Safety Instructions ........ 2,s
Operating Instructions
Care and Cleaning .............. 12
Control Panels .................... 6
Control Settings ............... 4-5
Dial Cucles ....................... 7
Flashing Displau Lights ........... 8
Loading the
Dishwasher Racks ............... 10
Loading Place Settings .......... 11
Optional Accessories ............ 12
Using the Dishwasher .......... 8, 9
Troubleshooting Tips ... is, 14
Consumer Support
Consumer Support ............. 16
Warranty ....................... 15
Write the model and serial
numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
Youcan find them on a label onthe
tub walljust insidethe dooE
165D4700P368 49-55045 IO-07JR

For your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire,
explosion, electric shock, and to prevent property damage, personal in]ur 9, or death,
f _,,J',_ "_ Under certain conditions, hydrogen gas may be produced in o water heater that has not been used
for two or more weeks. HYDROGEN GAS IS EXPLOSIVE.
Ifthe hot water has not been usedfor two or more weeks, prevent the possibility of damage or injury
bg turning on all hot water faucets and allow them to run for several minutes. Dothis before usingang
electricalappliance connected to the hot water sgstem. Thissimple procedure will allow ang built-up
hgdrogen gasto escape.Sincethe gas isflammable, do not smoke, use an open flame, or use the appliance
during this process.
This dishwasher must be properly installed and located in accordance with the Installation
Instructions before it is used. If you did not receive on Installation Instructions sheet with
your dishwasher, you can receive one by visiting our website at www.geappliances.ca.
• Connect the dishwasher/appliance to a grounded
metal, permanent wiring sgstem; or run an
equipment-grounding conductor with the circuit
conductors and connect to the equipment-
grounding terminal or lead of the appliance.
• Improper connection of the equipment-grounding
conductor can result in a risk of electric shock.
Check with a qualified electrician or service
representative if you are in doubt whether the
appliance is properly grounded.
• Dispose of discarded appliances and shipping
or packing material properly.
• Donot attempt to repair or replace ang part
of your dishwasher unlessit isspecifically
recommended in this manual. Allother servicing
shouldbe referredto a qualified technician.
• To minimize the possibilitg of electric shock,
disconnect this appliancefrom the power supply
before attempting ang maintenance.
NOTE:Turningthe dishwasher off doesnot
disconnectthe appliancefrom thepower supply.
Werecommend having aqualifiedtechnician
serviceyour appliance.
CAUTION: Toprevent minor injurg and propertg damage
• Contents washed in Anti-bacterial mode, if
available,mag be hot to the touch. Usecare
before handling.
• Using a detergent that is
not specifically designed
for dishwasherswill cause
the dishwasher to fill with
• If your dishwasher is connected to a
wall switch, ensure that the switch is
on prior to use.
• On dishwashers with electronic controls,
if you chooseto turn the wall switch off
between wash cgcles,allow 5-10
secondsafter tuming the switch on before
touching START/RESETto allow the control
to initialize.
• Non-Dishware Items:Donot wash items such
as electronicair cleaner filters,furnace filters and
paint brushes in gour dishwasher.Damage to the
dishwasher and discoloration or staining of the
dishwasher mag result.
• Closesupervisionisnecessary if this appliance
isused bgor near children.
• Load light, plastic items so theg do not
become dislodged and drop to the bottom of
the dishwasher-theg might come into contact
with the heating element and be damaged.

Junked or abandoned dishwashers are
dangerous...even if they will sit for '_justa
few days." If you are getting rid of your old
dishwasher, please follow the instructions
below to help prevent accidents.
Before You Throw Awau Your Old
• Take off the door of the washing compartment
or remove the door latch keeper (asshown).
Door latch keeper
• Usethis appliance only for its intended purpose • Donot operate your dishwasher unless all
asdescribed in this Owner's Manual. enclosure panels are properly in place.
• Useonly powder,tabs, liquid detergents or rinse • Donot tamper with controls.
agents recommended for use in a dishwasher and • Donot abuse,sit on or stand on the door or dish
keepthem out of the reach of children. Cascade ®,
Cascade ®Complete and Electrasol ®Automatic
Dishwashing Detergents, and Jet-Dry ®and
Cascade Crystal Clear¢ rinse agentshave
been approved for use in all GEdishwashers.
• Locate sharp items so that they are not likely
to damage the door seal.
• Load sharp knives with the handles up to reduce
the risk of cut-type injuries.
• Do not wash plastic items unless marked
dishwasher safe or the equivalent. For plastic
items not so marked, check the manufacturer's
• Do not touch the heating element during or
immediately after use.
When using your dishwasher, follow basic precautions,
including the following:
rack of the dishwasher.
• Donot allow children to play around the
dishwasherwhen opening or closingthe door due
to the possibility of small fingers being pinched in
the dooE
• Donot discard a dishwasherwithout first removing
the door ofthe washing compartment or the latch
• Donot store or usecombustible materials, gasoline
or other flammable vapors and liquidsin the
vicinity of this or any other appliance.
• Donot allow children to play with, onor insidethis
or any discarded appliance.

About the dishwasher control panel
Control Settings
An indicator light above the selectedpad will beON to indicate which CYCLEhasbeen selected,on some models.
POTS&PANS/ For heavily soiled dishes or cookware with dried-on or baked-on soils. Everyday dishes may be included.
HEAVYWASH This cycle will not remove burned-on foods.
NORMAL/ For loads of everyday dishes, glasses and cookware with medium soils. NOTE:Hang dishes have lighter
NORMAL WASH soil than normal. Choosing a cycle other than NORMAL WASH will save energy and water.
SHORT WASH For quickly washing loads of everyday dishes with medium soils that have not dried on, such as loads
(onsomemodels) consisting mostly of glasses.
WATERSAVER For dishes with light soils.
RINSEONLY For rinsing partial loads that will be washed later. Do not use detergent.
DRYING For warming clean dishes and serving plates. This cycle will take approximately 50 minutes.
HOT PREWASH Preheats wash water to the correct temperature.
CHINA CRYSTAL For lightly soiled china and crystal.
O Options
An indicator light above the selected pad will be ONto indicate which OPTIONhas beenselected,on some models.
HI TEMP Turns on the heater in all final rinse cycles to help prevent spotting on dishware. This option may be
(electronicmodels prevent any selectionsfrom being mode. Oryou con lock thecontrols after youhove started ocycleor selected
(electronicmodelsl and then turn off the dishwasher. Do not touch START/RESETmore than one time unless you intend to
RINSE turned ON or OFFduring the wash cycle.
HI TEMP Energizes the heater to boost water temperature in prewash and main wash fill cycles. Recommended
WASH for use with heavily soiled dishes. Option may be turned ON or OFFduring the wash cycle.
HEATEDDRY Shuts off the drying heat option. Dishesair dry naturally and energy is saved. Open the dishwasher door
OFF to speed drying.
HEATEDDRY Turns the heater on for fast drying. This cycle will extend the time to your wash cycle bg 50 minutes.
DELAYHOURS Delays the start of a wash cycle for up to 8 hours.
START/RESET Touch START/RESETone time to start dishwasher cycle. Touch START/RESETa second time to pump out
ON DO NOTuse with RINSE ONLYcycle.
LOCK When the LOCKpad istouched twice within 3 seconds,all padsbecome inoperative. Youcon lock thecontrols to
only) DELAYSTARTsothe cycleor DELAYSTARTisnot interrupted.
Children cannot accidentally start dishwasher by touching pads with this option selected.
Tounlock the dishwasher after it has been locked, touch the LOCKpad twice within 3seconds. Thelight above
the LOCKpad will turn off.
RESET Touch RESETto cancel options.
end the cycle.

Control SettJngs
Cycle Chart
Model Cycle Water Usage (litres} Cycle Time (rain,)
GSDllO0 Hot Start Option 1 9.5 10
HDAl100 Hot PreWash Option 1 9.5 10
ADWl100 Normal Wash 21.6 117
GSD1300 Hot Start Option 1 9.5 10
GSD2100 Heavy Wash 26.5 120
GSD2101 Normal Wash 21.6 117
HDA2100 Hot PreWash Option1 9.5 10
HDA3500 Hot PreWash Option 1 9.5 12
GSD2300 Hot Start Option _ 9.5 12
GSD2301 Pots & Pans 26.5 118
GSM2200 Normal Wash* 21.6 118
GSD2700 Hot Start Option _ 9.5 12
GSD3300 Hot Start Option _ 9.5 12
GHDA350 Hot Start Option _ 4.9 3
GSD4000 Pots & Pans 33.3 112
i Hot StartOption adds water amount and cycle time shown when selected.
* Normal Wash button should be pushed to run thiscycle.
Heavy Wash 26.5 120
Normal Wash 21.6 117
Rinse Only 8.3 53
Plate Warmer 0.0 40
Drying 0.0 40
Light Wash 17.0 113
Rinse Only 8.3 53
Plate Warmer 0.0 40
Heavy Wash 26.5 120
Normal Wash 21.6 117
Water Saver 17.0 113
Rinse Only 8.3 53
Drying 0.0 40
Heavy Wash 26.5 118
Normal Wash* 21.6 118
Water Saver* 17.0 114
Rinse Only* 8.3 53
Plate Warmer 0.0 40
Light Wash* 17.0 114
Rinse Only* 8.3 53
Plate Warmer 0.0 40
Heavy Wash 26.5 118
Normal Wash* 21.6 118
Rinse Only* 8.3 53
Plate Warmer 0.0 40
Pots & Pans 26.5 118
Normal Wash* 21.6 118
Rinse Only* 8.3 53
Plate Warmer 0.0 40
Pots & Pans 31.0 103
Heavy Wash 26.5 103
Normal Wash* 21.6 103
Light Wash* 12.9 95
Rinse Only* 8.3 42
Plate Warmer 0.0 33
Heavy Wash 28.4 108
Normal Wash 21.6 105
China/Crystal 23.9 80
Rinse Only 4.9 3
NOTE: Not allmodels have every cycle listed.

About the dishwasher control panel
You can locate your model number on the left tub wall just inside the door. Throughout this manual,
features and appearance may vary from your model.
Please match the control panel for gour unit to a similar control panel below.
Normal Wash
Pots Normal
& Pans Wash
Hot Prewashor Hot Start _1_
Heavy Wash --j / _ LightWash or Water Saver
Option •
Off 0 H On
HI Temp Wash Heated Dry
On Off On Off
Hot Start
off 0
• UghtWash
@ •
(Heated Org On)
Hot Start
Option Start
(Heated Org Off)
Cgcles Options CLEA.
0 0 | 0 | 0 0 0 0 248 |
_ ',_d Lw,,sULWAsdC'_swdLo"U U,.s_ LwAs_Lo,uL,.. j u,su
(Heated Da
Light Wash

Operation of models with cycle dial geapp,io.ces.co
Rinse Onlg
Qplm_ Sta,t
For rinsingpartial loads that will bewashed lateKDonot usedetergent.
OffO :_ Li_ t W_sh
{lleo_ed Drg aft
Op_n St_rL
Off 0 I \ \ I_ LighlWush
Option start
• •
_ Make sure HEATEDDRYis not selected. Slowly turn the Dial to RINSE ONLX
Besure the door isunlatched, Latch the door to start the cycle,
Plate Wormer or Drying
Forwarming clean dishesand serving plates.This cyclewill take approximately 39 minutes.
Load clean dishware to be warmed. _ Slowly turn the Dialto PLATEWARMERor
Be sure the door is unlatched. _ Latch the door to start the cycle,
Hot Start or Hot Prewash Option
Preheatswash waten
...........cyc eand any other option on the push
Slowly turn the Dial to HOTSTARTor
..................HOT PREWASH.
button pad,
Latchthe doorto start the cycle.
_ii Besure the door isunlatched,
Short Wash or Light Wash or Water Saver
Forquickly washing loads of everyday disheswith lightto medium soilsthat have not dried on.
O! 0 ug_t Wash
off o Light Wo_,h
:.._Be surethe door isunlatched. _ Latchthe door to start the cycle.
Slowly turn the Dialto SHORTWASH,
.................LIGHTWASHor WATERSAVER.
Start Delay (on some models)
TheSTARTDELAYwill allow you to delay the start time of any cycle automatically up to 6 hours.
Be sure the door is unlatched. _ Slowly turn the Dialto the desiredtime.
...................The CYCLEONlight will come on,
Selectthe wash cycle and option you want. Latch the door to start the cycle.
Start (Models with a Dial)
Slowly turn the Dialto the STARTor ON position,or the selected cycle. Don't turn it past the START,
ONor cycle position; you could accidentally missa prewash.
Thereis a time delay between start-up and water fill so you will not hear any wash action right
;;_Latch the door to begin the cycle.

Operation of electronic models (model GSD4000 Only)
Using the Dishwasher Door
door must be closedand locked into place to select a LOADSELECTIONor an OPTION.
Ifthe door isopenedduring a cgcleand leftopen,thedishwasherwill beeponceevery30 secondsuntilthe
door is c osed and archedinto p ace.
Close and latch the doon Touch the START/RESET pad to begin the cycle. Water fill begins and
approximately 60 seconds later the wash action begins.
NOTE:The dishwasher remembers your last cgcle so you don't have to reprogram each time. When
the dishwasher is loaded and the door latch is in the locked position, the control panel lights will be ON
and displag the last settings you selected.
If you don't want to change ang of the settings, simply touch the START/RESETpad to begin
the cycle.
Also, if a power failure occurs, NORMAL and HEATEDDRYwill automatically be programmed.
Hake any new selections and touch the START/RESETpad to begin the cycle.
This light isilluminated when a wash cgcle iscomplete. The light will stag ON until the door isopened.
Flashing Displag Lights
What It Means What To Do
This is normal. Allow the dishwasher to drain and reset before you start a new
The START/RESET pad wash cycle.
has been pressed.
Control Error
Control Error
Pressthe START/RESETpad to turn off the beeper If the CLEAN
light continues to flash, call for service.
Pressthe START/RESETpod to turn off the beeper and the
dishwasherwill attempt to reset. Restartthe wash cgcle.
If this error continues,turn off the power to the dishwasher at
the circuit breakerfor 30 seconds.Try the dishwasher again.
If the error is stillpresent,call for service.

Usingthe dishwasher geapUiances.ca
Check the Water Temperature
Theentering water must be at least 49°Cand run continuously into the glassuntil the temperature
not more than 65°C for effective cleaning and to stops rising.
prevent dish damage. Checkthe water temperature
with a candy or meat thermometen Turn on the
hot water faucet nearest the dishwasher,place
the thermometer in a glassand let the water
UseJet-Drbl ®RinseAgent
Jet-Dry ®or Cascade Crystal Cleare rinseagents removespots and prevent new film buildup on dishes,
glasses,flatware, cookware and plastic.
Filling the Dispenser
Fillthe rinseagent dispenser until it reachesthe bottom of
lipinsidethe opening. Replacecap.
Tocheck if rinseagent isneeded,remove the cap and look
into the dispensen
A full dispensershould lost about onemonth.
tf the rinseagent spills,wipe up the excess.
Adjust the maximum/minimum temperature of the
water heater if necessary to deliver water at the
proper temperature.
ProperUseof Detergent
Useonly detergent specifically made for usein
dishwashers.Cascade®and Electrasol®Automatic
Dishwashing Detergents havebeen approved for use
in all GEdishwashers.Keep your detergent fresh and
dry. Don't put powder detergent into the dispenser
until you're ready to wash dishes.
Theamount of detergent to use depends on whether
your water ishard or soft.With hard water,you need
extra detergent. With soft water, you need less
Protectyour dishesand dishwasher by contacting
your water department and asking how hard your
water is.Twelve or more grains isextremely hard
waten A water softener is recommended.Without it,
limecan build up inthe water valve,which could
stick while open and causeflooding. Too much
detergent with softwater can causea permanent
cloudinessof glassware, called etching.
Usethe information in the table below as a guideline
to determine the amount of automatic dishwasher
detergent to placein the dispensen
of Grains Detergent Cups to Fill
Lessthan 4 Fill to i/3 of main cup
4 to 8 Fillto 2/3 of main cup
8 to 12 Fillmain cup
Greater than 12 Fillmain cup and open cup
You'llfind two detergent dispenserson the inside door
of your dishwasher.Allwash cycles requiredetergent
in the main cup.When usingautomatic dishwashing
detergent tabs, simply placeone tab in the main cup
and close.
Besurethe DialisOFF before adding detergent.
Otherwise,the detergent cup will not close and latch
properly.Add detergent; then close the main cup.
Open cup _
Hai_ _
NOTE:Toopen detergent cup after it hasbeen
closed,simply turn the detergent cup handle
counterclockwise until it releases.A snapping
sound may be heard.
NOTE:Usinga detergentthat is not specifically
designedfor dishwashers will causethe dishwasher
to fill with suds.During operation,thesesudswill spill
out of thedishwasher vents,coveringthe kitchen floor
and making the floor wet.
Becauseso many detergent containers look alike,
store the dishwasher detergent in a separate space
from all other cleaners.Show anyone who may use
the dishwasherthe correct detergent and where it
is stored.
Whilethere will beno lasting damage to the
dishwasher,your disheswill not get cleanusing
a dishwashing detergent that isnot formulated
to work with dishwashers.

Loading the dishwasher racks
For best dishwashing results, follow these loading guidelines. Features and appearance of rocks and silverware
baskets mag varg from gour model.
Upper Rack
The upper rock isfor glasses,cups and
saucers.Cups and glassesfit best along
the sides.Thisis also a secureplace for
dishwasher-safe plastics.The upper rack is
good for all kindsof odd-shaped utensils.
Saucepans,mixing bowls and other items
should beplaced face down.
Lower Rack
Securelarger dishwasher-safeplasticsover
two fingers when possible.
Make suresmall plastic items ore secureso
theg can't fall onto the heating element.
Whenloading thelower rock, donot load
largeplatters or trags inthe front right
comer Thegmog prevent detergent from
cimulotingduring thewash cgcle.
Wash Tower
Keep the center area clear in the lower
Thewash tower risesthrough the
center of the lower rack during the
wash and rinseportions of the cycle.
Do not cover upper rack tower
Inot present on all models)
Thelower rack isbest used for plates,
saucers and cookware. Largeitems such as
broiler pans and racks should go along the
sides.Load platters, pots and bowls along
the sides,in cornersor inthe back.The
soiled sideof items shouldface the center
of the rack.
Don't block the wash
tower or load toll things
next to it.
Be sure items don't fall
through rack and block
rotation ofthe sprag arm.
Also,be careful not to
let a portion of an item
such as a pot or dish
handle extend through
the bottom rack. This
could block the wash
arm and cause poor
washing results.
Don't block the upper rack
wash tower
Silverware Basket
fork and knifehandles up to protect gour
Putflatware in the removable basket with
handles down.Mix knives,forks and spoons
hands. Placespoons in the basketwith
sothey don't nest together Distribute
evenlg.Smallplastic items, such as
measuring spoons and lidsfrom small
containers, should go inthe bottom of the
silverware basketwith silverwareon top.