Vehicle model GAZ33104 GAZ331041 GAZ331043
Vehicle type Biaxial, cargo, with rear axle drive
Vehicle capacity, kg:
— with cargo body without canvas top 3605 3445 3150
— with cargo body and with canvas top 3500 3330 3045
Vehicle gross mass, kg 7400 7400 7400
Vehicle kerb mass, kg:
— with cargo body without canvas top 3500 3730 3800
— with cargo body and with canvas top 3605 3845 3905
Overall dimensions, mm
— length 6050 7565 6770
— width (over mirrors) 2643 2643 2643
— height (over cabin, unladen) 2260 2260 2265
— height (over canvas top, unladen) 3060 3060 3060
Wheelbase, mm 3310 4000 4000
Front wheels track, mm 1740 1740 1740
Rear wheels track (between centres of twin tyres),
mm 1701 1701 1701
Ground clearance, fully laden, mm 177 177 177
Minimum turning radius (front outer track), not
more, m 6,4 7,7 7,7
Maximum speed with full load without trailer on
flat, smooth highway, km/h 95 95 95
Fuel consumption1) when running with constant
speed, l/100km:
— 60 km/h 13,5 13,5 13,5
— 80 km/h 18,0 18,0 18,0
Overhang angles (fully laden), deg.:
— front 27 27 27
— rear 14 10 14
Maximum climable gradient for fully laden vehicle,
% (degree) 25 (14) 25 (14) 25 (14)
Cargo body loading height, mm 1070 1070 1070
Model D245.7 E2
Type Diesel, 4stroke, with turbocharger, with
supercharged air cooling, liquid cooling
Number of cylinders and their arrangement 4, vertical inline
Cylinders firing order 1—3—4—2
Direction of crankshaft rotation right
1) The fuel consumption specified is not considered to be a rate but serve only for determining
of vehicle technical state.