Lighting Solutions
The totally enclosed and weather-resistant luminaire designated _______ (identify) shall be a GE CRITERION™ AREA LIGHTING luminaire, ordering number _______ (specify CHMX, CVMX,
CHLX or CVLX, plus ordering number logic from catalog) or approved equal, to operate one _______
(specify 250, 400 watt high pressure sodium or _______ (spec-
ify 250, 400, 1000) watt metal halide mogul base lamp from
a nominal _______ (specify 120, 208, 240, 277 or 480) volt,
60 Hertz power source. The luminaire will include an integral
prewired SnapDrive™ ballast assembly and optical assembly that shall produce a _______ (specify narrow, wide, forward throw, square) distribution. The luminaire shall have UL/
cUL1598 Listed SUITABLE FOR WET LOCATIONS. The luminaire
shall be equipped with an activated charcoal breath-way for
clean ventilation and long term maintained foot-candle levels.
Ballast , housing, optical, and luminaire assembly shall all be
built to GE Lighting Systems specifications.
The luminaire shall include a die-cast aluminum housing with
a polyester powder paint finish, glass lens, and continuous
silicone gasket with no gaps to insure sealing. The luminaire
shall have tool-less entry or optional tamper-resistant entry to
prevent unauthorized entry. Door removal is accomplished by
loosening hinge screw(s) for quick and simple removal. All hardware shall be corrosion-resistant . The luminaire shall have provision for optional factory installed photoelectric control. The
luminaire shall be installed on decorative arm _______ [specify
4, 8, 12 (horizontal) 8, 12 (vertical)] inches long either _______
(specify square, round) cut. The luminaire design shall be tested
and certified to withstand 2 G300,000 cycle first harmonic 3
axis (100K cycles in each major axis) shake test followed by a 4
G 10,00 cycle shake test without any major failures.
- 400 watts. Each SnapDrive™ Electrical system shall have a
receptacle that is compatible with the GE Diagnostic Tester
that will enable easy electrical testing and trouble shooting.
The optical assembly shall have a precision hydroformed aluminum reflector that has a chemically bonded lightweight nonbreakable ALGLAS® finish on all surfaces for precise light control in combination with heat and impact resistant tempered
lens. Reflector design shall be optimized for compact metal
halide lamps. Reflectors shall be 270-degree field rotatable. The
luminaire shall be supported by a dedicated web site that will
contain down-loadable IES photometric files.
Ballast , ignitor, capacitor and printed circuit board wiring shall
be installed onto a modular SnapDrive™ Electrical System
that snaps in and out of the luminaire without tools. Voltage
changes, wattage changes (250 or 400 watt only), the addition
of optional EZAdd™ quartz switching device (400 watt only) and
optional EZAdd™ 400 watt HPS bi-level switching shall be accomplished with the use of quick-change jumpers that shall be
located on the ballast printed circuit board. SnapDrive™ Electrical Systems shall be interchangeable into other luminaires in
the Criterion™ family of the same wattage size. The luminaire
shall contain a standard Auto-regulator (CWA) or Lag ballast for
use with metal halide, or high-pressure sodium lamps. Optional
factory installed fusing shall be available for all discrete voltages and wattages. The ballast shall be compliant with NEMA
specifications and lamp manufacturers specifications at the
time of manufacture. The ballast shall reliably start and operate the lamp in ambient temperatures down to -20 degrees F
for metal halide and -40 degrees F for high pressure sodium.
Pulse start metal halide ballasts shall be available from 250
Guide Form Specifications – 2011

GE Lighting Solutions • 1-888-MY-GE-LED • www.gelightingsolutions.com
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GE Lighting Solutions is a subsidiary of the General Electric Company. Evolve and other trademarks belong to GE Lighting Solutions. The GE brand and logo are trademarks of the General Electric Company.
© 2011 GE Lighting Solutions. Information provided is subject to change without notice. All values are design or typical values when measured under laboratory conditions.