Part Description Part Description
1 Dispenser arm 4 Bowl assembly
2 Tubing holder 5 Base unit
3 Collection tubes 6 Power indicator
UNICORN start overview
UNICORN start is a software package for:
Controlling the ÄKTA start instrument•
Creating and editing methods•
Evaluating and analyzing the results from ÄKTA start•
Module Features
Provides an intuitive and easy-to-use
interface to control ÄKTA start.
Performs and monitors manual
chromatography runs.
Performs and monitors automated
predened or user dened chromatography
method runs.
Performs system performance method runs.
Provides the exibility to automate the
chromatography runs.
Allows creation of methods from predened
chromatography templates like Anity, Gel
Filtration, Ion Exchange and Desalting.
Gives exibility to create a customized
method by dragging and dropping the
chromatography phases such as Prime and
Equilibration, Sample Application, Elution
and Fractionation, etc.
Allows exporting methods to a USB ash
drive for importing them into ÄKTA start.
Evaluation Allows viewing and presentation of results,
including creation of PDF reports.
Allows various evaluation operations on
curves and chromatograms including
comparison, peak integration etc.
Allows importing results from ÄKTA start and
exporting results to other formats.
Allows administration of the UNICORN start
database for backup, restore, archive and
retrieve operations.
Allows reviewing of UNICORN start and
system logs.
Read ÄKTA start Operating Instructions
before using the instrument.