Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this Owner's Manual
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following:
;_ This water dispenser must be t)roperly installed
;-uld ](/(ated ill _'t((()l'd_'tll(( with these illS|l II(|iOllS
t)(fbr( it is used.
k_?I)(/not allow children t(/climb, stall(! or hang
(m ttl( outside of the dispenseL or on the sh( lves
inside th( storage +abinet (on sore(rood(Is).
They (ould tip dl( dist)( riser over and damag(
it and s( riously injure dl( mselves.
_?I)o not st(m or use g_lsoline or other tlammable
wqx)l_ and liquids ill the vi(inity of this or any
(/dl( r applian( e.
i¢_1Jnt)lug dl( water dispens( r bef(lre (leaning or
making r( pairs.
NOTE: GEdoes not support any servicing of the
dispenser, We strongly recommend that you do not
attempt to service the dispenser yourself.
;Do not us( this dispenser t(/ dispense anydling
oth(r than `,vHtel2
;_1)o not plug ill tile t)(/`,`,x_rcord or turn on th(
power _vitdles when the `,`,_tterdisp( riser is ( reply.
_ Wit)e up ally `,`,_tter spills immediately afi(r loading
or unloading `,`,_t(t" boul( s.
WARNING:Do.or.sewith water that is
miclx/biolog_cally unsalk' or of unknown qualit)t
,;: CAUTION:ChiMren should be supervised
1)y a t)ar( nt wh(n using dfis t)rodu(t.
_kllow at least 1" (2.5 cm) of spac( b(mx'en die
ba(k of the `,`,_lt(r disp( riser and the wall t() allow
for prop( r air dr'(ulati(m.
i_!::Do not install th( water dispenser wh(re the
t( mt)erat'ure ,,,,'illgo b,. low 50°F (l 0°C) el"
ahoy( IO0°F (38°C).
Install the x`,vlter dist)( riser on a lev(l floor or
(ounter strong ( hough to sul)port it wh(n fully
load(d. I)o not install where it `,`,'illbe sut{i( (t to
dirt (t sunlight, h(at or moismrt.