78 s ele cta ble RF ch ann els in 2403 to 248 0MH z ISM b and
ANT c han nel combined m ess age ra te up to 190 Hz (8byt e
data payload)
Minimum message rat e per ANT channel 0. 5Hz
Burst tr ans fer ra te up to 6 0Kb ps (true dat a t hro ug hput)*
Up to 8 ANT channel s
Up to 8 pub lic , m ana ged and/or privat e n etw ork ke ys*
Encr ypted d ata ch annel*
High dut y s ear ch and active sea rch sharing *
WHQL cer tifie d Wi ndo ws dri ver
No dr iver installat ion is required on Mac OS X ma chi nes
Support on dev ice us ing Andro id 3.1 or la ter an d ha vin g
USB hos t enab led
ANT l ibr ary fi les for a ppl ica tions devel opm ent
Supports US B 1.1/2. 0 F ull Sp eed sp eci fic ation w ith Type
A USB co nnector
Radio regulatory approval for major ma rke ts
-10°C t o + 50°C ope rat ing te mpe rat ure
18.9 6 x 1 2.48 x 5.02 mm
RoHS com pliant
* Enhancements in the new generation ANT core stack
1 12
2 11
3 10
4 9
5 8
6 7
8 7
14 15
(Secure Authenticated)
1 12
2 11
3 10
4 9
6 7
1 12
2 11
3 10
4 9
5 8
6 7
ANTUSB-m Stick
D00001513 Rev 0.95

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Notices and Restricted Use Information
Information contained in this document is provided only for your ("Customer" or “you”) convenience and may be
superseded by updates. It is your responsibility to ensure that your application meets with your specifications.
Dynastream Innovations Inc. ("DYNASTREAM") makes no representations or warranties of any kind whether
express or implied, written or oral, statutory or otherwise, related to the information, including but not limited to
its condition, quality, performance, merchantability or fitness for purpose. DYNASTREAM disclaims all liability
arising from this information and its use.
DYNASTEAM does not assume any responsibility for the use of the described ANT product (“the product(s)”).
Dynastream makes no representation with respect to the adequacy of the product in low-power wireless data
communications applications or systems. Any Systems using the product must be designed so that a loss of
communications due to radio interference or otherwise will not endanger either people or property, and will not
cause the loss of valuable data. DYNASTREAM assumes no liability for the performance of products which are
designed or created using the products.
The products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical
implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in
which the failure of the product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. If you use the
products for such unintended and unauthorized applications, you do so at your own risk and you shall indemnify
and hold DYNASTREAM and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all
claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim
of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that
DYNASTREAM was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the Product.
The information disclosed herein is the exclusive property of DYNASTREAM, and is not to be reproduced and/or
distributed without the written consent of DYNASTREAM. No part of this publication may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means including electronic storage, reproduction, execution or transmission
without the prior written consent of DYNASTREAM. The recipient of this document by its retention and use agrees
to respect the security status of the information contained herein.
DYNASTREAM believes the information contained herein is correct and accurate at the time of its release.
However, the information contained in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be
construed as a commitment by DYNASTREAM unless such commitment is expressly given in a covering document.
© 2012 Dynastream Innovations Inc. All Rights Reserved. ANT is a registered trade mark of Dynastream
Innovations Inc.

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Table of Contents
1. ANTUSB-m ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Drivers ........................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 ANT library ..................................................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Product Model and Brand ................................................................................................................ 7
1.3.1 Top Logo Area .................................................................................................................. 7
1.3.2 Front Logo Area ................................................................................................................ 7
2. Regulatory Approval (not completed on the date of this document) ....................................................... 9
2.1 United States .................................................................................................................................. 9
2.2 Industry Canada Compliance ........................................................................................................... 9
2.3 CE Declaration of Conformity ........................................................................................................... 9
2.4 Japan ........................................................................................................................................... 10
2.5 Australia & New Zealand ............................................................................................................... 10
2.6 Russia .......................................................................................................................................... 10
2.7 China ........................................................................................................................................... 10
3. Specifications...............................................................................................................................................11
3.1 Mechanical ................................................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Environmental .............................................................................................................................. 11
3.3 Electrical ....................................................................................................................................... 11
3.4 RF Communications ...................................................................................................................... 11
4. Mechanical Drawings ..................................................................................................................................13
5. Support ........................................................................................................................................................14
5.1 ANT Forum ................................................................................................................................... 14
5.2 Public Technical References ........................................................................................................... 14
5.3 ANT Developer’s Zone ................................................................................................................... 14
5.4 ANT Social Networks ..................................................................................................................... 14

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Application / Presentation
Higher Level Security
Network / Transport &
Low Level Security
Data Link Layer
Physical Layer
by ANT
User Defined
ANT™ Overview
ANT™ is a practical wireless sensor network protocol running on 2.4 GHz ISM band. Designed for ultra low power,
ease of use, efficiency and scalability, ANT easily handles peer-to-peer, star, tree and practical mesh topologies.
ANT provides reliable data communications, flexible and adaptive network operation and cross-talk immunity. The
protocol stack of ANT is extremely compact, requiring minimal microcontroller resources and considerably reducing
system costs.
ANT provides carefree handling of the Physical, Network, and Transport OSI layers. In addition, it incorporates key
low-level security features that form the foundation for user-defined, sophisticated, network-security
implementations. ANT ensures adequate user control while considerably lightening computational burden in
providing a simple yet effective wireless networking solution.
ANT supports public, managed and private network architectures with 232 uniquely addressable devices possible,
ensuring that each device can be uniquely identified from each other in the same network.
ANT is proven with an installed base of over four million nodes in ultra low power sensor network applications in
sport, fitness, home and industrial automation. The ANT solutions are available in chips, chipsets and modules to
suit a wide variety of application needs.
Enhancements in this new generation ANT core stack:
Fast dat a b urst u p t o 6 0 bps ( true data throughp ut)
Encr ypted d ata ch annel
Up to 8 ANT network keys
High dut y s ear ch and active sea rch sharing
The complete description of ANT message protocol is found in the document “ANT Message Protocol and Usage”.
The serial interface details are provided in the document “Interfacing with ANT General Purpose Chipsets and
Modules”. Both documents are available on www.thisisant.com.
ANT+ and ANT+ Alliance
ANT+ is the open application layer on the top of the ANT stack. It standardizes communications and facilitates
interoperability between a wide array of personal sports, wellness and lifestyle monitoring devices. ANT+ defines
device profiles that specify access, data formats, and channel parameters.

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The ANT+ Alliance is comprised of companies who have adopted the ANT+ promise of interoperability. The
Alliance ensures standardized communication through optimized brand value and partnerships with other top tier
companies and products.