GE JVM1653WH05, JVM1653SH05, JVM1653SH02, JVM1653SH01, JVM1653BH05 Owner’s Manual

Models: JVM1650
JVM1651 JVM1653 EM03000
Spacemaker Microwave Oven
2 5
Operating Instructions
A_fomadc Cow,king
Otflez£eat_t_s Ore# She#
Helpful Information
If SomethingGoes Wrong
20 2{Y
Write the model and serial nmnbers here:
Model# Serial#
DE68-00126A 49-40475 ]
01-06 JR
Foryoursafety,theinformationinthis manualmustbe followed tominimizetherisk offire or explosion, electric shock,ortoprevent property damage,personal injuryorloss of life.
For your safiqy, dm intbrmafion in this manual
mus/be tollowed to minimize /he risk of fire or explosion or to prevem property damage,
PRECA UIYONS perso,,_,l_,_>.or_osso,li_.
Do Not Attempt Do Not Operate 1he oven
/o operate tiffs oven ifil is dmnaged. 1/is with lhe door open parficulariy importan/ ,ince openKloor that the eve11 door
operanon can resul/ close properly and
TO EXCESSIVE 1,1 harmftd exposure tlmt ,here is 1,o
lo illicrowave ellergw, dalllage to tile:
MICROWA_ It is imporlmlr no, to I door (ben,).
ENERGY ,hesali_ly imerlo_ ks.
detk_a_ or tamper with 2 hiJlges and lmches
,broken or loosened _.
Do Not Place any objec_ 3 door seals and sealing between llle oven [i'Oll/ surihces
tace and the door or The Oven Should Not allow soil or cleane_ be adjusled or repaired
residue to accumulate by altvolle excepl on sealing sur[aces
properly qualified
service persOlllle].
_ ! _i_ ii ! !9¸¸_i_!_!!_!_!!_!!!_ _!!_! !!!_ !_!_!_!_!Jl....
This microwave oven is
ii intended for household
use and is UL listed for installation over electric
and gas ranges.
This microwave oven is
not approved or tested
for tnariue use,
Read and tk)ll()w the specific "Precalltions to
A\ old Possible Exl)osure
to Excessive Mi(row_e Ellergy" on t)_ge 2.
This _q)l)li_m(e must be grom_de(t. Conne(t only to t)roperly grom_ded outlet. See (',rom_di_g
Instru(tions section on t)_ge 9.
l)o not mom_t this _l)l)lian(e over _ sink.
Install or lo(_te this _l)l)lian(e only in
_1CC()17(|_t1/((' Wit]l t]l( +
t)rovided Installation
hlstl;tl( tions.
This ove_=the-ra_ge oven was designed/or use over ranges no wider them 36Y
It m_v be installed over both g_s m_d ele(tri(
(ooki_g eq_it)ment.
I)o not o])erate this appliance it:it has a damaged power cord or plug, if it is not worki_g t)rol)erly or if it has been damaged or drol)pe(t.
I)o _ot (-over or block any openings on the
al)l)lim we.
Use this al)l)limwe only Jot its i_ten(led use as
des(ribed in this mmmal. Do not [is(' corrosive
(t'_emi(Ms or v_lt)ors in this _ppli_m(e. This
l//i(row_l_e oven is
sl)e(ifi_ ally designed to he_t, (/r_' or cook/oo(t,
and is not i_ten(led
Jk)r l_b()r_tt()_w o17
i_dustrial use.
'_Do not stor( this appliance
Ot/tdoors. Do not rise this
prod/tct lleaF water J(_r
(_K_'tll/ple, ill a wet basell/ellt, l/ear a swimnling pool, llear
a sink or in similar locations.
[_eep power cord awa} ]i'()l//
heated sur/i_ces.
Do llO[ il/lll/erSe power cord
or plug in watel:
®To reduce th( risk of fire ill
the Ot(II Caii|\:
-- Do llOt ov(rcook 1()o(/.
Care/hlly attend appliance M_en pap(l; plasuc or
oth(r combustible materia]s are placed insi(k
th( o_en uhile cooking.
-- Rel//O_e t_Jre t_isVtJes all(]
m(tal handles fi-om paper or plastic con tain(rs behn:e
placing fl/em ill the oven,
-- DO 110[ /IS( tile ot(ii
tot storage purposes. Do I/or leme paper ])rod/lcts,
cooking utensils or R)od ill
the ()*,el/ tx]lel/ I/ot 111t/se.
-- If mamrials inside the oxen ignit(, keep tl/e o_en door
closed, t/Irll tile ()x(n o1] and disc(mn(ct th( power
cord, or sht/t oJ] power at
th( ills( or circufi breaker panel If th( door is
op(n(d, th( fir( mW spr(ad.
--Do l/()[/lSe the S(llsor
Features mice in
S/ICCeSS1OI/ Oil [he _lll/(
tbod portion. I['fi)od is undercooked :dier file first
countdown, us( TimeCook tot additional cooking
S(e door surthce cleaning instructions ill tile Care and
Cleaning s(c6on (s) of this
'_This appliance must only be
serviced b} qt[nlifi(d selMce
persolllleL ( k)iltact ll(al-est
authorized service tilcilig
]{)r (%2alllil/a_J()i/, repair
or at{it/sill/el/t,
'_As with ally appliance, clos(
S/lpeFxisioI/ is l/ecessar}
Mien used kw children.
Do not storeanything dire(fly (m toil of file
///icr()/_;tv( ()veil S[[F_i_C(
t_]/(11 the I/liCl()l_a_e OV(l/
is ill opera6(m.
Arcing is the n/icrowave
ternl lot sliarks in the oven. Arcing is caused by:
The metal shelf (if inchlded) not installed
correctly so it touches the nlicrowave wall.
The telnt)erature probe
(if included) in the
lllicrowave btlt llOt
inserted in the tood.
Metal or foil touching the side ot the oven.
Do not pop llOlICOrn in your microwave oven
mfless in a special microwave pOliCOrn
accessory or m/less you use l/Op(orll lat/eled tor
use in microwave ovens.
Sol//e t)l?odtlctS Stlch as
whole eggs and sealed (ontainers tor examl/le, closed jars--are able to explode and should not
be heated in this microwa_v oven. Such use
of the microwave oven could result in i_jtn T.
I)o not boil eggs in a mi(ro_ave oven. Pressure
will build up inside egg yolk and will (ause it to
burst, t)ossibly resulting in ill jmT.
Foil not n/olded to tood (ut)turned edges act Hike
Metal, suth as twist-ties,
t)oultry pins or gold- rinm/ed dishes, in the n/icrowave.
Recycled l/al/er towels
containing sn/all metal pieces being used in
the lilicrowave.
()l/erating the microwave
with no tood inside/or more than a minute or
tWO lIl;4y C_ItlSe (]_t+I//;4ge
to the oven and could
start a life. It ill(Feases
the heat around the magnetron and can
shorten the lilt of the ()Veil.
Foods with tmbroken
outer "skill" S/l(h _tS
potatoes, hot dogs, sausages, tOlilatoes, apples, chicken li_ers and other giblets, and egg yolks should be pierced to allow steam to escape dm:ing cooking.
Liquids, such as water, coffee or tea, are able to
he overheated beyond the boiling point without appearing to he boiling.
Visible bubbling or boiling
when the container is
removed from the microwave
oven is not always present.
"1_)reduc( the risk el il_jur),
tO 1)ersons:
-- Do not overheat tile
-- Stir tile liquid l)oth be/ore and hall\ray
through heating it.
-- Do not use straight- sid(d containers with
narrow necks.
-- Al_er heating, allow tile container to stand ii/
the l/licrow_l\e oven lot a short din( belore
removing tile contai]leL
-- IJse extreme car( when inserting a spoon or
other utensil imo the comainer.
o ,\\ old heating babx Ibod
in glass jars, ev(n with the lid off. Make sur( all
inlhnt lood is thoroughly cooked. Stir Ibod to
distribme tile heat e_enlv. Be careful to prex(m
scaMing when warming lbrmula or br(ast milk.
The contain(r ma} Joel cooler than tile milk
r(ally is. Always _est the milk belore lbeding
tile baby.
o Don't defl'ost li'ozen
beverages ill nm;row- n((ked bottles (especially (arbonated beverages).
Even if the contain( r is op(ned, liress/lre C_lll
Imild up. This can caus( tile co]ltainer to btlrst, possibly r(sulting in iii jur}.
o I]ot li)ods and steam
can cause burns. B( careflfl when opening
ally coi/taillers of hot tood, including l)opeorn bags, (ooking pou(hes and 1loxes. ']k) prevent possible il{im:}, direct steam away fi:om hands
and Etce.
® Do 1lot overtook
potatoes. They could d(hvdrate and catch
fire, causing damage to vom: ov(n.
®Cook meat and poultr}
thoroughl}--meat to at le_st an INTERNAI,
temperature of 160'F and l)oultr} , to at least an INTERNAl, _emperatm:e of 180'E Cooking to these temlleratm:es usually protects against
Ibodborne illness.
Make sure all cookware used
ill ¥O/IF l/Ill FowaVe ovell is
Sl/ilable tot n/icrowavhlg.
Most glass cassetx)|es,
cooking dishes, l//eaMlFillg
CtlllS , CtlStalX| ClipS, pottery
or china ¢tinnerware which
does I/Or have//leta||ic tlJl//
or glaze with a met;dlic s]leen Call be Ilse(t. gol_/e
cookwal_e it labeled _Mlilablc
lot nficrowavit:g."
How to test for a microwave-
safe dish
[/vou are not sure if
a dish is n/icrowa\ e-sail', use this test: Place ill tile
oven both the dish _X)/I are msdng and a glass measuring cup/ilh'd with
1 CUll of \_ltetmset the measulJng CUll either ill or nexi to die dish.
Microwa\ e 1 nlinute at high. If the dish heats,
ii shouM not be used tot microwaving.
K tile dish remains cool and only tile water ill tile
cut) heats, then the dish is microwm e-sate.
If rOll rise a llleat
thermometer while cooking, make sure
it is sate lot use ill microwa\ e o\ ens.
I)o not use rec}vled paper products. P,eQaled paller
towels, natlkins and waxed paper Call (onlain n/etal
flecks which ma_, cause arcing or ignite. Paper
products containing IMon or talon filan/ents should
be ms)ideal, as they n/av also ignhe.
SolIle stv1x)l()al// tFaVS
(like those that nleat is
packaged on) ha\ e a thin strip of n/etal embedded
ill tile bouon/. When microwa\ ed, the metal
can lturn tile floor of the oven or ignhe a paper towel.
I)o not use tile microwave
1o all'} newslla]lel'.S.
Not all plastic wratl is suitable tot use ill
microwa\ e o\ ens. Cheek ihe package
tor tn'oper use.
Paper lowels, waxed tlaper and plastic wrap Call be
used to co_er dishes ill order to retain l/lOiSIii17e
and l)It'Vell[ sllattering, ge
SIIl?e tO vent plastic wra t) SO
stealll Call escape.
Cookware l/la'v becollle hot because of heat transt('rred /i'om tile heated/ood. Poi hoMel:s max be needed io handle tile cook\vat'e.
"Boilable" cooking t)ouches and lightly closed t)lastic bags shoukt be slit, tlietx ed or _vnted as direcmd kg tlackage. If th(\v are noL plastic couM burst during or imn/ediatel} after (ooking, tlossibly tx'suhing ill il_jury.
Also, plastic S[o17age
containers should be at leasi partially uncovered
because tl/e_ torln a light seal. When cooking with containers ughtly cox ered with plastic wrall, remove courting careflllly and dire(t steam awa} ti'om
hands and time.
®Use loll only as
dir( cted in this manual.
When /lsing loll in th_
microwave or<n, keep tile loll at l_ast 1" a*_W fl:om
tile sides of tile oven.
The ]_li/will op(rate a/It oinaticallv/re(let
certain (onditions (see Automatic Fan tbamre).
"E_k_ care to prevent tile starting and spreading of accidental ( ooking lires
while tile xent lml is in use.
®Clean tile ml(lersi(le of
tile l//ic1x)W_t\ e ()lien.
Do not allow grease to build /_I/ on tile i/licrowave or the
tml lilter.
* Plastic eookware--Plastic
eookware designed tot microwave cooking is vet) usefld, but should be used carefllll}. Exert microwa_ e-sati plastic
I/l_t} no[ [)e as tolerant of
ox ( rcooking conditions as are glass or (eramic materials and nl W solten or char if sut!iected to short periods of oxercooking. Ill longer
eXl)()SllFeS to ovel _
cooking, tile Iood and cookware could ignite.
* Ill th_ event of a grease
fire on tile sm:lh(e milts below tile microwave
oxell, SIllother a IIallling
l)a]l Oll tile S/llTl_lc( ullit b) co_ering tile pan completely with a lid, a
cookie sheet or a fiat tray.
* Use care when cleaning
tile v_nt I_m lilter. Corrosive cleaning
agents, su(h as lye-based
OVell cleaners, Ill}l}'
damage the lilter.
Follow these guidelines:
I LIse microwm e-sale
plastics only and use them in StlJCt comi/liance
with the cookware
l/laI//ll_t( t 1117elT_S
1;el Ol/liIl( I/(lations.
2 Do not illic]?owave el//1)| },
3 Do not l/_ rmit childr(n
to use plastic cookware without ( omt/lete SUl)( Fvision.
o When pret/aring
flaming loods under
the illi( rowave, tllFll
the l;nl on.
®N(ver leax( S/llTlklce {lI/its
t)en_ ath vo/iF illicrowave ()veil unatlended at high heat settings, goilov_ rs cause smoking and greasy spillovers that may ignite and spread if tile
micr()w_t_( v(_lt t_tn is olleradng. "Ib ininimize
a/ltoIllatic l[_ll oil(ration,
/lse a(l_ qlmte sized cook*_are and use high
heat on surl:_(?e units only wllen n_ eessar}.
Ensure proper ground exists before use.
hnproper use of the grounding plug can result
in a risk of electric shock,
This appliance must be grom_(h'd. In the event of
an electrical short cir(uit, grom_ding reduces the
risk of electric shock by providing an escape wire
/or the electric era:rent.
This applian(e is equipped
with a power (ord having
a grtmnding wire with a
grtmnding plug. The plug must l>e plugged into an
outlet that is properly installed and gromMed.
Consuh a quali/ied electrician or service
technician if the grotmding instructions
are not completely tmderstood, or if doubt exists as to whether the
appliance is t>roperly gromMed. If the omlet is a standard
2-prong wall outlet, it is
your personal responsibility
and obligation to ha'+e it repla(ed t_,ith a 1)rot)efly grotmded 3-prong wall
Do not trader any circmnstances cut or
remove the third (grotmd) prong/i'ont the t)ower
1)O not ttse an _l(l_lt)ter
plug with tiffs appliance. Do not use an extension (ord with this applian(e.
If the power cord is too short, have a qualitied
ele(tri(ian or service te(hnician install an outlet
near the appliance. For best ol)eration, t)lug
this apt>liame into its ()_rt_ ele(tri(al outlet to in:event flickering of lights, l)lowiltg
of tuse or tripping of circuit breaker.
Filler Panel Kits
dX48WH--White dX48BL--Black
When ret)lacing a 36"
range hood,/iller panel kits fill in the additional
width to l)rovide a custom buih-in appearance.
For installation between cat)inets only; not /or
end-ol:cat)inet installation.
Ea(h kit contains ttst) ..........
x,,Me filler panels.
Two kits are needed for
a o0 opet/tttg.
JX81A--Recirculating Charcoal Filter Kit
Fiher kits are used t_h('n the microwave oven camtot
be vented to the outside.
\\ ailable at extra cost ti'om _)ttr GE sut)l)lier, or see the
(',E Service *mmbers.
1 Door Handle. Pull to
ol)en the door. The door must be se(urelv hitched lot the
microwaw to operate.
2 Door Latches. 3 Window with Metal
Shield. Screen
alh)ws (()()king to be
yielded whih' keeping
microwa_ es conlined
ill ttle oven.
4 Shelf. I.ets you
microwave several tends at once. Food
microgrooves best when placed (lire(tl}, ron the
o_en floor or turntable.
5 Touch Control Panel
"_bu must set the (lo(k
mid calendar belore using ttle microwave.
6 Cooktop Light. 7 Grease Filter.
8 Removable Turntable.
TurlJaable a_J,(t supl)ort must be in t)la(e when using the o_en.
The tm:mable lm_v be removed tor cleaning.
9 Convenience Guide.
NOTE:Rating plate, oven
veto(s) and oven light are
h)cated on tile inside walls of the l//i(row_,_.e oven.
The Controls on Your Microwave Oven
(T/nvugt_oul this ma_ua!, f_alur_'._m_d a]_]_earm_c_ma) vm3 ji_mz )our model.)
You Call
microwave by time,temperature
or with the convenience features,
I I /° F"°sTI
f ,oo 1
Time Features
Press Enter
TIME COOKI & II (Press onceortwice) \mount of (ookhlg dnw.
DEFROSTAUTO/TIME(Presstwice) Amount of defi'osting time. EXPRESSCOOK Stm'ts imm(!([iatelv!
POWERLEVEL [_()_r_rlexel l-I O.
ADD 30 SEC Starts imm_,(liatelv!
Defrosting by Weight
Press Enter
DEFROST AUTO/TIME (Press once) Food w(_i_llt
2 3
The Controls on Your Microwave Oven
I'k_vu_,'koul tkis ma_ua . jealun_ a_m al_/_eara_tce may v(n)'.lmm ) ur model.
Press this pad and any Before you begin, check Cooking
feature pad for usage the guide located on the Time Defrost
instructions and tips. inside fronl of the oven Reheat
when you open the door. Snacks
ConvenienceFeatures (On some models)
Press Enter Option
COOK (See Cooking Guide) Food t yrt)(_ 1-_) + Wei_ht SNACKS (See Snacks Guide) Sna(k t_])e ]--6 1HIHlber/weig]lt
DEFROST AUTO/TIME ];ood weight (Press once)
A Sensor Features
Press Enter Option
POPCORN Starts immediately! more,/less time BEVERAGE Starts lmmedlatel"" '_'
REHEAT Starts immediately! more,/less dine POTATO Starts immediately! more!less time
VEGETABLE (on some models) Starts mmle(hatel more/less Hme
Pressonce (fresh vegetables) Presstwice(frozenvegetables)
Pressthree times (canned #egetables)
COOK (on some models)
Press 1 for Chi(ken Press 2 for Fish
Press 3 tor Grotmd Meats I ress 4 tor Fresh "_k_getab!es
Press 5 R)r Frozen Vegetables
Press 6 for Cammd Vegetables
Food ryl)e 1-6 Starts immediateh'!
1/10lTe,/less [ilIle
l//ore,/less |ilile l/lOre/less |ilile
(on some models)
4 Selectdesiredpower
level I-I0.
\hriable power levels add
t]exibilitv to microwave cooking. The 1)ower levels
Oil [he IIli(rowav( + ovell (_lll
be (/)mt)ared to tile sur/a(e units on a range. ttigh (t)ower level 10) or lull l)ower is tile thstest _r_l_r to cook and gives you
100% power: Each power level gives you microwave energ?_ a certain percent of
It) "equ;dize" or |rmlS/br heal It) |he inside of lhe
fi)od. An exmnple of lllis is shown wi|h power level
3 the de/i'os| (_clc. l[
l/licFowave el/eFg} did no|
(}cle off, the outside of the tbod would _ook belbrc
Ihe inside \_as deli'oswd.
t t('F( + _ll'( + SOll/e ex_il/ p](+s
O]/lses t()Y _arious l)()/_rel _
the time. Power level 7 is microwave energ-y 70% of
the dine. Power level 3 is
PowerLevel BestUses High10 Fish. bacon.
energy 30% of tlle time.
A high seuing (10) will
cook thswr but/k)od may
Med-High7 Gentle cooking o{
need more fl:e(luent stirring, rotating or tm:ning oxer. Most cooking will be done on/[igh (power lmel
Medium5 Slow cooking
10). A lower scuiug will
cook lilt)re cVelllv ;_ll(] need
less slirl'illg or ro1;_lillg of tile R)od. tow2or3
So/tie/()o(|s l/laV tl;we
t)ellel ° /1;l_Ol °, Iex! life OF
_])t)earaHce i[ olle el Ill('
lower seltings is used. Use a lower power level W]lell looking too(ts dial have a tellden(x It) 1)oil o\er such as scalh)l)ed i)olatoes.
Rest periods (when lhe H/icrow;_e ellergv cycles ott) give li//le lot lhe/ood
_Y'getablcs. boiling lkllfids.
meal mid poultlT; baking c_lsseroles ,rod reheating.
mid wnderizing
SI/Ch AS MI-"W_ arid
h'ss tender cl,t+,ot
Defrosting a,ifl-loutcooking;
sltunlel iIIg; dclica K' sauces
Keeping li0od
D,';//'I 11 withoI/l
OVI'I'( ookillg;
Time Features
2 Enter cooking time. 3 Change power level
ffyou don't want full
power. (Press POWER
LEVEL.Select a desired power level
4 Press START.
Time Cook I
Allows _'o/1 to mi(To>,ave
Jot any time up to 99
mimltes and 99 seconds.
Power level 10 (High) is autonlatically set, lint you may change it ]or iilOlPe
fl( xibilit?.
_k)ll ill}l}, open tile door
d m:ing Time Cook to check the Iood. (;Ills( tile
door and press ST\RT
tO 1?esHI/le cooking.
Time Cook II
I,ets y/m chang-( i)ower kvels autonlatically during cooking. }tere's how to
do it:
I Press TIME C()()K.
2 Emer lhe firsl (ook time.
3 Change tile power level
if you don't warn full power. (Press P()WER
I,EVEI,. Select a desir( d power lexel 1-10.)
5" Emer tile second (ook
0 Chai]ge the power l(vel
if y/m don't warn full power. (Press P()WER I _EVEI, Select a power
level 1-10.)
7 Press ST, kR'E
,\t |he end /)I Tim( (2)/)k l, Time (;//ol_ II (//Un|S do_rl/.
Cooking Guidejbr Time Cook I & II
NOTE."Use power level High (10) unless otherwise noted.
Vegetable Amount Time Comments
(fi'cs!! spears) 1 lb.
(frozen Spears) 10-oz. package
{) tO 9 IIlin.,
Med-I tigh (7)
5 to 7 min.
In 1V2-qt. oblong glass baking dish,
pla(e 1/4 (up vvat{!r.
In 1-qt. (asserole.
(ffCS h green) 1 lb. cut in half (ITozen green) 10-oz. pa(kage
(frozen lima)
1O-oz. t)a( kage
9 to 11 mim 6 to 8 min.
6 to 8 min.
In 1V>(tt. casserole, place 1/2 cup wat{!r. In 1-qt. (asserole, t)la(e 2 tablespoons
W;-I t (!I'.
In 1-qt. (asserole, t)la(e 1/4 (u t) water.
(fresh, whole) 1 lmn(h In 2-qt. (asserole, pla(e 1/2 (u t) _ater.
(flesh cm) 1 bmlch
17 to 21 min.
7 to 10 min.
In 2-qt. casserole, place 1/2 cut) ware12
(1 _/, to 1'/: ")s.)
(fresh spears) 1 t)m'[,, h
2 U 2 2 2 2 (1V, to lV21t)s.)
(frozen, lO-oz, package
9 to 13 min.
5 to 7 min.
In 2-qt. oblong glass baking dish, place 1/4 cup watet2
In 1-qt. casserole.
chopped) (frozen spears) lO-oz, package
5 to 7 min.
In 1-qt. casserole, place 3 tablespoons
1 me(limn head (about 2 lbs.)
(li'esh, s!iced ) 1 lb. (frozen) 10-oz. t)ackage
(flowerets) 1 me(titan head (li'esh, \_ho!{') ] me(tium head
(frozen) 1 O-oz. t)a( kage
8 to l 1 min.
7 to 10 min.
7 to 9 min.
5 to 7 min.
9 to 14 mir[.
10 to 17 min.
5 to 7 min.
In 1V2-or 2-qt. casserole, t)lace 1/4 cut)
W;-I t (!1".
In 2- or 3-qt. (asserole, t)la(e 1/4 (u t)
W;-I t (!l'.
In 1V2-qt. casserole, place 1/4 cup water. In 1-qt. (asserole, pla(e 2 tablespoons
W;-I t (!l'.
In 2-qt. casserole, 1)lace 1/2 cup wat{!12 In 2-qt. ( asserole, pla(e 1/2 {up water. In 1-qt. (as.;erole, pla(e 2 tablespoons
W;-I t (!l'.
+ 33 hidden pages