Electrical InterfaceThe hardware or electrical interface is one of the following: one of two 2-wire RS485
ports from the rear terminal connector or the RS232 from the front panel connector.
In a 2-wire RS485 link, data flow is bidirectional. Data flow is half-duplex for both
the RS485 and the RS232 ports. That is, data is never transmitted and received at
the same time. RS485 lines should be connected in a daisy chain configuration
(avoid star connections) with a terminating network installed at each end of the link,
i.e. at the master end and at the slave farthest from the master. The terminating
network should consist of a 120 Ω resistor in series with a 1 nF ceramic capacitor
when used with Belden 9841 RS485 wire. The value of the terminating resistors
should be equal to the characteristic impedance of the line. This is approximately
120 Ω for standard #22 AWG twisted pair wire. Shielded wire should always be used
to minimize noise. Polarity is important in RS485 communications. Each '+' terminal
of every 489 must be connected together for the system to operate. Refer to the
489 Instruction Manual for correct serial port wiring.
Modbus RTU
Data Frame Format and
Data Rate
GE Multilin
The 489 implements a subset of the AEG Modicon Modbus RTU serial communication
standard. Many popular programmable controllers support this protocol directly with
a suitable interface card allowing direct connection of relays. Although the Modbus
protocol is hardware independent, the 489 interfaces include two 2-wire RS485
ports and one RS232 port. Modbus is a single master, multiple slave protocol
suitable for a multi-drop configuration as provided by RS485 hardware. In this
configuration up to 32 slaves can be daisy-chained together on a single
communication channel.
The 489 is always a slave; it cannot be programmed as a master. Computers or
PLCs are commonly programmed as masters. The Modbus protocol exists in two
versions: Remote Terminal Unit (RTU, binary) and ASCII. Only the RTU version is
supported by the 489. Monitoring, programming, and control functions are
performed with read/write register commands.
One data frame of an asynchronous transmission to or from a 489 is default to 1
start bit, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit. This produces a 10-bit data frame. This is
important for transmission through modems at high bit rates (11 bit data frames are
not supported by Hayes modems at bit rates of greater than 300 bps). The parity bit
is optional as odd or even. If it is programmed as odd or even, the data frame
consists of 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 parity bit, and 1 stop bit.
Modbus protocol can be implemented at any standard communication speed. The
489 RS485 ports support operation at 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, and 19200 baud.
The front panel RS232 baud rate is fixed at 9600 baud.
Modbus Protocol489
Communications Guide
Data Packet FormatA complete request/response sequence consists of the following bytes (transmitted
as separate data frames):
1. A Master Query Message consisting of: a 1-byte Slave Address, a 1-byte Func-tion Code, a variable number of Data Bytes depending on the Function Code,
and a 2-byte CRC code.
2. A Slave Response Message consisting of: a 1-byte Slave Address, a 1-byte
Function Code, a variable number of Data Bytes depending on the Function
Code, and a 2-byte CRC code.
The terms Slave Address, Function Code, Data Bytes, and CRC are explained below:
•SLAVE ADDRESS: This is the first byte of every transmission. This byte
represents the user-assigned address of the slave device that is to receive the
message sent by the master. Each slave device must be assigned a unique
address and only the addressed slave will respond to a transmission that starts
with its address. In a master request transmission the Slave Address represents
the address of the slave to which the request is being sent. In a slave response
transmission the Slave Address represents the address of the slave that is
sending the response. The RS232 port ignores the slave address, so it will
respond regardless of the value in the message. Note: A master transmission
with a Slave Address of 0 indicates a broadcast command. Broadcast commands
can be used for specific functions.
•FUNCTION CODE: This is the second byte of every transmission. Modbus
defines function codes of 1 to 127. The 489 implements some of these
functions. In a master request transmission the Function Code tells the slave
what action to perform. In a slave response transmission if the Function Code
sent from the slave is the same as the Function Code sent from the master
indicating the slave performed the function as requested. If the high order bit of
the Function Code sent from the slave is a 1 (i.e. if the Function Code is greater
than 127) then the slave did not perform the function as requested and is
sending an error or exception response.
•DATA BYTES: This is a variable number of bytes depending on the Function
Code. These may be actual values, setpoints, or addresses sent by the master
to the slave or vice-versa. Data is sent MSByte first followed by the LSByte.
•CRC: This is a two byte error checking code. CRC is sent LSByte first followed
by the MSByte. The RTU version of Modbus includes a two byte CRC-16 (16-bit
cyclic redundancy check) with every transmission. The CRC-16 algorithm
essentially treats the entire data stream (data bits only; start, stop and parity
ignored) as one continuous binary number. This number is first shifted left 16
bits and then divided by a characteristic polynomial (11000000000000101B).
The 16-bit remainder of the division is appended to the end of the transmission,
LSByte first. The resulting message including CRC, when divided by the same
polynomial at the receiver will give a zero remainder if no transmission errors
have occurred.
If a 489 Modbus slave device receives a transmission in which an error is indicated
by the CRC-16 calculation, the slave device will not respond to the transmission. A
CRC-16 error indicates than one or more bytes of the transmission were received
incorrectly and thus the entire transmission should be ignored in order to avoid the
489 performing any incorrect operation. The CRC-16 calculation is an industry
standard method used for error detection. An algorithm is included here to assist
programmers in situations where no standard CRC-16 calculation routines are
GE Multilin
Modbus Functions
Communications Guide
CRC-16 AlgorithmOnce the following algorithm is complete, the working register “A” will contain the
CRC value to be transmitted. Note that this algorithm requires the characteristic
polynomial to be reverse bit ordered. The MSbit of the characteristic polynomial is
dropped since it does not affect the value of the remainder.
The symbols used in the algorithm are shown below:
-->data transfer
; A
; A
CRC16 bit CRC-16 result
i, jloop counters
(+)logical EXCLUSIVE-OR operator
Ntotal number of data bytes
G16 bit characteristic polynomial = 1010000000000001 (binary)
shr (x)right shift operator (the LSbit of x is shifted into a carry flag, a '0' is
The CRC algorithm is shown below:
1. FFFF (hex) --> A
2. 0 --> i
3. 0 --> j
4. D
(+) A
5. j + 1 --> j
6. shr (A)
7. Is there a carry? No: go to step 8.
8. Is j = 8?No: go to 5.; Yes: continue.
9. i + 1 --> i
10. Is i = N?No: go to 3.; Yes: continue.
11. A --> CRC
16-bit working register; low and high order bytes of A (the 16-bit
working register)
i-th data byte (i = 0 to N – 1)
with MSbit dropped and bit order reversed
shifted into the MSbit of x, all other bits are shifted right one
--> A
Yes: G (+) A --> A and continue.
TimingData packet synchronization is maintained by timing constraints. The receiving
device must measure the time between the reception of characters. If three and one
half character times elapse without a new character or completion of the packet,
then the communication link must be reset (i.e. all slaves start listening for a new
transmission from the master). Thus at 9600 baud a delay of greater than 3.5 × 1/
9600 × 10 = 3.65 ms will cause the communication link to be reset.
Modbus Functions
Supported FunctionsThe following functions are supported by the 489:
•Function Codes 03 and 04: Read Setpoints and Actual Values
•Function Code 05: Execute Operation
•Function Code 06: Store Single Setpoint
•Function Code 07: Read Device Status
•Function Code 08: Loopback Test
•Function Code 16: Store Multiple Setpoints
A detailed explanation of how the 489 implements these function codes is shown in
the following sections.
GE Multilin
Communications Guide
Modbus Functions489
Function Codes 03/04:
Read Setpoints / Actual
Value s
Modbus implementation: Read Input and Holding Registers
489 Implementation: Read Setpoints and Actual Values
For the 489 Modbus implementation, these commands are used to read any setpoint
(‘holding registers’) or actual value (‘input registers’). Holding and input registers
are 16-bit (two byte) values transmitted high order byte first. Thus all 489 setpoints
and actual values are sent as two bytes. The maximum of 125 registers can be read
in one transmission. Function codes 03 and 04 are configured to read setpoints or
actual values interchangeably since some PLCs do not support both function codes.
The slave response to these function codes is the slave address, function code, a
count of the number of data bytes to follow, the data itself and the CRC. Each data
item is sent as a two byte number with the high order byte sent first. The CRC is
sent as a two byte number with the low order byte sent first.
Message Format and Example:
Request slave 11 to respond with 2 registers starting at address 0235. For this
example, the register data in these addresses is:
Master TransmissionBytesExampleDescription
Slave Address10Bmessage for slave 11
Function Code103read register values
Data Starting Address202 32data starting at 0235h
Number of Setpoints200 022 registers = 4 bytes total
CRC (low, high)2D5 17computed CRC error code
Slave ResponseBytesExampleDescription
Slave Address10Bmessage from slave 11
Function Code103read register values
Byte Count1042 registers = 4 bytes total
Data #1 (high, low)200 64value in address 0235h
Data #2 (high, low)200 0Avalue in address 0236h
CRC (low, high)2EB 91computed CRC error code
GE Multilin
Modbus Functions
Communications Guide
Function Code 05:
Execute Operation
Modbus Implementation: Force Single Coil
489 Implementation: Execute Operation
This function code allows the master to request specific 489 command operations.
The command numbers listed in the Commands area of the memory map
correspond to operation code for function code 05. The operation commands can
also be initiated by writing to the Commands area of the memory map using
function code 16. Refer to Section Function Code 16: Store Multiple Setpoints on
page –7 for complete details.
Modbus Implementation: Preset Single Register
489 Implementation: Store Single Setpoint
This command allows the master to store a single setpoint into the 489 memory.
The slave response to this function code is to echo the entire master transmission.
Message Format and Example:
Request slave 11 to store the value 01F4 in Setpoint address 1180. After the
transmission in this example is complete, Setpoints address 1180 will contain the
value 01F4.
Master TransmissionBytesExampleDescription
Slave Address10Bmessage for slave 11
Function Code106store single setpoint
Data Starting Address211 80setpoint address 1180h
Data201 F4data for address 1180h
CRC (low, high)28D A3computed CRC error code
Slave ResponseBytesExampleDescription
Slave Address10Bmessage from slave 11
Function Code106store single setpoint
Data Starting Address211 80setpoint address 1180h
Data201 F4data for address 1180h
CRC (low, high)28D A3computed CRC error code
GE Multilin
Communications Guide
Modbus Functions489
Function Code 07: Read
Device Status
Modbus Implementation: Read Exception Status
489 Implementation: Read Device Status
This function reads the selected device status. A short message length allows for
rapid reading of status. The returned status byte has individual bits set to 1 or 0
depending on the slave device status. The 489 general status byte is shown below:
Note that if status is neither stopped or running, the generator is starting.
Message Format and Example:
Request status from slave 11.
Master TransmissionBytesExampleDescription
Slave Address10Bmessage for slave 11
Function Code107read device status
CRC (low, high)247 42computed CRC error code
Slave ResponseBytesExampleDescription
Slave Address10Bmessage from slave 11
Function Code107read device status
Device Status159status = 01011001b
CRC (low, high)2C2 08computed CRC error code
Function Code 08:
Loopback Test
Modbus Implementation: Loopback Test
489 Implementation: Loopback Test
This function is used to test the integrity of the communication link. The 489 will
echo the request.
Message Format and Example:
Loopback test from slave 11.
Master TransmissionBytesExampleDescription
Slave Address10Bmessage for slave 11
Function Code108loopback test
Diagnostic Code200 00must be 0000h
Data200 00must be 0000h
CRC (low, high)2E0 A1computed CRC error code
Slave ResponseBytesExampleDescription
Slave Address10Bmessage from slave 11
Function Code108loopback test
Diagnostic Code200 00must be 0000h
Data200 00must be 0000h
CRC (low, high)2E0 A1computed CRC error code
GE Multilin
Modbus Functions
Communications Guide
Function Code 16: Store
Multiple Setpoints
Modbus Implementation: Preset Multiple Registers
489 Implementation: Store Multiple Setpoints
This function code allows multiple Setpoints to be stored into the 489 memory.
Modbus “registers” are 16-bit (two byte) values transmitted high order byte first.
Thus all 489 setpoints are sent as two bytes. The maximum number of Setpoints
that can be stored in one transmission is dependent on the slave device. Modbus
allows up to a maximum of 60 holding registers to be stored. The 489 response to
this function code is to echo the slave address, function code, starting address, the
number of Setpoints stored, and the CRC.
Message Format and Example:
Request slave 11 to store the value 01F4 to Setpoint address 1180 and the value
0001 to setpoint address 1181. After the transmission in this example is complete,
489 slave 11 will have the following setpoints information stored:
Master TransmissionBytesExampleDescription
Slave Address10Bmessage for slave 11
Function Code110store setpoints
Data Starting Address211 80data starting at 1180h
Number of Setpoints200 022 setpoints = 4 bytes total
Byte Count1042 registers = 4 bytes
Data 1201 F4data for address 1180h
Data 2200 01data for address 1181h
CRC (low, high)29B 89computed CRC error code
Slave ResponseBytesExampleDescription
Slave Address10Bmessage from slave 11
Function Code110store multiple setpoints
Data Starting Address211 80data starting at 1180h
Number of Setpoints200 022 setpoints (4 bytes total)
CRC (low, high)245 B6computed CRC error code
GE Multilin
Communications Guide
Modbus Functions489
Function Code 16:
Performing Commands
Some PLCs may not support execution of commands using function code 5 but do
support storing multiple setpoints using function code 16. To perform this operation
using function code 16 (10h), a certain sequence of commands must be written at
the same time to the 489. The sequence consists of: Command Function register,
Command operation register and Command Data (if required). The Command
Function register must be written with the value of 5 indicating an execute operation
is requested. The Command Operation register must then be written with a valid
command operation number from the list of commands shown in the memory map.
The Command Data registers must be written with valid data if the command
operation requires data. The selected command will execute immediately upon
receipt of a valid transmission.
Message Format and Example:
Perform a 489 RESET (operation code 1).
Master TransmissionBytesExampleDescription
Slave Address10Bmessage for slave 11
Function Code110store setpoints
Data Starting Address200 80setpoint address 0080h
Number of Setpoints200 022 setpoints = 4 bytes total
Byte Count1042 registers = 4 bytes
Command Function200 05data for address 0080h
Command Function200 01data for address 0081h
CRC (low, high)20B D6computed CRC error code
Slave ResponseBytesExampleDescription
Slave Address10Bmessage from slave 11
Function Code110store multiple setpoints
Data Starting Address200 80setpoint address 0080h
Number of Setpoints200 022 setpoints (4 bytes total)
CRC (low, high)240 8Acomputed CRC error code
Error ResponsesWhen a 489 detects an error other than a CRC error, a response will be sent to the
master. The MSbit of the Function Code byte will be set to 1 (i.e. the function code
sent from the slave will be equal to the function code sent from the master plus
128). The following byte will be an exception code indicating the type of error that
Transmissions received from the master with CRC errors will be ignored by the 489.
The slave response to an error (other than CRC error) will be:
•FUNCTION CODE: 1 byte (with MSbit set to 1)
•CRC: 2 bytes
The 489 implements the following exception response codes.
The function code transmitted is not one of the functions supported by the 489.
The address referenced in the data field transmitted by the master is not an
allowable address for the 489.
The value referenced in the data field transmitted by the master is not within range
for the selected data address.
GE Multilin
Modbus Memory Map
Communications Guide
Modbus Memory Map
Memory Map
Memory Map Area
The data stored in the 489 is grouped as Setpoints and Actual Values. Setpoints can
be read and written by a master computer. Actual Values are read only. All Setpoints
and Actual Values are stored as two byte values. That is, each register address is
the address of a two-byte value. Addresses are listed in hexadecimal. Data values
(Setpoint ranges, increments, and factory values) are in decimal.
Many Modbus communications drivers add 40001d to the actual address of the
register addresses. For example: if address 0h was to be read, 40001d would be the
address required by the Modbus communications driver; if address 320h (800d) was
to be read, 40801d would be the address required by the Modbus communications
The 489 contains a User Definable area in the memory map. This area allows
remapping of the addresses of all Actual Values and Setpoints registers. The User
Definable area has two sections:
1. A Register Index area (memory map addresses 0180h to 01FCh) that contains
125 Actual Values or Setpoints register addresses.
2. A Register area (memory map addresses 0100h to 017Ch) that contains the
data at the addresses in the Register Index.
Register data that is separated in the rest of the memory map may be remapped to
adjacent register addresses in the User Definable Registers area. This is
accomplished by writing to register addresses in the User Definable Register Index
area. This allows for improved throughput of data and can eliminate the need for
multiple read command sequences.
For example, if the values of Average Phase Current (register addresses 0412h and
0413h) and Hottest Stator RTD Temperature (register address 04A0h) are required
to be read from an 489, their addresses may be remapped as follows:
1. Write 0412h to address 0180h (User Definable Register Index 0000) using func-
tion code 06 or 16.
2. Write 0413h to address 0181h (User Definable Register Index 0001) using func-
tion code 06 or 16.
(Average Phase Current is a double register number)
3. Write 04A0h to address 0182h (User Definable Register Index 0001) using func-
tion code 06 or 16.
A read (function code 03 or 04) of registers 0100h (User Definable Register 0000)
and 0101h (User Definable Register 0001) will return the Average Phase Current
and register 0102h (User Definable Register 0002) will return the Hottest Stator
RTD Temperature.
Event RecorderThe 489 event recorder data starts at address 3000h. Address 3003h is the ID
number of the event of interest (a high number representing the latest event and a
low number representing the oldest event). Event numbers start at zero each time
the event record is cleared, and count upwards. To retrieve event 1, write ‘1’ to the
Event Record Selector (3003h) and read the data from 3004h to 30E7h. To retrieve
event 2, write ‘2’ to the Event Record Selector (3003h) and read the data from
3004h to 30E7h. All 40 events may be retrieved in this manner. The time and date
stamp of each event may be used to ensure that all events have been retrieved in
order without new events corrupting the sequence of events (event 0 should be less
recent than event 1, event 1 should be less recent than event 2, etc.).
If more than 40 events have been recorded since the last time the event record was
cleared, the earliest events will not be accessible. For example, if 100 events have
been recorded (i.e., the total events since last clear in register 3002h is 100),
events 60 through 99 may be retrieved. Writing any other value to the event record
selector (register 3003h) will result in an “invalid data value” error.
GE Multilin
Modbus Memory Map489
Communications Guide
Each communications port can individually select the ID number of the event of
interest by writing address 3003h. This way the front port, rear port and auxiliary
port can read different events from the event recorder simultaneously.
Waveform CaptureThe 489 stores up to 64 cycles of A/D samples in a waveform capture buffer each
time a trip occurs. The waveform capture buffer is time and date stamped and may
therefore be correlated to a trip in the event record. To access the waveform capture
memory, select the channel of interest by writing the number to the Waveform
Capture Channel Selector (30F5h). Then read the waveform capture data from
address 3100h-31BFh, and read the date, time and line frequency from addresses
Each communications port can individually select a Waveform Channel Selector of
interest by writing address 30F5h. This way the front port, rear port and auxiliary
port can read different Waveform Channels simultaneously.
The channel selector must be one of the following values:
0Phase A line current500 counts equals 1 × CT primary
1Phase B line current500 counts equals 1 × CT primary
2Phase C line current500 counts equals 1 × CT primary
3Neutral-End phase A current500 counts equals 1 × CT primary
4Neutral-End phase B current500 counts equals 1 × CT primary
5Neutral-End phase C current500 counts equals 1 × CT primary
6Ground current500 counts equals 1 × CT primary
7Phase A to neutral voltage2500 counts equals 120 secondary volts
8Phase B to neutral voltage2500 counts equals 120 secondary volts
9Phase C to neutral voltage2500 counts equals 120 secondary volts
or 1A for 50:0.025
Dual SetpointsEach communications port can individually select an Edit Setpoint Group of interest
by writing address 1342h. This way the front port, rear port and auxiliary port can
read and alter different setpoints simultaneously.
Passcode OperationEach communications port can individually set the Passcode Access by writing
address 88h with the correct Passcode. This way the front port, rear port and
auxiliary port have individual access to the setpoints. Reading address 0203h,
COMMUNICATIONS SETPOINT ACCESS register, provides the user with the current state
of access for the given port. A value of 1 read from this register indicates that the
user has full access rights to changing setpoints from the given port.
GE Multilin
Modbus Memory Map
Communications Guide
489 Memory MapThe 489 memory map is shown in the following table.
Table 1: 489 Memory Map (Sheet 1 of 29)
0000GE Multilin Product Device CodeN/AN/AN/AF132
0001Product Hardware Revision1 to 261N/AF15N/A
0002Product Software RevisionN/AN/AN/AF16N/A
0003Product Modification Number0 to 9991N/AF1N/A
0010Boot Program RevisionN/AN/AN/AF16N/A
0011Boot Program Modification Number0 to 9991N/AF1N/A
0040Order Code0 to 161N/AF22N/A
0050489 Revision121N/AF22N/A
0060489 Boot Revision121N/AF22N/A
0080Command Function Code (always 5)5N/AN/AF1N/A
0081Command Operation Code0 to 655351N/AF1N/A
0088Communications Port Passcode0 to 999999991N/AF120
00F0Time (Broadcast)N/AN/AN/AF24N/A
00F2Date (Broadcast)N/AN/AN/AF18N/A
0100User Map Value #1 of 125...5N/AN/AF1N/A
017CUser Map Value #125 of 1255N/AN/AF1N/A
0180User Map Address #1 of 125...0 to 3FFF1hexF10
01FCUser Map Address #125 of 1250 to 3FFF1hexF10
0200Generator Status0 to 41–F1331
0201Generator Thermal Capacity Used0 to 1001%F10
0202Estimated Trip Time On Overload0 to 65535
0203Communications Setpoint Access0 to 1N/AN/AF126N/A
0210General Status0 to 655351N/AF1400
0211Output Relay Status0 to 631N/AF1410
0212Active Setpoint Group0 to 11N/AF1180
0220Cause of Last Trip0 to 1391–F1340
0221Time of Last TripN/AN/AN/AF19N/A
0223Date of Last TripN/AN/AN/AF18N/A
0225Tachometer Pretrip0 to 72001RPMF10
0226Phase A Pre-Trip Current0 to 9999991AmpsF120
0228Phase B Pre-Trip Current0 to 9999991AmpsF120
022APhase C Pre-Trip Current0 to 9999991AmpsF120
022CPhase A Pre-Trip Differential Current0 to 9999991AmpsF120
022EPhase B Pre-Trip Differential Current0 to 9999991AmpsF120
0230Phase C Pre-Trip Differential Current0 to 9999991AmpsF120
0232Negative Sequence Current Pretrip0 to 20001% FLAF10
0233Ground Current Pretrip0 to 200000001AF140
0235Pre-Trip A-B Voltage0 to 500001VoltsF10
0236Pre-Trip B-C Voltage0 to 500001VoltsF10
0237Pre-Trip C-A Voltage0 to 500001VoltsF10
0238Frequency Pretrip0 to 120001HzF30
023BReal Power (MW) Pretrip–2000000 to 20000001MWF130
1, 2, 3 See Table footnotes on page 39
1sF12 –1
GE Multilin
Modbus Memory Map489
Communications Guide
Table 1: 489 Memory Map (Sheet 2 of 29)
023D Reactive Power Mvar Pretrip–2000000 to 20000001MvarF130
023FApparent Power MVA Pretrip0 to 20000001MVAF130
0241Last Trip Data Stator RTD1 to 121–F11
0242Hottest Stator RTD Temperature–50 to 2501°CF40
0243Last Trip Data Bearing RTD1 to 121–F11
0244Hottest Bearing RTD Temperature–50 to 2501°CF40
0245Last Trip Data Other RTD1 to 121–F11
0246Hottest Other RTD Temperature–50 to 2501°CF40
0247Last Trip Data Ambient RTD1 to 121–F11
0248Hottest Ambient RTD Temperature–50 to 2501°CF40
0249Analog Input 1 Pretrip–50000 to 500001UnitsF120
024BAnalog Input 2 Pretrip–50000 to 500001UnitsF120
024D Analog Input 3 Pretrip–50000 to 500001UnitsF120
024FAnalog Input 4 Pretrip–50000 to 500001UnitsF120
025CHottest Stator RTD Temperature–50 to 2501°FF40
025D Hottest Bearing RTD Temperature–50 to 2501°FF40
025EHottest Other RTD Temperature–50 to 2501°FF40
025FHottest Ambient RTD Temperature–50 to 2501°FF40
0260Neutral Voltage Fundamental Pretrip0 to 2500001VoltsF100
0262Neutral Voltage 3rd Harmonic Pretrip0 to 2500001VoltsF100
0264Pre-Trip Vab/Iab0 to 655351ohms sF20
0265Pre-Trip Vab/Iab Angle0 to 3591°F10
0280Input A Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0281Input B Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0282Input C Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0283Input D Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0284Input E Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0285Input F Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0286Input G Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0287Sequential Trip Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0288Field-Breaker Discrepancy Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0289Tachometer Pickup0 to 41–F1230
028AOffline Overcurrent Pickup0 to 41–F1230
028BInadvertent Energization Pickup0 to 41–F1230
028CPhase Overcurrent Pickup0 to 41–F1230
028D Negative Sequence Overcurrent Pickup0 to 41–F1230
028EGround Overcurrent Pickup0 to 41–F1230
028FPhase Differential Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0290Undervoltage Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0291Overvoltage Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0292Volts/Hertz Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0293Phase Reversal Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0294Underfrequency Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0295Overfrequency Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0296Neutral Overvoltage (Fundamental) Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0297Neutral Undervoltage (3rd Harmonic) Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0298Reactive Power Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0299Reverse Power Pickup0 to 41–F1230
029ALow Forward Power Pickup0 to 41–F1230
029BThermal Model Pickup0 to 41–F1230
029CRTD #1 Pickup0 to 41–F1230
029D RTD #2 Pickup0 to 41–F1230
1, 2, 3 See Table footnotes on page 39
GE Multilin
Modbus Memory Map
Communications Guide
Table 1: 489 Memory Map (Sheet 3 of 29)
029ERTD #3 Pickup0 to 41–F1230
029FRTD #4 Pickup0 to 41–F1230
02A0RTD #5 Pickup0 to 41–F1230
02A1RTD #6 Pickup0 to 41–F1230
02A2RTD #7 Pickup0 to 41–F1230
02A3RTD #8 Pickup0 to 41–F1230
02A4RTD #9 Pickup0 to 41–F1230
02A5RTD #10 Pickup0 to 41–F1230
02A6RTD #11 Pickup0 to 41–F1230
02A7RTD #12 Pickup0 to 41–F1230
02A8Analog Input 1 Pickup0 to 41–F1230
02A9Analog Input 2 Pickup0 to 41–F1230
02AAAnalog Input 3 Pickup0 to 41–F1230
02ABAnalog Input 4 Pickup0 to 41–F1230
02AC Loss Of Excitation 1 Pickup0 to 41–F1230
02AD Loss Of Excitation 2 Pickup0 to 41–F1230
02AEGround Directional Pickup0 to 41–F1230
02AFHigh-Set Phase Overcurrent Pickup0 to 41–F1230
02B0Distance Zone 1 Pickup0 to 41–F1230
02B1Distance Zone 2 Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0300Input A Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0301Input B Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0302Input C Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0303Input D Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0304Input E Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0305Input F Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0306Input G Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0307Tachometer Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0308Overcurrent Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0309Negative Sequence Overcurrent Pickup0 to 41–F1230
030AGround Overcurrent Pickup0 to 41–F1230
030BUndervoltage Pickup0 to 41–F1230
030COvervoltage Pickup0 to 41–F1230
030D Volts/Hertz Pickup0 to 41–F1230
030EUnderfrequency Pickup0 to 41–F1230
030FOverfrequency Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0310Neutral Overvoltage (Fundamental) Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0311Neutral Undervoltage (3rd harmonic) Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0312Reactive Power Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0313Reverse Power Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0314Low Forward Power Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0315RTD #1 Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0316RTD #2 Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0317RTD #3 Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0318RTD #4 Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0319RTD #5 Pickup0 to 41–F1230
031ARTD #6 Pickup0 to 41–F1230
031BRTD #7 Pickup0 to 41–F1230
031CRTD #8 Pickup0 to 41–F1230
031D RTD #9 Pickup0 to 41–F1230
031ERTD #10 Pickup0 to 41–F1230
031FRTD #11 Pickup0 to 41–F1230
1, 2, 3 See Table footnotes on page 39
GE Multilin
Modbus Memory Map489
Communications Guide
Table 1: 489 Memory Map (Sheet 4 of 29)
0320RTD #12 Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0321Open Sensor Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0322Short/Low Temperature Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0323Thermal Model Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0324Trip Counter Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0325Breaker Failure Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0326Trip Coil Monitor Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0327VT Fuse Failure Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0328Current Demand Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0329MW Demand Pickup0 to 41–F1230
032AMvar Demand Pickup0 to 41–F1230
032BMVA Demand Pickup0 to 41–F1230
032CAnalog Input 1 Pickup0 to 41–F1230
032D Analog Input 2 Pickup0 to 41–F1230
032EAnalog Input 3 Pickup0 to 41–F1230
032FAnalog Input 4 Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0330Not Programmed Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0331Simulation Mode Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0332Output Relays Forced Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0333Analog Output Forced Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0334Test Switch Shorted Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0335Ground Directional Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0336IRIG-B Alarm Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0337Generator Running Hour Pickup0 to 41–F1230
0380Access Switch State0 to 11–F2070
0381Breaker Status Switch State0 to 11–F2070
0382Assignable Digital Input 1 State0 to 11–F2070
0383Assignable Digital Input 2 State0 to 11–F2070
0384Assignable Digital Input 3 State0 to 11–F2070
0385Assignable Digital Input 4 State0 to 11–F2070
0386Assignable Digital Input 5 State0 to 11–F2070
0387Assignable Digital Input 6 State0 to 11–F2070
0388Assignable Digital Input 7 State0 to 11–F2070
0389Trip Coil Supervision0 to 11–F1320
03FCDate (Read-only)N/AN/AN/AF18N/A
03FETime (Read-only)N/AN/AN/AF19N/A
0400Phase A Output Current0 to 9999991AmpsF120
0402Phase B Output Current0 to 9999991AmpsF120
0404Phase C Output Current0 to 9999991AmpsF120
0406Phase A Neutral-Side Current0 to 9999991AmpsF120
0408Phase B Neutral-Side Current0 to 9999991AmpsF120
040APhase C Neutral-Side Current0 to 9999991AmpsF120
040CPhase A Differential Current0 to 9999991AmpsF120
040EPhase B Differential Current0 to 9999991AmpsF120
0410Phase C Differential Current0 to 9999991AmpsF120
0412Average Phase Current0 to 9999991AmpsF120
0414Generator Load0 to 20001% FLAF10
0415Negative Sequence Current0 to 20001% FLAF10
0416Ground Current0 to 100001AmpsF140
0420Phase A Current Angle0 to 3591°F10
1, 2, 3 See Table footnotes on page 39
GE Multilin
Modbus Memory Map
Communications Guide
Table 1: 489 Memory Map (Sheet 5 of 29)
0421Phase B Current Angle0 to 3591°F10
0422Phase C Current Angle0 to 3591°F10
0423Phase A Neutral-Side Angle0 to 3591°F10
0424Phase B Neutral-Side Angle0 to 3591°F10
0425Phase C Neutral-Side Angle0 to 3591°F10
0426Phase A Differential Angle0 to 3591°F10
0427Phase B Differential Angle0 to 3591°F10
0428Phase C Differential Angle0 to 3591°F10
0429Ground Current Angle0 to 3591°F10
0440Phase A-B Voltage0 to 500001VoltsF10
0441Phase B-C Voltage0 to 500001VoltsF10
0442Phase C-A Voltage0 to 500001VoltsF10
0443Average Line Voltage0 to 500001VoltsF10
0444Phase A-N Voltage0 to 500001VoltsF10
0445Phase B-N Voltage0 to 500001VoltsF10
0446Phase C-N Voltage0 to 500001VoltsF10
0447Average Phase Voltage0 to 500001VoltsF10
0448Per Unit Measurement Of V/Hz
0449Frequency500 to 90001HzF30
044ANeutral Voltage Fund0 to 2500001VoltsF100
044CNeutral Voltage 3rd Harmonic0 to 2500001VoltsF100
044ENeutral Voltage Vp3 3rd Harmonic0 to 2500001VoltsF100
0450Vab/Iab0 to 655351ohmsF20
0451Vab/Iab Angle0 to 3591°F10
0460Line A-B Voltage Angle0 to 3591°F10
0461Line B-C Voltage Angle0 to 3591°F10
0462Line C-A Voltage Angle0 to 3591°F10
0463Phase A-N Voltage Angle0 to 3591°F10
0464Phase B-N Voltage Angle0 to 3591°F10
0465Phase C-N Voltage Angle0 to 3591°F10
0466Neutral Voltage Angle0 to 3591–F10
0480Power Factor–100 to 1001–F60
0481Real Power–2000000 to 20000001MWF130
0483Reactive Power–2000000 to 20000001MvarF130
0485Apparent Power–2000000 to 2000001MVAF130
0487Positive Watthours0 to 40000000001MWhF130
0489Positive Varhours0 to 40000000001MvarhF130
048BNegative Varhours0 to 40000000001MvarhF130
04A0Hottest Stator RTD1 to 121–F10
04A1Hottest Stator RTD Temperature–52 to 2501°CF4–52
04A2RTD #1 Temperature–52 to 2511°CF4–52
04A3RTD #2 Temperature–52 to 2511°CF4–52
04A4RTD #3 Temperature–52 to 2511°CF4–52
04A5RTD #4 Temperature–52 to 2511°CF4–52
04A6RTD #5 Temperature–52 to 2511°CF4–52
04A7RTD #6 Temperature–52 to 2511°CF4–52
04A8RTD #7 Temperature–52 to 2511°CF4–52
04A9RTD #8 Temperature–52 to 2511°CF4–52
04AARTD #9 Temperature–52 to 2511°CF4–52
04ABRTD #10 Temperature–52 to 2511°CF4–52
1, 2, 3 See Table footnotes on page 39
0 to 2001–F30
GE Multilin
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