GAI-Tronics WCB104 User Manual

Pub. 42004-327A
Model WCB104 Wireles s Call B ox
Confidentiality Notice
This manua l is provide d sole ly as an operatio nal, installation, and ma inte nance guide and conta ins sensitive business and t e chnic al infor ma tion w hich is conf ident ial and pr op riet ary to GAI-Tro nics. GAI-Tronics retains all intellectual property and other rights in or to the information contained herein, and such information may only be used in connection with the operation of your GAI-Tronics product or system. This manu al may not be dis clos e d in any form, in whole or in pa rt, direct ly or i ndir ectly, to a ny third pa r ty.
General Information
The Model WCB104 Wireless Call Box with Handset is a highway emergency telephone pre­programmed with telephone numbers for police, ambulance, and other roadside assistance.
The call box is designed to be mounted to an existing nominal 4-inch O.D. steel pole using the Model 238 Pole-Mounting Bracket Kit and the Model RFP7783-003 Pole Cap Assembly Kit, which provides weather-resistant cable entr y and i ncludes a solar panel.
Model RFP7783-001 External Ringer Kit with Stainless Steel Ringer Bracket and Model RFP7783-002 Antenna Kit are also required.
As an opti on, s igns c an be mounted onto th e pole using an additional Model 238 Pole­Mounting Bracket Kit.
The call box consists of a 3-section hinge d aluminum enclosure. It is designed to be
Figure 1. WCB104 Call Box Outline
with Front Panel View
vandal-resistant and meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA-compliant). Refer to Figure 1. The call box auto-dial phone is battery powered with solar panel recharging. The antenna provides wireless communication access. A pole-mounted external ringer is also available.
The Model 238 Pole-Mounting Bracket Kit is required in order to install the call box on a nominal 4-inch O.D. metal pole. Refer to GTC Publication 42003-187 for mounting instructions.
The Model RFP7783-003 Pole Cap Assembly Kit is required for installation of the solar panel, cellular antenna, and external ringer. The solar panel is included with the kit. The antenna and ringer must be purchased separately. Refer to GTC Publication 42003-188 for complete assembly instructions.
GAI-Tronics Corporation P.O. Box 1060, Readi ng, PA 19607-1060 USA
610-777-1374 800-492-1212 Fax: 610-796-5954
Pub. 42004-327A
Model WCB104 Wireless Call Box Installation Gui de Page: 2 of 10
The 4-inch O.D. pole must be installed in accordance with the applicable state highway regulations for emergency access equipment. Figure 2 on page 3 shows a pole with the finished installation including the call box with mounting bracket, the signs with mounting bracket, the pole cap, antenna, and solar panel.
Pole Mounting
Ass e mble t he followi ng requir e d materials and to ols:
Model 238 Pole-Mounting Bracket Kit
(Quantity of 2)
Model RFP7791-001 External Ringer Kit with Stainless Steel Ringer Bracket
Model RFP7783-002 Antenna Kit
Model RFP7783-003 Pole Cap Assembly Kit
Identif i c ati on signs a nd mounting hardware, a s appropriate f or loca tion
Dril l, with 1- inch b it
Torque wrench
¾-inch socket with ratchet
Crimp tool for TNC coaxial connector
Wire cutters
Coaxial cable stripper
Install the Pole- Mounting Bracke t for the Call Box
Mount the required Model 238 Pole-Mounting Bracket for the call box in accordance with the instructions given in GTC Publication 42003-187, which is included with the kit.
Instal l the Pole- Mountin g Mountin g Bracke t for the Sig ns
Mount the second Model 238 Pole-Mounting Bracket for the identification signs in accordance with GTC Publication 42003-187, which is included with the kit.
Attach the Comp leted Pole Cap Assemb ly
The Model RFP7783-003 Pole Cap Assembly Kit contains the materials required to install the solar panel, cellular antenna, and the external ringer onto the pole. The solar panel is included with the pole cap assembly kit. The antenna and ringer are purchased separately. Assemble the kit and install on the pole in accordance with GTC Publication 42003-188, which is included with the kit.
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Pub. 42004-327A
Model WCB104 Wireless Call Box Installation Gui de Page: 3 of 10
Figure 2. Completed I nstallati on with Ca ll Box, Signs, Solar Pane l, Antenna , and Pole Cap
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Pub. 42004-327A
Model WCB104 Wireless Call Box Installation Gui de Page: 4 of 10
Moun ting the Call Box
1. Prior to installation of call box, complete the mounting bracket installation as outlined in GTC Pub. 42003-187 and the pole cap assembly installation as outlined in GTC Pub. 42003-188.
2. Disassemble the call-box assembly by opening the rear section and lifting. To open the rear section, turn the key and push the button to actuate the lever latch assembly. If necessary, disconnect the GN/YW ground wire on the left side of the battery bracket. Place the front and middle sections in a secure area to prevent damage until installation of rear section is complete.
3. Pull the cables and wires through the 1-inch hole drilled previously in the pole and through the mounting bracket.
4. Pull the cables and wire through the rear section of the call box.
Figure 3. Mounting Call Box to Pole Mounting Bracket
5. Mount the call box rear section using the two bolts provided to mate the call box to the mounting bracket holes. Refer to Figure 3 above. Tighten the bolts to a torque of 20 foot-pounds.
6. Install battery as shown in Figure 4. Install the earth ground wi re a nd the rear - to-middle grou nd wire on the left side of the battery bracket.
7. Install the fro nt and c e nter sections of the call box by lining up the hinge pins while in the open position and lowering into place.
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Figure 4. Battery Installation
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