GE Critikon Dinamap Compact NIBP User manual

17 March 1997
Author: O Eagles
Rev R. No. Checked by Date Approved by Date Reason for Change
01 IN294 A Coombes 27 May 1997 G A Thomas 27 May 1997 Original Document
02 R168 A Coombes 5 Dec 1997 G A Thomas 10 Dec 1997 CR756 Add Binnary comms
Describe new protocol software in V5.7. Also add new Host Comms features and UI Interface changes
Copyright in this document belongs to Critikon Ltd. The information contained herein which is confidential belongs to Critikon Ltd. This document is not to be used for any purpose whatsoever without the prior written consent of Critikon Ltd.
Critikon Ltd
Host Communications Reference Manual
DINAMAP Compact Monitor
Host Communications
Reference Manual
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Host Communications Reference Manual
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Host Communications Reference Manual
CONTENTS OF MESSAGES............................................................................................6
COMMUNICATIONS ERRORS.........................................................................................9
MONITOR MODES OF OPERATION..............................................................................11
UNIT IDENTIFIERS.........................................................................................................12
PARAMETER IDENTIFIERS AND COMMANDS............................................................13
NON-INVASIVE BLOOD PRESSURE COMMANDS.......................................................................................16
PULSE OXIMETRY COMMANDS.....................................................................................................................20
PRINTER COMMANDS.......................................................................................................................................21
HEART/PULSE RATE COMMANDS.................................................................................................................22
TEMPERATURE COMMANDS...........................................................................................................................23
THE “STAR” COMMANDS..................................................................................................................................26
APPENDIX A. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS..........................................................29
APPENDIX B. ASCII CHECKSUM CALCULATION......................................................30
APPENDIX C. NEGATIVE ACKNOWLEDGE CODES..................................................32
APPENDIX D. MESSAGES WITH CHECKSUMS.........................................................33
APPENDIX E. ALARM FLAG ENCODING....................................................................34
APPENDIX F. BINARY OUTPUT...................................................................................35
APPENDIX G. PROTOCOL REVISION NUMBERS......................................................48
APPENDIX I. 1846 COMPATIBILITY.............................................................................49
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Host Communications Reference Manual


This publication describes the detailed design of the host communications protocol for the DINAMAP Compact Model 7200 family of Monitors.
This document describes Host Protocol revision 01
For a further discussion of the host communications protocol revision number, see (APPENDIX G. PROTOCOL REVISION NUMBERS)
To understand what follows, the reader should have a rudimentary understanding of the C programming language. Data structures and small code fragments have been written using C language notation.
The reader must also understand the concepts of bit, character and message. A bit has the usual definition. A character is an ordered set of eight bits. Messages are ordered sets of characters.
The message is the basic indivisible unit of communications between the host computer and the DINAMAP Compact Monitor. Messages going from the host to the Monitor are called command messages or just commands. Messages going from the Monitor to the host are called response messages or just responses.
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Host Communications Reference Manual


Messages are passed back and forth between the host computer and the DINAMAP Compact Monitor on an asynchronous, serial, duplex communications link. The default data rate is 9600 bits per second and can be changed. See (APPENDIX A. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS) for a detailed description of this electrical and mechanical interface.
Characters are sent as 1 start bit, followed by 8 data bits (low order bit first), followed by 1 stop bit. ASCII characters
occupy the low order 7 bits of an 8 bit data field. The 8th bit is always zero for ASCII characters. In this document, single ASCII characters and strings of ASCII characters are given in double quotes. These character strings all use the Courier type face; e.g., “This string uses Courier type face”. The carriage return character is represented by the symbol <CR>, which also uses the Courier type face.
All commands and most responses are made up from a subset of the ASCII code set. The only ASCII characters used in this protocol are the printable ASCII characters (values of 32 through 126 or ′ ′ through ~, inclusive) and the carriage return character (value of 13). By special dispensation, the DINAMAP Compact Monitor ignores the ASCII null character (value of 0).
A valid message is made up of the following sequence of characters:
where "x…x" is a string of from 1 to 126 printable ASCII characters that represent the contents of the message and “ss” is the checksum. The checksum is a 12-bit sum embedded in two printable ASCII characters. The method of calculation of the checksum is described in (APPENDIX B. ASCII CHECKSUM CALCULATION).
Command messages from the host computer to the
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DINAMAP Compact Monitor are either normal commands or a negative acknowledge command.
Normal Commands:
where “u” is the unit address, “p” is a single character parameter identifier, “c” is a single character command identifier, “d…d” is a string of from 0 to 123 characters of command data, and “ss” is a two character checksum.
Negative Acknowledge Command (NACK):
where “u” is the unit address, the ASCII minus sign is the first character of the command string, “n” is a single decimal digit and “ss” is the checksum. See (APPENDIX C. NEGATIVE ACKNOWLEDGE CODES) for the meaning of “n”.
Responses from the Monitor to the host computer are either normal responses, negative acknowledge responses, or fatal error responses.
Normal Response:
The normal command and the normal response have the same structure.
Negative Acknowledge Response (NACK):
The NACK command and the NACK response have the
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same structure.
In the previous paragraphs, the message strings were explicitly shown to include the two checksum characters and the terminating carriage return character. In the rest of this document, these trailing characters are not shown, but their existence is implied and their presence is required.
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A number of errors can be detected by either the host or the DINAMAP Compact Monitor:
Illegal character errors — Character received is
not in the range of ‘ ’to ‘~’,
Serial input overrun — Host or Monitor can't
keep up with the other side. Since this protocol is fully interlocked, this should never happen.
Message checksum error — Last two
characters of the message don't agree with the locally-computed checksum.
Incorrect message length.
Invalid parameter identifier — Parameter
identifier, ‘p’, is not valid for the Monitor.
Invalid command identifier — Command
identifier, ‘c’, isn't valid for this parameter identifier ‘p’.
Timeout errors — Either 3 character times has
elapsed between non-<CR> characters, or 5 seconds have elapsed after sending a command and no response has occurred. This error is only detected by the host.
Each of the previous errors can be either a low-level error or a high-level error. Low-level errors are illegal character, input overrun, and message checksum errors. All other errors are high-level errors. If either a low-level or high-level error is detected by the host or a high level error is detected by the DINAMAP Compact Monitor, the side that detects the error should send the appropriate NACK message (see (APPENDIX C. NEGATIVE ACKNOWLEDGE CODES). If a low-level error is detected by the Monitor, the Monitor quietly
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ignores the error. This behavior should cause a “response message timeout” to occur at the host.
When a NACK message is received by either the host or the DINAMAP Compact Monitor, the receiver should re­transmit the last valid message. The Monitor does not impose a retry limit on NACK messages. The host computer should, however, impose whatever limit is appropriate for the particular application. If the Monitor receives a NACK before the first valid message after it was turned on, the Monitor quietly ignores it.
The DINAMAP Compact Monitor does not impose any timeout between received characters, but the host computer should. If power is removed from the Monitor before it can finish sending a response, then the host will wait forever for the response to finish. The Monitor never takes more than 2 character times to send the next character of a response message.
The host computer should also impose a limit on the time to wait for the first character of a response. The Monitor never takes more than 5 seconds after receipt of the carriage return character before it starts sending the response. If this timeout occurs, one of three situations has probably occurred;
1. the Monitor has been turned off,
2. the Monitor is on battery power and the batteries have discharged, or
3. a communications error has occurred on the carriage return character terminating the command.
To deal with this third situation, the host should send an illegal character (say, a 127) followed by a carriage return character. This forces any partial command to be rejected and the Monitor to respond with a NACK message.
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The DINAMAP Compact Monitor can be in any one of four modes (or states). It's the responsibility of the host to keep track of the state so the host display can clearly indicate when the Monitor is not in normal operate mode. These states are:
Power-Off Mode. The Monitor is switched off and cannot respond to any command.
Operate Mode. This is the normal operating mode of the Monitor. The host computer can send commands and receive status messages.
Service Mode. When the Monitor is in service mode, the host communications protocol still functions. The host software can determine if service mode is active and should make this clear to the user of the host software. Service mode can only be entered from the Monitor front panel (the procedure that puts the Monitor into service mode is described in the service manual). Once in service mode, operate mode can only be restored by entering power-off mode.
Safe-State Mode. When an internal error is detected, the Monitor enters the “safe state.” The valves are open, the pump is off and the Monitor ignores all command messages. Once in safe-state mode, operate mode can only be restored by entering power-off mode.
If the DINAMAP Compact Monitor is in power-off mode, service mode, or safe-state mode, the host software should take care that it's display doesn't lead the user to believe that the Monitor is still in operate-mode.
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Normal commands start with a unit identifier. The unit identifier can be any character from ‘ ’ to ’~’. The DINAMAP Compact monitor defaults to unit identifier ‘ ’
The DINAMAP Compact Monitor responds to either of two addresses. One of these addresses is always ‘ ’. The other address can be set from the front panel of the Monitor. In point-to-point applications, host software should use the blank character as the address identifier.
In multi-drop applications, the host software should use the unit identifier character that the user can set by selecting from the “Main Menu/ More/Service/System/Comms” screen on the Monitor. The identifier character must be unique for all Monitors on a single multi-drop line.
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Host Communications Reference Manual


Normal commands have the following form:
where “u” is the unit identifier, “p” is a single character parameter identifier, “c” is a single character command identifier, “d…d” is a string of from 0 to 123 characters of command data, and “ss” is a two character checksum.
Parameter identifiers are assigned as follows:
“N” Non-invasive blood pressure “O” Pulse oximeter “P” Printer “R” Heart or pulse rate “T” Temperature “*” DINAMAP Compact Monitor— Non-
Each parameter identifier has associated with it a set of command identifiers. The command identifiers do not have fixed meaning and must be interpreted in the context of the specified parameter identifier.
The following sections of this document contain detailed descriptions of the commands and responses associated with each parameter identifier. Note that the trailing checksum and carriage return characters have been omitted from these descriptions for clarity only and are still required on the actual commands.
Certain general rules apply to command messages:
Send commands exactly as shown. Don't send too many or too few characters.
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If a field in a command is numeric, don't send commands with letters or special characters in that field.
If, due to a host program bug, the above rules are violated, the DINAMAP Compact Monitor may not gracefully ignore the command. If the checksum is good, the Monitor may process the command and produce unexpected results.
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Certain general rules apply to response messages:
The host should first inspect the status fields in a response message before any data field is displayed or processed. Unless otherwise specified, data fields of response messages are undefined if the status fields of that response message show the parameter to be off, unplugged, in standby mode, or some other unusal condition.
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All DINAMAP Compact Monitor models have one channel of non-invasive blood pressure. The following commands are valid:
Read non-invasive blood pressure status
Determination status
“0” - Busy “1” - Done OK “2” - Not used “3” - Determination failed (N99) “4” - Pumpup timeout (N33) “6” - Total time timeout (N44) “7” - One-pressure timeout (N55) “8” - Overpressure (N00) “9” - Unknown NIBP status
Adult/neonate status
“0” - Unknown “1” - Adult “2” - Neonate
Determination type
“0” - Normal mode “1” - Stat mode
Time since last determination of systolic diastolic and mean arterial pressure (in seconds, 0 - 5400)
Systolic pressure
Diastolic pressure
Mean arterial pressure
Read cuff pressure channel
Determination-in-progress indicator
“0” - Determination in progress “1” - Determination not in progress
Current pressure
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Start a determination
Type of determination
“0” - Non-stat “1” - Stat mode
Determination started OK
The determination was not started or network remote control disabled
Cancel a determination
Determination cancelled OK
Determination not in progress or network remote control disabled
Read NIBP alarm limits
Systolic low limit
Systolic high limit
Diastolic low limit
Diastolic high limit
Mean low limit
Mean high limit
The “time since last determination” field in the “uNA” command only counts up to 5,400 seconds (90 minutes). If this field contains a value greater than 5,399, then the determination is too old and the exact age is unknown. In this case, the values in the systolic, diastolic and MAP, adult/neonate and determination type fields are undefined.
All fields of the “uNA” command except the status field become valid after a good NIBP determination has completed. During a determination, the status field shows that the determination is in progress and all other fields show
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the results of the last good determination (if one existed and isn't too old).
If an in-progress determination completes abnormally, all the fields of the “uNA” command except the status field retain their old values. In this case, the status field shows the reason the determination terminated abnormally.
If an NIBP determination is cancelled, the status goes back to “Done OK.” However, the “time since last determination” is not reset. To properly detect the completion of a good determination, the host computer should see the status go from “Busy” to “Done OK” and the “time since last determination” go backwards. Note that the host computer may actually miss a time of exactly 0. The host computer should therefore simply look for time to go backwards.
The “uNCa” and “uND” commands can be disabled by the user from the DINAMAP Compact Monitor front panel. This control is in the SERVICE menu. The path to this screen is:
Main Menu/More/Service/System/Comms
If network control is disabled, these commands respond with a NACK.
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