Important InformatIon ................2
Interference InformatIon ............2
telephone network InformatIon 3
ren number ..............................3
hearIng aId compatIbIlIty (hac) 3
lIcensIng ....................................3
fcc rf radIatIon exposure
statement ................................4
InformatIon for dect product .4
IntroductIon ..............................7
before you begIn .......................7
Parts CheCklist ...........................7
telephone Jack requIrements .....7
InstallatIon ...............................8
Digital seCurity system ..............8
imPortant installation
guiDelines ..................................9
base layout ..............................10
handset layout ........................11
DisPlay iCons ............................. 11
InstallIng the phone .................12
installing the hanDset
Batteries ................................. 12
Base station ............................... 13
answerIng system setup ...........14
answering system on/oFF ... 14
setting the VoiCe language .... 14
reCorDing the outgoing
announCement ....................... 14
remote aCCess CoDe ................ 15
announCe only on/oFF .......... 15
message alert ........................... 15
rings to answer ....................... 16
Call sCreening .......................... 16
programmIng your phone.........17
main menu ................................. 17
Date & time ................................ 17
ringer setuP .............................. 18
ringer Volume ........................ 18
external ringtone ................ 18
interCom ringtone ................. 18
grouP meloDy ........................... 18
set alarm ................................... 19
auto talk ................................... 19
registration ............................... 19
register hanDset ................... 19
Deregister hanDset ............... 20
Table of Contents
seleCt Base ................................ 20
tones on/oFF ......................... 20
reset hanDset ........................... 21
hanDset DisPlay settings........ 21
wallPaPer .................................. 21
hanDset name ........................... 21
DisPlay Contrast ...................... 21
hanDset language .................... 22
Base setuP .................................. 22
area CoDe .................................. 22
Dial moDe .................................. 22
answering system setuP
Via the hanDset .....................23
answering system on/oFF ... 23
rings to answer ....................... 23
message alert ........................... 23
setting the VoiCe language .... 23
remote aCCess CoDe ................ 23
answerIng system operatIon ....24
listening to your messages....24
message PlayBaCk ..................... 24
Deleting messages.................... 24
Base ringer Volume ................. 25
memo reCorDing ....................... 25
remote oPeration .....................26
memory Full .............................. 26
imPortant inFormation ............. 26
handset operatIon ...................27
making a Call............................ 27
Pre-Dialing: ............................ 27
Dialing: .................................... 27
reCeiVing a Call ........................ 27
reDialing ..................................... 28
Changing the earPieCe Volume 28
hanDset sPeaker Phone ..........28
muting the miCroPhone ......... 28
DnD (Do not DisturB) ........... 28
muting the ringer During
an inComing Call ................... 28
DisaBling the ringer on the
hanDset ..................................28
Paging the hanDset .................. 29
key loCk ..................................... 29
Intercom operatIon ..................29
making interCom Calls ............ 29
reCeiVing interCom Calls ........ 29
three Party ConFerenCe .......... 30
Call transFer / ForwarDing .. 30