GE Oil & Gas
Becker* 35000 and 36000 Series
V-0 Control Valves

GE’s Becker V-0 Control Valve is a segmented
type rotary control valve designed for mild duty
natural gas regulation.The V-0 features a high
capacity, cost effective design in a very compact
The 35000 Series V-0 valve incorporates flangeless end connections for installation
between flanges. The 36000 Series V-0 valve incorporates raised face flange end
connections in accordance with ISA S75.04. The 35000 Series valves are offered
in 150, 300, and 600 ANSI ratings and the 36000 Series valves are offered in 150
and 300 ANSI ratings. The V-0 Control valve utilizes the Becker RSD Rotary Spring
and Diaphragm actuators. When paired with GE environmentally friendly control
instrumentation, the V-0 is the ideal high capacity valve for mild duty pressure and
flow regulation, and on/off service in natural gas piping systems.
High capacity ball valve design allows low wide open
pressure differential
Extended turndown in excess of 300:1 with v-notch segmented ball
Soft seat design for bubble tight shutoff or stainless
steel seat for erosive process
Spring and diaphragm actuators require low supply pressure
and reduced transient consumption
Easy maintenance minimizes downtime
Versatile design allows for simple field actuator
mounting change
Becker ZERO BLEED* instrumentation reduces costly
atmospheric gas emissions in steady state
Proven Becker VRP Valve Regulator Pilot and DNGP Digital
Natural Gas Positioner offer accurate steady-state control
Use in control or ON/OFF applications

Simple Rugged Versatile Design
Flanged or Flangeless Design
Integral flange (150 and 300 Class) and
flangeless (150, 300, and 600 Class) end
connections available
High Turndown
The segmented ball design with the
v-notch characteristic offers high wideopen capacity and optimal low-end control
resulting in total turndown in excess of
Spring and Diaphragm
Large diaphragm area requires low
supply pressure and low transient
consumption.Spring loaded fail safe
is easily field reversible
Simple Enclosed Housing
Enclosed actuator housing protects
linkage from the elements and is
safer for station personnel
Blowout-Proof Shaft
The shaft is designed so that it can
not blow out, even with the actuator
and packing follower removed
Position Indication
Visible rotary indicator allows quick
visual inspection of valve position
Soft or Metal Seat Design
Easily interchangeable soft seat
(standard) offering Class VI shutoff, or
stainless steel seat (optional) offering
Class IV shutoff
Splined Stem Connections
A durable and accurate involute spline
connects the stem to the ball and
torque arm. Unlike pins or keys, concentrated stresses are avoided to ensure long
trouble-free service