrobiologica//y
unsafe or of unknown quality without adequate disinfection before or after the
system. Systems certified for cyst reduction may be used on disinfected water
that may contain filterable cysts.
This Water Filtration system must be properly installed and located in
accordance with the Installation Instructions before it is used.
• Install or store where it will 1lOt be exl/osed to tel//l/erattlres belo_v
/i'eezing or exposed to any tyl/e of weather. Water ti'eezing ill the
sv.stem will dmnage it. Do not attempt to treat v_lter over 100°E
_k WARNING:DiscardaHunusedandpackagingmaterialafter
installation. &.all parts remaining after installation could be a choke hazard.
• }{)lit Water FiltDition svstel//will wiihstand lip iO 120 t/Ollllds per
square inch (psi) water pressm:e. Itgmr house water supply pressm:e
is higher dlan 100 psi, install a pressm:e reducing _alve be/ore
installing the VVamr Filtration s'_stem.
A ADVERTENCIA:Parasuseguridad,sedeber_seguir/a
informaciSn de este manual para minimizar el riesgo de dafios a la propiedad
o lesiones personales.
• Else el Sismma 5t}' Filmmi6n de Agua solameme en ml smninisu:o de
agua ix)table FRIAque sea segm_l pal_ el consmno. I,os canuchos de
los/ihros no t}mili5 ar_in el agua ni la har_iu segtsm t}ara el consumo.
• No use en/111 sun/inisu:o de agua 5alieme (100°F [37,7°C] M_ix.).
_, ADVERTENCIA:Nouseco.aguaquesea
microbio/Sgicamente insegura o de calidad desconocida sin una desinfecciSn
adecuada de/sistema antes o despues. Los sistemas certificados para /a
reducciSn de esporas pueden ser usados en agua desinfectada que podda
contener esporas filtrables.
Este sistema de filtraciSn debe ser instalado correctamente y ubicado segEm
las Instrucciones de instalaciSn antes de su usa.
• Instale o almacene don@_' no estd exlmesto a temlleraturas por
det)ttjo del tmmo de congelacidn o exlmesto a ningtin till() de
inclemencia atmos/('rica. Si el agua se congela en el sistema lo daflaDi.
No imeme t5"atarel agua tier encima de 100°E
_kADVERTENCIA:Oeseche despu#s de la instalaciSn todos
los materiales de empaquetado y aquellos que no fueron usados. Las partes
pequedas que sobren despu#s de la instalaciSn podrian representar un peligro.
• Su sistema 5t{'filtDici6n de agua SOllortaDi hasta 120 lillras tier
]lmPg_l{la {uadmsla (psi) 5t{' ]nx'si6n de agua. Si la tlresi6n 5t5'1
SIIlllinis|ro 51{' ;-Ig'tl_t 51{' S/l { ;-Isa {'S ill_tvor 5tl.' 100 psi, instale IIn:d _,;il_,tlla
reductom de tlresi6n antes de instalar el sistema de/iltmci6n de agua.
Specifications Guidelines.
Pautasde las especificaciones.
Many bad tastes and!or odors are remo_vd from water using activated
c_lrboil {liter (allJsters. They are l/lost o]len tlsed to rel//o\e _1c]llo/Jne
taste and ()dot; Tht 7 can also reduce other undesir_d)le elements/i'om
drinking water supplies, such as org_mic chemical contaminants
and lead+
NOTE."Small amounts of hydrogensulfide [noticeable as "rotten egg"odor) may be
reducedby tasteand odor filters for a short time, but the carbon media isquickly
exhausted Other water conditioeing equipmeet is usuallyrequired for thecoetieuous
treatmentof hydrogen sulfide.
The WaterFiltrationSystemUsesthe Following Canisters
Model GXSL55F
FQSI 2 Fiher
(]200 gallon capacit},)
Filter White canisters with yellow band
• Reduces dirt, rust and sediment
• Reduces Chlolfne: Taste and ()dot
• Reduces I+ead
• Reduces filterable C'_'qs (such as cr_ptosporidium and giardia)
• Reduces Turbidity,
• Red t_ces Asbestos
• ]led IleeS Mer(l lr}
• Red uces I ,in(lane
• Red t Ices AtraN_le
• Reduces "Ibxaphene
• Reduces 2,4-1)
• 0.5-1 micron nominal particulate reduction
This system contimns to NSF/ANSI 42 and 53 tbr the specific
per/brmance claims as verified and sustained by test data. See
Per/brmance Data Sheet lbr details.
Se pueden redueir muchos re:dos olores y!o s:d)ores del agua usando
(arm(hos de (arl)ono pare el filtro. Se usan plJn(il)_dmente t)am redu(ir
el olor y sabor a (lot'(). 'Ihmbi('n pueden redu(ir otros elementos no
deseados del stuninistro de agua, t_des (omo (ontmninantes quflni(os
org_hfi(os y plomo.
NOTA: Sepuedee reducirpor poco tiempo peque_as cantidadesde sulfuro de
hidr@eno comoel olor a "huevopodddo" usandofiltros de olor y sabor,pero elmedio
de carbonose agota r@idamente.Por /ogenera/, serequierenotrosequipos
acoedicionaflores deagua para el tratamieeto contieuo del sulfuro de hidr@eno.
Elsistema de filtracionde aguautilizalossiguientes
Modelo GXSL55F
Filttx) F()SI 2
(cal)acidad de 1200 gMones)
IZilttx)--vartt_chos blancos con banda amatilla
• l).educe la suciedad, el 6xido v los sedimentos
• Reduce el sabor v olor a (loro
• Reduce el t)lomo
• Redttce los quistes fihrables ((omo (11stosl)otidium y gdardia)
• Reduce la tm:bidez
• Reduce el mnianto
• Ue(tuee el l//el?C/ltJO
• Reduce el lindano
• Reduce 1__,atraZilla
• Reduce el toxatbno
• Reduce 2,4-[')
• Reduecidn nominal de partfculas de 0,5-1 mi(_xSn
Este sistema se con[brma alas normas 42 y 53 NSF!ANSI en cuanto
alas a/irmaciones especflicas de deseml)efio segun vetilieaeidn
v admisidn de los datos de las ])ruebas. Consulte la hoia de datos del
deseml)efio ])ara detalles.
Specifications Guidelines.
Pautasde las especificaciones.
The WaterFiltrationSystemUsesthe Following Canisters
Model GXSV65F
F(,_S_ 3_ Fiher
(160 g_dlon capacity)
Fiher White canisters with green band
• Redu(es dirt, rust and sedimem
• Redu(es Chlonne: Taste and ()dor
• Reduces I,ead
• Reduces fiherable C'<'qs (such as (r)q)losporidium and g_ardia)
• Reduces Tm'bidit'_
• Red t ues Ast)es{os
• Red lues Merc lnw
• Reduces I ,in(lane
• Reduces Atrazine
• Reduces Bellzelle
• Reduces VOC
• 0.5-1 micron nominal particulate reduction
This sVMel/l COll[i)l_//s to NSF/ANSI 42 and 53 h)r the sl)ecitic
])er/brmanee claims as _,ritied and sustained by test data. See
Per/brmance Data Sheet fi)r details.
Installation Overview
Locate the drinking water system on the cold water supply pipe, under the
kitchen and/or bathroom sink, to filter the cold drinking water
Elsistema de filtracionde aguautilizalossiguientes
Modelo GXSV65F
Film) FQS\T
(capa(idad de 160 g_flones)
]SilH'o-----<al;t riches blancos COl/banda verde
• Reduce la suciedad, el dxido v los sedimemos
• Reduce el saber volor a clara
• Reduce el t)lomo
• Reduce los quistes filmd)les ((omo (fistosl)oridimn y giardia)
• Reduce la mrbidez
• Reduce el amianto
• Reduce el mercurio
• R('du(e el lindano
• Redu(e la atrazina
• R('du(e la ben(ina
• R('du(e VOC
• Redue(idn nominal de t)artf(ulas de 0,5-1 micr&n
Este sistema se (onfi)rma alas n(mnas 42 y 53 NSF!ANSI en (tlalltO
alas a/imlaciones especflicas de desempeflo segfin _a,H{icacidn
v admisidn de los dates de las pruebas. Consulte la h()]a de dates del
desempeflo para detalles.
Generalidadessobrela instalacion
Coloque el sistema de agua potable on la tuberia de suministro de agua fria,
debajo del lavaplatos de la cocina y/o del ba#o para filtrar el agua fib.
St,lk t,f L ahlt,nua
bcpanmen_ *,ftte *hh c,_,l_i,es
Waler Treamwnl I)evi_e
Cellificule Numl_'r
O4 16O0
I¸,,,,1_,1,,,,_ _1,_1_1I)_,, __ L..................
_4 b
FilteredWater Faucet/
Sink/ _k
avap,atos 2;"70 r//
Adapter/ ,J¢* II
CalVe°rtt: l p Adaptador U_
Valvuladesumi,,istrodeagua _ ]ll:l:2/a I 10U;[[i_a/
Filter Canisters /
Cartuchosde losfiltros
Store or Seller's Name
Cil_' State Zip Telephone
Sell er's signatm'e
Custom er's signatm'e Date
Performance Data Sheet.
Hojade datesdefuncionamiento.
SmartWater FiltrationSystemGXSL55F
UsingFilter FQSLF
• This S)stem has been t(st(d a((or(ling to NSIV/ANSI 4, and )a fi_w
th( redu( tion o] 11:,,.'substm_(es list(d below; The con((mration of the
ill(]if ated stlbstaI/( es iIl "_ater ellIeYiIlg Ihe s}Slell/_kq rethtce(t to a
(om:entr_tion kss dwm or ((lUal m the permissibk_ limit tot _at(r k aving
the s}smm, as spediied in NSF/ANSI 49 and 5a.
• .\,: tual lmribrmance ma} va:) _ith local _,ater ( onditions.
• Do not use with wat(r that is mi(robiologi(all} unsa[_: or _ith x_at(r of
m:knox_n qualit? without a(h quat( disinii_(tion betore or afl(r th( s}stem.
S}st(ms (ertifi(d tot Qst r((hlCfiOll ilia? b(/tse(t oll disinii_(md wat(rs that
ma_ (()main tih(rable Qsts.
Parameter MCL
Par&netro MCL
T ,%o
pm-ti(ulaw *-_:/
Parameter MCL Chal/eugeCoueeutratiou
Parametro MCL iuRuyeuteeoueeutraeKm
q_lrbidil_?'lhrbidez 1 N-I'I-"_:*'_: 11 + 1 NI'I- "_:*'_:
C!_t_/(_uisws 99.92'/_ red. Min. 50000L
AsbestosiAmiam,) 99% red. 107andiy 11)s fibers/fibn.s/1,;
1.ead/Plomo, 0.015 rag/[. 0.15 rag j[. + 10%
:ffl 6.2',
1.ead/Ph)mo, 0.015 rag/[, 0.15 rag/[, + 10'X
ffl 8.5
Me_vur)/Mer_ ufio, 0.002 rag/l. 0.006 mgj [, + 10%
:ffJ 6.5
Me_vur)/Mercmio, 0.002 mgj 1, O.006mg/[,+lO'X
:ffJ 8.5
1.in(lane 0.0002 rag/[. 0.002 rag/I. + 10'X
Toxaphene 0.003 rag, I. 0.015 + 10'X
2.4-1) 0.0017 l//g/[, 0.021 l//g/[, + l0¢X
Atoll{he 0.003mg/[. 0.009 rag/I. + 10'd
*lbsmd using a fl(,_ rate of 0.78 gpm (2.95 l/rain); p:e_.',me <)f60 p_,ig;pH of 7.5 + t).5; temp. of 68 + 5<T (20<'+ 3(;) / Pmbado ufiliamd<) una rosa de fl@) de 0,78 gpm (2,95 I/rain); presi6n
de 60 psig; pl t de 7,5 + 0,5; romp. de 68 + 5 F (211 + 3 C)
*>::Measurement in parrkles/mI,. Particles used wine 0.:_1 microns. / Medicidn en partft ulas/ml,. [ as partkulas usadas eran de 0,5-1 mic_xSn.
*:**:NTL Nephelomeu'ic filrlfidi w [nit_ / NT[ --unklades de mrbklez neMom&fica
Operam_g Spedficadm_s / Espedficadones de operaddn
Capaci¢: certified Ior up to 1200 galhms (4,5421); up to six momhs / Capaddad: certitkado pal'a hasm ] 200 gah rues (4542 1); hasla seis meses
the,_sme wquiremem: 35-120 psi (2.,_8.2 bin) / Requefimienu_s de presi6n: 3:_120 psi (2,8_%2 bin')
qempevam_e: 32_-10(1 F (0.1}-38 C) / qempe_:mnm 33-100 F (1t,6°-38 C)
Ir]ow caw: 0.78 gpm (2.92',I/rain) / [la_l de flqjo: 0,78 gpm (2,95 I/rain)
USEPA Influem
USEPA Ca/idadde/
iuRuyeute eolleeutraeiou
2.o m_/L + 10%
->10000 part{des/
partfculas/m l.
fiber_/fibl;I. _, >10 t/m
long/de lingo
Standard No. 53: Heahh Effects
Standard No. 42: Aesthetic Effects / Estfindar No. 42: Efectos est&icos
5700000 #imI,
/ Estfindar No. 53: Efectos relativos a la salud
1t).73 NTfJ
166500 #_1.
0.152 rag,[.
0.148 m<+/L
0.t106 rag/[.
0.t106 m<+/1.
0.002 IYI_/ [,
0.015 mg_[,
0.222 rag/I,
0.00886 rag, I.
CartuchoFQSLFde sistema de filtracion
GESmartWater GXSL55F
• Este sistema se ha sore(tkh) alas I)ruebas NSF/\NSI 49 } 53 a fin
de r(du(ir las sustancias presentadas a contimta( idn. Se red/!jo la
((/ll(R_l/[l"aci011 (11 ]_kq s/tsta]/(ias indi(adas (_1/ 11 _/g/[_/tilt( illgl'(Sklll ell
el sist(ma a/ma concemracidn re(nor o igual al limit( p(rmitklo para
el agua que sale del sist(ma, (omo se (sp(cifica (n NSF/ANSI 42 ") 53.
• E1 d(s(mpeflo real puede variar de a(uerdo a las (ondi(iones lo(ales
del agua.
• No use ((m agua qu( s(a mi(robiol6gicam(nt( ins(gma o d( (alidad
descono(ida sin tma desin/cccidn ad(cuada del sist(ma antes o
despuds. I.os sist(mas certiticados pma la r( duccidn de ( sporas ])ued( ::
ser usados (n agua (/(sinf_ (tada (lU( podrfa (ontener espoms fihmbl(s.
Average Maximt_n
Promedio Maximo
<0.05 mg/L 0.06 mg_[.
30583 #,ml. 61,t000#/mI.
Average Maximum
Promedio Maximo
0.311 NI'[ 0.49 N'I(
<1 <1
<1 <1
<0.001 <0.001
<0.001 <0.001
t).t10024 t).0005
t).t1007 0.0013
t).t100025 t).00002
<0.001 <0.001
0.01422 rag/[. 0.02",9 rag/[.
<t).t102 <0.002
Average Miuimum
% de reduce{&1
Promedio Miuimo
>97.29'_ 96.845_
99.52% 98.(`)4%
Average Miuimum
%de redueeiou
Promedio Miuimo
(`)7.08% 95.15%
>9(`).(`)(`)% >99.99%
>(,1(,1.(,)9% >99.99%
>99.34% >9(,t.29%
>99.31% >9(,L21.1%
98.72% 9(,t.31%
87.37% 79.63%
(`)8.(`)7% 98.89%
(`)3.23% 91.67%
93.14% 70.2,t1%
77.33% 76.1il %
Miu. Required
Miu. Required
0.01 rag/l,
0.01 rag/l,
t).002 rag/l,
t).002 rag/l,
t).0002 rag/l,
0.003 rag/l,
0.0017 mgi1,
0.003 rag/l,
I_()_S1J_--Repla(enlenl tlhel (mnswl $30-oa
I:or repla(emem pm:_s, (_dl loll-ti'ee 800.626.2009 (LI.S.),
80().663.(i060 (Canada-English), 800.361.3869 ((hnada-Fren(h)
Repuestodeloscartuchosdelos filtros/Costosestimadosdereposicion
FQSI _F R(!plleSto del (aFtll(]lO " "< < "
Pare repues_os, lkune g_,iiis al 800.626.2002 (EE.LIU.),
800.663.6060 (()madS-ingl('s), 800.361.38(';{) (CanadS-/mn(('s)
del fihro SaO-3a
Performance Data Sheet.
Hojade datosde funcionamiento.
SmartWater FiltrationSystemGXSV65F
• This System has been t(st(d a((ording to NSF/ANSI 4_ and ):) fin" the
reduction of the substanc(s list_ d belong. The (om(mration of the
indi(ated substan(es in "_ater ( lH(_I"iIlg |]/t_ S} S[(_11/ +x_,_kq F(_(IIIC(_(t tO _/
(on(entration kss than or (qual to the permissible limit for x_at(r l(aving
the s}smm, as spe(itied in NSF/.\NSI 42 and 5:).
• Actual pertbrmance may va D x_idl local water conditions.
• Do not use with wat(r that is mi(robiologi(al[) unsafi:_ or _hh x_at(r of
unknox_n qualit? wid/out a(h quat( disint_(tion betbre or afl(r th( s)smm.
S)st(ms (ertifi(d tot Qst r((hlctJoll l//a? b(/tse(t oll disinti_(md wat(rs that
ma) (onmin tih(rable Qsts.
Parameter MCL
Parametro MCL
qlwbk/il_) lhrbkk,z 1 NT[ **+' 11 + l NI'L **+'
(:}st_/Quisms 99.951d red. Min. 50000L
Asbesu>s/Amianm 99+_ red. ]07 and/y l()_ fibm_/fibn,s/1 ,;
1,ead/Ph _m<_, 0.015 rag][, 0.15 rag/[, + l 0+d
:ff] 6.2',
1.ead/Ph _m<_, 0.015 mg/L 0.15 mg][. + 10%
ffl 8.5
Me_ lira] Mer(ufi<_. 0.002 rag/l, 0.006 mg/L + 10'd
:ff] 6.5
Me_vur)] Mer( mJo. 0.002 rag/l, O.O06mg/[,+lO'd
:ff] 8.5
1,in(lane 0.0002 rag/[, 0.002 mg][, + 10%
Ben€erie 0.00] IYIg_[, 0.015 mg/[, + 10'X
Amt/ine 0.003 rag/[, 0.009 rag/[, + lO'd
VOC Reduction / Redncd6n de VOC
Chlorofi,m_ l 0.080 mg/l, I
*l_:smd using a flot_ late of 0.60 gpm (2.27 l/rain); p_ex+.me <d60 p+,ig;pH of 7.5 + 0.5; temp. of 68 ++ 5T (20 <'+ 3°(:) / Pmbado ufili/;md<_ una rosa de flqjo de 0,60 glm_ (2,27 I/rain); presi6n
dl 60 psig; pH de 7,5 + 0,5; romp. de 68 + 5 ° F (20 + 3 C)
**Measurement in par6cles/ml,. Particles used wine 0.2_1 microns. / Medici6n en partf(allas_ ml,. [ as partfculas usadas eran de 0,5-1 mi(txSn.
***NT[ Nephelometfic l_lrlfidil_ Units / NTU--unidades de turbidez nett,h_m&fi(a
Operam_g Spedficafoos / Espedficaciones de operad6n
Capacit): certified Ior up to 160 galhms (605 I) ; up Io six months / Capacidad: cmliticado para hasla 160 galones (6051) ; hasm seis meses
I)tex+,m(' _equirt'mem: 32",-120 psi (2.,_8.2 bin) / Requefimientos de presi6n: 32_120 p_i (2,8_%2 l_ar)
qt,mpevamt_: 32+;-100F (().(_-38 C) / qt,mpemmtu: 33-100 F (0,6-38 ° C)
How cam: 0.60 glm_ (2.27 I/rain) / [lh_t de flqjo: 0,60 glm_ (2,27 I/rain)
iuRuyeute Couceutl'aciou
2.0 mg/L + 10'd
->10000 partkles/
partk ulas] ml+
tibel'v fibc,_ >10 pm
long/de largo
0.30 + 10% 0.31429 rag/[, 0.00186429 mg_[, 0.0055 rag/[, 99.40% 98.28% 95%
Standard No. 53: Heahh Effects
Standard No+ 42: Aesflmtic Effects / Estfindar No+ 42: Efectos est&icos
1.94 rag/[,
4100000 #/mI,
/ Estfindar No. 53: Efectos relativos a la salud
11.08 NTU
0.147 mg/L
0.143 mg_[,
0.006033333 mg/L
0.00;,8 rag/I,
0.002016667 mgTL
0.01417 mg_L
0.00830 mg/L
0.99885891 MF/[,
CartuchoFQSVFde sistemade filtracion
GESmartWater GXSV65F
• Este sistema se ha sore(tkh) alas pruebas NSF/\NSI 42 ? 53 a fin
de r(du(ir las sustan(ias presemadas a continua( idn. Se re(hjo la
(()II(R_I/H'aciOII (1( ]_kq S/[St_/]/(iHs i11di(a(lgts (_1/(] agile/q/t( lllgl'(Sktll e11
el sist(ma a una (ore entra(i6n re(nor o igual al limit( p(rmifido para
el agua que sale del sist(ma, _omo se (sp(cifica (n NSF/ANSI 42 ") 53.
• E1 d(s(mpefio real pue(le variar de a( uerdo alas (ondi(iones lo(ales
del agua.
• No use (7/71 agua qu( s(a mi(robiol6gicam(nt( ins(gma o d( (alidad
desconocida sin una desin/bccidn ad(cuada del sist(ma antes o
despu('s. I.os sist(mas ( ertiti(ados pma la 7(du((idn de ( sporas lined( 77
ser usados (71 agua (/(sin[_ (tada qu( podrfa (ontener est)(nas film'd)l( s.
Average Maximum
Promedio Maximo
<0.05 rag/I, <0.05 mg][,
24400 #/mL 67000 #/mL
0.21 NI'I+
<1 #,L
<0.001 mg/L
<0.001 mg/L
<0.0002 mg/L
0.000333 mg/[,
<0.00002 rag, I,
0.000500 rag/I,
0.002000 rag/[,
0.38 NTU 98.04%
2 #/[, >99.99%
<l MF/1, 99.89%
<0.001 mg,[, 99.32%
<0.001 rag/I, 99.30%
<0.0002 mg,[, 96.68%
0.0002, rag/[, 94.34%
<0.00002 rag/'[, 99.00%
0.000500 mg/[, 96.47%
0.002000 rag/I, 74.82%
Average Miuimmn
% de reducci&l
Promedio Miuimo
97.41% 97.22%
99.35% 97.84%
Miu. Required
0.5 NTL
0.010 mg/L
0.010 mg/L
0.002 mgiL
0.002 mgi1,
0.0002 rag/l,
0.005 rag/l,
0.003 mgi1,
I QSVI_--R( t la(_m(nt hit( (a _ st(r$) )M0
For rel)la7 emem parts, call toll-ti'ee 800.626.2002 (U.S+),
800.6()3.60()0 (C_mada-English), 800.361.38()9 ((_mada-French)
Repuesto de los cartuchosde los filtms/Costos estimados de reposicion
I?QSVl_llet)uesto del (arm(ho (tel fihro $35-40
Pa_ repuestos, ll_une g_a6s al 800.626.2002 (EE.UU.),
800.663.6060 ((_madS-inglds), 800.361.3869 (Canadd-/mn(ds)
Performance Data Sheet. I Hoja de datosde funcionamiento.
Organic Chenlicals Reduced by Chloroform Surrogate Testing / Quimicos orgllnicos reducMos 1)ol. la prueba sustituta de clorofornlo
Contmninam / Contanmmnte hfflnem / hfflwtnlte(pg!L) '2 Effhrien/e (pg!L) -_
AI _dflor r>O I (V
At _,_zin( 1O0 3(V
B(nz_ ne 81 10 s
(_d_oth _an 190 I(V
€ _rbon h h whlofid_ 78 1 84
( ldo_ob( nz_ nc 77 1(V
( hlo_opicfin 15 02 _
2,4-D 110 17 4
DibI onlo( hlol opl(q3 m((DBCP) 52 002 s
o-Dichlo_ob( nz( n( 80 I (V
l>Diddol obenzen_ 40 I 0 _
1,2-Diddoloeda me 88 48
1,1-Dicldol oelhylene 83 1()s
/isq ,2-DichloIo( dwh ne 170 ()5 _
Ihmsq ,2-I)ich k_l (_e d lyle n e 86 I(V
1,2-Di( lllol (q_l opane 80 1 (V
(isol, %Dichlol opl opylen( 79 1 (V
Dinoseb 170 024
Endlin 53 0594
Ed_ylbenzene 88 I(V
EIhylene Diblomid((El)g) 44 002 _
II do _celonihiles (IIAN):
Ihomochk_o_cet(milfile 22 054
Dil_i om(_ _cetonilfil( 24 064
Dicldo_o _c( Ionih lie 96 02 _
h iclllol o welonillile 15 113 _
influent challenge levelsare average influent concentzatlonsdetermined Insurrogat_ qualification testing / Losniveles
de._to Dfluyen_ son cencentracl_n_ mfluyent_s promote _rrnmadas en pru_as _ calihcaci_n sustitutas
2l_d/Lmeans Micrudranls Per Liter/l_d/L s(qmhca micrograrlwsp_ fitru
sMax/_l?url?p_ud_t water le_/was not edservedbut was set at the detection I_?it of the analysis¸/ El ni_l mdxm?o_/
agua_/ predate no se _s_vO pe_ fue coluca_ a un I_?ite._ _tecci_n para eland#sis
Max/_l?url?pmd_t level is set ata value _t_r_l?ine.clin surroga_ qualihcatl_n testing / El ni_l m_x/rck)_l pmdl_to
colucadoa un val_ _rminado p_ la pmeba decalihcaci_n sdst/tura
I; sting _as p( llonned mld(l s{ uld lid hbol _{ory condilions: a(tltd pe_lorman( e may vl_ / [;i p_u( ba hie ]]ex id _ a (,d_o b_i(, condiciones d( ] d_<,_ u_,l k)s ( slSnd n_ s; el i endimien{o ic,d podl LI x,l_i _;
NOTE: Substances reduced are nol necessarily in _m ¸x_alel: Fiber m_sl be mainlained according I_ manufi_cm_*_r's insmwtions, including replacemenl of Iill_ ¸ _,_rlridges / N( )TA: I as s_islmwias _:_h wklas J_() (_slS_
ne(:esariamenle en _ _gl ta El l]Jllx) debe nlanlenerse de acuerdo _)n los inslrucciones del thbricanl_, incluyendo los cartuchos de reemplazo
WARNING: Do nol use MIh waleJ ¸ _l_a_ is mi(:robiok_gk:ally m_sal_ or of_mknovn qualily MIhoul adeqna_e disin_clion belove or after file syslem _lems ce_lilied ffw cysl reduction may be nsed on disinl_c_ed w,_lers _l_a_
contain tilte_l_le c!_,ls / A1)VERTENCIA: No use con agua que no sea microbk)k_gican_en_e segma o de calidad desconocida sin desin_cci6n adecuada anles y _lesl_s del sis_ema Los sislemas cerfificados pare la reducck_n
de] qlfisl*_ i)odr_n usalse en a_as desin_cladas qne confienen (lllisles l]]_i_l,l(_s
Avg. / h_ome¢lio I Max. Effluent /
Contaminant / Contanfil_ante hlfluent / Infhtyente (Dg!L)'-' Effiwyente (IN!L)'-'
H llok_ qones (IIK):
l,l-dicldol o-2-pl opanou( 72 014
1,1,1 -h i( ldo_o-21_l op ul(m( 82 _, 034
[h pI,tchk)_ (1t-3t, llcplox) 80 0P
Hepl,_chk_ Epoxidc 107_, 02 _,
H( x,_ddo_obm,_di( nc 44 I() :_
H_ x,_cldo_ocx clopcnl Mi( ne 60 0()02 _
I ,in&m( 55 001 s
Mcd_ox cldo_ 50 0P
P( nl wMo_oph_ nol 96 1 0:_
Sire _zin_ 120 4.@
Slovene 150 0re
1,] ,2,2:I_ t_ _( hl(_ o( Ih m( 81 I0 _
Iel_acldor o_ dwlen_ 81 1()g
Ik)lu( ne 78 I 0 _
2, L5qP (sihex) 270 1 6g
Hib_omoac( tic a(id 42 I .()_
1,2,4-I}iclfl(_obenz( n( 160 053
1,1,1-hichk)_oed_ane 8:t 4(P
1,1,2-hichk)_oedmnc 150 05 _
I) ichlo_olhylen( 180 1() _
I1 ih ll(miedlanes (includ( s): 300 15
(2hlo_<_loHn (smroR,_l_ chemical)
Ih omolk)nn
BI omod J( h]ol pilled HII(
Chk)_odib_omom( d_ m(
Xyl( n( s (Iol d) 70 103
Cherninal[educfionpercent andmaximumproductwate[ levelcalculated at chlumtunn 95% &eakthmugh point as
deter,lined In surroga_ quafif/cafi_n testing / Elp_rcen_e _ la reducci_n quinlicay elni_/ m_xirno _l _ua _l
p_ducto ca_ula_ a unpunto de ruptaa _ 95% de clurotum?os_n Io _te.rminado enla plueba _ calif/cacl_n sustnuta
sThesurroga_testresdts f_ h_t'achlu_Epox/dedemonstrateda 98%reduction¸Thesedatawereusedto_ula_ an u#l)_
occurrencecenceni_at/un,whichworld produceamaxtrnurnproductwater _ve/at theMCL/ Losresultadus_ la p_u_ba
sustlto_i_ofaro el E_oxidohepl'aclufu demostfafu_?ui?a[educcl_ode 98% Estosdatestuefu_?usadcspafaca_//a_ /aOCUCrd?ClO
unaconcentmci_nsumner./a we p_edl_lffa dnn_velm_x/mo_ agda _l p_edl_to en el MCL
Avg. / Promedio j Max, Effluent /
Installation Instructions.
WARNING:_ead entire manual. Failureto followollguldos and
rules could cause personal injury or property damage.
• CheckwithyourIocalpubfic worksdepartmentforplmnbingcodes.You
must follow their guides as you install the Water Filtration system.
Toolsand Materials Requiredfor Installation
• "][_vvro (2) a(!jusmble wrendws
• Ele(tfi( drill and drill bit to drill o, 4 hole (l?,pe as required) if
mounting hole is needed for tim( el
• 1/16" (hill bit (optiolml tor pilot holes)
• Tape l//e_lSlll?(!
• If yore" main water line is a rigid pipe, you will require a (ompression
fitting and possibly other phmg)ing hardware to (omplete the
• o / **
A CAUTION:re avolddamagingthesink,coasulta qualified
plumber orinstaller for drillingprocedures.Specialdrillbits may be needed
for porcelain or stainless steel.
ContentsIncluded with the Product
• Water tilwr .system assembly, ilwluding mounting s_]'_'_r
• Feed water adapter and supply valve
• Faucet assembly with electronic base monitor and robing
Instruccionesde instalacion.
Recomendacionesimportantespara la instalacion
ADVERTENCIA:tea manualcompletosoguir roans
los pautas y reglas podria causar lesiones personales y a la propiedad.
• Consulte con su departamento local de ebras p#blicas para los cddigos de
plomeria. Usted debe seguir estas pautas a medida que instala el sistema
de filtracion de agua.
Herramientas ymateriales necesariospara la instalacion
• DestorHillador de estrella
• Dos (2) llmvs _!justables
• "Faladro el('cufico y 1)roca para el tala(hx) t)am t)erRmu: m_ orilicio de
3/4" 1)am el gri/b (del ripe necesario)
• groca de 1/16" para taladm (optional para odli(ios piloto)
• Cima m(,tri(-a
• Si su lfnea de agua principal es de tubeiffa rfgJda, usted necesitanl m}
accesolJo de compresidn y posit)lememe algtma otra herramiema de
plometSa t)am complemr la instalaci6n.
--A PRECAUCION:Paraevitardo#asallavaplatos,consulto
con un plomero o instalador calificado flora los procedimientos de perforacidn.
Podrian necesitarse brocas especiales para porcelana o acero inoxidable.
Contenidoincfuidocon el producto
• Ensaml)ladura del siswma de/ihra(i6n de agua, in(luyen(to cl tornillo
de instalacion
• Adaptador para la alimemaci6n de agua y vdlwfla de smninistro
• Ensambladm:a del gdlo (on m} monitor de base ele(trdni(o v mberfa
Installation Instructions.
Instruccionesde instalaciOn.
(Utilizing existing kitchen sink water supply valve [A] and removable faucet
tubing [B])
For 1/2-inch and 3/8-inch installations
1. ReJcr to Fig. 1 to complew _lsselIlbl_ rdepending on supply _dve
size (A).
2. Turn off d_e C()I,I) water supply _dve (A).
3. Unscrew die existingliulcet tlfl)ingline (g) fi:om die supply\;dve (A),
C()I J) side onR./VOTE" ForWkl pipe, see C Optiona/ installation on page9.
For 3/8-inch Valve /
Para plomeria de 3/8 de pulgada
(Utilizando la v_lvula existente de suministro de agua del lavaplatos
de la cocina [A] y la tuberia desmontable del grifo [B])
Para instalaoiones de 1/2 pulgada y 3/8 pulgada
1. (]Olls/lltel_tJsig. 1 p_tlZt(oli/pleI_tFl_tena_tlll|)l_tdllt_ldep('ndiendo
del tamaflo de la %lvula de suministro (A).
2. Cierre la %lxula de suministro de agua F1KL\ (A).
3. l)esaionfillelambeffae×iswmedelgrifo (g) delav;iIvulade
suminJsu:o (A), el lado FRiO 6nicamente. NOTA: tiara insta/aciGnde
tuberfarfgifla, consulte C.Instalacibnopcional,p@inas 9-10.
For 1/2-inch Valve /
Para plomeria de 1/2 de pulgada
Tuberiadel grifo
Tuberiadel grifo
(F)Met valve/
Fig. 2
Fig. 1
Empaque -'--_@
@ Vaiwlia deentrada
valve{not included)/
Empaque _ @
i_ (D)Coupling/
@ (F)Met valve/
Wlvula deentrada
valve(not included)/
dea ua