GAI-Tronics XAAB002A User Manual

Pub. 43004-026C
Audio Accessory Box
Installation and Service Manual
GAI-Tronics Corporation P.O. Box 1060, Reading, PA 19607-1060 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax : 610-796-5954
This manual is pr ovided s olely as a n op erat ional, installation, and maintenance guide and contains sens itive bus ines s and t echnic al infor ma tion tha t is confident i al and p roprietary to G AI-Tronics. GAI-Tronics retains a ll intellectual pr operty and other rights in or to t he inf ormation c ontained herein, and s uch informa tion may only be used in connection wit h the operation of you r GAI- Tronic s pr oduct or system. This ma nual may not be disclosed in any form, in whole or in p art, dir ec tly or indirectly, to any t hird pa rty.
This produ c t contains cop yrighted computer programs stor ed in s emicondu c tor memory. These p rograms ar e c opyright ed b y GAI-T ronics Corp oration and ma y not be rep roduced in any for m without exp ress writ ten permission from GAI -Tronics.
GAI-Tronics warrants for a period of one (1) year from the date of shipment, that any GAI-Tronics equipment supplied hereunder shall be free of defects in material and workmanship, shall comply with the then-current product specifications and product literature, and if applicable, shall be fit for the purpose specified in the agreed-upon quotation or proposal document. If (a) Selle r’s goods prove to be defe ctive in w orkma nship a nd/or material under normal and proper usage, or unfit for the purpose specified and agreed upon, and (b) Buyer’s claim is made within the warranty period set forth above, Buyer may return such goods t o G AI-Tronics’ n earest depot repai r facility, freight prepaid, at which time they will be repaired or replaced, at Seller’s option, without charge to Buyer. Repair or replacement shall be Buyer’s sole and exclusive remedy, and the warranty period on any repaired or replacement equipment shall be one (1) year from the date the original equipment was shipped. In no event shall GAI-Tronics’ warranty obligations with respect to equipment exceed 100% of the total cost of the equipment supplied hereunder. The applicability of any such third-party warranty will be determined solely by GAI-Tronics.
Services. Any services GAI-Tronics provides hereunder, whether directly or through subcontractors, shall be performed in
accordance with the standard of care with which such services are normally provided in the industry. If the services fail to meet the applicable industry standard, GAI-Tronics will, for a period of one (1) year from the date of completion, re-perform such services at no cost to the Buyer. Re-performance of services shall be Buyer’s sole and exclusive remedy, and in no event shall GAI-Tronics’ warranty obligations with respect to services exceed 100% of the total cost of services provided hereunder.
Limita ti ons/Exclusions. The warranty on any equipment supplied hereunder is subject to Customer’s use in compliance
with applicable FCC regulations and manufacturer specifications. The warranties herein shall not apply to, and GAI-Tronics shall not be re sponsib le for, any dama ge to the goods or f ailure of th e services suppl i ed her eunder, t o the extent caused by accident, misuse, abuse, neglect, system design, product modification, failure to follow instructions contained in the product manual, repair, or attempted repair by anyone not authorized by GAI-Tronics, improper installation, installation of parts that do not conform to the quality or specifications of the original parts or accessories, damage or loss occurred during shipment, or any unit which is not new when sold or upon which the serial number has been defaced, modified or removed. The warranty does not extend to damage incurred by natural causes including Force Majeure. The warranty does not cover microprocessors if failure is due to static damage or application of improper voltage.
Operational and Maintenance Procedures
modification of the equipment provided hereunder, or use of unqualified maintenance or service technicians will severely impair the operational effectiveness of the entire communication system. Buyer hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold GAI-Tronics harmless from and against any and all third party claims arising, in any manner, out of: (a) Buyer’s neglect of the equipment; (b) Buyer’s use of technicians not authorized by GAI-Tronics to service the equipment; or (c) Buyer’s improper use or modification of the equipment or failure to follow the operational and maintenance procedures provided with the equipment.
. Buyer acknowledges that any improper use, maintenance, or
Limitation of Liability /Damages. In no event (even should circumstances cause the exclusive warranties and remedies
set forth in the Warranty section to fail of their essential purpose) shall either party be liable for any indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, loss of use, loss of anticipated profits, or damages arising from delay) whether such claims are alleged to have arisen out of breach of warranty, breach of contract, strict or absolute liability in tort, or other act, error or om iss ion, or fr om any oth er cause w hat soever, or any combina tion of the f oregoi ng.
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Table of Contents
FOREWORD ....................................................................................................................................................... 1
SCOPE OF MANUAL..............................................................................................................................................1
NOMENCLATURE................................................................................................................................................. 1
ORDERING REPLACEMENT PARTS.........................................................................................................................1
SERVICE AND REPAIR ..........................................................................................................................................1
FEATURES AND BENEFITS OF THE AUDIO ACCESSORY BOX.................................................................................... 2
FCC INTERFERENCE WARNING............................................................................................................................ 2
SAFE HANDLING OF CMOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT DEVICES .................................................................................. 3
PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS........................................................................................................................... 4
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................................................................5
FRONT PANEL ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
REAR PANEL .......................................................................................................................................................5
CONNECTOR PIN DESCRIPTIONS........................................................................................................................... 6
J1, 8-pin Output Connector, Mot orola St andard, Mi rrored Connector........................................................... 6
J2, GAI-Tronics Ixx Handset Output, Mirrored Connector............................................................................. 6
J3, Desk Microphone, 8-pin Modular, Motorola St andard.............................................................................7
J4, GAI-Tronics Handset, 4-pin Modular Connector ...................................................................................... 7
J5, Boom Microphone Audio, R CA -ty pe , Phono-Jack Connec t or...................................................................7
J6A and J6B, Headset Dual 1/4-i nc h Tele phone Plug, Carbon Standard Connec tor ...................................... 8
J7, Alternate Headset , 4-pin Modul ar, Carbon Standard Connec t or .............................................................. 8
J8, Power Input, 2.0 mm Barrel Jack Connector............................................................................................ 8
J9, 6-pin Modular Alternate Output, Ke nwood Standard Connector ..............................................................9
J10, Telephone Handset I/O, Carbon Standard Connect or............................................................................. 9
P1, Footswitch Connector...........................................................................................................................10
ACCESSORIES.................................................................................................................................................... 10
FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION................................................................................................................................11
FUNCTIONS ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
Push-to-Talk (PTT - Radio Key-up).............................................................................................................. 11
Mute............................................................................................................................................................ 11
Off-Hook Output (J1 – pin 2)....................................................................................................................... 12
TELEPHONE INTERFACE..................................................................................................................................... 12
PLANNING THE INSTALLATION........................................................................................................................... 13
MECHANICAL RECEIPT INSPECTION.................................................................................................................... 14
MOUNTING....................................................................................................................................................... 14
EQUIPMENT REQU IRED...................................................................................................................................... 14
Test Equipment............................................................................................................................................ 14
Documentation ............................................................................................................................................ 14
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Table of Content s Model XAAB002A Audio Accessory Box
CABLE INSTALLATION SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS ............................................................................................... 14
POWER CONNECTIONS....................................................................................................................................... 15
PROGRAMMING SETTINGS..................................................................................................................................15
TROUBLESHOOTING..................................................................................................................................... 17
TROUBLESHOOTING THE MODEL XAAB002A AUDIO ACCESSORY BOX...............................................................17
MAIN CIRCUIT BO ARD.................................................................................................................................. 19
DEFINITIONS AND ACRONYMS................................................................................................................... 25
11/06 Publication 43004-026C iii
Scope of Manual
This manual offers descriptive data and service information for the GAI-Tronics Model XAAB002A Audio Accessory Box. Service diagra ms and pr inted circuit board det ails a re a p art of this service manu al.
The mo del numb er, located on the nameplate o n the b otto m, specifically i den tif i es GAI -T ronics equipment. If a dditional op tions a re order ed, the opt i on will b e identi f ied on the circuit board.
Ordering Replacement Parts
When ordering replacement par ts o r requestin g eq uipment inf o rma tion, pl eas e i n clude the co mplete identification number. This applies t o all components , kits, and c hassis. If the component part number is not known, the order should inclu de t he nu mber of the chass is or kit of which it is a pa rt and suf ficient descri ption of t he desi red component to identify it. Order pa rts f rom:
Customer Service
GAI-Tronics Cor poration 400 E. Wyomissing Ave. Mohnton, PA 19540 US: 800-492-1212 Outside US: 610-777-1374
Service and Repair
Inoperative or ma lfunctioning equ ipment should b e returned to the fa c tory for rep air. Plea se call 1-800-492-1212 to obtain a Return Authorization number, published rep air prices, and shipping instructions.
OTE: A purchase or der or credit card nu mber is required prior to pr oc es sing non-warr anty repairs.
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Foreword Model XAAB002A Audio A ccessor y Box
Features and Benefits of the Audio Accessory Box
Feature Benefit
Mult iple dispa tch microp hones are possible
Effortless c hanging of micr ophones preferr ed b y dif f erent shif t operators.
Ra dio/telephone inter face Allows disp atch over radio and t elephone s imu ltaneous ly with the
same headset
Small, compact size Fits easily into most set - up configu rations and uses lit tle desk top
Effic ient , st reamlined microp hone
Eliminates messy, jury-r igged microphone hook-up s
connections Top cover can also be used as a
Allows multiple mounti ng c onf igu rations for customized set-up
mounting brac ket Use with remote desktop controller
or stand- alone.
Pr ovides f lex ibility by connecting directly to the radio for stationary or mobile ap plications.
FCC Interference Warning
The F CC requires that manuals per taining t o Class A a nd Clas s B computing devices must contain war nings ab out pos sible interference wit h loc al res ident ial radio and TV recep tion. This wa rning reads as follows:
OTE: This equipment has been tested and fou nd to comply with t he limits for a Clas s A digita l device,
pursuant t o Part 15 of the FCC R ules. These limits are designed t o provide r easona ble protection a gainst harmful interf erenc e wh en the equipment is o per ated i n a commercial envi ronment. This equipment generates, u ses, and ca n radiate r adio fr equ ency ener gy and, if not installed and u sed in accordance with the instruct ion manual, may cause harmful interfer ence to ra dio c ommunications . Operat ion of this equipment in a r es ident ial area is likely t o c ause harmful interference in which case the us er will be required to cor rect the in ter feren ce at his o wn expense.
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Model XAAB002A Audio Accessory B ox Foreword
Safe Handling of CMOS Integrated Circuit Devices
Many of the integrated circuit devices used in communications equip ment are of the Complementary Metal Oxide Semicondu c tor (CMOS) type. Beca use of their high open circuit impedance, CMOS integrated circ uits are vu lnerab le t o damage fr om s tat ic c harges . Care must be taken handling, shipping, and servicing them and the as semblies in which they are used.
Even though prot ection devices a re pr ovided in C MOS integra ted circ uit inputs, the protect ion is effective only aga inst over voltage in the hu ndreds of volt s range such as is encountered in an operating s ystem. In a system, circu i t elements distribute st at i c charg es a n d load the C MOS circuits, d ecreasing th e chan ce of damage. However, CMOS cir c uits c an be da maged by improper ha ndling of the modules, even in a system.
To avoid damage t o c ircuits, observe t he following handling, shipping, and s ervicing precautions:
1. Pr ior to a nd while servicing a c ircuit module, part icularly after moving within the service area,
momentarily t ouch bot h hands to a bare metal, earth-grounded surfa c e. This will discharge any stat ic charge that may ha ve accumulated on the p erson doing the s ervicing.
OTE: Wearing a c onductive wrist strap will minimize static bu ild- up during servicing.
2. Whenever possible, avoid tou c hing any electr ic ally conduc tive parts of the circ u i t module with your
3. Power down the unit b efore inst alling or removing the circ uit module.
4. When servicing a circuit module, avoid carpeted areas, dry environments, and certain types of cl othing
(silk, nylon, etc. ) because they contribu te to st atic build-up. S imilarly, disconnect t he test probe prior to removing the ground lead.
5. All electric ally power ed test equipment should b e grounded. Apply the ground lead f rom the tes t
equipment to the circ uit module before connecting t he test probe.
6. If a c i rcuit module is removed from t he s ystem, it is desirable to lay it on a c onductive surface (su c h as
a sheet of alu minum foil) which is connect ed t o ground t hrough 100k of resistance.
7. When soldering, be su re the solder ing iron is grounded, and has a grounded tip .
8. Pr ior to connecting jumpers, replac ing c ircuit components , or touching CMOS pins (if this becomes
necessa ry in the r ep lacement of a n integra ted circuit device), be sure to discharge a ny sta tic bu ild- up as descri bed in procedu re 1. Since voltage differences c an exist across the human body, it is recommended that only one hand be us ed if it is necess ary to touc h pins on the CMOS device and associated board wiring.
9. When replacing a CMOS integrated circuit device, leave the device in its c onductive r ail container or
conduct ive foam until it is to be ins erted into the p rinted circuit module.
10. All low impedanc e test equipment (su c h as p ulse genera tors, etc .) shou ld be connected to CMOS device
input s after power is ap p lied to the CMOS circuit ry. Similarl y, suc h low impeda nc e equip ment should be disconnected before p ower is t urned off.
11. Rep lacement modules ship ped sepa rat ely f rom the fac tory will be p ackaged in a conductive material.
Any modules being transpor ted from one area t o another should b e wrap ped in a similar material (aluminum foil may b e us ed). Ne ver use non-c onduc tiv e material f or pa c kaging these modules.
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Foreword Model XAAB002A Audio A ccessor y Box
Performance Specifications
Color................................................................................................................................................ Black
Physical size.......................................................................................... 1.55 H × 6.40 W × 4.25 D inches
Shipping weight................................................................................................................................ 3 lbs.
Power input ...................................................................................... 9.0 to 16.0 V dc, 100 mA, maximum
Receive audio input..................................................................................................... 100 mV ac nominal
Transmit audio output............................................................................. 80 mV ac nominal into 600 ohms
Ambient temperature, operation ............................................................................................ 0º C to 60º C
Ambient temperature, storage........................................................................................... -40º C to 100º C
Ambient humidit y, non-condensing...................................................................................................... 90%
Microphone inputs with respect to 80 mV ac output:
Desk mic, selectable............................................................................................. 25 mV ac or 800 mV ac
Ixx Handset, nominal................................................................................................................. 25 mV ac
Boom mic, selectable....................................................................... 200 µV ac or 850 µV ac or 15 mV ac
Headset mic, selectable........................................................................................ 25 mV ac or 800 mV ac
Nominal microphone gain selections:
Desk mic ...................................................................................................................... +10 dB or –20 dB
Ixx Handset...................................................................................................................... +10 dB or unity
Boom mic..................................................................................................... +51 dB or +40 dB or +15 dB
Headset mic.................................................................................................................. +10 dB or –20 dB
Noise floor (S+N/N)..........................Greater the -45 dB below rated output except high gain on boom mic
Logic output levels............................................................................................ 5-volt, CMOS-compatible
Audio distortion............................................................................................................Less than 2% THD
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Physical Description
The GAI-Tronics Model XAAB002A Audio Accessory Box measures 1.55 H × 6.40 W × 4. 25 D inches. It contains f i ve connectors and a n optiona l mu te ra dio push b utt on on the front panel, and t he rear panel contains six connectors. A seventh connector, J10, is a n available option. It is shipped with a 9-volt dc wall plug-in power supply, a 7-foot RJ45 male-male 8-pin modular cable (mirror-connected), a 6-foot 4- pin retrac tile cord, and a dc power c onnec tor.
The XAAB002A also includes a cover that can be used as a bracket in specific mounting arrangements descri bed in the Inst allation section. Optional access ories, such a s microp hones , headsets, footswit c hes , etc. mu st be ordered separately.
Front Panel
Refer to the figu re below for the locations of the connectors a nd optiona l mu te pus h button on the front panel of the accessory box.
Model XAAB002A Audio Accessory Box - Front Panel
Rear Panel
The r ear p anel of the a c c es sory b ox is shown below. Not e t hat connector J10 is optiona l.
Model XAAB002A Audio Accessory Box - Rear Panel
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