Gasboy CFN Series Quick Reference

Gasboy CFN Series
Quick Reference
Version 2.3
Part number: C09159
Rev. 2238
Gasboy International, Inc
A Tokheim Company
CFN II Quick Reference
Site Controller II.....................................................1
Command Summaries, Version 2.3......................1
General Command Summary...........................1
FRED Command Summary...........................15
System Variables ...........................................16
SCII CPU Board................................................17
SCII+ C PU Bo ard.............................................18
Old Memory Board ...........................................18
PCMCIA Memory Board...................................18
DIP Switch Bank 1........................................19
Test Points.....................................................19
SC II Front Panel LEDs.....................................19
Top Row: Boot & Device..............................19
Bottom Row: Old Memory Board.................. 19
Bottom Row: PCMCIA Board.......................19
Back of Site Controller II................................... 19
Diagnostic Error Codes.........................................19
Card & Gate Reader..........................................20
Pump Control Unit............................................20
Tank Monitor....................................................20
Raw Mode Error Codes.........................................20
Profit Point............................................................21
Back panel........................................................21
Menu T ree.........................................................21
Special functions...............................................23
Check Point ..........................................................24
Special Functions..............................................24
Product Attributes.............................................25
Check Point Key Map........................................25
Check Point Key Actions...................................26
Switch Settings..................................................26
CPU Board, Firmware 5.0-5.2........................26
CPU Board, Firmware 5.3 & 5.4....................27
Check Point Test Mode .....................................27
Vacuum Fluorescent Display............................28
Stan da lone Receip t Print er .................................... 28
Self Test........................................................29
Star (RS-422)................................................ 29
Star (RS-232) for Check Point....................... 29
Star (Parallel)................................................ 29
Okidata 184 Printer Setup..................................... 30
POS Reports ......................................................... 30
Sample Commands........................................... 30
Printer Controls.................................................30
Tender Codes.................................................... 30
Event Codes......................................................31
Record Identifiers............................................. 31
Link Terminal Setup ............................................. 32
Island Card Reader I............................................. 33
CPU Board....................................................... 33
Switches ....................................................... 33
Jumpers ........................................................ 33
Test Mode......................................................... 34
Printers............................................................. 34
Novatronics................................................... 34
Star............................................................... 34
Island Card Reader II............................................ 34
CPU Board....................................................... 34
Switches ....................................................... 34
Jumpers ........................................................ 35
Test Mode......................................................... 35
Printers............................................................. 35
Star............................................................... 35
DPT ..................................................................... 35
Keypad............................................................. 35
Switches........................................................... 36
DIP Switch Bank 1........................................ 36
Jumpers............................................................ 37
CRIND ................................................................. 37
Keypad............................................................. 37
Cabling............................................................. 37
D-Box to Gilbarco Interface.......................... 37
SDI/Wayne CAT.................................................. 38
Keypad............................................................. 38
SDI Box Switches............................................. 38
Pump Control Unit................................................39
LEDs............................................................ 39
Switches ....................................................... 39
Jumpers ........................................................ 39
LEDs............................................................ 40
Switches ....................................................... 40
Jumpers ........................................................ 40
I/O Board..........................................................40
Jumpers ........................................................ 40
9800 Pump Dispenser........................................... 41
CPU Board....................................................... 41
Jumpers ........................................................ 41
C09159 Rev. 2238 Contents-1
CFN II Q ui ck Refere n ce
LED Indicators ..............................................41
Test Points.....................................................41
LCD Board.......................................................42
Electronic Pump Interfaces....................................42
Gilbarco Interface Unit......................................44
CPU Board....................................................44
Interface Board..............................................45
Tank Gauge..........................................................46
Veeder-Root CPU Board...................................46
TLS 250 and TLS 250i ..................................46
TLS 350........................................................46
TLS 350R......................................................47
EECO tank monitor.......................................47
Gasboy Interface Software.............................48
RS-422 Communications.......................................48
422 Line Monitor ..............................................48
PC Monitor....................................................48
DIP Switch Banks 2 and 3.............................48
422-232 Converter............................................. 48
R1 - Adjusting...............................................48
RS-232 Communications.......................................49
Modems and Cables..........................................49
Hayes Relevant Commands...........................49
RS-232 Straight Cable...................................49
RS-232 Character Framing...............................50
Host-Site Mode.............................................50
Raw Mode.....................................................50
Completed Transaction Codes........................51
Site-Host Mode.................................................51
PC/Site Control.....................................................51
Required Settings for SC II...............................51
Command Line Options.....................................51
Input and Output Redirection............................51
Fuel Point Reader..................................................52
CPU Board........................................................52
Site Notes.............................................................52
Contents 2 C35921 Rev. 2238
CFN II Quick Reference
ACtivate PUmp (10) activates a pump from the
Site Controller II
Command Summaries,
Version 2.3
General Command Summary
[... ] Sq u are brack ets mean that the conten ts enclosed within the pair of brackets are optional.
| Verti cal bar means or; it separates alternatives. {.. .} Curly br ackets are used to gr oup option al
alt ernatives where only one choice can be ent ered. Text in bold must be typed just as it is shown; italics
indi cate a generic categ ory where you are to substitute a specific entry.
Shift-change Commands. Shift-ch ange commands— which are incl u d ed in the shift-chang e package—are shown in lowercase.
Options: CA P1 A option puts pump in full serve mode P1 assigns account number
ADd ALlocation (77) adds to an allocation totalizer.
Option: C
ADd DRawer (11) adds to cash in cash drawer.
Option: C
addrawer a shift-change command to add money to the cash drawer of a P OS console.
Options: [POS#] [$amount]
ADd INventory (100) adds to inventory counters for a product.
Option: C
ADd SIGnon (101) adds a user, assigns permission level to user, and loads user’s signon code.
ADd TAnk (12) adds to tank inventory counter.
Option: C
Disk-based Commands. Disk-based commands do not have short forms , a nd you s hould use semi-col ons only wh ere they ar e specifica lly shown.
System Commands. The short form of the comm an d is in uppercase. The command number, which is used to ent er the comman d fr om a console, is gi ven in paren theses after the com mand name.
All system-command options must be preceded by a semi- col on, and th ere can be no blank spaces on either side of th e s emi-colon.
System com mands and their options ma y al s o be entered using the command number followed by a:
.5 to insert a ;I .4 to insert a ;A .3 to insert a ;C
Using Print SAles as an example:
126.4 is the same as typing P SA;a
ACtivate GAte (94) activates a gate from the terminal.
Option: C
alter clerk a shift-chan g e com mand to cr eate a new format file for clerk reports.
alter day a shift - ch ange command to create a new format file for end-of-day reports.
alter shift a shift-change command to create a new format file for shift reports.
BACKTRAN disk-based command to back u p transactions to disk file filename.
Option: ;>filename
BUFFERS disk-ba s ed com mand to di splay buffer usage.
CALL (102) initiates the dial-out process. CASE command to switch by case in command
Options: [-D] {-P n1 n2 | -E n1 text}
-D a dd line for default command
-P n1 n2 number of c ase i s passed from
comma nd line; n1 is the total number of cases (except default, if used); n2 is the case to execut e
C09159 Rev. 2238 1
CFN II Q ui ck Refere n ce
-E n1 text Number of case to ex ecu te is entered
by user; n1 is total number of cas es (exc ept default, if used)
cashier a shift-change command to output the shift report to standard out and a flat file.
Options: [journal log filename] [format filename]
[flat filename] [%I | shift sequence number] [%S | shift number] [POS#] [day of week] [%D | date] [%T | time] [%Y | yymmddhhmm] [siteID]
CHDir (103) chan g es director ies. Check CArd (13) determines if a card is valid or
Option: C
CHKDSK disk-ba sed command to check disk integrity.
Options: [-A] [-B ###] [-F] [-R]
-A read an d ch eck entire disk
-B i f th e di sk error messa g e shows bad sectors,
use this option with the sect or number s to mark those sectors
-F attempt to fix disk if lost or cross-linked
clust ers or len gth errors ar e found
-R read all fi les to check for bad sectors
CLOSE (154) makes a retroactive safe dr op to the
previous shift; used only in command files, never by itself on a command line.
compare a shift-change command to compare two character strin g s with out case sen sit i vit y.
Options: [string1] [string2]
CONSOLE dis k-based config urat ion progr am for console.
Options: [-P][-V] [filename]
-P prin t cur rent con fi guration
-V display in TTY form if port is configured as
a CRT in the system par ameters , or vi ce versa
CP disk-based command to copy disk files quickly.
Options: file1 file2 | file 1 [file2] dir
COPy (105) copies a disk file.
Options: file1 file2
DEactivate PUmp (14) shuts off a pu mp from the terminal.
Options: CA A option takes a pump out of full serve mode
DELete (6) removes a disk file or files.
Option: A A option deletes any specified file, even read-
only and hidden files
DIRectory (4) prints a listing of disk file names.
Options: IA I option gives listing in short format A option lists hidden files
DIsable COnsole (19 ) shuts down a consol e.
Option: C
DIsable DUmp (106) turns off file dumping. DIsable FPR (162) shuts down a fuel point reader.
Option: C
DIsable GAte (88) shuts down a gate controller.
Option: C
DIsable HIstory (107) turns off syst em hi story recording.
DIsable PCu (20) shuts down a pump control unit.
Option: C
DIsable PROduct (108) disables product attributes.
Option: C 0 pr ompt displays ?Price?, not ?Amount? 1 product is not a refund 2 product is not a payout 3 product is not a withdrawal 4 disables dollar amount inventory for product 5 disables inventory tracking for product 7 low inventory not indicated by asterisk in
PRINT PRODUCT 8 product is not a fuel product 9 journal does not u s e category number as
department number 15 disable patronage (Buypass only)
DIsable PUmp (21) shuts down a pump.
Options: CA A option dis ables all pumps
DIsable RAW (109) turns off raw mode. DIsable REader (22) shuts down a card reader
Option: C
DIsable SDI (88) shuts down SDI.
Option: C
DIsable TMS (86) shuts do wn a tank monitor system (gauge).
Option: C
2 C09159 Rev. 2238
CFN II Quick Reference
DISKCOPY disk-based command to copy files from a flop py dis kette in drive A to an other floppy dis kette, usi ng the hard disk a s a buffer.
DOwnload SDI (100) forces a download of an SDI. Include the SDI n um ber(s) on th e s ame line a s the command, no C option is needed.
DUMP disk-based command to print raw tables.
Options: (see below) [D]TIP pump_number [P] dump transaction in
progress on sp ecified pum p ; D d ecod es the transaction; P dumps previous transaction
-or­[D]TIP NF console_number [P] dump
merchandis e t ransaction in progress on specified console; D decode s the transaction; P dumps previous transaction
-or­[D]TRAN [R]transaction_number(s) dump the
indicated transaction (or ran g e of transactions) in decoded f ormat ; D decod es the transacti on; R indicates a raw index number (to be used only by technicians)
-or­CORE [address_range [page_size]] dump
specified range of addr es s es from memory
-or­PROCESS [process number(s)] dumps all
processes (default) or s p ecified range
-or­table_name [major_range [minor_range]] dump
from sp eci fied ta bl e r ecord numbers included in major range (by sub reco rds in minor range); default is al l records
ECho (144) outputs the string given as argument.
Option: AT P1 A option suppresses line feed T option displays string on consol e P1 is used with fixed decimal numbers. Place a
number between the @ and M to specify the number of chara cters in cluding d ecimal point.
ELSE command used wi th I F in com mand files.
Option: block block is comm a nd or be gin . . .en d block
Enable COnsole (23) returns a con sole to operation.
Options: CI I option initializes and enables all consoles
Enable DUmp (112) starts file dumping.
Option: A A option appends file
Enable FPR (161) enables a fuel p oin t reader.
Option: CI I option initializes and enables fuel point
Enable GAte (87) returns a gate controller to operation.
Options: CI I option initializes and enables all gate
Enable HIstory (113) restarts system histor y recording.
Option: I I option clears history table
Enable PCu (24) returns a p ump cont ro l unit to operation.
Options: CI I option initializes and enables all PCUs
Enable PROduct (114) enables product attributes.
Option: C 0 pr ompt displays ?Amount?, not ?Price? 1 product is a refund 2 product is a payout 3 product is a withdrawal 4 enables doll ar amount (not units ) inven tory
for product 5 enables inventory tracking for product 7 low inventory indicated by asterisk in
PRINT PRODUCT 8 product is a fuel product 9 journal uses category number as department
number 15 enables patronage (Buypass only)
Enable PUmp (25) returns a pump to operation.
Options: CAI I option enables all pumps A option cl ears owners h ip and fr ees the pump
Enable RAW (8) enables raw output mode.
Option: A A option sends on ly 1 line of re s pons e at a
Enable REader (26) returns a re ader te rm inal to operation.
Options: CI I option initializes and enables all readers
Enable SDI (87) returns an SDI to operation.
Options: CIA I option initializes and enables all SDIs
Enable TMS (85) returns a tank monitor system to
C09159 Rev. 2238 3
CFN II Q ui ck Refere n ce
Options: CI I option ena bles and re- initial izes all T MS s
EXit (27) exits command mode, enters system monitor mode; if the exit command is in a command file, the system prompt returns.
FIND dis k - based comm and to sear ch for pattern in files.
Options: [;[A][I]] pattern file1 [file2] .. . ;A prints lin e numbers along with lines ;I returns the number of lines on which pattern
is found (%E)
FIX_CONF disk-based command to update an old configuration file to work with a new release of FRAMOS (but not a new version number).
Options: [-Dconf_name]...[filename]
-Dconf_name conf_name is replaced with name
of configuration program to be reset to defaults (e.g., READER, PUMP, SYS_PAR) or ALL for all configuration pr ogram s a t once; you may specify more than one program by repeating modifier in front of t he name of each config uration program you want to reset to its default
filename name of configuration file; if no file
name is given, assumes FRAMOS.CFG
Fix TRansactions (28) changes transaction-begin and -end pointers.
Options: AI rec1 rec2 A r ecalculate CRC; allows damaged
transaction records to be used; use only if necessa ry to allow corru pt ed r ecords to be polled
I clear all transa ction num bers from the
transaction fi le and reset the transacti on pointers; irreversible; fill transaction number field with -1s for all transactions
rec1 rec2 set pointers; rec1 is the physical
record number of th e oldes t transaction you want to include in the active portion of the table; rec2 is the physical record number of the most recent transact ion you wish to include in the a ctive port ion of the ta bl e
fmtlint a shift-change command to output memory utilization to the screen.
Options: [filename]
FORMAT (116) formats a floppy or RAM disk.
Options: [A | B | D] [4 | 5]
A, B, D drive of disk to be formatted
4, 5 use 4 for a 720K floppy; 5 for 1.4M
FRED disk-based full-screen text editor (FRED
commands are su mmarized later in this chapt er ).
Option: [filename]
FUELER disk-bas ed program to set the fueler ID for a cluster.
Options: [<cluster> <fueler-ID>] If th e ar gu ments ar e n ot provided, the current
stat e of a ll fuelers is shown. Only clust ers 1-
9 can ha ve a fuel er. Entry of a Fuel I D car d
generates a disk journal event type 197 with
the first two character s of the text field
containing the cluster number .
Fuelpt disk-ba s ed configur ation pr ogram for fuel point readers.
Options: [-P][-V] [filename]
-P print curr ent config u ration
-V display in TTY form if port is configured as
a CRT in the system par ameters , or vi ce
GATE disk-based gat e-reader configuration program.
Options: [-P][-V] [filename]
-P prin t cur rent con fi g urati on
-V display in TTY form if port is configured as
a CRT i n system parame ter s, or vi ce ve rsa
Get TRansactions (117) polls transactions from conn ected sit e.
Option: A A option prints full Print Transaction format
GOTO used in command files; execution jumps to line labeled with label.
Option: label
HARD disk-based command to format hard disk.
Options: I | F [skew ]
I initialize file system F [skew] format hard disk, th en initial ize; skew
is the interleave factor; default is 0
HARDBACK disk- ba s ed com mand to ba ck u p program, command, configuration, and hard-disk system files to floppy diskettes.
HARDLOAD disk- ba sed command to restore data backed up with the HARDBACK command.
Help (29) lists Site Controller commands.
Option: A A option prints commands with command
4 C09159 Rev. 2238
CFN II Quick Reference
IF command for conditional branching in command files.
Options: -[!] {Y [text] | E filename | {= | < | <= | > | >=} arg1 arg2}
-! negation operator; comes between dash (-)
and conditional express ion; r everses the truth conditions of the conditional expression it proceeds
-Y text the text is echoed, and if the user enters a 1, Y, or y, then the comman d fol lowing th e
IF stat ement is executed
-E filename if the named file exists, the
command following the IF statement is executed
-{= |< | <= | > | >=} arg1 arg2} the comman d or block of commands following the IF statement i s execu ted if =, <, <=, >, or >= holds between arg1 and arg2; that is, if arg1 {comparison} arg2 is true. You can separate expr es sions by |, wh ich means “or,” or by &, which means “an d”
INSTALL disk- based comm and for hard drive installation.
KERMIT disk-ba sed program for file transfer to external computer. Note: press CTRL-SHIFT-6 to exit from connect mode.
Options: [baud][D][L#] {R | S file1 [file2] ...} baud data transmission rate to use, in bits-per-
D debug mode (used in development only) L# Site Controlle r RS-232 port numb e r to use;
where # is the port number
(without R or S) connect mode; default is port
number 1
R receive-file(s) mode
S file1 [file2] ... send the specified fi le(s) to the
conn ected compu ter
lddrawer a shift-change command to enter the initial amoun t in the cash drawer at th e begi n n ing of a shi ft on a console.
Options: [POS#] [$amount]
listday a shift-change command; with the 0 argument, it moves the PREVIOUS.LOG file to the reports directory; with the 1 argument, it completes the pr ocess ing of the PREVIOUS.LOG file.
Options: 0 | 1 [POS#] [shift# POS#] . . .
listnext a shift-change command to generate a shift report.
Options: [filename] [filename-extension only]
[%I | shift sequence#] [shift#] [POS#] [printer# on POS]
listone a shift-ch ange command that runs the cashier, pritem, and prhour commands to generate the end-of-day reports.
Options: [filename-extension only] [POS#] [POS#] the nu m ber of t he consol e associa ted
with the receipt printer where th e en d -of-day report is to be printed
LOad ALlocation (78) enters amounts in allocation totalizers.
Option: C
LOad Authorization (30) enters authorization code for allowed fuels or disallowed merchandise.
Options: CI I opti on eras es al l authori z ation codes
LOad CArd (146) is run by a remote hos t to download a bit-mapped loc kout file.
Option: C
LOad CRon (76) creates cron entri es.
Options: CI I option removes all ent rie s from the cron fil e Actio n types: @ ! ^ % ? # @ DWMMDDYYHHMM command is a timed
! command executes at a system restart ^ command executes at boot % command executes when transa ction fil e is
near full
# command executes immediately after loading
then command i s removed from cr on table
Note: an optional hyphen (-) after the action type
and before the com mand name suppress es output to the printer.
LOad CUtoff (40) enters pump-fill limit and slow­to-cutoff point.
Option: C
LOad DAte (31) enters date and time. LOad DRawer (32) enters initial amount of money
in cash dr awer.
Option: C
LOad Fuel (33) assigns product codes, price codes, and tank numbers to pumps.
Option: C
C09159 Rev. 2238 5
CFN II Q ui ck Refere n ce
LOad Heading (34) enters receipt heading and footing messages.
Options: CI I option erases all headin g and footin g lin e s
LOad INventory (118) sets up inven tor y for a pr oduct and enables i nventor y t rac ki ng.
Option: C
LOad KEY loads the 18-character DES (data encryption st andard ) k ey or k eys — ttxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, where tt is:
00 = master key 10 = working key 20 = working based on previous working 30 = excl u s ive or with previous m aster xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is the 16 characters of the key
LOad LImitation (35) enters limitation code and fuel limit.
Options: CI I option era s es all limita tion codes and fuel
LOad MEssage (36) enter s card read er t er minal and gate broadcast messages.
Options: CI I option erases all messages
LOad PHone (46) enters dial-out phone numbers.
Options: CI # I option removes all phone numbers # is 1 = main C F N host phon e num ber 2 = backup CFN host phone number 3 = ma i n bank phone num be r 4 = backup bank phone number 5 = main auxiliary phone number 6 = backup auxiliary phone number
LOad PLU (119) loads price lookup information for merchandise products.
Option: C
LOad PRice (37) enters price code, pr ice level, and price.
Options: CI I opti on eras es all price code s , pri ce levels,
and prices
LOad PROduct (38) changes product number, name, or other product information.
Options: CA A option creates a new product
LOad SHift (41) changes the site’s shift. LOad SIGnon (42) changes your sign-on code. LOad SITe (43) enters information for local site.
Option: I I option clears infor mation for the site
LOad TAnk (45) enters tank inventor y counter quantity.
Options: CI I option clears all tan k inventor y counters
LOad TAX (142) enters tax numbers and names.
Options: CI I option clears all tax accumulator names
LOad TRansaction (47) enters initial transaction number.
LOad Vehicle (82) enrolls a vehicle in the MPG package.
Options: CIA I option removes all vehicles from th e MPG
A option resets MPG period for all vehicles
LOCk CArd (48) invali dates a car d.
Options: CA A option erases card file and sets positive
LOG EVent (158) puts an event in the disk journal LOG FIle (121) prints a file on the log printer.
Option: A A option deletes file after logging
LOG MEssage (93) prints a message on the log printer.
Option: C
MKdir (122) creates a n ew directory. NExt CLerk (159) allows the disk journal to keep
separate shift s for each con s ol e. nextday a shift-change command to end the day and
begin a new day.
Options: [POS#] [POS#] th e number of th e console ass oci ated
with the receipt printer where th e en d -of-day report is to be printed
LOad PUmp (39) enters pump totalizer amo unt.
Option: C
6 C09159 Rev. 2238
CFN II Quick Reference
NExt DAY (151) stops the site, closes the current day, r es tarts th e site, opens the cash drawer for a s afe drop, and loads shift 1.
Options: IA I option does not restart the site; us e ful fo r
sites that are not op e n 24 hours a day
A option ignores the system parameter that sets
the time interval required between changing shifts with this command
nextshft a shift-change command to change shift, either system- wi d e or on a particular console.
Options: [POS#]
NExt SHift (152) closes the current site shift, loads the nex t shift num ber, and opens the cash dr awer for a safe drop.
Option: A A option ignores the system parameter that sets
the time interval required between changing shifts with this command
PAUse (149) prompts for us er inp ut.
Options: IA P1 I option saves line of input for next command
that n eeds termin al input
A option suppresses line feed P1 option is used with fixed decimal numbers
PERM disk-based command to change permission levels of system-resident commands.
Options: [-P][-V] [filename]
-P prin t cur rent con fi g urati on
-V display in TTY form if port is configured as
a CRT in the system par ameters , or vi ce versa
PJ a disk-based command to print journal information.
Options: [-Cn[-m]] [-Rn[-m]] [-An[-m]] [-Un[-
m]] [-Sn[-m]] [-Dn[-m]] [-Hn[-m]] [-Bn[-m]]
[-Nx[-y]] [-Tx[ss]] [-Oy[:z]] [-X] [-W] [-V]
[-E] [-I] [-F] [-G] [-L] [-M] [-P] [-?] [filename]
-Cn[-m] list journ al entri es for consol e n (to m)
-Rn[-m] list journ al entries for island card r ead er
n (to m)
-An[-m] list journal entries for pump n (to m)
-Un[-m] list journ al entri es for user/cler k n (to
-Sn[-m] list journal entries for shift n (to m)
-Dn[-m] list journ al entri es for date n (to m)
-Hn[-m] list journal entr i e s for hour n (to m)
-Bn[-m] list journal entries for department n (to
-Nx[-y] list journal entries for transaction
number x (to y)
-Tx[ss] list te nde r type x (sub-tender type ss)
-Oy[:z] len gth of the fir st and second fields of
club cards
-X compressed listing
-W r aw data li s ting
-V list events only
-E includ e events
-I do not include merc handise-item ent r ies
-F do not include fuel-item entries
-G List general events only
-L Print total without transaction records
-M do not include tender records
-P list journal entries for previous day’s
journal; if no filename specified, PREVIOUS.LOG is default
-? print help [filename] if no filename is specified,
JOURNAL.LOG is default
PORT (155) allows the site to manipulate a serial port to communicate with devices connected t o th at port.
Options: Open, Send, Wait, Receive, Fl u s h ,
Open option initializes the port:
PORT OPEN [<port #>] [BAUD (300|1200|2400|4800|9600)] [DATA7] [STOPS2] [PARITY (EVE N|ODD) ] [NOFLOW] [LF]
<port #> SC port number, defaults to 2 BAUD baud rate, defaults to 2400 DATA7 7 data bits, defaults to 8 STOPS2 2 stop bits, defaults to 1 PARITY parity, defaults to none NOFLO W turns off flow-control (normally XON/XOFF) LF adds CR LF to lines (default is CR)
Send option transmits characters from string or
file, or causes a br eak:
PORT (SEND[LINE] <string>
|SENDBREAK|SENDFILE < fname>) SEND <string> <string> is sent to port SENDLINE <string> <string> is se nt followed by a CR (and LF if LF option was used in OPEN) SENDBREAK causes a break on the line SENDFILE <fname> sends file as lines followed by CR (and LF if LF option was used in OPEN) SENDPACKET <string> sends <STX><string><ETX><LRC> where LRC is the XOR of <string> and ETX
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SENDSLOW <string> string is sent one char. at a time paced about 1/4 second apart. Note: This command may be used to cause a m odem to dial, et c., by sending the appropriate modem command. Often a break ma y be us ed to cause the modem to hang up the phone.
Wait option pauses until a string matching the
specified string (or any of a list of strings) is received or unti l timeout is reached: PORT WAIT <option-list> FOR <string> [<string> ...] The <option-list> is r ep laced by one or more of:
TIME <seconds> is time to wait, defaults
to 30 seconds CASE string is case sensitive SPACE length of white space in target is significant MAX <integer> give up after that many characters are received QUIET <integer> give up if host silent that many seconds VAR <variable> tar g et matched is return ed in <variable>
ECHO di spl ay characters as recei v ed The keyword FOR signals the end of the op tion list an d the beginni ng of the strin g l ist. E ach string may cont ain control cod es ( for exam ple, ~0D or ^ M) or wild card char acters (@s ) .
If any string con tains internal spa ces, it must be enclosed in quot es ( ‘‘this string’’).
The return code is the number of t he string that was matched (for example, 1 if the first (or only) string was matched).
Receive option captures incoming chara cters in
variable and/or file: PORT RECEIVE [<until-list>] (VAR <variable> | FILE[APPEND] <fname>) The <until-list> is repla ced by one or more of:
MAX <int eger> get th e given number of
characters (defaults to 39 if VAR, 80 if FILE) END <string> until any char acter in th e string is encountered (this option ma y appear multiple times), defaults to LF and FF TIME < seconds> timeout in seconds, defaults to 30 QUIET <seconds> give up if line quiet for given number of seconds PACKET ter minat ed on r eceipt of pa ck et,
returns 0 (may combine with END) VAR <variable> is the user variable to hold the data FILE <filename> name of a file to hold the data, if file exists, it is overwritten FILEAPPEND <fname> if file exists, received data is added at the end. Note: the terminator character is not included in th e string. If a t erminat or character is found, the return code of n means the nth chara cter in the END string was found.
Flush option discards pending input:
Close option relinquishes control of port:
The foll o wi ng err or cod es are used b y all
variants of th e P ORT command: 0 Success 100 Syntax error 101 Bad port 102 Bad baud 103 No channel open 104 Timeout 105 Quiet timeout 106 Max. chars termination 107 Terminated with ^C 108 Can’t create file 109 LRC didn ’t check in packet 110 Port busy
Non-printing Characters: In any data str ing in one of the commands, non-printing characters may be represented in hex or control-letter form. For exa mple, CR may be represented by ~0D or ^M.
prattend a shift-change command to print attendant sales.
Options: [-?] [-an] [-sn] [-gn] [-on] [ -t n(mm)] [-
p] [-e] [-f fla tfil e ] [-yYYMMDDHHMM]
[-nx(-m)] [-x] [infile]
-? displays this message
-a displays totals for attendant ‘n’. if none, or
-a All, gives a totaled report of all
-sn gives report for shift n
-gn use ‘n’ digits for attendant number
-on offset of ‘n’ digits into card data
-tn(mm) designates tender type n and subtype
mm to report
-p processes the previous journal file
-e gives separate report for each attendant
-f outputs raw dat a into ‘fla tfile’
-y begin time for shift (YYMMDDHHMM)
8 C09159 Rev. 2238
CFN II Quick Reference
Show transactions after this time
-nx(-m) transaction number x or range. Will
wrap after 9999
-x Display taxes separate infile - Journal file to process. Defaults to
prboth journallog a shift-ch ange command to prin t data from the sp ecified journallog.
Options: journallog -I [-F flatfilename] | -H [-F
flatfilename] | -I -H [-F flatfilename]
-I prints sales, if any, by stock numbers
-H prints a summary of sales activity by hour
-F flatfilename creates a flat file named
flatfilename from the s p ecified journallog file
Print ALlocation (79) prints allocation total izers. Print Authorization (49) prints authorization codes
and fuels allowed. Print CArd (95) prints lockout file in bitmapped
format. Print COnsole (150) puts a line of text on consol e
Print CRon (15) prints entries in cron file. Print DAte (50) p r ints date , time, a nd current
transaction nu mber. Print DIagnostics (51) prints system errors.
Option: A A option prints all er ror codes Arguments: 0 when diagnosti cs were last reset 1 Site Information 2 PCUs 3 readers 4 consoles 5 fuel point readers 6 gate controllers 7 tank gauges 8 pumps 12 SDI
Print DRawer (52) prints shift and daily cash drawer totals.
Print Heading (53 ) prints receipt heading and footing.
Print HIstory (123) prints event h i st ory.
Option: A A option displa ys new event s as th ey occur
Print LImitation (54) prints limitation codes and fuel limits.
Print LOckout (55) print s inva lid or valid card numbers.
Print MEssage (56) prints broadcast messages. Print MOnitor (89) prints stored log.
Option: A A option print s wi t h physica l record nu mbers
Print PHone (16) prints the dial-out phone numbers. Print PR i ce (57) prints price c odes, levels, a nd
prices. Print PROduct (58) prints produc t inf ormation.
Options: IA I option allows ranges of categories A option prints attributes enabled with
Print PU mp ( 5 9) prints pump numbers, tank numbers, products, price codes, prices, pump totals, and pulse rates.
Option: A A option prints buffered totals
Print QUantity (145) prints quantity sold information.
Options: IA I option allows ranges of categories A opt ion allows choic e of period s: 1 = previous shift 1 2 = previous shift 2 3 = previous shift 3 C = current shift Y = yesterday’s total D = today’s total T = cumulative total P = cumulative totals at last day change
Print RECeipt (124) prints text on receipt printer.
Option: C [# | C# | P1=# | P1=C#] [message] # is a receipt printer’s number; C# is the
number of the con sol e to which th e r eceipt
printer is attached. P1 option is usually used when redirecting a file
that does not have a stored printer number C option allows multiple lines of text. End
using a ‘.’ followed by ENTER on its own
C09159 Rev. 2238 9
CFN II Q ui ck Refere n ce
Print SAles (126) prints sales information.
Options: IA I option allows ranges of categories 0 = print tax accum u lators (P S A;I 0) A option allows choice of periods: 1 = previous shift 1 2 = previous shift 2 3 = previous shift 3 C = current shift Y = yesterday’s total D = today’s total T = cumulative total P = cumulative totals at last day-change
Print SIGnon (125) print s user numbe rs an d permission levels.
Print SITe (127) prints information for local and remote sites.
Pri n t SUmma ry (18) prints summary of sales totals report.
Options: IA I option allows ranges of categories A option allows choice of periods: 1 = previous shift 1 2 = previous shift 2 3 = previous shift 3 C = current shift Y = yesterday’s total D = today’s total T = cumulative total P = cumulative totals at last day change
Print TAnk (60) prints tank numbers an d inventory totals.
print tax use Prin t SA les;I 0 prntrpt a shi ft -chang e com mand to pr in t r ep orts.
Options [Report type] [Report number] [Day of
week extension] [Date an d time][Printer POS] [Report flag]
prtender cr eates a rep or t similar to the site PRI NT TRANSACTION command. The report is a file in the reports directory named ptend###.rpt where ### is the tender type and/or subtype of the report.
Options [-?] [-tn(mm)] [-en] [-a(n)] [-dn(-m)]
[-hn(-m)] [-p] [infile]
-? Displays this message
-tn(mm) Designates tender type n and subtype mm for report creation
-en Displays extra account digit from offset n into discretionary data
-a(n) Displays Aux Tran sequential
numbers for all tenders
-dn(-m) Date n to m
-hn (-m) Hour n to m
-p Processes previous journal file infile Journal file to process. Defaults to
Print TIp (129) prints tra nsactions in progr e s s .
Option: A A option continuously updates (for use with
CRTs only)
Print TOtals (61) prints sales totals.
Options: IA I option allows you to specify categories A option allows choice of periods: 1 = previous shift 1 2 = previous shift 2 3 = previous shift 3 C = current shift Y = yesterday’s total D = today’s total T = cumulative total P = cumulative totals at last day-change
Print TRansaction (62) prints completed transactions.
Options: IA P1 P2 I option shows format header of remote site
when used wi th Site control com mand A option print s wi t h physica l record nu mbers P1 and P2 options sort transactions
Print Vehicle (8 3) prints MPG information for vehicl es in the MPG package.
prvoid displays all voids found in the journal.
Options [-?] [-cn] [-sn ] [-f flatfile] [infi le]
-? displays this message
-c displays voids for console n
-s displays voids for shift n
-p processes the previous journal file
-f outputs raw data into flatfile
PUMP disk-based configuration program for pumps.
Options: [-P][-V] [filename]
-P prints current configuration
-V displays in TTY form if port is configured as
a CRT in the system par ameters , or vi ce
PUrge SIte (130) res ets transactio n-begi n pointer. RCP disk- ba s ed com mand to copy dir1 an d al l
subdirectories thereof to dir2 directory and new subdirectories.
Option: dir1 dir2
10 C09159 Rev. 2238
CFN II Quick Reference
RDEL disk-based command to delete dir 1 and all its contents.
READER disk-ba s e d configuration progra m for island card reader.
Options: [-P][-V] [filename]
-P prin t cur rent con fi g urati on
-V display in TTY form even though port is
configu red as a CRT in the system parameters, or vice versa
REBOOT (131) with no options, reloads configuration and reboots.
Options: IA P1 I option does a warm boot A option reloads OS and rebo ots (cold boot) P1 option reconstructs all tables
RECord (7) writes data to a disk file.
Option: I I option overwrites existing file
REM ove ALloca tion (80) removes a totali zer from the allocati on pa ck age.
Options: CA A option initializes the allocation file and frees
all accounts from allocation
REM ove Authorization (63) removes a fuel or merchandise code.
Option: C
REMove CRon (132) removes a cron e ntry.
Options: CIA I option deletes any pending executable A option attempts to kill the executable or cron
comman d curren tly runnin g
REMove Heading (133) removes a receipt heading line.
Option: C
REM ove LImitation (64) r emoves a limi tation code.
Option: C
REM ove ME s sage (134) removes a broadcast message.
Option: C
REM ove PRi ce (1 7) removes a price level.
Option: C
REMove PROduct (135) removes a prod uct.
Options: CA A opt ion re moves all produ c ts
REMove SIGnon (136) removes a user sign on. REM ove SIT e (13 7) removes local site information. REM ove Ve h icle (84) re moves a ve hic le fr om the
MPG system.
Option: C
REName (138) ren ames a disk file.
Option: A A option moves file(s) across directories
report a shift-change command to regenerate shift and end-of-day reports using an existing journal file.
Options: [# of printer ’s POS ] {yday | pday
[extension] | shft [shift#] [POS#] | pshft
[extension] [shift#] [POS#]
| clrk [clerk#] | pclrk [extension] [clerk#]
| atnd [attendant#] | patnd [ext]
[attendant#]} yday regenerate yesterday’s end-of-day
pday regenerate an end-of-day report using
the extension of the journal log file
shft regenerate a shift report for the current
pshft regenerate a shift report for a previous
day using the file extension of journal log file
clrk regenerate a clerk report for the current
pclrk regenerate a clerk report for a previous
day using the file extension of journal log file
atnd regenerate an attendant report fo r the
curr en t day
patnd regene rate a n attenda nt repo rt fo r a
previous day using the file extension of the journal log file
reprint a shift-ch an g e comman d t o repr int what ever was las t printed at a r eceipt printer.
Options: [# of printer ’s POS ] {day | last | pday
[day] | shft [day] [shift#] [POS#]
|clrk [day] [ clerk#]
| atnd [day] [attendant#] }
day p r int th e las t end-of-d ay repor t last prin t the last r ep or t or receipt printed on
specified receipt prin ter
pday reprint a previous end-of-day report shft repr in t a shift r ep or t clrk r eprint a clerk report atnd repr in t an atten dant report
C09159 Rev. 2238 11
CFN II Q ui ck Refere n ce
REset DIagnostics (65) clears diagnostic error counter.
Option: I I option resets af ter a reconfigura tion
REset PUmp (66) re sets pump totalizers. REset TOtals (67) resets the daily sales totals.
Option: AI A option resets daily and cumulative sales
totals to zero, a nd loads shif t 1
I option resets cu mulativ e only
REset TRansaction (68) rese ts f irst (oldest) transaction to save and to print pointer.
Options: AI A option resets all transaction table pointers,
including next transaction to se nd to CFN host and ne x t transac tion to lo g; if a numbe r is provided with the A option, the CFN host poll pointer is set to that transaction number;
I option deletes transactions in progress
(resu lting in un assign ed tr ansact ions and loss of card data needed for billing any pumping tran sact ions t hat were in progress)
RESTORE disk-based command to rest ore cont ent s of selected data tables from disk file SYSBACK.DTA (by filename if specified).
Options: [old] {table1 [table2] ... | {everything |
reconstructed} [except table [table] ...]} [from filename] [corrupt]
[old] r es tores from backup fi les creat ed under
FRAMOS version 0. 2, whic h used a different for mat for th e cron table; it converts the cr on en tries to FRAMO S vers ion 1.0 format wh ile rest oring t hem
table1 [table2] ... rest ores specifi ed tables ( if
backed up )
-or­everything [except table1 [table2] . ..] restores
all ta bl es ( if backed u p ) ; op tional: except specified ta bl es table1, table2, etc.
-or­reconstructed [except table1 [table2] ...]
restores all reconstructed tables (if backed up); optional : ex cep t specifi ed tabl es table1, table2, etc.
[from filename] this option restores from data in
file filename
[corrupt] restores r ecords with bad checksu m s
RMdir (140) removes an empty directory.
RUN (69) restarts site.
Options: IA I option starts site initially, or after a crash A option restarts a site after a console
emerg ency stop
safedrop a shift-change command to reconcile a cash-drawer amount when money is taken out to adjust the till.
Options: [POS#] [$amount]
SEND COMmand (156) sends a command from the Site Controller to one or more Profit Points.
SEND COMMAND device command For device, substitute one of the following: C* all Profit Points C1 Profit Point #1 (or C2 for Profit Point # 2, etc.) C1C2 Profit Points 1 and 2; et c. For command, substitute any of the commands
you can en ter at a D OS pr ompt. Option: A A option does not wait for operator response at
the Profi t Poin t bef ore clear ing the display,
if any, from the ex ecuted command
SEND FIle (157) sends a file from the Site Controller to one or more Profit Points, or from a Profit Point to the Site Controller. Requires at least 50 free bu f fers.
In the following, S stands for sou rce, and D
stands for destination: SEND FILE[;A] [mode] S-device S-filename
D-device[D-device . . .] [D-filename] A option causes the command to run in the
background Mode stands for transfer mode. It is a single-digit
number or the letter e (9 is the default). Only
one mode is allowed at a time. Modes are: 1 overwrite only (send the file only if the
file already exists) 3 resume prior send, abort if file does not
exist 4 do not overwrite, do not make directory 5 overwrite ok, do not make directory 8 do not overwrite, ok to make directory 9 overwrite ok, ok to make direct ory e execute transferred fi le on destinati on
device. For S-device, substitute one of the following: S Site Controller C1 Profit Point #1 C2 Profit Point #2; etc. In pla ce of S-filename, insert the name (including
the path) of the file to be sent.
12 C09159 Rev. 2238
CFN II Quick Reference
For D-device, substitute one of the following: S Site Controller C* all Profit Points C1 Profit Point #1 C2 Profit Point #2; etc. In pla ce of D-filename, insert a new nam e (and, optionally, the path ) if you want the tran sfer red file to have a name different from the source file’s name (and path).
SET_PERM disk-based command to change file attributes and permissions of disk-based commands.
Options: [-R] [-H] [-N] [-Uuser_no]
[-Pperm_level] file1 [file2]
-R file1 [file2] sets read-only status on file1
-H file1 [file2] sets hidden status on file1 [file2]
-N file1 [file2] allows any user to ex ecu te the
disk- based comm and(s) file1, file2, etc.
-Uuser_no file1 [file2] ... onl y user number
user_no may execute the disk- ba s ed
command(s) file1, file2, etc.
-Pperm_level file1 [file2] ... only users having a
permission level greater than or equal to perm_level may execute the disk- ba s ed command(s) file1, file2, etc.
settle varies for ea ch card net wor k; see th e specific Credit and Debit Card Network manual.
setup a shift-change command to allow configuring reports.
setup clerk a shift-chan g e command to cus tomiz e the clerk reports; makes a copy of the ex isting format file, which can be us ed to undo the ch anges, an d th en run s the ALTER CLE RK com mand to cr eate a new format file for clerk reports.
Options: [-D] [-D] copies the CLERK.FMT fil e, wipes out the
existing report configuration, and runs ALTER CLERK -D to generate a default report configuration for demonstration purposes
setup day a shift-change command to customize the end-of-day reports; makes a copy of the existing forma t fi le, which can be used to undo the changes, and th en runs the ALTER DAY comman d t o create a new format file for end-of-day reports.
Options: [-D] [-D] copies the DAY.FMT file, wipes out the
existing report configuration, and runs ALTER DAY -D to generate a default rep ort configuration for demonstration purposes
setup shift a shift-change command to customize the shift reports; makes a copy of the existing format file, which can be u sed to undo the chang es, and then runs the ALT ER SHIFT comm and to crea te a new format file for shift reports.
Options: [-D] [-D] copies the SHIFT.FMT file, wipes out the
existing report configuration, and runs
ALTER SHIFT -D to generate a default
report configuration for demonstration
SET_VAR or SET (153) command to create variables on RAM disk to store text or integers.
Options: [;I] | { variable {= | @ } [s tr ing] | variable {+ | - | * | / | % | ^} number_value | variable $ filename [line [column [length]]] | variable ~ string [column [length]] | variable ? filename | variabl e # stri ng | variable := num [{+ | - | * | / | % | ^} num] ... set variable < format data }
(no arguments) lists cont ent s of all var iables
-or­;I deletes all variables
-or- variable = string sets variable equal to value
(literal text, % parameter number, or %
variab le name)
-or­variable @ string echoes string text as prompt
on term in al, set variable equal to line typed
by user
variable {+ | - | * | / | % | ^} number_value sets
variable to the result of performing the
given mathemat ical opera tion on the cur rent
value of variable and number_value; % =
mod, ^ = exclusive or
variable $ filename [line [column [length]]] sets
variable to the substring at location line
column in filename, for length chara cte rs
-or­variable ~ string [column [length]] sets variable
to string; if string is followed by a blank
space and a number, column, that number is
the offs et int o the string, from the left,
before the rema inder of string will be set to
variable; (any blank spaces in the string
itself must be enclosed in quotation marks.);
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