EchoPAC PC is a post processing program designed for
ultrasound image review, analysis and reporting. EchoPAC PC
allows post-processing of DICOM ultrasound images and raw
data images from GE ultrasound scanners.
Main functionality
EchoPAC PC offers the following functionality:
• Read/display DICOM ultrasound and GE raw data images.
• Ultrasound image optimization, as on a scanner.
• Measurement and analysis
• Advanced quantitative analysis, based on raw data such as
quantitative TVI, contrast and stress analysis (research
• Image storage
• Patient record database
• Report generator
Read and understand all instructions in the User's Manual
before attempting to use the EchoPAC PC. Keep the manual
with the equipment at all time. Periodically review the
procedures for operation and safety precautions.
For USA only:
United States law restricts this device to sale or use by, or on the
order of a physician.
Indications for use
EchoPAC PC is indicated for diagnostic review and analysis of
ultrasound images acquired via B, M, Color M modes, Color,
Power, Pulsed and CW Doppler modes, Coded Pulse,
Harmonic and Realtime 3D. Clinical applications include: Fetal;
Abdominal; Urology (including prostate); Pediatric; Small
Organ (breast, testes, thyroid); Neonatal and Adult Cephalic;
EchoPAC PC User's Manual1
Cardiac (adult and pediatric); Peripheral Vascular;
Transesophageal (TEE); Musculo-skeletal Conventional;
Transrectal (TR); Transvaginal (TV); and Intraoperative
(abdominal, thoracic and vascular).
EchoPAC PC product range
The EchoPAC PC product range consists of:
• EchoPAC PC Workstation: a turnkey solution consisting
of hardware and software in a complete package.
• EchoPAC PC Software Only: only the software to be
installed on any PC that fulfills minimum requirements.
EchoPAC PC Software Only must NOT be installed on
computers, which control life-supporting or patient monitoring
The EchoPAC PC Workstation and The EchoPAC PC Software
Only have the same clinical functionality, except for the
following features that are not available in EchoPAC PC
Software Only:
• No writing directly to CD-RW (Must be done by other
software packages).
• The TCPIP settings cannot be configured within the
application (it must be done in Windows).
• InSite/iLink is not available.
• Removable media cannot be formatted within the
• Removable media cannot be ejected from within the
• The printer setup cannot be done from within the
• The Computer name cannot be set from within the
To ensure optimal performance, do NOT attempt to install any
software on the EchoPAC PC workstation.
2EchoPAC PC User's Manual
1. Patient environment
The EchoPAC PC workstation must NOT be placed inside the
patient environment (refer to local regulations and EN 60601-1-1
2.5 m
1.5 m1.5 m
Figure 1-1: The patient environment
Manual contents
The EchoPAC PC User manual is organized to quickly provide
the information needed for patient management and ultrasound
image post processing using the EchoPAC PC software.
Finding information
Data has been arranged in a format that will assist the user in
finding information easily and quickly.
Table of Contents: list the main topics and their location.
Headers and footers: displays the chapter name and page
References: cross references are noted in the text.
Index: Extensive tool that provides easy reference to ideas,
topics, terms, titles, headings and cross references.
EchoPAC PC User's Manual3
Conventions used in this manual
The following typographic conventions are used in the
indication of different types of information:
2-columns layout: the right column contains the main text, the
left column contains additional notes and warning texts.
Bold type: describes button name on the screen.
Italic type: describes program windows, screens and dialogue
4EchoPAC PC User's Manual
Contact information
If additional information or assistance is needed, please
contact the local distributor or the appropriate support resource
listed bellow:
GE Ultraschall KG
Deutschland GmbH & Co.
Beethovenstraße 239
Postfach 11 05 60
D-42655 Solingen
GE Medical Systems
Ultrasound Service Engineering
4855 W. Electric Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53219
On-line Applications Support
Tel: 0130 81 6370
Tel: (49)(0) 212-28-02-208
Tel: (1) 800-437-1171
Fax: (1) 414-647-4090
Tel: (1) 800-682-5327
or (262) 524-5698
GE Medical Systems
Ultrasound Service Engineering
4855 W. Electric Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53219
On-line Applications Support
GE Ultrasound Asia
Service Department Ultrasound
298 Tiong Gahru Road # 15-01/06
Central Plaza
Singapore 168730
Tel: (1) 800-664-0732
Tel: (1) 800-682-5327
or (262) 524-5698
Tel: (65) 291-8528
Fax: (65) 272-3997
EchoPAC PC User's Manual5
Latin and South America
GE Medical Systems
Ultrasound Service Engineering
4855 W. Electric Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53219
On-line Applications Support
GE Ultrasound
Rua Tomas Carvalhal, 711
Cep: 04006-002 - São Paulo, SP
Tel: (1) 305-735-2304
Tel: (1) 800-682-5327
or (262) 524-5698
Tel: (55.11) 887-8099
Fax: (55.11) 887-9948
6EchoPAC PC User's Manual
Getting started
Chapter 1
Getting started
• Launching EchoPAC PC .............................................................. ...... 8
• To start EchoPAC PC .................................................................. 8
• EchoPAC PC overview ................................................................. ...... 9
EchoPAC PC User's Manual7
Getting started
Launching EchoPAC PC
To start EchoPAC PC
1.Start the EchoPAC PC workstation.
The unit undergoes an initialization sequence and the
Operator login dialogue box is displayed (see Figure 1-1).
2.Enter the required information and press Log on.
The Search/Create patient window is displayed with the
default dataflow selected (see Figure 2-1, page 14).
1. Select the operator
2. Enter password
Figure 1-1: The Operator login windows
For user of EchoPAC PC Software Only:
It is possible in Windows to start several instances of
EchoPAC PC. I.e. the same application is launched more than
once. It is strongly recommended not to do this, as this will
cause several functions and features in EchoPAC PC not to work
properly. Only ONE instance of EchoPAC PC should be running.
8EchoPAC PC User's Manual
EchoPAC PC overview
EchoPAC PC is build on eight different main screens that can
be entered by selecting the buttons in the top of the window
(see Figure 1-2).
Getting started
1. Selected screen
2. Archive
• Search patient
• Create patient
3. Patient:
• Patient info
• Examination list
• Medical info
4. Image Browser:
• Displays a thumbnail overview of all images
stored for the current patient record
5. Review:
• Displays all images of the selected
6. Protocol:
• Review protocol based examinations
Figure 1-2: The EchoPAC PC navigation buttons
7. Image Analysis:
• Image optimization
• Measurements
• Quantitative analysis
8. Worksheet:
• Measurements listing
9. Report:
• Summarizes data from examination
10. Config:
• EchoPAC PC configuration
11. Help:
• Displays on-line user documentation
12. Exit
EchoPAC PC User's Manual9
Getting started
10EchoPAC PC User's Manual
Patient record management
Chapter 2
Patient record management
• Searching a Patient record .......................................................... .... 13
• To find a patient record .............................................................. 13
When the login procedure is completed, the Search/Create
patient window is displayed (see Figure 2-1).
About dataflow
Refer to page 311
for further information on connectivity
EchoPAC PC can
be configured to
generate patient ID.
The automatic
searching tool displaying matching
patient information
in the Patient list
can be turned off.
The connectivity on EchoPAC PC is based on the dataflow
concept. Each dataflow defines the transfer of patient
information from an input source to the unit, and from the unit to
an output source. Patient information can include demographic
data and images, as well as reports and Measurement and
Analysis data. A dataflow is a set of pre-configured services.
When beginning a search, the user selects a pre-configured
dataflow (see page 311 about connectivity) that will
automatically customize EchoPAC PC to work according to the
services associated to the dataflow and search in the archive
To find a patient record
1.Type the patient Last Name, and/or ID.
When default configured, EchoPAC PC automatically
searches to see if the patient is already in the database.
The result of this search is displayed in the Patient list field.
2.If necessary, select another dataflow to search in other
3.In the Patient list field, Double-click the desired patient
record (or click once on the patient record and press Select Patient)
Press [+] in front of the actual patient record and select the
desired examination.
The Examination List window is displayed (see
Figure 2-2).
In a network environment, if the user tries to open a patient
record or an examination that is already opened by another user,
EchoPAC PC User's Manual13
a warning message is displayed. Do NOT attempt to open the
study that is already opened by another user.
Patient record management
1. Press one of the headings to sort the list
2. Select new archive and other pre-defined
3. The system can be configured to display the
Advanced search tool as default (see page 322)
The Search/Create patient window may be slightly different depending on the Dataflow selected.
4. Select the column heading border and drag to
adjust column width
5. Expended Patient record displaying belonging
Figure 2-1: The Search/Create Patient window
14EchoPAC PC User's Manual
Patient record management
1. The information displayed in the Patient list is
configurable (see page 322).
2. Go to Search/Create Patient window (see
page 14)
3. Insert pre-defined text in the Comment field
4. Select the column heading border and drag to
adjust column width
Figure 2-2: The Examination list window
Advanced search
The list of searching
filters may vary depending on the
dataflow selected
EchoPAC PC User's Manual15
To restrain the search to a specific patient group, one or more
filters may be applied to the search. The table below shows the
filters applicable to a patient search:
Searching filter
Diag. code
Date of birth (time span)
Patient record management
Examination date (time span)
Current date
Stress examinations
Sorting data
The search result can be sorted according to the fields
displayed in the patient list, in ascending or descending order.
To sor t data
1.In the Patient list field, click on the header by which the sort
is to be performed (Figure 2-1, page 14).
The patient list is sorted in ascending order according to
the field selected.
2.Click once more on the header.
The patient list is sorted in descending order according to
the field selected.
Searching filter
Printing patient list
1.In the Search/Create patient window, select Print Patients.
The displayed patient list is printed.
16EchoPAC PC User's Manual
Patient record management
Editing Referral Reasons, Comments and
The user is responsible for patient demographic data, diagnostic
information or any other patient related information entered in
Use the Arrow keys
to move text marker.
the database.
The user can edit the actual text in the Examination List
window (see Figure 2-2) using the alphanumeric keyboard and
by inserting pre-defined text input.
Text edition
1.In the Examination list window (Figure 2-2), select the
required field to activate the text marker.
2.Using the alphanumeric keyboard, edit the information.
Inserting pre-defined text input
1.In the Examination list window, press Insert Text for the
actual field.
The Insert text window is displayed (see Figure 2-3).
The pre-defined text list is organized in a three level
hierarchy. Selecting one item in the first column displays
pre-defined text entries related to the selected text in the
second and third column.
2.Navigate through the pre-defined text list by selecting items
in the columns and double-click on the desired pre-defined
text to be inserted. If an entry in the third column is inserted,
the selected text in the second column is also inserted.
Press More>> to display the full text for the selected entry.
Figure 2-3: The Insert text window
EchoPAC PC User's Manual17
Patient record management
Creating, editing and deleting text input
These features are described in the section ’Direct report’ on
page 90.
Diagnosis code
Entering a Diagnosis code
1.In the Examination list window, select Code (see
Figure 2-2).
The Entered Code window is displayed.
2.Select Add.
The Code list window is displayed.
3.Double-click the code to enter.
The Code selected is displayed in the Examination list window.
1. The Entered code window
2. The Code list window
Figure 2-4: Entering Diagnosis codes
Deleting an entered Diagnosis code
1.In the Examination list window, select Code (see
Figure 2-2).
2.In the Entered code window, select the code to delete and
press Delete.
Creating a Diagnosis code
1.In the Examination list window, select Code (see
18EchoPAC PC User's Manual
Patient record management
Figure 2-2).
The Entered code window is displayed.
2.Select Add.
The Code list window is displayed.
3.Select New.
4.Enter the new code.
5.Select Done to exit.
See also ’The diagnostic codes sheet’ on page 308.
EchoPAC PC User's Manual19
Patient record management
Editing demographic data
If you modify the Patient ID, Last name, First name or Date of
birth on a patient in the archive, be aware that the contents of the
archived images for that patient is not updated. If the images are
still in the buffer and not yet archived, the image files are updated
if you modify any patient information, but not if the images are
archived. So if any of these images are later on exported to
DICOM media or DICOM server, they will still contain the original
patient information, as it was before you did the modification in
the archive. The system does not alter the contents of the image
files at all when doing DICOM export.
The demographic data for a selected patient record can be
edited from the Patient Information window.
Do NOT use '\' or '^' in patient information fields, as these
characters might cause problems with some DICOM devices.
1.Select a patient record (see page 13) and press Patient
Info in the Examination List window (see Figure 2-2).
The Patient information window is displayed (see
Figure 2-5).
2.Edit the information using the keyboard or by choosing a
new selection from the drop-down menus.
Select the patient information category to enter application
specific patient information (Displayed when the button
More is depressed, see Figure 2-5.).
20EchoPAC PC User's Manual
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