We have made
the No.1
even better!
from GC
Low Shrinkage Modelling Resin
Technique and Handling of
GC Pattern Resin

Introduction 3
GC Pattern Resin LS 3
Indications 4
Features and Benefits 4
Physical Properties 5
Brush Technique – Step by Step 5 - 7
Implant Technique 8
Electroforming Technique 9
Core Build-up Technique 9
Investing and Casting 10
Questions and Answers 10
Related Products 11

Contemporary materials, equipment and techniques
enable dental technicians to manufacture high precision,
aesthetic restorations – and naturally they prefer
procedures, which are clear, easy to learn and safe to
apply. In this context, accessory materials, which may at
first glance appear unimportant, have in fact become
absolutely indispensable.
Dental prostheses are as individual as the patients. It
takes real teamwork to achieve perfect technical results
and genuine satisfaction for patients. An exact transfer of
intraoral situations to the laboratory using precise and
reproducible laboratory methods makes the teamoriented interaction of dentists and dental technicians
easier. ”Little helpers”, such as a universal high precision
modelling resin are invaluable for these procedures.
GC Pattern Resin LS
Low Shrinkage Modelling Resin
A modelling resin with unique properties
In more than 15 years of service to the dental and dental
technician professions Pattern Resin LS Low Shrinkage
modelling resin has proven a safe, versatile and easy to
handle material. Pattern Resin LS was specially developed
for the brush technique. Its unique handling properties
make it suitable for as different indications as attachment,
crown and bridge, implant and electroforming techniques.
Pattern Resin LS is further well established and proven
for a number of detail applications – such as resin dies,
fixation prior to soldering or milling, or core build-ups.
Our aim is to enable you to take full advantage of this
unique material. The present manual lists some of the
numerous chairside and laboratory indications and
provides you with application examples from various
fields of dental technology.
Take a look inside to learn some new Applications,
For a perfect touchdown
Tips & Tricks with Pattern Resin LS.

Attachment technique Conical or telescopic crowns
Custom attachments
Resin dies
Fixation of crowns for transfer impressions
C&B technique Inlays, onlays
Adhesion bridges (Maryland)
Soldering Splinting for soldering procedures
Model cast partial dentures Modelling of extensions,
lingual bars and clasps
Implant technique Manufacture of custom implant abutments
Implant bite registrations
Intra-oral splinting of transfer abutments
Electroforming (Galvano) Resin dies for electroforming technique
Features Benefits
Low polymerization shrinkage Perfect fit of the pattern and the cast object
Perfect handling properties for brush
Favourable flow behaviour and high
Burns out without residues Homogeneous castings
High hardness and strength High stability even in thin layers
Short setting time Time-saving and economical, also for mixing technique
Perfect adhesion to already polymerized
Pattern Resin LS
Unlimited dimensional stability of
Pattern Resin LS dies
and Benefits
Easily controlled and precise application
Even large extensions can be built up
without problems
Quick setting, but convenient application
with brush technique
Economical usage
Easy workability
Does not flow from applied areas
Homogeneous resin workpieces
Optimally adapted to brush technique
Efficient and economical
Fine surface adjustments can be made with burs
Smooth surfaces after grinding or milling
Homogeneous, smooth casting surfaces with precise margins
Dimensionally stable dies even after hours or days
No dimensional changes due to room temperature