GE EPM 7300, EPM 7700, PMCS 6.11a, EPM5200P, GEH-6513, EPM9450Q, EPM9650Q User Manual
Specifications and Main Features
Frequently Asked Questions
User Manual
PMCS 6.11a
Interface Toolkit
Installation Guide
GE Power Management Control System 6.11a
PMCS Interface ToolkitBack to Main Menu •••• i
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. GE makes no warranty of any
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This document contains proprietary information which is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part
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369 Motor Management RelayPower Quality Meter (PQM)
GE-Zenith Generator PLC (Series 90-
Electronic Power Meter 3710 , Electronic Power Meter 3720, Electronic Power Meter 7300, Electronic Power
Meter 7330, Electronic Power Meter 7500, Electronic Power Meter 7600, and Electronic Power Meter 7700 are
products of Power Measurement Limited.
Multilin 269+ Motor Management Relay® is a registered trademarks of Multilin Inc., and Multilin SR489
Generator Management Relay™ and Multilin SR745 Transformer Management Relay™ are trademarks of
Multilin Inc.
Microsoft, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Visual Basic, and MS-DOS are
registered trademarks, and Windows NT is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Wonderware is a registered trademark of WonderWare Corporation. Wonderware InTouch and NetDDE are
trademarks of WonderWare Corporation.
OW SHOULD I USE THIS MANUAL? .................................................................................................................................. 2
BOUT THE INTERFACE TOOLKIT...................................................................................................................................... 3
USING AND CONFIGURING PMCS WIZARDS ......................................................................................................... 5
BOUT THE WIZARDS ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
Special Considerations ................................................................................................................................................ 9
ABULAR DATA SCREEN WIZARDS................................................................................................................................. 11
LOOR PLAN WIZARDS ................................................................................................................................................... 23
Example of Lockout/Tagout Wizard........................................................................................................................... 44
PECIAL SCRIPTING CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE EPM 7700............................................................................................. 48
Installing the Application Script ................................................................................................................................ 49
EPM 7700 Tabular Data Screen Scripting ................................................................................................................ 54
CREATING FLOOR PLANS, ELEVATION VIEWS, AND ONE-LINE DIAGRAMS ........................................... 55
REATING A BASIC INTERFACE ........................................................................................................................................ 61
FEATURES OF GE LARGE FACEPLATE WIZARDS.............................................................................................. 67
BOUT THE LARGE FACEPLATE WIZARDS ...................................................................................................................... 67
POWER LEADER EPM................................................................................................................................................ 68
PECTRA MICROVERSATRIP TRIP UNIT .......................................................................................................................... 71
NHANCED MICROVERSATRIP-C TRIP UNIT .................................................................................................................. 72
NHANCED MICROVERSATRIP-D TRIP UNIT .................................................................................................................. 74
EATURES OF TABULAR DATA SCREENS ......................................................................................................................... 99
Status Tab................................................................................................................................................................. 112
IV Range Tab ........................................................................................................................................................... 114
iv •••• ContentsPMCS Interface Toolkit
P Range Tab............................................................................................................................................................. 115
Power Quality Tab................................................................................................................................................... 133
Power Quality Tab................................................................................................................................................... 143
Power Quality Tab................................................................................................................................................... 152
Protection Control Tab ............................................................................................................................................ 153
Power System Configuration Tab ............................................................................................................................ 154
Elements Tab............................................................................................................................................................ 157
Digital Counter Tab................................................................................................................................................. 158
Line Tab ................................................................................................................................................................... 166
Contact Output Current States Tab.......................................................................................................................... 168
Remote Temperature Detection Tab ........................................................................................................................ 169
Bus Tab .................................................................................................................................................................... 170
Status Tab ................................................................................................................................................................ 172
Local RTD Tab......................................................................................................................................................... 180
Control Tab.............................................................................................................................................................. 182
Status Tab................................................................................................................................................................. 185
Analog Tab............................................................................................................................................................... 190
RTD HI Tab.............................................................................................................................................................. 191
Trip Data Tab........................................................................................................................................................... 194
Trip Data Tab........................................................................................................................................................... 201
Power Tab................................................................................................................................................................ 208
Status Tab................................................................................................................................................................. 211
GEN PLC..................................................................................................................................................................... 223
Setup One Tab.......................................................................................................................................................... 229
Setup Two Tab.......................................................................................................................................................... 230
Setup One Tab.......................................................................................................................................................... 233
Setup One Tab.......................................................................................................................................................... 236
Setup Two Tab.......................................................................................................................................................... 237
Digital Inputs ........................................................................................................................................................... 245
ONG UPDATE WHEN CHANGING SETPOINTS.................................................................................................................. 252
NTOUCH APPLICATIONS – WINDOWS NOT DISPLAYED PROPERLY................................................................................. 253
RONG METERING TAB DISPLAYED............................................................................................................. 252
NO DATA OR INCORRECT DATA DISPLAYED ............................................................................ 252
The PMCS Interface Toolkit is a POWER LEADER Power Management Control
System (PMCS) version 6.11a tool that provides a custom toolkit to efficiently create
flexible, accurate, and friendly user interfaces to your power management data. With
the PMCS Wizards (accurate graphical representations of power management
devices and other commonly encountered objects), you can create applications to
provide a customized interface that accurately represents physical, electrical, and
geographical plant layouts. The wizards can significantly cut new system
development time, providing results in less than an hour.
The PMCS Interface Toolkit allows you to create one-line diagrams, elevation views,
and floor plans that you can combine with tabular data screens and three-dimensional
device wizards to create a virtual representation of your facility and equipment. With
this graphical user interface, you actually see and control devices on the screen,
without having to make a trip out to the meter or trip unit.
The Toolkit, which consists of the Wonderware InTouch development environment
coupled with GE’s wizards, is easy to use, taking advantage of state-of-the-art dragand-drop technology. Wizards are provided for all the devices most commonly used
with the PMCS DDE Server. Creating a custom interface is as easy as selecting
wizards for the devices installed in a facility and placing them on the screen.
Here’s what you’ll find in this guide:
•Chapter 2 explains the kinds of PMCS Wizards, their use and
configuration – Small Faceplate wizards, Large Faceplate wizards,
Tabular Data Screen wizards, One- Line wizards, Elevation wizards,
and Floor Plan wizards.
•Chapter 3 illustrates the use of the GE wizards described in Chapter 2
to create animated displays of the facility floor plan, switchgear
elevations, and system one- line diagrams.
•Chapter 4 gives an example of application development, using the
wizards described in Chapters 2 and 3 to create an actual PMCS
•Chapter 5 describes the functions available with each of the GE Large
Faceplate wizards. These wizards are accurate graphical representations
of power management devices, complete with working controls that are
linked to the corresponding devices in your facility.
•Chapter 6 describes the Tabular Data wizards. These wizards list the
data and setpoints of power management devices in a tabular format.
Simply point and click to select the appropriate tab of information to
display and view the related data.
The examples and references in this guide enable you to create custom interfaces for
your PMCS system, and allow you to access power management data in the way that
best suits you.
How should I use this manual?
How you use this book depends on your level of expertise with Wonderware
InTouch. Consult the table below to determine where you should start.
If this describes you…Start here:
I’ve never seen this stuff before! What’s
Wonderware InTouch? What are
I’ve just opened this package – where do I
go first?
I’m familiar with Wonderware InTouch
and I’d like to build a custom application
for some GE power management devices.
The GE PMCS Wizards are already
installed on my system, I’m already
experienced with InTouch, and I’m ready
to start building custom applications.
Just tell me about the wizards; I’m an old
pro and ready to go!
Refer to the documentation that came with your
Wonderware InTouch package. Start with the
introduction and tutorial sections, which will teach you
about Wonderware InTouch and how to use it to create
custom applications. When you understand what wizards
are and how to use them, come back here.
Go to Chapter 1, Introduction. Chapter 1 explains what
the User Screen Configurator is, what it’s good for, and
where to go after that.
Go to Chapter 1 for installation instructions, then to
Chapter 2 for descriptions of the wizards and how to use
them. Chapter 4 provides a demo of actual application
development. This package contains wizards for the
power management devices supported by GE’s PMCS
6.11a software.
Turn to Chapter 2 for information on how to use the GE
PMCS Wizards, and Chapter 4 for a quick example of
application development. For detailed descriptions of
the Large Faceplate wizards or the Tabular Data Screen
wizards, refer to Chapters 5 and 6 respectively.
Skim through Chapters 2 and 3 for an overview of
what’s in the package, then Chapter 4 for a quick
example of application development. Chapter 5
describes the GE Large Faceplate wizards and Chapter 6
the associated Tabular Data Screen wizards.
2PMCS Interface Toolkit
You will find this book easy to use if you look for these simple conventions:
About the Interface Toolkit
The Interface Toolkit consists of the Wonderware InTouch development
environment and a special set of wizards developed for use with the power
management devices supported by PMCS.
To install the Interface Toolkit from the CD-ROM, refer to the instructions provided
in GEH-6514, Read This Book First.
When InTouch is successfully installed, you must add the PMCS wizards to
InTouch’s library of available wizards.
To add the wizards to InTouch, start InTouch and enter Development mode. Pull
down the Special menu and select Configure > Wizard.
• Boldface type indicates the name of an item you need to select.
• Monospace type indicates an example or text that is displayed on the
•UPPERCASE type indicates a file name, command name, or acronym.
From the InTouch Configuration menu, select Install Wizards.
The Wizard Installation dialog displays two list boxes, showing the currently
installed wizards and the wizards available for installation. Select the desired wizards
from the bottom box and click Install. When the installation is complete, click Done.
Exit from the InTouch Configuration dialog box by clicking OK. The PMCS wizards
should now be loaded and ready for use.
4PMCS Interface Toolkit
Using and Configuring
PMCS Wizards
About the Wizards
The wizards contained in the PMCS Interface Toolkit allow you to quickly build
accurate and friendly user interfaces with InTouch. In addition to the various wizards
standard with InTouch development systems, the Interface Toolkit provides six types
of powerful GE wizards:
• GE Small Faceplates
• GE Large Faceplates
• GE Tabular Screens
• GE One-Line Tools
• GE Elevation Wizards
• GE Floor Plan Wizards
The five-step procedure below outlines how to use InTouch wizards.
1. From InTouch, either create a new window or open an existing window
to modify.
2. Select the wizards button
Selection dialog box pops up.
3. Select the class of wizard from the list of wizards on the left side of the
Wizard Selection dialog. Several classes contain too many devices to fit
on one palette and have been broken up into several palettes; for
example; Small Faceplates 1 and Small Faceplates 2.
4. Double-click on the desired wizard, then click on the window to place
the wizard.
5. Once the wizard has been placed, double-click anywhere on the wizard
to open a configuration dialog (if appropriate), and complete any
necessary configuration based on the instructions later in this chapter.
The remainder of this chapter is devoted to describing and illustrating the various
kinds of wizards included in the PMCS Interface Toolkit.
from the floating toolbars. The Wizard
Small Faceplate Wizards
The Small Faceplate wizards are icon-sized graphics typically used to create accurate
elevation views and one-line diagrams. These wizards are provided with logic to
open another window, typically either a Large Faceplate or Tabular Data Screen
wizard. There are two palettes of Small Faceplates to choose from.
In development mode, after placing the Small Faceplate, double-click on the icon to
open the Small Faceplate Dialog box, as illustrated below. Typically, a Small
Faceplate wizard is linked to a window containing either a Large Faceplate or a
Tabular Data Screen wizard. You can move or resize Small Faceplate wizards in the
window as desired.
6PMCS Interface Toolkit
Enter the name of the window
to open when the icon is
clicked on during runtime.
Large Faceplate Wizards
Large Faceplate wizards are three-dimensional representations of device faceplates
that can be used to display data from the device. These three-dimensional wizards
include extensive logic that provides an accurate reproduction of the actual display
and keys of the device. Large Faceplate wizards are typically placed in overlay
8PMCS Interface Toolkit
Place the Large Faceplate wizard into an open window, then double-click on it to
display the Large Faceplate Dialog box. Configure the wizard by entering the
appropriate information into each of the boxes.
The figure shown below is the dialog for a typical wizard. Some wizards have
additional features which may be configured. See the section titled Features of GELarge Faceplate Wizards for more details.
Enter the unique eight-character
name matching the appropriate Topic
in the PMCS DDE Server.
Enter the application name of the
PMCS DDE Server (GE32MODB or
GE32MTCP) for most PMCS
devices; ION_LINK for EPM 7700
Enter the minimum security
level for enabling remote
command functions.
Enter the name of the window to
open when the device display is
clicked on during runtime.
You can move and resize Large Faceplate wizards as desired.
Special Considerations
The button controls on the 3-D representation emulate the controls of the actual
device. This may be useful for reducing software training time for personnel already
familiar with device operation. The detailed features of each of the Large Faceplate
wizards are described in the section titled Features of GE Large FaceplateWizards .
EPM 7700
The EPM 7700 Large Faceplate Dialog box contains an extra field, which must be
completed during configuration. The Node Name field requires that you enter the
name of the computer running the Communications Server that connects to this
particular device. Depending on the configuration of the EPM7700 network, this can
be either the Primary node computer, or a computer setup as a "Full Station"
Secondary node. Refer to DEH-40035, the GE 7700 Gateway Users Guide, and
GEH-6514, PMCS Read This Book First, for more information on network
configuration. The Node Name field is required because the EPM7700 does not use
the same DDE server as the rest of the standard PMCS devices, and the wizard must
be directed to the location of the correct Communications Server for proper
configuration of DDE topic names.
Also, the Application Name field must be completed as ION_LINK rather than
GE32MODB or GE32MTCP for the EPM7700 device. The ION LINK program is
installed during initial PMCS 6.11a setup if the EPM7700 software option is selected.
When configuring Wizards on Secondary nodes, the Application Name field entry
does not follow the PMCS wizard convention of “\\RemoteComputer\ION_LINK”.
EPM7700 Secondary nodes run a local copy of the ION LINK server, thus the
application name for EPM7700 Large Faceplate wizards is always “ION_LINK”
whether the wizard is installed on the Primary node or a Secondary node. The Node
Name entry determines if the wizard is on a Secondary node.
Finally, the EPM 7700 device type requires special InTouch scripting for the large
faceplate wizard. Refer to the section at the end of this chapter titled Special
Scripting Considerations for the EPM 7700.
10PMCS Interface Toolkit
Tabular Data Screen Wizards
Tabular Data Screen wizards contain organized, comprehensive, tabular layouts of
device parameters including additional configuration and remote control features.
Depending on the device, there may be multiple file-tabs beneath the tabular data
section. These switch among various pages relating to data and setpoints.
Each Tabular Data Screen wizard contains buttons for activating the help file, trend
window, setup window (if applicable), Event Logger, Waveform Capture, and for
closing the window.
You can move and resize Tabular Data Screen wizards as desired.
In development mode, after placing a wizard into an open window, double-click on it
to display the Tabular Data Dialog box. The figure below shows the dialog box for a
typical Tabular Data wizard. Some wizards have additional features which may be
configured. See the section titled Features of Tabular Data Screen Wizards for
more details.
Enter the unique eight- character
name matching the appropriate
Topic in the PMCS DDE Server.
Use the Group Name field to logically group devices,
if desired. Enter the name of the group to which the
device belongs.
Enter the application name of
the PMCS DDE Server
Enter the minimum security leve
for enabling remote command
and setup functions.
Enter the name of the window to
be opened when the Trend
button is clicked on during
Enter the name of the window to
be opened when the Setup
button is clicked on during
EPM 7700
The EPM 7700 Tabular Data Dialog box is slightly different from the other PMCS
device types, containing two extra fields and requiring minor differences in
configuration. The Tabular Data Dialog for the EPM 7700 is shown below, followed
by the special configuration requirements.
The Node Name field requires that you enter the name of the computer running the
Communications Server that connects to this particular device. Depending on the
configuration of the EPM7700 network, this can be either the Primary node
computer, or a computer setup as a “Full Station” Secondary node. Refer to DEH-
12PMCS Interface Toolkit
40035, the GE 7700 Gateway Users Guide, and GEH-6514, PMCS Read This Book
First, for more information on network configuration. The Node Name field is
required because the EPM7700 does not use the same DDE server as the rest of the
standard PMCS devices, and the wizard must be directed to the location of the
correct Communications Server for proper configuration of DDE topic names.
Also, the Application Name field must be completed as ION_LINK rather than
GE32MODB or GE32MTCP for the EPM7700 device. The ION LINK program is
installed during initial PMCS setup if the EPM7700 software option is selected.
When configuring Wizards on Secondary nodes, the Application Name field entry
does not follow the PMCS wizard convention of “\\RemoteComputer\ION_LINK”.
EPM7700 Secondary nodes run a local copy of the ION LINK server, thus the
application name for EPM7700 Tabular Data Wizards is always “ION_LINK”
whether the wizard is installed on the Primary node or a Secondary node. The Node
Name entry determines if the wizard is on a Secondary node.
The Gateway Name field must be completed with GE77GTWY, the application name
of the GE 7700 Gateway Server program. When configuring the EPM7700 Tabular
wizard on a Secondary node, the Gateway Name does follow the PMCS wizard
convention of “\\RemoteComputer\GE77GTWY” in the Gateway Name field, where
‘RemoteComputer’ is the name of the PC where the GE 7700 Gateway application is
running – the Primary Node. The following example shows a Tabular Data Dialog
box as it would appear when configuring a Tabular Data wizard on a Secondary
node. The Node Name field contains the name of the Primary Node computer, the
Application Name field is ION_LINK (as it is for ALL EPM7700 wizards on ANY
node) and the Gateway Name field points to the GE 7700 Gateway Server running on
the Primary Node PC.
Finally, the EPM 7700 device type requires special InTouch scripting for the tabular
data screen wizard. Refer to the section at the end of this chapter titled Special
Scripting Considerations for the EPM 7700.
Refer to DEH-40035 for information on the Communications Server and 7700
Gateway Server.
369 Motor Management Relay
The 369 Motor Management Relay offers an optional Remote RTD module, which
can provide support for up to 12 additional RTDs. Accordingly, the 369 Tabular
Data Dialog box has an extra field for indicating when the RRTD option is installed.
Be sure to select the correct RRTD option when completing the 369's Tabular Data
Dialog window. If you are not planning to use an RRTD module with your relay,
select the "No" button. This minimizes the number of I/O tags created by the wizard,
providing better performance.
14PMCS Interface Toolkit
Complete the Application Name
field; typically GE32MODB or
Special Note:
The UCA/MMS is not supported in
this version. So don’t Check this
Universal Relay
The Universal Relay device comes in several different models, and each model
supports different capabilities, which are reflected by the various tabs available for
each model. When configuring a Universal Relay device, you first select the UR
Model, then choose which tabs will be displayed for the particular device.
The UR devices are also capable of communicating with a different type of PMCS
DDE Server than the other PMCS Advanced Wizards. By selecting the UCA/MMS
checkbox, you indicate that you wish the UR wizard to retrieve its data for display
from the MMS Server whose name is entered in the Application Name field.
Select the Model of UR which you are
configuring. This determines the
contents of the Available Tabs list.
Highlight the tabs you wish to display
on the Tabular Data Screen wizard.
Use the control key to select multiple
One-Line Wizards
You can use one-line wizards to create animated one-line diagrams that represent an
electrical schematic of the devices monitored by the software. These wizards are
provided with logic to either open another window or display device status.
One-Line wizards are divided into five functional groups according to the type of
•Horizontal and Vertical Meter wizards display another window, such as
a 3-D faceplate.
•Transformer, Fuse, Ground Symbol, and Motor Symbol wizards have a
discrete color-change animation indicating the On/Off state of the
•Horizontal and Vertical Relay wizards also have discrete color-change
animation indicating the On/Off state of the device.
•Horizontal and Vertical Switch wizards have four discrete animations;
two are color changes indicating the On/Off state of the device and two
are used for a three-state display (Open, Closed, and Error conditions).
16PMCS Interface Toolkit
•Circuit Breaker wizards have two discrete color-change animations for
On/Off status display and one analog animation for a five-state display
(Open, Closed, Out, Trip, and Error conditions).
•Lockout/Tagout symbols have discrete visibility animations for various
tags. Refer to the section Using and Configuring PMCS Wizards:Lockout/Tagout Wizard for more information.
In development mode, after placing the one-line device icon, double-click on the icon
to open its configuration dialog box. All one-line wizards have two configuration
items in common:
Line Size is a number between 1 and 20 that sets the pixel width of
the lines in the wizard.
•Size configuration consists of three radio buttons (Small, Medium,
Large) that determine the overall size of the wizard on the screen.
Use the snap-to-grid feature in InTouch to quickly align One-Line wizards.
Configuration of each of the five classes of One-Line wizards is described below.
Meter One-Line Wizards
After placing a meter wizard in a window, double-click on it to display the dialog
box shown below. Configure the wizard by entering the appropriate information into
each of the boxes.
Enter the name of the
window to open when the
icon is clicked on during
Select the color of the meter
Transformer, Fuse, Ground, and Motor One-Line
After placing a Fuse, Ground, or Motor wizard in a window, double-click on it to
display the dialog box shown below. Configure the wizard by entering the
appropriate information into each of the boxes.
Enter the name of the
InTouch discrete tag that
determines the state of the
line colors during runtime.
Specify the colors of the lines
when the Bus Status is On and
Off. The wizard is displayed in
the On Color when the Bus
Status Tagname = 1, Off Color
when the Bus Status Tagname =
The dialog box for the Transformer wizard has an extra check box that specifies
either an air-core or iron-core transformer, as shown below.
Click on the check
box to specify an
18PMCS Interface Toolkit
Horizontal and Vertical Relay One-Line Wizards
After placing a Horizontal or Vertical Relay wizard in a window, double-click on it
to display the dialog box shown below. Configure the wizard by entering the
appropriate information into each of the boxes.
Enter the name of the InTouch discrete
tag that determines the color of the line
to the right (or top) of the relay symbol
during runtime.
Enter the name of the InTouch discrete tag that
determines the color of the line to the left (or bottom)
of the relay symbol during runtime.
Click the check box to
display a slash through the
contacts (normally closed
Specify the colors of the
wizard elements when the
contact status and
connection discrete tags
are On or Off.
Enter the name of the InTouch discrete tag
that determines the color of the relay
symbol during runtime.
Horizontal and Vertical Switch One-Line Wizards
After placing a Horizontal or Vertical Switch wizard in a window, double-click on it
to display the dialog box shown below. Configure the wizard by entering the
appropriate information into each of the boxes.
Enter the name of the InTouch discrete tag
that determines the color of the line to the
right (or top) of the switch symbol during
Enter the name of the InTouch discrete
tag that determines the color of the line
to the left (or bottom) of the switch
symbol during runtime.
Enter the names of the
InTouch discrete tags that
determine the state of the
switch during runtime.
Specify the colors of the wizard
elements when the connection
and switch discrete tags are On
and Off and when there is an
Error condition. The switch
symbol color is determined by
the following logic:
SwOpen SwClosedColo
0 0 erro
0 1 on
1 0 off
1 1 erro
20PMCS Interface Toolkit
Circuit Breaker One-Line Wizards
After placing a Horizontal or Vertical Circuit Breaker wizard in a window, doubleclick on it to display the dialog box shown below. Configure the wizard by entering
the appropriate information into each of the boxes.
Enter text to display next to the
breaker graphic during runtime
Enter the name of the InTouch analog tag that
determines the color of the circuit breaker
symbol, the state of the breaker, and the status
text displayed next to the breaker icon during
Enter the name of the InTouch discrete tag that
determines the color of the line to the right (or
top) of the breaker symbol during runtime.
Enter the name of
the InTouch discrete
tag that determines
the color of the line
to the left (or bottom)
of the breaker
symbol during
Specify the colors of the wizard
elements and status text for the
breaker states during runtime.
See the table below for default
status/color mappings.
The breaker status values and the associated default colors are listed in the table
below. Error status indicates that the breaker status inputs create an indeterminate
state for the breaker.
Breaker StatusValueTextDefault Color
Drawn Out5OUTGreen
Error9ERRFlashing Red
Breaker status values & display colors.
Elevation Wizards
Elevation wizards are graphical elements that represent switchgear components
useful for creating 3-D elevation views. These wizards are not associated with any
logic or animation, but are provided to create more visually accurate screens and
representations of equipment. Device icon wizards are typically placed on the
Elevation wizards to show the breakers, trip units, and meters and provide navigation
to device 3-D wizards, tabular displays, or arbitrary windows.
After placing an Elevation wizard in an open window, it may be moved or resized,
but no other configuration is possible. Elevation wizards are not provided with logic
for opening another window.
22PMCS Interface Toolkit
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