
Safety instructions .......... 2,s
Operating instructions
Care and Cleaning
of the Washer ...................... 7
Control Panel ....................... 4
Control Settings ................. 4-5
Features .......................... 6, 7
Loading and Using
the Washer ........................ 7
Troubleshooting Tips ...... 8-1o
Consumer Support
Consumer Support ................ 12
Warrantg .......................... 11
Write the model and serial
number here:
Model #
Serial #
You can find them
under the lid of
the washer.
175D1807P620 49-90552-2 12-08JR

of fire or explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury,
or loss of life.
Under certain conditions, hydrogen gas may be produced in a water heater that has not been
used for two weeks or more. Hydrogen gas can be explosive under these circumstances.
If the hot water has not been usedfor two weeks or more,prevent the possibility of damage or injury by
turning on all hot water faucets and allowing them to run for several minutes. Dothis before usingany
electrical appliance which is connected to the hot water system. Thissimple procedurewill allow any
built-up hydrogen gasto escape.Sincethe gas isflammable, do not smoke or use an open flame or
appliance during this process.
This washer must be properly installed and located in accordance with the Installation
Instructions before it is used. If you did not receive an Installation Instructions sheet, _lOUcan
receive one b_l visiting ge.com or bg calling 800.GECARES (800.432.27.37).
Installor storewhere it will not be exposed to m Properlyground washer to conform with all
temperatures below freezing or exposedto the governing codes and ordinances. Followdetails
weather,which could cause permanent damage in Installation Instructions.
and invalidate the warranty.
m Keepthe area underneath and around your
appliances free of combustible materials such as
lint, paper,rags,chemicals, etc.
m Closesupervisionis necessary ifthis appliance is
used by or near children. Do not allow children to
play on,with or insidethis or any other appliance.

Use this
onlg for its
purpose as
described in
this Owner's
Never reach into washerwhile it ismoving.
Wait until the machine has completely stopped
before opening the lid.
m Donot mix chlorine bleachwith ammonia
or acidssuch asvinegar and/or rust remover.
Mixing different chemicals can produce a toxic gas
which may cause death.
m Donot wash ordry articles that have been
cleaned in,washed in,soaked in orspotted with
combustible or explosivesubstances (suchas
wax,oil,paint, gasoline, degreasers,dry-cleaning
solvents,kerosene,etc.).Thesesubstances give off
vapors that may ignite or explode. Donot add
these substancesto the wash water.Do not use or
placethese substancesaround your washer or
dryer during operation.
m Turn off water faucets to relieve pressureon hoses
and valves andto minimize leakage ifa break or
rupture should occur.Checkthe condition of the fill
hoses;GErecommends changing the hosesevery
5 gears.
Thelaundry processcan reduce the flame
retardancy of fabrics.Toavoid such a result,
carefully follow the garment manufacturer's
wash and care instructions.
Tominimize the possibility of electricshock,
unplug this appliance from the power supply
or disconnect the washer at the building's
distribution panel by removing the fuse or
switching off the circuit breaker beforeattempting
any maintenance or cleaning.
NOTE:Turningthe CgcleSelectorKnobto an off
position,or pressingPAUSEdoesNOTdisconnect
the app!iance fromthe power supplg.
Neverattempt to operate this appliance if it is
damaged, malfunctioning, partially disassembled,
or has missing or broken parts, including a
damaged cord or plug.
Ill Donot attempt to repairor replace any part
of this appliance unless specifically recommended
inthis Owner's Manual,or in published user-repair
instructions that you understand and have
the skillsto carry out.
m Beforediscarding awasher,or removing it
from service,remove the washer lidto prevent
childrenfrom hiding inside.
m Do not tamper with the controls.

About the control panel-for models with STARTbutton.
Step 2
ep 3 Step 4
• Add fabric softener (on models
with a fabric softener dispenser);
see page 6for details
• Add detergent. GE recommends
the use of High Efficiency
detergents in all Energy
Star-rated washers
• Add clothes
• Close lid
NOTE:Washer will not start to fill
with lid open on Auto Load sensing
settings (on some models)
• Select load size and
other wash options,
including Fabric
Softener option
• Select wash cycle
• Push START
D Load Size
[] Add_ detergenttothebottomofthebasketandfabricsoftenertothedispenserpriortoloadingclothes.
[] Looselyloadclothesnohigherthanthetoprow ofholesinthebasket.Foroptimalperformance,loaditemsaround
theoutsideofthe basket.
[] Hake the load selection:
- Forconvenience,bestperformanceandoptimalefficiency,selectAUTOMATICLOADSENSING.Thisselection
automaticallyprovidesthecorrectamountofwatersuitedtothe sizeandtypeof loadplacedinthe unit.
- Ifyoupreferto manuallyselectthewater level,selectSMALLthroughSUPER.WhileAUTOMATICLOADSENSINGisbest
formostloadsandgeneralwashing,youmaywantto manuallyselectthe loadsizeforspecialtyitemssuchasbulky,
lightweightcomfortersor pillows,whereyou wantto ensurea largerwaterlevelisapplied.Hanualloadsizeselections
- The washerwill notfill with water when automatic loadsensing isselected ifthe lid isopened.
When the lid isclosedthe machine isable to beginfilling with water in order to sensethe load size.
Forstandardfill equippedmodels
- Selectthe loadsizethatmatchestheloadpiecedintothewasher.
- Forchangingthewaterleveltoa higherlevelAFTERtheunithasfilled,turn loadsizeknobto RESET,thenturnthe knob
backto yournewsetting.DONOTleavethe knobintheRESETposition.
NOTE:Thisisahigh-efficiencywashingmachinewith InfuserTM washaction.Thissystemrequireslesswaterwhileproviding
effectivecleaningaction.Youmay noticethatthe waterlevelislowerthanonyourpreviouswasher.Thisisnormalforan
Infusorm-equippedwasher.The water levelwill bejust above the top of the InfuserTM when the SUPERWASHsize

Selectthewatertemperaturefor thewashandrinsecycles.Alwaysfollowfabricmanufacturer'scarelabelor instructionswhen
PerfecTernpsensestheincomingwatertemperatureandadjuststhe fillwaterto obtaina moreprecisetemperaturerangeforall
washtemperatures.Forexample,in aCOLDwashselection,somewarmwatermay beaddedtoreachatemperatureneededto
Duringwintermonths,whenthewaterenteringyourhomeiscolder,or forlocationswithverycoldwateryearround,
usethe PerfecTempplusCOLDtohelpdissolvepowdereddetergentsandtoimprovethecleaningofyourclothes.
TheTAPCOLDfeatureturnsthePerfecTempfeatureon yourwasheroffandusesyourhouseholdtapwatertemperature
fora COLDwash.Thiscanprovideenergysavingsbyreducingtheamountofhotwaterusedinyourwash.
Autosoak Option (onsomemodels)
Thisoption beginswith a brief agitation, soaksfor a specified period of time, then moves through the rest ofthe cycle
automatically. On some models, thisoption islocated on the Cycle Selectorknob.
2nd RinseOption (onsome models)
When you use extra detergent or bleach to clean heavily soiledclothes, you may want to usethe 2nd Rinseoption.
It providesa seconddeep cold rinse.
Extended Spin Option (onsome models)
Usethis option to extract more water from your clothes. Clotheswill be drier when this option is selected andwill dry
more quickly in your dryer.
Fabric Softener
Setthis option when addingfabric softener to the washer.
NOTE:Do not usefabric softener dispensing ballswith this washer.They do not work correctly in high-efficiency
Status indicator Lights
TheCycle Indicator Lights showwhat stage the washer isin.When the Selectorknob issetto a new cycle,the Indicator
Lightswill flash momentarily, showing what stages the cycle will go through. On modelswithout an AUTOSOAKoption,
the SOAKlight will not light up.
Wash Cgcle-Cgcle Selector Knob
Thewash cycle controls the length and intensity of the washing process.The knob can be turned ineither direction.
Turningthe CycleSelector knob after starting a cycle will stop the washer and reset the cycle to the new selection.
PressSTARTtobeginthe new cycle selection.
Thechart below will helpyou match the wash cycle setting with your clothing.
COTTONS For heavyto lightly soiledcottons, household linens,work and play clothes.Thiscycle provides
the best overallcleaningand shouldbe usedfor most everyday items. Providesa high speedspin.
PREWASH Forremoving surface dirt from heavily soiledclothes. Makesureto follow with a
regular wash cycle.
CASUALS Forwrinkle-free and permanent pressitems and knits.Providesalow speed spin.
EASYCARE Forwrinkle-free and permanent pressitems and knits. Providesa high speedspin.
DELICATES Forlingerieand special-care fabricswith light soil.Providesa low speedspin.
HANDWASH Foritems labeled handwashable with light soil.Providesan extra low speedspin.
SPEEDWASH Forsmall loadsof lightly soileditems that are needed ina hurry. Providesa high speed spin.
DRAIN&SPIN For drainingthe tub and spinning water out ofthe clothes. Providesa high speed spin.
AUTOSOAK Forvery soiledclothes. Beginswith a briefagitation, soaks for a specifiedperiod of time,
PressSTARTto begin the cycle. PressingSTARTagain will PAUSEthe cycle and the Cycle indicator lightwill blink.
Tocontinue the cycle,pressSTARTagain or closethe lid. Ifmachine is paused morethan 24 hours,the cycle will be
cancelled.Tostop the cycle, holdthe button for 3 seconds.If water remains in the machine, selectthe DRAIN& SPIN
ORSPINONLYcycle to drain tub and spinwater out of the washer tub.
Raisingthe lidwill stop agitation orspin action but does not pausethe cycle.
then movesthrough the rest of the cycle automatically.

About washer features.
The Fabric Softener Dispenser (on some models)
The fabric softener dispenser automatically releases liquid fabric softener at the proper time
during the cycle.
Do not stop the washer during the first spin. This will cause the dispenser to empty
too soon.
Never pour fabric softener directly on clothes. This mug cause stains on gout clothing.
To use, follow these steps:
-] ift the tab onthe fabric softener
3 N
Heasure out fabric softener into
the cap and pour the softener into
the dispenser top.The fabric softener
will drain into the receiving cup inside
the dispenser.Useonly "Ultra"or
concentrated fabric softeners.
Pushdown on the tab to close
the dispensertop. Hake surethe tab
ispushed down fully and snaps shut.
NOTE:Overfillingthe dispenserwill cause
fabric softener to drain out ofthe holesin the
sideof the infusor when filling.Do not overfill.
_E×TEN_EOSP_ AUTO + _d _S_
on the control panel.
Cleaning the Fabric Softener Dispenser (onsome models)
TheFabric SoftenerDispenserisself cleaning.This dispenserdoes not requireregular cleaning
likestandard fabric softener dispensers.Wipe down exterior surfacesof the dispenser
as needed.If cleaning of the internal dispensercomponents isneeded,follow these steps
after the wash cycle iscomplete:
Liftthe dispensertop tab and turn the top
counterclockwise using the 2 turning tabs
shown. Liftthe dispenserout of the
Cleanout any buildup from insidethe
InfusorTM with asoft cloth or toothbrush.
Ensurethe three rectangular holes
in the bottom which allow the fabric
softener to drain are not blocked.
Gently pullthe cap away from
the dispenser cup to separate.
Wipe surfaces with a soft cloth or soak
the parts in a solution of I gallon warm
water, 1/4 cup liquid detergent and I cup
bleach. Ensurethe small hole in the top
surface of the cap and associated tube
are not obstructed.
Reassemblethe dispensercup and cap
by snapping them together.
Placethe dispenser assemblLjinto
the InfusorTM. Turnthe top clockwise
using the 2 turning tabs shown. Push
down on the tab to close the dispenser
top. Hake surethe tab ispushed down
fully and snaps shut.

Liquid Bleach Funnel
Thewater fill dilutesliquid chlorine bleach asthe washer fillsfor the wash cycle.
F_ Checkclothing care labelsfor special instructions.
r21 Measureliquid bleach carefully,following instructions on the bottle.
Neverpour undiluted liquid chlorinebleachdirectly onto clothesor into the wash basket.
m Oonot pour powdered bleachinto bleach funne!.
F_l Beforestarting the washer, pour measured amount of bleachdirectly into bleach funnel.
Avoidsplashing or over-filling dispenser.If you preferto usepowdered bleach,add it into
the wash basket with your detergent.
m Donot mix chlorinebleachwith ammonia or acidssuchas vinegar and/or rust remover.
Mixing canproduce a toxicgas which may causedeath.
Loading and using the washer.
Alwabls follow fabric manufacturer's care label when laundering.
Sort bu color (whites,lights,colors),soillevel,
fabric type (sturdycottons, easy care,delicates)
and whether the fabric produces lint (terry cloth,
chenille)or collects lint (velveteen,corduroy).
Pro ent
Add detergent and fabric softener before adding
clothes sothat the detergent can work effectively.
Usingtoo littleor too much detergent is a common
cause of laundry problems.
Uselessdetergent if you havesoft water, a smaller
load ora lightly soiledload.
ff_k-_X-_ Loaddry items Ioos---_ly,no highert------------_an the top
V v row of holes inthe washer basket. Forbest results,
"_ load items evenlyand loosely around the outside
of the basket. Toadd itemsafter washer has started,
lift the lidand submerge additional itemsaround
the outside of the basket.
Care and cleaning of the washer.
Wash Basket: Leavethe lid open after washing to
allow moisture to evaporate. If you want to clean
the basket, use aclean,soft cloth dampened with
liquid detergent;then rinse.(Donot use harshor
gritty cleaners.)
FillHoses: GErecommends changing the hoses
every 5 years.
Exterior: Immediately wipe off any spills.Wipe
with damp cloth. Try not to hit surfacewith
sharp objects.
interior:The occasional useof a cycle that contains
bleachwill keepthe inside of the washer clean.
GErecommendsthe use of High Efficiency
detergents in allEnergyStar rated washers.
HEdetergents are formulated to work with low water
wash and rinsesystems. HEdetergents reduce
the oversudsing problems commonly associated
with regular detergents.
m Donot place large itemssuch assheets,blankets
and towels acrossthe InfusorTM. Load themaround
the outside ofthe basket.
m Donot wash fabricscontaining flammable
materials (waxes,cleaningfluids,etc.).
mAgitation wi!! not start with thelid up.
Moving end Storage: Ask the servicetechnician
to remove water from drain pump and hoses.
Seethe Installation Instructions packed with product
for information on how to reinstall the shipping
rod to keep the tub stationary when moving
the washer.Formore information, visitgo.cam
or call 800.G&CARES(800./452.2757).Do not store
the washer where it will be exposed to the weather.
Long Vocations: Besurewater supply isshut off
at faucets. Drainall water from hosesif weather will
be below freezing.

Before you call for service...
R roubleshooting Tips
WATER Possible Causes What To Do
Water level seems low This isnormal • Water may not cover the top levelofthe clothes.
Water fills and drains Drain stand pipe is too low • The drain stand pipe must be above 30".
at the same time
Toomany suds Too much detergent • Measureyour detergent carefully. Uselesssoap if you have
Water leaks Using too much detergent • Use less detergent. Use less soap if you have soft water,
Water temperature Cooler water temperatures • New laundry detergents have beenformulated to work
seems incorrect provide improved energg with coolerwater temperatures without affecting wash
Water pumped out before Lidlifted or cgcle was put in • Reset cycle.
cycle is complete pause for over 24 hours
Water won't drain Drain hose is kinked or • Straighten drain hose and make sure washer isnot
Washer pauses during The PREWASHCgcle or • Thisis normal.The washer alternates between agitate and
wash cycle AUTOSOAKOption was soakduring these cycles to get your clothes cleaner with
Washer pauses during This isnormal • Thewasher may pause during the spincycle to remove
spin cycle soapy water more efficiently.
Save time and money! Review the charts on the following pages,
or visit ge.com. You may not need to call for service.
This isnormal for this high-efficiency washer.
soft water, a smaller load ora lightly soiledload.
Tgpe of detergent • Switch to HE_ detergent.
Soft water • Try lessdetergent.
in washer a smaller load or a lightly soiledload.
Tgpe of detergent • Switch to HE_ detergent.
Fillhoses or drain hose is • Makesure hoseconnections aretight at faucets and
improperlg connected rubber washers are installed.Makesure end of drain hose
iscorrectly inserted in and securedto drain facility.
Household drain mag • Checkhousehold plumbing. You may needto call
be clogged a plumber.
Constant water pressure • Tighten hosesat the faucets and turn the water off after
to the fill hoses at the each use.
water source • Checkcondition of the fill hoses;they should be replaced
every 5 years.
efficiencg performance.
Water supplg is turned off • Turn both hot and cold faucets fully on and makesure
or improperlg connected hosesare connected to correct faucets.
Water valve screens are • Turnoff the water source and remove the water connection
stopped up hosesfrom the upper back of the washer.Usea brush or
toothpick to clean the screens inthe machine. Reconnect
the hosesand turn the water back on.
Housewater heater is • Makesure housewater heater isdelivering water at
not set properlg !20°F-!40°F (48°C-ro0°C).
improperlg connected sitting on it.
Topof drain outlet should be lessthan roft (!.8 m)
above floor.
chosen lesswear.