GE Mini Field Agent, Embedded Field Agent User Manual

July 2017
For public
GFK-2993F 2
For public disclosure
These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment, nor to provide for every
Removed this section — this content has been moved to Mini Field Agent (MFA)
Removed this section — this content has been moved to Field Agents Secure
Power Requirements
Corrected the operating temperature range
Configure a Network Proxy
Removed instructions for Bypass Proxy Server and Test Connection
Create a Device Representation in Assign the Technician to the Field Agent
Obtain Enrollment Information
Throughout Document
Revision C: Added Embedded Field Agent (EFA)
Throughout Document
Revision D: Added Virtual Field Agent (VFA)
Throughout Document
Revision E: Added cellular, Wi-Fi hotspot, and Predix Machine 17.1
Throughout Document
Revision F: Improved documentation for time synchronization, system time, and
to be met during installation, operation, and maintenance. The information is supplied for informational
purposes only, and GE makes no warranty as to the accuracy of the information included herein. Changes, modifications, and/or improvements to equipment and specifications are made periodically and these changes may or may not be reflected herein. It is understood that GE may make changes, modifications, or improvements to the equipment referenced herein or to the document itself at any time. This document is intended for trained personnel familiar with the GE products referenced herein.
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Revised: June 2017 Issued: Aug 2016
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Document Updates
MFA Important Product Information
Secure Deployment
Important Product Information (GFK-2997)
Deployment Guide (GFK-3009)
Replaced multiple screenshots to reflect Predix* EdgeManager* screen updates, specifically the dashboard option Control Panel and related windows were replaced with Settings
enhancements for Mini Field Agent (MFA)
Configuration and Application Management and ope ning ports.
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1 Overview ............................................................................................................................................ 8
1.1 Applicable Products ...................................................................................................................... 8
1.2 Related Documentation ................................................................................................................ 9
1.3 Field Agent Architecture ............................................................................................................. 10
1.4 Mini Field Agent (MFA) ............................................................................................................... 11
1.4.1 MFA Specifications ................................................................................................................................................ 12
1.5 Embedded Field Agent (EFA) ..................................................................................................... 14
1.5.1 Mark* VIe IS420UCSCH1A CPU w/ Field Agent ................................................................................................ 14
1.5.2 PACSystems IC6 95CPE400 RX3i Rackless CPU w/ Field Agent ........................................................................ 14
1.6 Virtual Field Agent (VFA) ............................................................................................................ 15
2 MFA Hardware Instructions ............................................................................................................ 16
2.1 Internal Components .................................................................................................................. 16
2.1.1 Installation .............................................................................................................................................................. 17 DIN Rail Mount.................................................................................................................................................. 18 Panel Mount ....................................................................................................................................................... 19 MFA Interface Details ........................................................................................................................................ 20 Power Requi rements ........................................................................................................................................... 21 Pin Definitions .................................................................................................................................................... 22 Network Configuration ....................................................................................................................................... 22
2.1.2 Push Button and LEDs ........................................................................................................................................... 23
2.2 Push Button Operations .............................................................................................................. 24
2.2.1 Configuration Mode ............................................................................................................................................... 24
2.2.2 Reboot .................................................................................................................................................................... 25
2.2.3 Factory Reset .......................................................................................................................................................... 25
2.3 Field Agent Sales Catalog .......................................................................................................... 26
2.3.1 GE MFA Orderable Items ...................................................................................................................................... 26
2.3.2 MFA Included Items .............................................................................................................................................. 26
2.3.3 MFA Accessories ................................................................................................................................................... 26
2.4 Agency Certifications and Standards .......................................................................................... 27
2.4.1 Federal Commu nications Commission ( FCC)........................................................................................................ 28
2.5 Replacement and Spares ........................................................................................................... 29
2.5.1 Replacement Procedure .......................................................................................................................................... 29
2.5.2 Renewals and Spares .............................................................................................................................................. 30
3 EFA Hardware Instructions ............................................................................................................ 32
3.1 Mark* VIe IS420UCSCH1A CPU w/ Field Agent ......................................................................... 32
3.1.1 UCSC EFA – Network Configurat ion .................................................................................................................... 32
3.1.2 UCSC EFA – Push Button and LED ...................................................................................................................... 33
3.2 PACSystems IC695CPE400 RX3i Rackless CPU w/ Field Agent ............................................... 34
3.2.1 CPE400 EFA -- Network Configuration ................................................................................................................ 34
3.2.2 CPE400 EFA – LED, Display, and Push Buttons .................................................................................................. 35
3.3 GE EFA Orderable Items ............................................................................................................ 36
4 VFA Instructions ............................................................................................................................. 37
4.1 Network Configuration ................................................................................................................ 37
4.2 Configuration Mode .................................................................................................................... 37
4.3 Virtual Machine Deployment ....................................................................................................... 37
4.4 Virtual Machine Snapshots .........................................................................................................
4.5 GE VFA Orderable Items ............................................................................................................ 37
5 Getting Started with the Field Agent ............................................................................................. 38
5.1 What’s the Minimum I Need to Do to Get Going? ....................................................................... 38
5.2 Register the Field Agent ............................................................................................................. 38
5.3 Collect Enrollment and Configuration Information ....................................................................... 39
5.4 Start the Field Agent ................................................................................................................... 39
5.5 Log into the Web Console .......................................................................................................... 40
5.6 Configure the Network ................................................................................................................ 42
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5.6.1 IP Addresses ........................................................................................................................................................... 42 To Identify/Change an IP Address ..................................................................................................................... 42
5.6.2 Configure a Network Proxy.................................................................................................................................... 44
5.6.3 Configure the Cellular Network ............................................................................................................................. 45 Enabling the Cellular Modem ............................................................................................................................ 45 Configure the Access Point Name ...................................................................................................................... 46 View the Cellular Status ..................................................................................................................................... 46 Cellular Plan and SIM Diagnostics .................................................................................................................... 46
5.7 Configure Time Synchronization ................................................................................................. 47
5.7.1 Using NTP Time Synchroniza tion ......................................................................................................................... 47
5.7.2 Using HTTPS Time Synchronization ..................................................................................................................... 48
5.8 Update the Field Agent ............................................................................................................... 49
5.8.1 Access the Field Agent Updater ............................................................................................................................. 49
To access the Field Agent Updater ..................................................................................................................................... 49
5.8.2 Method 1: Manual Local Update Using a Local Area Network ............................................................................. 51
To manually initiate a local upd ate using a Local Area Network connection .................................................................... 51
5.8.3 Method 2: Manual Cloud Update over the Internet ................................................................................................ 52
To manually initiate a cloud update over the Internet ........................................................................................................ 52
5.8.4 Method 3: Automatic Cloud Update over the Internet ........................................................................................... 53
To configure automatic cloud updates over the Internet .................................................................................................... 53
5.8.5 Upgrade Predix Machine If Applicable .................................................................................................................. 54
5.9 Configure EdgeManager Access ................................................................................................ 55
5.9.1 Create Accounts for Operator and Technician Roles ............................................................................................. 55
5.10 Enroll Field Agent in Predix Cloud ........................................................................................... 56
5.10.1 Enroll using EdgeManager ..................................................................................................................................... 56 Create a Device Representation in EdgeManager .......................................................................................... 57 Obtain Enrollment Informatio n ...................................................................................................................... 58 Log into Predix Cloud Enrollment Page in Field Agent Web Console .......................................................... 59 Enter Enrollment Information and Trigger Enrollment .................................................................................. 59 Using Certificate Enrollment ..................................................................................................................... 60 Using OAut h Authentication Code Enrollment ......................................................................................... 62 Verify the Field Agent is Online in EdgeManager ......................................................................................... 63
5.10.2 Enrolling Mini Field Agent Using iPhone App ...................................................................................................... 64
6 Using the Field Agent ..................................................................................................................... 66
6.1 Device Management ................................................................................................................... 66
6.1.1 Field Agent Status .................................................................................................................................................. 66 Using Edge Manager - Field Agent Health Status and Resource Usage ............................................................ 66 Using Web Console – Status Information .......................................................................................................... 66
6.1.2 Field Agent Co mmands .......................................................................................................................................... 68 Using Edge Manager - Supported Field Agent Commands................................................................................ 68 Using Web Console – Sending Commands ........................................................................................................ 69 When might a Factory Reset be required ........................................................................................................... 69
6.1.3 Configurati on Management .................................................................................................................................... 70 EdgeManager Configuration Management......................................................................................................... 70 Compression Utilities ......................................................................................................................................... 71 Predix Machine Web Console Configuration Management ............................................................................... 72
6.1.4 Application Management ....................................................................................................................................... 74 EdgeManager Application Management ............................................................................................................ 74 Predix Machine Web Console Application Management ................................................................................... 74
6.1.5 How to Open Ports on a Field Agent ...................................................................................................................... 76 The Ports Configuration File .............................................................................................................................. 76 Activating the Ports Configuratio n ..................................................................................................................... 76
6.2 Configuring Data Collection and Sending Data to the Cloud ....................................................... 77
6.2.1 Determine the Data Source and Data to Consume ................................................................................................. 77
6.2.2 Field Agent C onfiguration Tool ............................................................................................................................. 77
6.2.3 Configure the Field Agent Data Source ................................................................................................................. 77 Configure an OPC UA Data Source ................................................................................................................... 78 Configure a Modbus TCP Data Source .............................................................................................................. 79
6.2.4 Configure Sending Data to the Predix Cloud ......................................................................................................... 80
6.2.5 Guidelines for Maximum Configured Variables .................................................................................................... 81 Using the OPC UA Machine Adapter without Store and Forward ..................................................................... 81
GFK-2993F 7
For public disclosure Using Store and Forward with the OPC UA Machine Adapter .......................................................................... 82 Using the Modbus TCP Machine Adapter.......................................................................................................... 83 Using Store and Forward When Internet Connectivity is Disrupted and Restored ............................................ 84
6.2.6 Reconfigure the Field Agent .................................................................................................................................. 85 First Time Configuration .................................................................................................................................... 85 Reconfiguration for Production Environment .................................................................................................... 85
1 Overview
1.1 Applicable Products
Product Family
Catalog Number
Description Provisioning Connection Data Source
Cloud Connection
Mini Field Agent (MFA)
ICMFA000000 Field Agent as a standalone appliance for
connecting to external data sources.
Ethernet LAN Ethernet LAN Ethernet WAN
Field Agent as a standalone appliance for connecting to external data sources. Includes optional Wi-Fi hotspot for provisioning.
Ethernet LAN
Wi-Fi hotspot with U.S./Canada
or European country code and frequencies per catalog number
Ethernet LAN Ethernet WAN
Field Agent as a standalone appliance for connecting to external data sources. Includes optional Wi-Fi hotspot for provisioning and optional private cellular cloud connection on AT&T®.
Ethernet LAN
Wi-Fi hotspot with U.S./Canada
or European country code and frequencies per catalog number
Ethernet LAN • Ethernet WAN
AT&T private cellular
network in the U.S./Canada or European Union per catalog number
Field Agent as a standalone appliance for connecting to external data sources. Includes optional Wi-Fi hotspot for provisioning and optional cellular cloud connection on customer-
provided network.
Ethernet LAN
Wi-Fi hotspot with U.S./Canada
or European country code and frequencies per catalog number
Ethernet LAN • Ethernet WAN
Cellular network in the
U.S./Canada or European Union per catalog number using customer-provided SIM
Embedded Field Agent (EFA)
IC695CPE400 Field Agent embedded in an Industrial
Internet Control System running PACSystems*.
Ethernet WAN in Configuration Mode only
Virtual LAN through
Ethernet WAN
Ethernet WAN
IS4200UCSCH1A Field Agent embedded in an Industrial
Internet Control System running Mark* VIe.
Ethernet WAN in Configuration Mode only
Virtual LAN through
Ethernet WAN
Ethernet WAN
Virtual Field Agent (VFA)
117T6408Gxxxx Field Agent as a virtual machine image in
a Control Server.
Virtual LAN1 through hypervisor
Virtual LAN2 through hypervisor
Virtual LAN1
through hypervisor
Virtual LAN2 through hypervisor
Virtual WAN through hypervisor
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For public disclosure
1.2 Related Documentation
Mini Field Agent
CPE400 with Agent Virtual Field Agent
Document ID
Document Title
Field Agents Secure Deployment Guide
Mini Field Agent Upgrade Guide
Field Agents Registration Guide
Field Agent Machine Adapters User Guide
PACSystems* RXi, RX3i, and RX7i Controllers Secure Deployment Guide
PACSystems CPU Reference Manual
PACSystems RX3i System Manual
TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for PACSystems User’s Manual
TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for PACSystems Station Manager Manual
PACSystems RX3i PROFINET Controller Manual
PACSystems RX3i PROFINET Controller Command Li ne Interface Manual
PROFINET IO Devices Secure Deployment Guide
GEH-6721 Vol I
Mark* VIe and Mark* VIeS Control Systems Volume I: System Guide
GEH-6721 Vol II
Mark* VIe and Mark* VIeS Control Systems Volume II: General-purpose Applications
GEH-6721 Vol III
Mark* VIe and Mark* VIeS Control Systems Volume III: For GE Industrial Applications
Mark* VIe Control Systems Secure Deployment Guide
ToolboxST* User Guide for Mark* Controls Platform
Security Baseline Information for Mark* VIe Control
Cyber Security Management System for Mark* VIe Control
Mark* VIe UCSC Outcome Optimizing Control for Power Generation Applications
Control Server – High Availability (HA) Maintenance Guide
Product Landing Pages
Embedded Field
Other Documentation
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For public disclosure
1.3 Field Agent Architecture
The goal of Field Agent technology is to connect industrial machines to the Predix* Cloud, so that asset owners can receive insights and optimization for their equipment. Field Agents connect and transmit this data securely. Operators can then visualize the performance of their assets and enable predictive analytics. Armed with this valuable information, operators can optimize equipment uptime. OEMs can proactively maintain and service their equipment fleet, improving operations, growing service revenues and winning new business. Asset owners can evolve past a break-fix model and implement predictive analytics to minimize unplanned downtime.
GE has developed a family of Field Agent devices to address the challenges of communicating equipment data. A Field Agent has two primary functions:
Collecting and transmitting machine data securely
A platform for running applications at the edge Once a Field Agent is up and running, data is transferred from the plant to the cloud over encrypted channels, preserving its
time stamp, quality, and fidelity. It also provides a rich domain application environment for edge processing, so logic can be
executed at the most appropriate place in the architecture — locally on the machine or in the cloud.
Customer Access Laptop or Mobile
Control System at Customer Site Field Agent at Customer Site
Predix Cloud
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1.4 Mini Field Agent (MFA)
Switched 10/100 Mbps
Ethernet Ports
Power Supply
RS-485 and CAN bus
RS-232 Serial
The GE Mini Field Agent* (MFA) module is a Machine to Cloud collector that securely forwards data to a Predix* Time Series Database Service. The MFA is based on the ARM architecture and designed to meet low power, harsh environment specifications for industrial use. It runs an embedded Linux® operating system and comes with Predix Machine pre-integrated and ready to enroll in Predix EdgeManager. The Field Agent ecosystem enables end users ease of developing Predix solutions using the MFA platform. The following figure depicts the typical installation of a MFA. The section Configure the Network
provides defaults IP addresses.
Com Ports
Serial Com Ports
Predix Machine
One Wide Area Network (WAN) Ethernet port
Three Local Area Network (LAN) Ethernet ports with
RS-485 hardware interface
RS-232 hardware interface
CAN bus hardware interface
One discrete input
One relay contact
Optional cellular modem
Optional Wi-Fi hotspot
built-in switch
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1.4.1 MFA Specifi cat ions
2GB on-board flash
4G LTE Bands
3G WCDMA Bands
1, 3, 7, 8, 20
1 (2100 MHz), 8 (850 MHz)
Hipot tested to 1202 V DC (equivalent of 925 V rms)
Note For the latest information, refer to the webpage at
Ambient Temperature,
Real Time Clock Battery Battery backup for RTC, 6 years USB Port USB 2.0
SD Card Slot One MicroSD card slot Wi-Fi (Optional) 2.4GHz Wi-Fi, regional settings determined by catalog number Cellular (Optional) LTE Cellular Modem, regional settings determined by catalog number
Ethernet Ports
TI AM3352 32-bit ARM processor, 800MHz 512MB DDR3 RAM
-40°C to 70°C (0°C to 70°C ATEX), 5 to 95% non-condensing Use above 55°C requires installation in a restricted access location
U.S./Canada 2, 4, 5, 7, 12, 13, 25, 26 2 (1900 MHz), 5 (850 MH z)
One unswitched Ethernet port, 10/100 Mbps Three switched Ethernet ports, 10/100 Mbps One RS–232 Serial Port (pluggable screw terminal) Maximum cable distance is 15m
Maximum communication rate is 115.2 kbps One RS–485 Serial Port (pluggable screw terminal)
CAN bus
Discrete input
Relay contact
Operating System Embedded Linux built using the Yocto Toolchain Operating voltage Power consumption
Maximum cable distance: 305 m (1000 ft) Maximum communication rate: 115.2 kbps One CAN port (pluggable screw terminal) Maximum cable distance is 40 meters
Maximum communication rate is 1 Mbps 1 x 24 V opto-coupled / isolated input, 10 mA nominal
Minimum ON = 1.4µs Maximum OFF = 28 µs
1 x Output relay, DC (Form A normally open relay contact, 30W switching power) 30 V DC, 1A Hipot tested to 1202 V DC (equivalent of 925 V rms)
9 to 30 V DC, nominal 24 V DC 4 Watts (167mA@24V DC) without cellular modem (ICMFA000000, ICMFA002xxx)
8.4 Watts (350mA@24V DC) with cellular modem (ICMFA001xxx) Wire sizes: 22 to 16 AWG; Screw torque: 2 in-Ib
3-pin power plug
Temperature rating for copper wire: 80 °C Wiring to power input terminals shall be limited to 30 meters in length
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For public disclosure
57-500HZ, 2.0g acceleration
Housing dimensions 5.53 x 5.33 x 1.55 Inches (140.5 x 135.3 x 39.4 mm) Mounting DIN rail or panel mount
Operational Vibration
Operational Shock
Mean Time Between Failures ICMFA000000: 415,750 hours (47.46 years)
Security Features
Refer to the section Agency Certifications and Standards IEC 600068-2-6
10-57Hz, 0.012"ppk displacement
IEC 60068-2-27 15g, 11ms (sine wave)
ICMFA001xxx: 396,295 hours (45.24 years) ICMFA002xxx: 404,734 hours (46.20 years) On-board Trusted Platform Module
Modbus TCP, OPC UA (built in) Other protocols can be added using the Predix Machine SDK.
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For public disclosure
1.5 Embedded Field Agent (EFA)
The GE Embedded Field Agent (EFA) is available in two physical form factors: the Mark* VIe controller, which is part of the ControlST fam ily of pr oduct s, a n d the CPE400 controller, which is part of the PACSystems* f ami ly of products. The EFA resides in one of the virtual machines on the controller and uses the Ubuntu® operating system. It comes with Field Agent software including Predix Machine pre-integrated and ready to enroll in Predix EdgeManager. While the EFA is essenti ally configured the s ame way as an MFA, there are different Application and Configuration templates provided for the EFA. For instance, because the EFA has more memory a nd a higher-performance CPU compared to the MFA , it can retai n more “Store and Forw ard” buff ered data in t he event of tem porary los s of comm uni cati ons to th e cl oud. Therefore, the Store and Forward configuration files for the MFA and EFA are different.
1.5.1 Mark* VIe IS4 2 0 UCSCH1A CPU w / Field Agent
The Mark* VIe UCSC EFA uses the IICS Cloud Port (f oun d on t he bot tom of th e UCS C) to bot h comm uni cat e to con trol lers t o g ath er data, as well as to connect to the Predix Cloud. For more information about the UCSC itself, please see GEH-6721_Vol_II Mark * VIe and Mark* VIeS Control Syst em s, Vol ume II: G ener al-purpose Applications.
1.5.2 PACSystems IC695CPE400 RX3i Rackless CPU w/ Field Agent
The CPE400 EFA uses the EFA Port (found on the bottom of the CPE400) to connect to the Predix Cloud. It uses an internal virtual NIC to communicate with the controller to gather data. The CPE400 also contains a display, which is described in the EFA HW Instructions portion of th is docum ent . For more information about the CPE400 itself , please see PAC Systems RX7i & RX3i C PU Refer ence Manual, GFK-2222Y or later.
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For public disclosure
1.6 Virtual Field Agent (VFA)
The GE Virtual Field Agent (VFA) is a Virtual Machine that uses the Ubuntu operating system. It contains Predix Machine to allow streaming data to the cloud or running applications locally. It also incorporates User Interfaces for configu ring networks and time synchronization, getting Field Agent Product and Linux OS Updates, and checking status and running commands. While the VFA is essentially configured the same way as an MFA or VFA, th ere are different A pplication an d Configurati on templates provided for the VFA, because these templates are associated with a s pecific v ersion of Predix Mach ine. Cu rrently the Virtual Field Agent is normally distributed as one of the possible Virtual Machines on a Control Server. To learn more about Con trol Servers, please s ee GEH-6851 Control Server – High Availability (HA) Maintenance Guide and GEH-6852 Control Server – Simplex Maintenance Guide.
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2 MFA Hardware Instructions
2.1 Internal Components
The MFA module is shipped with a battery pre-installed. The battery holder is located below the Supercap, and can be replaced by opening the top cover.
To replace the battery
1. Power OFF the MFA Module.
2. Wait for 1 minute.
3. Open the top cover by loosening the four screws on the edges.
4. Use a small flat-head screw driver to gently pry out the old battery.
5. Insert the new battery.
The only user-serviceable components in the Mini Field Agent are the Real Time Clock Battery and cellular SIM card. Do not remove or alter any other components on the Mini
Field Agent.
Replace battery only with Rayovac BR2032 or part IC690ACC001B or later. Use of another battery may present a risk of fire or explosion.
Battery may explode if mis t reated. Do not recharge, disassemble, heat above 100 °C (212 °F) or incinerate.
The MFA module has an optional cellular modem. The SIM is available as a pre-installed option or may be installed by the customer. The SIM card holder is located underneath the cellular modem and can be installed by opening the top cover and removing the cellular modem.
To install a SIM Card
1. Power OFF the MFA Module.
2. Wait for 1 minute.
3. Open the top cover by loosening the four screws on the edges.
4. Remove the cellular modem by removing the two screws, tilt the modem up and slide out of the connector.
5. Slide the SIM card holder latch toward the Ope n p osition and flip it open.
6. Slide the SIM card into the holder so that the contact s will face down when closed and with the notched e nd extending out
of the holder.
7. Close the SIM card holder and slide the latc h to the Locked position.
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2.1.1 Installation
There are two different mounting options for the MFA: DIN Rail Mount or Panel Mount. The ICMFAACC001 MFA Panel Mounting Kit is required to use the Panel Mount option. After mounting the MFA, connect it to the facility network using standard Ethernet cables. The LAN interface should be connected to the local area network containing one or more industrial devices. The WAN interface should be connected to a network with access to the Internet.
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For public disclosure DIN Rail Mount
The MFA comes equipped with a DIN Rail mounting clip as displayed in the following figure. For DIN Rail mounting, pull the clip down and lock it in place. Place the unit on the DIN rail, and then push the clip up to secure it. The optional panel mounting plate should not be attached because it will prevent DIN rail mounting.
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For public disclosure Panel Mount
To panel mount the MFA module, attach the ICMFAACC001 panel mount plate to the side of the MFA module using the four M3 screws included with the mounting kit. Attach the panel mount plate in the orientation as displayed in the following figure. The screw size for each panel mount tab is recommended to not exceed M5.
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For public disclosure MFA Interface Details
Front View
Top View
Cellular Antenna MicroSD slot
Local Field I/O
DIN Rail
Termination Jumper for CAN
Wi-Fi Antenna
Ground Rear View
Bottom View
Note Refer to Mini Field Agent (MFA) Important Product Information (GFK-2997) for version-specific interface details.
The following figure displays all four sides of the MFA module with details for connections.
(for GE internal use only)
(on applicable models)
Mounting Clip
Connection (on applicable models)
(rightmost 2 contacts)
GFK-2993F 21
For public disclosure Power Requirements
The MFA is powered by a DC Power Supply (9 to 30 V dc, nominal 24 V dc). Power for the MFA shall be provided by a Class II power supply marked as "double insulated", Limited Power Source (LPS), or a SELV source with a minimum 32 V dc listed fuse with 3 A max rating. Power for the relay output and discrete input shall be provided by an isolated source.
Reversing input power polarity might cause damage to the MFA.
The IC690PWR024 (Selectable power requirements of the MFA.
The ICMFAACC002 is rated for 100-240 attachment of the AC power cord. The ICMFAACC002 may be adapted to local power by using a desktop computer-style AC power cord (with an IEC-60320 C13 connector on one end and the correct AC mains plug on the other).
There are two ground connec tions on the Mini Field Agent. One is loca ted on the front power connector and the other is a chassis screw located on the bottom o f the unit. BOTH grounds must be connected to earth ground to comply with CE performance requirements. Ground wires should be kept as short as possible and tied to a common cabinet/equipment ground point. It is recommended to use #14AWG stranded wire for the chassis ground.
The use of the ICMF A A C C 00 2 in permanent installations shall be i n accordance with the National Electric Code (NEC), the Canadian Electric Code (CEC), or with the authority hav ing jurisdiction.
AC input, 24V dc @ 5A Output) DIN Rail mountable power supply meets the
ac and 47-63 Hz input, and features an IEC-60320 C14 inlet plug for
GFK-2993F 22
For public disclosure Pin Definitions
Note Refer to the section MFA Interface Details
for a figure that displays the physical locations of each pin.
Pin Number
CAN bus
Power connector (9 to 30 V dc)
Normally Open relay contact output, 30 V dc, 1 A resistive load
+24 V Opto-coupled Input, 10 mA
1 Ground 2 3
2 K1-B 3 IN+
1 2 3 Ground
4 A /RX 5 B /CTS 6 Y /TX
2 RX 3 GND 4 RTS 5 CTS
Negative Voltage Positive Voltage
CAN_H CAN_L Network Configuration
Note Refer to the section Ethernet interfaces.
The default WAN and LAN IP addresses of the Mini Field Agent are displayed in the following table.
IP Address Obtain using DHCP Subnet Mask Obtain using DHCP Gateway Obtain using DHCP Not set
WAN connects to the uppermost RJ-45 connector. LAN connects to the three lower RJ-45 connectors and they are switched internally.
MFA Interface Details
for a figure that displays the physical locations of the LAN and WAN
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2.1.2 Push Button and LEDs
The front panel of the MFA contains a blue push button and three indicator LEDs. The LEDs have different behaviors depending on whether the push button is being held. When the push button is not being used, the LEDs behave as follows.
Blinking green indicates Predix Machine is starting.
Solid green indicates Predix Machine is running. The ON LED must be solid before attempting to connect to the Predix Machine Web Console over wired Ethernet or the Wi-Fi hotspot .
The Push Button is used for enabling or disabling Configuration Mode, performing a graceful reboot of the MFA, or performing a factory reset depending on how long the button is held and released. These features and the corresponding impact on the LED behavior are documented in the section, Push Button Operations
Each of the four RJ-45 Ethernet connectors contains two LEDs. The green LED indicates an Ethernet connection has been established. The yellow LED indicates packet traffic.
Slowly fading in and o ut indicates the MFA is in Configuration Mode .
Blinking orange indicates that data is being received from a configured Machine Adapter.
Cloud LED:
Blinking blue indicates Predix Machine is not connected to the Predix Cloud.
Solid blue indicates Predix Machine is connected to the Predix Cloud.
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2.2 Push Button Operat ions
20 – 24.9 seconds
All LEDs slow blink
The Push Button on the front of the Mini Field Agent (above the green ON LED) is used for the following activities based on how long the Push Button is held and released. Each time interval that corresponds to an operation has a unique fast blink pattern that indicates releasing the Push Button at this time will perform an operation. In between these time intervals, all LEDs blink slowly. Releasing the Push Button during a time interval when all LEDs are blinking slowly or when the Push Button is held for 30 or more seconds will result in no operation and the LEDs will return to their normal behavior described in the section, Push Button and LEDs
Time Interval the Push Button Is Held and Released
< 5 seconds Normal LED Behavior None
5 – 9.9 seconds Green ON LED fast blink
10 – 14.9 seconds All LEDs slow blink None
15 – 19.9 seconds
25 – 29.9 seconds All LEDS fast blink
30+ seconds Normal LED Behavior None
LED Behavior
Green ON and Orange ACT LEDs fast blink
Operation on Release
Configuration Mode
Factory Reset
2.2.1 Configurat ion Mode
If the Push Button is released during this time interval, the Mini Field Agent will enable Con figuration Mode. In Configuration Mode, a Wi-Fi hotspot is enabled that can be used to enroll the Mini Field Agent in Predix EdgeManager and read device diagnostic s using an iPhone® app . While in Configuration Mode, the green ON LED fades in and out slowly. The orange ACT LED and the blue Cloud LED will both continue to operate normally according to the state of the Mini Field Agent.
Configuration Mode can be disabled by repeating the same steps taken to enable it, or by waiting one hour for Configuration Mode to automatically disable. When Configuration Mode is disabled, the LEDs will return to their normal behavior described in the section,
Secure Deployment Guide.
Wi-Fi Hotspot Property
SSID mfa_<7-digital serial number> (e. g. mfa_t d7 s0sx) Encryption Type WPA2-PSK Password Router IP Address Router IP Subnet Mask Number of Concurrent Client Connections 2 Client IP Address Assignment Range
DHCP Lease Duration Maximum Enabled Duration
The GE Energy Connections Field Agent Manager iPhone app is available to GE Employees on the GE App Store. When using the Field Agent Manager iPhone app to enroll or configur e a Field Agent, the wizard instructs the user to enable Configuration Mode using the Push Button and connect to the Wi-Fi hotsp ot in the iPhone ’s Settings page b efore p roceeding with enrollment.
Push Button and LEDs
. Security considerations for the Wi-Fi hotspot can be found in GFK-3009 Field Agents
Printed on MFA label - 1 hour 1 hour
GFK-2993F 25
For public disclosure
2.2.2 Reboot
If the Push Button is released during this time interval, the Mini Field Agent will perform a graceful reboot and will return to normal operation.
2.2.3 Factory Reset
If the Push Button is released during this time interval, the Mini Field Agent will perform a factory reset. This operation will take several minutes, after which the Field Agent will reboot. Once the green ON LED is solid it will be possible to log into the Predix Machine Web Console and configure the Field Agent.
On the first boot following a factory reset, Predix Machine will generate cryptographic keys used for communication. It is critical that the Mini Field Agent not be powered down during these operations to prevent key corruption that may require another factory reset to resolve. Do not power cycle the Mini Field Agent on the first
CauCau tion
boot after a factory reset until the green ON LED is solid.
GFK-2993F 26
For public disclosure
2.3 Field Agent Sales Catalog
2.3.1 GE MFA Orderable I tem s
Catalog Number
ICMFA000000 Mini Field Agent ICMFA001US0 Mini Field Agent with Cellular and Wi-Fi certified for U.S./Canada ICMFA001US1 Mini Field Agent with Cellular and Wi-Fi certified for U.S./Canada, and AT&T SIM card ICMFA002US0 Mini Field Agent with Wi-Fi certified for U.S./Canada ICMFA001EU0 Mini Field Agent with Cellular and Wi-Fi certified for European Union ICMFA001EU1 Mini Field Agent with Cellular and Wi-Fi certified for European Union, and AT&T SIM card ICMFA002EU0 Mini Field Agent with Wi-Fi certified for European Union
2.3.2 MFA Included Items
The following items are included with the MFA (not ordered separately).
Accessory Item
Wi-Fi Antenna & Cable Assembly (Wi-Fi models only)
Cellular Antenna & Cable Assemblies (Cellular models only)
Battery Rayovac make BR2032-BA Lithium 20mm 3V 195mAh Coin Cell battery (-40C to +85C)
Taoglas GW.11.A153 dipol e antenna with Taoglas CAB.628 IPEX MHF1 to SMA(F) RP cable
Nearson T6155AM-LTE-S LTE antennae with Taoglas CAB.618C and CAB.011 IPEX MHF1 to SMA(F) cables
2.3.3 MFA Accessories
The following accessories can be ordered separately.
Catalog Number
ICMFAACC001 Mini Field Agent Panel Mounting Kit ICMFAACC002 24V Power Supply Pre-wired with Connector IC690PWR024 Selectable 115/230 V AC Input, 24 V DC 5A Output, DIN Rail Mount Power Supply ICMFAMGTM1YR Annual Device Management Fee ICMFADATA1GB Annual Cellular Connectivity Fee ICPREDIXSERVICES Predix Services as Consumed
GFK-2993F 27
For public disclosure
2.4 Agency Certifications and Standards
Refer to Mini Field Agent (MFA) Installation and Maintenance Requirements (IMR) (GFK-2998) for conformance to these standards.
North America Safety for Information Technology Equipment
North America Safety for Programmable Controller for use in Hazardous locations
Class 1 Division 2 Groups ABCD Class 1 Zone 2 Gas Group IIC
North American Radio Equipment
European Radio Equipment
European Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS)
European Safety for Explosive Atmospere
Equipment Group II, Category 3, Gas
Contains FCC
Certification by Underwriters Laboratories: UL 61010-1, UL
61010-2-201, UL 60950-1, UL 60079-0, UL 60079-15, and ISA-12.12.01-2013. CSA C22.2 No. 61010-2­201, CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1-07, CSA C22.2 No. 213 M1987, CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60079-0, and CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60079-15.
Equipment Authorization issued by Telecommunication Certification Body under authority of Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Industry Canada (IC) for intentional transmitters
EU-Type Examination by Notified Body (#0673) to European
Radio Equipment Directive 2014/53/EU
Manufacturer’s declaration of conformity in accordance with
European RoHS Directive (2011/65/EU) Certification in accordance with to European ATEX
Directive 2014/34/EU
International Safety for Explosive Atmosphere
European Waste & Collection
China Restriction of Hazardous Substances
Certification in accordance with the IECEx s cheme and in compliance with IEC 60079-0 & IEC 60079-15
Compliance with European WEEE Directive 2002/96/EC Amended by 2008/34/EC
Compliance with “Management Methods for the Restriction of the Use of Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Products”. (Jan 21, 2016) Declaration Table provided with equipment.
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