gO. COrn
Safety Instruc_tions ........ 2-4
Operating Instru,_tions
Cookware Tips ........... l O, l l
Dual Surface Element ........ 7
Features of Your Cooktop ...... 5
Kitchen Timer . .............. 9
Locking the Cooktop ......... 9
Pan Detection Feature ......... 9
Pan Sizing Feature ............ 9
Surface Elements .......... 6-9
_'armer Surface Element ...... 7
Control Lock Pad ........... 13
(;lass Cooktop ........... 13, 14
Packaging Tape ............. 12
Troubleshooting Tips .... 15, 16
Consumer Support
Consumer Support... Back Cover
Product Registration ...... 17, 18
_'arranty .................. 19
PP950 PP980
Write the model and serial
numbers here:
Model # Serial #
You can find them on a label
trader the cooktop.
49-80423 09-06 JR
For your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire or explosion, elecNc shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury or loss of fife.
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precaufions should be foflowed, including
the following:
Use this appliance onl} fbr its intended use as descnbed in this manual.
Do not attempt to repair or replace any part of your cooktop unless it is specifically
recommended in this manual..M1 other sen'icing should be referred to a qualified
technician. Befbre perfbmdng any serdce, disconnect
the cookrop power supply at the household distribution panel by removing the fllse or s_dtching off the circuit breakei:
Be sure your appliance is properly installed and grounded by a qualified technician in accordance with the proxided installation instructions. This appliance must be supplied
with the proper xoltage and flequenc> and
connected to an individual, properly grounded branch ci_vuit, protected by a circuit breaker or filse acceptable [ior tile indicated wattage on tile name plate.
Name plate location
Have tile installer show you tile location of tile circuit breaker or fuse. Mark it fioreasx
reference. Do not leave children alone--children
should not be left alone or unattended in an area where an appliance is in use. The} should
never be allowed to sit or stand on an} part of the appliance.
Teach children not to pla} with tile controls or am other pa_t of tile cooktop.
Do not allow an}one to climb, stand or hang on tile cooktop.
CAUTlON: temsofi.teiesttochildren
should not be stored in cabinets above a cooktoi>--children climbing on tile cooktop
to reach items could be seriously injured.
_ .Mwavs keep combustible wall covenngs,
curt_{ins or &apes a safe distance flom your cooktop.
iJii:iAlways keeI) dish towels, dishcloths, pot holders
and other linens a safe distance away flom your cooktop.
_: Nwavs keep wooden and plastic utensils and
canned fiood a safe distance away flom your cooktop. They may become hot'and could
cause burns.
_: Never wear loose-fitting or hanging gaiments
while using the appliance. Flammable material could be ignited if brought in contact with hot
surfilce elements and may cause severe burns.
N Use only dry pot holdeL_--moist or damp pot
holders on hot surfi/ces may result in burns flom steam. Do not let pot 'holdeL_ touch hot
surfi/ce elements. Do not use a towel or other bulky cloth. Such cloths can catch fire on a hot smfilce element.
iJii:iDo not use water on grease fires. Never pick up
a flaming pan. Turn tile controls offl Smother a flmning pan on a surfi_ce elelnent by covenng
tile pan completely with a well-fitting lid, cookie sheet or flat tin> Use a multi-puq)ose dU
chemical or fbam-type extinguisher Flaming grease outside a pan can be put out
by covering with baking soda o_;if available, using a multi-propose dn' chemical or
fbam-t}pe fire extinguisl{er.
_: When prepanng flaming fbods under the hood,
tulil tile fire on.
Cookmeatandpoultry thoroughly--meat to at leastanINTERNALtemperatureof 160°Fandpoultry to atleastan INTERNALtemperatureof 180°ECookingto thesetemperaturesusuallyprotectsagainst
t_:':iDo not touch glass ceramic surface
elements while cooking. This surtZace may be hot enough to bnill even though it may
appear dark in color Dining and 'after use, do not much, or let clothing or oflxer flammable mamrials contact flxe cooking
surfl_ce. Note. the hot indicator lights and
allow sufficient time for cooling first.
Hot surfaces may inc]ude both flxe cooktop
and areas fi_cing the cooktop.
_i:,iTo minimize die possibi]i U of burns,
ignition of flammable mamrials and
spillage, the handle of a container should be turned toward flxe center of the
cooktop without exmnding ox>r any
nearby snrface elements.
q_{:_Always tm_a off the surface element control
before removing the cookware.
_t{;_Use proper pan size--se]ect cookware
having fiat bottoms larg_ enough to co\_r
the snrthce e]ement heating element. The use of undex_ized cookwaxe will expose a portion of the sniiCace element to direct contact and m W result in igniuon of clothing. Proper relationship of cookwme
m surface element will also improx> efficienc>
;fi:,iNever lem_ surthce elements unatmnded
at high heat settings. Boiloxers m W cause
smoking and greasy spi]]oxers m W ignite.
_fi:,:(;lass and ceramic cookware is not
recommended for use wiflx your radiant ceramic glass cooktop,
_fi:,:Kee I) an eye on foods being flied at high
or medium-high heat settings.
_fi:,iFoods fox fiTing should be as dry as
possible. Frost on fiozen foods or moisture on flesh foods can cause hot tht to bubble
up and ox>r the sides of the pan.
_fi:,:If a combination of oils or fats wi]] be used
in fi;ving, stir mg>ther before heating, or as fats melt slowly.
;f; Always heat fat slowly, and watch as it heats. ;_i:,iUse a deep-/_at flmnnometer whenex_r
possible to prevent oveflxeafing fat beyond the smoking point,
_fi:,:Nexer uw,to moxe a pan of hot fiat,
especially a deep-fat flyen X_'ait until the fat is cool.
;f; Do not store flammable mamda]s near
the cooktop.
_fi:,:Kee I) die hood and grease fi]mrs c]ean to
maintain g_od _>nfing and to axoid grease fires.
;f; Do not store or use combustible mamrials,
gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any appliance.
_]{;:Clean only parts lismd in this Owner's
_t{;_Do not leave paper products, cooking
utensils or food on the cooktop when not in rise,
_{;_Kee I) cooktop clean and flee of
accnmn]adon of grease or spillo_ers
which may ignite.
_{;:Nex>r heat unopened food containers.
Pressure bui]dnp may make container burst and cause injm T.
:_i:,:Nm>r ]eavejars or cans of Pat d_ippings
on or near your cooktop.
_i:,:Ne_>r use your appliance fox wanning or
heating the room.
_i:,:Avoid placing any oloects on or near dye
keypads in oMer to prexent accidenta]
activation of flxe cooktop controls.
_7{;:Use ]itfle fat %x eflbctixe shal]ow or
deep-fat fiTing. Filling the pan too flfll of flit can cause spillovers when tbod is added.
Use care when touching the cooktop. Theglass surface of the cooktop will retain heat after the controls have been turned off.
_::Avoid scratching the glass cooktop.
The cooktop can be scratched with items such as sharp instruments, nngs or ofl_er
jeweh T.
;f; Nexer use the glass cooktop sur/_ace as a
cutting board.
_{_:Do not place or store items on top of the
glass cooktop surfi_ce when it is not in use.
_{_Be careflfl when placing spoons or other
stixTJng utensils on glass cooktop surfi_ce
when it is in use. They may become hot
and could cause bums.
_f;Avoid heating an empty pan. Doing so may
damage the cooktop and the pan.
;f; Do not allow water; other liquids or g_ease
to remain on the cooktop.
_i!_ii,Do not operam dm glass surfi_ce elements
if the glass is broken. Spillo_>rs or cleaning solution m W penetram a broken cooktop
and c_eam a risk of electrical shock. Contact a qualified technician immediately
should your glass cooktop become broken.
_fi:,:Spilled or bumt_on foods may cause
accidental actix ation or deactixation of the keypad. Clean the keypad thoroughly, and
controls will resume nomml operation.
section for details, If a wet sponge or cloth is used to wipe spills on a hot sur/_ace
element, be careflfl m axoid smam burns. Some cleansers can produce noxious
Rimes if applied m a hot sur/_ace.
NOTE."_e recommend that you axoid
wiping any sur/_ace element areas until they haxe cooled and the indicator ligt_t has g_ne off: Sugarspills are the exception to
this.Please see the Cleaning the glass cooktop secdon.
_t{_;To moid possible damage to the cooking
surthce, do not apply the cleaning cream to the glass surfi_ce when it is hot.
_: After cleaning, use a d U cloth or paper
towel to remove all the cleaning cream residue.
_i!_ii,Read and follow all insuucfions and
warnings on d_e cleaning cream labels.
;_i:,:Larg_ scratches or impacts to cooktops can
lead to broken or shattered glass,
;_i:,:Use care when touching rite cooktop. The
glass surPace of file cooktop will retain heat after rite controls hax_ been turned OFF.
;f; Do not stand on the glass cooktop.
;_; To prexent accidental actixation of the
cooktop, do not place any objects on or near the keypad.
_i:,:Clean the cooktop with caution. Always
lock the control panel using rite conuol lock feature and wait nndl the entire glass sur_ace is cool betbre auempting to clean tile cooktop. See rite Locking the Cooktop
Featuresof yourcooktop,
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.
FeatureIndex (Featuresand appearances may vaN) Explainedonpage
0 Single Stmfi_ce Element 6
@ _A'anner Sm_fi_ce Element 8
O Dual Stlrl'_lce Element 7
Single Sull'ilce Element Control Pad 6
O Dual Stm'hce Element Control Pad 7
O _Nall/ler Stli]ilce Elenlellt Control Pad 8
Kitchen Timer Control Pad 9
Pan Sensor Control Pad 9
Control lax& Pad 9
Hot Suil'ilce Indicator I fights {onefor eachsurfacee/ement) 9
Usingthesurface elements.
Yournew Profile Cooktopmakesan eloquent statement of style, convenience, and kitchen planning flexibility. Whether you
chose it for its purity of design,assiduousattention to detail, orfor both of thesereasons--you'll find that your Profile co&top's superior blend of form and function will delight you for years to come.
Thiscooktop contains several new features such as pan detection and pan sizing. Thetouch controls give youprecise
control of the surface elements. Youcan quickly switch between asteady low heat andfurlpower or any setting in between. Theinformation on the foflowing pages will helpyou operate and maintain your cooktop properly.
NOTE:Throughoutthismanual, features and appearance may vary from your model
Never cook directly on the glass. Always use co&ware.
Always center flTepan on the surface element you are using.
_2RAGGI.G_ , l
Do Rot slide co&ware across the
control or cooktop surface because it can scratch the glass. The glass is scratch-resistant, notscratchprooL
About the radiant surface elements...
The radiant cooktop features heating
elements beneafl_ a smooth glass surfime.
NOTE:A slightodorIsnormalwhenanew cooktopis usedfor thefirsttime.Itiscausedby theheatingofnewpartsandinsulatingmaterials
Cooktop temperatm'es increase with
the nmnber of Stlla,itce elements that are on. With 3 or 4 elements turned on,
cooktop temperatures are high. Adways
use caution when touching it. The indicator lights will come on next
to the _'\.u'mer and Dual burne*s when acti_;ited. Lights also activate fiw the Pan
Detect and Control Lock tbatures when they are turned on. The indicator lights
will go oLfwhen the smthce element or featm'e is turned ofl_
The appropriate HOTSURFACE indicator light will glo,_ xd_en its cortes )ondino
radiant element is turned on and will
,em.i.....t.thes.,* ,ce..sco.,e l
Hot sm'fi_ce indicator light will: _Ji::Comeonwhenthesurfaceelementis
_:Stayonevenafterthedementis turnedo1_ _ Glowbrightlyuntiltheelementhascooled
andwi//disappearb a shorttime.
It is sale to place hot cookware (fl'om the oven or sm'fiwe) on the glass (ooktop
when the smti_('e is cool. Neverplace
cookware on the control area.
Even after the sm'fi_ce elements are turned off, the glass cooktop retains
enough heat to continue cooking. To
avoid overcooking, i'elilOve l)[lllS J[i'Olil
the smtace elements when the toed is cooked. Avoid pladng utensils that could
become hot or plastics that could melt
on the sm'fi_ce element tmtil it has cooled compleml>
_: Waterstains (mineraldeposits)areremovable
using thec/eanlbgcream or furl strength white
::Ji::Useof window cbaner mayleavean
iridescent film on thecool<top.Thecleaning cream will remove this discoloration.
If theydropontothecooktop,theycancause damage.
Radiant Surface Elements
The controls for the radiant sm'fl_ce
elements allow tot 11 different heat
settings: Ixm; 1-9 and High. The heating
element may not visibly glow at low heat
settings. The SUltilce heating element will cycle on
alld of][' to Illailltaill" selected COlltrol
Each radiant sm'fi_ce element has a temperatm'e limiter which protects the
glass cooktop fl'om getting too hot.
NOTE:Thiscooktophasa repidheat-upfeature.
iJi::If thecooktopiscoolwhenturnedon,it wffl
!i>If thecooktopis alreadywarm,therapid
+ 14 hidden pages