r ge
Safety Instructions ........... 2,s
For Australia and New Zealand ..... 34
Operating Instructions
Automatic Icemaker ............... 15
Care and Cleaning ............. 17, 18
Crispers and Pans ................. 14
CustomCool'". .................... 7, 8
Freezer Compartment ............. 13
Ice and Water Dispenser ....... 16, 17
Refrigerator Doors .................. 9
Replacing the Light Bulbs .......... 19
Temperature Controls ............. 4-6
TurboCooF" ......................... 6
Water Filter ......................... 9
Models 21, 23, 25,27 and 29
Installation Instructions
For Australia and
New Zealand ................... 35-37
Preparing to Install
the Refrigerator ................ 25-27
Removing and Replacing Doors ..... 24
Trim Kits and Panels ............ 20-23
Water Line Installation ......... 28, 29
Troubleshooting Tips ...... s1-33
NormalOperatingSounds.......... 30
Write the model and serial numbers here: Model #
Serial #
Find these numbers on a label inside the refrigerator compartment at the
top on the right.
200D2600P058 49-60565-1 02-09 JR
Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this Owner's Manual.
When using electrical appliances, basic safety _recautions should be followed, including the following:
_,This refrigerator must be properly installed
and located in accordance with the Installation
Instructions before it is used. Also seethe
How to Connect Electricity section.
_,Do not allow children to climb, stand or hang on
the shelves in the refrigerator. They could damage the refrigerator and seriously injure themselves.
_,Do not touch the cold surfaces in the freezer
compartment when hands are damp or wet. Skin may stick to these extremely cold surfaces.
_,Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable
vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance.
In refrigerators with automatic icemakers, avoid
contact with the moving parts of the ejector mechanism, or with the heating element located
on the bottom of the icemaker. Do not place fingers or hands on the automatic icemaking mechanism
while the refrigerator is plugged in.
_, Installation of the icemaker must be done by
a qualified service technician.
_,This appliance isnot intended for use by persons
(including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and
knowledge, unlessthey have beengiven supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a
person responsiblefor their safety.
_,Children should be supervised to ensure that they do
not play with the appliance.
_,Keep fingers out of the "pinch point" areas;
clearances between the doors and between the doors and cabinet are necessarily small. Be careful
closing doors when children are in the area.
_,Unplug the refrigerator before cleaning and making
NOTE:We strongly recommend that any servicing be performed by a qualified individual.
_Before replacing a burned-out light bulb, the
refrigerator should be unplugged in order to avoid
contact with a live wire filament. (A burned-out light bulb may break when being replaced.)
NOTE:Setting either or both controls to 0 (off) does not remove power to the light circuit.
_,Do not refreeze frozen foods which have
thawed completely.
_,Always clean the CustomCool'" Tray after
thawing food.
Child entrapment and suffocation are not problems of the past. Junked or abandoned refrigerators are
still dangerous...even if they will sit for "just a few days." If you are getting rid of your old refrigerator,
please follow the instructions below to help prevent accidents.
Before You Throw Away Your Old Refrigerator or Freezer:
Take off the doors and discard separately.
Leavethe shelves in place so that children may
not easily climb inside.
All refrigeration products contain refrigerants, which under federal law must be removed prior
to product disposal. If you are getting rid of an old refrigeration product, check with the company
handling the disposal about what to do.
The power cord of this appliance is equipped with an earthing plug which mates with a standard
earthed wall outlet to minimize the possibility of electric shock hazard from this appliance.
Have the wall outlet and circuit checked by a qualified electrician to make sure the outlet is properly earthed.
Where an unearthed wall outlet is encountered, it is your personal responsibility and obligation to have it replaced with a properly earthed wall outlet.
The refrigerator should always be plugged into
its own individual electrical outlet.
This provides the best performance
and also prevents overloading house
wiring circuits which could cause a fire hazard from overheated wires. Please refer to the rating plate on
the refrigerator for the correct voltage, wattage and frequency. If the product plug does not fit your outlet,
the product should be fitted with a new plug.
Insureproperearthing existsbeforeusing. ]_Xl
IMPORTANT:Therefitting of electric plugs and cables should bedone bbta qualified technician orservice agent. In some countries the refitting of electric plugs and cables is on!g permitted when the work is completed bg a qualified technician.
If the power supply cord becomes damaged, it must
be replaced by a qualified service agent in order to avoid a safety hazard.
Never unplug your refrigerator by pulling on the
power cord. Always grip plug firmly and pull straight out from the outlet.
Repair or replace immediately all power cords that
have become frayed or otherwise damaged. Do not use a cord that shows cracks or abrasion damage
along its length or at either end. When moving the refrigerator away from the wall,
be careful not to roll over or damage the power cord.
Mains lead replacement
If the mains lead on your refrigerator needs replacing
at any time, it must be replaced by a special lead which is obtainable from your local dealer. A charge
will be made for the replacement of the mains lead if you have damaged the lead.
The refrigerator must be positioned so that the plug is accessible.
Containsfluorinated greenhousegases covered by the Kyoto Protocol. Gas:R154a(HFC-154a),GWP(GlobalWarming Potential)= 1500
Hermetically sealed.
The amount of R134a gas in this product is:
0.127-0.184 kg
About the temperature controls - Profile Models.
Not all features are on all models. Your controls will look like one of the following:
y........................................................................................._, F _ ..................................\
i i
i ................]
Non-LCD models Non-LCD models LCD models
NOTE:Therefrigeratorh shippedwithprotectivefilmcoveringthetemperaturecontrols.If thisfilmwasnot removedduringinstallation,removeitnow.
Thetemperaturecontrolsorepresetinthefoctor_lat37°F(3°C) fortherefrigeratorcompartmentandO°FM8°C)forthefreezer compartment.Allow24hoursforthetemperaturetostabilize
tothepresetrecommendedsettings. Refrigeratortemperaturescanbeadjustedbetween34°Fand46°F
-6°Fand+8°F(-22°Cto -13°C). Tochange the Refrigerator temperature:
Access By: Home> Refrigerator Activate By: Usingthe arrows to selectthe desired
temperature Youmust pressENTERto set the new temperature
Tochange the Freezer temperature:
Access By: Home> Freezer Activate By: Usingthe arrows to selectthe desired
temperature Youmust pressENTERto set the new temperature
Oncethe desired temperature has been set, the displauwill return to the HOMEscreen and show the set temperatures underneath the actual temperature display for several
seconds.Severaladjustments may be required. Eachtime you adjust the controls,allow 24 hours for the refrigerator to reach
the temperature you have set.
Non-LCD Models:
To change the temperature, press and releasethe FREEZER
TEMP/FRIDGETEMPpad.The SETlight will come on and the displag will show the set temperature. To change the temperature, tap either the vor ^ pad until the desired
temperature isdisplaged. Oncethe desired temperature has been set, the temperature
displagwill return to the actual refrigerator and freezer temperatures after 5seconds.Severaladjustments mag be
required. Eachtime gou adjust the controls, allow 24 hours for the refrigerator to reach the temperature gou haveset.
Thetemperaturecontrolscandispla9 boththeSETtemperature aswellastheactualtemperatureintherefrigeratorandfreezer.
Theactualtemperaturemayvarystightl_tfromtheSETtemperature basedon usageandoperatingenvironment.
Turning the cooling system off: LCDmodels:TurningthecoolingsystemOFFstopscoolingin both
thefreezerandrefrigeratorcompartments,but doesnotshutoff electricalpowertotherefrigerator.
LCDModels: AccessBy: Home > Options > Information and Settings >
CoolingSystem Off Toturn the cooling system back on,pressthe touch screen
and pressthe ONbutton.
Activate By: PressingENTER. Non-LCD Models:
Pressand releasethe FREEZERTEMP/FRIDGETEMPpad. Press^ to set freezer temperature to 5.Thedisplaywill
show OFF.To turn the unit back on, pressthe FREEZER TEMP/FRIDGETEMPpad. PressV to set the freezer and
refrigerator temperatures to the preset points of O°F(-18°C) for the freezer and 57°F(5°C)for the refrigerator.
When the unit isturned back on, itwill take upto 24hours to stabilize.
LCD Models: Units
TheLCDmodels are shipped from the factory with default settings of Englishunits.
Tochange to Metric units, select:
Home>Options>Information and Settings>Settings>Units Metric/English>Hetric.
Tochange back to Englishunits repeat the above steps and select Englishat the final step.
NOTE:Thehelp screen has default setting for USand Canada
customers. If you need replacement parts, contact your local distributor.
About the temperature controls - GE,Monogram Models.
The unit will have one of the temperature controls shown below:
Internal Temperature r
External Set Point
Controls (0-9)
GE Models
_°'deO $e,P_int. CC°]deo
Adjust Temperature
0 is Off/5 is Normal / 9 is Coldest
The temperature controls are preset in the factors at 5 for both the refrigerator and freezer compartments.
To adjust the set point temperature, press the WARMER or COLDER button on either the Freezer or Refrigerator side. The set point light will come on. Press WARMER or COLDER until the desired setting is reached.
Several adjustments may be required. Each time you adjust controls, allow 2z4 hours after each adjustment for the refrigerator to reach the setting you have selected.
Setting either or both controls to 0 stops cooling in both the freezer and refrigerator compartments, but does not shut off electrical power to the refrigerator.
Control settings will vary based on personal preferences, usage and operating conditions and may require more then one adjustment.
NOTE: The refrigerator is shipped with protective film covering the temperature controls. If this film was not removed during installation, remove it now.
Ambient temperature limits
This refrigerator is designed to operate in ambient temperatures specified by its Temperature Class,which is marked on the rating plate.
Temperature Sgmbol Ambient Temperature Class Maximum Minimum
Temperate Temperate
Subtropical Tropical
52°C 52°C
58°C 45 °C
!O°C !6°C
!6°C !6°C
NOTE:Internal temperature may be affected by such factors as the location of the refrigerator, ambient temperature and frequency of door openings. Adjust temperature controls as required to compensate for these factors.
About SetFeatures.
This pad isusedto selectthe following featu res:TurboCool,Quick Ice,Door Alarm
through all of the available features and then
About TurboCooU"
when putting awag warm leftovers.It can also
to approximatelg 34°F(1°C),then it will cgcle
the refrigerator compartment will return to the original setting.
and Water Filter. PressingSETFEATURESrepeatedlg will cgcle
How it Works
TurboCoolTM rapidlg coolsthe refrigerator
compartment in order to more quicklg coolfoods. UseTurboCoolwhen adding
a large amount offood to the refrigerator compartment, putting awag foods after theg
have been sitting out at room temperature or be used ifthe refrigerator has been without
power for an extended period. Onceactivated, the compressor will turn
on immediatelg and the fans will cgcle on and off at high speed as neededfor eight
hours.Thecompressor will continue to run until the refrigerator compartment cools
on and off to maintain this setting. After 8 hours, or ifTurboCool ispressedagain,
exit the mode.If no keg is pressed,the mode will exit and return to displagingfeatures
currentlg set.
How to Use
Access By: Home> Options> Refrigerator
Options > TurboCool
Activate By: PressingON.
Deactivate By: PressingOFF. Non-LCD Models:
PressSETFEATURES.The refrigerator temperature displag will show TurbaCaal
and/or TC.PressON/OFF.
Internal Control Models:
PressTurboCaol.The TurboCool indicator light will come on. After TurboCoolis complete,
the TurboCool indicator light will go out. After TurboCool iscomplete, the refrigerator
compartment will return to the original setting.
NOTES: Therefrigerator temperature cannot be changed
during TurboCool.
Thefreezertemperature is not affected during TurboCool.
CiimateKeeper2. TM (on some models)
How it Works
TheCfimateKeeper2TM isthe industrg's
most advanced refrigeration sgstem, deliveringoptimum temperature and
humiditg performance to keepfood garden
fresh longer and reduce freezer burn,while
maintaining efficiencg.
TheClimateKeeper2 sgstem features two
evaporators-one for the refrigerator and one for the freezer.
This providestwo separate cooling sgstems,
and separates the airflow between the fresh
food andfreezercompartments during normal
This ensuresthat the humiditg levelsin the freshfood compartment are significantlg
higher than ina conventional sgstem,** allowing
fresh produce and other unsealedfoods to retain their moisture content and freshnesslonger.
Moisturesensitivefoods such as fresh fruit,
Whenopening the refrigerator door during TurboCool,the fans wi!!continueto runif theg
havecgcled on.
salads,rice,etc.,can now be stored on open shelveswithout excessivemoisture loss.Dueto
the higher humiditg inthe refrigerator,gou mag on occasion experience fog or small amounts of
moisture in the refrigerator compartment. This is normal and mag come and go asdifferent food
loadsand environmental conditions change. Wipe drg with a paper towel if desired.
The separateairflow sgstem minimizesthe mixing
of air between thetwo compartments, which reducesfresh food odor transfer to improve
the taste of ice.
The ClimateKeeper2 sgstem also reduces
the number of defrosting cgcles in the freezer evaporator,therebg reducing freezer burn.
*Freezerair isused in the CustomCool feature. **Testingshows a higherleve!of humidity in
the FreshFoodsection in ClimateKeeper2 refrigeratorsversus conventionalunits.
About: CustomCooL'"(on somemodels)
LCDModels Only
ExpressThaw TM
ii i iii
How it Works
Non-LCD Models Only
TheCustomCool'" feature is usedto quickly chill items,thaw items or holdthe pan at a specific temperature. Thisfeature isa system of dampers,
a fan, a temperature thermistor and a heater.
How to Use
0 Emptgthe pan. Placethe Chill/Thaw trag
Inthe pan.Placethe items on the trag
and closethe pan completely.
0 LCDModels:
Access by: Home> Options > Refrigerator Options > CustomCool Pan
Non-LCD Models:
Selectthe ExpressThaw'",ExpressChilF or SelectTemp'" pad. Thedisplag and SETlight will come on. Tapthe pad until the light appears next to the desired setting.
Usethe following chart to determine the best
setting to use.
ExpressChill can be set to !5, 50 or/45
minutes.Thedefault is!5 minutes.
Tostop afeature before it is finished:
For LCDModels: Go into that feature's menu and press
the OFFbutton.
OR LCD Models Only
Thepan istightly sealedto prevent temperature fluctuations in the rest of the refrigerator.The controls for this pan
are located on the dispenserwith the temperature controls.
For Non-LCD Models:
Tapthat feature's pad until no options
are selectedand the displag isoff.
During ExpressThaw and ExpressChill, the displag on the controls will count down the time in the cgcle(onsome models).
After the ExpressThaw cgcle is complete, the pan will reset to the MEATsetting (52°F[O°C])to help preservethawed items until theg areused.
Thedisplaged actual temperature of the CustomCool pan mag varg slightlg from the SETtemperature basedon usage and operating environment.
NOTE:Forfood safety reasons,it isrecommended thor foods be wrapped in p!ostic wrap when using ExpressThaw. Thiswi!! help contoin meotjuices ond improve thowing performance.
How to Remove and Replace the Drawer
Pullthe drawer out to the stop position. Rotateallfour swing locksto the unlock
position. Liftthe front of the drawer up and out.
Makesure all four swing locksare in the unlock position.
Placethe sidesof the drawer into the drawer supports,making sure
the swing locks fit onthe drawer slots.
Lockall four swing locksbg rotating them to the lockposition.
About CustomCoolY tonsome models)
CustomCool'" Chert NOTE:Resultsmag vorg depending on packaging, starting temperature and other food traits.
Hamburgers (0.25kg) IndividuallyWrapped
FiletMignon (0.25kg)
0.50 kg (8 hours)
Chicken Breasts(0.5kg)
Minced Beef(0.5kg)
Steak (0.5kg)
1.0kg (10 hours)
Chicken Breasts(!.0 kg)
Minced Beef(1.0kg)
Steak (!.0 kg)
Chicken Breasts(1.50kg)
Minced Beef(!.50 kg)
Steak (!.50 kg)
15 Minutes 1 BeverageCan(355ml) 2 SmallJuice Boxes
(175-240 mleach)
30 Minutes 2to 6 BeverageCans(355ml each)
2 Plastic590ml Bottlesof Beverage
,, 4 to 6SmallJuice Boxes
(175-240 mleach) 3 FoilJuice Packets
,, Wine (750 ml bottle)
45 Minutes 2 Literof Beverage
1.9Litersof Juice
Gelatin-! package
How to Use the Beverage Center (LCDmodels only) SomeCustomCool models feature a beverage
center.It isdesignedto store beverages at colder temperatures. Selectthis feature if you liketo keepextra-chilled refreshments on hand.
,, Strawberries, Raspberries,Kiwifruit,
Access bg: Home > Options > Refrigerator Options > Beverage Center
Activate bg: Pressing ON. Deactivate bg: Pressing OFF.
Citrus Settin_
Oranges, Lemons,Limes,Pineapple, Cantaloupe
Beans,Cucumbers,Tomatoes, Peppers,
Produce Setting (l°C)
Pears,Cherries,Blackberries,Grapes, Plums,Nectarines,Apples
Asparagus, Broccoli,Corn,Mushrooms, Spinach,Cauliflower,Kale,GreenOnion,
Meat Settin_
Raw Meat, Fishand Poultry
How to Remove end Replace the Beverage Center (LCDmodels onlg)
To remove:
0 Removedairy bin first. Holding
the bottom of the dairy bin,lift the front
straight up,then lift up and out.
// /'
0 Holdingleft and right sideof beverage
center,lift straight upand out. Leaveadapter in place.
To replace:
_! Engagebackside of beverage center in
molded supports onadapter.Then push down onthe sidesof the beverage center. Thebeverage center will lockinto place.
Replacedairy bin,
Beverage I itll I
Center ] itll I
]i_ ill I
Adz ,ter
About the water filter.
Place the top of the cartridge up inside the cartridge holder and slowly turn it to the right.
Water Filter Cartridge
Thewater filtercartridge islocated inthe back upper
When to Replace the Filter
Apop-up screen will appear on the LCDscreen to remind gou to replace the water filter. Youcan check the status ofthe water filter manuallU.
Access By: Home > Options > DispenserOptions >
ResetWater Filter
Non-LCD Models/External Controls:
Thereisa replacementindicatorlightforthewater filtercartridgeonthedispenser.Thislightwillturn orangeto tellgouthat Uouneedto replace
thefiltersoon. Thefiltercartridgeshouldbereplacedwhenthe
replacementindicatorlightturnsredor iftheflow ofwaterto thedispenseror icemakerdecreases.
Removing the Filter Cartridge
Ifgou are replacing the cartridge,first remove the old one bg slowlgturning itto the left.Do not pulldown on the cartridge. Asmall amount ofwater mag dripdown.
/nsta//ing the Filter Cartridge
0 Thereisanadapterattachedto thetop
ofthe newfiltercartridge.
thecartridge.Toremovethe adapter,turn itto
0 Fillthereplacementcartridgewithwater
fromthetap to allowforbetterflowfrom
Lineupthe arrowonthecartridgeand
thecartridgeholder.Placethetopof thenew cartridgeupinsidetheholder.Do notpush it upintothe holder.
Slowlgturnit tothe rightuntilthefiltercartridge
stops.DONOTOVERTIGHTEN.As£touturn thecartridge,it willautomaticallUraiseitselfinto
position.Thecartridgewillrotateabout 1/2turn.
Runwater from the dispenserfor 5minutes
to clear the sustem and prevent sputtering.
O LCDModels:
PressFILTERREPLACEDbutton to confirm replacement.
Non-LCD Models:
WATERFILTERislit. Pressand hold the ON/OFF
pad far 5 seconds. WATERFILTERISRESETwill
show in the window.
cause water tospurt fromthe dispenser.
Filter Bypass Plug
Youmust usethefilterbgpassplugwhena replacementfiltercartridgeisnot available.
Thedispenserandtheicemakerwill notoperate withoutthefilterorfilter bupassplug.
Replacement Filters:
Toorderadditional filter cartridges,contactyour localdistributor.
About the refrigerator doors.
Refrigerator Doors
The refrigerator doors mag feel different than
the ones gou are usedto. Thespecialdoor opening/closing feature makes surethe doors
close all the wag and are securelusealed. When opening and closingthe door you will
notice a stop position.Ifthe door is opened past this stop point,the doorwill remain open
to allow you to load and unload food more easily. When the door is only partially open,it will
automatically close.
The resistance you feel atthe stop position will
be reduced as the door isloaded with food.
When the door is onlg partiallg open it will automaticallg close.
Begond this stop the door will stag open.
About the shelves and bins.
Not all features are on all models.
Refrigerator Door Bins and Freezer Door Tilt-Out Bins
Refrigerator bin
Freezer tilt-out bin
Large Bins
The larger refrigerator door bins and freezer tilt-out door bins are adjustable.
Toremove: Lift the front of the bin straight up,
then lift up and out.
Toreplace or relocate: Engagethe back side of the bin in the molded supports of the door.
Then push down on the front of the bin.
Binwill lock in place.
Small Bins
Toremove: Lift the front of the bin straight up
then out.
Toreplace: Positionthe binabove the rectangular molded supports on the door.
Then slidethe bin down onto the support to lockit in place.
Bottle Retainer
The bottle retainers are adjustable and keep tall
itemsfrom tipping over. Toremove: Lift the front of the retainer straight
up,then lift it up. Toreplace or relocate: Engagethe back
of the bottle retainer in the molded supports on the door.Thenpush down onthe front
of the bottle retainer.
Thesnugger helps prevent tipping, spillingor slidingof small items stored on the door shelf.
Placea finger on either sideof the snugger near the rear and move it back and forth
to fit your needs.
ii; i:iiiiii¸i! i
Presstab and pull shelf forward to remove
Slide-Out Spillproof Shelf
The slide-out spillproof shelf allows you to reach
items stored behind others.The special edges are designedto help prevent spillsfrom dripping
ii ili i!i
to lower shelves.
Slidethe shelfout until it reachesthe stop, then pressdown onthe tab and slidethe shelf
straight out.
Toreplece or relocute:
Linethe shelfup with the supports and slideit into place.Theshelf can be repositioned when
the door is at 90°or more.To repositionthe shelf, slidethe shelf past the stops and angle
downward. Slideshelfdown to the desired
QuickSpece T"Shelf
This shelf splitsin half and slides under itself
for storage of tall items on the shelf below.
This shelf can be removedand replaced or
relocatedjust likeSlide-OutSpillproof Shelves.
position,line up with the supports and slide into place.
Make sure _jou push the shelves a!! the wag back in before gou close the door.
On some models,this shelf can not be used
in the lowest position.
Removable Beverage Rack
The beverage rack isdesignedto hold
a bottle on its side.It can be attached
to any slide-outshelf.
Door Beverage Reck Ion some models)
This rack holds up to 5 cans. The rack hangs from the sidesof the
dairy bin.
Empty the wine/beverage rack. Holdingthe bottom of the dairy bin,
lift the front straight up,then lift up and out.
0 Lineup the large part of the slotson
the top of the rack with the tabs under
the shelf.
Thenslide the rack back to lock it
in place.
Reattachthe rackto the sidesof the bin.
Engagethe backsideof the bin in the
molded supports on the door.Then push
down on the front of the bin.The bin will
lock into place.
Todetach the rackfrom the dairy bin,
pull the rack's sidewires out of the holes on each side ofthe dairy bin.
About the shelves and bins.
Not all features are on all models.
iii ii
i i
;¸¸¸:i : :: / j i
Deep Freezer Baskets
Toremove, push the basket all the wag to the
back of the freezer.Liftup until the back pinsare disengaged. Liftthe entire basket up and pull out.
The divider can be used to organize food packages. For large packages, simply fold
down the divider.
Hake sure you push the baskets a!!the wag back in before Souclose the door.
Freezer Baskets
To remove, slide outto the stop position, liftthe
front past the stop position and slide out.
Hake sure you push the baskets a!!the way back in before Souclose the door.
Slide-Out Freezer Shelves
To remove, slide out to the stop position, liftthe
front past the stop position and slide out.
WARNING: Poor performance may occur if freezer baskets are not used. Storage of items in the freezer without using baskets mag result in poor temperature performance
due to restrictions of air flow within the freezer compartment.
WARNING: Poor performance may occur if freezer baskets are not used. Storage of items in the freezer without using baskets mog result in poor temperature performance
due to restrictions of air flow within the freezer compartment.
Hake sure gou push the shelves a!! the way back in before Sou close the door.
Fixed Freezer Shelves
Thereare two tgpes offixed freezer shelves.
Toremove this type of shelf:
Lift the shelf up at the left side. Bring the shelf out.
Toremove this type of shelfi
Lift up the left sideof the shelfandslide it left into the center ofthe shelfsupports.
Rotatethe right sideof the shelfup and out of the shelfsupports.
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