GE Genius GFK0121E User Manual

GE Fanuc Automation
Programmable Control Products
Hand-held Monitor User’s Guide
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Warning notices are used in this publication to emphasize that hazardous voltages, currents, temperatures, or other conditions that could cause personal injury exist in this equipment or may be associated with its use.
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This document is based on information available at the time of its publication. While efforts have been made to be accurate, the information contained herein does not purport to cover all details or variations in hardware or software, nor to provide for every possible contingency in connection with installation, operation, or maintenance. Features may be described herein which are not present in all hardware and software systems. GE Fanuc Automation assumes no obligation of notice to holders of this document with respect to changes subsequently made.
GE Fanuc Automation makes no representation or warranty, expressed, implied, or statutory with respect to, and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, sufficiency, or usefulness of the information contained herein. No warranties of merchantability or fitness for purpose shall apply.
The following are trademarks of GE Fanuc Automation North America, Inc.
Alarm Master CIMSTAR Helpmate PROMACRO Series Six CIMPLICITY GEnet Field Control Logicmaster Series One Series 90 CIMPLICITY 90–ADS Genius Modelmaster Series Three VuMaster CIMPLICITY P owerTRA C Genius PowerTRA C ProLoop Series Five W orkmaster
Copyright 1994 GE Fanuc Automation North America, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
Content of this Manual
Chapter 1. Introduction: Chapter 1 describes the Hand-held Monitor. This chapter lists catalog numbers and specifications. It also explains compatibility between different versions of the Hand-held Monitor and various other products.
Chapter 2. Hardware Setup: Chapter 2 gives instructions for powering the HHM, changing its EPROM, and changing its battery pack. It also describes how to install the HHM on a panel, and how to install a separate HHM connector on a bus.
Chapter 3. Getting Started: Chapter 3 explains how turn on the Hand-held Monitor, and how to set up its features for your application. Chapter 3 also explains how to test the Hand-held Monitor’s operation.
Chapter 4. Device Configuration: Overview: Chapter 4 gives basic
instructions for using the Hand-held Monitor to configure Genius devices.
Chapter 5. Monitoring the Bus and its Devices: Chapter 5 explains how to use the
Hand-held Monitor to displ ay data and status information from other devices on the bus. It also expl ai ns how to clear faults, switch a dual bus , ex ecute Pulse Testing, and display the bus scan time.
Chapter 6. Reading CPU Memory:
Chapter 6 explains how to use the HHM to read the contents of specified memory locations in CPUs on the bus.
Chapter 7. Error Messages: Chapter 7 defines messages that may be displayed during HHM startup or operation, or device configuration.
Related Publications
For more information, refer to these publications:
Genius I/O System User’s Manual
(GEK-90486–1). Reference manual for system designers, programmers, and others involved in integrating Genius I/O products in a PLC or host computer environment. This book provides a system overview, and describes the types of systems that can be created using Genius products. Datagrams, Global Data, and data formats are defined.
Genius Discrete and Analog Blocks User’s Manual (GEK-90486–2). Reference
manual for system designers, operators, maintenance personnel, and others using Genius discrete and analog I/O blocks. This book contains a detailed description, specifications, installation instructions, and configuration instructions for all currently–available discrete and analog blocks.
Series 90-70 Remote I/O Scanner User’s Manual (GFK-0579). Reference manual
for the Remote I/O Scanner , which interfaces a drop containing Series 90-70 modules to a Genius bus. Any CPU capable of controlling the bus can be used as the host. This book describes the Remote I/O Scanner features, configuration, and operation.
Genius Bus Interface Unit and Field Processor User’s Manual (GFK-0825).
Reference manual for the Bus Interface Unit and the Field Processor, which interface a station containing Field Control modules to a Genius bus. Any CPU capable of controlling the bus can be used as the host. This book describes the features, configuration, and operation or a Bus Interface Unit or Field Processor.
Field Control I/O Modules User’s Manual
(GFK-0826). Reference manual for system
GFK-0121 E
designers, operators, maintenance personnel, and others using Field Control I/O modules. This book contains a detailed description, specifications, and installation instructions for all currently–available I/O modules.
Series 90-70 Bus Controller User’s Manual (GFK-0398). Reference manual
for the Bus Controller, which interfaces a Genius bus to a Series 90-70 PLC. This book describes the installation and operation of the Bus Controller. It also contains the programming information needed to interface Genius I/O devices to a Series 90-70 PLC.
Series 90-30 Bus Controller User’s Manual (GFK-1034). Reference manual
for the Bus Controller, which interfaces a Genius bus to a Series 90-30 PLC. This book describes the installation and operation of the Bus Controller. It also contains the programming information needed to interface Genius I/O devices to a Series 90-30 PLC.
Series Six Manual (GFK-0171). Reference manual
for the Bus Controller, which interfaces a Genius bus to a Series Six PLC. This book describes the installation and operation of the Bus Controller. It also contains the programming information needed to interface Genius I/O devices to a Series Six PLC.
Bus Controller User’s
describes the installation and operation of the Bus Controller. It also contains the programming information needed to interface Genius I/O devices to a Series Five PLC.
Genius I/O PCIM User’s Manual
(GFK-0074). Reference manual for the PCIM, which interfaces a Genius bus to a suitable host computer. This book describes the installation and operation of the PCIM. It also contains the programming information needed to interface Genius I/O devices to a host computer .
Genius I/O Single-slot PCIM User’s Manual (GFK-0881). Reference manual
for the Single-slot PCIM, which interfaces a Genius bus to a suitable host computer. This book describes the installation and operation of the PCIM. It also contains the programming information needed to interface Genius I/O devices to a host computer .
We Welcome Your Comments and Suggestions
At GE Fanuc automation, we strive to produce quality technical documentation. After you have used this manual, please take a few moments to complete and return the Reader’s Comment Card located on the next page.
Series FiveBus Controller User’s Manual (GFK-0248). Reference manual
for the Bus Controller, which interfaces a Genius bus to a Series Five PLC. This book
Hand-held Monitor User’s Guide – June 1994
Jeanne L. Grimsby
Senior Technical Writer
Chapter 1 Introduction 1-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hand-held Monitor Description 1-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
HHM Compatibility 1-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
HHM Specifications 1-5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ordering Information 1-5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 2 Hardware Setup 2-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Power for the Hand-held Monitor 2-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Changing the PROM 2-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Permanent Installation 2-6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Installing a Separate Hand-held Monitor Connector 2-9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 3 Getting Started 3-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 4 Device Configuration: Overview 4-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 5 Monitoring the Bus and its Devices 5-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Monitor Block Display for Discrete I/O and Input Blocks 5-4 . . . . . . . . . . . .
Monitor Block Display for Discrete Relay Output Blocks 5-5 . . . . . . . . . . . .
Monitor Block Display for Analog Blocks 5-5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Monitor Block Display for RTD or Thermocouple Blocks 5-5 . . . . . . . . . . . .
Monitor Block Display for a High-speed Counter Block 5-6 . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Monitor Block Display for a P owerTRAC Block 5-7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Monitor/Control Reference Display for a Discrete, Relay , or High-speed Counter
Block 5-9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Monitor/Control Reference Display for an Analog, RTD, or Thermocouple Block 5-10
Monitor/Control Reference Displays for a P owerTRA C Block 5-11 . . . . . . . .
Chapter 6 Reading CPU Memory 6-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 7 Error Messages 7-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Table of Contents i
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Chapter 1 Introduction
The Hand-held Monitor (HHM) is a convenient operator interface device that can be used to set up and monitor a Genius I/O and communications system.
The HHM features:
An LCD display with four lines of 16 characters each.
Selectable display language: English, German, French, or Italian.
A 20-key sealed-membrane keypad.
A keyswitch that can be used to restrict operator access to certain functions, as selected for the application.
Operation from its battery pack, or by 115 volt AC or 230 volt AC power .
The Hand-held Monitor screen is the operator’s window to the Genius bus and all of its devices. It can be used to display:
I/O data for any device on the bus.
Bus scan time.
Descriptions of all devices on the bus.
Global Data addresses.
Memory data from CPUs on the bus.
The Hand-held Monitor can also be used for device configuration, fault clearing, and forcing I/O circuits and dual bus selection. It can also be set up to prevent the use of any of these capabilities.
A k ey feature of the Hand-held Monitor is its ability to communicate with I/O blocks and to force discrete and analog I/O, whether or not there is a PLC or computer connected to the bus. This greatly simplifies system check-out prior to full-scale system operation.
Hand Held Monitor
GE Fanuc
F1 F2 F3 F4
GFK -0121E
Hand-held Monitor Description
Hand Held Monitor
GE Fanuc
Mode Select Keyswitch
HHM Cable
F1 F2 F3 F4
+ –
On Off
LCD Display
Function Keys
Decimal Keys
Operation Keys
Connection for Charger/Adapter
The HHM Keypad
The Hand-held Monitor keypad has three types of keys: function keys (F1 - F4), decimal keys, and operation keys.
Function K eys: The four keys in the top row (F1, F2, F3, and F4) have functions that change as the display changes.
F1 F2 F3 F4
The bottom line of the screen shows the current functions of these keys. For example:
Decimal Keys: The decimal keys are used to enter numbers and change sign. Operation Keys: The four keys on the right side of the keypad are used to control HHM
Hand-held Monitor User’s Guide – June 1994
displays the Home menu.
displays the previous screen.
n x t p r v a c t v b u s
clears HHM error messages, clears Genius faults, deletes HHM keypad entries.
turns the HHM on or off.
The HHM Display
The Hand-held Monitor has a 4-line LCD screen. On a new Hand-held Monitor, displays are in English. The display language can easily be changed to French, German, or Italian. (Instructions for changing the display language are on page 3-5).
In addition to alphanumeric characters, the display uses the following special characters:
tri-state input.
Output with Feedback, or block with both inputs and outputs.
circuit is forced OFF .
circuit is forced ON.
relay block point is forced open.
relay block point is forced closed.
circuit controls a Bus Switching Module.
reference address or Device Number not yet assigned.
reference address is out of range for the presently-selected HHM host.
For a list of other HHM abbreviations and their meanings, select F3 (HELP) from the HHM Utilities menu.
K eyswitch
The Hand-held Monitor’s keyswitch can be used to restrict access to certain features of the HHM.
With the key present, the switch can be placed in either “configure” (cfg) or “monitor”
(mon) position. cfg with the switch in Configure position, all HHM functions are available. In this
mode, the Hand-held Monitor can be configured to determine which of its fea­tures will be usable once the key is removed.
mon: with the keyswitch in Monitor position, the HHM can monitor bus and block
data. Additional HHM functions, such as clearing faults or configuring I/O blocks, can be used in Monitor mode only if the HHM has been set up to permit their use.
The key must be present to move the switch from Monitor to Configure mode position; it can only be removed in MON position. Two identical keys are supplied with each Hand-held Monitor . The key should be removed if system security is a concern.
The Hand-held Monitor comes with:
A sturdy removable leather case. The case has a rear tab with snap closure for carrying the HHM on a belt. The handle can be pivoted back to stand the Hand-held Monitor upright on a table.
A rechargeable battery pack.
A battery charger/adapter with 8-ft cord.
Two keys for the mode-selection keyswitch.
A removable 5 ft (1.5 meter) coiled communications cable.
Chapter 1 Introduction
HHM Compatibility
The following table shows which Hand-held Monitor versions are compatible with specific Genius I/O, Field Control, and related products.
Note that the functionality of an older Hand-held Monitor can be upgraded by replacing its firmware PROM. (PROM installation instructions are in chapter 2).
24/48VDC Analog 4 Input/2 Output block 24/48VDC RTD 6 Input block 24/48VDC Thermocouple 6 Input block 24/48VDC Current-Source Analog 4 Input/2 Output block 24/48VDC Current-Source Analog 6 Output block 115V A C Analog 4 Input/2 Output block 115V A C/125VDC RTD 6 Input block 115VA C/125VDC Thermocouple 6 Input block 115V A C/125VDC Current-Source Analog 4 Input/2 Output block 115V A C/125VDC Current-Source Analog 6 Output block 24/48VDC Source 16 I/O block 24/48VDC Sink 16 I/O block 24VDC Source 16 I/O block 24VDC Sink 16 I/O block 12/24VDC Source 32 I/O block 5/12/24VDC Sink 32 I/O block 115V A C 8 I/O block 115V A C 8 I/O Low Leakage block 115VA C 16 Input block 115V AC/10-30VDC High-Speed Counter block, v1.x 115V AC/10-30VDC High-Speed Counter block, v2.0 115/230VAC Relay Normally-closed 16 Output block 115/230VAC Relay Normally-open 16 Output block 115V AC/125VDC 8 I/O Isolated Block with Failed Switch Diagnostic 115V AC/125VDC 8 I/O Isolated without Failed Switch Diagnostic 115-230V A C/125VDC PowerTRAC block, v .2.2 or earlier 115-230VA C/125VDC PowerTRAC block, v.2.3
Product Catalog
IC660BBA020 IC660BBA021 IC660BBA023 IC660BBA024 IC660BBA025 IC660BBA100 IC660BBA101 IC660BBA103 IC660BBA104 IC660BBA105 IC660BBD020 IC660BBD021 IC660BBD022 IC660BBD023 IC660BBD024 IC660BBD025 IC660BBD100 IC660BBD101 IC660BBD110 IC660BBD120 IC660BBD120D IC660BBR100 IC660BBR101 IC660BBS100 IC660BBS101 IC660BPM100 IC660BPM100C
Requires this Hand-
held Monitor Ver-
sion (or later)
IC660HHM501B (v2.0)
IC660HHM501D (v3.5)
IC660HHM501E (v3.7)
IC660HHM501G (v4.0)
IC660HHM501B (v2.0)
IC660HHM501D (v3.5)
IC660HHM501E (v3.7)
IC660HHM501G (v4.0)
any any any
any IC660HHM501B (v2.0) IC660HHM501B (v2.0)
any IC660HHM501B (v2.0)
IC660HHM501D (v3.5) IC660HHM501G (v4.0)
IC660HHM501B (v2.0) IC660HHM501B (v2.0)
IC660HHM501D (v3.5) IC660HHM501G (v4.0)
Series Five Genius Bus Controller Series 90-70 Genius Bus Controller Series Six Genius Bus Controller with Diagnostics Series Six Genius Bus Controller without Diagnostics Series 90-30 GENIUS Communications Module GENIUS Network Interface (GENI) module IBM PC Interface Module (PCIM) GENIUS Network Interface (GENI) module with inverted connector
Series 90-70 Remote I/O Scanner IC697BEM733 IC660HHM501G (v4.0) 24/48VDC Bus Switching Module (BSM)
115V AC/125VDC Bus Switching Module (BSM) Field Control products (all) IC670xxxxxx IC660HHM501J (v4.6)
Hand-held Monitor User’s Guide – June 1994
IC655BEM510 IC697BEM731 IC660CBB902 IC660CBB903 IC693CMM301 IC660ELB905 IC660ELB906 IC660ELB910
IC660BSM021 IC660BSM115
IC660HHM501C (v3.0)
IC660HHM501F (v3.8)
IC660HHM501C (v3.0)
HHM Specifications
Operating temperature 0–60 C(32–140 F) Storage temperature –40 to +70 C(–40 to 158 F) Humidity 5-95% (non-condensing) Weight: without case 1.3 lbs (0.6 Kg)
with case 1.8 lbs (0.8 Kg)
Size (HxWxD): without case 8.00” x” 3.75 x” 1.25 (cmx)
with case 10.85” x 4.30” x 2.25”
Requir ed AC power (for battery charger) 115/230VAC 15%, 47-63 Hz
Fully charged operation 6 hours Display characters 4 lines each of 16 LCD (0.2” - 5 mm high) K eyboard 20 sealed keys with tactile feedback Featur es Performs Genius I/O block configuration, monitors
Display language English, German, French, or Italian Drop T est Survives drop from 4 feet (1.2 meters) to concrete
Data Rates 153.6 Kbaud standard, 153.5 Kbaud extended, 76.8
(16-hour charging period for IC660BPM500B. 8-hour charging period for IC660BPM500A, now discontinued.)
I/O data on Genius bus, displays diagnostic in­formation.
floor landing on any surface or corner without af­fecting its operation.
Kbaud, 38.4 Kbaud
Ordering Information
Description Catalog Number
Hand-Held Monitor (includes all items listed below) IC660HHM501 Cable from HHM to I/O Block IC660HHC005 Battery P ack IC660BPM500 Battery Charger IC660BCM501
Optional Accessories
External HHM Connector: A panel-mountable or DIN rail-mountable HHM connector (catalog number 44A736310-001-R001) is available. It can be used to provide a permanent HHM connection point on a Genius bus. See chapter 2 for a description.
230VAC Power A dapter: An optional 230V AC P ower A dapter (IC660MCA512) can be used to connect the Hand-held Monitor Charger to variety of 230 VAC power outlets by means of a standard computer cable (not supplied). See chapter 2 for a description.
Extra HHM Keys: For applications requiring extra keys for the Hand-held Monitor, a group of five sets can be ordered separately. The catalog number is IC660MKS511.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Har dwar e Setup
Power for the Hand-held Monitor
The Hand-held Monitor can be operated using its built-in battery, or connected to either 115 volt or 230 volt AC power. A battery pack must always be installed to operate the HHM,
even when using AC power.
A n optional 230VAC Power A dapter can be used to connect the Hand-held Monitor Charger to variety of 230 VA C power outlets. See page 2-2 for more information.
Charging the Battery Pack for AC Operation
To operate the HHM using AC power , if the battery pack is new or has become fully discharged by operating the HHM on battery power, it must be charged for at least 20 minutes. If it is necessary to restore temporary operation before charging is complete:
Plug the adapter cable into the HHM.
Wait 15 seconds and power up the HHM. It may be necessary to remove the battery pack for 15 seconds, then reinstall it.
Note that continuall y usi ng the Hand-held Monitor in AC mode for an extended period of time causes the battery pack to deteriorate. A fter up to two years of AC operation of the HHM, the battery pack may not be able to accept enough charge to operate the HHM independently. However, it can still be used for AC operation.
Selecting 120 VAC or 230 VAC
Before plugging the adapter into AC power to operate or charge the Hand-held Monitor, be sure the switch at the base of the adapter is correctly set to match the incoming power (120 volts AC or 230 volts A C).
120V position
230V position
The Hand-held Monitor will operate while the adapter is connected.
Using the 230VAC Power Adapter
The optional 230VAC Power Adapter (IC660MCA512) can be used to connect the Hand­held Monitor Charger to variety of 230 VAC power outlets by means of a standard com­puter cable (not supplied).
The Adapter has a receptacle on the top for the Hand-held Monitor Charger and an IEC 320 receptacle on the side for the computer cable.
HHM Charger receptacle in
top of Adapter
IEC 320 receptacle in
side of Adapter
1. Se t the powe r selection switch on the Han d-held Monitor Charger to the 230V position.
230V position
2. Plug the Hand-held Monitor Charger into the top receptacle on the Power A dapter unit.
3. Plug the computer cable into the IEC receptacle on side of the Power Adapter unit.
4. Connect the computer cable to a suitable 230VAC power source.
During normal operation, it is best to connect and disconnect the cable at the outlet, not at the Adapter.
Hand-held Monitor User’s Guide – June 1994
Battery Operation
The HHM’s battery pack provides up to 6 hours of operation. To maximize battery life, allow the battery to discharge fully between charges. The battery should be allowed to fully discharge once a month.
Low Battery Power
Low battery power may cause this message:
**LOW BATTERY** **HHM HALTED** Please Recharge
Or the display may blank, or two black lines may appear briefly. Low battery power suspends the current operation.
Charging the Battery Pack
When you receive a new Hand-held Monitor, its battery pack is not charged. Before using a new battery pack to power the HHM for the first time, charge it by plugging the adapter into a power source for 24 hours. After this initial charging, subsequent rechanges will require only 16 hours.
Maintaining spare battery packs will allow the HHM to operate using one battery pack while another is being charged.
If the battery pack won’t take a charge, it usually indicates a faulty battery pack, not a faulty Hand-held Monitor. Try another batter y pack. Replacement (uncharged) batter y packs are available.
If a battery pack is left uncharged for a long time, it may be necessary to remove the battery pack from the HHM and charge it while removed for up to 15 minutes.
Replacing the Battery Pack
To replace the battery pack, use a Phillips screwdriver (size 0 or 1) to release the retaining screw at the bottom of the HHM. Slide the battery pack out, insert another, and tighten the screw.
Automatic Shutoff
To conserve power, the Hand-held Monitor automatically shuts off 10 minutes after the last key is pressed. For applications where continual operation is preferred, the automatic shutoff feature can be disabled. See page 3-5 for more information.
Chapter 2 Hardware Setup
Changing the PROM
New features can be added to upgrade a Hand-held Monitor by replacing its PROM as described below .
To prevent possible damage to the Hand-held Monitor, this operation should be performed in an area equipped with suitable electrostatic discharge protection.
1. If the HHM is connected to AC power, disconnect it.
2. Remove the HHM battery pack as described on the previous page.
3. On the front of the Hand-held Monitor, remove the two Phillips-head screws located near the 7 and HOME keys.
4. Gently raise the keyboard up from the bottom to release the lip between the keyboard and the display.
5. Once this lip is free, open the keyboard to the right, as illustrated below. It is not necessary to remove the ribbon connector .
Hand Held Monitor
GE Fanuc
Install PROM with notch to right as shown
6. Remove the old PROM. If you don’t have a PROM extraction tool, a small screwdriv-
er can be used instead, carefully working from side to side.
Hand-held Monitor User’s Guide – June 1994
7. If necessary, bend the pins on the PROM so they line up properly with the holes in the socket. Bend the pins by pressing each side against a clean desk or table top as shown below. If possible, a conductive mat should be used.
Conductive mat
8. Insert the EPROM or Battery-Backed RAM into the socket. IMPORTANT: Inserting the PROM backward can damage the Micro PLC and
destroy the PROM.
Newer PROMs may be physically longer, but all PROMs must be inserted flush with the left edge of the socket, with the notch toward the ribbon connector.
9. Reposition the keyboard in its lip and tighten the two screws.
10. Reinstall the battery pack.
Chapter 2 Hardware Setup
Permanent Installation
If the Hand-held Monitor is to be installed using the metal bracket provided, follow the instructions below. Do not install the HHM yet if it will be used to configure I/O blocks.
The mounting bracket provid ed can be used to install the Hand-held Monitor behind a panel. You will need to make a cutout in the panel for the HHM (see next page).
You will also need to install a connector for the Hand-held Monitor within reach of the HHM’s cable. The extra D-shell connector provided with the Hand-held Monitor requires a panel cutout, with the bus cable and Hand-held Monitor located on the opposite sides of the panel (see page 2-8).
An optional panel-mountable or DIN rail-mountable connector is also available. It does not require a cutout. See page 2-9 for details.
Behind PanelBack of HHM
To Power Source
Optional HHM
Bus In
Bus Out
Configuring a Permanently-installed HHM
Ordinarily, a Hand-held Monitor installed on a panel serves as an operator station. Its configuration may be different from that of a portable HHM.
Its Device Number must be changed from 0 to some other number .
Automatic shutoff may be disabled.
I/O block configuration and other features may also be disabled.
After the HHM is configured, its keyswitch should be placed in MON position, and the key removed.
Hand-held Monitor User’s Guide – June 1994
HHM Installation Instructions
1. Select a suitable location for the HHM. Environmental specifications are listed on
page 1-5. The location must have 115 VAC or 230 VAC power.
2. Cut an opening 3.75I (9.53cm) wide x 8I (20.32cm) high in the panel. Drill four
mounting holes as shown below.
1.00in (2.54cm)
1.00in (2.54cm)
3. Attach the bracket to the HHM with the screws, washers, and lockwashers provided.
(4) holes for
mounting on
(2) holes for mounting to
back of Hand-held Monitor
4. Using appropriate hardware (not provided), mount the HHM and bracket in the cutout.
5. Connect the power cord to the HHM, and connect the signal cable to the connector.
Chapter 2 Hardware Setup
Installing the D -Shell HHM Connector
Follow the instructions below if you are installing the supplied D-shell connector on the bus.
1. Using the mounting plate as a template, cut an opening in the panel for the mating connector. Also drill two holes for the mounting hardware.
2. Attach the mounting plate and mating connector to the panel using the mounting hardware supplied.
3. Secure the two ends* of the serial bus cable to the back of the panel using strain relief brackets.
4. Strip the ends of the wires. Twist the two Serial 1 wires together and attach them to pin 5 of the connector. Twist the Serial 2 wires together and attach them to pin 9. Similarly, attach the Shield wire(s)* to pin 4.
The following illustration shows connections for incoming and outgoing serial bus cable. As with other devices, the HHM connector may be at either end of its bus. If it is, there will only be one bus cable attached.
SER 2 (Pin 9)
SER 1 (Pin 5)
(Qty. 3)
(Pin 4)
Mounting Surface
(rear view)
When making bus connections, the maximum exposed length of bare wires should be two inches. For added protection, each shield drain wire should be insulated with spaghetti tubing to prevent the Shield In and Shield Out wires from touching each other.
* If the HHM connector is at either end of its bus, it is necessary to install an
appropriate terminating resistor across the Serial 1 and Serial 2 wires. The Genius I/O System and Communications User’s Manual lists appropriate terminating resistors for each recommended bus cable type.
Hand-held Monitor User’s Guide – June 1994
Installing a Separate Hand-held Monitor Connector
You can add a connector to the bus for a permanently-mounted Hand-held Monitor, or to provide an additional attachment point for a portable HHM.
The unit shown below (catalog number 44A736310-001-R001) provides a Hand-held Monitor connector and serial bus terminals.
.5 in
1.27 cm
7.198 cm
2.834 in
1.673 in
X1 X2
shown at 100% of actual size
Hand-held Monitor
Panel Mounting Ear
Serial Bus Terminals
X1 Serial 1 X2 Serial 2 SA Shield In SB Shield Out
Mounting the HHM Connector
This unit can be easily mounted on a rail such as a standard 35mm (shown below) or 15mm DIN rail. The panel-mounting ears are not used if the unit is installed on a DIN rail.
35mm DIN rail
(Removable) DIN rail
Mounting Feet
side view: shown at 50% of actual size
Alternatively, it can be installed directly on a panel using screws through its mounting ears. The DIN rail feet on the back of the unit are removed when the unit is panel-mounted.
Chapter 2 Hardware Setup
Making the Bus Connections
The HHM connector has two sets of terminals; one for incoming cable and the other for outgoing cable.
Connect the Serial 1, Serial 2, and Shield In terminal of either connector to the previous device. Connect the Serial 1, Serial 2, and Shield Out terminal of the other connector to the next device.
When making bus connections, the maximum exposed length of bare wires should be two inches. For added protection, each shield drain wire should be insulated with spaghetti tubing to prevent the Shield In and Shield Out wires from touching each other.
The following illustration shows connections for incoming and outgoing serial bus cable. As with other devices, the HHM connector may be at either end of its bus. If it is, there will only be one bus cable attached.
Bus In
Bus Out
X1 Serial 1 X2 Serial 2
X1 X2
SA Shield In SB Shield Out
As with other devices, if the HHM Connector is at either end of its bus, install an appropriate terminating resistor across the Serial 1 and Serial 2 terminals. The Genius I/O System and Communications User’s Manual lists appropriate terminating resistors for each recommended bus cable type.
Hand-held Monitor User’s Guide – June 1994
+ 44 hidden pages