Safety Instructions ............... 2-3
Operating Instructions
Automatic Icemaker ............... ] ]
Care and Cleaning .............. ] 3, ] 4
Crispers and Pans ................. ] 0
ExpressChill _'_ ..................... 5
Ice and V(ater Dispenser ......... 12, 13
Reflig>rator Doors ................. 9
Replacing the i Jgh t Bulbs ........... 15
Shelves and Bins ................. 7, 8
Temperauue Controls ............... 4
TurboCool _'' . ...................... 4
_'ater Filter . ...................... 6
Installing the Refligerator . ....... 21-24
Moving the Refligeramr . ........ 17-20
Preparing to Install
the Refligeramr . .................. 16
V(ater Line Installation .......... 25-27
Troubleshooting Tips ........... 28-31
Normal Operating Sounds .......... 28
Models22,23,25 and27
C6te fiC6te
R frig rateurs
La sectionfran_aise commencea la page40
Iado a Iado
La seccionen espa#ol empiezaen la pagina 75
Consumer Support
Consumer Support ......... Back Cover
Performance Data Sheet ............ 32
Product Registration (U.S.) ....... 33, 34
Product Registration (Canadian) . . .35, 36 State of Calitbrnia ¼'amr
Treatment Device Certificate ......... 37
X_'arianty (Canadian) ............... 38
V(arranty (U.S.) ..................
Write the model and serial numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
Find these numbe_ on a label inside
the refl'igerator compartment at the top on the IJght side.
200DSO74P016 49-60491 12-06JR
Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this Owner's Manual
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following:
i)::This refi'igerator must be properly installed
and located in accordance with tile Installation Instructions before it is used.
i)::Do not allow children to climb, st;rod or hang
on the shelves in the reti-igerato_: They could damage the refrigerator and seriously iqjure
::_ Do not touch tile cold sui-lilces in tile fl'eezer
compartment when hands are damp or wet. Skin may stick to these extremely cold surlhces,
}_'<Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable
\_q)o_ and liquids in tile \'icini_i of this or any other appliance.
i)_:In refl'igerato_ with automatic icemake_,
avoid contact with the moving parts of the ejector mechanism, or with tile heating element
locamd on tile bottom of tile icemake_: Do not place tinge_ or hands on tile automatic
icemaking mechanism while the refrigerator is plugged in.
i)::Kee I)finge_ ()/It of tile "pinch point" areas;
clearances between the doo_ and between the doo_ and cabinet are necessarily small.
Be caretul closing doo_ when children are in the area.
i)::Uni)lug tile refrigerator befiwe cleaning and
making repairs.
NOTE."We stronglyrecommendthatanyservicingbe performedby aqualified individual
i)::Do not refi'eeze ti'ozen foods which have
thawed completel>
NOTE: rurnlhg the refwerator off wathe controlson
the touchpanel doesnot shut off electricalpower to the
Child entrapn_ent and suffocation are not i)rol)lems Refrigerants of the past.Junked or abandoned reti_igerato_ are
still dangerous...even if they will sit for "just a few _M1refl_igeration products contain refl'igerants, days." If you are getting rid of your old refrigerator; which trader federal law must be removed prior
please follow the instructions below to help prevent to product disposal. If wm are getting rid of an accidents, old refrigeration product, check with the
comi)am, handling, the disposal about what
Before YouThrowAway YourOld Refrigerator t,, d,,. or F eezer:
or Freezer:
iJi::Tate off tll e doox_.
iJi::Take off the doo_.
}NI,( e,e the ',hel',es in place so tl
!i?:I,eave the shelves in place so that children max
not easilx climb inside.
n_ : easil) ( limb inside.
Bec use of l _otential safety haz,
Because of potential safety hazards under certain conditions, we strongly recommend against the use of a_ extens on cord.
of an extension cord.
Hox_ _'_eI; ilv )Ix Illtlst tlse }lI] ext(
Howe\'et; if you must use an extension cord, it is absolutely necessary that it be a UL-listed (in the United Stat(;) or a ( iSA-listed (in C ma(
States) or a CSA-listed (in Canada), 3-wire grotmding D'pe appliance extension cord having a grounding type )lug an, 1outlet and th; t th,
type plug and ouflet and that the electrical rating of the cord be 15 amperes (minimum) and 120 volts.
Donot, under any circumstances, cut or remove the third (ground) prong from the power cord. For
personal salon this appfiance must be properly grounded.
The power cord of this appliance is equii)ped
with a 3-prong (grounding) plug which mates with a standard 3-prong (grotmding) wall outlet
to minimize the possibility oI electric shock hazard fl'om this appliance.
Have the wall outlet and circuit checked bv a qualified electrician to make sure the ouflet is
properly grounded. If the outlet is a standard 9-prong outlet, it is
yore" personal responsibili_' and obligation to
have it replaced with a properly grounded 3-prong wall outlet.
The refi_igerator should always be plugged into its own individual electrical outlet which has a voltage
rating that matches the rating plate.
This provides the best pe_imnance and also I)rexents oxerloading, house wiring circuits which
could cause a fire hazard fl'om oxerheated wires.
Never unI_lug your reli_igerator by pulling on the power cord. _Mwavs grip plug firefly and pull
straight out froln the outlet.
Repair or replace immediately all power cords that have become ti'ayed or otherwise damaged. Do not
use a cord that shows cracks or abrasion damage along its length or at either end.
\_]/ell moving the reflJgerator away fl'Oln the wall, be careflfl not to roll over or damage the
power cord.
Aboutthe temperaturecontrols.
Not all features are on all models. Your controls will look like one of the following:
i _iI iii_i
Adjust Ternperrlture
_ADOr_r_ _Warmer_ _ (Warmer_ furb0Co_
iill iii i _ i
5 i g
iiii !iiii iiiii (iiii iill
@ ® ® 0 @
i iii
to' 0 !i)IQu 0Filter ore ush ube ick I LOC
Mold 3 seconds to Reset Hold 3 s_onds
freezercompartment,Allow24hoursforthetemperaturetostabilizeto thepresetrecommendedsetting&
ThetemperaturecontrolscandisplayboththeSETtemperatureaswellastheactualtemperaturein the refrigeratorandfreezer,TheactualtemperaturemayvaryslighflyfromtheSETtemperaturabasedonusage andoperatingenvironment,
iJi::Onothermodels,settingeithercontrolto thewarmestsettinguntilthedisplayflashes(off)willstopthe
coolingto thefreezerandrefrigerator,
NOTE:Therefrigeratorisshippedwithprotectivefilmcoveringthetemperaturecontrols,ffthisfilmwasnot removedduringinstallation,remove#now,
!ii iii_i i iii
PerformanceAk FlowSystem
The Performance Ailqqo_ System is
designed to maximize tempel_lttu'e control in the ret_'igerator and t_'eezer compartments.
T]lis unique special teantre consists of the Air To_er akmg the back wall of the reiiigerator
and the Air Tmmel on the bottom portion of the ti'eezer rear \_al].Placing toed in ti'ont of the louvex_ on these components will not aitect
About TurboCooE(on somemodels)
How # Works
TurboCoolrapidly cools d_e reliigemtor
comparUnent in order to more quickly cool the(is, tlse TurboCoolwhenadding
iii i
a laxge amount of fi)od to die reliigemtor compartment, putting muw foods after tbev
have been sitting out at ro{)m tetnperatm_" or \dten putting m_;i} _;u'm leftovers. ]t can
also be used if the retiigerator has been
without po_r tbr an extended period.
Once activated, the coml)ressor will turn on immediately and the tiros _qll cxcle on and off at high speed as needed tot eight hours. The compressor will contimm to run until the ret}igerator compartment cools to approximatel} 34°F (1°C), then it _qll cxcle (m and off to maintain this setting. Alter 8 }tom_, or if rurboCoolis pressed ag'ain, the reliigemtor compartment will return to the original setting.
perR)rmance. Ald_ough the Air To_r and the Air Tunnel can be removed, doing so will
ati(ct temperamx_ pertimnance. (For removal instructions, on-line, 24 hom_ a din; contact us at or call 800.GE.(2kRES. Ii_ Canada, contact us at or call
Howto Use
PressTurboCool.Tl_e TurboCooltemperam_
displa} will slto_ Tcand the I.ED will be acti_=_md.
.Mier TurboCooliscomplew, the rurboCoo/
indicator light will go out. NOTES: The _>fiigerator temperature cannot be
changed during rurnoCoot
The ti'eezer mmperatm> is not affected
(luring rurboCoot
When opening the reliigemtor door
(luringr.rboCootthe rims will continue
to run if they hme cycled on.
About ExpressChilE (on somemodels)
How it Works
The ExpressChilFfeature is a s)'stem of dmnI)ex_, a tim and a temi)erature
The pan is tightly sealed to prevent the pan's temperattu'e ti'om causing temperature
fluctuations in the rest oI the reti_igerato_:
O Erupt}, the pan. Place the Chill trax in !;> To stop a feature before it is
the pan. Place the items on the trax and finished, trip that tFatm'e's pad
close the pan completely, until no options are selected and
How to Use
S - T_ the displax is off.
models you can then select the chill !;> During ExpressChill, the display (m
0. elect the ExpressChdl pad. On some ,
time (use chart to detemfine best the controls will count down the time
ExpressChi/Y" setting). Other models will only have in the cxcle.
one option (45 minutes). On models with multiple settings, tap the pad until
the light ai)pem_ next to the desired setting.
The controls for this pan are located in the toi _ of the refi_igerator, or on the dispenser
with the temperature controls.
How to Remove and Replace the Drawer
O Pull the drawer out to the stop position.
O Rotnte all fimr swing locks to the unlock
0 I,ift the fl'ont el the drawer up and out.
Make sure all four swing locks are in the
unlock position.
@ Place the sides ot the drawer into the
drawer supi)orts, making sure the swing
locks fit on the drawer slots.
i,ock all fi)ur sx6ng locks by rotating
them to the lock position.
ExpressChillTM Chart
..................................................NOTE:Results may vary depending
ExpressChill aoMI. 15 Minutes
@ 15MIN
e 45MI_ _ 1 Bexerage (_an ( 12 oz) _!
_! 2 Small Juice Boxes
(6_ oz ea(h) J_
on packaging, starting temperature and other food traits.
30 Minutes
2 to 6 Beverage Cans
(12 oz ea(h)
2 Plastic 20 oz Bottles of Beverage
4 to 6 Small Juice Boxes
(6-8 oz each) 3 Foil Juice Packets Wine (7J>0 ml boule)
i_?; 2 IJters of Beverage i_i: 1/2 Gallon of Juice i_i: (',elatin--1 package
45 Minutes
Aboutthe water filter.(onsomemodels)
Water FilterCartridge
The water filter cartridge is located in the back upper right corner of the refrigerator conq)artment.
When toReplace the Filter onModels With a
There is a replacement indicator light for the water filter cartridge on the dispense_: This light will mrn orange to tell
you that w}u need to replace the filter soon. The filter cartridge should be replaced when the
replacement indicator light turns red or if the flow of water to the dispenser or icemaker decreases.
When toReplace the Filter onModels Withouta
The filter cartridge should be replaced every six months or ea_tier if the flow of water to the water dispenser or
icemaker decreases.
Removingthe Filter Cartridge
If you are replacing the cartridge, first remove the old one by slowly turning it to the left, Do notpull down on the
cartridge. A small amotmt of water may drip down.
Installing the Filter Cartridge
O If )ou are replacing a SmartWater cartridge with
an adapter, it must be remoxed betore installing the cartridge. To remove the adapte_; mrn it to the left
about 1/4 turn.
O i,ine up the arrow on the cartridge and the cartridge
holder: Place the top of the new cartridge up inside the holder Do not push it up into the holdex:
0 Slowly turn it to the right tmfil the filter cartridge stops.
DO NOTOVERTIGHTEN. As you turn the cartridge, it will
automatically raise itself into position. The cartridge will
IllOX, e about 1/2 turn.
Rml water fl'om the dispenser Rn" 3 minutes (about 1-1/2
gallons) to clear the system and prevent sputtering. Press and hold the WATERFILTERpad (on some models)
on the dispenser fin" 3 seconds.
NOTE:A newl}qnstalled water filter cartridge may cause
water to spurt fl'om the dispensex:
You must use the filter b)pass I)lug when a replacement filter cartridge is not a\;filable. The dispenser and the
icemaker will not operate without the filter or filter b)pass I)lu _
re )lacino a Water by Culligan cartridge,lf_ouare I ,_
leave the adapter in place. This adapter will stay in the reli-igerator _dmn you replace flmue cartridges.
Withadapter Withoutadapter
(appearancemay vary)
On models without a replacement indicator light,
apply the month and year sticker to the new cartridge
to remind _ou to replace the filter in six months.
0 Fill the replacement cartridge with water fl'om the tap
to allow fin" better flow from the dispenser immediately after installation.
gss .
])) use the filter 1)ypass plug on Water by Cu//igan models,
you must filet relllOVe the filter adapter fl'om the cartridge
holder b_ ttu'nin_d it to the left,
If wm have quesfions_visit ore" Website
at ge.coi//,
or call 1.800.GE.CARES (1.800.432.2737).
Replacement filters:
Toorder additional filter cartridges in the United States,
visit our Website at ge.coln, or call GEPartsandAccessories,
MSX4F Suggested Retail $36.95-41.95
Customers in Canada should consult the yellow pages fin" the nearest Mabe Se_Mce Center
Filter ., Bypass
Waterby Culligan
Not all features are on all models.
Refrigerator Door Bins and Freezer Door Tilt-Out Bins
Large Bins
Tile larger refl_gerator door bins and fl'eezer tilt-out door bins are ac!iustable.
Toremove: i,ifi tile ti'ont of tile bin straight
up, then lilt up and out.
Refrigerawr om
Toreplace or relocate: Engage tile back side Donotblock
of the bin in the molded supports of tile
dora: Then push down on tile front of tile bin. Bin will lock in place.
Toremove: Lift tile fl'ont of tile bin straight
up then out.
Toreplace: Position tile bin above tile
rectangular molded supports on tile dora:
Then slide tile bin down onto tile support to lock it in place.
The snugger helps prevent tipping, spilling
or sliding of small items stored on the door shel£ Place a finger on either side of the
snugger near tile rear and move it back and forth to fit your needs.
modelswithanice chuteinsidethetop
freezerdoorbin,be carefulwhenp/aclbg
itemsinthebin. Makesurethat itemsdonotblock
orfailintotheice chute.
Freezer tilt-out bin
Presstabandpull shelf forwardtoremove
Slide-Out Spillproof Sheff
Tile slide-out spillproot shell allows you to reach items stored behind othe_s. The
special edges are designed to hel I) prevent spills fl'om dripping to lower shelves.
Slide tile shell out tmtil it reaches tile stop, then press down on tile tab and slide tile
shelf straight Otlt.
Toreplace orrelocate:
I,ine tile shelf up Mth tile supports and slide it into place. The shelf can be
repositioned when tile door is at 90 ° or more. To reposition the shelf, slide the shelf past tile stops and angle downward. Slide
shelf down to the desired position, line up with tile supports and slide into place.
Make sure youpush the shelves all the way back
in before you dose the door.
Not all features are on all models.
OuickSpace TM Sheff (onsomemodels)
This shelf splits ill half and slides under itself
fi)r storage of tall items on tile shelf below.
This shelf can be removed and replaced or relocated just like Slide_)ut Spillproof
Freezer Baskets (on some models)
Toremove, slide out to the stop position,
lift the fi'ont past the stop position, and slide out.
Freezer Baskets (onsomemodels)
Toremove, push the basket all the way to the
back of tile fi'eezei: I,iff up until tile back pins are disengaged, lift the entire basket
up and pull out.
On some models, this shelf can not be used ill the lowest position.
Makesureyoupushthebasketsall thewayback in beforeyouclosethe door
Makesureyoupushthebasketsall thewayback in beforeyouclosethe door
Slide-Out Freezer Shelves
Toremove, slide out to the stopposition,
lift tile fl'ont past tile stop position, and slide ()tit fi'oI// rib.
Fixed Freezer Shelves
Toremove, lift the shelf up at the left side
and then bring tile shelf out.
Makesureyoupushtheshelvesall thewayback in beforeyouclosethe door
NOTE FORDISPENSER MODELS: In order to take flfll advantage of tile flit-out ice bin
(on some models), only store items on tile
shelf below tile ice bin that are no taller
than tile lowest point on tile bin.
Door Wine/Beverage Rack (onsomemodels)
This rack holds up to 5 cans, one bottle (ff
wine or one 2-liter bottle of soda.
The rack hangs fl'oln the sides oI the daiI_' bin.
Empb tile wine/beverage rack. Holdim,_ tile bottom of tile &flu bin,
lift tile fi'ont straight up, then lift up
and ()tit.
O Reattach tile rack to tile sides
0 Engage the back side of the bin ill
of tile bin.
tile inolded SUl)ports on tile dool: Then push down on tile fl'ont of the
bin. The bin will lock into place.
To detach tile rack fi'oln tile dai_ T bin, pull the rack's side wires out of the holes on each side of the dairy bin.
Refrigerator Doors
When the door is only partially open,
it will automatically close. Beyond this stop the door will
stay open.
The refl_igerator (loo_ may teel different than the ones you are used to. The
special door opening/closing teature makes sm'e the do(n_ close all the way
and are secm'elv sealed.
_41_en opening and closing the door you
will notice a stop position. If the door is
opened past this stop point, the door will
I'eI/l}lin el)on 1o allow you to load }lll(1
tmload toed inore easily. _\]/en the door is only partially open, it will automatically
Door Alignment
It doot_ are tme\'en, at!just the refl_gerator dooI:
O Using a 7/] 6" socket wrench, ttli'n
the door a(!justing screw to the right to raise the door; to the left, to lower
it. (A nfl(m plug, imbedded in the threads of the pin, prevents the pin
fl'om turning tmless a wrench is
The resistance xou teel at the stop position will be reduced as the door
is loaded with fi)od.
0 _Mter one or two turns of the
wrench, open and close the
refl_igerator door and check the
aligmnent at the top of the doors.
Aboutthe crispersandpans.
Not all features are on all models.
Fru# and Vegetable Crispers
Excess water that may accumulate in tile bottom of tile drawexs should be wiped (h_':
On some models, tile bottom drawer has
fifll extension slides that allow fifll access to tile (h'awex:
Adjustable Humidity Crispers
Slide tile control all tile way to tile HIsetting to provide high humidi_' recommended fi)r
most vegetables.
Slide tile control all tile wax to tile LO ,settim,_ to proxide lower humidity, lex els
x'econmlended fi)r most fl'uits.
Convertible Dell Pan (on some models)
Tile convertible dell pan has its own cold air duct to allow a stream ot cold air fl'om
tile fl'eezer compartment or refl_igerator compartment to flow to tile pan.
The variable temperature control regulates
tile air flow fl'om tile (]imate Keepex:
About crisper removal
Not all features are on all models.
Crisper Removal
Crispers can easily be remoxvd by pulling
tile drawer straight out and lifting tile dlawer up and (wer tile stop location.
Set tile control to tile coldest setting to stox'e fx'esh Xlleats.
Set tile control to coldto convert tile pan to nomml refl_igerator temperature and provide extra vegetable storage space. The
cold air duct is turxled off, Variable settings between these extremes can be selected.
If tile door prevents you fl'om taldng out the drawex_, first tU to xemove the door
bins. If this does not offer enough clearance, tile refl{gerator will need to
be rolled fl)rward until tile door opens enough to slide tile (h'awel_ out. In some
cases, when you roll the refligerator out,
you will need to mo\e tile refi_igerator
to the left or fight as you roll it out.
A newly installed refrigerator may take 12to 24 hours to begin making ice.
Automatic Icemaker
The icemaker will produce seven cubes per cycle----ai)i)roxilnately 100-130 cubes
in a 24-hour period, dei)ending on fl'eezer
cot/tl)at'ttllent tet/tl)et'atttt'e _ t'oot/t
teml)erature, mmg)er of door openings and other use conditions.
See below fin" how to access ice and reach the power switch on dispenser models.
If the reti_igerator is operated betore the
water connection is made to the icemaket; set the power switch in the 0 (off) position.
When the refl-igerator has been connected
to the water sui)i)ly, set the power switch to the I (on) position.
The k'emaker will fill with water when it
cools to 15°F (-10°C). A newly installed refi_igerator may take 12 to 24 hours to begin
making ice cubes. You will hear a buzzing sotmd each dine
the icemaker fills with water:
Throw awm the first tew batches of ice to allow the water line to cleat:
Be sure nothing interteres with the sweep of the feeler ram.
When the bin fills to the level of the teeler
aml, the icemaker will stop producing ice. It is nomml tin"several cubes to be
joined together:
If ice is not used fl'equenfl> old ice cubes
will become cloudy, taste stale and shrink.
NOTE."Inhomeswith lower-than-averagewater pressure,you mayhear the icemaker cyclemultiple
times whenmaking onebatch of ice.
Models without a shelf above the ice bin
o Lift flTebin,thenpullit
forwarduntilthebin stops.
Lower thebin to access ice
or reach the power switch.
NOTE:In order to take full advantage of the tilt-out ice bin, only store items
on the shelf below the ice bin that are no taller than the Iowest poflTt
on the bin.
Accessing Ice and Reaching the
Power Switch on Dispenser Models
Thereare two typesof ice storage bins on
dispenser models. One has a shelf aboxe
tile bin, the other does not.
Special note about dispenser models without ashelf above the ice bin:
These models have a tilt-out ice bin. The bin can be tilted out as shown ill the illustrations, and it will hold itself
up while you take ice out or turn the
icelnaker power switch on and off.
Be sure to put the bin back in place
betore closing the door: To restore your ice level from an empty
12 hours alter the first batch of ice
has fifllen into the bin, dispense 3 to 4 cubes.
@ _Mter an additional 6 hems, dispense
3 to 4 cubes again.
These steps will restore your ice level ill the shortest ai/tottnt of tilne.
Models with a shelf above the ice bin
Toaccessice,pullthe binforward.
Toreach the power switch, pull the shelf straight out Always be sure to replace the shelf.
Aboutthe ice and water dispenser.(onsome models)
Press the glass gently against the top _ff the dispenser cradle.
The spill shelf is not self-draining. To
reduce water spotting, tile shelf and its
grille should be cleaned regularly:
If no water is dispensed when the refn)erator is first instafled, there maybe air in the water fine
system. Press the dispenser arm for at/east two minutes to remove trapped air from the water
fine and to fi// the water system. Toflush out impurities in the water /ine, throwaway the first _,\qlen _ou need ice
six glassfuls of water in a hmTv press this CAUTION: Never put fingers or any other
objects into the ice crusher discharge opening, ick l)r°ducd°n" This will
Lockingthe Dispenser
Press tile LOCKpad fin.
dispenser and control
This pad turns tile night
ig h and off. Tile light also
_L lightin the dispenseron
coII]es on when tile
dispenser cradle is pressed. If this light
bm'ns out, it should be replaced with a 6 watt
12V maximmn bulb.
OuickIce (onsomemodels)
_LI j_ pad to speed up ice
increase ice production fin" tile fi_lloMng
48 hem's or tmtil you
press the pad again.
DoorAlarm (onsome models)
Loc panel. To mflock, press
k_ 3 seconds to lock tile
and hold tile pad again
3 second_ fi'' 3 seconds.
O To set the alaxm,
" _ SS S
U _ pI'e._._thi._ pad until tile /DooF J indicator light comes
I AJerm J °'.xhis"l"m''ill
J Solmd if either door
is open fin" more than 3 minutes. The light
goes out and the beeping stops when
VO/I close tile dooi:
Important Facts About Your Dispenser
_: Do not add ice fl'om trm:s or bags to
tile storage (h'awe_: It may not crush or dispense well.
iJi::Avoid oveHilling glass with ice and use of
narrow glasses, gacked-u I) ice can jam tile chute or cause tile door in tile chute to
freeze shut. If ice is blocking the chute, poke it through with a wooden spoon.
iJi::Beverages and foods should not be
quick-chilled in the ice storage drawer Cans, bottles or food packages in tile
storage drawer may cause tile icemaker
or a/iger to jalll.
_: To kee I) dispensed ice fl'om missing
the glass, put the glass close to, but not touching, tile dispenser opening.
_: Some crushed ice may be dispensed even
though you selected CUBED ICE.This hapl)ens occasionally when a few cubes
accidentally get directed to the crushe_:
iJi::_Mter crushed ice is dispensed, some
water may drip fl'om tile chute.
_: Sometimes a small molmd of snow will
form on tile door in tile ice chute. This condition is nomml and usually occms
when you have dispensed crushed ice
repeatedly. The snow will eventually
Models without a shelf above the ice bin
o Lift flTebin. then ouo/r
forward until me om swos.
o Lift and oull forward again
to remove the bin.
Removing and Replacing the Ice
Storage Bin on Dispenser Models
There are two types of ice storage bins on
dispenser models. One has a shelf ab,:,',e
the bin, the other does not.
Mways set tile icemaker power switch to tile
0 (off) position befiwe rein eying tile ice bin.
When replacing either type of ice bin:
Mways be sure to press it firefly into place.
If it does not go all the wa_ back reinoxe it and rotate the drixe mechanism 1/4 tin'n.
Then push file bin back again.
Models with a shelf
above the ice bin
Pull the bin straight out, then lift past the step position.
Careand cleaning of the refrigerator.
Cleaning the Outside
The dispenser drip area (on some models),
beneath tile grille, shotfld be wiped (h'v: _\'ater left in this area may leave deposits. Remove
tile deposits by adding mMiluted vinegar to
Dispenser drip area.
tile well. Soak until tile deposits disappear
OI" becoil/e loose enotlgh to I_nse awav.
The dispenser cradle (on some models).
Before cleaning, lock tile disl)enser by
pressing and holding tile LOCKpad fi)r
3 seconds. Clean with wam_ water and
baking soda solution - about a tablesi)oon
(]5 ml) of baking soda to a quart (] liter)
of water: Rinse thoroughly and wipe (h_'.
Cleaning the Inside
To help prevent odors, leave an open bo× of
baking soda in tile fl'esh food and fl'eezer
COlllp_l i'tl/lents,
Unplug the refrigerator before cleaning. If this
is not practi(al, wring excess moistm'e out
of sponge or cloth when cleaning aro/md
switches, lights or controls.
Use warn/water and baking soda solution -
about a tablespoon (l 5 ml) of baking soda
to a quart (l liter) of water: This both cleans and neutralizes o(lm_, Rinse and
wipe dry:
The doorhandles and trim. Clean with
a cloth dampened with soapy water: Dry Mth a soft cloth.
Keep the outside clean. Wipe with a clean cloth lightly dampened with kitchen appliance wax or mild liqtfid dish (lete_gent,
Dry and polish with a clean, soft cloth.
Do not wipe the refn_?eratorwith a soiled dish cloth or wet towel. Thesemay leave a residue
that can erode the paint. Do not use scouring pads,powdered cleaners, bleach or cleaners
containing bleach because these products can scratch and weaken the paint f/blsh.
Use of any cleaning solution other than that which is recommended,especiallythose that
contain petroleumdistillates,can crack or damage the interior of the refrigerator.
Avoid cleaningcoldglassshelves with hot water because the extreme temperature difference
may cause them to break. Hand& glass shelves carefull_ Bumping tempered g/ass can cause it to shatter
Do not wash any p/astic refngerator parts in the dishwashe_
Careand cleaning of the refrigerator.
Behind the Refrigerator
Be carethl when moving the refl_igerator away fl'om the wall. _M1t,ipes of floor
coverings can be damaged, particularly cushioned coverings and those with
embossed sm_hces.
Pull the reti_igerator straight out and return it to position by pushing it straight in.
Moving the refl_igerator in a side direction may result in damage to the floor covering
or refl_igeratm:
Preparing for Vacation
For long \;l(-ations or absences, i'eillove
food and unplug the refl_igerato_: Clean the interior with a baking soda solution
of one tablespoon (15 ml) of baking soda to one quart (1 liter) of water: I,eave the
dooi_ open,
Set the icemaker power switch to the 0 (Of'[}position and shut off the water
supply to the refl_igeratox:
When pushing the refngerator back, make sure
you don't rofl over the power cord or icemaker supply hne (on some models).
If the temperature can drop below fl'eezing, have a qualified servicer drain
the water supply system (on some models) to prevent serious propert}, damage due
to flooding.
Preparing to Move
Secure all loose items such as shelves and (h'awe_ by taping them secm'ely in place
to prevent damage. \_]_en using a hand truck to move the
refl-igeratm; do not rest the front or back of the refl_igerator against the hand truck.
This could damage the refl-igeratm: Handle only fl'om the sides ot the refl-igeratm:
Be sure the refngerator stays in an upright position during moving.
Replacingthe lightbulbs, gecom
NOTE: Turning the refrigerator off via the controls on the touch panel does not shut off electrical power to the refrigerator.
Yourlight shield will look like
one of the following.
i ii f .............. _ i
Refrigerator Compartment--Upper Light
Unplug the refrigerator.
The bulbs are located at the top of the
compartn_ent, inside the light shield. On some models, a screw at the fl'ont of
the light shield will have to be removed. On other models, the screw is located
in the pocket located at the back ot
the shield.
@ To remove the light shield, on some
models, press in on the tabs on the sides
of the shield and slide fi)rward and out. On other models,just slide the shield
fi)rward and out.
Refrigerator Compartment--Lower Light
This hght is iocated above the top drawe_
Unplug the refiigemt(n: i,ifl the light shiekl up and pull it out.
_Mter replacing the bulb with an
appliance bull) ot the same or lower
wattage, replace the light shieM and
screw. X,\]_en repladng the light shield, make sure that the tabs at the back of
the shield fit into the slots at the back of the light shield housing.
Plug the mfl'igerator back in.
Mter replacing the bulb Mth an
appliance bulb of the Salne or lower
watta{m_, replace the shield.
Plug the refrigerator back in.
I i
Freezer Compartment
Unplug the retiigerator.
Remove the shelf just above the light shield. (The shelf will be easier to
remove if it is emptied fi_t.) Remove the screw at the top of the light shield,
To remove the light shield, press in on the sides, and lift up and out.
Unplug the reti_igeratox:
The bulb is located on the dispenser trader the control panel.
Remove the light bulb by turning it cotmterclockwise.
l_ Replace the bulb with an appliance
bulb of the same or lower wattage, and reinstall the light shield. X,\'hen
reinstalling the light shield, make sure the top tabs snap securelv
into place. Replace the screw.
Reinstall the shelf and plug the refl'igerator back in.
Replace the bulb with a bulb of the same size and wattage.
Plug the refrigerator back in.
i i
Questions? Call 800.GE.CARES (800.432.2737) or Visit our Website at:
Read these instructions completely and carefully.
iMPORTANT - Savethese
instructions for local inspector's use.
iMPORTANT - Observeall
governing codes and ordinances. Note to Installer - Be sure to leave these
instructions with the Consumer. Note to Consumer - Keep these
instructions for future reference. Skill level - Installation of this appliance
requires basic mechanical skills. Completion time - Refrigerator Installation
Proper installation is the responsibility of the installer.
In Canada, call 1.800.361.3400 or Visit our Website at:
If the refrigerator has an icemaker, it will have
to be connected to a cold water line. AGE water supply kit (containing tubing, shutoff
valve, fittings and instructions) is available at extra cost from your dealer, by visiting our Website at go.corn (in Canada at or from Parts and
Accessories, 800.626.2002 (in Canada
30 minutes Water Line installation
30 minutes
Models 22, 23, 25 & 27
3/8" and 5/16" Socket 1/2" and 7/16" Wrench
Product failure due to improper installation
is not covered under the Warranty.
if the refrigerator has already been installed,
remove the base grille (see Step 2 in Moving
the Refrigerator), then skip to Step 5 in
Installing the Refrigerator.
Plastic Putty Knife
Phillips Head Screwdriver
Installation Instructions
Leave all tape and door pads on doors
until the refrigerator is in its final location. To move the refrigerator, use a padded
hand truck. Center the refrigerator on the hand truck and secure the strap around
the refrigerator. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN
If the refrigerator must go through any entrance that is less than 38"
wide, the doors must be removed.
Proceed to Step 3.
DO NOT remove the handles. If all entrances are more than
38" wide, skip to Installing
the Refrigerator.
COUPLING (on some models)
If the refrigerator has a water dispenser, there is a water line from the cabinet into
the bottom hinge on the freezer door that must be disconnected.
To disconnect, push in on the white collar of the coupling and pull out the tubing.
White collar
Remove the grille by removing the two Phillips head screws.
Installation instructions
COUPLING (on some models)
If the refrigerator has a water dispenser,
there is a power line (harness) from the
cabinet into the bottom hinge on the freezer door that must be disconnected.
To disconnect pull apart at the coupling.
Bottom _ _ LJ o _//
freezer / _ __J_
CONNECTORS (on some models)
If the refrigerator has a refreshment center, there are electrical connectors
(harnesses) from the cabinet into the bottom hinge on the refrigerator door
that must be disconnected.
To disconnect, pull apart each connector.
[] Remove the freezer door top hinge cover
by either squeezing it and pulling it up or by prying it off with a plastic putty knife.
[] Remove the two 5/16" hex head screws,
then lift the hinge straight up to free the hinge pin.
5/16" Hex Head
refrigerator hinge
[] Open the freezer door to 90. °
90 °
Installation instructions
[] As one person slowly lifts the freezer door
up and off the bottom hinge, the second person should carefully guide the water line and power line (harness) through the bottom hinge.
[] Set the door on a non-scratching surface
with the inside up.
[] Remove the two 5/16" hex head screws,
then lift the hinge straight up to free the hinge pin.
5/16" Hex Head
[] Open the refrigerator door to 90. °
[] Remove the refrigerator door top hinge
cover by either squeezing it and pulling it up or by prying it off with a plastic putty knife.
90 °
Installation Instructions
Lift the refrigerator door up and off the bottom hinge.
If the refrigerator has a refreshment center, one person should slowly lift the door up and off the bottom hinge and the second person should carefully guide the electrical lines (harnesses) through the bottom hinge.
To replace the doors, simply reverse steps 3 through 8.
However, please note the following:
When lowering the doors onto the bottom hinges, make sure the second person carefully guides the tube and harnesses through the holes in the hinges.
When connecting the water line, make sure you insert the tubing all the way
to the mark.
Refreshment Center Models only
[] Set the door on a non-scratching surface
with the inside up.
Do not pinch the tubing and harnesses
when placing the doors on the bottom
When connecting the power line and
the electrical lines (refreshment center
models only), be sure that the
connectors are seated together fully.
Installation Instructions
Do not install the refrigerator where the temperature will go below 60°F (16°C)
because it will not run often enough to maintain proper temperatures.
Do not install the refrigerator where the temperature will go above 100°F (37°C)
because it will not perform properly.
Install it on a floor strong enough to
support it fully loaded.
Allow the following clearances for ease of installation, proper air circulation and plumbing and electrical connections:
Sides 1/8" (4 mm) Top 1" (25 mm)
Back 1" (25 mm)
Installation Instructions
(icemaker and dispenser models)
A cold water supply is required for automatic icemaker and dispenser operation. If there is not a cold water supply, you will need to provide one. See "Installing the Water Line" section.
Before making the connection to the refrigerator, be sure the refrigerator power cord is not plugged into the wall
If your refrigerator does not have a water filter, we recommend installing
one if your water supply has sand or particles that could clog the screen of
the refrigerator's water valve. Install it
in the water line near the refrigerator. If using GE SmartConnect TM Refrigerator
Tubing Kit, you will need an additional tube (WX08X10002) to connect the filter.
Do not cut plastic tube to install filter.
If you are using copper tubing, place a compression nut and ferrule (sleeve) onto
the end of the tubing coming from the
house cold water supply.
If you are using the GE SmartConnect TM tubing, the nuts are already assembled to the tubing.
If you are using copper tubing, insert the end of the tubing into the refrigerator
connection, at the back of the refrigerator,
as far as possible. While holding the tubing, tighten the fitting.
If you are using GE SmartConnect TM tubing, insert the molded end of the tubing into the refrigerator connection,
at the back of the refrigerator, and tighten the compression nut until it is hand tight.
Then tighten one additional turn with a wrench. Overtightening may cause leaks.
[] Fasten the tubing into the clamp provided
to hold it in position. You may need to pry open the clamp.
Tubing Clamp 1/4" Tubing
Refrigerator Connection
Turn the water on at the shutoff valve (house water supply) and check for
any leaks,
Before plugging in the refrigerator, make sure the icemaker power switch is set to the O (off) position.
SmartConnect TMTubing
See the grounding information attached to the power cord.
Installation instructions
Move the refrigerator to its final location.
The refrigerator can be leveled by adjusting the rollers located near the bottom hinges.
_"""""_ Rol Iers////_
Rollers have three purposes:
Rollers adjust so the door closes easily when opened about halfway. (Raise the
front about 5/8" [16 mm] from the floor.)
Rollers adjust so the refrigerator is firmly positioned on the floor and does
not wobble.
Rollers allow you to move the
refrigerator away from the wall for
Adjust the refrigerator door to make the doors even at the top.
To align:
Using a 7/16" wrench, turn the door adjusting screw to the right to raise the door, to the left to lower it.
A nylon plug, imbedded in the threads of the pin, prevents the pin from turning
unless a wrench is used.
After one or two turns of the wrench, open and close the refrigerator door and check the alignment at the top of the doors.
_ Doors should be even at top
To adjust the rollers:
Turn the roller ,) II I
adjusting screws _
clockwise to
raise the
to lower it. Use a 3/8" hex socket ) [] __
or wrench, or an _\ adjustable
wrench. Roller adjusting screw
Installation Instructions
Replace the grille by installing the two Phillips head screws.
Set the icemaker power switch to the I (on) position. The icemaker will not begin to operate until it reaches its operating temperature of 15°F (-9°C) or below. It will then begin operation automatically. It will take 2-3 days to
fill the ice bin.
NOTE: In lower water pressure conditions, the
water valve may turn on up to 3 times to deliver enough water to the icemaker.
Set the controls to the recommended setting.
5 5
Installation instructions
Recommended copper water supply kits are
WX8X2, WX8X3 or WX8X4, depending on the
amount of tubing you need. Approved plastic
water supply lines are GE SmartConnect TM
Refrigerator Tubing (WX08Xl0006,
WX08X 10015 and WX08X 10025). When connecting your refrigerator to a GE
Reverse Osmosis Water System, the only approved installation is with a GE RVKit. For other reverse osmosis water systems, follow
the manufacturer's recommendations.
If the water supply to the refrigerator is from a Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System
AND the refrigerator also has a water filter,
use the refrigerator's filter bypass plug. Using the refrigerator's water filtration cartridge in conjunction with the RO filter can result in
hollow ice cubes and slower water flow from the water dispenser.
This water line installation is not warranted
by the refrigerator or icemaker manufacturer.
Follow these instructions carefully to
minimize the risk of expensive water damage. Water hammer (water banging in the pipes)
in house plumbing can cause damage to
refrigerator parts and lead to water leakage
or flooding. Call a qualified plumber to correct water hammer before installing the water
supply line to the refrigerator. To prevent burns and product damage, do not
hook up the water line to the hot water line.
If you use your refrigerator before connecting the water line, make sure the icemaker power
switch is in the O (off} position.
Do not install the icemaker tubing in areas where temperatures fall below freezing.
When using any electrical device (such as a
power drill) during installation, be sure the
device is double insulated or grounded in a
manner to prevent the hazard of electric
shock, or is battery powered. All installations must be in accordance with
local plumbing code requirements.
Copper or GE SmartConnect TM Refrigerator Tubing kit, 1/4" outer diameter to connect
the refrigerator to the water supply. If using
copper, be sure both ends of the tubing are cut square.
To determine how much tubing you need: measure the distance from the water valve
on the back of the refrigerator to the water supply pipe. Be sure there is sufficient extra tubing to allow the refrigerator to move out
from the wall after installation. GE SmartConnect TMRefrigerator Tubing Kits
are available in the following lengths: 6' (1.8 m) -WX08Xl0006
15' (4.6 m) - WX08X10015
25' (7.6 m) - WX08X10025
Installation Instructions
Install the shutoff valve on the nearest
NOTE: The only GE approved plastic tubing is that supplied in GE SmartConnect" Refrigerator Tubing kits, Do not use any other plastic water supply line because the line is under pressure at all times. Certain types of plastic will crack or rupture with age and cause water damage to your home.
= A GE water supply kit (containing tubing,
shutoff valve and fittings listed below) is available at extra cost from your dealer or
from Parts and Accessories, 800.626.2002
(in Canada 1.888.261.3055).
A cold water supply. The water pressure must be between 20 and 120 p.s.i. (1.4-8.1 bar).
Power drill.
1/2" or adjustable wrench.
= Straight and Phillips blade screwdriver.
frequently used drinking water line.
Turn on the nearest faucet long enough
to clear the line of water.
Choose a location for the valve that is easily accessible. It is best to connect into
the side of a vertical water pipe. When it is
necessary to connect into a horizontal water pipe, make the connection to the top or side, rather than at the bottom, to avoid drawing off any sediment from the water pipe.
= Two 1/4" outer diameter compression nuts
and 2 ferrules (sleeves)--to connect the
copper tubing to the shutoff valve and the
refrigerator water valve. OR
if you are using a GE SmartConnect TM Refrigerator Tubing kit, the necessary
fittings are preassembled to the tubing.
If your existing copper water line has a
flared fitting at the end, you will need an
adapter (available at plumbing supply stores) to connect the water line to the
refrigerator OR you can cut off the flared
fitting with a tube cutter and then use a compression fitting. Do not cut formed end from GE SmartConnect TMRefrigerator tubing.
Shutoff valve to connect to the cold water line. The shutoff valve should have a water inlet with a minimum inside diameter of
5/32" at the point of connection to the COLD
WATER UNE. Saddle-type shutoff valves are
included in many water supply kits. Before purchasing, make sure a saddle-type valve
complies with your local plumbing codes.
Drill a 1/4" hole in the water pipe (even if using a self-piercing valve), using a sharp bit. Remove any burrs resulting from drilling the hole in the pipe.
Take care not to allow water to drain into the drill.
Failure to drill a 1/4" hole may result in reduced ice production or smaller cubes.
Installation Instructions
Fasten the shutoff valve to the cold water
pipe with the pipe clamp.
Shutoff Valve
NOTE: Commonwealth of Massachusetts Plumbing Codes 248CMR shall be adhered
to. Saddle valves are illegal and use is not
permitted in Massachusetts. Consult with your licensed plumber.
Tighten the clamp screws until the sealing washer begins to swell.
NOTE: Do not overtighten or you may
crush the tubing.
Clamp Screw
Inlet End
Place the compression nut and ferrule (sleeve) for copper tubing onto the end of the tubing and connect it to the
shutoff valve. Make sure the tubing is fully inserted
into the valve. Tighten the compression nut securely.
For plastic tubing from a GE SmartConnect TMRefrigerator Tubing kit, insert the molded end of the tubing into
the shutoff valve and tighten compression
nut until it is hand tight, then tighten one additional turn with a wrench.
Overtightening may cause leaks.
Shutoff Valve
Packing Nut
Outlet Valve
NOTE: Commonwealth of Massachusetts Plumbing Codes 248CMR shall be adhered
to. Saddle valves are illegal and use is not
permitted in Massachusetts. Consult with your licensed plumber.
Ferrule (sleeve)
Compression Nut
/ SmartConnect 'M
Route the tubing between the cold water line and the refrigerator.
Route the tubing through a hole drilled in
the wall or floor (behind the refrigerator or
adjacent base cabinet) as close to the wall as possible.
NOTE: Be sure there is sufficient extra
tubing to allow the refrigerator to move out from the wall after installation.
Turn the main water supply on and flush out the tubing until the water is clear.
Shut the water off at the water valve after about one quart (1 liter) of water has been
flushed through the tubing.
go back to Step 1 in Installing the Refrigerator.
I To complete the installation of the refrigerator, I
Newer refrigerators sound different from older refrigerators.
Modem refrigerators have more features and use newer
Do you hear what I hear? These sounds are normal.
The new high etticiem,_ compressor ma) Hm faster
Normal operatingsounds.
and hmger than your old refrigerator and you mm hear a high-i)itched hum or I)ulsating, sound while
it is oi)erating,.
Sometimes the reli'igeramr runs tot an extended period, especially when the doo_s are opened ti'equently. This
means that the Frost Guard_ feature is working to prevent ti'eezer burn and improve tood preseP,'ation.
You may hear a whooshing sound when the (loo_ close. This is due to pressure equalizing within the reliigerato_:
You may hear the tans spinning at high speeds. This hal)pens when the refrigerator is first plugged
in, when the doors are opened ti'equently or when a large aI//OllIlt of l[Ood is added to the refrigerator
or ti'eezer compartments. The tans are helping to maintain the correct temperatures.
If either door is open fi_r over 3 minutes, you may hear the trois come on in order to cool the light
Tile £ms change speeds in order to provide optimal cooling and energy savings.
You may hear the tans running atter selecting one of the CustomCoo[%ettings.
You may hear cracking or i)opping sounds when the
Electronic dampers click open and closed to provide
The compressor may cause a clicking or chiq)ing
The electronic control board may cause a clicking
Expansion and contraction of cooling coils during
iii/l! ii
On models with an icemake_; alter an icemaking
reli'igerator is first i)lugged in. This hal)pens as the reli'igerator cools to the correct temperature.
optimal cooling and energy savings.
sound when attempting to restart (this could take up to 5 minutes).
sound when relays activate to control reti'igerator
and alter deti'ost can cause a cracking or i)oi_ping
cycle, yotl Ill}IV hear the ice ctlbes dropping into the ice bucket.
Tile flow of refl'igerant through the fl'eezer cooling coils may make a gurgling noise like boiling water.
_4'ater dropping on the defl'ost heater can cause a sizzling, I)opping or buzzing SOtlild during the
defl'ost cvcle.
A water dripping noise may occur during the defrost cycle as ice melts from the ewq)orator and flows into
the drain pan.
Closing the door may cause a gurgling sound due to pressure equalization.
Beforeyoucall forservice...
Troubleshooting -tips Save time and money! Review the charts on the following
pages first and you maynot need to call for service.
Possible Causes What To Do
Refrigerator does not Refrigerator in defrost cycle. * Wait about 30 minutes tor deti'ost cycle to end. operate Either or both controls set to OFF. * Set tile controls to a lower temperature setting.
Refrigerator is maplugged. * Push tile plug c(mq_letely into tire outlet. The fuse is blown/cirettit * Replace fl/se or reset tire breaker.
breaker is tripped.
Refrigerator is ha showroom ]node. * tluplug tire refl'igerator and plug it back in.
Vibration or rattling Rollers need adjusting. * See Rollers.
(slight vibration is normal)
Motor operates for Normal when refrigerator * _,Lfit 24 hotu_ tot the refi'igerator to completely
Iongperiods orcycles is In'st plugged ha. cool down. on and off frequently.
(Modern refrigerators amounts of food are
with more storage
space and a larger placed in refrigerator.
freezer require more Door left open. * Check to see if package is holding door open.
operating time. They start and stop often Hot weather or frequent * This is uonual.
tomaintain even door openings. temperatures.) Temperature controls * See About the controls.
Often occurs when large * This is uon, al.
set at the coldest setting.
Refrigerator or freezer Temperature control not set * See About the controls. compartment too warm cold enough.
Warm weather or frequent * Set tire teurperatttre control one step colder.
door openings. See About the controls.
Door left open. * Check to _ee if package i_ holding door open.
Frost or ice crystals Door left open. * Check to see if l)ackage, is holding, door open.
on frozen food (frost within package Too frequent or too long
isnormal) door openings.
Divider between Automatic energy saver * Thi_ hellas Iareveut (oudeusafioi] oi] tire outside. refrigerator and freezer system circulates warm compartments liquid around front edge feels warm of freezer compartment.
Automatic icemaker lcemaker power switch * Set tire l)ower switch to tire I(on) position.
does not work is in the 0 (Off)position.
Water supply turned off or * See Installing the water line. not comaected.
Freezer compartment * _,Lfit 24 hotu_ 1or the reti_igerator to completely
too warm. cool dowl].
Piled up cubes ha the storage * Level cubes by hand.
bin cause the icemaker
to shut off.
iiiiii'_i?)ii!ii !:?i:::iiiii
Ice cubes stuck ha icemaker. (Green power light on
icemaker blhaking).
Turn off the icemakei, remove cubes, and turn the
icei]]aker back oi].
Beforeyoucall forservice...
Possible Causes What ToDo
Ice cubes have Ice storage bin needs cleatfing. * Empb' and wash bin. Discard old cubes.
Small or hollow cubes Water filter clogged. * Replace filter cartridoe with new cartridge or with )hv,
Food trmasllfitthlg odor/taste * _'_I'ap fi)ods well.
to ice cubes.
Interior of refrigerator * See Care alTd C[Oal7il7g.
needs demfing.
Slow ice cube freezing Door left open. * Check to see if package is holding door open.
Telnperature control not set *SeeAbouttbocolTtro/s.
cold enough.
Orangeglowin Defrost heater is on. * This is nomml.
the freezer
Cube dispenser does not lcema_ker turned off or * Tm'n on icelnaker or water supply.
water supply turned off.
Ice cubes are frozen to * Rein o_,e cubes.
icema_ker feeler arm.
An item is blocking or has fallen * ]_elnove am iteln that ufight be blocking, or has tifllen into the ice chute h_side the top into, tile chute.
door bin of the freezer.
Irregular ice clmnps in * Break up with fingertip pressure and discard storage coutaJner, relnaining ('hlul)s
Freezer into' be too walm. At!jUst tile fl'eezer control to a colder setting, one position at a tilne, until clulnps
do not foil/l.
Dispenser is LOCKED. Press and hold tile LOCKpad fin" 3 seconds.
Waterhaspoortaste/odor Water dispenser has not been Dispense water until all water ill s}steln is replenished.
(ou some models) used for a long tbue.
Waterin firstglassis Normal when refrigerator X'_ait 24 houI_ fin" tile refiJgerator to completely
is first installed, cool down.
iiill! ii
Water dispenser has not been Dispense water until all water ill s}steln is replenished.
used for along time. Water system has been drained. ?dlow several houi_ for replenished suppl} to chili.
Water dispenser does Water supply line turned See 11TstallilT9tho wator lilTo
not work (on some models) off or not cmmected.
Water filter clogged. Replace filter camJdge or relnove filter and install phlg.
Air may be trapped ha the Press the dispenser aml for at least two mint_tes.
water system.
Dispenser is LOCKED. Press and hold tile LOCKpadfi)r 3 seconds.
Waterspurting from Newly-hastMled filter cartridge. ]_.un water fl'oln tile dispenser for 3 ulinutes (about
dispenser (on some models) one and a half galh)ns).
Waterisnotdispensed Water ill reservoir is Call fi)r set\ice.
(onsomemodels)but frozen.
icemake r is working Refrigerator control settillg Set to a Wallner settin ,
is too cold.
+ 82 hidden pages