• Side by Side
Safety Information .......... 2-4
For Australia and New Zealand...21
Operating Instructions
Automatic Icemaker ........... 10
Controls ..................... 5
Ice and Water Dispenser . ...... 11
Shehes, Bins and Racks ....... 6-8
Storage Drawers .............. 9
Care and Cleaning ....... 12, 13
Replacing the Light Bulbs ...... 13
Installation Instruc_tions .... 14-16
For Australia and
New Zealand .............. 22-24
Troubleshooting Tips
Befbre You (:all For Service . . .18-20
Normal Operating Sounds ...... 17
C6te "ac6te
La section fran_aise commence a la page 26
I,ado a lad()
La seccion en espafiol empieza en la pagina 50
Write }tourmodel and serial numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
Find these numbers on a label inside
the refrigerator compartment at the top
on the right side behind the controls.
EXPORT 19703352P008 49-80472 08-08 Jfl

Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this Owner's Manual
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should be foflowed, including the following:
it::This refl'igerator must be properly installed
and located in accordance with the Installation
Instructions before it is used. Also see the How to
Connect Electricity section.
:_;_Do not attempt to stand on top of the refl'igerator.
Doing st) may result in bodily iqjury or damage to
the refl'igera tor.
;;_Do not allow children to play with the refl'igerator
or tamper with the controls.
i)_:Do not allow children to climb, stand or hang on
the shelves in the refl'igerator. Thev could damage
the refl'igerator and seriously it_jm'e themselves.
;_J/Do not touch the cold surfaces in the fl'eezer
compartment when hands are damp or wet.
Skin may stick t() these extremely cold surtaces.
::_¢Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable
w_pors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any
other appliance.
::_¢In refl'igerators with automatic icemakers, awfid
contact with the moving parts of the ejector
mechanism, or with the heating element located
on the bottom of the icemaker. Do not place
fingers or hands on the automatic icemaking
mechanism while the refl'igerator is plugged in.
it::Installation of the icemaker must be done by
a qualified service technician.
::_Keep fingers out of the "pinch point" areas;
clearances between the doors and between the
doors and cabinet are necessarily small. Be carefifl
closing doors when children are in the area.
::_Llnplug the refl_igerator beli_re cleaning and
making repairs.
NOTE: We strongly recommend that any servicing be
performed by a qualified individual.
::_Before replacing a burned-out light bulb, the
refrigerator should be unplugged in order to avoid
contact with a live wire filament. (A bm'ned-out
light bulb may break when being replaced.)
NOTE: Turningthe freezer control to the 0 position does not
remove power to the h_?htcircuit.
::_¢Do not refreeze fl'ozen foods which have thawed

(_hild enti'ai)ment and suffocation are not problen_s
of the past.,]m_ked or abandoned refl'igeratm_ are
still dangerous...even if they will sit fin" "just a few
days." If you are getting rid of your old refl'igerator,
please fi)llow the instluctions below to help i)revent
Before You Throw Away YourOld Refrigerator
or Freezer:
!i_Take off the doors and discard separately.
!i?:I,eaxe the shelxes in place so that children max
not easilx climb inside,
iJi::If the refrigerator has a lock, make it mmsable.
_M1 refl'igeration products contain refl'igerants,
which under fe(leI'al law must be removed prior
to i)roduct (lisposal. If you are getting rid of an
old refl_igeration i)roduct, check with the comi)ai_y
hai_dling the disposal about what to do.

The power cord of this appliance is equipped with
an earthing plug which mates with a standard
earthed wall outlet to minimize the possibility of
electric shock hazard fl'om this appliance.
Have the wall outlet and circuit checked bv a
qualified electrician to make sure the outlet is
properly earthed.
Where an unearthed wall outlet is encountered,
it is veto" personal responsibili V and obligation to
have it replaced with a properly earthed wall outlet.
The refrigerator should
always be i)lugged into
its own individual
electrical outlet.
This provides the
best pertimnance
and also prevents
overloading house
wiring circuits which could cause a fire hazard fl'om
overheated wires. Please relk_r to the rating plate on
the reli'igerator for the correct voltage, wattage and
fl'equency. If the product i)lug does not fit your
outlet, the product should be fitted with a new plug.
existsbeforeusing. II I_'_
Earthingplug_ _ll_T)
IMPORTANT."Therefittlbg of electric plugs and cables should
be done bya quafified technician orservice agent Insome
countries the refitting of electric plugs and cablesis on/}/
permitted when the work is completed bya quafified technician.
If the power supply cord becomes damaoed_ , it must
be replaced by a qualified serxice agent in order to
axoid a safety hazard.
Ne',er tin )luo
power cord. Always, grip I)lug firml) and pull ,strai_*ht
out fl'om the outlet.
Repair or replace immediately all power cords that
have become fl'aved or otherwise damaged. Do not
use a cord that shows cracks or abrasion damage
along its length or at either end.
When moving the refrigerator away from the
wall, be carefifl not to roll over or damage the
power cord.
I _ yore" refrigerator b) pulling on the
Mains lead replacement
If the mains lead on your refrigerator needs
replacing at any time, it must be replaced by a
special lead which is obtainable fl'om veto" local
dealer. A charge will be made fi)r the replacement
of the mains lead if wm have damaged the lead.
The refrigerator must be positioned so that the plug
is accessible.

Aboutthe controls onthe refrigerator.
Yourcontrols will look like one of the following:
Startup Steps for Proper Temperature Control
STEP l--Set Fresh Food Control on "5{
STEP 2--Set Freezer Control on "5."
STEP %-W, MT 12HOURS tot temperature to stabilize.
STEP _-]fa change is needed, moxe tile control one number at a time and allo_x 12hom_
for temperature to stabilize.
NOTE:Setting tile controls to the 0 (off) position does not l_mo_e power to tile light circuit.
Controlsettings will vary based on personal preferences, usage and
operating conditions and may require more than one adjustment.
(_WarrniO _Warme_r_
0 is Off / 5 is Norrnat / 9 is Coldest
® ® ® ®
Hold 3 seconds
Ambient Room Temperature Limits
This refrigerator is designed to operate in ambient temperatures specified by
its Temperature Class, which is marked on the rating plate.
Symbol Ambient Temperature
Maximum Minimum
32 °C 10 °C
32 °C 16 °(2
38 °C 18 °C
43 °C 18 °C
NOTE:/ntema/temperature may be affectedbysuchfactorsas the/ocation of the refrigerator,
ambient temperatureand frequencyof dooropenings.Adjust temperaturecontro/s as required
tocompensatefor these factors.

Abouttherefrigeratorshelves andbins.
Not all features are on all models.
Bins on the Refrigerator Compartment Boor
A@ustable bins can easily be carried t]'om
refl-Jgerator to work area.
To remove: I,ifl the fl'ont of the bin up, then
pull out.
To replace orrelocate:Engage the bin in the
molded supports of the do(m and push in.
Bin will lock in })lace.
Rearranging the Shelves
The snuggerhelps prevent tipping, spilling or
sliding ot small items stored on the door shelt_
}'lace a finge*" on either side ot the divider
near the rear and move it back and torth to
fit your needs.
Refrigerator Shelves:
0 LiftuFanoout el]It up
lockin place
Freezer Shelves:
Remove the basket by pulling it fl_rward,
lifting up the fl'ont and sliding it past the
freezerbasketsarenotused Storageof itemsin
thefreezerwithoutusingbasketsmayresult in
of airflow within thefreezercompartment.

Slide-Out Spillproof Shelf (onsomemodels)
The slide-out spillproof shelf alh_ws you to
reach items stored behind othe_. The special
edges are designed to help prevent spills fi'om
dripping to lower shelves.
Spillproof Shelves (onsomemodels)
Spillproof shelves have special ed_es to help
prexent spills from dripping to lower shelxes,
Quick Space Sheff (onsomemodels)
,k _ ......... _ This shelf splits in half and slides under itself
fiw storage of tall items on the shelf below,
Oeep Ooor Shelves
Detachable shelf extenders deepen and
enclose fixed door shel_ es, providing more
,stor'_oe,_room and greater storage flexibility.
Makesureyoupushtheshelvesall thewaybackin
To replace" En ,a ,e the shelf extender in the
molded suppo_s on the doo_ and push in.
It xSll lock in place.
TO remove: I,i'* the she', extelldel" S[l',ti_ht tip
then pull ()tit.

Abouttheadditional features.
Not all features are on all models.
ShelfSaver TM Rack
Use this rack to store bexerage cans for
easy access.
Loading the Freezer Compartment
I,oad so that at least 15 mm of space remains
clear between stacks of packages and 15 mm
to 95 mm of space between the top of any
stack and anv shelf or basket above it.
Packages may hang over the front of shelves
but must remain l 5 mm fl'om doors.
::J?::Food to be frozen illtlSt ilOt be placed
in direct contact with tood in storage.
If ti)od is to be frozen every (la 5 it may
be necessary to reduce the quantity to
be frozen.
_: If a quantity of tood needs to be fl'ozen,
set the ti'eezer control to its coldest setting.
_Mter the tood is frozen, reset the freezer
control to its initial position.
N Food is most quickly fl'ozen on the middle
three shelves of the fl'eezer compartment
and most slowly in the freezer door
It can also hold a 22 cm x 33 cm baking
::Ji::Do not store commercially quick-fl'ozen
tood longer than the time recommended
bv the ti)od n/anufilcturers.
::J?::If the power to the appliance is shut off tot
an extended time or if the refl_igerating
system tails, do not open the doors tmless
absolumlv necessary. When it is necessary,
close them as quicl(ly as possible so the
frozen tood will stay ti'ozen as long as
_: The freezer door storage shelves marked
with a two-star label are only ai)i)ropriate
fi)r the storage of previously fl'ozen fi)od.
Effervescent drinks should not be stored in the
freezer compartment.
Freezer Performance
This Refrigerator/Freezer has an merall
"Four Star" ratillg.
Freezer pertormance is classified by star
ratim,s defined bx ]SO 85(; 1 STANDARD
Load Limiting Line: _' _
On models 20 and 22, h zen ti)od l)acka°es_, should
not be loaded aboxe the load limiting line h)cated at
the back of the fl'eezer compartment.
Beh)w -12 °C.
Beh_w -18 °C.
Howexer, these limited areas haxe a two star
rating as permitted b) the standard:
Models I_ocafion of Og_) Freezer Shelves
20, 22 Without i(emaker: All ti'et_zer door shelves.
20,22 With i(emaker: All tieezer door shelves and
the shelf above the i(e bu( ket.
2,') With icenlaker: All fieezer door shelves.

Aboutthestorage drawers.
Not all features are on all models.
Storage Drawers
Excess water that ma_ accumulate in the
bottom of the dra_ers should be _il)ed (h).
ttumi,t#v Csmrol
/ / _ ]1 Trivet
Adjustable Humidity Drawers
Slide the control all the wa_ to the High
or J setting, to l)r°xide high humidit_
recommended for most xegetables.
Trivet and Divider (onsome
The trivet is designed to keep yore" fluits and vegetables off
the floor of the drawer and awa_ from any moisture that
might form. The dixider will keep the larger fluits and
xegetables, from thlliw,_ or rolling, onto the more delicate
ones. B) lifting straight up on the dixider, you can detach it
from the trixet and ac!iust it from side to side, then push
down and into position.
Adjustable Temperature Drawer
The a(!iustable temperature drawer has its
own cold air duct to allow a stream of cold
air fl'om the fl'eezer compartment to flow
around the drawer.
The variable temperature control regulates
the air flow from the freezer compartment.
Slide the control all the way to the Lower
,settino_ to provide lower hmniditv le_ els
i'ecoi/ti/t ended tor IX)ost h )tits.
Set control lever tip to convert the drawer
to normal refligerator temperature. Cold air
duct is turned off. Variable settings between
these extremes can be selected.
Set control lever down to the coldest setting
to store fresh meats. If lever is leit in meat
position tot a long period of time, some fl'ost
may form on the inside of the drawer.
Aboutstoragedrawer removal
Not all features are on all models.
When replacing flTedrawers, make
sure you slide them through the
drawer guides.
Drawer Removal
Drawers can easily be removed b) tilting up
slightly and pulling past stop location.
If the door prevents you fl'om taking out
the drawers, the reiiigerator will need to
be rolled Ire'ward until the door opens
enough to slide the drawers out. In some
cases, when w)u roll the refrigerator ottt,
wm will need to move the refrigerator to
the left as wm roll it out.

A newly-installed refrigerator may take 12-24 hours to begin making ice.
Power Automatic Icemaker (onsome models)
The icemaker will produce seven cubes
per cycle--approximately 100-130 cubes
in a 24-hour period, depending on fl'eezer
coI/ipaFtIllent {el/lpel'attlFe, Fooill
temperature, number of door openings
and other use conditions.
If the refl'igerator is operated befl_re the
water connection is made to the icemaker,
set the power switch in the O position.
When the refl'igerator has been connected
to the water supply, set the power switch to
the Iposition.
The icemaker will fill with water when it
cools to fi'eezing. A newly-installed
refi'igerator mav take 12 to 24 hom_ to
begin making ice cubes.
You will hear a buzzing somld each time the
icemaker fills with water.
Thro_ awa) the first few batches of ice to
allow the water line to clear.
Be sure nothing interferes with the sweep
of the feeler arm.
It is normal for several cubes to be joined
If ice is not used fl'equently, old ice cubes will
become cloud> taste stale and shrink. If the
ice cubes become stuck in the icemaker, turn
off the icemakel; remo\ e the ctlbes and ttlrn
the icemaker back on.
There is at?upper freezer shelf
above fl?eicemaker that cat?be
used for storage.
WARNING: Connect topotable water supply
only, Installation of the icemaker must fie
done by a qualified service technician.
/ 77
_'\ hen the bin fills to the level of the feeler
arm, the icemaker will stop producing ice.
Ice Storage Drawer
Toaccess ice, pull the drawer out.
Toremove the drawer, pull it straight out
and lift it past the stop location.
Icemaker Accessory Kit
If )our refl'igerator did not COlne already
equipped with an automatic icemaker,
an icelnaker accessory kit is axailable at
extra cost.
Check the back of the refl-igerator for the
specific icemaker kit needed tor wmr model.
WARNING: Connect to potable water supply
on/_ Installation of the icemaker must be
done by a qualified service technician.

Aboutthe ice and water dispenser.
On some models
Select CUBED ICE _ , CRUSHED ICE _-_ (>r
Press tile glass gently against tile top of tile
dispenser cradle.
Tile spill shelf is not self-draining. To reduce
water spotting, tile shelf and its grille should
be cleaned regularly.
If no water is dispensed when the refrigerator is first
instal/eci, there may be ak in the water hne system.
Pressthe dispenser arm for at least two minutes to
remove trapped ak from the water line and to tiff the
water system. Toflush out impur/ties in the water
line, throwaway the first slX g/assfu/s of water
CAUTION: Never put fingers or any other
objects into the ice crusher discharge opening.
Ice Storage Drawer
on Dispenser Models
Set tile i(emaker power switch to tile
0 position. Pull tile drawer straight out
and then lift past tile step position.
When replacing tile drawer, make sm'e to
push it firmly into place. If it does not go
all tile way back, rem_we it and rotate tile
drive mechanism 1/4 turn. Then push tile
drawer back again.
Locking the Dispenser (onsome models}
pad fi)r 3 seconds to lock
tile dispenser and control
panel. To unlock, press
LOCKCONTROL for 5 seconds.
and hold tile pad again
This pad turns tile night
light in tile dispenser on
and off. Tile light also
coIIleS on when tile
dispenser cradle is pressed.
If this light bm'ns out, it
should be replaced with
a 6 watt maximmn, 12 volt
DC bulb.
Important Facts About Your Dispenser
_: Do not add ice fi'om trays or bags to
tile storage bin. It may not crush or
dispense well.
_: A\'oid overfilling glass with ice and use
of narrow glasses. Backed-up ice can jam
the chute or cause the door in the chute
to fl'eeze shut. If ice is blocking the chute,
poke it through with a wooden spoon.
iJi::Beverages and ti)o(ls should not be quick-
chilled in the ice storage bin. Cans, bottles
or food packages in tile storage bin may
ca use tile icemaker or auger to jam.
_: Some cHlshed ice may be dispensed even
though you selected CUBED ICE.This
happens occasionally when a few cubes
have been lett in the c_usher.
_: Atter crashed ice is dispensed, some water
may drip fl'om tile chute.
iJi::Sometimes a small molmd of snow will
ti)rm on tile door in tile ice chute. This
condition is normal and usually occm's
when you have dispensed crushed ice
repeatedly. Tile snow will eventually
CAUTION: Someproducts such as water ices should
not be consumed too co/cL

Careand cleaning of the refrigerator.
Cleaning the Outside
The dispenser drip area, (on some models)
beneath the grille, should be wiped dry.
_'ater left in this area ma_ leaxe deposits.
Dispenser drip area.
Remoxe the deposits b) adding tmdiluted
xinegar to the well. Soak tmtil the deposits
disappear or becoi/le loose enotl(rh_ to
rinse _lxv_lvk
The dispenser cradle (on some models).
Betore cleaning, lock the dispenser by
pressing and holding the LOCI( CONTROL pad
tot 3 seconds. Clean with warm water and
baking soda solution--about a tablespoon
(l 5 ml) of baking soda to a quart (l liter)
of water. Rinse thoroughly and wipe dry.
Cleaning the Inside
The door handles and trim. Clean with a
cloth dampened with soap) water. Dr_
with a soft cloth.
Keep the outside clean. Wipe with a clean
cloth lightly dampened with kitchen
al)l)liance wax or mild liquid dish detergent.
Dry and polish with a clean, soft cloth.
Do not w/_)ethe refngeretor with a soiled dish cloth
or wet towel Thesemay leave aresidue that can
erode thepaint. Do not use scouring pads, powdered
cleaners, bleach or cleaners contaimbg bleach
because these products can scratch and weaken
the paint finish.
Tohelp prevent odors, leave an open box of
baking soda in the refl'igerator and ti'eezer
COIIll)_l I'tIIl e nts.
Unplug the refrigerator before cleaning If this
is not practical, wring excess illoisttlre ()tit
of sponge or cloth when cleaning around
switches, lights or controls.
Use warm water and baking soda solution--
about a tablespoon (l 5 ml) of baking soda
to a quart (1 liter) of water. This both cleans
and neutralizes odors. Rinse and wipe dry.
AfiLer cleaning the door gaskets, apply a thin
laver of petrolemn.jelly to the door gaskets
at the hinge side. This helps kee I) the gaskets
from sticking and bending out of shape.
Behind the Refrigerator
Be carehfl when moving the refrigerator
away fl'om the wall. All tvl)es of floor
coverings can be damaged, particularly
cushioned coverings and those with
eIl/bossed StlI'J[_l ces.
Pull the refrigerator straioht out and return
it to position by, l)ushing, it ,straioht_ in.
Drain opening in freezer compartment. During
yearly cleaning, remove bottom fl'eezer
basket and flush a solution of baking soda--
1 teaspoon (5 ml) and 2 cups (500 ml) of
hot (not boiling) wate_ through the drain
line with the hel I) of a meat baster. This
will hel I) eliminate odor and reduce the
likelihood of a clogged drain line. If drain
becomes clogged, use a meat baster and
baking soda solution to force the clog
through the drain line.
Avoid cleaning cold glass shelves with hot water
because the extreme temperature difference may
cause them to break. Handle glass shelves carefuflg
Bumping tempered g/ass can cause it to shatter
Do not wash anyplastic refrigerator parts in
the dishwasher
Moving the refl'igerator in a side direction
may result in damage to the floor covering
or refl'igerator.
When pushing the refngeretor back, make sure you
don't roll over the power cord or icemaker supply line
(on somemodels).
Preparing for Vacation
For long vacations or absences, relllOVe food
and unl)lug the reli'igerator Move the freezer
control to the 0 position, and clean the
interior with a baking soda soludon of one
tablespoon (l 5 ml) of baking soda to one
qt:mrt (l liter) of water: I,eave the doors open.
Set the icemaker power switch to the
0position and shut off the water SUl)ply
to the refrigerator.
If the temperature can drop below freezing,
have a qualified servicer drain the water
SUl)ply system (on some models) to prevent
serious property damage due to flooding.

Preparing to Move
Secure all loose items such as grille, shelves
and drawers by taping then_ securely in
place to prevent damage.
Turning the control to the 0 position does not remove power to the light circuit.
Refrigerator Compartment--Upper Light
Thisbulb/s locatedbehindthecontrols. O
O Unl)lt]g the refrigerator.
On models with pad controls--The bull)
is located near the ui)i)e_qefl rear corner
of the compartment, behind the light
shield. Remove the light shield by sliding
it forward and out of the compartment,
On models with knob controls--To
remove the light shield, push it up
and back.
Besure the refrigerator stays in an upright position
during moving.
On models with pad controls--Replace
the light shield by holding it against the
left wall and sliding up and toward the
rear wall tmtil it snaps in place.
On models with knob controls--To
replace the light shield, position the
plastic hooks on the light shield so
they fit into the holes on the back
of the control ai'ea,
Plug the refl'igerator back in.
Replace the bull) with an appliance bull)
ot the same or lower wattaoe
Refrigerator Compartment--Lower Light (onsomemodels)
This//_Tht is located above the top drawer.
Unplug the refl'igerator.
@Grasp the lip at the bottom of the light
shield and pull it up and fro'ward.
0 After rei)lacin,,_ >Ath an appliance bulb
of the same or lo_er _attage, replace
the shield.
O Plug the refrigerator back in.
Freezer Compartment
O Unplug the refrigerator.
@ Remove the shelfjtlst below the light
shield. (The shelf will be easier to
remove if it is emptied first.)
i,ifl up on the light shield to relnove.
O After rei_lacino_ with an appliance bull) of
the same or lower wattage, reinstall the
shield b) hanging it from the three tabs.
0 Reinstall the shelf and plug the
refrigerator back in.
0 UnI)lug the refl'igerator.
The bull) is located on the dispenser
under the control panel. Remove the
light bull) by tm'ning it cotmterclockwise.
0 Replace the bull) with a bull) of the same
size and watta *e
Plug the refrigerator back in.

Refri erator
Read these instructions completely and carefully.
"IMPORTANT - S.,'e_he_e
instructions for local inspector's use.
•IMPORTANT - Ob e,,e..
_oveFIlillo codes and ol"dillallces.
• Note to Installer - Besure to leave these
instructions with the Consumer.
• Note to Consumer - Keepthese instructions
for hlture reference.
• Skill level - Installation of this appliance requires
basic mechanical skills.
• Completion time - Refrigerator Installation
]5 minutes
• Proper installation is the responsibilit? of the
• Product failure due to improper installation is not
covered under the _'XTarrallt},
Models 20,22,25
_Mlow the fi_llowing clearances t0r ease of installation,
proper air circulation and plmnbing and electrical
• Sides 4 mm
• Top 25 mm
• Back 25 mm
A side clearance of 19 mm is needed fl)r a 90 ° door
opening which provides better access to the fi)od
storage aYea.
A* 1689 mm
B 800 mm
C** 864 mm
22 25
1689 mm 1746 mm
851 mm 908 mm
864 mm 864 mm
(on some models)
If the reli'igerator has an icemaker, it will have to be
connected to a cold drinking water line. An approved
water supply kit is awfilable at extra cost fl'om vom"
local distributor.
Maximum permissible inlet water pressure--8.3 bars.
Minimum permissible inlet water pressure--l.4 bars.
Installation of the icemaker must be done by a
qualified service techulcim_.
• Do not install the reflJgerator where the temperatm'e
will go below 16°C because it will not _tm often enough
to maintain proper temperatm'es.
• Install it on a floor strong enough to support it flfllv
D 121 (5m m
E 1207 mm
F 1018 mm
G 115(.) mm
H 112. mm
*t ]eighl does not include ]tinge.
*':Depth in(ludes handle.
I--- B-----fl
71 I
It II tl
ili i II
1267 mm 1267 mm
1076 mm 1207 mm
1074 mm 1113 mm
1233 mm 1294 mm
1172 mm 1171 mm
| |

Installation Instructions
The rollers have 3 purposes:
0 RolleI_ a(!just so the door closes easily when opened
about halfivav:
O Rollels a(!just so tile refl_igerator is firmly positioned
on the floor and does not wobble.
O Rollels allow )ou to inoxe tile reflJgerator axvay fl'oln
tile wall fin" cleaning.
To adjust the milers, remove the base grille by pulling it
out at tile bottom.
Turn the roller ac!jusfing screws dockwise to raise the
refl_igeratoi; comltercloclc_vise to lower it. Use an
a(!iustable wrench (3/8" hex head bolt) or pliers.
_MteI"leveling, inake sure that tile doolS are even at tile top.
To Inake file doolS even, a(!jttst file I'efiigeI_m n"door as t611_s:
O Relnove tile Base Grille, open tile dools, then pull tile
grille straight out.
Detemfine which otthe two doo_s is higher than the other:
O i,ifl tile lower dooi; along with tile slnall cam.
Place the shim between the Door Metal Hinge and the
small C_llI] _IS shown.
Press in tile shiln so that it fits in between tile inetal
hinge and tile plastic cam.
Close the dools and check if they are level at the top.
If one door is still lower than the othei; repeat the
process and insert another shiln.
_- uMerthefreshfood
To replace base grille, line up the clips on back of grille
between tile bar and tile bottom _ff tile cabinet. Push
tin'ward until grille snaps into place.
Tile water lille installation is not warranted bv tile
refl'igerator or icelnaker inanulhcturer. Follow these
recomlnendations carefllllv to ufinilnize tile risk of
exi)ensive water dalnage.
Water hammer (water banging in tile pipes) in house
pltmd)ing can cause damage to refrigerator parts and
lead to water leakage or flooding. Call a qualified
plumber to correct water hammer before installing
the water sui)ply line to the refrigerator,
To i)revent burns and I)roduct dalnage, do not hook
up tile water line to tile hot water line.
If wm use wmr refl'igerator before connecting the
water line, inake sure the icelnaker power switch is
in the O (off) position.
NOTE: If tile (loolS are not even and tile shim is alreadx
inserted, you can remoxe tile shiln to lower tile (looI:
Do not install tile icelnaker tubing ill areas where
telnl)eratures tall below freezing.
When using any electrical device (such as a power
drill) dtuJng installation, be sure the device is
insulated or wired in a manner to prevent tile hazard
of electric shock.
All installations must be in accordance with local
plumbing code requirements.
Installation of the icemaker must be done by a
qualified service tech_ficim_.
a, WARNING!Coimect to potable
water sui)pl ) only.

Installation Instructions
• Befl}re making the connection to the refrigerator,
be sure the refl-igerator power cord is not
plugged into the wall outlet.
• We recommend installing a water filter if your
water sui)ply has sand or particles that could clog
the screen of the refl-igerator's water wdve. Install
it in the water line near the refligerator.
Some models ha\e the refl'igerator comlection at
the end of tubing located outside the compressor
compartment access cover. On other models, the
compressor compartment access cover must be
removed in order to access file refl'ig_rator com_ection
at file water valve.
On models using the
refl'igeratkm connection at
the water valve, remove the
plastic flexible cap.
Reattacb the access cover.
Arrange the coil of tubing so that it does not vibrate
against the back of the refl'igerator or against the
wall. Push the refl'igerator back to the wall.
Place the compression nut and ferrule (sleexe) onto
the end of the tubing as shown.
Insert the end of the tubing into the water _al_e
connection as tier as possible. X_qfile holding the
tubing, tighten the fitting.
Fasten the robing into the clamp provided to hold
it in a vertical position. "_%uma) need to pr) open
the clamp.
The illustration below or at right Mll look like the
connection on your icemaker.
Set the icemaker power switch to the I position. The
icemaker will not begin to operate until it reaches
its operating temperatm'e of-9°C or below. It will
then begin operation automatically if the icemaker
power switch is in the Iposition.
NOTE: In lower water pressm'e conditions, the
water xalxe ma) turn on up to 3 times to delixer
enou,*h water to the icemaker.

Newer refrigerators sound different from older refrigerators.
Modem refrigerators have more features and use newer
Do youhear what I hear? Thesesoundsare normal.
• The new high efficiency compressor may Hm faster
and hmger than your old refl'igerator and you may
hear a high-pitched hum or pulsating sound while
it is operating,
• Sometimes the reflJgerator runs fin" an extended period,
especially when the doo_s are opened fl'equently: This
n]eans that the FrostGuard"feature is working to
prevent fl'eezer bm'n and improve t0od preservation.
• 54m may hear a whooshing sound when the (loo_ close.
This is due to pressure equalizing within the reli_igerato_:
• You may hear cracking or i)oi)ping sotmds when the
refl'igerator is first i)lugged in. This hal)pens as the
refrigerator cools to the correct tei/ll)erattlre.
• Electronic dampers click open and closed to provide
optimal cooling and energy savings,
• The compressor may cause a clicking or chirping
sotmd when attempting to restart (this could take
up to 5 minutes).
• The electronic control board may Catlse a clicking
sound when relays activate to control refrigerator
coIIll) OI]eIltS,
• Expansion and contraction of cooling coils dm'ing
and after deti'ost can Catlse a cracking or i_oi_ping
• On models with an icemake_; after an icemaking
cycle, you may hear the ice cubes dropping into
the ice bucket.
• You may hear the rims spinning at high speeds.
This hal)pens when the refrigerator is first i)lugged
in, when the doors are opened fl'equently or when
a large _llllOtlll[ of food is added to the refl'igerator
or freezer comI)amnents. The rims are helping to
maintain the correct temperatures.
• If either door is open fin" over 3 minutes, you may
hear the rims come on in order to cool the light
• The £ms change speeds in order to provide optimal
cooling and energy savings.
• The flow of refl'igerant through the fl'eezer cooling
coils may make a gm'gling noise like boiling water.
• Water dropping on the defrost heater can cause a
sizzling, i_oi_ping or buzzing sotmd dm'ing the
defl'ost cycle.
• A water dripping noise may occm" dm'ing the defrost
cycle as ice melts from the evaporator and flows into
the drain pan.
• Ch)sing the door mav cause a gmgling sound due to
pressure equalization.

Beforeyoucall forservice...
Troubleshooting -tips
Save time and money/.Review the charts on the following pages first
and you may not need to call for service.
Possible Causes What ToDo
Refrigerator does not Refrigerator in defrost cycle. * _,_hit ab()ut 30 minutes fi)x" defi'ost cycle to end.
operate Freezer control in O position. * M()ve the fl'eezer (()ntr()l t() a temperature setting.
Refrigerator is unplugged. * Ptlsh tile ph/g c(nupletely into tile ()tiff el.
The fuse is blown/cirettit * Replace fl/se or reset tile bre:lker.
breaker is tripped.
Vibration or ranting Front rollers need adjusting. * See Rollers.
(slight vibration
is normal)
Motor operates for Normal when refrigerator * _'ait 24 i_()tus fin" ti_e refi_igemtor to completely
Iong periods or cycles is first plugged ha. cool down.
(Modernrefrigerators amounts of food are
with more storage
space and a larger placed in refrigerator.
freezer require more Door left open. * (_he(k to see if l)ackage, is holding door open.
operating time. They
start and stop often Hot weather or frequent * This is mmual.
to maintain even door opelmlgs.
temperatures.) Temperature controls • See About thecontrols.
Often occurs when large * This is hernial.
set at the coldest
Refrigeratororfreezer Temperature control not set • SeeAbout thecontrols.
compartment too warm cold enough.
Warm weather or frequent * Set tile temperature control one step (ol(lel:
door opelmlgs. See About thecontrols.
Door left open. * (_he(k to see if package is holding door open.
Frostorice crystals Door left open. • Check to see it package is holding doln" open.
(frostwithinpackage Too frequent or too long
isnormal) door opelfings.
Divider between Automatic energy saver • This helps prevent clmdensafion on tile outside.
refrigerator and freezer system circulates warm
compartments liquid around front edge
feels warm of freezer compartment.
Automatic icemaker lcemaker power switch * Set tile power switch to tile I position.
does not work is in the O position.
(onsome models) Water supply turned off or * See Installingthe water line
not comaected.
Freezer compartment * _Mfit 24 houl_ fin" the refi_igemtor to completely cool down.
tOO _varln.
Piled up cubes in the storage * l,evel cubes by hand.
bin cause the icemaker
to shut off.
Ice cubes stuck in icemaker.
(Green power light on
icemaker blhlking).
• Turn off the icemakei, remove cubes and turn the
iceulaker back on.

Possible Causes What To Do
Ice cubeshave Ice storage bin needs clem_hag. * Erupt)and wash bin. Discard old cubes.
odor/taste Food lrmasmitthag odor/taste * _'_rap foods well.
to ice cubes.
Interior of refrigerator * See Care and cleaning.
needs clem_hag.
Slow ice cube freezing Door left open. * Check to see if package is holding door open.
Temperature control not set * See About the controls.
cold enough.
Doornot closing Door gasket on hinge side *_II_-) )lx',i)etroletun .jelly, on tilce of ,gasket,.
properly stickhag or folding over.
Orange glowin Defrost heater is on. * This is nomml.
Cube dispenser does not lcema_ker turned off or * Turn on icemaker or water supply.
work (on some models) water supply turned off.
Ice cubes are frozen to * ]_emove cubes.
icelnaJker feeler arm.
Irregular ice clumps in * Break up with fingertip pressm'e and discard remaining, clmni)s.
storage container. * Freezer max be too wamL A(!just the fl'eezer control to a colder
,setting, one position at a time, tmtil clmnps do not titan.
Dispenser is LOCKED. • Press and hold the LOCK CONTROL I)ad fin 3 seconds.
Water haspoortaste/odo r Water dispenser has not been * Dispense water until all water in s}steul is replenished.
(onsome models) used for a long time.
Waterin firstglass is Normal when refrigerator * _'_fit 24 horns fin" the refl_gemtor to completel} cool down.
is first hlstalled.
Water dispenser has not been * Dispense water tmtil all water in s) stem is replenished.
used for a long thne.
Water system has been drained. * _dlow several hom_ fi)r replenished supply to chill.
Water dispenser does Water supply line turned * See Installing the water line.
not work (on somemodels) off or not comaected.
Air may be _capped in the * Press the dispenser area fin" at least two minutes.
water sTstem.
Dispenser is LOCKED. * Press and hold the LOCKCONTROLpad fi,_ 3 seconds.
Water is not dispensed Water ha reservoir is * (_dl for sertice.
buticemaker is working frozen.

Beforeyoucall forservice...
Troubleshooting -tips
Possible Causes What To Do
No water or ice cube Supply line or shutoff * Call a l)hunbei:
production valve is clogged.
Dispenser is LOCKED. • Press and hold the LOCKCONTROLpad fi)r 3 seconds.
Foods trmasnfitthag * Foods with ,strom,_odoI_ should be tightly wrapped.
odor to refrigerator. * Kee I) an open box of baking soda ill the refl_igerator; replace
exerv three ill onths.
Interior needs clemlhag. * See Care and cleaning.
Defrost water drainage • See Care and cleaning.
sTstenl needs cleaning.
Moisture forms on Not unusual during • _,Vil)e surfi_ce (h3,:
outside of refrigerator periods of high humidity.
Moisture collects inside Too frequent or too
(in humid weather, air long door openhags.
carries moisture into
refrigerator when doors
are opened)
Interiorlightdoes No power at outlet. • Replace fuse or reset the breakei:
not work
Water on kitchen floor Drain ha the bottoln of • See Care and cleaning.
on bottom of freezer the freezer clogged.
Hot air from bottom Normal air flow cooling
CUBEDICEwas Selected
Light bulb burned out. • See Replacing the light bulbs.
Cubes jmnmed ha chute. • Poke ice through with a wooden spoon.
motor, ha the refrigeration
process, it is normal that
heat be expelled ha the
area under the refrigerator.
So efloorcove ag
sensitive mad will discolor at
these normal mad safe temperatures.
Last setting was CRUSHEDICE. • A few cubes were left ill the crusher fl'om the prexious settin ,
This is nomlal.

Special Safety Instructions forAustralia and New Zealand.
(in addition to other information in Owner's Manual)
Toreduce the risk of personal injury or damage to property, follow basic safe_/ precautions when using this
refrigerator, including the following:
When using any Electrical Product, basic precautions should always be followed, including the following:
_7_IMPORTANT'Always operate the refl'igerator
fl'oIn a power source of the saine Voltage,
Frequency and Rating as indicated on the
refl'igerator identification plate. Operate the
refl'igerator fl'om an Earthed (Grotmded) 3 pin
power outlet flfllv accessible when the refl'igerator
is located in its normal operating position.
_::_Close supervision is necessary when any electrical
product is used by or operated near children or
infirm persons; young children should be
supervised to ensure that they do/10t play with
the refl'igera tot.
_::_IMPORTANT"Do not operate the refl'igerator with
a damaged Supply cord or Plug. If it is damaged,
it must be replaced by the illantlfi_cttli'er,
distributor or its service agent or a similarly
qualified person in order to avoid a hazard.
Special tools are required to replace the
Supply flexible cord.
cords. If it is necessary to use an extension cord,
prior to its rise, make stli'e the extension cord is
safe to use, capable of handling the electrical load
(if the product (refer to Product identification
plate) and has been checked and tested b) )our
electricity supplier or a qualified technician.
To axoid becomino entangled in the cord, oever
lay it throu(,h_ or along, a walkwa) or thoroughfi_re.
_;_Do not allow the cord to hang, oxer the edge, of a
bench top where it inav be grabbed by children or
becon_e entangled with the user.

Special InstallationInstructionsforAustralia and New Zealand.
Installingthe WaterLbe
For Australian and New Zealand installation, read these instructions completely and carefully.
Before You Begin
::_IMPORTANT" Government legislation and Codes
in most States and Territories of Australia
require installation by a licensed i)lmnber.
The installation must conflmn to Australian
Standard AS 3500.1 _,_ater SUl)pl >
_?_.V_ter hammer (water banging in the pipes)
in house plmnbing can cause damage to the
refl'igerator parts and lead to water leakage or
flooding. Call a qualified plmnber to correct
water hammer befl)re installing the water sui)ply
line to the refl'igerator.
Shut Off the Main Water Supply
For models fitted with an icemake_, a water supplF
kit (containing flexible tubing and fittings) is
SUl)plied with the refl'igerator.
The water pressure must be between ] 38 and
827 kPa on models without a water filter ftted,
and between 275 and 827 kPa on models with
a water filter fitted.
Turn Offthe water and open a low tap to drain
the water from the pipe.
Complying with the plmnbing codes, install
a suitable branch fitting (not supl)lied ) to the
cold water SUl)ply:
Extend the branch to a suitable location a(!jacent
to the refl'igerator when it is located in its operating
position. Terminate the branch with a shutoffwflve
(not sui)plied ) .
IMPORTANT"The shutoff wflve should be accessible
(such as in an ac!jacent cupboard, as close to the
wall as possible) when the refl'igerator is in its
normal operating position.
i_' To prevent bm'ns and refl'igerator damage, do
not hook up the water line to the hot water line.
i(;]f you rise Votlr refl'igerator before connecting the
water line, make sure the icemaker power switch
is set to the 0 position.
_:; Do not install the icemaker tubing in areas where
the temperatm'es fall below fl'eezing.
If wmr water sui)ply pressure is higher than 690 kPa
during the day (if so, it may reach higher levels at
night), install a suitable Pressure limiting wflve (not
sui)plied), alter the shutoff wflve, making sm'e the
"flow arrows" on the body of the device lace the
same direction as the water flow.
If necessary, assemble a suitable fitting (not
sui)plied ) to the upstream end of the shutoffwflve
(or pressm'e limiting wflve) fin" attachment of the
fitting sui)plied with the water sui)ply kit.
NOTE'. PTFE tape should be used for a watertight
seal when assembling all the above fittings.
Do Bet turn the water sui)ply On at this time.