GAL GALaxy eHydro User Manual

GALaxy eHydro
Elevator Controller Manual
GAL Manufacturing Corporation LLC 50 East 153rd Street Bronx, NY 10451
Foreword GAL Manufacturing has developed this manual with usability and safety in mind. General and specific
safety notices and precautions are defined in the manual.
GAL Manufacturing cannot be responsible for any injury to persons or damage to property (including the elevator equipment) resulting from negligence, misuse of the equipment, misinterpretation of instructions included in this manual, or due to any other cause beyond the control of GAL Manufacturing.
All drawings, illustrations, and information herein are the property of GAL Manufacturing and must not be made public or reproduced by any individual or entity other than the purchaser hereof without the express written permission of GAL Manufacturing.
Revision 7.1 GAL Part Number: DOC-0119N
GALaxy eHydro Controller Manual………………………………………………………………………………i Foreword...…………………………………………………………………………………………………………...ii Table of Contents………..…………………………………………………………………………………………iii
Section 1 - Product Description ........................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Product Code Compliance ......................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Specifications ............................................................................................................................. 1-1
1.3 Physical Layout of the Controller ............................................................................................... 1-2
1.4 Selector System ......................................................................................................................... 1-3
1.4.1 Absolute Position System (APS) Selector .......................................................................... 1-3
1.4.2 Primary and Secondary Position Feedback ....................................................................... 1-4
1.5 Sequence of Operation .............................................................................................................. 1-5
1.6 Modes of Operation .................................................................................................................... 1-6
1.6.1 Reset Mode ........................................................................................................................ 1-6
1.6.2 Safety String Open Mode ................................................................................................... 1-6
1.6.3 Controller Inspection Mode ................................................................................................ 1-6
1.6.4 Car Top Inspection Mode ................................................................................................... 1-6
1.6.5 Access Mode ...................................................................................................................... 1-7
1.6.6 Independent Service Mode ................................................................................................ 1-7
1.6.7 Load Weighing Bypass Mode ............................................................................................ 1-7
1.6.8 Attendant Service Mode ..................................................................................................... 1-8
1.6.9 Code Blue Hospital Service Mode ..................................................................................... 1-8
1.6.10 Fire Service Phase I Mode ................................................................................................. 1-8
1.6.11 Fire Service Phase I Alternate Return Mode...................................................................... 1-9
1.6.12 Fire Service Phase II Mode ................................................................................................ 1-9
1.6.13 Emergency Power Sequencing .......................................................................................... 1-9
1.6.14 Emergency Power Battery Lowering ................................................................................ 1-10
1.6.15 Earthquake Mode ............................................................................................................. 1-10
1.6.16 Stalled (Low Oil) Mode ..................................................................................................... 1-10
1.6.17 Automatic Mode ............................................................................................................... 1-10
Section 2 - Installation .......................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1 General Information.................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Site Selection ............................................................................................................................. 2-1
2.3 Environmental Considerations ................................................................................................... 2-1
2.4 Wiring Guidelines and Instructions ............................................................................................. 2-1
2.4.1 Wiring Schematics .............................................................................................................. 2-2
2.4.2 Proper Field Wiring ............................................................................................................. 2-2
2.4.3 Ground Wiring .................................................................................................................... 2-2
2.4.4 Hoistway Wiring .................................................................................................................. 2-2
2.4.5 Elevator Car Wiring ............................................................................................................ 2-3
2.4.6 Machine Room Wiring ........................................................................................................ 2-3
2.5 Normal and Top Terminal Slowdown Limits .............................................................................. 2-3
2.6 Top Terminal Limit Switches ...................................................................................................... 2-4
2.7 Selector Installation .................................................................................................................... 2-4
2.7.1 APS (Absolute Position System) Selector Installation ....................................................... 2-4 Installation of the Encoded Tape and APS Camera ...................................................... 2-4
2.7.2 APS Selector Floor Position Setup (Hoistway Learn) ...................................................... 2-14 Verify that the APS Selector Camera is Installed Correctly and Communicating. ....... 2-14 Set the Adjustable Variables – “NTS Proc Adj Vars” in the Controller. ........................ 2-15 Zero the Hoistway ........................................................................................................ 2-15 Setting Hoistway Floor Levels with APS Selector ........................................................ 2-16
Section 3 - GALaxy Startup and Adjustment ...................................................................................... 3-1
3.1 Procedure for Initial Power-up of Controller ............................................................................... 3-1
3.1.1 Checking Main Line Voltage............................................................................................... 3-1
Table of Contents
3.1.3 Verify the Main CPU is Operating ...................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 Start-Up Procedures................................................................................................................... 3-2
3.2.1 Requirements for a running platform during initial startup ................................................. 3-2
3.2.2 Complete the Installation of Equipment ............................................................................. 3-4
3.3 Adjustment Procedures .............................................................................................................. 3-5
3.3.1 Set Toggle Switches ........................................................................................................... 3-5
3.3.2 Ready the Car to Run on Inspection .................................................................................. 3-5
3.3.3 Prepare for the Car for Hoistway Learn ............................................................................. 3-6
3.3.4 Verify the Hoistway ............................................................................................................. 3-7
3.4 Adjust the Elevator ..................................................................................................................... 3-7
3.4.1 Automatic Run .................................................................................................................... 3-7
3.4.2 Adjust the Slowdown Distances ......................................................................................... 3-8
3.4.3 Adjust the Stop ................................................................................................................... 3-9
3.4.4 Verify Proper Operation of All Safety Circuits and Signal Devices .................................. 3-10
3.4.5 Perform Required Tests ................................................................................................... 3-10
Section 4 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.1 General Information.................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Microprocessor CPU .................................................................................................................. 4-1
4.3 Input/Output Boards ................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.4 Run Sequence ............................................................................................................................ 4-2
4.5 The Safety PAL Functions ......................................................................................................... 4-3
4.6 Safety PAL ................................................................................................................................. 4-5
4.7 System Faults ............................................................................................................................. 4-6
4.8 Main CPU Inputs and outputs .................................................................................................... 4-6
4.9 NTS Processor Inputs and Outputs ......................................................................................... 4-11
4.10 Relocate I/Os ............................................................................................................................ 4-12
4.10.1 Relocate I/Os – Add IO Relocation .................................................................................. 4-13
4.10.2 Relocate I/Os – Remove Relocation IO ........................................................................... 4-14
4.10.3 Car Trace Screen ............................................................................................................. 4-15
Section 5 LCD Interface ........................................................................................................................ 5-1
5.1 Operating the LDC Interface ...................................................................................................... 5-1
5.2 LCD Menus ................................................................................................................................ 5-2
5.2.1 Elevator Status ................................................................................................................... 5-2
5.2.2 Main Menu ........................................................................................................................ 5-12
5.2.3 Date and Time .................................................................................................................. 5-13
5.2.4 Set Calls and Lockouts ..................................................................................................... 5-14
5.2.5 Inputs and Outputs ........................................................................................................... 5-17
5.2.6 Job Statistics .................................................................................................................... 5-20
5.2.7 Adjustable Variables ......................................................................................................... 5-21
5.2.8 Diagnostics ....................................................................................................................... 5-22
5.2.9 Software Utilities ............................................................................................................... 5-29
5.2.10 Hoistway Tables ............................................................................................................... 5-33
5.2.11 Fault Log........................................................................................................................... 5-39
Section 6 - Main CPU Faults & Detailed Faults ................................................................................ 6-40
6.1 Main CPU Faults ...................................................................................................................... 6-40
6.2 Device Fault in Fault Log ......................................................................................................... 6-84
6.3 Detailed Faults Data and Description....................................................................................... 6-99
6.3.1 Detailed Fault I/O Data Example .................................................................................... 6-112
6.3.2 Detailed Fault I/O Data Form ......................................................................................... 6-115
Section 7 - Main CPU Adjustable Variables ........................................................................................ 7-1
Section 8 - Appendix A ......................................................................................................................... 8-1
8.1 Testing Stall Mode & Low Oil Operation .................................................................................... 8-1
8.2 Reset Low Oil, Hot Oil, or MC/SPD Fault................................................................................... 8-2
8.3 Performing a Stop Ring Test ...................................................................................................... 8-2
8.4 Testing NTSD ............................................................................................................................. 8-2
8.5 Testing Terminal Speed Reducing Device ................................................................................. 8-3
8.6 Testing the Load Weighing Device ............................................................................................ 8-3
8.7 Testing Phase 2 Operation With a Ground or Short Circuit ....................................................... 8-3
8.8 Testing Phase 1 & 2 Operation After Power Interruption and Restoration ................................ 8-3
8.9 Testing Recycling Operation ...................................................................................................... 8-4
8.10 Testing Plunger Gripper Operation ............................................................................................ 8-4
8.11 Testing Phase 1 Operation Under Special Conditions ............................................................... 8-4
8.12 Testing Phase 2 Operation Under Special Conditions ............................................................... 8-5
8.13 Testing Plunger Following Guide Protection .............................................................................. 8-6
8.14 Testing the Auxiliary Power Supply With the Disconnect Switch Open ..................................... 8-6
8.15 Testing Low Pressure Switch ..................................................................................................... 8-6
8.16 Testing Low Pressure Switch ..................................................................................................... 8-6
This manual uses the CAUTION symbol to identify procedures and practices that may result in personal injury and/or equipment damage, if not followed correctly.
This manual uses the DANGER symbol as an alert to a danger of electrocution or an acute electrical shock. The DANGER symbol provides elevator personnel with a warning of severe personal injury or potential fatality that can result if safety precautions are not observed.
In this manual, this symbol identifies information helpful to elevator personnel when carrying out a specific procedure or task.
When this symbol appears inside a table, it indicates that a value or property is not defined, or is nonexistent, for the item listed.
Installation and wiring must be in accordance with the national electrical code, all local codes, and all elevator safety codes and standards. The 3phase AC power supply to the equipment must originate from a properly fused disconnect or circuit breaker that is properly designed and sized for the specific controller requirements and the “Short
Circuit Current Rating” listed on the controller. Improper motor branch circuit protection will void warranty and may create a hazardous condition.
Wiring to the controller terminals must be installed in a careful, neat manner. Stranded wire conductors must not have strands left out of the terminals. Leaving strands of wire out of the terminals can create a potential short circuit. All terminals and cable connectors must be seated properly. (See the IMPORTANT notice on the next page.)
Elevator control products must be installed by elevator personnel who have been trained in the construction, maintenance, repair, inspection, and testing of elevator equipment. The elevator personnel must comply with all applicable safety codes and standards. This equipment is an O. E. M. product designed and manufactured to comply with ASME A17.1-2016/CSA B44-16 Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators. It is the responsibility of the installer to ensure that the installation is performed safely and that the installation complies with all applicable codes.
Proper grounding is vitally important to the safe and successful operation of this system, and proper grounding should be installed to comply with all applicable codes. A separate ground wire should be installed from the building earth ground to the earth ground terminal in each controller. Proper conductor size must be utilized for grounding. In order to minimize resistance to ground, the shortest possible length should be used for the ground conductor.
Do not install the controller in a hazardous area where excessive vapors and chemical fumes are present. Do not install the controller in a dusty area. Do not install the controller in a carpeted area. The space in which the controller equipment is installed should be temperature controlled, moisture free, and should be maintained within a temperature range of 32° F and 110°F. The space in which the controller equipment is installed should be kept clean. The controller should be kept dry and should not be exposed to moisture or water condensation. Make sure the power supply voltage feeding the controller equipment does not fluctuate by more than +/- 10%.
Every safety precaution, whether or not specifically stated in this document, must be implemented when installing, adjusting, or servicing elevator equipment. All safety precautions must be followed to ensure the safety of elevator personnel and the general public.
Use only the correct rated fusing for controller protection. Use of improperly rated fusing will void the warranty.
Most of the field connections to GALaxy controls are made using stranded wire. When inserting this stranded wire into the terminals – especially those for EPD’s (Electrical Protective Devices) – care must be taken to ensure that all the strands are properly inserted into the terminals. Improper stripping and insertion may leave strands outside of the terminals. Strands not properly inserted into the terminals may make contact with wires from an adjacent terminal.
The danger associated with an occurrence as described above has led GAL Manufacturing to recommend that, for all connections to the Electrical Protective Devices listed in ASME A17.1-2016/CSA B44-16, Requirements through, elevator personnel must follow the guidelines listed below:
Inspect all terminals used to connect Electrical Protective Devices. Ensure that the cage clamp is fully open before inserting a wire into the terminal block.
Perform corrective action for wires with stray strands by one of the following methods:
o Reconnect the wire with all wire strands correctly installed into the terminal. Visually verify that
no wire strands are outside of the terminal. The conductor should be stripped and inserted completely into the terminal in such a manner that no more than two millimeters of bare wire is visible; or
o Attach a ferrule to the end of field wire for safety devices (as pictured below in Figures 0-1 and
0-2) and insert the ferrule into the terminal; or
o Use an acceptable method such as tinning.
After removal and replacement of any of these field wires, the actual Electrical Protective Device should be checked for proper operation.
Figure 0-1
Crimp Tool for Ferrule
Figure 0-2
Stranded Wire with Ferrule
GALaxy eHydro Elevator Controller Section 1 – Product Description
Section 1 - Product Description
The GALaxy traction elevator controller is a computer-based system that offers superior performance, flexibility and reliability. It has been designed to save time in installation and troubleshooting, but it is still very important that the field personnel familiarize themselves with this manual before attempting to install the equipment.
1.1 Product Code Compliance
CSA B44.1-14/ASME A17.5-2014
ASME A17.1-2016/CSA B44-16
1.2 Specifications
Standard Features:
Inspection Operation (car top and controller)
Access Operation
Independent Service
Fire Service Phase I
Fire Service Phase I Alternate Return
Fire Service Phase II
Emergency Power
Earthquake Service
On Board Diagnostics LEDs
On Board LCD Interface
Motor Protection Timers
Door Motor Protection Timer
Field Adjustable Parameters
Elevator Duty Rated NEMA Motor
32° F to 110° F ambient
12,000 feet altitude
95% humidity
Optional Features:
Selective Rear Doors
Attendant Service
Code Blue Hospital Service
Remote Diagnostics
Emergency Power
GALaxy eHydro Elevator Controller Section 1 – Product Description
1.3 Physical Layout of the Controller
Figure 1-0 shows the general layout of the GALaxy eHydro Controller cabinet. The components in the cabinet include the following items.
1) Main I/O Board:
The 1121 main control board contains input and output devices, controller switches, fuses and field wiring terminal connections. This board also includes the, the Safety PAL and the NTS Processor.
2) Main CPU:
The 1132 CPU board is a dual core 32-bit CPU. It executes the main control system programs. The main core runs the car operation and the secondary core runs the group operation. The LCD Interface mounted on the Main CPU provides a user interface to all controller adjustment and setup parameters. It also shows diagnostic information.
3) PI Driver Board:
Driver for CE or E-Motive Position Indicator Displays.
4) Car I/O Panel:
Provides space for additional car I/O.
5) Terminal Block and Options:
Space for additional terminal blocks, optional contactors and circuit breakers.
6) Power Supplies:
A 5 VDC power supply for the controller 5 Volt power and a 24 VDC supply for all call button and lantern power.
7) Soft Starter:
Controls the soft start and running of the pump motor.
8) Power Distribution Board:
Contains fuses and distributes 120 VAC and 24 VDC for the system.
9) Transformer:
Transforms the line voltage to the proper voltages for signals and other controller functions.
GALaxy eHydro Elevator Controller Section 1 – Product Description
Figure 1-0: Typical Physical Layout of Top Cabinet
1.4 Selector System
The selector system for the GALaxy controller is an Absolute Position System with an encoded
touchless tape.
1.4.1 Absolute Position System (APS) Selector
The Absolute Position System Selector uses an encoded tape that is read by two independent
cameras. The dual camera device is SIL3 rated to supply position and velocity data over two
independent CAN bus channels. One CAN bus channel connects directly to the MAIN CPU and the
second CAN bus channels connects directly to the NTS processor. During setup both processors learn
the hoistway floor positions and slowdown limits. Each processor’s outputs control signals and door
zone status to the Safety PAL for independent redundancy checking.
This selector system delivers 0.5mm accuracy, 50.8 pulses per inch. A block diagram of the Absolute
Position System is shown in Figure 1-1.
. 1 Main I/O Board
. Main CPU
. PI Driver Board
. Car I/O
. Terminal Block
and Option
8 . Power
. Transformer
GALaxy eHydro Elevator Controller Section 1 – Product Description
Figure 1-1: Absolute Position System Selector
1.4.2 Primary and Secondary Position Feedback
The Main CPU receives position feedback from the channel A camera CAN bus and builds a table of floor positions and slowdowns for each floor during setup. On a normal run, the Main CPU uses the slowdown points to initiate a slowdown to the appropriate floor and uses the floor position to determine the door zone and exact stopping position.
The NTS processor receives position feedback from the channel B camera CAN bus and builds an independent table of floor door zone positions and normal terminal slowdown limits (UN, UT, DN, and DT) during setup. On a normal run, the NTS processor uses the NTS slowdown points to independently remove power from the appropriate run valves as a redundancy to slowdown and stop the car at terminal landings.
Both the Main CPU and NTS processor outputs door zone and control signals, (SU, SUF, SD, SDF for the Main CPU and UN, UT, DN, DT for the NTS processor), to the Safety PAL to make hardware­controlled decisions that the car is safe to run.
To protect the car from hitting the stop ring at a speed greater than 50 fpm in the up direction, two mechanical switches are wired in the hoistway at the top terminal landing. The first switch actuated
GALaxy eHydro Elevator Controller Section 1 – Product Description
while running up to the top terminal floor is the Terminal Speed Device (TSD) limit switch that directly removes power from the up fast valve. The top most limit switch is the Terminal Limit Hatch switch (TLH) that directly removes power from pump motor and all valves.
1.5 Sequence of Operation
Normal elevator operation, Automatic Mode, is selective-collective. When the elevator is traveling upwards to answer calls, all up hall calls at floors above the car are answered in the order reached by the car, regardless of the order in which the calls were registered. Upon reaching each landing with a car call or hall call registered, the car and hall doors at that floor are automatically opened.
The doors stay opened for a dwell time that is field adjustable. There are three different dwell times depending on whether it is a lobby call, car call, or hall call. The door will close before the set dwell time has elapsed if a passenger presses the door close button and the minimum door open time has expired. The door will reopen before it is fully closed if the door open button is pressed, if a passenger pushes on the safety edge, if the photo-eye light beam is interrupted, or if a call for that floor in the direction of travel is pushed. The door will close when the door opening condition is eliminated. When the door has fully closed, the calls are answered.
When all up hall calls and car calls above the car have been answered, the elevator reverses direction and travels downward to answer car calls and down hall calls placed below the car. The calls are answered as previously described for up calls. When all calls below a down car are answered, the car reverses direction to repeat the cycle. In short, an elevator traveling up will bypass down hall calls, and an elevator traveling down will bypass up hall calls.
In buildings with more than one elevator grouped together, the actual time of arrival, “real time”, is used to estimate how long each elevator will take to answer a hall call. The elevator that can respond the fastest takes the call. Real-time based dispatching permits the controllers to quickly respond to actual demand for elevator service. Some of the criteria used to estimate the time of arrival are as followed:
Actual elevator floor to floor run times.
Actual run time to the floor whether it is a multi-floor run or a one floor run.
Whether the elevator is in or out of service.
Whether the elevator is in load weigh bypass mode.
The direction and position of each elevator in the group.
The average door cycle time at each stop.
Status of each elevator, accelerating, full speed, decelerating, actual time in motion.
Number of stops required due to car calls.
Number of stops required due to previously assigned hall calls.
System demand.
The above performance criteria are continuously measured and stored for improved accuracy in the dispatching algorithm. All of the above data is continuously scanned, and the hall calls are reassigned if the conditions change and another car can respond faster. The ability to measure actual hall waiting time virtually eliminates long waiting and improves the average hall call waiting intervals throughout the building.
GALaxy eHydro Elevator Controller Section 1 – Product Description
1.6 Modes of Operation
1.6.1 Reset Mode
Reset mode is initiated when the elevator power is first turned on, or when the system is reset. When the reset mode is initiated, the controller performs internal tests to ensure that both the car and controller are electrically operational before putting the car into service. The car will not move until reset mode is completed. Some of the internal tests that the controller performs are as follows: is the safety string made up; is the elevator on inspection operation; is the door close limit open; are the interlocks made up; is hoistway position correct. If all the safeties are made up, and the elevator is on automatic operation, and it is at floor level, the elevator will go into automatic mode. If the elevator is not at floor level, it will run slow speed down to the nearest floor, level into the floor, and reset the floor position count.
1.6.2 Safety String Open Mode
Safety string open mode is initiated when a safety is open. Some of the safeties are listed below:
Reverse phase relay
Governor overspeed switch
Top Terminal Limit Switch
Pit switch
Hatch Safety Switch
Exit Door Switch
Car Safeties
Car top stop switch
Fire Fighters Stop Switch
In-Car Stop Switch
Controller Stop Switch
When the safety string is made back up, the elevator will go back to reset mode.
1.6.3 Controller Inspection Mode
The controller inspection mode is initiated by placing the “INS” switch on the 1121 board in the
inspection position (down). Controller inspection mode permits operation of the car from the machine room. This mode performs the following operations:
Enables the controller inspection “ENABLE”, “UP” and “DOWN” push buttons
Door locks are active and must be closed to move the car.
Pressing the controller “ENABLE” and “UP” pushbuttons causes the elevator to move at
inspection speed in the up direction.
Pressing the controller “ENABLE” and “DOWN” pushbuttons causes the elevator to move at inspection speed in the down direction.
1.6.4 Car Top Inspection Mode
This inspection mode is initiated by placing the inspection switch on top of the car in the inspection position. Inspection mode permits operation of the car from the car top inspection station. This mode performs the following operations:
GALaxy eHydro Elevator Controller Section 1 – Product Description
Disables access top and access bottom hall switches.
Disables the controller "ENABLE", "UP" and "DOWN" push buttons.
Door locks and Car gates/locks are active and must be closed or the door lock and gate bypass
switch or switches must be active to move the car.
Enables the car top inspection station "SAFE", "UP" and "DOWN" push buttons
Pressing the inspection station "UP" and "SAFE” pushbuttons causes the elevator to move at
inspection speed in the up direction.
Pressing the inspection station "DOWN" and "SAFE" pushbuttons causes the elevator to move
at inspection speed in the down direction.
1.6.5 Access Mode
The access mode is initiated by placing the key operated access switch located in the car operating panel to the on position. Access mode allows entrance into the Hoistway by qualified and authorized elevator personnel for equipment inspection and service. Access to the top of the car is possible from the top landing, and access to the pit is possible from the bottom landing. Enabling this mode permits the following operation:
Enables the access key switches at the top and bottom landing in the entrance door jambs.
Bypasses the gate switch to allow car movement with the car door open.
Bypasses the top or bottom landing hall door lock, depending on which terminal access switch
is being keyed.
Turning the access key switch to the up position causes the elevator to move at access speed in the up direction.
Turning the access key switch to the down position causes the elevator to move at access speed in the down direction.
1.6.6 Independent Service Mode
The independent service mode is initiated by placing the key operated independent switch located in
the car operating panel to the on position, or by placing the controller toggle switch “IND” to the down
position. Independent mode permits operation of the car with an operator. This mode performs the following operations:
Hall initiated calls are ignored.
Hall lanterns and gongs are disabled.
The doors open automatically and stay open until closed by the operator.
Closing the doors requires constant pressure on the door close button.
When the car door is closed, the car answers the nearest car-initiated call in the direction of
1.6.7 Load Weighing Bypass Mode
The load weighing bypass mode is initiated when the car is loaded to a predetermined percentage of full
capacity, by closing a connection between terminals “LC” and “LW” or from serial communication from a
load weighing device. Load weigh bypass mode allows the car to answer car calls and lighten the load before answering any more hall calls. This mode performs the following operations:
Hall initiated calls are ignored.
All other elevator functions operate as if on fully automatic service.
GALaxy eHydro Elevator Controller Section 1 – Product Description
1.6.8 Attendant Service Mode
The attendant service mode is initiated by placing the key operated attendant switch located in the car operating panel to the on position. Attendant mode permits operation of the car with an attendant. This mode performs the following operations:
The doors open automatically and stay open until closed by the attendant.
Closing the doors requires a momentary pressure on the door close button, or the up or down
buttons located in the car operating panel.
Hall initiated calls are answered unless there is constant pressure on the bypass button.
Hall lanterns and gongs are enabled.
The direction of preference can be specified by momentary pressure on the up or down buttons
located in the car operating panel.
1.6.9 Code Blue Hospital Service Mode
Code blue hospital service mode is initiated by turning one of the code blue switches, located at each floor where medical emergency service is required, to the on position. A car is selected to respond to the code blue call. That car will perform the following:
Cancel all car calls
Any hall calls previously assigned will be transferred to another car.
If traveling toward the code blue call, it will proceed nonstop to the code blue call floor.
If traveling away from the code blue call, it will slow down and stop at the nearest floor, maintain
doors closed, reverse direction and proceed nonstop to the code blue call floor.
If at a floor other than the code blue call floor, the elevator will close the doors and proceed nonstop to the code blue call floor.
Once at the code blue call floor, the doors will open and remain open.
The code blue in car switch located in the car operating panel must then be turned to the on
position. If the code blue in car switch is not turned to the on position within 60 seconds from the time the doors reach full open on the code blue call floor, the car will revert back to normal operation.
Upon activation of the key switch, it will allow the car to accept a car call for any floor, close the doors, and proceed nonstop to the floor desired.
The return of the code blue in car key switch to the normal position will restore the car to normal service.
1.6.10 Fire Service Phase I Mode
Fire service phase I is initiated when the primary smoke sensor is activated, or the fire key switch located in the hall station on the primary return floor is turned to the on position. The primary return floor is usually the lobby floor but could be another landing if it better serves the needs of emergency personnel when fighting a fire or performing rescues. When fire service phase I is enabled:
The fire emergency return light illuminates, and the fire buzzer sounds.
The emergency stop switch is disabled when the door closes (depending on code requirement).
The car travels to the primary return floor without answering any calls, then parks with the door
open. The fire buzzer turns off, but the fire emergency return light stays illuminated.
GALaxy eHydro Elevator Controller Section 1 – Product Description
If the car is at a landing with the doors open, the doors will close, and the car will return non- stop to the primary return floor.
If the car is traveling away from the primary return floor, the car will stop at the next landing, and then go immediately to the primary return floor.
Turning the fire service key switch to the bypass position will restore the elevator to normal service.
The elevator will perform per ASME A17.1 requirement 2.27.3 unless otherwise specified.
1.6.11 Fire Service Phase I Alternate Return Mode
Fire service phase I alternate return is initiated when the smoke sensor in front of the elevator at the
primary return floor is activated. When fire service phase I alternate return is enabled:
The fire emergency return light illuminates and the fire buzzer sounds.
The emergency stop switch is disabled when the door closes (depending on code requirement).
The car travels to the alternate return floor without answering any calls, then parks with the door
open. The fire buzzer turns off, but the fire emergency return light stays illuminated.
If the car is at a landing with the doors open, the doors will close, and the car will return nonstop to the alternate return floor. If the car is traveling away from the alternate return floor, the car will stop at the next landing, and then go immediately to the alternate return floor.
Turning the fire service key switch to the bypass position will restore the elevator to normal service.
The elevator will perform per ASME A17.1 requirement 2.27.3 unless otherwise specified.
1.6.12 Fire Service Phase II Mode
To initiate fire service phase II, the car must first have been placed in fire service phase I, and, as a result, be parked at the designated level with the door fully open. Following that, the key operated fire service phase II switch, located in the car operating panel must be placed in the on position. Fire service phase II permits operation of the car by a fire fighter. This mode performs operations in accordance with ASME A17.1 requirement 2.27.3 as follows:
The doors close only with constant pressure on the door close button, after they have been fully opened.
The doors open only with constant pressure on the door open button, after they have been fully closed.
Hall lanterns and gongs are disabled. Safety edge and electric eye are disabled
All registered car calls can be canceled with momentary pressure on the call cancel button
located in the car operating panel.
All hall calls are disabled.
To remove the car from fire service phase II the car must be at the fire return landing with the
doors in the fully open position and the phase II switch turned to the off position.
See ASME A17.1 requirement 2.27.3 for specific operation of fire service phase II.
1.6.13 Emergency Power Sequencing
Emergency Power is initiated when a connection is made between terminals “HC” and “EMP”. This
mode performs the following operations:
All cars are returned to the bottom floor one at a time, and cycle the door.
The door open button remains active.
GALaxy eHydro Elevator Controller Section 1 – Product Description
If a car is selected to run it will go back into normal operation.
Removing the connection between terminals “HC” and “EMP” will remove the cars from
emergency power operation.
1.6.14 Emergency Power Battery Lowering
Emergency Power Lowering is initiated when power is lost, and the Normal Power Relay drops out. When this occurs, the power circuit switches to the UPS backup power and activates the EMP input.
This mode performs the following operations:
The car returned to the bottom floor and cycles the door.
The car cannot run but the door open button remains active.
When normal power is returned to the controller, the Normal Power relay is picked removing
power from the EMP input and the car will return to normal operation.
1.6.15 Earthquake Mode
Earthquake mode is initiated upon activation of a seismic switch. This mode performs the following
If in motion the car will proceed to the nearest available floor.
Once at a floor, the car will cycle the doors and shut down.
The door open button remains active.
1.6.16 Stalled (Low Oil) Mode
Stalled mode is initiated when the elevator has been in run mode longer than the field adjustable anti-
stall timer. This mode performs the following operations:
Turns off the pump motor and stops the elevator.
The car is returned nonstop to the bottom floor.
Upon reaching the bottom floor, the doors cycle, then the elevator is shut down.
The door open button remains active.
1.6.17 Automatic Mode
Since this is the normal operating mode, the controller automatically enters this mode if none of the previously described modes are activated, and if no fault is detected. The following operations are performed in automatic mode:
The car operates in selective-collective control sequence when answering calls.
Hall and car calls are functional.
Hall lanterns and gongs are operational.
Simplex Cars Park at the last call answered unless simplex lobby parking has been enabled in
the program. In a multi-car group, a car is parked at the lobby if no other demand exists and parking is enabled.
The doors remain closed when the car is parked
GALaxy eHydro Elevator Controller Section 2 –Installation
Section 2 - Installation
2.1 General Information
This section provides basic guidelines and recommendations for the proper installation of the controller equipment. These guidelines should be used as general instructions. They are not intended to usurp local codes and regulations.
2.2 Site Selection
There are several factors that elevator personnel should consider when choosing a location for installing
this product. The elevator controller should be installed at a location that provides the most convenient
access for adjustment, inspections, and repairs. If at all possible, elevator personnel should have an
unobstructed view of the machine when standing in front of the controller. A safe and adequate
workspace around the controller must be provided. Work areas must be free of any items that might
interfere with the proper routing of conduits or hinder the opening of cabinet doors. All clearances,
workspaces, lighting, and guarding around the controller must comply with governing codes.
2.3 Environmental Considerations
The controller package is provided with a standard type 1 enclosure. This type of controller should be
installed in a clean, dry, and non-corrosive environment. Ideally, the equipment room should be
temperature controlled between 70° F and 90° F. However, control equipment will function properly within
an ambient temperature range of 32° to 110° F. If temperatures remain at the upper and lower extremes
of this range for an extended period of time, the life expectancy of the control equipment may be reduced.
It is important to always keep the controller dry, clean, and free of any dust and debris.
The control system is designed to have a high immunity to electrical noise, radio frequency radiation, and
magnetic interference. However, high levels of these items could cause interference with certain parts of
the control system.
The power supply feeding the controller should have a fluctuation of no greater than + or - 10%.
2.4 Wiring Guidelines and Instructions
See the IMPORTANT NOTICE on page “viii” of this manual
GALaxy eHydro Elevator Controller Section 2 –Installation
2.4.1 Wiring Schematics
A complete set of wiring schematics and connection diagrams will be provided for each job. Each set of wiring schematics and connection diagrams are job specific. The job name and number will be listed in the bottom right corner of each page of these documents.
2.4.2 Proper Field Wiring
Most of the field connections to GALaxy controls are made using stranded wire. When inserting this stranded wire into the terminals – especially those for EPD’s (Electrical Protective Devices) – care must be taken to ensure that all the strands are properly inserted into the terminals. Improper stripping and insertion may leave strands outside of the terminals. Strands not properly inserted into the terminals may make contact with wires from an adjacent terminal. The danger associated with an occurrence as described above has led GAL Manufacturing to recommend that, for all connections to the Electrical Protective Devices listed in ASME A17.1­2016/CSA B44-16, Requirements through, elevator personnel must follow the guidelines listed below:
Inspect all terminals used to connect Electrical Protective Devices. Ensure that the cage clamp is fully open before inserting a wire into the terminal block.
Perform corrective action for wires with stray strands by one of the following methods:
o Reconnect the wire with all wire strands correctly installed into the terminal. Visually
verify that no wire strands are outside of the terminal. The conductor should be stripped and inserted completely into the terminal in such a manner that no more than two millimeters of bare wire is visible; or
o Attach a ferrule to the end of field wire for safety devices (as pictured in Figures 0-1 and
0-2) and insert the ferrule into the terminal; or
o Use an acceptable method such as tinning.
After removal and replacement of any of these field wires, the actual Electrical Protective Device should be checked for proper operation.
2.4.3 Ground Wiring
Proper grounding of the power supply, controller, elevator car, and hoistway is required. Separate conductors should be run for EG (earth ground) and GND terminals. These terminals and conductors are detailed on the wiring schematics.
2.4.4 Hoistway Wiring
All hoistway wiring is detailed on the wiring schematics and connection diagrams. The number of
required hoistway conductors is listed in the connection diagrams. A job specific “pull sheet” is also
included in the connection diagrams.
GALaxy eHydro Elevator Controller Section 2 –Installation
2.4.5 Elevator Car Wiring
All elevator car wiring is detailed on the wiring schematics and connection diagrams including the wiring
to the car station, door operator, car top selector, and inspection station. The number of required
traveling cable conductors is listed in the connection diagrams. A job specific “pull sheet” is also
included in the connection diagrams.
2.4.6 Machine Room Wiring
All machine room wiring is detailed on the wiring schematics and connection diagrams including the main power supply wiring, motor wiring, and field wiring.
2.5 Normal and Top Terminal Slowdown Limits
The terminal slowdown limits include the Normal Terminal Slowdown Limits (including UN, UT, DN and DT) and the Top Terminal Limits (including TSD and TLH). The Normal Terminal Slowdown Limits are read from absolute positions on an encoded tape. The TSD and TLH limits are mechanical switches.
The Normal Terminal Limits are used to cause the car to slowdown and stop at or near the terminal landing if the normal stopping means does not function properly. The NTS processor monitors the position of the car in the hoistway from the APS selector camera and turns off the appropriate limit switch, when the limit position is reached, independent of the Main CPU.
The Top Terminal Slowdown limits are used to prevent the car from hitting the stop ring on the hydraulic jack at a speed greater 50 fpm. TSD and TLH limits must be mechanical switches installed on all GALaxy eHydro controlled elevators and must be set to activate mechanically from the movement of the car.
The distance that the limits are placed from the terminal landing depends on the speed of the car. Table 2-0 shows the slowdown limit locations with respect to contract speed. All distances are shown in inches. The distances listed represent the distance from the terminal landing when the slowdown switch is actuated.
Table 2-0: Slowdown Distances from Terminal Landings
GALaxy eHydro Elevator Controller Section 2 –Installation
* UT and DT limit distances are setup by parameters in the NTS Processor. UN and DN limits are always 2” above and below the top and bottom terminal landings respectively.
The up and down directional limit switches UN and DN will be set to open two inches past the terminal floor levels on the NTS processor and MAIN CPU. With the Absolute Position System (APS) selector camera, the slowdown limit positions are automatically calculated by the NTS processor and Main CPU boards. If the calculated slowdown values are not adequate, the distances for the NTS Processor and
the Main CPU can be modified from the Main CPU LCD Interface under the “NTS Proc Adj Vars” menu.
The Main CPU slowdown distances will always match the NTS processor distances.
2.6 Top Terminal Limit Switches
The Top Terminal Limit Hatch (TLH) switch should be set to open four inches above the top terminal floor level. The Terminal Slowdown (TSD) switch should be set to open at the appropriate table value.
These two switches must be mechanical switches.
For the requirements for a running platform during initial start-up, refer to the GALaxy eHydro Quickstart Guide or Section 3.2.1 of this manual.
2.7 Selector Installation
2.7.1 APS (Absolute Position System) Selector Installation Installation of the Encoded Tape and APS Camera
Always handle the encoded tape with care to make sure that the encoded surface of the tape is not damaged. Do not kink the tape or bend the tape in too tight of a radius. When installing the tape, make sure that no grease, dirt, or debris is on the encoded surface of the tape.
The general configuration of the APS (Absolute Position System) Selector is shown in Figure 2-0.
GALaxy eHydro Elevator Controller Section 2 –Installation
Figure 2-0: APS Selector General Configuration
Camera and
Cam mounted
on the Elevator
GALaxy eHydro Elevator Controller Section 2 –Installation
To install the APS Selector, follow steps 1 through 8 below:
Step 1: Install top selector bracket and attach the encoded tape.
Mount the top J-hook selector bracket to the rail.
Make sure the bracket is high enough that, when the car is on the stop ring above the top
terminal landing, that the encoded tape is still within the field of view of the APS cameras, and that nothing on the car contacts the bracket.
Attach the encoded tape to the top bracket keeping the encoded tape as close to the rail as possible. See Figure 2-1.
Make sure to feed the tape through the front side of the bracket first (the side facing the car), and then bend it around the top of the bracket and lace it back down. Make sure that the encoded side of the tape faces the car and that the “LEFT” markings on the tape are on the left side. See Figures 2-2 and 2-3.
Fasten the tape with the supplied bracket and screws.
Figure 2-1: Encoded Tape Mounting – Top Bracket
GALaxy eHydro Elevator Controller Section 2 –Installation
Step 2: Run down on inspection while unrolling the encoded tape.
Run down on inspection while unrolling the tape. See Figure 2-4.
Make sure you do not kink the tape or bend it in too tight of a radius. The tape can be
damaged, and it should be handled with care.
Mount a J-hook selector bracket and guide clip with a door zone bridge for each floor. See Figures 2-5 and 2-10.
When the elevator is at floor level the door zone bridge should be positioned at the midpoint between the two APS cameras. See Figure 2-14. The exact positioning of this bracket and guide clip will be set in section
Where there are tall floor heights or blind hoistways, mount J-hook selector brackets and guide clips without door zone bridges, at locations as needed, that will hold the encoder tape at the proper position with respect to the guide rails and APS camera. See Figure 2-6.
Make sure your hands are clean and you do not leave any grease or dirt on the front of the tape.
Figure 2-2: Front View of Encoded Tape
Figure 2-3: Side View of Top Bracket
GALaxy eHydro Elevator Controller Section 2 –Installation
Step 3: Install the bottom selector bracket and attach the encoded tape.
Mount the bottom selector bracket onto the car guide rail as shown in Figure 2-7.
Make sure the bracket is low enough that, when the car fully compresses car buffer, that the
encoded tape is still within the field of view of the APS cameras, and that nothing on the car contacts the bracket.
Attach the encoded tape to the rail bracket with the slack tape switch.
Make sure to feed the tape through the front side of the bracket (the side facing the car) first, and
then bend it back up toward the back of the tape. See Figure 2-8.
Push the bracket down until the springs are depressed to the mark in order to properly tension the encoded tape. See Figure 2-9.
The slack tape switch should be properly installed and wired according to the wiring schematics and connection diagrams
Figure 2-4: Unroll the Encoded Tape
Figure 2-5: Guide Clip with Door Zone Bridge
Figure 2-6: Guide Clip without Door Zone Bridge
GALaxy eHydro Elevator Controller Section 2 –Installation
Figure 2-8: Side View of Encoded Tape Attachment to the Bottom Bracket
Figure 2-7: Lower Bracket Mounting
GALaxy eHydro Elevator Controller Section 2 –Installation
Step 4: Install the selector mounting bracket.
Mount the selector mounting bracket to the cross head.
Use the roller or slide shoe guide bolts to hold the camera bracket. The face of the bracket
should be about 5 ½ inches from the back of the rail. See Figures 2-10 and 2-11.
The back of the bracket should be as close as possible to the crosshead channel.
Use a level and make sure it is plumb and level.
Figure 2-9: Lower Bracket with Springs Properly Compressed to the Marks
Figure 2-10: APS Camera and Mounting Bracket
GALaxy eHydro Elevator Controller Section 2 –Installation
Step 5: Install the APS Camera.
Mount the camera on the mounting bracket.
The APS camera should be centered with the encoded tape.
The face of the camera should be 4 inches from the face of the tape. See Figure 2-12.
Figure 2-11: Top View of APS Camera and Mounting Bracket
Figure 2-12: APS Camera Mounted 4 Inches From Encoded Tape
GALaxy eHydro Elevator Controller Section 2 –Installation
Step 6: Wire the APS Selector Camera according to the connection diagrams.
The APS selector should be wired according to the job specific wiring schematic and connection diagrams. See Figure 2-11.
Prior to performing “Step 7” below, the eHydro controller must be installed, and the APS selector
must be properly wired according to the wiring schematics. See Section 3 of this manual.
Step 7: Perform a fine adjustment of the APS camera.
Make the fine adjustment of the camera using the LED array on the top of the APS camera. See Figure 2-14.
Adjust the camera so only the green LED in the middle of the 4 red arrows is on. See Figure
Temporarily obstruct the field of view of the APS camera for 5 seconds, and then remove the obstruction. Two red alignment spotlights should appear on the encoded tape. These spotlights represent the center of the field of view of each APS camera. Adjust the camera so the spotlights are in the center of the encoded tape. See Figure 2-15.
Level the APS camera with a leveling device. The APS camera must be parallel and square to the encoded tape. See Figure 2-17.
The PWR and STAT LED’s indicate the status of the APS. See Table 2-1.
Figure 2-13: Wire APS Camera According to Wiring Schematic and Connection Diagram
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