ge, com
Hot & Cold Water Dispenser
Safety Instructions . ................... 2, 3
Using the Water Dispenser
Child Safeguard .......................... 5
Features and Parts i,ist .................... 4
i,oading the Dispenser . ................... 4
Specifications ............................ 8
Care aml Cleaning ...................... 5-8
Troubleshooting Tips .................... 8, 9
Consumer Support
(_onsulner Support ............... Back (_over
Warranty ....................... Back Cover
lnformations en matibre de s&'urit_ ...... ]O, ] ]
Utilisation du distributeur d'eau
Caract6ristiques et liste de pibces ........... ] 2
(;aract6ristiques techniques ............... ] 6
(_hargement du distributeur . ............. 12
Sauvegarde pour la protection des enfimts . . .13
Entretien et nettoyage ................. 13-16
Conseils de dEpannage ................. 16, 17
Soutien au consommateur
Garantie .............................. ] 8
So/Itiell atl COllSOll/ll/atetlI" . ............... ]8
GX(J:2OKWW*/GX(J:2OKBB* (hiller model
GXCCO ID* courttez'top model
GXCFOSD* Jloor model
(;X CI;2()I_/ ( ;X CIg2OFII B chiller model
Distributeur d'eau
chaude ou froide
La section frangaise commence h la page 10
Dispensador de agua
caliente & frfa
lnformaci6n de seguridad .............. 19, 20
C6mo utilizar el dispensador de agua
C6mo cargar el dispensador . .............. 21
Especificaciones ......................... 25
i,ista de partes y caracterfsticas ............. 21
Seguro contra niflos ..................... 29
Cuidado y limpieza ................... 29-25
Solueionar problemas ................. 25, 26
Apoyo al consumidor
Garantia ............................... 27
Apoyo al consmnidor . ................... 27
Laseccion en espa_ol empieza en la pagina 19
*ENERGY STAR_' qualified produ(t.
As an ENERGYSTAR<':partneL (;E
has detemfined that this product
meets the ENERGYSTAR<':guidelines
215C1002P038 49-50222 02-07JR
tot energy eflidenc):
Usethisappliance onlyfor itsintended purpose as describedin thisOwner'sManual
Whenusingelectrical appliances,basicsafetyprecautions shouldbe followed,includingthe following."
_:This "wa|er dispenser must be t)roperly inslalled
and lo(aled in a((ordan(e wiih Ihese insu'u( lions
t)eti)l'(_ i! is us(_d.
::_'_1)o not allow children to climb, stand or hang
on tile outside of tile dist)enseJ; or on the shelves
inside the storage cabinet (on some models).
I'h() could tip the dispenser O_t('_"and damag('
it and seriously ii!jure themselves.
i):?Do not store or use gasoline or other flammat)le
vapors _md liquids in the vi(init) of this or ally
other appliance.
::_':Unplug the water dispenser beli/re cleaning or
making ret)airs.
NOTE: GEdoes not support any servicing of the
dispense_ We strongly recommend that you do not
attempt to service the dispenser yourself.
::U_Do not rise this dispenser to dispense _mything
other than water.
i_:Wipe up any water spills immediatel} after loading
i):?C_fildren should be supervised by a parent when
::CAUtiON:The dispenser beats water
Water temperatures above 125°F (52°C) era1 cause
or unloading water boules.
using this product.
WARNING:Do uot use with water that is
microbinlogically unsafe or of unknown quality.
to a temperature of approxhnately 194°F (90°C).
severe bunls or death from scalding. Clfildren,
the disabled mad the elderly are at highest risk
of beh_ scalded.
NOTICE:'_+,s product is intended solely for
use in cllillit_g cmmed mid boxed beverages, and
packaged nouperishables.
_+l)o not t)lug ill the l)OV_'eF(ord ()r turn on die
t)(/wel" S'Wi|( lies when |he _va|er dispenser is en/t)l )
_;_\llo\v at least 1" (2.5 cm) of space/)et\veen the
back of ttle water dispenser and the wall to allow
li/r t)roper air circulation.
::_'_Do not install the water dispenser where the
temperature will go below 50°F (10°C) or
above 100+F (38°(;).
::_':Install the water dispenser on a lcv('l floor or
counter str(mg enough to support it when fldly
loaded. Do not install where it will be subject to
direct stmlight, heat or moisture.
WARNING:Improper use of the grounding plug can result in a risk of electric shock.
This apl_liance lllUSl be grounded. Ill die _r_l_l _ a_
ekx Iri(al shorl (irctlil, gr/nlnding reduo:_s II/_:_risk of
ele< Iri( sho(k.
This appliance is equipped with a power cord Ill,ring
a grounding wire witl/a grom/ding phlg. The phlg
must be plugged into an outlet that is properl?
installed and grounded.
Consuh a qualified electrician if the grounding
instr/tctions are not completely understood, or if
doubt exists as to whether the appliance is properly
If the outlet is a standard 2-prong wall outlet, it is
your personal responsibili F and obligation to have
it replaced with a t/roperl} grounded 3-prong
wall outlet.
Do 110[ tinder ally circIIIIISI21nc('s CII[ or relllO\_* IN('
third (ground) prong ti'om the power cord.
Do not use an adapter plug with this appliance.
Do not use an extension cord with this appliame.
If the power cord is u_/) short, have a qualified
electrician install all omlet near the appliance.
For best operation, plug the appliance into its own
electrical otttlet on a dedicated circuit to prevent
flickering of lights, l/lowing of fllse, or tripping of
circuit breakel:
Refrigerant Disposal
rcli'igeran_ in its (ooling s) sWm. These reli_gcrmlts
are t/elieved to harm stratospheric ozone. If'y)u are
tllrowing aw_l), your old dispenser make sure the
reti'igerant is removed and recovered tbr proper
disposal t V an l{E\-certilied re<hnician. If you
intentionally release this reli'igerant, you Call be
sul!iect to lines and imprisonnlent under provisions
of environmental legislation.
Usingthe water dispenser.
Floor model
Chiller model
Countertop model
Features and Parts List
0 ColdWaterTank
dispenser),Th(, Cold (B]m,) pol_er ,',ldtchalso
turnson thedriller (:ompartment (on models
IndicatorLights.The greenlight_411be lit _4/enI1_e
dispenserisl/luggedin."fh_ l_'d and lllne ligNs 1411
_?xleon and t_[lI_l/il_Ihc disF'ns_'r heats and _ools
water: Compressor start dela)ed b_ up to 3 minut_s,
DispenserDrip Tray(WS28XIO016)andGrille
DispenserDrip Tray(WS2.SXlO026)andGrille
DispenserDrip Tray(WS2.SXlO031)andGrille
Do not u,,_'t_:>st_/x_toads requiring _Ii'ig_'radon,
The compartment isnot refi'iT/rated,
The comparm/ent isinl_nded sold? lilt use in
chilling canned and boxed bexcrag_'s, and packag_'d
Leading the Dispenser and Start Up
Sanitizethe dispenserwatertanksprior toinstalling
a fullbottleofwaterfor the firsttime (see "Cleaning
andSanitizing the Water Tanks").
IMPORTANT"Make sure the dispenser is unplugged
with both the hot and coldpower switches (on the
back of the dispenser,onmodels so equipped)set to
the 0 (off)position. Before placing the water bottle
on the dispenser, wash hands and wipe the top of
the bottle with a clean cloth. Avoid touching the part
of the bottle that wil! be in contact with the water
Make sure the water level in the top ofthe dispenser
is low enough to allow for proper bottle installation.
Failure to do so may cause the dispenser to overflo_z
l. Peel tilt' label tiom the top _over of the
bottle (if l/resent). Do not remox e the entire
l/ottle call.
2. ['lace tile bottle on t()p oflhe dispenser as
sho/_l, aligning the dispensing _d_e probe to
tile center of tile _ater bottle cap. Press doun
/mdl the probe penetrates the bottle cap,
allowing the horde to rest on the stq_port
3. IMPORTANT."Pressbothdispensebuttonsuntil
water runsfrom bothtaps.
4. Plug ill the dispense_:
5. Set the COl l) and ItOT po_wr s_itdles
(located on the top leI_ rear of the dispenser,
on models so equil/ped) to the I (on) position.
6. Allow 30 minutes/or w_ter to reach hot and
cold telllperattlres.
Contacta localwater bottle distributor topurchase
water bottles.
Child Safeguard
The t tOT disl_'nser t)t_t to_l is c'q tlit)l_ed
with a child sat_'guar(1 that redtlces the risk
of hot water being dispensed accidentally
or b_ small children. "lb t_se the bt_tton,
slide the tab tip and press the btltton in.
Careand cleaningofthe dispenser.
Cleaning the Outside Cabinet and Sterage/Chi//er Cempartment
(on some models)
/MPORTANT: Set both power switches (on the
back of the dispenser) in the 0 (off) position
and unplug the water dispenser before
The cal)in_ 1 _md (omI)_trtm('l_t _l th('
disi)ens_ r can 1)e washed with mild soap and
water. I_i/se thoro_lghly with (lear water.
Ne\('r rise col/li/leFcial cleallel's or al)rasi'_'('
scollring p__,wders.
The dispenser heats water to a temperature
of approximately 190°1:(88°C). Water
temperatures above 125°1:(52°C) can cause
severe burns or death from scalding. Children,
the disabled and the elderly are at highest risk
of being scalded.
CAUTION:Children should be
supervised by a parent when using this
condei/ser coils on th_ 1)a(k of the m_it.
I:<_r1)es_ results, tls_ a br_lsh speciallp'
desigJled liar this i)t_]_os_. 11 is a\zdlat)l_
at most api)lianc_ stores.
Cleaning the Inside of the Chiller Compartment
Tohelp prevent odors, le_\_' an open box of
baki_g soda in the chiller compartment.
Unplug the dispenser before cleaning.
soh_tio_--zd)ot_t a tablespoon (15 ml) of
baki_g soda to a qt_art (1 liter) of water,
This both cleans and net_tralizes odors.
Rinse and wipe dr}.
Cleaning the Drip Tray and Grille
The disi)_'_s_'r dri I) tr_' is _ot s('llktr_ini_g.
"1}_redllce water spotting or dei)osits,
the tr;_y and its grille sho_Id 1)e emptied,
(leaned and wiped dry r_'g_lafly.
Clean other parts of the chiller
comt)artmenl including door gaskets
and all plasti( parts--lhe same w_y,
Do not wash aog plastic chiller parts in the
Cleai/with mild soap or on the top rack in
the dishwasher.
Careandcleaningof thedispenser.
Draining the Dispenser
"l]_e dislx'ns('r should 17( drain(d b(liTrc cleaning the bulks ai/d 1)('tiTI'(' l('aving lor long xa(ations or abs('n(es.
outlet cap
Floor models
(rear of dispenser)
1. Sol both t)ow('r switches ((311the back of the dispenser)
in the 0 (Off)position and unplug the dispense::
2. Remove the water bottle fi'om the dispense::
3. Put a (ontainer that will withstand hot water uuder the hot
water tap, Press the hot dispel_er button tmdl the water is
cool (about 1 quart). Add water to the cold water reserx_)ir
(/)i/top where the bottle supplies water) as needed,
4. Dispense water ti'om both t)uttons into container(s) until
i11) more water can be dispensed (about 1 quart of water
still remains in the dispenser).
5. Place a large 1)u(ket beneath the drain outlet on the rear
of the dispense::
6. Using a Phillips scruwd:Jvcr loosen the screws on the
bracket co\_'lJng the drain outlet (ap, Rotate the bracket
out of the way to allow access to the cap,
7. Ilemovc the cap and silicon su)pper ti'om the drain oudet
and and allow water to drain. )d_er draining, replace the
stopper and cap.
8. Rotate the bracket back into place and tighten s(rews.
Make sure to install a litll bottle and dispense water ti'om
the hot water tap beti)re phlgging in and turning on the
dispenser (see Loading the Dispenser).
Countertop models
(bottom of dispenser)
1. Set both t)ow('r switches (Oil the back (/1 the dispenser)
in the 0 (off) position and unplug the dispense::
2. Remove the water bottle/i'om the dispenser.
3. Put a (ontainer tl/at will withstand hot water tluder the hot
water tap, Press tim hot dispel_er button until tim water is
cool (about 1 quart). Add water to the cold water reserx_)ir
(/)i/top where the bottle supplies water) as needed,
4. Dispense water ti'om both buttons into container(s) until
i11)more water can be dispensed (about 1 quart of water
still remains in the dispenser).
WARNING:,i ,hedispe.sercore oOv,"i,weighs
approximately 40Ibs (18 kg). Avoid accidentally pressing the
dispenser buttons while lifting or carrying.
5. Place the dispcnsur ()v('r _1sink with 3 lk'_'l 1)I1the counter.
t t/)1(t or sect::'(' the dispenser steady while remo_4ng the
retaining clip and drain (ove:: ]{(':n()v(' the retaining clip
and drain cover fl'om tile drain outlet, making sure not to
damagu the drain cover, )dlow water to drain.
6. Afler draining, replace the drain cover and retaining clip.
Make sure to install a lhll bottle and dist)ense _,\'_lt('rti'oI:l
the hot water tap bolero plugging in and turning (7:1 the
dispenser (see Loading the Dispenser),
Toremove Toreplace
_ Supportcollar
Cleaning the Separator
IMPORTANT: Set both power switches (on the
back of the dispenser) in the 0 (off) position
and unplug the water dispenser before
1. ReIIlO\r( |he _r_l_ _"t_l]_ _t drain the
dist)enser (see Draining the Dispenser).
2. I_elIlo\re |he supporl collar 1)} turning
com_terclockwise and pulling straight DiE
3. Remove tile plastic separator t)y pulling
straight out (}u)u Ina} need to |\vis[
slightly to loosen).
4. Clean the separator Mtb dish soap
and water or ill the top rack of the
5. Dry the separator tllorougbly on
both sides.
6. Using a clean clottl or paper towel,
thoroughly dry the cold water reserv()il:
7. Place the separator back ill the (list)easel:
Make sure the long, mt)ered end of the
set)arator is positioned tirml} on the
metal plug on tlle botlonl of tile
8. Retllace the SOl)port collar and turn
clock'wise (mtil it is firmly ill t)lace,
9. Install a flfll water bottle on the dispenser
(see Loading the Dispenser).
Sanitizing and Cleaning the Water Tanks
IMPORTANT"Periodicallythewater dispensertanksmustbesanitizedtopreventunpleasanttastesinthewaterand cleanedto
removemineralde)ositsthat canimpairflow
1. B(f()re cleanii/g, sei bolh l)o_ver swilcb(!s
(on lhe back of dw disi)enser ) ill Ihe O (off)
i)osidon aI/d enpIeg the water dispenser. OFF
NOTE: For firsl lira( inslal]ali(m, skip position
steps 2-4.
2. Empb, tile waI(r l/otde, then remov( it l]'om tile
3. Drain tb( water tanks (see Draining No Dispenser).
4. Reinstall the silicon stopper and drain cap (on floor
models) or the drain cover and retaining clip (on
coentertop models) (see Draining the Dispenser).
DISPENSER. Concentrated hleach may damage plastic.
Add 1/2 te_tspoon (2.5 ml) ofordiimry 6.0%
//laXillllllll household blea(h to a 2 (llmrt (2 liter)
I)itch(r filled with tap water.
6. Pour tile solution ill tim opening at th( top of
tb( dispenser.
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 imtil tile dispenser is fllll.
8. Press tile hot and cold dispenser butIons imtil the
water jllst begins to flow/i'om the tai)s.
9. Allow to sit/i/r 15-20 n/inures.
10. Rinse pet the bleach soletiom
-- Drain the \\rHl('r tanks into a l_u'gc bll(k('t
(floor models) or sink (count(rto t) models)
(see Draining the Dispenser).
-- ]X,'/_ke sm'e that the silicon stopper (/lear
models) or drain cov(r (colmtertop models)
is NOT installed.
-- IMPORTANT? Remove the separator and wipe oct the
cold water reserve# (see Cleaning the Separator).
-- (]lean, then rcinst_lll tb(' SCl/arator _md collar
(see Cleaning the Separator).
-- Pore- N)t)roxim_mqy 1 gallon (4 qlmrts or
4 lilers) ofli'csh tap \*,r}lt{'rinto the top _md allow
to drain in[o tile bucket (floor rood(Is) or sink
((ounterto I) models).
-- Fh/sb with all additional 1 gallon (4 qmu'ts or
4 liters) ofli'esh tap water and allow to drain
lille the buckel (floor models) or sink
((ountertop models).
11. Reinstall the silicon stopper and drain cap (on floor
models) or the drain cover and retaining clip (on
coentettop models) (s(( Draining the Dispenser).
12. install a/i'(sh \\rater berth' (see Loading the Dispenser).
13. Dispense 1 quart (1 fiter) of water from each tap
and taste to m_&e sm'c the l/lc_tch solmion is
complelely removed.
If Foe continue to taste the chlorine from the bleach soletion,
repeat steps 10-13 enti] the taste is gone.
14. Phlg ill Ill( dispenser. Then Illrn Oil |tl( tl()| [_
and cold l)()wer s_xiI(ll(?s (Oil Ill(! ba(k of Ihe
disI)ens( r)" ON
To Remove Mineral Deposits:
Mix 2 quarts (2 liters) of water with two quarts of vinegar OR mix I gallon of water (4 liters) with 16 ounces (454 g) of citric acid
crystals, Bleach does not remove mineral deposits, Do this in place of step 5 when removing mineral deposits,
Careand cleaningofthe dispenser.
Defrost whenever frost on the waft of the dff//er compartment becomes After defrosting:
excessive.Never use a sharp or metMlio instrument to remove frost
as # may damage the liner We recornmeed using a plastic scraper
Donot use aey ebctrical dev/ce /e defrosbTg yourchiller compartroeet
To defrost:
iJi:Remove iwms ti'oul tilt' (()mparmient.
Yi::'Ihrn tile (:/)1(t (ghle) Power switch to offand [lilt)big
tile dispenser.
iJi:Put several towels in the bottou] of the compartment
to collect watch
[)eh'osfi])g ttsually takt's a tow hours. To defl'ost Ii_sten
kee t ) the door opel).
Preparing for Vacation
For long vacations or abseI]( ('s, s('t both l)OWt'r s_itch(s
(on tile back of tile dispenser) to tile 0 (off) position.
1. Llnplug tile water dispens_ n
2. Remoxe tile ++*afterbottle.
3. Drain tl/e water tanks (see Draining the Dispenser).
Yi::Rem_\x' the wet towels and wipe up any remaining water.
>:Wipe the c()mparm]ent with a dr_ cloth.
;(::Plug in tile unit and turn on tile Cold (Blue) power switch.
Return items to the HI}it.
4. DIT the separator thoroughly on both tile toil and bouom
(see CleaningtheSeparator).
5. l,eave tile door of tile (hiller (ompartment open
(on som_ models).
After retumMgfrom vacation,makesure to sanitizethe water tanks
beforeusingthedispenser(see CleaningandSanitizingthe WaterTank).
Chilling Rate: al)prox. 0.5 gallons (2 hter:) per holtr
Heating Rate: aI)prox. 0.8 gallons (3 liters) per holtr
Capacity: 3 or 5 gallon bottle
Power Consumption: } ]eati]]g: @0 "\V_IIISIIlaX,
Cooling: 125 _satts max.
PossibleCauses What ToDo
Water has poor taste Separator needs cleaning. • See Cleaning the Separator
or odor
Water not hot enough Dispe_er is mlplugged. • PtlsIt lit(' t l lg- (oil| t le el)' tit o lit(' outlet.
or cold enough The fuse is blown/circuit " Replace house ftlse or reset lhe }reliNe circuit 1)reaker.
Water dispenser does Empty water bottle. • Replace with a ]/t'\_ rbottle t)f I&rate]:
not work - No water flow
Cold water button Chiller door has been left open. • Close chiller (loot:
does not dispense
Water dispenser leaks Crack or pin hole in bottle. " Replace with a }lOW bottle of ware}:
from the outside
Compressor does not start Normal Operation--Compressor • \Vail tor up to 3 miJmtes fi>r the COml)ressor lo start.
when coldpower switch/ start is delayed by up m 3 minutes
blue light is on to prolong the compressor life.
Bottle feels warm Water system overfilled. • Dispense ('/)1(1 wawr until air is released into the berth'.
Unit needs to be sanitized. • See Cleaning and Sanitizing the Water Tanks.
breaker is tripped. "If too man) ileum are t)lugged i/]to a single circuit, move
some iwms loa dilIcrenl circuil.
MI the water in tim water tank "Wait 30 n|imfles Ior water lo heat or cool.
has been used.
Temperature limiter tripped. • Set the hot and coht power switches (Ira the back of the
dispenser) to the 0 (off)position. Wail live minuws: then
set the switches to the I (0o) position. Wait 30 minutes tbr
wate/" to }teat or cool.
Mineral deposits clogging tmalcs. "See Care and Cleaning.
Ice buildup blockix_ water flow. "Turn oItcohl power swiwh overnight and/lip back (m in
the )nor)ring.
Water is boiling in the hot tmxk
mad bubblhg up into the bottle.
PossibleCauses What ToDo
slrong enough to SUl)porl it \vllcll fulb ](reded.
Bottle making, a gurgling noise • This is normM.
as water fills the tmflcs.
Hot water boiling sound. • This is non nN.
Dispenser or water bottle shakes • This is non n_d.
when the cooling system cycles off.
Particles floating in Water has lfigh mineral content. • Fiud a \%r_llel"source _Jll/]owcr hardness.
Foulodor in air around Hot water tmlk is empty or not _ /)_(x_ _ ]](x _()_ (ti_)(Xl/_(x]_ l)_[ [ ()_/ _]Jlli_ _r_ 1 (xr _]()_r_ _ () /'(xllJ()_r( x
dispenser completely full. air/]'om the hol lmlk.
Chillerdoes notoperate Clfiller is not on. • _]'t_J_] lit( _ ( 44()1(t (}_]t](') })()_r('l" S*l%ri|t--][ Oil,
(chiller models only)
Water dispenser is tmplugged. • Puslt_ l]le j)lug, colnj)hqel\, ilHo lhe oulltq.
The fuse is blown/circttit • Rel)lacc lust or reset the breakcl:
breaker is tripped.
Vibration orrattling Water dispenser is on • Ust +shil//s lo ]('xr(_l1][(' tll/il.
(slight vibration ma uneven surface.
is normal)
Compressor,/motor Often occurs when • This is n(n'mM.
operates (blue light on) large anmmtts of food
for long periods or cycles are placed in cooler.
(chiller models only) Door left open. • Check In see i_t)_,-kage is holding door open,
Hot weather or frequent • This is n(n'mM.
door opetfit_s.
Compressor/motor Normal Maen refit • V(;dl 24 hours tbr lhe mill to c(mq)lclel? cool doxArl/.
operates (blue light on) is first plugged in.
for long periods or cycles
(allmodels) Not enottgh clearmace • _/[ak( + slit'(" 1]leFt' ix e/lOtlg]t air circtll_llJoll arotll/d
from the wall. lhc ill/it.
Water system overfilled. • l)is})ense \vzll('r ll'()ll/ |lit' c()ld J_tHt-c1 tmlil air ix released
i/llo lilt" 1)ollle.
Chiller compartment too Door left open. • (iheck In see i[ t);. kage is holding door open,
warm (chiller models only)
Compartment/coldwater Low ambient telnperature. • P]_we IlllilS ill l'()()t/| lell/j)crtlHire (q/virol/li/tq/|.
too cold/frozen
Chiller compartment has Foods transmitling odor • Foods _ilh slrollg odors should t)c lighll} wrat)l)t+d,
odor (chiller models only) to driller. • Kee t) m/open box ofl)aking soda ill l]/c unit:
rcl)lace t+ver_ l]tl't't' ll/oI/lhs,
Interior needs demliug. • St'(" Care and cleaning.
Moisture forms on outside Not unusual during • V(ilw surt_(-e dry,
of chiller compartment periods of high humidity • ()t)eralc Hllil ill leml)tT;_lure- ;uld huluidil}_-onlrolh+d
(chiller models only) mad/ur temperature, loc;_lioiL
• Pl_*ce tlllil ill Ira} lo (-Ol/121il/ II/oisHlr(' _l(-(-tll/ltll;l|iOl/.
Moisture collects inside
chiller compartment
(in humid weather, air
carries moisture into
chiller compartment when
door is opened) (chiller
models only)
Too frequent or too long
door opetfit_gs.
• Minimize time door is open.
• Wipe surlime dr>
• Emp|) interned drip rely.
• Operate mlit in temt)cramru- and humidil}-controllcd
• Place ullJt ill tra} to contain moisture a(cumulatJon.