GE ESL 570N, 572NS, ESL 572NS Installation Instructions Manual

ESL 570N Smoke Detector
Model: 572NS
Installation Instructions
OEM Accounts
4300 Series Wireless Smoke Alarm
The ESL 572NS smoke detector must be used as part of a wireless system and requires a transmitter.
The detector provides the following features: CleanMeSelf-diagnostics monitors its own sensitivity and
operational status. If the detector drifts out of the UL listed sensitivity range or fails internal diagnostics, it extinguishes its LED and sends a trouble signal to the control panel.
Tamper switch sends a trouble signal to the control panel when the detector is removed from its mounting base.
Transmitted Signal Outputs
Once a wireless transmitter is installed, the detector can transmit the following signals to the control panel:
• Al ar m • CleanMe
• Alarm restore • Maintenance alert
• Low battery • Tamper
Optional temperature sensor
T est button
Sounder vent
Optional temperature sensor
Installation Guidelines
Selecting a suitable location is critical to the operation of smoke detectors. This equipment should be installed in accordance with the National Fire Protection Association’s (NFP A) S tandard 72, Chapters 2 and 8. Depending on the application, you may need to reference other chapters of NFP A 72 or NFP A 101.
Since regulations pertaining to smoke detector installation vary from state to state, contact the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ). Where public safety is primary , the AHJ may be a federal, state, local, or other regional department or individual such as a fire chief, fire marshal, chief of a fire prevention bureau, labor or health department, building official, electrical inspector, or others having statutory authority. For insurance purposes, an insurance inspection department, rating bureau, or other insurance company representative may be the AHJ. In some cases, the property owner or their designated agent assumes the role of the AHJ. At government installations, the commanding officer or department official may be the AHJ.
General Guidelines
Locate the detector in evironmentally controlled areas where the temperature range is between 40° and 100° F (4.4° and 37.8° C) and the humidity is between 0 and 90% noncondensing.
Locate detectors away from ventilation sources that can prevent smoke from reaching the detector.
Locate ceiling mounted detectors in the center of the room or hallway, at least 4 inches (10cm) away from any walls or partitions.
Locate wall mounted detectors so the top of the detector is 4 to 12 inches (10 to 31cm) below the ceiling.
In rooms with sloped, peaked, or gabled ceilings, locate detectors 3 feet (.9 meters) down or away from the highest point of the ceiling.
When mounting to suspended ceiling tile, the tile must be secured with the appropriate fastener to prevent tile removal.
Figure 1 - Detector Features
ESL 572NS Smoke Detector
O f f i c e
O f f i c e
O f f i c e
O f f i c e
S t a i r w e l l
M e n s
L a d i e s
C l o s e t
E l e v a t o r
C o n f e r e n c e R o o m
H a l l
O f f i c e
I n c o m m e r c i a l b u i l d i n g s a s m o k e d e t e c t o r s h o u l d b e l o c a t e d i n e a c h r o o m .
detection devices shall not be required to be installed throughout an entire room or building.
NFPA 72, 2-2 Heat-Sensing Fire Detectors Heat-sensing fire detectors shall be installed in all areas where required by the NFPA codes and standards or by the authority having
O f f i c e
S t a i r w e l l
O f f i c e
L o b b y
O f f i c e
H a l l
O f f i c e
H a l l
A s m o k e d e t e c t o r s h o u l d b e l o c a t e d o n e a c h l e v e l .
NFPA 72, 8- Detection in New Apartment Buildings
Approved, single-station smoke alarms shall be installed in accordance with 7-6.2.10 of NFP A 101 outside every sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms and on all levels of the dwelling unit including basements. (101: 18- (For exceptions, refer to this section of NFP A 72.)
T h i r d F l o o r
S t a i r w e l l
S e c o n d F l o o r
F i r s t F l o o r
I n m u l t i f a m i l y d w e l l i n g s , s m o k e a l a r m s / d e t e c t o r s s h o u l d b e l o c a t e d i n h a l l w a y s a n d s t a i r w e l l s o f e a c h l e v e l .
D i n i n g
R o o m
K i t c h e n
L i v i n g
R o o m
m o k e a l a r m s / d e t e c t o r s s h o u l d b e l o c a t e d i n t h e l i v i ng a r e a , h a l l w ay, a n d i n e a c h b e d r o o m o f t h e a p a r t m e n t .
E l e v a t o r
B e d r o o m
C l o s e t
B a th r o o m
C l o s e t
B e d r o o m
C l o s e t
A p a r t m e n t
S t a i r w e l l
A p a r t m e n t A p a r t m e n t
B e d r o o m
C lo s e t
B a t h r o o m
D i n i n g A r e a
A p a r t m e n t
L i v i n g R o o m
K i t c h e n
A p a r t m e n t
H a l l
A p a r t m e n t
B e d r o o m
C l o s e t
B a th r o o m
C l o s e t
B e d r o o m
C l o s e t
Figure 2 - Smoke Detector Placement
NFPA Guidelines
NFPA 72, 2- Total (Complete) Coverage. If required, total coverage shall include all rooms, halls, storage areas, basements, attics, lofts, spaces above suspended ceilings, and other subdivisions and accessible spaces; and the inside of all closets, elevator shafts, enclosed stairways, dumbwaiter shafts, and chutes. Inaccessible areas shall not be required to be protected by detectors. (For exceptions, refer to this section of NFP A 72.)
NFPA 72, 2- Partial Coverage. If required, partial detection systems shall be provided in all common areas and work spaces, such as corridors, lobbies, storage rooms, equipment rooms, and other tenantless spaces in those environments suitable for proper detector operation in accor­dance with this code.
NFPA 72, 2- Selective Coverage. Where codes, standards, laws, or authorities having jurisdiction require the protection of selected areas only, the specified areas shall be protected in accordance with this code.
NFPA 72, 2- Supplementary (Non required) Coverage.
Where installed, detection that is not required by an applicable law, code, or standard, whether total (complete), partial, or selective coverage, shall conform to the requirements of this code. (For exceptions, refer to NFP A 72 Chapter 2 Spacing Requirements.)
NFPA 72, 2-1.4.3 Where non required detection devices are installed for a specific hazard, additional non required
NFPA 72, 8- Detection in Existing Apartment Buildings Approved, single-station smoke alarms shall be
installed in accordance with 7-6.2.10 of NFP A 101 outside
E l e v a t o r
every sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms and on all levels of the dwelling unit including basements. (101: 19- (For exceptions, refer to this section of NFP A
Locations to A void
Do not install smoke alarms/detectors:
in or near areas where combustion particles are normally present such as in kitchens, garages, near furnaces, hot water heaters, or gas space heaters.
on the ceiling in rooms next to kitchens where there is no transom between the kitchen and such rooms.
in damp or very humid areas or next to bathrooms with showers. Locate detectors at least 5 feet (1.5 meters) away from bathrooms.
in very cold or very hot areas.
in dusty, dirty, or insect infested areas.
near fresh air inlets or returns or excessively drafty areas.
Heating/air conditioning vents, fans, and fresh air intakes can drive smoke away from smoke alarms/detectors.
in dead air spaces at the top of peaked ceilings or in corners where walls and ceiling meet. Dead air may prevent smoke from reaching a smoke alarm/detector.
near fluorescent light fixtures. Locate smoke alarms/ detectors at least 10 feet (3 meters) away from these fixtures.
Installing the Detector
1 . Slide the battery compartment cover away from the detector
to unsnap it and lift it off. See Figure 3.
2 . Observing proper polarity, insert two 3V lithium batteries into
the detector battery compartment and replace the battery compartment cover.
3. Locate and record the seven digit ID address from the transmitter and program it into the RF gateway receiver and control panel. See the control panel programming guide.
4. Remove the red plastic dust cover from the detector. The detector is shipped with a dust cover for protection on construction sites with dusty environments.
5. If applicable, disconnect the alarm notification appliances, service release devices and extinguishing systems and test the
ESL 572NS Smoke Detector
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