GE 13V110TD User Manual

|mpo_an_ |_forma_on
Caution:TOreducethe riskof electricshock,do not removecover(orback).No userserviceablepartsinside, Referservicingto qualified servicepersonnel.
Thissymbol indicatesimportant _ Thissymbolindicates"dangerousvoltage" insidethe product
instructions accompanyingthe product,_ that presentsa riskof electricshockor personalinjury.
filled with liquids,suchasvases,shallbe placedon the apparatus,
Notes: ThisDVDplayerisdesignedandmanufacturedto
respondto the RegionManagementInformation. If the Regionnumberof a DVDdiscdoes not
correspondto the Regionnumberof this DVD player,this DVDplayer cannotplay the disc,The
Regionnumberfor this DVDplayerisRegionNo 1, ThisdeviceisprotectedbyU.S,patentnumbers
4,631,603and 4,577,216and4,819,098andother intellectual property rights. Theuseof Macrovision'scopyprotectiontechnology in the
devicemustbeauthorized by Macrovisionandis intended for homeand other limited pay-per-view
usesonly,unlessotherwiseauthorized in writing by Macrovision.Reverseengineeringor
Product Registration
Pleasefill outtheproductregistrationcard(packed separately)andreturnit immediately,Returningthe
cardallowsustocontactyouif needed.
Product Information
Keepyoursalesreceiptto obtain warranty partsand serviceandfor proof of purchase.Attach it hereand
recordthe serialandmodel numbers,Thesenumbers arelocatedoN theproduct,
Model No.
Serial No. PurchaseDate:
Caution: TOpreventelectricshock,match wide blade of plugto wideslot, fully insert.
Attention: Pour_viter leschocs_lectriques, introduire la lamela pluslargede lafiche danslabornecorrespondantedela priseet
Refertothe identification/rating label locatedonthe back panelof your productfor itsproper operating voltage.
FCCRegulationsstatethat unauthorizedchangesor modifications to this equipment mayvoid the user'sauthority to operate it.
Caution: Usingvideo gamesor any external accessorywith
fixed images for extended periods of time cancause them to be permanently imprinted on the picture tube (or
projection TVpicture tubes). ALSO,some network/program Iogos,phone numbers, etc. may causesimilardamage. This
damage isnot covered by your warranty.
G-LINK,VCRPlus+,PlusCode,andGUIDEPlus+aletrademalksof GemstarDevelopmentCorporation TheGUIDEPlus+systemismanufacturedunderlicenseeomIndexSystemsInc
Cable IV Installer: Thisreminderisprovidedto callyourattention to Article 820-40of the National ElectricalCode(Section54of the
CanadianElectricalCode,PartI) which providesguidelines for proper grounding and, in particular,specifiesthat thecableground
shall beconnectedto the grounding systemof the building asclose to the point of cableentryaspractical,
"T'ab|e Qf Contents
Chapter I : Connections _ Setup
Things to Consider Before You Connect ......... 3
Protect Against Power Surges ................. 3
Protect Components from Overheating.. 3 Position Cables Properly to Avoid Audio
lnter|_rence ............................................. 3
Important Stand and Base Sa|_ty
lnfbrmation ............................................. 3
Use indirect Light ..................................... 3
Connection Pictures ................................. 3
Types of Discs Your TV/DVD will Play.... 3
Choose Your Connection .................................. 4
CaNes Needed to Connect Components
to Your TV/DVD ...................................... 4
W/BVD Only ..................................................... 5
IV/DVD + VCR ................................................... 6
TV/DVD + Receiver ............................................ 8
Why You Should Connect This G-LINK CaMe. 8
How to Find the Remote Sensor ............. 9
Placing the G-L1NK Wands ...................... 9
Put Batteries in the Remote .......................... 10
Plug in the 1V/DVD ......................................... 10
How to Use the Remote Control to Complete
the Interactive Setup ................................... 10
Turn on the IV ................................................ 10
Complete the Interactive Setup ..................... 10
Set the Menu Language ........................ 10
Complete Auto Channel Search ............ I1
The GUIDE Plus+ System Setup ............ I1
What to Expect .............................................. 15
Set the DVD Menu Language ....................... 15
Setting Other Options ................................... 15
The Buttons on the Remote Control ............ 16
The Front of Your IV/DVD ............................ 17
Chapter 2: Playing DVDs
Regionat Coding ............................................. 18
Using Different Menus .................................. 18
Loading and Playing Discs ............................ 18
To Load and Play a Disc ........................ 18
Using a Disc Menu ......................................... 19
Using the On-Screen Info Display ................ 19
Time Display ........................................... 19
Selecting a Title ...................................... 20
Selecting a Chapter ................................ 20
Selecting Subtitles .................................. 20
Changing the Audio Language ............. 21
Using the Repeat Feature ...................... 21
AoB Repeat ............................................. 21
Using Bookmarks .................................... 22
Changing the Camera Angle ................. 22
Disc PlaybackFeaturesUsingthe Remote ... 23
Chapter 3: Using the TV's Features
About the GUIDE Plus+ System .................... 24
Getting In 8 Out of the GU1DE Plus+
System ................................................... 24
The GU1DE Plus+ System Menus .......... 24
Grid Guide ............................................... 25
Sort .......................................................... 26
News ........................................................ 26
Schedule .................................................. 26
Messages ................................................. 27
Channels .................................................. 27
Setup ....................................................... 27
Promotions and Advertising .................. 27
Channel Banner .............................................. 28
Why You Should Use the Auto Tuning
Feature ......................................................... 28
How to Set Up the Auto Tuning
Feature ................................................... 28
Parental Controls and V-ehlp ....................... 29
How V-Chip Works ................................. 29
V-Chip TV Rating Limit ......................... 30
Blocking Specific Content Themes ....... 32
Viewing Specific Content Themes ........ 33
V-Chip Movie Rating Limit .................... 33
V-Chip Unrated Program Block ............. 34
Channel Block ......................................... 34
Front Panel Block ................................... 34
Lock/Unlock Parental Controls .............. 34
Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories "Dolby" and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories Confidential unpublished works @1992-1997 Dolby Laboratories, Inc All rights reserved
DTSis a registered trademark of Digltal Home Theater Systems, Inc
b|e Qf CQntents
Chapter 4: The DVD Menu
The DVD's Menu System ............................... 35
The Play/Resume Play Option ....................... 35
The Play Mode Menu ..................................... 35
Selecting a Play Mode ........................... 35
How to Create a Program ...................... 35
Editing a Program .................................. 36
AutoPlay .................................................. 37
Dub Assist ............................................... 37
lntroScan ................................................. 37
The Lock Menu ............................................... 37
Locking Your DVD .................................. 38
Unlocking Your DVD .............................. 38
Changing Your Password ....................... 38
Setting the Ratings Limits ..................... 38
Unrated Titles ......................................... 40
System Test ............................................. 40
The Display Menu .......................................... 40
TV Image ................................................. 40
On-Screen Displays ................................. 41
The Sound Menu ............................................. 41
Digital Output ........................................ 41
Sound Logic ............................................ 42
The Languages Menu ..................................... 42
Changing the Player Menus, Disc Menus, Audio or Subtitles Language
Pre|?rences ............................................. 42
Glossary .......................................................... 43
Code List ......................................................... 44
Chapter 5: TV Menu
How to Use Your IV's Menu System ............ 45
Menus ...................................................... 45
Audio Menu ................................................... 45
Picture Quality Menu .................................... 46
Screen Menu .................................................. 46
Using Closed Captioning ............................... 47
Closed-Caption Modes ........................... 47
Channel Menu ................................................ 47
Time Menu ..................................................... 48
Chapter 6: Information Displays
Using the Info Display ................................... 49
Audio CD In|b Display ........................... 49
MP3 ln|b Display .................................... 49
Video CD lnfo Display ............................ 49
Using the Time Display .......................... 50
Selecting a Specific Track ...................... 50
Selecting a Specific Index
(Available only on Video CDs) ............. 50
Selecting a Play Mode
(Available only on Audio CDs and
MP3s) ...................................................... 50
Using the Program Play Feature ........... 50
Editing a Playlist .................................... 52
Using the Repeat Feature ...................... 52
A,,B Repeat (Available only on
Audio CDs) ............................................ 52
Changing the Audio Channel Output
(Available only on Video CDs) ............. 52
Using IntroScan (Available only on
Audio CDs and MP3s) .......................... 53
Using Bookmarks (Available only on
Audio CDs) ............................................ 53
Dub Assist (Available only on
Audio CDs) ............................................ 53
Chapter 7: Other Information
Troubleshooting ............................................. 54
Care and Cleaning .......................................... 58
Handling Cautions ................................. 58
Formation o1"Condensation .................. 59
Handling Discs ........................................ 59
Cleaning Discs ........................................ 59
Limited Warranty ........................................... 59
Accessories ...................................................... 61
Connections & Setup Chapter 1
Things to Consider Before You Connect
Protect Against Power Surges
Connect all components before you plug any of their power cords into the wall outlet.
Turn off the 1V/DVD and/or component before you connect or disconnect any cables.
Make sure all antennas and cables are properly grounded. Refer to the Important Safeguards sheet packed with your TV[DVD.
Protect Components from Overheating
Don't block ventilation holes on any of the components. Arrange the components so that air can
circulate freely.
Don't stack components.
If you place components in a stand, make sure you allow adequate ventilation.
If you connect an audio receiver or amplifier, place it on the top shelf so the heated air from it won't
flow around other components.
Position Cables Properly to Avoid Audio Interference
Insert each cable firmly into the designated jack.
If you place components abovethe lV/DVD, route all cables down the sideof the back of the TV/DVD insteadof straight down the middle of the back of the ]V/DVD.
If your antenna uses3OO-ohmtwin lead cables,do not coil the cables.Also, keepthe twin lead
cablesaway from audio/video cables.
Important Stand and Base Safety Information
Choose the location for your TVIDVDcarefully.Place the IV/DVDon a stand or base that isof adequate size and strength to prevent the TV[DVDfrom being accidentally tipped over, pushed off, or pulled off.
This could causepersonal injury andlor damage the WIDVD. Referto the Important Safeguardssheet
packedwith your lV/DVD.
Use Indirect Light
Don't placethe ]VIDVD wheresunlight or room lighting will be directed toward the screen.Usesoft or indirect lighting.
Connection Pictures
Audiolvideo cables are usually bundled together. For better visibility, the connection pictures in this book show each cable separately (audio left, audio right, and video).
Types of Discs Your TV/DVD will Play
DVDdiscs - DVDdiscs contain high quality picture and sound content.
Audio discs - Audio CDs contain musical or sound content only.
Video CD discs - Like DVDvideo discs, Video CDscontain picture and sound content. The difference is
the amount of information that can be stored on the disc.
MP3 discs - A disc that contains audio files (for example, a CD-R with downloaded MP3 files).
Chapter I Graphics contained within this publication are for representation onlg 3
Chapter 1 Connections & Setup
Choose Your Connection
There are several ways to connect your _//DVD. Please use the following chart to determine which
connection is best for you. Proceed to the appropriate page and connect your W/DVD.
TV/DVD + Receiver
Cables Go To
Coaxial Page 5
Page 6
Optical Page 7
Cables Needed to Connect Components to Your TV/DVD
The pictures below show the cables needed for the connections represented in this book.
Notes:Audio/Videocables areusually so/dasa bundledset; theconnectionpictures in thisbookshow eachcab/e separatelyfor bettervisibility
Locatetile G-LINKcob/e(prodded)whenyou're getting ready toset upyour PV/DVD.Connect thiscable to your PV/DVD, end to your VCRand/or cobb boxin order for all of tile featuresof tile programguide to workproperly
ThisW/DVD'sopticaldigital output jack fully complieswith thein ternationol standard governing this typeofjack [IEC958J,and isdesignedfor connectionto oDolby Digital [AC-3_orPCM)receiveror DolbyDigital (AC-3or PCM) decodeLOlderequipment,someof whichis not fufly compliant with IEC958,may not becompatible with the Do/by Digital bitstream.Sucha connection usingonything other thanDolbyDigital AC-3or PCMreceiveror decodercould
createa high noiselevel,causingdamage toheadphonesor speakers.
G-LINK cable Audio/Video cables Coaxial cable Optical cable
Graphics contained within this publication ore for representation only. Chapter I
Connections & Setup Chapter 1
1. Connect the 1N/DVD to your cable or antenna
Connect the coaxial cable from your cable or antenna to the ANTENNA jack on the back of your
Go to page 10
2. If you're connecting a cable box, connect the G-LINK cable
Connect the G-UNK cable to the G-LINK jack on the ]V/DVD. Next step, place the wands of the G-LINK cable to the cable box (instructions are on page 9).
Go to page 9
Chapter I Graphics contained within this publication are for representation only 5
Chapter 1 Connections & Setup
1. Connect your lfV/DVD to your VCR
A. Connect a coaxial cable to the ANTENNA jack on your _//DVD and to the Output Jack on your
VCR (sometimes labeled OUT TO _rV).
g. Connect the audiolvideo cables. Connect audio cables (white and red) to the AUDIO IN jacks on
the back of the TV/DVD (R and L/MONO) and to the Audio Output Jacks on the VCR (sometimes labeled OUT R L).
C, Connect the video cable (yellow) to the VIDEOINjack on the back of the TV/DVDand to the
Video Output Jackon the VCR.
2. Connect cable or antenna to your VCR
Connect the coaxial cable from your cable outlet, cable box, or antenna to the Input Jack on your VCR (sometimes labeled IN FROM ANTENNA or IN FROM ANT).
3. Connect the G-LINK cableto the TV/DVD
Connect the G-LINKcable to the G-LINK jack on the "[V/DVD.Next step, placeone of the wands of the G-LINKcable to work with your VCR(instructions are on page 9).
Go to page 9
6 Graphics contained within this publication ore for representation onl)_ Chapter I
Connections & Setup Chapter 1
Note:Thebackof yourDdby Digital* or DTS++recdver might not look exactlyliketheone shown here.
Dolby DigitaP and DTSe Both Dolby Digita+ and DTSare audio formats used to record 5.1-ehanne{ audio signals onto the digital
track of film (white the film is being made). Both of these formats provide up to six separate channels: taft, right, center, left rear, right rear, and common subwoofer.
The disc will play 5.1-channel sound only if you've connected a DIS or Dotby Digital receiver or decoder
and if the original movie the disc was recorded from was encoded in the Dolby Digital or DTSformat.
Please Read This Before Using the DIGITAL AUDIO OUT Jack!
Thisunit'sdigital outputjack isdesignedfor oconnection too Ddby Digital or DTSreceiverordeeode_ Olderdigital equipment maynot hetampa due with the DolbyDigital bitstreom.Sucho connection con createo high
levelof noise that may behormf+d toyour ears,andcould damage headphonesor speakers. It isimportont tochoose theeorreczDigital Outputsetting in the OVDPlayer'sSoundmenu,especiallywhenyou use
tile DIGITALAUDIOOUTjack Formoreinformation,seeChapter4.
*Manufactured under license from Do+by Laboratories "Dolby" and the double-D symbol are
trademarks of Do+by Laboratories Confidential unpublished works ©1992-1997 Dolby Laboratories, Inc All rights reserved
* *DTS is a registered trademark of Digital Home Theater Systems, Inc
Chapter I Graphics contained within this publication are for representation only. 7
Chapter 1 Connections & Setup
TV/DVD + Receiver
1. Connect the I_//DVD to your cable or antenna
Connect the coaxial cable from your cable or antenna to the ANTENNAjack on the back of your ]V/DVD.
2A.Connect the AN receiver to your W/DVD
Connect the audio/video cables.Connect audio cables(white and red) to the AUDIOOUTjackson the
backof the ]V/DVD (R and L)and to the Audio Input Jackson the receiver(sometimeslabeled AUDIO IN LR).
2B.Connect Dolby Digital or the DTSReceiverto your TVlDVD
If you have a DolbyDigital or DTSreceiver with a Digital Input jack, connect an optical cable (not provided)to the DIGITALAUDIO OUTjack on the _V/DVDand to the Digital Input jack on the back of
the receiver.You must alsoset the Digital Output setting in the Sound menu (Chapter 4 hasdetails).
3. If you're connecting a cable box, connect the G-LINK cable
Connect the G-LINK cable to the G-LINK jack on the W/DVD. Next step, place the wands of the G-LINK cable to the cable box (instructions are on page 9).
GO to page 9
Why You Should Connect This G-LINK Cable
The G-LINK cable enables the GUIDE Plus+ system (the on-screen interactive program guide) to work
with your VCR andlorcable box. Cable Box - If your ]V/DVD is connected to a cable box you must connect the G-LINK cable to receive
TV program listings for your area, and to tune directly to a channel when the program guide is on your TV screen.
VCR- If your 1V/DVDisconnected to a VCRand you don't connect the G-LINKcable, one-touch VCR
recording won't work. Theother features of the guide will work properly.
8 Graphics contained within this publication are for representation only. Chapter 1
Connections & Setup Chapter 1
How to Find the Remote Sensor
You have to Naeethe G-UNK wands in front of the remote sensoron the VCRand/or cane box. Some cane boxes andVCRshave the remote sensorlabeled on the unit. If the remote sensorisn't labeled on
your VCRand/or cable box, you needto usethe remote control that came with the VCRand/or cane box
to locate the sensor.
1. Turn off the VCRand!or cable box.
2. Hold the remote control (not the one that came with your lV/DVD, but the one that came with the
cable box and!or VCR to which you're attaching the G-LINK cable) so that it is touching the front of the component.
3. Slowly move the remote control across the front of the component (VCR or cable box) while you press the power button on and off. You must press and release the power button each time you move the remote (holding down the button won't work).
4. When the component turns on, you've located the remote sensor.
Placing the G-LINK Wands
Place the G-LINK wands in front of the remote sensor on your VCR and/or cable box approximately one inch away from the remote sensor (see instructions below).
II k I ..... -I
Chapter I Graphics contoined within this publicotion are for representotion onlg 9
Chapter 1 Connections & Setup
Put Batteries in the Remote
1. Remove the battery compartment cover on the remote.
2. Insert new batteries. Match the polarities (+ and -) on the batteries with the diagram on the remote.
3. Put the battery compartment cover back on the remote.
Plug in the TV/DVD
Plug the end of the power cord into the wall outlet. Match the wide blade of the plug with the wide slot in the outlet. Insert the plug completely into the outlet.
Use the arrow buttons and the OK button to move
through the menu system.
How to Use the Remote Control to Complete
the Interactive Setup
The technical term is "Navigation" - how you move through the on- screen menus. The theory is the same throughout the menu screens:
highlight your choice and select it.
To highlight a menu item, press the arrow buttons on the remote to
highlight one of the items listed on the screen. Use the up or down
arrow button to move up or down. Usethe right or left arrow button to
move right or left.
To select the item that you've highlighted, press OK.
Note:Highlightedmeansthor themenu item stondsout fromother menuitems onthe list (appearsdarker,bNghter,or a different color).
Turn on the TV
Press the lV button on the remote control or the POWER button on the 1V/DVD's front panel (the first screen of the Interactive Setup appears). The menu screens "time out" after a period of time if you don't
make a selection. The tips in this section tell you how to access the Setup menu screens manually.
Note:Pressingthe?Vbutton not only turns on the TV,butputs theremoteinto TVmode."TVmode"meansthat the buttons on the remotecontrol operatetheTV'sfunctions.
Complete the Interactive Setup
The menu system in your lV allows the 1V's features to work properly. In this book, we call it the
"interactive setup" because the 1V asks you questions, you answer, and the 1M makes the appropriate adjustments. The first time your 1M/DVD is in 1V mode, the setup screens appear.
Set the Menu Language
The first part of the SETUPasks you to select your preferred language for the menu system.
1. Highlight your preferred language for the menu system.
2. Press OK to select that language.
10 Graphicscontained within this publication are for representation only. Chapter 1
Connections & Setup Chapter 1
Complete Auto Channel Search
The next part of the 5ETUPasks you if you want the IV to search for all channels viewable through your antenna or cable W system. This is sometimes called "auto programming."
1. Press OK to tell the IV to begin searching for channels. A progress report appears on the screen.
2. When the screen on the IV tells you the search is complete, press OK (the first GUIDE Plus+ system setup screen appears).
Note: IfyouskipAutoChanndSeemhnow,youcanoccessit loter
The GUIDE Plus+ System Setup
The GUIDE Plus+ system is an on-screen interactive program guide that lists what shows are on IV in
your area. In order to receive program listings, you need to complete the following steps.
The G-LINK cable must be connected to the back of your IV/DVD, and the wands must be placed in front
of the remote sensor of the cable box and/or VCR in order for the GUIDE Plus+ system to work (go back to page 9 for details).
1. You should see a screen displaying the features of the Guide Plus+ system. Press OK to continue.
2. The next screen asks you to locate setup materials and hardware. Once you have done this, press OK to continue.
Step 1: Identifying Your TV's Location
1. If your country is highlighted, press OK on the remote control.
If your country isn't highlighted, press the up or down arrow button on the remote control to highlight your country and press OK.
2. Use the number buttons on your remote to enter your zip code.
Press OK when you're finished.
Note:If yourpostcflcodecontoinsletters,presstheup and down errow buttons on your remotetoenterletters,and presstheright
affow button togo to thenext¸spoce.The/eftarrow burton moves
youto the left.
Step 2: Configuring for Cable The next series of screens asks you about your cable setup. To
supply your IV with the correct IV program listings, the GUIDE Plus+ system needs to know if your IV/DVD is
connected to cable.
1. If your IV/DVD is connected to cable, highlight Yes and press OK.
If your IV/DVD isn't connected to cable, highlight No and press OK (STEP3: Configuring fore VCRappears).
Chapter I Graphics contained within this publication are for representation only 11
Chapter 1 Connections & Setup
2. If you have a cable box connected to this IV/DVD, highlight Yes and press OK on your remote control.
Note:Thenextseriesof screensisveryimportant becausethe GUIDEPlus+systemmust find the correctcableboxinformation in
order to receivethecorrect PVprogramlisting£
If yOU don't have a cable box connected to this IV/DVD, highlight No and press OK (STEP3: Configuring for a VCR
3. Highlight the channel to which you have to tune your IV in order to see cable programming, and press OK (a
screen appears reminding you to connect your G-LINK cable to your IV/DVD and cable box).
Notes: Channel 03 is the most common.
ChooseVideo1/AUXif your cableboxis connectedto your IV/DVD
with audio/videocablesinsteadof acoaxialcable.Go topage 4for
pictures of thesecables.
4. Highlight your brand of cable box, and press OK. If your brand isn't listed, highlight Not Listed and press
5. Make sure your cable box is on.
Tune the cable box to channel 02 (use the remote control that came with your cable box, or press the channel
buttons on the cable box). Press OK (the GUIDE Plus+ system starts testing codes).
Important Note:Whencodetestingisin progress,don't touch your
TV/DVD,VCR,cableboxor any of theremote controls for these
1.2 Graphics contained within this publication are for representation only. Chapter I
Connections & Setup Chapter 1
Lookat your cane box. If it isstill on and changed to
channel 09, the test was successful.Highlight Yes,and
pressOK (STEP3: Configuring for o VCRappears). If your cane box didn't change to channel 09 or turned
itself off, you have two choices: No and Test this code
again. Testthis code again: If you think the IV[DVD, the cane
box, or any of the remote controls might have been
touched or bumped during the test, highlight Testthis
codeagain and pressOK (the GUIDEPlus+system runs
the same set of codes).
No: If you don't think the test was interrupted, highlight No and pressOK(GUIDEPlus+system tests the next
Repeat the previous instructions until the IV finds the
correct cable box code. Follow the instructions on the screen.
Note:If the W can't find your cableboxcode,atroubleshooting checklistappears.C_refuflyrevieweachchecklistandratiow the
instructions on thescreen.
Step 3: Configuring for a VCR
1. If your IV/DVD isconnected to a VCR,pressOK(ascreen appears reminding you to connect your G-LINKcable to
your IV/DVD and VCR).
If it is not, highlight No andpressOK (STEP4: Confirming
YourSettings appears).
2. Use the up and down arrow buttons to highlight the brand of your VCRthat is connected to the IV/DVDand
If your brand isn't listed, highlight Not Listed and press
Chapter I Graphics contained within this publication are for representation onlg 13
Chapter 1 Connections & Setup
3. Tune your VCR to channel 02. Next, turn OFF your VCR.
When you complete these steps, press OK to begin testing.
Important Note:Whencodetestingisin progress,don't touch your
TV/DVD,VCR,or any of theremotecontroisfor theseproducts.
Look at the front display of your VCR. If your VCR turned
on and changed to channel 09, the test was successful.
Highlight Yesand press OK. If your VCR didn't change to channel 09, you can either
choose No or Test this code again.
If you think your 1V/DVD or remotes might have been
touched during the test, tune your VCR to channel 02, turn off your VCR and highlight Test this code again.
If you don't think the test was interrupted, highlight No.
Tune your VCR to channel 02 and turn off your VCR. Press OK (the GUIDE Plus+ system starts testing another set of
Keep following the previous instructions until the VCR
finds the correct code.
Note:If theGUIDEPlus+systemcan'tlocate thecorrect codefor
theVCR,a list of troubleshooting instructions appearsto help you
beforeyou try ogain.
TryVCRconfiguretion again:repeat VCRsetup¸ Testalternate codes:testsselectedbrandsand if this
Fails,the testcontinues with all codesinthesystem. 5kip thisstep:the GUIDEPlus+systemwon't be able to
scheduleprograms to recordon yourVCR
Step 4: Confirming YourSettings
1. Makesure all settings are complete and correct. Highlight Yes,endsetup and pressOK.If your cable box and/or VCR
code testing failed, you should seeINCOMPLETEwhere the cable box andVCRcodesare listed. Oncesetup is complete, additional screens appear.
If any settings are incomplete or incorrect, highlight No, repeat setup process and press OK. Follow the
instructions on the screen.
14 Graphics contained within this publication are for representation only. Chapter 1
Connections & Setup Chapter 1
2. Youcan view a demo of the GUIDEPlus+features, which may take a few minutes to load. If you don't want to see
the demo,pressOKto watch W.
What to Expect
Thenext time you are in IV mode,the GUIDEPlus+ system will appear on the screen.Thefollowing examplesexplain what you might see:
* If all of the program information hasbeen sent to your
IV, the GUIDEPlus+systemappearswith all of your W
program listings.
* If the program information hasn't been sent to your IV
yet, an outline of the GUIDE(without lV program listings)
will appearon the screen.Program information isusually
sent to your IV at night.
, If the IV detected that you havemultiple cable
companies in your area, STEPS:Choosing YourChannel
Lineup appears.
Featuresof the GUIDEPlus+system areexplained in Chapter
Toclear the guide from your screen,pressCLEARor GUIDEon the remote control.
This is the Automatic Language
Selection Screen. Englishis the default language, and appears highlighted
whenthe screencomes up.
Setting Other Options
Set the DVD Menu Language
Thefirst time you are in DVDmode, the Automatic Language Selection Screenappears.
Bydefault, the DVD'son-screen displaysareshown in English.If you want the on-screen menusto appear in English,pressOKon the remote.
Tochange the language:
1. Pressthe down arrow button on the remote until the appropriate language is highlighted.
2. PressOKon the remote. Thisscreensetsall language preferencesfor on-screen
displaysto the same language. You can usethe DVD'smenu systemto set individual language preferences(seeChapter 4).
The DVD'smenu system contains many options which can enhanceyour discviewing and listening
experience.Theseoptions include:
ratings limits
language preferences
audio preferences
display options for more information on menu options, seeChapter4.
Chapter I Graphics contained within this publication ate for tepresentation only. 15
Chapter 1 Connections & Setup
1 3
The Buttons on the Remote Control
0-9 (Number buttons) Enter channel numbers and time settings directly through the remote control.
To enter a two-digit channel, press the two digits. To enter a three-digit channel, press and hold the first digit for two
seconds until two dashes appear to the right of the number, then add the second two. Example: to tune to channel 123,
press and hold 1 for two seconds, press 2, then press 3.
ANGLE Accessesvarious cameraangleson a DVD(if the DVDcontains multiple camera angles).
Arrow buttons (up, down, left, right) Pressthe arrow buttons to move through the on-screen menu system.
AUDIO In TVmode,displaysthe AUDIOPROCESSORmenu. In DVDmode, accessesvarious audio features while playing a
CH (up and down) buttons In 1V mode, scans up or down through the current channel list. Pressonce to change the
channel up or down; press and hold to continue changing channels. In DVD mode, highlights the Chapter Info Display
icon. CLEAR Removes any menu or display from the screen.
DVD Putsthe remote in DVDmode. FORWARD In DVDmode,advancesthe disc forward.
GOBACK InIV mode,returns you to the previous channeL In DVDmode, returns you to previous screen.
GUIDE In lV mode, press GUIDE to make the GUIDE Plus+ system appear on the screen; press GUIDE again to remove it
from the screen.
INFO In W mode, displayschannel information. In DVD mode, brings up the Info Displayscreen.
INPUT In W mode, toggles through the available Video Input channels (VlDIFRNTand the current channel).
MARKER In DVD mode, accesses the bookmark info area.
MENU In TVmode, displaysthe TV'sMain menu.Youcan also pressand hold for 2 secondsto display the GUIDEPlus+
system.In DVDmode, makesthe DVD'smenu system appear when a disc isnot playing. If you pressMENU while playing a DVDor Video disc,the disc'smenu system will appear.
MUTE Lowers the volume to its minimum leveL Press again to restore volume.
OK When a menu is on the screen, press OK to select the item that is highlighted.
16 Graphics contained within this publication are for representation only. Chapter 1
Connections & Setup Chapter 1
ON.OFF Turns the IV/DVD on and off. OPEN.CLOSEOpensthe disc tray if it isclosed; closesthe disc tray if it isopen.
PAUSE In DVDmode, pressPAUSEwhen the disc is playing to pauseplayback. PLAY In DVDmode, playsthe disc.
RECORDIn IV mode, when the GUIDEPlus+ program guide is on the screen, pressRECORDto program your VCRto record a program.
REVERSEIn DVDmode, pressREVERSEto go backwards on a disc. STOP In DVDmode,stops playing the disc.
SUBTITLE Turns the subtitles off and on. While the subtitle info area isdisplayed, pressthe arrow buttons on the remoteto changethe subtitle languages(if available).
TV Turns on the IV and puts the remote in IV mode.Also displayschannel information. VOL (up and down) buttons Decreaseor increasethe IV/DVD'svolume.
The Front of Your TV/DVD
Front Panel
If you can't find your remote control you can use the buttons on your 1V/DVD to operate many of the
]V/DVD's features.
POWER Turns the lV/DVD on and off. OPEN/CLOSE Press to open and close the disc tray. PLAY/PAUSE Begins disc play. If in play mode, pauses disc.
STOP Stops disc play.
VOL- Deereases the volume. When you're using the menu system, it acts like the left arrow button on
the remote control.
VOL+ Increases the volume. When you're using the menu system, it acts like the right arrow button on
the remote control. CN - Scans down through the current channel list. When you're using the menu system, it acts like
the arrow down button on the remote control. CN + Scans up through the channel list. When you're using the menu system, it acts like the arrow up
button on the remote control.
W/DVD Puts the ]V/DVD in lV mode. If in TV mode, puts in DVD mode.
Front Panel Jacks
When in W mode, you can access the component you connected by pressing the INPUT button on your remote until ERNTappears on the screen.
Phone Allows you to connect headphones to listen to the sound.
VIDEO (in] Allows you to connect a component such as a video game console, eameorder, VCR or
Internet access device. AUDIO L (left) and AUDIO R (right) Receives audio signals from another component such as a VCR,
camcorder or Interact access device.
Chapter I Graphics contained within this publication ate for representation onl)z 17
Chapter 2 P|aying DVDs
Regional Coding
Boththe W/DVDunitandthediscsarecodedby region.Theseregionalcodesmustmatchinorderfor thediscto play.If the codesdon'tmatch,the discwon't Nay.Thisunit'scodeisregion1.
Using Different Menus
Eachdisc isprogrammed with different features. Thereare three separate menu pathsthat you can use to accessfeatures:
The Disc menu - The disc menu is part of each disc and is separate from the DVD's menu system. The
contents of each disc menu vary according to how the disc was authored and what features are included. The disc menu is turned on and off (while the disc is playing) with the MENU button on the
The DVD's Info Display - The Info Display appears as icons across the top of the screen when a disc is playing. It can only be accessed while you are playing a disc. It's turned on and off with the INFO
button on the remote.
The DVD's menu system - The DVD's menu system is accessed only when a disc isn't playing. It appears automatically when the STOPbutton is pressed.
A feature will only work if the disc was programmed with that feature. If a menu item is "grayed out" it means that item isn't available.
Loading and Playing Discs
Your W/DVD unit plays DVD discs, Video CD discs, Audio CD discs, MP3 discs and CD-R discs. Before you load a disc, make sure that it is compatible with the player. The following discs CANNOT be used with this player:
Laserdiscs, CD-I, CD-ROM (computer-only discs], CD-RW, DVD-ROM, Discs recorded using other broadcast standards (i.e. PAL or SECAM)
This is an example of a one-sided disc.
This is an example of a 2-sided disc.
The title is in the cente_
To Load and Play a Disc
Toput the W/DVD in DVDmodeand play a disc,pressthe DVDbutton on the
remote control.
1. Press the OPEN•CLOSE button on the front of the W/DVD. The disc tray opens.
2. Place a disc gently into the tray with the disc's label facing up (double-sided discs have content on both sides, so you can place either side up).
3. Press the OPEN•CLOSE or PLAY button. The disc tray closes.
The lV/DVD reads the disds table of contents, and then one of three things
happens depending on how the disc was programmed:
The disc star ts playing.
The disc menu appears on the screen. One of the options will start disc play. Highlight that option and press OK on the remote.
The DVD'smain menu appearson the screen.Highlight the Playoption
and pressOKon the remote.
When you stop playing a disc, the unit remembers where you stopped. When you start playing the disc again, the unit picks up where you left off unless the disc is removed, the unit is unplugged, or you pressed the STOP button twice.
18 Graphicscontained within this publication are for representation only Chapter 2
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