Other brand or product names shown may be
trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective holders.
Non-registered trademarks
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Warning
All Gasboy computer programs (including software on diskettes and within memory chips) and documentation are copyrighted by, and shall remain the property of, Gasboy. Such
computer programs and documents may also contain trade secret information. The duplication, disclosure, modification, or unauthorized use of computer programs or
documentation is strictly prohibited, unless otherwise licensed by Gasboy.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency
energy, and if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a
residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense. Changes or modifications not expressly
approved by the manufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.
This document is subject to change without notice.
E-mail: literature@gasboy.com · Internet: http://www.gasboy.com 2013 GASBOY · All Rights Reserved
MDE-4334D Atlas™ Start-up and Service Manual · July 2013 Page v
Table of Contents
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Page viMDE-4334D Atlas™ Start-up and Service Manual · July 2013
IntroductionRead This First
1 – Read This First
This section contains a general introduction, service protocol, safety, and model number
Sections of this manual provide start-up and service information for
dispensers. This manual is a general service guide and not a replacement for Gasboy
certified training. Certified training includes instructions on safety procedures, use of test
equipment and common tools, wiring requirements, and electrical service procedures. The
sections in this manual cover the following topics:
Read This F
Important Safety Information2-1
Start-up Procedures3-1
Pump Programming4-1
Electronic and Electrical Components5-1
Hydraulic/Mechanical Components6-1
Troubleshooting Tables7-1
Wiring and Configuration8-1
Preventive Maintenance and Inspection9-1
Important Information About Releases
Sections of this manual may be released or updated independently to supply the most current
data. Information about release date and version for independently released sections will be
included in the section title and footer of the document. For the latest updates, refer to
Gilbarco Online Documentation (GOLD
Atlas™ pumps and
This section was last updated
in July 2013.
Topics in This Section
DEF Special Considerations1-6
MDE-4334D Atlas™ Start-up and Service Manual · July 2013 Page 1-1
Read This FirstIntroduction
Who Must Use This Manual
This manual is intended for Gasboy Atlas Authorized Service Contractors (ASCs) who have
been trained and certified by attending Gasboy certified training classes. These ASCs must be
aware of the safety requirements and basic troubleshooting techniques, such as reading a
volt/ohmmeter, reading pressure, and so on, and understanding the differences
various Gasboy Atlas products, options, and functionalities.
If you have not attended the Gasboy training, contact the Gasboy Training Department. For
contact information, refer to “
Gasboy Contact Information”.
Service Protocol
A Service Technician requesting technical assistance must do the following:
1 Be available at the site.
2 When placing the call, ensure that the following are available:
• Unit model and serial number
• Site name and telephone number
• Your technician number
• Problem description and history
• All required recommended spare parts
• Manuals available for reference
3 Call the Technical Support Department at 1-800-444-5529. Refer to the Customer Service
Report (CSR) number, if previously assigned.
Using Replacement Parts
Use only genuine Gasboy Atlas replacement parts. Use of other parts will void warranty and
could affect unit conformance to various national, local or state codes.
Information RequiredContact Details
Schedule trainingGasboy Training Department
Technical assistance, customer service, and
Explanation of Gasboy’s warranty policyFor assistance, contact your local Ga
echnical literature, parts manuals, and other
Contact Information
anty service
Gasboy Technical Support at 1-800-444-5529
sboy Distributor
y Literature Department at (336) 547-5661
Page 1-2MDE-4334D Atlas™ Start-up and Service Manual · July 2013
IntroductionRead This First
Related Documents
Following documents may be helpful when servicing the Gasboy Atlas equipment:
For a complete list of documents available,
refer to P-7001 Gasboy GOLD and Literature Guide. For information regarding Gasboy Atlas documentation, contact the Literature
Department at 336-547-5661.
NumberDescriptionGOLD Library
FE-356Atlas Pump and Dispenser Field WiringGasboy Parts List & Wiring Diagrams
FE-357Atlas Pump Retail/Commercial Field WiringGasboy Parts List & Wiring Diagrams
FE-361Atlas Master & Satellite Field Wiring DiagramGasboy Parts List & Wiring Diagrams
MDE-2188Kits K35222 & K35222-01 Meter Quad Ring Top Seal Kit Advantage
MDE-3892C+ Meter Master Seal Service Kit Installation• Encore
MDE-4255Gasboy Warranty Policy Statement for USA and Canada Gasboy Atlas Pumps/Dispensers
MDE-4298 CFN Series Site Controller III Installation ManualGasboy CFN Series
MDE-4320Gasboy UHF Pump Blackmer
MDE-4331Atlas Fuel Systems Installation ManualGasboy Atlas Pumps/Dispensers
MDE-4333Atlas Fuel Systems Site Prep ManualGasboy Atlas Pumps/Dispensers
MDE-4363Atlas Fuel Systems Owner’s ManualGasboy Atlas Pumps/Dispensers
MDE-4404Atlas Technician Programming Quick RefGasboy Atlas Pumps/Dispensers
MDE-4811Islander PLUS and ICR PLUS Installation ManualGasboy Fleet PLUS System
MDE-4813Islander PLUS and ICR PLUS Installation ManualGasboy Fleet PLUS System
MDE-5013TopKAT PLUS Installation ManualGasboy Series 1000/Fleetkey & T opkat
PT-1949Atlas Pump and Dispenser Illustrated Parts Manual• Gasboy Atlas Pumps/Dispensers
RP-400PEI Recommended Procedures for Testing Electrical
RP-500PEI PublicationN/A
Note: In addition to these documents, Gasboy Atlas marketing and information sheets are sources of information.
Islander™ II Installation ManualGasboy CFN Series
NIST Handbook 44 (National Institute of Standards and
Fuel Management System Installation Manual • Gasboy Fleet PLUS System
Installation Manual
Global Pumping Unit Operation & Service
Storage Systems
Continuity of Petroleum Dispensing Systems
XU2A Rebuild Kit
• Encore and Eclipse Installers
• Gasboy Series 1000/Fleetkey &
Gasboy Q, A&E Series
Advantage & Legacy Models
• Parts Manual
& Legacy® Models
and Eclipse
MDE-4334D Atlas™ Start-up and Service Manual · July 2013 Page 1-3
Read This FirstIntroduction
Abbreviations and Acronyms
APIApplication Programming Interface
ASCAuthorized Service Contractor
ATCAutomatic Temperature Compensation
CFNCash Flow Network
CFRCode of Federal Regulations
CFT Meter Center Flow Through Meter
CPUCentral Processing Unit
DEFDiesel Exhaust Fluid
ECError Code - a number that identifies an error condition reported by the software
ESDElectrostatic Discharge
FMSFuel Management System
GOLDGilbarco Online Documentation
GPMGallons Per Minute
GPUGlobal Pumping Unit
I.SIntrinsic Safety
LANLocal Area Network
LCLiquid Control
LCDLiquid C rystal Display
LEDLight Emitting Diode
MOCMajor Oil Company
NECNational Electrical Code
NFPANational Fire Protection Association
OSHAOccupational Safety and Health Administration
PAMPump Access Module
PCAPrinted Circuit Assembly
PCBPrinted Circuit Board (may be used interchangeably with PCA)
PCVPressure Control Valve
PEIPetroleum Equipment Institute
PINPersonal Identification Number
POSPoint of Sale
PPGPulse Per Gallon, of the associated grade
PPLPulse Per Liter, of the associated grade
PPPProgrammable Pump Preset
PPUPrice Per Unit (that is, price per gallon or liter)
PRVPressure Relief (Bypass) Valve
PSIPounds (of Pressure) per Square Inch
RAMRandom Access Memory
SAESociety of Automotive Engineers
STPSubmersible Turbine Pump
TCPTransmission Control Protocol
USTUnderground Storage Tank
W&MWeights and Measures
Underwriters’ Laboratories
Page 1-4MDE-4334D Atlas™ Start-up and Service Manual · July 2013
IntroductionRead This First
Common Terms Used
AllocationMaximum amount of fuel that can be dispensed from a nozzle for a g
Cold StartClears pump and configuration data.
Command CodeListing under Command Level for setting software parameters.
Command LevelA level of programming accessed by PIN(s).
Turbine Pump (STP) in the storage tank to
DispenserA dispensing unit that relies on an Submer
Diesel Exhaust Fluid
Dual HoseSame as Twin Hose.
E85Gasoline ethanol blend with 85% ethanol.
Five Button PresetThis is a keypad that cont ains five buttons on which the customer
Function CodeOne or more procedures within a Command Code.
GradeIndicates the fuel grade available at the nozzle. In case of blen
Manager KeypadDevice within the dispenser for setting programming parameters.
Money DisplayA display that shows the total value of the pro
Option CodeA choice that is available on entering a Function Code.
Product Indicates the base fuel grade available in the stor
Prover CanA calibrated container used by W&M officials and calibrating technicians to accur
PumpRefers to a dispensing unit that has a self-con
Side 1Indicates the electrical acce
Two-wire Proprietary communication system for Atlas 8800 series units
VariatorThe variator section of the computer register(s
Volume DisplayA six-digit display that shows the total volume of prod
send fuel to the dispenser.
clear, colorless, non-toxic, non-flammable, non-combustible liquid. It is made up of 32.5%
urea with the balance distilled or de-ionized water. Urea and water are completely miscible
and do not separate in storage. DEF is mildly corrosive.
value and/or increment or decrement in the selected sale or volume value, before fueling.
created by blending products.
however, in a non-blending environment, a grade is the same as a product.
or calibr
ate meters in a fuel dispenser.
Side 1 of the dispenser.
ss side of the dispenser. The Manager Keypad is accessed from
duct d
ispensed during normal operation.
age t
ank. Not to be confused with “Grade”;
ained suction pump in the unit’s cabinet.
) is exposed to allow for price changes.
uct dispensed during normal operation.
iven transaction.
can enter a predetermined
der dispensers, a grade is
ately check
MDE-4334D Atlas™ Start-up and Service Manual · July 2013 Page 1-5
Read This FirstDEF Special Considerations
DEF Special Considerations
Several important considerations exist for DEF. The service technician must be aware of the
following when servicing or supporting DEF units:
• DEF is non-flammable or explosive.
• The fluid is slightly corrosive and can damage tools or equipme
steel or plastic. It can also damage the electronic components.
• DEF spills can be cleaned with water and a damp rag.
may result in corrosive damage to components or metals.
• DEF can cause serious eye injury if sprayed in t
skin. Wear protective gloves and eye protection, as required. Flush eyes i mmed iately with
water, if sprayed.
• DEF freezes at approximately 11.3 °F (-11.5 °C). If it freezes
may permanently damage the meters, valves, breakaways, and possibly other devices. It is
extremely important that DEF fluid in the dispenser does not fall below that temperature.
• DEF must not be contaminated with dies
Such contamination can cause serious damage to vehicle’s catalytic converters.
• A dedicated stainless steel calibration prover (with SS
with DEF to avoid contamination of the product with diesel fuel or gasoline. No
exceptions are allowed.
• DEF can be returned to the storage tank only if it is not conta
must be disposed of in an environmentally safe manner. Do not dump DEF in storm
sewers or any location, where the fluid or its constituents may enter a waterway.
• DEF must never be introduced into diese
engine may occur. Only dispense DEF into vehicle tanks dedicated for DEF.
• DEF when stored at temperatures above 100 °F (37.7 °C) may break down into ammonia
s over a time. Take care when opening the cabinets, tank vaults, or other areas, where
DEF may have leaked or been spilt to avoid inhaling any toxic ammonia vapors.
• When exposed to air, the water in DEF will evapora
crystals. Crystals may be fine and sharp. They will dissolve in water.
• DEF is much heavier than fuels such as gasoline. Be
heavier Prover Cans and so on, by following proper safe lifting techniques.
el fuel, contaminants or other fluids or materials.
l fuel tanks or serious damage to the vehicle’s
Failure to thoroughly clean spills
he eyes or may affect those with sensitive
valve, if equipped) must be used
te and result in development of urea
careful to avoid injury when lifting
nt that are not stainless
in hydraulic components, it
minated. Contaminated DEF
Page 1-6MDE-4334D Atlas™ Start-up and Service Manual · July 2013
DEF Special ConsiderationsRead This First
Applicable during Installation and Operation of the Dispenser: DEF freezes at approximately 11 °F
(-11.5 °C). Power to the dispenser and heater must always remain ON in cold weather. If power is
lost and the temperature drops below this point, the system must be inspected for freeze damage
before restart. For sites that experience occasional power losses or for sites that are located in very
cold climates, it is recommended that a back up power generator be used to maintain constant
power to the dispenser. Do not use any additives to lower the freezing point of DEF. Additives of
any type must not be used in DEF.
Prolonged storage at temperatures above 77 °F (25 °C) can impair the quality of DEF and reduce
its shelf life.
DEF is mildly corrosive. It can corrode components that are made from incompatible material(s)
and reduce their integrity. The use of incompatible material(s) may lead to leaks and spills, and can
contaminate and degrade the DEF. When dispensing DEF, verify with the manufacturer if the
material of all plumbing components are compatible with the DEF being dispensed.
Do not use Prover Cans meant for engine fuel with DEF or vice versa. Use stainless steel Prover
Cans for DEF. DEF and engine fuel must not be mixed with each other or be contaminated by each
other. Else, damage to a vehicle’s engine or pollution control devices could occur. DEF crystallizes
as its water base evaporates. Pouring out liquid will not guarantee that no corrosive DEF remains in
the Prover Can. DEF must not be contaminated with diesel fuel, contaminants, or other fluids or
materials. Such contamination can cause serious damage to vehicle catalytic converters.
Troubleshooting DEF Freeze
DEF freezes at approximately 11.3 °F (-1 1.5 °C). If it freezes in hydraulic components, it may
permanently damage the meters, valves, breakaways and possibly other devices. It is
extremely important that DEF fluid in the dispenser does not fall below that temperature.
If the unit experiences a freeze, it will be required to thaw all components and repair the
damage that may have occurred. Units can be thawed using directed exhaust from a vehicle (if
no electronic boards are in the area being thawed). Although DEF is non-flammable, diesel
fuel is flammable. Therefore, other close proximity heating devices that are non-explosion
proof cannot be used. However, before using electrical heating devices with heat extension
ducting, ensure that such devices or their power cords are not in hazardous vicinity near diesel,
gasoline, other fueling equipment, or hazardous vapors or liquids. To determine any hazard
zone involved, consult the installation or service manuals for other equipment. As other
damage either missed or not detected may exist, very closely monitor the equipment looking
for leaks when the lines are pressurized. Wear eye protection.
• Conventional fluid handling precautions are also applicable to DEF.
• Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Ensure that
showers are close to the work location.
eyewash stations and safety
• DEF is mildly corrosive and non-flammable.
MDE-4334D Atlas™ Start-up and Service Manual · July 2013 Page 1-7
• Clean the DEF spill with water and dry the area wit
contain metallic parts. Spilt DEF can be slippery and will corrode certain types of metallic
parts. Wear eye protection and rubber gloves during any cleanup activity.
• DEF is heavier than gasoline. Be aware that Pr
so on will be considerably heavier than gasoline.
h clean rags, especially areas that
over Cans, containers filled with DEF, and
Read This FirstDEF Special Considerations
Certain special alternative fuels such as E85 and additives can degrade pump/dispenser
performance or integrity, if the dispensers are not designed for use with such fuels. Additionally,
converting to certain standard fuels (gasoline, diesel, kerosene, and so on) from alternative fuels
such as those with ethanol (E85), methanol, or biodiesel or from alternative fuels to standard fuels
can degrade dispenser performance or integrity. Similar effects can also occur when converting
units to different standard fuel types. As per Underwriters’ Laboratories (UL) 87A requirements,
nozzles dispensing E85 fuel and DEF must not be used to dispense any other type of fuel
such as Gasoline.
Leaks and potential environmental hazards can result or components may fail prematurely.
To avoid these issues, follow the guidelines for dispensing E85 fuel and DEF in this manual.
If DEF Freezes
If DEF freezes, proceed as follows:
1 Remove power to the pump and dispenser.
2 Check for any damage to breakaways, nozzles, hoses/hanging hardware, and meter. Perform
required repairs. Valve damage can often be detected by looking for seals slightly protruding
from the valve body (compared to the new valve). Hose breakawa ys may only partially
3 Correct the issue that is causing the loss of heat.
4 Thaw components of the dispenser . Dispenser units can be thawed using directed exhaust from
a vehicle, as long as electronic boards or connections are not present in the area. They can also
be thawed using a non-flame heating device.
Notes: 1) Electronic bo ards or connections must not be present in the area wher e you thaw th e
2) Electrical cords or the heating device mu
hazardous area around any fueling pump or dispenser. To identify the designated
hazardous area, refer to MDE-4331 Atlas Fuel Systems Installation Manual.
ts of the dispenser, as any resulting condensation may damage the
st not be used within a designated
5 Check for leaks. Some leaks can be significant. You may be required to turn off the unit
6 Check if there is any damage to the above ground tank system or heated above ground
plumbing. For assistance, consult the tank manufacturer.
7 For more details on the significance and impact of freezing in DEF, refer to “DEF Heating
System (Commercial Cold We
ather DEF Units Only)” on page 5-55.
Page 1-8MDE-4334D Atlas™ Start-up and Service Manual · July 2013
Important Requirements for E85 UnitsRead This First
Certain special alternative fuels such as E85 and additives can degrade pump/dispenser
performance or integrity, if the dispensers are not designed for use with such fuels. Additionally,
converting to certain standard fuels (gasoline, diesel, kerosene, and so on) from alternative fuels
such as those with ethanol (E85), methanol, or biodiesel or from alternative fuels to standard fuels
can degrade dispenser performance or integrity. Similar effects can also occur when converting units
to different standard fuel types. As per UL 87A requirements, units dispensing E85 fuel must not be used to dispense any other type of fuel such as Gasoline.
Leaks and potential environmental hazards can result or components may fail prematurely.
To avoid these issues, follow the guidelines in this section.
Important Requirements for E85 Units
Following equipment and materials are required to properly install E85 units:
UL-listed E85 Hose (Q13486)
• Veyance
• Veyance
Note: Extended reach hoses are not available for E85 applications.
UL-listed E85 Nozzle (M11298)
Note: Approved for use with E85 dispen
UL-listed E85 Swivel (N23748-04)
OPW 241 TPS-0492
Note: Approved for use with E85 dispen
UL-listed E85 Shear Valve (T19695-23)
OPW 10P-0152E85
Note: Approved for use with E85 dispens
Flexsteel™ Futura® Ethan-All for E85
Flexsteel Futura for E25
sers, as required under UL 87A.
sers, as required under UL 87A.
as required under UL 87A.
UL-listed E85 Breakaway (N23010-10)
OPW 66V-0492
Note: Approved for use with E85 dispensers,
as required under UL 87A.
Use only filters specifically marked for use with E85.
UL-listed Pipe Sealant
Use only UL-listed TPS PTFE Pipe Sealant manufactured by
UL-listed Teflon
SAF-T-LOC International Corp.
Use only UL-listed Taega Technologies Inc. Teflon tape.
Note: Teflon tape must be used only at the inlet pipe connection.
MDE-4334D Atlas™ Start-up and Service Manual · July 2013 Page 1-9
Read This FirstModel Information
Boot Area
Total Monetary
Sale Display
Volume Dispensed
Access Door
Door Lock
Nozzle and
Pump Handle
On/Off Lever
Warning Labels
PPU Display
Monetary Totalizer
Volume Totalizer
Mechanical Retail Unit
Model Information
Mechanical Retail Pump/Dispenser
The external components of a Gasboy pump/dispenser (Mechanical Retail unit) are shown in
Figure 1-1. Mechanical units have mechanical type displays as opposed to electronic di
type displays. In units that
are Commercial instead of Retail, the external components are the
same, except that they do not have a Monetary Sale amount, a Price Per Unit (PPU) display, or
Monetary Totalizer display.
Figure 1-1: Atlas Mechanical Retail Unit
Page 1-10MDE-4334D Atlas™ Start-up and Service Manual · July 2013
Model InformationRead This First
Boot Area
Digital Main Display
Warning Label
Door Lock
Access Door
Nozzle and
Pump Handle
Electro-mechanical Totalizer
Electronic Retail Unit
Volume Dispensed Display
Electronic Retail Pump/Dispenser
The external components of a Gasboy pump/dispenser (Electronic Retail unit) are shown in
Figure 1-2. Electronic units have digital displays as opposed to mechanical dis
that are Electronic Commercial instead of Retail, the
external components are the same, except
that they do not have a Monetary Sale amount, a PPU display, or Monetary Totalizer display.
Figure 1-2: Atlas Electronic Retail Unit
plays. In units
MDE-4334D Atlas™ Start-up and Service Manual · July 2013 Page 1-11
Read This FirstModel Information
Serial Number
Model Number
Serial Number Plate and Date Codes
A two-letter date code is stamped on the serial number plate before the serial number. This
code shows the month and year of manufacture. For warranty purposes, refer to the date code
to determine the age of the equipment. The serial number plate is locate d on the “A” side at the
bottom of the unit attached to the inside of the frame.
To determine the date code on a Gasboy pump or dispenser, refer to the following tables:
Month Codes
A = JanuaryE = MayJ = September
B = FebruaryF = JuneK = October
C = MarchG = JulyL = November
D = AprilH = August M = December
Year Codes
P = 2005U = 2009
R = 2006W = 2010
S = 2007X = 2011
T = 2008Y = 2012
Figure 1-3: Serial Number/Model Identification
For example, a serial number plate stamped “BP AT000199” contains the following
• Date code [BP] - This unit was manufactured in B = February, P = 2005.
• Serial Number [AT000199]
Page 1-12MDE-4334D Atlas™ Start-up and Service Manual · July 2013
Model InformationRead This First
Model Series
9100KMechanical Commercial Pumps and Dispensers
9800KElectronic Commercial Pumps and Dispensers
8700KMechanical Retail Pumps and Dispensers
8800KElectronic Retail Pumps and Dispensers
9860KXElectronic DEF Dispensers Only
9870KXElectronic Commercial Dispensers for Alternative Fuels (E85)
Model Flow Rates
Series Designation (Digits 1 and 2) Flow Rate Designation (Digits 3, 4, and 5) Flow Rate Quantity
Note: The flow rates shown are under ideal conditions a
involved, Submersible Turbine Pump (STP) sizing, number of units dispensing at the same time, and
inlet piping to the unit. These are not guaranteed flow rates.
nd will va
ry depending on the hanging hardware
Atlas Model Number Table
The Atlas model number uses a series of four numbers and five letters stamped into the serial
plate to denote the machine type and configuration. To determine the pump/dispenser type that
is denoted on the serial plate, refer to the following table:
Gasboy Atlas Model Code
Retail Model Code
Product Name
Product Series:Product Series:
For information on options that are available for a particular unit, refer to “Atlas Model
Number Table” on page 1-13. Following is a list of some of the opt
some models:
• B - Display Battery Backup
• CX - 10:1 Pulser, Quantity
• CC - 100:1 Pulser, Quantity
• CM - 100:1 Pulser, Money
• D5 - TopKAT PLUS Mounting Kit
• D9 - TopKAT Mounting Kit
• EK - Electric Keytrol
• F - Internal Filter Adapter
• I - Internal Hose Retrievers
• J - Manual Reset (Export Only)
Page 1-14MDE-4334D Atlas™ Start-up and Service Manual · July 2013
ions that are available on
Model InformationRead This First
•K - Hand Crank
• L - Lighted Display Panel
• PP - Slowdown Valve
• PPS - Satellite Internal Piping - 9850K
• R - Liters Registration
• S - Internal Satellite Piping
• SS - Stainless Steel - All Panels
• SSA - Stainless Steel - Front and Back
• SSTS - Stainless Steel - Top and Sides
• TW1 - Dual Hose Single Product
• TW2 - Dual Hose Dual Product
• TW3 - Satellite Combo Unit
• V - Vapor Recovery Complete
• WW - Warm Weather (DEF Units Only)
• X - Remote Dispenser
• Y - Vapor Recovery Ready
• Z - Front Load Nozzle Boot
• 25 - 230 VAC, 50 Hz
• 35 - 380 VAC, 50 Hz
• 36 - 380 VAC, 60 Hz
Options Overview
This section provides an overview of the options available in Atlas dispensers.
The TopKAT Fuel Management System (FMS) can be ordered factory mounted on any 9800
unit except Atlas DEF dispenser. TopKAT PLUS FMS can be ordered factory mounted on any
9800 unit. This Plug and Play option increases the ease of installation and provides customers
with a user-friendly fuel reporting system. The TopKAT system is also available as a pedestal
mounted unit and for use with Mechanical pumps.
Electric Keytrol (EK)
The Electric Keytrol can be ordered factory mounted on the 9100 series. The EK provides
each customer with a personal key slot and totalizer to record their fueling amounts.
Configurations are available for both single and twin units.
Vapor Recovery
Balanced Vapor Recovery kits are available for all the K pump units except Atlas DEF and
E85 dispensers. Following two kits are available:
• Vapor Recovery Complete
•Vapor Recovery
The Vapor Recovery Complete k
the high hose retriever to the splitter, all the way to the nozzle.
it provides everything required for a balanced system from
The Vapor Recovery kit i s a retrofit kit used when p roviding your own vapor recovery system.
This kit will provide a new nozzle boot and hook to allow a stage two nozzle to be mounted on
the dispenser.
High Hose Retriever
High Hose Retrievers are also available for standard hoses. Hose clamps are available for a
variety of hose sizes, up to lengths of 15 inches.
MDE-4334D Atlas™ Start-up and Service Manual · July 2013 Page 1-15
Read This FirstModel Information
Internal Hose Retriever
Internal Hose Retrievers are also available for all Atlas pump models. The Atlas DEF cold
weather unit has a built-in hose reel.
Satellite Piping
Satellite Piping is available on the 9850 pump and all remote dispensers except Atlas DEF and
E85 dispensers. This option will provide the internal piping required to connect to a 9215 or
9216 satellite dispenser.
Hand Crank
Hand Cranks are available for installations in locations, where power availability is a concern.
This option is only available for suction pumps.
Solenoid Valve
A two-stage slow down valve is available for units in retail applications. This option is
standard on all remote dispensers.
Pulse Output
Pulse output is available for all the 9800 pump models and some 8800 models. The pulse
output board for the 8800 model will be different from the 9800 model. Veeder-Root
will be provided for mechanical units, when specified. An additional pulse output board must
be ordered when connecting an Electronic unit to an FMS requiring mechanical type pulses.
Factory installation as well as field retrofit kits will be available for all pulse output options.
RS-485 Interface
When connecting a 9800 model to a Gasboy Cash Flow Network (CFN), TopKAT PLUS or
T opKAT system, an RS-485 Interface Board must be installed in the unit. The interface can be
ordered and installed at the factory. Field installation kits are also available.
Note: The RS-485 Interface Board is not
available for the 8800 model.
Local Area Network (LAN) Interface
When a T op KAT PLUS is mounted on the 9800 model, a LAN cable is factory installed with a
LAN jack at the end in the Junction Box (J-box) for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
Protocol (TCP/IP) communications.
Battery-backed Power Supply
Until summer of 2012, a battery-backed power supply was an option for all the 9800 models.
This option was required for units used in a Retail application. If power was lost to the unit,
the battery allowed the last transaction amount to remain on the display to meet Weights and
Measures (W&M) requirements. The 8800 series and current 9800 series displays are backed
up by a super cap that performs this function at the display.
Manual Reset
Manual resets are available for mechanical units and export orders only.
Page 1-16MDE-4334D Atlas™ Start-up and Service Manual · July 2013
2 – Important Safety Information
PUMP STOP buttons at the cashier ’s station
WILL NOT shut off electrical power to the
pump/dispenser. This means that even if you
activate these stops, fuel may continue to flow
You must use the TOTAL ELECTRICAL
SHUT-OFF in th e cas e of an emerge nc y a nd not
the console’s ALL STOP and PUMP STOP or
similar keys.
Important Safety Information
Notes: 1) Save this Important Safety Information section
in a readily accessible location.
2) Although DEF is non-flammable, diesel is
flammable. Therefore, for DEF cabine ts that are
attached to diesel dispensers, follow all the
notes in this section that pertain to flammable
This section introduces the hazards and safety precautions
associated with installing, inspecting, maintaining or servicing
this product. Before performing any task on this product, read
this safety information and the applicable sections in this
manual, where additional hazards and safety precautions for
your task will be found. Fire, explosion, electrical shock or
pressure release could occur and cause death o r serious injury,
if these safe service procedures are not followed.
Preliminary Precautions
You are working in a potentially dangerous environment of
flammable fuels, vapors, and high voltage or pressures. Only
trained or authorized individuals knowledgeable in the related
procedures should install, inspect, maintain or service this
Emergency Total Electrical Shut-Off
The first and most important information you must know is how
to stop all fuel flow to the pump/dispenser and island. Locate
the switch or circuit breakers that shut off all power to all fueling
equipment, dispensing devices, and Submerged Turbine
Pumps (STPs).
Read the Manual
Read, understand and follow this manua l and any other labels
or related materials supplied with this equipment. If you do not
understand a procedure, call a Gasboy Authorized Serv ice
Contractor or call the Gasboy Support Center at
1-800-444-5529. It is imperative to your safety and the safe ty of
rs to understand the procedures before beginning wo rk.
Follow the Regulations
Applicable information is available in National Fire Protection
Association (NFPA) 30A; Code for Motor Fuel Dispensing
Facilities and Repair Garages, NFPA 70; National Electrical
Code (NEC), Occupatio nal Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) regulations and federal, state, and local codes. All
these regulations must be followed. Failure to install, inspect,
maintain or service this equipment in accordance with these
codes, regulations and standards may lead to legal citations
with penalties or affect the safe use and operation of the
Replacement Parts
Use only genuine Gasboy replacement p art s and re trofit kits on
your pump/dispenser. Using parts other than genuine Gasboy
replacement parts could create a safe ty hazard and violate
local regulations.
Safety Symbols and Warning Words
This section provides important information about warning
symbols and boxes.
Alert Symbol
Total Electrical Shut-Off Before Access
Any procedure that requires access to electrical component s or
the electronics of the dispenser requires total electrical shut off
of that unit. Understand the function and location of this switch
or circuit breaker before inspecting, installing, maintaining, or
servicing Gasboy equipment.
Evacuating, Barricading and Shutting Off
Any procedure that requires access to the pump/dispenser or
STPs requires the following actions:
• An evacuation of all unauthorized persons and vehicles from
the work area
• Use of safety tape, cones or barricades at the affected unit(s)
• A total electrical shut-off of the affected unit(s)
MDE-4334D Atlas™ Start-up and Service Manual · July 2013Page 2-1
This safety alert symbol is used in this manual and on
warning labels to alert you to a precaution which must be
followed to prev
safety directives that follow this symbol to avoid possib le inj ury
or death.
ent potential personal safety hazards. Obey
Signal Words
These signal words used in this manual and on warning labels
tell you the seriousness of particular safety hazards. The
precautions below must be followed to prevent death, injury or
damage to the equipment:
DANGER: Alerts y
which will result in death or serious injury.
that could result in death or serious injury.
CAUTION with Alert symbol: Designates a hazard or
safe practice which may result in minor injury.
unsafe practice which may result in property or
equipment damage.
ou to a hazard or unsafe practice
you to a hazard or unsafe practice
thout Alert symbol: Designates a ha zard or
Working With Fuels and Electrical Energy
Prevent Explosions and Fires
Fuels and their vapors will explode or burn, if ignited. Spilled or
leaking fuels cause vapors. Even filling customer tanks will
cause potentially dangerous vapors in the vicinity of the
dispenser or island.
DEF is non-flammable. Therefore, explos
warnings do not apply to DEF fluid lines.
ion and fire safety
Important Safety Information
The pump/dispenser contains a chemical known to the
State of California to cause cancer.
The pump/dispenser contains a chemical known to the
State of California to ca use birth defects or other
reproductive harm.
Gasoline/DEF ingested may cause
unconsciousness and burns to internal organs.
Do not induce vomiting. Keep airway open.
Oxygen may be needed at scene. Seek medical
advice immediately.
DEF generates ammonia gas at high er temperatures.
When opening enclosed panels, allow the unit to air out to
avoid breathing vapors.
If respiratory difficulties develop, move victim away from
source of exposure and into fresh air. If symptoms persist,
seek medical attention.
Gasoline inhaled may cause unconsciousness
and burns to lips, mouth and lungs.
Keep airway open.
Seek medical advice immediately.
Gasoline/DEF spilled in eyes may cause burns to
eye tissue.
Irrigate eyes with water for approximately
15 minutes.
Seek medical advice immediately.
Gasoline/DEF spilled on skin may cause burns.
Wash area thoroughly with clear water.
Seek medical advice immediately.
DEF is mildly corrosive. Avoid cont act with eyes , skin, and
clothing. Ensure that eyewash stations and safety
showers are close to the work location. Seek medical
advice/recommended treatment if DEF spills into eyes.
No Open Fire
Open flames from matches, lighters, welding torches or
other sources can ignite fuels an
d their vapors.
No Sparks - No Smoking
Sparks from st arting vehicles, starting or using power tools,
burning cigarettes, cigars or pipes can also ignite fuels and their
vapors. Static electricity, including an electrostatic charge on
your body, can cause a spark sufficient to ignite fuel vapors.
Every time you get out of a vehicle, touch the metal of your
vehicle, to discharge any electrostatic charge before you
approach the dispenser island.
Working Alone
It is highly recommended that someone who is capable of
rendering first aid be present during servicing. Familiarize
yourself with Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) methods, if
you work with or around high voltages. This information is
available from the American Red Cross . Alw ay s advise the
station personnel about where you will be working, and caution
them not to activate power while you are working on the
equipment. Use the OSHA Lockout/Tagout procedures. If you
are not familiar with this requirement, refer to this information in
the service manual and OSHA documentation.
In an Emergency
Inform Emergency Personnel
Compile the following information and inform emergency
• Location of accident (for exam
building, and so on)
• Nature of accident (for example
over by car, burn s, and so on)
• Age of victim (for example, baby, teenager, middle-age,
• Whether or not victim has received first aid (for example,
opped bleeding by pressure, and so on)
• Whether or not a victim has vomited (for example, if
lowed or inhaled something, and so on)
address, front/back of
possible heart attack, run
Working With Electricity Safely
Ensure that you use safe and established practices in working
with electrical devices. Poorly wired devices may cause a fire,
explosion or electrical shock. Ensure that grounding
connections are properly made. Take care that sealing devices
and compounds are in place. Ensure that you do not pinch wires
when replacing covers. Follow OSHA Lockout/Tagout
requirements. Station employees and service contractors need
to understand and comply with this program completely to
ensure safety while the equipment is down.
Hazardous Materials
Some materials present inside electronic enclosures may
present a health hazard if not handled correctly . Ensure that you
clean hands after handling equipment. Do not place any
equipment in the mouth.
Page 2-2 MDE-4334D Atlas™ Start-up and Service Manual · July 2013
IMPORTANT: Oxygen may be needed at scene if gasoline has
been ingested or inhaled. Seek medical advice immediately.
Lockout/Tagout covers servicing and maintenance of machines
and equipment in which the unexpected energization or st art-up
of the machine(s) or equipment or release of stored energy
could cause injury to employees or personnel. Lockout/Tagout
applies to all mechanical, hydraulic, chemical, or other energy,
but does not cover electrical hazards. Subpart S of 29 CFR Part
1910 - Electrical Hazards, 29 CFR Part 1910.333 contains
specific Lockout/Tagout provision for electrical hazards.
Hazards and Actions
Spilled fuels, accidents involving pumps/dispensers, or uncontrolled fuel flow create a
serious hazard.
Fire or explosion may result, causing serious injury or death.
Follow established emergency procedures.
DEF is non-flammable. However it can create a slip hazard. Clean up spills promptly.
Collision of a Vehicle with UnitFire at IslandFuel Spill
The following actions are recommended regarding these hazards:
Important Safety Information
• Do not go near a fuel spill or allow anyone else in the area.
• Use station EMERGENCY CUTOFF immediately. Turn off all system
• Do not use console E-STOP, ALL STOP, and PUMP STOP to shut off power. These keys do not
• Take precautions to avoid igniting fuel. Do not allow starting of vehicles in the area. Do not allow
open flames, smoking or power tools in the area.
• Do not expose yourself to hazardous conditions such as fire, spilled fuel or exposed wiring.
• Call emergency numbers.
AC power and do not always stop product flow.
circuit breakers to the island(s).
MDE-4334D Atlas™ Start-up and Service Manual · July 2013Page 2-3
Important Safety Information
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IntroductionStart-up Procedures
3 – Start-up Procedures
Gasboy Atlas units require this start-up process for pumps and dispensers that are installed in
the United States. This procedure ensures that the equipment is installed and warranty is
registered properly. It is also recommended that you follow this procedure outside the United
The start-up process and checklists are used to ensure that the unit(
Important Information About Releases
Sections of this manual may be released or updated independently to supply the most current
data. Information about release date and version for independently released sections will be
included in the section title and footer of the document. For the latest updates, refer to GOLD.
This section was last updated
in July 2013.
Topics in This Section
Certificate of Conformance (CoC) Numbers3-1
Start-up Checklists3-2
Meter Calibration3-4
How to Use This Section
Make copies of the installation checklist found in MDE-4331 Atlas Fuel Systems Installation
Manual to ensure that all units have been installed correctly and function properly.
s) are installed and function
Certificate of Conformance (CoC) Numbers
CoC numbers are required during installation and start-up of new sites. You may be asked for
these numbers by a W&M official. For information on CoC numbers, refer to the cover page
of this document.
MDE-4334D Atlas™ Start-up and Service Manual · July 2013 Page 3-1
Start-up ProceduresStart-up Checklists
Start-up Checklists
Installation Checklists
To ensure proper and safe operation of all equipment and to maintain warranty coverage, it is
required that the checklist be completed at this time. Many of the items on the list must have
been checked by the electrician already . Forms must be provided with each unit; if not, contact
the Gasboy Atlas Distributor. Make copies of the checklists for use in the field, to preserve
originals for future use.
Mechanical and Hydraulic Related Items Checklist
Item ProcedureRefer ToChecked
1Shear valves must be installed as per the va
recommendations. Shear point is ±0.75-inch of grade and properly
2Flexible pipes must not be used within the dispenser
flexible pipes meeting local and state
pump/dispenser, when allowed by regulatory authorities.
3Pumps (self-contained units) must have a vacuum actuated pressure
regulating valve to pr
used with above ground tanks.
4Pumps require a check valve.MDE-4333 Atlas Fuel Systems Site Prep Manual
5Hose breakaways must be used and installed as per the
recommendations. For units with retrievers, breakaways, and whip
hoses, hose breakaways must be attached to the nozzle end. For units
without retrievers, the hose breakaway is attached to the dispenser end.
6The unit must be anchored to the island properly.
7Vapor recovery piping at the pump/dispenser must have no traps or
8Verify if there are correct nozzles, piping, and brand p