Technology leadership of the Evolution Series Locomotive
A closer look at the Evolution Series Locomotive reveals how GE Transportation’s advanced technology brings savings
in fuel and maintenance costs while protecting the environment.
Evolution Series Engine
Powered by GE Transportation’s 12-cylinder diesel engine, the Evolution Series Engine produces the same 4,400 HP
as its 16-cylinder predecessor — with less fuel. This 45-degree, 12-cylinder, 4-stroke, turbocharged engine provides
eciency, fewer emissions and extended overhaul
intervals. The engine also uses enhanced cooling
and higher-strength materials that dramatically
improve reliability and allow for future increases in
power and eciency.
The Evolution Series Locomotive meets the most
stringent emissions standards including U.S. EPA
Tier 3 and EU IIIa.
The Evolution Series Engine also is oered in a
16-cylinder conguration that delivers 6,000 HP.
Air-to-air cooling
The locomotive incorporates GE Transportation’s most
advanced cooling system in rail transport. In addition to
a standard radiator and fan conguration, locomotives
powered by the Evolution Series Engine use an advanced
air-to-air cooling system for engine combustion air to
enhance performance while lowering emissions.
AC individual-axle traction control
Evolution Series Locomotives deliver GE Transportation’s
industry-leading AC individual-axle traction-control
technology that enables greater hauling power by
signicantly reducing slippage on startups, inclines
and during suboptimal track conditions. This unique
technology ensures optimum performance, less wasted
energy and substantially reduces maintenance costs
and associated down time during the locomotive’s
life compared to older DC and other AC technology
traction systems.
Dynamic braking
In addition to air brakes, the Evolution Series Locomotive
is equipped with dynamic braking technology that
reduces wheel and brake shoe wear by an estimated 20
to 40%, depending on usage. Delivering up to 117,000
lbs. of (AC) braking eort, the locomotive uses eldtested grids and blowers from GE Transportation’s
AC 4400 and Dash 9 locomotives. The braking grids
are also completely isolated for greater reliability and
simplied maintenance.
Computer-controlled architecture
The locomotive features sophisticated operator controls
that improve diagnostics and simplify operation. The
consolidated control architecture of the Evolution Series
Locomotive makes it easier to upgrade software and
download data. “Smart” displays eliminate several
add-on black boxes in favor of a computer and
display combination that enhances both reliability
and operator ergonomics.