Games Microsoft XBOX RALLISPORT CHALLENGE 2 User Manual

0304 Part No. X10-19329
Shift down
Shift up Emergency brake
Change camera view
Reset car on track
Cancel/Return to previous menu
* Pressure-sensitive control ** Hold whi le stopped for Reverse
Safety Information
About Photosensitive Seizures
A very smal l percentage of people may experience a seizure when exposed to certain visual images, including flashing lights or patterns that may appear in video games. Even people who have no history of seizures or epilepsy may have an undiagnosed condition that can cause these “photosensitive epileptic seizures” while watching video games.
These seizures may have a variety of symptoms, incl uding lightheadedness, altered vision, eye or face twitching, jerking or shaking of arms or legs, disorientation, confusion, or momentary loss of awareness. Seizures may also cause loss of consciousness or convulsions that can lead to injury from fal ling down or striking nearby objects.
Immediately stop playing and consult a doctor if you experience any of these symptoms. Parents should watch for or ask their children about the above symptoms—children and teenagers are more likely than adults to experience these seizures.
The risk of photosensitive epileptic seizures may be reduced by sitting farther from the television screen, using a smal ler television screen, playing in a well-l it room, and not playing when you are drowsy or fatigued.
If you or any of your relatives have a h istory of seizures or epilepsy, consult a doctor before playi ng.
Other Important Health and Safety Information The Xbox Instruction Manual contains important health and safety information that you should read and understand before using this software.
Avoid Damage to Your Television
Do not use with certain televisions. Some televisions, especial ly front- or rear­projection types, can be damaged if any video games, i ncluding Xbox games, are played on them. Static images presented during the normal course of gameplay may “burn in” to the screen, causing a permanent shadow of the static image to appear at al l times, even when video games are not being pl ayed. Simil ar damage may occur from static images created when placing a video game on hold or pause. Consult your television owner’s manual to determine if video games can be played safely on your set. If you are unable to find th is information in the owner’s manual, contact your television dealer or the manufacturer to determine if video games can be played safely on your set.
Welcome Back…..................2
Player Pro les........................3
Game Controls.......................4
Game Screen.........................6
Pace Notes..............................8
Game Modes...........................................................................................12
Race Types...............................................................................................13
Xbox Live ..................................................................................................14
XSN Sports................................................................................................19
Soundtrack ...............................................................................................22
Car Classes................................................................................................25
Car Tuning.................................................................................................26
Music Credits...........................................................................................28
Legal Credits.............................................................................................30
Team Credits............................................................................................31
Customer Support.................................................................................33
Coming Summer 2004: RalliSport Challenge 2 for your wireless phone, brought to you by JAMDAT Mobile. For more information,
visit your wireless carrier or go to .
The sport of rallying is unlike any other you’ve encountered. It’s dangerous. It’s dirty. And, above all, it’s violent. Not only are you strapped behind the wheel of a ton-and-a-half, turbo-charged monster, you’re flinging yourself at full speed down rough, rugged, untamed back roads. Even when you’re racing wheel to wheel against other drivers in Rallycross, Ice Racing, or Hil l Climb challenges, Mother Nature still might be your most formidable opponent.
Right here in your hot, eager hands, you hold the sequel to the first Ral l iSport Chal lenge, and a myriad of wonders awaits you on that shiny silver disc…
• Go online to join the global competition with XSN Sports and Xbox Live™.
• Link up to 16 Xbox® consoles, and play locally with up to 16 players. (One player per console, please!)
• Watch how reckless driving affects your car, as glass shatters, bumpers drag, hoods pop open, and doors simply fall off.
• Experience nighttime driving, where al l you’ve got to rely on are the words of your co-driver and the 15 feet you can see in front of you.
When you first enter the Select Profile screen, you are asked to create a player profile. This profile contains al l the points you earn in Career mode, as well as your personalized settings.
After you have selected a profile, you see the Sign In screen. On this screen, you can sign in to Xbox Live using an existing account or go back to the Xbox Dashboard to create a new Xbox Live account. If you prefer to play Ral liSport C hallenge 2 offline, press X to skip the sign-in process and go directly to the Main menu.
Difficulty Settings
Before beginning a new Career, you’ll select your difficulty setting—Amateur, Pro, or Champion. On the Amateur setting, you can restart any track, while on Pro or Champion you can restart whole events only. Also, the higher the difficulty setting, the tougher the AI opponents. However, you’l l be rewarded on those higher settings with the opportunity to unlock bonuses, such as extra cars and tracks.
To change profiles
1. Press B while on the Sign In screen or in the Main menu to return to the Select Profile screen.
2. Select the profile you want to use, or create a new one.
If you want to change your difficulty setting, you must go back to the Main menu and begin a new Career.
Shift down
Shift up
Emergency brake
Change camera view
Reset car on track
Cancel/Return to previous menu
RSC2 offers a number of preset control ler configurations. The default settings are shown below, but you can choose a different configuration by going to the Main menu and selecting Options.
Driving Controls
Steer ? or L Accelerate* # Brake*/Reverse** @ Emergency brake A Shift up B Shift down X
System Controls
Look back Y Change camera view b Reset car on track b Pause/Resume > Cancel/Return to
previous menu <
* Pressure-sensitive control ** Hold while stopped for Reverse
Use the heads-up display (HUD) to keep track of important race information.
Tachometer/Speedometer The outer ring of the gauge displays your RPM, while your speed and gear are indicated as numerals. When using the analog setting, the small indicator in the center of the gauge shows your turbo-pressure level. To switch between an analog or digital gauge, select Options from the Pause menu, and then select HUD.
Race Timer The timer in the upper-right corner of the screen displays your current total time for this race.
Progress Bar The progress bar across the top of the screen displays your current position on the race stage.
When racing solo, if your time on a section is better than the competition, that section of the progress bar wil l be coloured green. If you’re behind, it wil l be red. When racing head to head, each segment of the progress bar wil l be the same colour as the player who has received the best time on that stage.
Navigational Aids Depending on the race type, you are aided by either pace notes or a course map. Pace notes, available only in Rally mode, are visual cues that warn you of upcoming turns and road conditions (see pages 8 -11). To choose a navigational type, select Options from the Pause menu, and then select HUD. Note that in Multipl ayer mode, each player’s HUD can be set individually.
Race position
Progress bar
Pace notes
– or –
Section map
Race timer
Turbo-pressure level
Damage meter
Analog display
– or –
Digital display
Lap timer
– or –
Course map
Bump( s) A small but noticeable mound in the track.
Your car might take air after a bump, so take extra care to maintain control of your vehicle.
Jump A ramp or large bump on the track. Over Crest An incline in the track that impairs your
view. Beware of sharp turns or obstacles on the other side.
Cl iff/Exposure A steep drop-off is near the edge of
the road.
Rocks/Trees A naturally occurring obstacle is near the
edge of the road.
Through Tunnel A tunnel is just ahead. Prepare to go
through it.
Over Bridge A bridge is just ahead. Prepare to cross it. Over Finish The finish line is ahead—don’t stop
accelerating until you cross it!
During Rally races, your co-driver wil l provide audio and visual cues to warn you of upcoming road conditions and changes in terrain.
Basic Pace Notes
Turn Types
Straight A section of track with no curves. Easy A mild turn to the right or left. Little or no
braking is needed.
Medium A more difficult turn that might require
braking or skidding to negotiate.
Hard A severe turn that requires skil led braking
or skidding to negotiate.
Square A sharp 90-degree turn, as when two
roads meet at an intersection.
Hairpin An extremely severe turn that requires
expert braking or skidding to negotiate.
Tight Hairpin The most severe turn you can encounter. Left A turn to the left. Right A turn to the right. Long A long curve or straight.
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